Experimental working version of onmodel pillar cascading.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 46 additions and 268 deletions
@ -854,122 +854,6 @@ long cluster_centroid(const ClusterEl& clust,
return long(minit - avgs.begin());
* This function will calculate the convex hull of the input point set and
* return the indices of those points belonging to the chull in the right
* (counter clockwise) order. The input is also the set of indices and a
* functor to get the actual point form the index.
* I've adapted this algorithm from here:
* https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/convex-hull-set-1-jarviss-algorithm-or-wrapping/
* and modified it so that it starts with the leftmost lower vertex. Also added
* support for floating point coordinates.
* This function is a modded version of the standard convex hull. If the points
* are all collinear with each other, it will return their indices in spatially
* subsequent order (the order they appear on the screen).
ClusterEl pts_convex_hull(const ClusterEl& inpts,
std::function<Vec2d(unsigned)> pfn)
using Point = Vec2d;
using std::vector;
static const double ERR = 1e-3;
auto orientation = [](const Point& p, const Point& q, const Point& r)
double val = (q(Y) - p(Y)) * (r(X) - q(X)) -
(q(X) - p(X)) * (r(Y) - q(Y));
if (std::abs(val) < ERR) return 0; // collinear
return (val > ERR)? 1: 2; // clock or counterclockwise
size_t n = inpts.size();
if (n < 3) return inpts;
// Initialize Result
ClusterEl hull;
vector<Point> points; points.reserve(n);
for(auto i : inpts) {
// Check if the triplet of points is collinear. The standard convex hull
// algorithms are not capable of handling such input properly.
bool collinear = true;
for(auto one = points.begin(), two = std::next(one), three = std::next(two);
three != points.end() && collinear;
++one, ++two, ++three)
// check if the points are collinear
if(orientation(*one, *two, *three) != 0) collinear = false;
// Find the leftmost (bottom) point
size_t l = 0;
for (size_t i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if(std::abs(points[i](X) - points[l](X)) < ERR) {
if(points[i](Y) < points[l](Y)) l = i;
else if (points[i](X) < points[l](X)) l = i;
if(collinear) {
// fill the output with the spatially ordered set of points.
// find the direction
hull = inpts;
auto& lp = points[l];
std::sort(hull.begin(), hull.end(),
[&lp, points](unsigned i1, unsigned i2) {
// compare the distance from the leftmost point
return distance(lp, points[i1]) < distance(lp, points[i2]);
return hull;
// TODO: this algorithm is O(m*n) and O(n^2) in the worst case so it needs
// to be replaced with a graham scan or something O(nlogn)
// Start from leftmost point, keep moving counterclockwise
// until reach the start point again. This loop runs O(h)
// times where h is number of points in result or output.
size_t p = l;
// Add current point to result
// Search for a point 'q' such that orientation(p, x,
// q) is counterclockwise for all points 'x'. The idea
// is to keep track of last visited most counterclock-
// wise point in q. If any point 'i' is more counterclock-
// wise than q, then update q.
size_t q = (p + 1) % n;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
// If i is more counterclockwise than current q, then
// update q
if (orientation(points[p], points[i], points[q]) == 2) q = i;
// Now q is the most counterclockwise with respect to p
// Set p as q for next iteration, so that q is added to
// result 'hull'
p = q;
} while (p != l); // While we don't come to first point
auto first = hull.front();
return hull;
inline Vec3d dirv(const Vec3d& startp, const Vec3d& endp) {
return (endp - startp).normalized();
@ -1230,10 +1114,6 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
// Helper function for interconnecting two pillars with zig-zag bridges.
bool interconnect(const Pillar& pillar, const Pillar& nextpillar)
// Get the starting heads corresponding to the given pillars
const Head& phead = m_result.pillar_head(pillar.id);
const Head& nextphead = m_result.pillar_head(nextpillar.id);
// We need to get the starting point of the zig-zag pattern. We have to
// be aware that the two head junctions are at different heights. We
// may start from the lowest junction and call it a day but this
@ -1242,8 +1122,8 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
// pillar could still be bridged with the shorter one.
bool was_connected = false;
Vec3d supper = phead.junction_point();
Vec3d slower = nextphead.junction_point();
Vec3d supper = pillar.startpoint();
Vec3d slower = nextpillar.startpoint();
Vec3d eupper = pillar.endpt;
Vec3d elower = nextpillar.endpt;
@ -1328,35 +1208,6 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
// For connecting a head to a nearby pillar.
