refactored raycasting - inverted direction of raycasting - now each face is tested
fixed bug with custom seam drawings - square distance parameter named incorrectly
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 116 additions and 177 deletions
@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ inline bool is_any_triangle_in_radius(
const TreeType &tree,
const TreeType &tree,
// Point to which the closest point on the indexed triangle set is searched for.
// Point to which the closest point on the indexed triangle set is searched for.
const VectorType &point,
const VectorType &point,
// Maximum distance in which triangle is search for
//Square of maximum distance in which triangle is searched for
typename VectorType::Scalar &max_distance)
typename VectorType::Scalar &max_distance_squared)
using Scalar = typename VectorType::Scalar;
using Scalar = typename VectorType::Scalar;
auto distancer = detail::IndexedTriangleSetDistancer<VertexType, IndexedFaceType, TreeType, VectorType>
auto distancer = detail::IndexedTriangleSetDistancer<VertexType, IndexedFaceType, TreeType, VectorType>
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ inline bool is_any_triangle_in_radius(
return false;
return false;
detail::squared_distance_to_indexed_triangle_set_recursive(distancer, size_t(0), Scalar(0), max_distance, hit_idx, hit_point);
detail::squared_distance_to_indexed_triangle_set_recursive(distancer, size_t(0), Scalar(0), max_distance_squared, hit_idx, hit_point);
return hit_point.allFinite();
return hit_point.allFinite();
@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ namespace SeamPlacerImpl {
// checkout e.g. here:
// checkout e.g. here:
float gauss(float value, float mean_x_coord, float mean_value, float falloff_speed) {
float gauss(float value, float mean_x_coord, float mean_value, float falloff_speed) {
float shifted = value - mean_x_coord;
float shifted = value - mean_x_coord;
float denominator = falloff_speed*shifted*shifted + 1.0f;
float denominator = falloff_speed * shifted * shifted + 1.0f;
float exponent = 1.0f / denominator;
float exponent = 1.0f / denominator;
return mean_value*(std::exp(exponent) - 1.0f) / (std::exp(1.0f) - 1.0f);
return mean_value * (std::exp(exponent) - 1.0f) / (std::exp(1.0f) - 1.0f);
Vec3f value_to_rgbf(float minimum, float maximum, float value) {
Vec3f value_to_rgbf(float minimum, float maximum, float value) {
@ -162,6 +162,13 @@ Vec3f sample_sphere_uniform(const Vec2f &samples) {
1.0f - 2.0f * samples.y()};
1.0f - 2.0f * samples.y()};
Vec3f sample_hemisphere_uniform(const Vec2f &samples) {
float term1 = 2.0f * float(PI) * samples.x();
float term2 = 2.0f * sqrt(samples.y() - samples.y() * samples.y());
return {cos(term1) * term2, sin(term1) * term2,
abs(1.0f - 2.0f * samples.y())};
Vec3f sample_power_cosine_hemisphere(const Vec2f &samples, float power) {
Vec3f sample_power_cosine_hemisphere(const Vec2f &samples, float power) {
float term1 = 2.f * float(PI) * samples.x();
float term1 = 2.f * float(PI) * samples.x();
float term2 = pow(samples.y(), 1.f / (power + 1.f));
float term2 = pow(samples.y(), 1.f / (power + 1.f));
@ -170,88 +177,63 @@ Vec3f sample_power_cosine_hemisphere(const Vec2f &samples, float power) {
return Vec3f(cos(term1) * term3, sin(term1) * term3, term2);
return Vec3f(cos(term1) * term3, sin(term1) * term3, term2);
std::vector<HitInfo> raycast_visibility(const AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> &raycasting_tree,
std::vector<FaceVisibilityInfo> raycast_visibility(const AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> &raycasting_tree,
const indexed_triangle_set &triangles) {
const indexed_triangle_set &triangles) {
auto bbox = raycasting_tree.node(0).bbox;
Vec3f vision_sphere_center =<float>();
Vec3f side_sizes = bbox.sizes().cast<float>();
float vision_sphere_raidus = (side_sizes.norm() * 0.55); // 0.5 (half) covers whole object,
// 0.05 added to avoid corner cases
// very rough approximation of object surface area from its bounding sphere
