Bridging over sparse infill - improve coliding regions merging, smoothen results, dissolve tiny ensuring regions around bridging
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 64 additions and 48 deletions
@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ void Print::alert_when_supports_needed()
case SupportSpotsGenerator::SupportPointCause::WeakObjectPart: message = L("thin fragile section"); break;
return (critical ? "!" : "") + message;
return message;
// vector of pairs of object and its issues, where each issue is a pair of type and critical flag
@ -1647,6 +1647,12 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
bool partially_supported = area(unsupported) < area(to_polygons(s->expolygon)) - EPSILON;
if (!unsupported.empty() && (!partially_supported || area(unsupported) > 5 * 5 * spacing * spacing)) {
Polygons worth_bridging = intersection(to_polygons(s->expolygon), expand(unsupported, 5 * spacing));
for (Polygon p : diff(to_polygons(s->expolygon), worth_bridging)) {
if (p.area() < region->flow(frSolidInfill, true).scaled_spacing() * scale_(12.0)) {
worth_bridging = intersection(closing(worth_bridging, 3 * region->flow(frSolidInfill, true).scaled_spacing()), s->expolygon);
candidate_surfaces.push_back(CandidateSurface(s, lidx, worth_bridging, region, 0, contains_only_lightning));
@ -1705,6 +1711,7 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
// cluster layers by depth needed for thick bridges. Each cluster is to be processed by single thread sequentially, so that bridges cannot appear one on another
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> clustered_layers_for_threads;
float target_flow_height_factor = 0.5;
std::vector<size_t> layers_with_candidates;
std::map<size_t, Polygons> layer_area_covered_by_candidates;
@ -1732,7 +1739,8 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
for (auto pair : surfaces_by_layer) {
if (clustered_layers_for_threads.empty() ||
this->get_layer(clustered_layers_for_threads.back().back())->print_z <
this->get_layer(pair.first)->print_z - this->get_layer(pair.first)->regions()[0]->flow(frSolidInfill, true).height() -
this->get_layer(pair.first)->print_z -
this->get_layer(pair.first)->regions()[0]->flow(frSolidInfill, true).height() * target_flow_height_factor -
@ -1756,35 +1764,34 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
// LAMBDA to gather areas with sparse infill deep enough that we can fit thick bridges there.
auto gather_areas_w_depth =
[](const PrintObject *po, int lidx, float target_flow_height) {
// Gather lower layers sparse infill areas, to depth defined by used bridge flow
Polygons lower_layers_sparse_infill{};
Polygons not_sparse_infill{};
double bottom_z = po->get_layer(lidx)->print_z - target_flow_height - EPSILON;
for (int i = int(lidx) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// Stop iterating if layer is lower than bottom_z.
const Layer *layer = po->get_layer(i);
if (layer->print_z < bottom_z)
auto gather_areas_w_depth = [target_flow_height_factor](const PrintObject *po, int lidx, float target_flow_height) {
// Gather lower layers sparse infill areas, to depth defined by used bridge flow
Polygons lower_layers_sparse_infill{};
Polygons not_sparse_infill{};
double bottom_z = po->get_layer(lidx)->print_z - target_flow_height * target_flow_height_factor - EPSILON;
for (int i = int(lidx) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// Stop iterating if layer is lower than bottom_z.
