Move and enhance path sorting, fix bug caused by new hash set

This commit is contained in:
PavelMikus 2023-04-24 17:29:59 +02:00 committed by Pavel Mikuš
parent 663bbbaa5e
commit ebbbb1505c
4 changed files with 199 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
#include "AABBTreeLines.hpp"
#include "ankerl/unordered_dense.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <libslic3r/Point.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/Polygon.hpp>
#include <libslic3r/ExPolygon.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace Slic3r {
namespace Algorithm {
//Sorts the paths such that all paths between begin and last_seed are printed first, in some order. The rest of the paths is sorted
// such that the paths that are touching some of the already printed are printed first, sorted secondary by the distance to the last point of the last
// printed path.
// begin, end, and last_seed are random access iterators. touch_limit_distance is used to check if the paths are touching - if any part of the path gets this close
// to the second, then they touch.
// convert_to_lines is a lambda that should accept the path as argument and return it as Lines vector, in correct order.
template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename ToLines>
void sort_paths(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, RandomAccessIterator last_seed, double touch_limit_distance, ToLines convert_to_lines)
size_t paths_count = std::distance(begin, end);
if (paths_count <= 1)
std::vector<AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Line>> distancers(paths_count);
for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < paths_count; path_idx++) {
distancers[path_idx] = AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Line>{convert_to_lines(*std::next(begin, path_idx))};
auto paths_touch = [touch_limit_distance](const AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Line> &left,
const AABBTreeLines::LinesDistancer<Line> &right) {
for (const Line &l : left.get_lines()) {
if (right.distance_from_lines<false>(l.a) < touch_limit_distance) {
return true;
if (right.distance_from_lines<false>(left.get_lines().back().b) < touch_limit_distance) {
return true;
for (const Line &l : right.get_lines()) {
if (left.distance_from_lines<false>(l.a) < touch_limit_distance) {
return true;
if (left.distance_from_lines<false>(right.get_lines().back().b) < touch_limit_distance) {
return true;
return false;
std::vector<std::unordered_set<size_t>> dependencies(paths_count);
for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < paths_count; path_idx++) {
for (size_t prev_path_idx = 0; prev_path_idx < path_idx; prev_path_idx++) {
if (paths_touch(distancers[path_idx], distancers[prev_path_idx])) {
size_t index_of_last_fixed = std::distance(begin, last_seed);
std::vector<bool> processed(paths_count, false);
for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx <= index_of_last_fixed; path_idx++) {
processed[path_idx] = true;
for (size_t i = index_of_last_fixed + 1; i < paths_count; i++) {
bool change = false;
for (size_t path_idx = index_of_last_fixed + 1; path_idx < paths_count; path_idx++) {
if (processed[path_idx])
auto processed_dep = std::find_if(dependencies[path_idx].begin(), dependencies[path_idx].end(),
[&](size_t dep) { return processed[dep]; });
if (processed_dep != dependencies[path_idx].end()) {
for (auto it = dependencies[path_idx].begin(); it != dependencies[path_idx].end();) {
if (!processed[*it]) {
} else {
processed[path_idx] = true;
change = true;
if (!change) {
Point current_point = distancers.begin()->get_lines().begin()->a;
size_t null_idx = size_t(-1);
size_t unsorted_idx = 0;
size_t next_idx = null_idx;
bool reverse = false;
while (true) {
if (next_idx == null_idx) { // find next pidx to print
double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < paths_count; path_idx++) {
if (!dependencies[path_idx].empty())
const auto& lines = distancers[path_idx].get_lines();
double dist_a = (lines.front().a - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_a < dist) {
dist = dist_a;
next_idx = path_idx;
reverse = false;
double dist_b = (lines.back().b - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_b < dist) {
dist = dist_b;
next_idx = path_idx;
reverse = true;
if (next_idx == null_idx) {
} else {
// we have valid next_idx, sort it, update dependencies, update current point and potentialy set new next_idx
std::iter_swap(std::next(begin, unsorted_idx), std::next(begin, next_idx)); // next_path is now at sorted spot
if (reverse) {
std::next(begin, unsorted_idx)->reverse();
current_point = reverse ? distancers[next_idx].get_lines().front().a : distancers[next_idx].get_lines().back().b;
for (size_t path_idx = 0; path_idx < paths_count; path_idx++) {
double dist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
next_idx = null_idx;
for (size_t path_idx = next_idx + 1; path_idx < paths_count; path_idx++) {
if (!dependencies[path_idx].empty()) {
const auto &lines = distancers[path_idx].get_lines();
double dist_a = (lines.front().a - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_a < dist) {
dist = dist_a;
next_idx = path_idx;
reverse = false;
double dist_b = (lines.back().b - current_point).cast<double>().squaredNorm();
if (dist_b < dist) {
dist = dist_b;
next_idx = path_idx;
reverse = true;
if (dist > scaled(5.0)) {
next_idx = null_idx;