float approx_area = 4 * PI * vision_sphere_raidus * vision_sphere_raidus;
float local_considered_area = PI * SeamPlacer::considered_area_radius * SeamPlacer::considered_area_radius;
size_t ray_count = SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area * approx_area / local_considered_area;
// Prepare random samples per ray
// std::random_device rnd_device;
// use fixed seed, we can backtrack potential issues easier
std::mt19937 mersenne_engine { 131 };
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dist { 0, 1 };
auto gen = [&dist, &mersenne_engine]() {
return Vec2f(dist(mersenne_engine), dist(mersenne_engine));
<< "SeamPlacer: generate random samples: start";
<< "SeamPlacer: raycast visibility for " << triangles.indices.size() << " triangles: start";
std::vector<Vec2f> global_dir_random_samples(ray_count);
generate(begin(global_dir_random_samples), end(global_dir_random_samples), gen);
std::vector<Vec2f> local_dir_random_samples(ray_count);
generate(begin(local_dir_random_samples), end(local_dir_random_samples), gen);
<< "SeamPlacer: generate random samples: end";
float step_size = 1.0f / SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle;
<< "SeamPlacer: raycast visibility for " << ray_count << " rays: start";
std::vector<Vec3f> precomputed_sample_directions(
SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle * SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle);
for (size_t x_idx = 0; x_idx < SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle; ++x_idx) {
float sample_x = x_idx * step_size + step_size / 2.0;
for (size_t y_idx = 0; y_idx < SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle; ++y_idx) {
size_t dir_index = x_idx * SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle + y_idx;
float sample_y = y_idx * step_size + step_size / 2.0;
precomputed_sample_directions[dir_index] = sample_hemisphere_uniform( { sample_x, sample_y });
std::vector<HitInfo> hit_points = tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, ray_count),
std::vector<FaceVisibilityInfo> result(triangles.indices.size());
std::vector<HitInfo> { },
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(0, result.size()),
[&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r, std::vector<HitInfo> init) {
[&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
for (size_t index = r.begin(); index < r.end(); ++index) {
for (size_t face_index = r.begin(); face_index < r.end(); ++face_index) {
//generate global ray direction
FaceVisibilityInfo &dest = result[face_index];
Vec3f global_ray_dir = sample_sphere_uniform(global_dir_random_samples[index]);
dest.visibility = 1.0f;
//place the ray origin on the bounding sphere
constexpr float decrease = 1.0f / (SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle * SeamPlacer::sqr_rays_per_triangle);
Vec3f ray_origin = (vision_sphere_center - global_ray_dir * vision_sphere_raidus);
// compute local ray direction as cosine hemisphere sample - the rays dont aim directly to the middle
Vec3f local_dir = sample_power_cosine_hemisphere(local_dir_random_samples[index], SeamPlacer::cosine_hemisphere_sampling_power);
// apply the local direction via Frame struct - the local_dir is with respect to +Z being forward
Vec3i face = triangles.indices[face_index];
Vec3f A = triangles.vertices[face.x()];
Vec3f B = triangles.vertices[face.y()];
Vec3f C = triangles.vertices[face.z()];
Vec3f center = (A + B + C) / 3.0f;
Vec3f normal = ((B - A).cross(C - B)).normalized();
// apply the local direction via Frame struct - the local_dir is with respect to +Z being forward
Frame f;
Frame f;
Vec3f final_ray_dir = (f.to_world(local_dir));
igl::Hit hitpoint;
for (const auto &dir : precomputed_sample_directions) {
// FIXME: This AABBTTreeIndirect query will not compile for float ray origin and
Vec3f final_ray_dir = (f.to_world(dir));
// direction.
igl::Hit hitpoint;
Vec3d ray_origin_d = ray_origin.cast<double>();
// FIXME: This AABBTTreeIndirect query will not compile for float ray origin and
Vec3d final_ray_dir_d = final_ray_dir.cast<double>();
// direction.