bool connect_to_nearpillar(const Head& head, const Pillar& nearpillar) {
// Vec3d hjp = head.junction_point();
// Vec3d headjp = hjp;
// Vec3d nearheadjp = nearhead.junction_point();
// double r = m_cfg.head_back_radius_mm;
// double d = distance(Vec2d{headjp(X), headjp(Y)},
// Vec2d{nearheadjp(X), nearheadjp(Y)});
// // Touching point on the nearby pillar
// Vec3d touchjp(nearheadjp(X), nearheadjp(Y), headjp(Z) +
// d * std::tan(-m_cfg.bridge_slope));
// // If the touching point is too high, we can add a partial pillar from
// // under the higher head to reach the nearby pillar with a bridge
// if(touchjp(Z) > nearheadjp(Z)) {
// double hdiff = touchjp(Z) - nearheadjp(Z);
// headjp(Z) -= hdiff;
// touchjp(Z) -= hdiff;
// // create a pillar without base,
// // it doesn't connect to ground just to an existing shorter pillar
// m_result.add_pillar(unsigned(nearhead.id), headjp, r);
// }
// if(headjp(Z) < hjp(Z)) m_result.add_junction(headjp, r);
// if(touchjp(Z) >= nearheadjp(Z)) m_result.add_junction(touchjp, r);
// m_result.add_bridge(headjp, touchjp, r);
Vec3d headjp = head.junction_point();
Vec3d nearjp_u = nearpillar.startpoint();
Vec3d nearjp_l = nearpillar.endpoint();
@ -1382,14 +1233,14 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
double Zdown = headjp(Z) + d2d * std::tan(-max_slope);
Vec3d touchjp = bridgeend; touchjp(Z) = Zdown;
double D = distance(headjp, touchjp);
double zdiff = Zdown - nearjp_u(Z);
zdiff = Zdown - nearjp_u(Z);
if(zdiff > 0) {
Zdown -= zdiff;
bridgestart(Z) -= zdiff;
touchjp(Z) = Zdown;
double t = bridge_mesh_intersect(bridgestart, {0,0,-1}, r);
double t = bridge_mesh_intersect(headjp, {0,0,-1}, r);
// We can't insert a pillar under the source head to connect
// with the nearby pillar's starting junction
@ -1446,8 +1297,8 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
assert(nearest_id >= 0);
if(nearest_id >= 0) {
auto nearheadid = unsigned(nearest_id);
const Pillar& nearpillar = m_result.head_pillar(nearheadid);
auto nearpillarID = unsigned(nearest_id);
const Pillar& nearpillar = m_result.pillars()[nearpillarID];
if(!connect_to_nearpillar(head, nearpillar)) {
nearest_id = -1; // continue searching
spindex.remove(ne); // without the current pillar
@ -1462,7 +1313,7 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
// at least one neighbor to connect with. Height exceeding H2 require two
// neighbors. A connection only counts if the height ratio is bigger
// than 20%
void connect_pillars_nearest(unsigned neighbors = 3,
void connect_pillars_nearest(unsigned neighbors = 1,
double H1 = 4.0, // min 1 neighbor required
double H2 = 35.0, // min 2 neighbor required
double min_height_ratio = 0.2)
@ -1493,7 +1344,7 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
return distance(e1.first, qp) < distance(e2.first, qp);
const Pillar& pillar = m_result.head_pillar(el.second);
const Pillar& pillar = m_result.pillars()[el.second];
unsigned ncount = 0;
for(auto& re : qres) {
if(re.second == el.second) continue;
@ -1501,7 +1352,7 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
auto hashval = m_pillar_index.size() * el.second + re.second;
if(pairs.find(hashval) != pairs.end()) continue;
const Pillar& neighborpillar = m_result.head_pillar(re.second);
const Pillar& neighborpillar = m_result.pillars()[re.second];
if(interconnect(pillar, neighborpillar)) {
@ -1522,17 +1373,6 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(warning) << "Pillar is too long and has no "
"neighbors. Head ID: "
<< pillar.start_junction_id;
// double D = 2*m_cfg.base_radius_mm;
// Vec3d jp = pillar.startpoint();
// double h = D / std::cos(m_cfg.bridge_slope);
// bool found = false;
// double phi = 0;
// // Search for a suitable angle for the two pillars
// while(!found && phi < 2*PI) {
// }
needpillars = 1;
} else if(ncount < 2 && pillar.height > H2) {
// Not enough neighbors to support this pillar
@ -1545,7 +1385,6 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
// WIP:
// note: sideheads ARE tested to reach the ground!
