Measuring - Gizmo measure shows dimensioning for angle plane-plane
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 65 additions and 4 deletions
@ -306,8 +306,17 @@ void MeasuringImpl::extract_features()
// The last surface feature is the plane itself.
Vec3d cog = Vec3d::Zero();
size_t counter = 0;
for (const std::vector<Vec3d>& b : plane.borders) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < b.size(); ++i) {
cog += b[i];
cog /= double(counter);
plane.normal, plane.borders.front().front(), std::nullopt, i + 0.0001));
plane.normal, cog, std::optional<Vec3d>(), i + 0.0001));
@ -526,11 +535,48 @@ static AngleAndEdges angle_edge_plane(const std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d>& e, const st
edge_on_plane = { origin, origin - e1e2_len * edge_on_plane_unit };
AngleAndEdges ret = angle_edge_edge({ e1, e2 }, edge_on_plane);
const Vec3d e1e2copy_mid = 0.5 * (e1 + e2);
ret.radius = (inters - e1e2copy_mid).norm();
ret.radius = (inters - 0.5 * (e1 + e2)).norm();
return ret;
static AngleAndEdges angle_plane_plane(const std::tuple<int, Vec3d, Vec3d>& p1, const std::tuple<int, Vec3d, Vec3d>& p2)
const auto& [idx1, normal1, origin1] = p1;
const auto& [idx2, normal2, origin2] = p2;
// are planes parallel ?
if (are_parallel(normal1, normal2))
return AngleAndEdges::Dummy;
auto intersection_plane_plane = [](const Vec3d& n1, const Vec3d& o1, const Vec3d& n2, const Vec3d& o2) {
Eigen::MatrixXd m(2, 3);
m << n1.x(), n1.y(), n1.z(), n2.x(), n2.y(), n2.z();
Eigen::VectorXd b(2);
b <<,;
Eigen::VectorXd x = m.colPivHouseholderQr().solve(b);
return std::make_pair(n1.cross(n2).normalized(), Vec3d(x(0), x(1), x(2)));
// Calculate intersection line between planes
const auto [intersection_line_direction, intersection_line_origin] = intersection_plane_plane(normal1, origin1, normal2, origin2);
// Project planes' origin on intersection line
const Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3> intersection_line = Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3>(intersection_line_origin, intersection_line_direction);
const Vec3d origin1_proj = intersection_line.projection(origin1);
const Vec3d origin2_proj = intersection_line.projection(origin2);
// Calculate edges on planes
const Vec3d edge_on_plane1_unit = (origin1 - origin1_proj).normalized();
const Vec3d edge_on_plane2_unit = (origin2 - origin2_proj).normalized();
const double edges_angle = std::acos(std::clamp(, -1.0, 1.0));
const double radius = std::max(10.0, std::max((origin1 - origin1_proj).norm(), (origin2 - origin2_proj).norm()));
const std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> edge_on_plane1 = { origin1_proj + radius * edge_on_plane1_unit, origin1_proj + 2.0 * radius * edge_on_plane1_unit };
const std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> edge_on_plane2 = { origin2_proj + radius * edge_on_plane2_unit, origin2_proj + 2.0 * radius * edge_on_plane2_unit };
AngleAndEdges ret = angle_edge_edge(edge_on_plane1, edge_on_plane2);
ret.radius = radius;
return ret;
@ -684,7 +730,7 @@ MeasurementResult get_measurement(const SurfaceFeature& a, const SurfaceFeature&
// Planes are not parallel, calculate angle.
angle = std::acos(std::abs(;
result.angle = std::make_optional(AngleAndEdges(angle, Vec3d::Zero(), { Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero() }, { Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero() }, 0., false)); // TODO
result.angle = angle_plane_plane(f1.get_plane(), f2.get_plane());
result.distance_infinite = std::make_optional(DistAndPoints{0., Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero()}); // TODO
@ -946,6 +946,19 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::render_dimensioning()
Measure::SurfaceFeature(Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Edge, e2.first, e2.second), calc_radius);
auto arc_plane_plane = [this, arc_edge_edge](const Measure::SurfaceFeature& f1, const Measure::SurfaceFeature& f2) {
assert(f1.get_type() == Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Plane && f2.get_type() == Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Plane);
const Measure::MeasurementResult res = Measure::get_measurement(f1, f2);
const std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> e1 = res.angle->e1;
const std::pair<Vec3d, Vec3d> e2 = res.angle->e2;
const double calc_radius = res.angle->radius;
if (calc_radius == 0.0)
arc_edge_edge(Measure::SurfaceFeature(Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Edge, e1.first, e1.second),
Measure::SurfaceFeature(Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Edge, e2.first, e2.second), calc_radius);
if (!m_dimensioning.line.is_initialized()) {
@ -1015,6 +1028,8 @@ void GLGizmoMeasure::render_dimensioning()
arc_edge_edge(*f1, *f2);
else if (ft1 == Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Edge && ft2 == Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Plane)
arc_edge_plane(*f1, *f2);
else if (ft1 == Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Plane && ft2 == Measure::SurfaceFeatureType::Plane)
arc_plane_plane(*f1, *f2);
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