bool hit = AABBTreeIndirect::intersect_ray_first_hit(triangles.vertices,
Vec3d ray_origin_d = (center+0.1*normal).cast<double>();
triangles.indices, raycasting_tree, ray_origin_d, final_ray_dir_d, hitpoint);
Vec3d final_ray_dir_d = final_ray_dir.cast<double>();
bool hit = AABBTreeIndirect::intersect_ray_first_hit(triangles.vertices,
triangles.indices, raycasting_tree, ray_origin_d, final_ray_dir_d, hitpoint);
if (hit) {
if (hit) {
auto face = triangles.indices[];
dest.visibility -= decrease;
auto edge1 = triangles.vertices[face[1]] - triangles.vertices[face[0]];
auto edge2 = triangles.vertices[face[2]] - triangles.vertices[face[0]];
Vec3f hit_pos = (triangles.vertices[face[0]] + edge1 * hitpoint.u + edge2 * hitpoint.v);
Vec3f surface_normal = its_face_normal(triangles,;
init.push_back(HitInfo { hit_pos, surface_normal });
return init;
[](std::vector<HitInfo> left, const std::vector<HitInfo>& right) {
left.insert(left.end(), right.begin(), right.end());
return left;
<< "SeamPlacer: raycast visibility for " << ray_count << " rays: end";
<< "SeamPlacer: raycast visibility for " << triangles.indices.size() << " triangles: end";
return hit_points;
return result;
std::vector<float> calculate_polygon_angles_at_vertices(const Polygon &polygon, const std::vector<float> &lengths,
std::vector<float> calculate_polygon_angles_at_vertices(const Polygon &polygon, const std::vector<float> &lengths,
@ -318,54 +300,41 @@ std::vector<float> calculate_polygon_angles_at_vertices(const Polygon &polygon,
// structure to store global information about the model - occlusion hits, enforcers, blockers
// structure to store global information about the model - occlusion hits, enforcers, blockers
struct GlobalModelInfo {
struct GlobalModelInfo {
std::vector<HitInfo> geometry_raycast_hits;
indexed_triangle_set model;
KDTreeIndirect<3, float, HitInfoCoordinateFunctor> raycast_hits_tree;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> model_tree;
std::vector<FaceVisibilityInfo> visiblity_info;
indexed_triangle_set enforcers;
indexed_triangle_set enforcers;
indexed_triangle_set blockers;
indexed_triangle_set blockers;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> enforcers_tree;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> enforcers_tree;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> blockers_tree;
AABBTreeIndirect::Tree<3, float> blockers_tree;
GlobalModelInfo() :
raycast_hits_tree(HitInfoCoordinateFunctor { &geometry_raycast_hits }) {
bool is_enforced(const Vec3f &position, float radius) const {
bool is_enforced(const Vec3f &position, float radius) const {
if (enforcers.empty()) {
if (enforcers.empty()) {
return false;
return false;
float radius_sqr = radius*radius;
return AABBTreeIndirect::is_any_triangle_in_radius(enforcers.vertices, enforcers.indices,
return AABBTreeIndirect::is_any_triangle_in_radius(enforcers.vertices, enforcers.indices,
enforcers_tree, position, radius);
enforcers_tree, position, radius_sqr);
bool is_blocked(const Vec3f &position, float radius) const {
bool is_blocked(const Vec3f &position, float radius) const {
if (blockers.empty()) {
if (blockers.empty()) {
return false;
return false;
float radius_sqr = radius*radius;
return AABBTreeIndirect::is_any_triangle_in_radius(blockers.vertices, blockers.indices,
return AABBTreeIndirect::is_any_triangle_in_radius(blockers.vertices, blockers.indices,
blockers_tree, position, radius);
blockers_tree, position, radius_sqr);
float calculate_point_visibility(const Vec3f &position) const {
float calculate_point_visibility(const Vec3f &position) const {
size_t closest_point_index = find_closest_point(raycast_hits_tree, position);
size_t hit_idx;
if (closest_point_index == raycast_hits_tree.npos
Vec3f hit_point;
if (AABBTreeIndirect::squared_distance_to_indexed_triangle_set(model.vertices, model.indices, model_tree,
(position - geometry_raycast_hits[closest_point_index].position).norm()
position, hit_idx, hit_point) >= 0) {
> SeamPlacer::considered_area_radius) {
return visiblity_info[hit_idx].visibility;
return 0;
} else {
return 0.0f;
auto nearby_points = find_nearby_points(raycast_hits_tree, position, SeamPlacer::considered_area_radius);
Vec3f local_normal = geometry_raycast_hits[closest_point_index].surface_normal;
float visibility = 0;
for (const auto &hit_point_index : nearby_points) {
float dot_product =[hit_point_index].surface_normal);
if (dot_product > 0) {
float distance =
(position - geometry_raycast_hits[hit_point_index].position).norm();
visibility += dot_product*gauss(distance, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