const Layer *layer = po->get_layer(i);
if (layer->print_z < bottom_z)
for (const LayerRegion *region : layer->regions()) {
bool has_low_density = region->region().config().fill_density.value < 100;
for (const Surface &surface : region->fill_surfaces()) {
if (surface.surface_type == stInternal && has_low_density) {
Polygons p = to_polygons(surface.expolygon);
lower_layers_sparse_infill.insert(lower_layers_sparse_infill.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
} else {
Polygons p = to_polygons(surface.expolygon);
not_sparse_infill.insert(not_sparse_infill.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
for (const LayerRegion *region : layer->regions()) {
bool has_low_density = region->region().config().fill_density.value < 100;
for (const Surface &surface : region->fill_surfaces()) {
if (surface.surface_type == stInternal && has_low_density) {
Polygons p = to_polygons(surface.expolygon);
lower_layers_sparse_infill.insert(lower_layers_sparse_infill.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
} else {
Polygons p = to_polygons(surface.expolygon);
not_sparse_infill.insert(not_sparse_infill.end(), p.begin(), p.end());
lower_layers_sparse_infill = union_(lower_layers_sparse_infill);
lower_layers_sparse_infill = union_(lower_layers_sparse_infill);
return diff(lower_layers_sparse_infill, not_sparse_infill);
return diff(lower_layers_sparse_infill, not_sparse_infill);
// LAMBDA do determine optimal bridging angle
auto determine_bridging_angle = [](const Polygons &bridged_area, const Lines &anchors, InfillPattern dominant_pattern) {
@ -2052,7 +2059,7 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
// Gather deep infill areas, where thick bridges fit
coordf_t thick_bridges_depth = surfaces_by_layer[lidx].front().region->flow(frSolidInfill, true).height();
Polygons deep_infill_area = gather_areas_w_depth(po, lidx, thick_bridges_depth);
Polygons deep_infill_area = gather_areas_w_depth(po, lidx, thick_bridges_depth * 0.5);
// Now also remove area that has been already filled on lower layers by bridging expansion - For this
// reason we did the clustering of layers per thread.
@ -2090,26 +2097,18 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
if (area_to_be_bridge.empty())
Polygons boundary_area = union_(expansion_area, area_to_be_bridge);
boundary_area = closing(boundary_area, 0.3 * flow.scaled_spacing());
Polylines boundary_plines = to_polylines(boundary_area);
double bridging_angle = 0;
Polygons tmp_expanded_area = expand(area_to_be_bridge, 3.0 * flow.scaled_spacing());
for (const CandidateSurface &s : expanded_surfaces) {
if (!intersection(s.new_polys, tmp_expanded_area).empty()) {
bridging_angle = s.bridge_angle;
if (bridging_angle == 0) {
if (!anchors.empty()) {
bridging_angle = determine_bridging_angle(area_to_be_bridge, to_lines(anchors),
} else {
// use expansion boundaries as anchors.
// Also, use Infill pattern that is neutral for angle determination, since there are no infill lines.
bridging_angle = determine_bridging_angle(area_to_be_bridge, to_lines(boundary_plines), InfillPattern::ipLine);
area_to_be_bridge = expand(area_to_be_bridge, flow.scaled_spacing());
Polygons boundary_area = union_(expansion_area, area_to_be_bridge);
Polylines boundary_plines = to_polylines(boundary_area);
double bridging_angle = 0;
if (!anchors.empty()) {
bridging_angle = determine_bridging_angle(area_to_be_bridge, to_lines(anchors),
} else {
// use expansion boundaries as anchors.
// Also, use Infill pattern that is neutral for angle determination, since there are no infill lines.
bridging_angle = determine_bridging_angle(area_to_be_bridge, to_lines(boundary_plines), InfillPattern::ipLine);
boundary_plines.insert(boundary_plines.end(), anchors.begin(), anchors.end());
@ -2117,6 +2116,23 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
boundary_plines = intersection_pl(boundary_plines, expand(area_to_be_bridge, scale_(10)));
Polygons bridging_area = construct_anchored_polygon(area_to_be_bridge, to_lines(boundary_plines), flow, bridging_angle);
// Check collision with other expanded surfaces
bool reconstruct = false;
Polygons tmp_expanded_area = expand(bridging_area, 3.0 * flow.scaled_spacing());
for (const CandidateSurface &s : expanded_surfaces) {
if (!intersection(s.new_polys, tmp_expanded_area).empty()) {
bridging_angle = s.bridge_angle;
reconstruct = true;
if (reconstruct) {
bridging_area = construct_anchored_polygon(area_to_be_bridge, to_lines(boundary_plines), flow, bridging_angle);
bridging_area = intersection(bridging_area, boundary_area);
bridging_area = opening(bridging_area, flow.scaled_spacing());
expansion_area = diff(expansion_area, bridging_area);
@ -2124,7 +2140,7 @@ void PrintObject::bridge_over_infill()
debug_draw(std::to_string(lidx) + "_" + std::to_string(cluster_idx) + "_" + std::to_string(job_idx) +
to_lines(layer->lslices), to_lines(candidate.original_surface->expolygon), to_lines(candidate.new_polys),
to_lines(layer->lslices), to_lines(boundary_plines), to_lines(candidate.new_polys),
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