View file

@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ set(SLIC3R_SOURCES

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "../Arachne/WallToolPaths.hpp"
#include "AABBTreeLines.hpp"
#include "Algorithm/PathSorting.hpp"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
#include "FillEnsuring.hpp"
#include "KDTreeIndirect.hpp"
@ -242,8 +243,8 @@ ThickPolylines FillEnsuring::fill_surface_arachne(const Surface *surface, const
struct TracedPoly
std::vector<Point> lows;
std::vector<Point> highs;
Points lows;
Points highs;
std::vector<TracedPoly> current_traced_polys;
@ -321,14 +322,14 @@ ThickPolylines FillEnsuring::fill_surface_arachne(const Surface *surface, const
// gaps_for_additional_filling = opening_ex(gaps_for_additional_filling, 0.3 * scaled_spacing);
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(filled_area);
::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path(("surface" + std::to_string(surface->area())).c_str()).c_str(), bbox);
svg.draw(to_lines(filled_area), "red", scale_(0.4));
svg.draw(to_lines(reconstructed_area), "blue", scale_(0.3));
svg.draw(to_lines(gaps_for_additional_filling), "green", scale_(0.2));
svg.draw(vertical_lines, "black", scale_(0.1));
// BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(filled_area);
// bbox.offset(scale_(1.));
// ::Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path(("surface" + std::to_string(surface->area())).c_str()).c_str(), bbox);
// svg.draw(to_lines(filled_area), "red", scale_(0.4));
// svg.draw(to_lines(reconstructed_area), "blue", scale_(0.3));
// svg.draw(to_lines(gaps_for_additional_filling), "green", scale_(0.2));
// svg.draw(vertical_lines, "black", scale_(0.1));
// svg.Close();
for (ExPolygon &ex_poly : gaps_for_additional_filling) {
Point bbox_size = ex_poly.contour.bounding_box().size();
@ -456,15 +457,22 @@ ThickPolylines FillEnsuring::fill_surface_arachne(const Surface *surface, const
Algorithm::sort_paths(thick_polylines_out.begin(), thick_polylines_out.end(), thick_polylines_out.begin(), scaled_spacing * 2,
[](const ThickPolyline &tp) {
Lines ls;
Point prev = tp.first_point();
for (size_t i = 1; i < tp.points.size(); i++) {
ls.emplace_back(prev, tp.points[i]);
prev = ls.back().b;
return ls;
return thick_polylines_out;
} // namespace Slic3r
// const size_t n_vlines = (bb.max.x() - bb.min.x() + scaled_spacing - 1) / scaled_spacing;
// std::vector<Line> vertical_lines(2 * n_vlines + 1);
// coord_t y_min = bb.min.y();

View file

@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ Polylines reconnect_polylines(const Polylines &polylines, double limit_distance)
return result;
ExtrusionPaths sort_extra_perimeters(ExtrusionPaths extra_perims, int index_of_first_unanchored, double extrusion_spacing)
ExtrusionPaths sort_extra_perimeters(const ExtrusionPaths& extra_perims, int index_of_first_unanchored, double extrusion_spacing)
if (extra_perims.empty()) return {};