return visibility;
@ -373,44 +342,28 @@ struct GlobalModelInfo {
void debug_export(const indexed_triangle_set &obj_mesh, const char *file_name) const {
void debug_export(const indexed_triangle_set &obj_mesh, const char *file_name) const {
indexed_triangle_set divided_mesh = obj_mesh; // subdivide(obj_mesh, SeamPlacer::considered_area_radius);
indexed_triangle_set divided_mesh = obj_mesh; // subdivide(obj_mesh, SeamPlacer::considered_area_radius);
Slic3r::CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
Slic3r::CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(file_name, "w");
if (fp == nullptr) {
<< "stl_write_obj: Couldn't open " << file_name << " for writing";
for (size_t i = 0; i < divided_mesh.vertices.size(); ++i) {
FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(file_name, "w");
float visibility = calculate_point_visibility(divided_mesh.vertices[i]);
if (fp == nullptr) {
Vec3f color = value_to_rgbf(0, SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area, visibility);
fprintf(fp, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
<< "stl_write_obj: Couldn't open " << file_name << " for writing";
divided_mesh.vertices[i](0), divided_mesh.vertices[i](1), divided_mesh.vertices[i](2),
color(0), color(1), color(2)
for (size_t i = 0; i < divided_mesh.indices.size(); ++i)
fprintf(fp, "f %d %d %d\n", divided_mesh.indices[i][0] + 1, divided_mesh.indices[i][1] + 1,
divided_mesh.indices[i][2] + 1);
auto fname = std::string("hits_").append(file_name);
FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(fname.c_str(), "w");
if (fp == nullptr) {
<< "Couldn't open " << fname << " for writing";
for (size_t i = 0; i < geometry_raycast_hits.size(); ++i) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < divided_mesh.vertices.size(); ++i) {
Vec3f surface_normal = (geometry_raycast_hits[i].surface_normal + Vec3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) / 2.0;
float visibility = calculate_point_visibility(divided_mesh.vertices[i]);
fprintf(fp, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f \n", geometry_raycast_hits[i].position[0],
Vec3f color = value_to_rgbf(0.0f, 1.0f,
geometry_raycast_hits[i].position[2], surface_normal[0], surface_normal[1],
fprintf(fp, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
divided_mesh.vertices[i](0), divided_mesh.vertices[i](1), divided_mesh.vertices[i](2),
color(0), color(1), color(2)
for (size_t i = 0; i < divided_mesh.indices.size(); ++i)
fprintf(fp, "f %d %d %d\n", divided_mesh.indices[i][0] + 1, divided_mesh.indices[i][1] + 1,
divided_mesh.indices[i][2] + 1);
@ -512,7 +465,7 @@ void process_perimeter_polygon(const Polygon &orig_polygon, float z_coord, std::
if (global_model_info.is_enforced(position, distance_to_next)
if (global_model_info.is_enforced(position, distance_to_next)
|| global_model_info.is_blocked(position, distance_to_next)) {
|| global_model_info.is_blocked(position, distance_to_next)) {
Vec3f vec_to_next = (pos_of_next - position).normalized();
Vec3f vec_to_next = (pos_of_next - position).normalized();
float step_size = SeamPlacer::enforcer_blocker_distance_tolerance / 2.0f;
float step_size = SeamPlacer::enforcer_blocker_oversampling_distance;
float step = step_size;
float step = step_size;
while (step < distance_to_next) {
while (step < distance_to_next) {
oversampled_points.push(position + vec_to_next * step);
oversampled_points.push(position + vec_to_next * step);
@ -620,16 +573,17 @@ void compute_global_occlusion(GlobalModelInfo &result, const PrintObject *po) {
its_merge(triangle_set, model_its);
its_merge(triangle_set, model_its);
its_transform(triangle_set, obj_transform);
float target_error = SeamPlacer::raycasting_decimation_target_error;
float target_error = SeamPlacer::raycasting_decimation_target_error;
its_quadric_edge_collapse(triangle_set, 0, &target_error, nullptr, nullptr);
its_quadric_edge_collapse(triangle_set, 0, &target_error, nullptr, nullptr);
triangle_set = subdivide(triangle_set, SeamPlacer::raycasting_subdivision_target_length);
its_transform(triangle_set, obj_transform);
auto raycasting_tree = AABBTreeIndirect::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_triangle_set(triangle_set.vertices,
auto raycasting_tree = AABBTreeIndirect::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_triangle_set(triangle_set.vertices,
result.geometry_raycast_hits = raycast_visibility(raycasting_tree, triangle_set);
result.model = triangle_set;
result.model_tree = raycasting_tree;
result.visiblity_info = raycast_visibility(raycasting_tree, triangle_set);
<< "SeamPlacer: build AABB tree for raycasting and gather occlusion info: end";
<< "SeamPlacer: build AABB tree for raycasting and gather occlusion info: end";
@ -679,9 +633,8 @@ struct SeamComparator {
setup(setup) {
setup(setup) {
float compute_angle_penalty(float ccw_angle) const {
float compute_angle_penalty(float ccw_angle) const {
return gauss(ccw_angle, 0.2f, 1.0f, 0.7f);
return gauss(ccw_angle, 0.2f, 1.0f, 4.0f);
// Standard comparator, must respect the requirements of comparators (e.g. give same result on same inputs) for sorting usage
// Standard comparator, must respect the requirements of comparators (e.g. give same result on same inputs) for sorting usage
@ -704,8 +657,8 @@ struct SeamComparator {
return a.position.y() > b.position.y();
return a.position.y() > b.position.y();
return (a.visibility + SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area) * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle) <
return (a.visibility + 1.0f) * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle) <
(b.visibility + SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area) * compute_angle_penalty(b.local_ccw_angle);
(b.visibility + 1.0f) * compute_angle_penalty(b.local_ccw_angle);
// Comparator used during alignment. If there is close potential aligned point, it is comapred to the current
// Comparator used during alignment. If there is close potential aligned point, it is comapred to the current
@ -728,17 +681,17 @@ struct SeamComparator {
return a.position.y() > b.position.y();
return a.position.y() > b.position.y();
return (a.visibility + SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area) * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle) * 0.8f <=
return (a.visibility + 1.0f) * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle) * 0.5f <=
(b.visibility + SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area) * compute_angle_penalty(b.local_ccw_angle);
(b.visibility + 1.0f) * compute_angle_penalty(b.local_ccw_angle);
//returns negative value of penalties, should be nromalized against others in the same perimeter for use
float get_weight(const SeamCandidate &a) const {
float get_weight(const SeamCandidate &a) const {
if (setup == SeamPosition::spRear) {
if (setup == SeamPosition::spRear) {
return a.position.y();
return a.position.y();
//return negative, beacuse we want to minimize the absolute of this value (sort of antiweight). normalization in alignment fixes that with respect to other points
return -(a.visibility + 1.0f) * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle);
return -(a.visibility + SeamPlacer::expected_hits_per_area) * compute_angle_penalty(a.local_ccw_angle);
@ -776,7 +729,8 @@ void debug_export_points(const std::vector<std::vector<SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandi
visibility_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), visibility_fill);
visibility_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), visibility_fill);
Vec3i weight_color = value_rgbi(min_weight, max_weight, comparator.get_weight(point));
Vec3i weight_color = value_rgbi(min_weight, max_weight, comparator.get_weight(point));
std::string weight_fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(weight_color.x()) + "," + std::to_string(weight_color.y()) + ","
std::string weight_fill = "rgb(" + std::to_string(weight_color.x()) + "," + std::to_string(weight_color.y())
+ ","
+ std::to_string(weight_color.z()) + ")";
+ std::to_string(weight_color.z()) + ")";
weight_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), weight_fill);
weight_svg.draw(scaled(Vec2f(point.position.head<2>())), weight_fill);
@ -1061,7 +1015,7 @@ void SeamPlacer::align_seam_points(const PrintObject *po, const Comparator &comp
perimeter->aligned = true;
perimeter->aligned = true;
for (Vec3f& p : points){
for (Vec3f &p : points) {
p = get_fitted_point(coefficients, p.z());
p = get_fitted_point(coefficients, p.z());
@ -1181,7 +1135,8 @@ void SeamPlacer::init(const Print &print) {
<< "SeamPlacer: align_seam_points : end";
<< "SeamPlacer: align_seam_points : end";
debug_export_points(m_perimeter_points_per_object[po], po->bounding_box(), std::to_string(po->id().id), comparator);
debug_export_points(m_perimeter_points_per_object[po], po->bounding_box(), std::to_string(po->id().id),
@ -65,10 +65,8 @@ struct SeamCandidate {
EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint type;
EnforcedBlockedSeamPoint type;
// struct to represent hits of the mesh during occulision raycasting.
struct FaceVisibilityInfo {
struct HitInfo {
float visibility;
Vec3f position;
Vec3f surface_normal;
struct SeamCandidateCoordinateFunctor {
struct SeamCandidateCoordinateFunctor {
@ -80,38 +78,24 @@ struct SeamCandidateCoordinateFunctor {
return seam_candidates->operator[](index).position[dim];
return seam_candidates->operator[](index).position[dim];
struct HitInfoCoordinateFunctor {
HitInfoCoordinateFunctor(std::vector<HitInfo> *hit_points) :
hit_points(hit_points) {
std::vector<HitInfo> *hit_points;
float operator()(size_t index, size_t dim) const {
return hit_points->operator[](index).position[dim];
} // namespace SeamPlacerImpl
} // namespace SeamPlacerImpl
class SeamPlacer {
class SeamPlacer {
using SeamCandidatesTree =
using SeamCandidatesTree =
KDTreeIndirect<3, float, SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandidateCoordinateFunctor>;
KDTreeIndirect<3, float, SeamPlacerImpl::SeamCandidateCoordinateFunctor>;
// Rough estimates of hits of the mesh during raycasting per surface circle defined by considered_area_radius
static constexpr float raycasting_decimation_target_error = 2.0f;
static constexpr float expected_hits_per_area = 1000.0f;
static constexpr float raycasting_subdivision_target_length = 3.0f;
// area considered when computing number of rays and then gathering visiblity info from the hits
//square of number of rays per triangle
static constexpr float considered_area_radius = 3.0f;
static constexpr size_t sqr_rays_per_triangle = 8;
// quadric error limit of quadric decimation function used on the mesh before raycasting
static constexpr float raycasting_decimation_target_error = 0.5f;
// cosine sampling power represents how prefered are forward directions when raycasting from given spot
// in this case, forward direction means towards the center of the mesh
static constexpr float cosine_hemisphere_sampling_power = 5.0f;
// arm length used during angles computation
// arm length used during angles computation
static constexpr float polygon_local_angles_arm_distance = 0.4f;
static constexpr float polygon_local_angles_arm_distance = 0.4f;
// If enforcer or blocker is closer to the seam candidate than this limit, the seam candidate is set to Blocker or Enforcer
// If enforcer or blocker is closer to the seam candidate than this limit, the seam candidate is set to Blocker or Enforcer
static constexpr float enforcer_blocker_distance_tolerance = 0.2f;
static constexpr float enforcer_blocker_distance_tolerance = 0.3f;
// For long polygon sides, if they are close to the custom seam drawings, they are oversampled with this step size
static constexpr float enforcer_blocker_oversampling_distance = 0.3f;
// When searching for seam clusters for alignment:
// When searching for seam clusters for alignment:
// seam_align_tolerable_dist - if seam is closer to the previous seam position projected to the current layer than this value,
// seam_align_tolerable_dist - if seam is closer to the previous seam position projected to the current layer than this value,
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