// if(needpillars > 0) {
// if(pillar.starts_from_head) {
// // search for a sidehead for this head. We will route that
@ -1569,77 +1408,6 @@ class SLASupportTree::Algorithm {
// This is the old interconnection strategy which has a lot of imperfections
void connect_pillars_spiderweb() {
std::vector<unsigned> rem; rem.reserve(m_pillar_index.size());
std::vector<unsigned> ring;
// Could use an unordered_map instead. Points can be quite many.
std::vector<Vec2d> pts(size_t(m_points.rows()));
m_pillar_index.foreach([&rem, &pts](const SpatElement& e) {
pts[e.second] = {e.first(X), e.first(Y)};
while(!rem.empty()) { // loop until all the points belong to some ring
std::sort(rem.begin(), rem.end());
auto newring = pts_convex_hull(rem,
[&pts](unsigned i) {
return pts[i]; // project to 2D in along Z axis
if(!ring.empty()) {
// inner ring is now in 'newring' and outer ring is in 'ring'
SpatIndex innerring;
for(unsigned i : newring) { m_thr();
const Pillar& pill = m_result.head_pillar(i);
assert(pill.id >= 0);
innerring.insert(pill.endpt, unsigned(pill.id));
// For all pillars in the outer ring find the closest in the
// inner ring and connect them. This will create the spider web
// fashioned connections between pillars
for(unsigned i : ring) { m_thr();
const Pillar& outerpill = m_result.head_pillar(i);
auto res = innerring.nearest(outerpill.endpt,
for(auto& ne : res) {
const Pillar& innerpill = m_result.pillars()[ne.second];
if(interconnect(outerpill, innerpill)) break;
// no need for newring anymore in the current iteration
// now the ring has to be connected with bridge sticks
for(auto it = ring.begin(), next = std::next(it);
next != ring.end();
++it, ++next)
const Pillar& pillar = m_result.head_pillar(*it);
const Pillar& nextpillar = m_result.head_pillar(*next);
interconnect(pillar, nextpillar);
auto sring = ring; ClusterEl tmp;
std::sort(sring.begin(), sring.end());
std::set_difference(rem.begin(), rem.end(),
sring.begin(), sring.end(),
Algorithm(const SupportConfig& config,
@ -1919,9 +1687,12 @@ public:
Head& h = m_result.head(hid);
Vec3d p = h.junction_point(); p(Z) = gndlvl;
m_result.add_pillar(hid, p, h.r_back_mm)
.add_base(m_cfg.base_height_mm, m_cfg.base_radius_mm);
m_pillar_index.insert(p, hid); // TODO: replace hid with pillarID
auto& plr = m_result.add_pillar(hid, p, h.r_back_mm)
// Save the pillar endpoint and the pillar id in the spatial index
m_pillar_index.insert(plr.endpoint(), unsigned(plr.id));
// now we will go through the clusters ones again and connect the
@ -1950,20 +1721,16 @@ public:
Vec3d pstart = sidehead.junction_point();
Vec3d pend = Vec3d{pstart(X), pstart(Y), gndlvl};
// Could not find a pillar, create one
unsigned(sidehead.id), pend,
auto& pillar = m_result.add_pillar(unsigned(sidehead.id),
pend, pradius)
// connects to ground, eligible for bridging
m_pillar_index.insert(pend, c);
m_pillar_index.insert(pend, unsigned(pillar.id));
// connect_pillars_spiderweb();
// Step: routing the pinheads that would connect to the model surface
@ -1991,11 +1758,14 @@ public:
auto groundp = endp;
groundp(Z) = m_result.ground_level;
m_result.add_pillar(endp, groundp, head.r_back_mm).add_base(
m_cfg.base_height_mm, m_cfg.base_radius_mm);
// m_pillar_index.insert(groundp, unsigned(head.id));
auto& newpillar = m_result.add_pillar(endp, groundp, head.r_back_mm)
m_pillar_index.insert(groundp, unsigned(newpillar.id));
std::vector<unsigned> modelpillars;
// TODO: connect these to the ground pillars if possible
for(auto item : m_iheads_onmodel) { m_thr();
unsigned idx = item.first;
@ -2008,16 +1778,7 @@ public:
// Search nearby pillar
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(search_pillar_and_connect(head)) continue;
// long nearest_pillar_id = search_nearest(hjp);
// if(nearest_pillar_id >= 0) { // successful search
// auto nearest_uid = unsigned(nearest_pillar_id);
// const Pillar& nearpillar = m_result.head_pillar(nearest_uid);
// head.transform(); // accept the head
// connect_to_nearpillar(head, nearpillar);
// continue;
// }
if(search_pillar_and_connect(head)) { head.transform(); continue; }
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Try straight path
@ -2085,7 +1846,6 @@ public:
d = 0; t = oresult.score;
polar = std::get<0>(oresult.optimum);
azimuth = std::get<1>(oresult.optimum);
Vec3d bridgedir = Vec3d(std::cos(azimuth) * std::sin(polar),
@ -2143,6 +1903,9 @@ public:
pill.base = tailhead.mesh;
// Experimental: add the pillar to the index for cascading
@ -2152,6 +1915,15 @@ public:
<< " ID: " << idx;
for(auto pillid : modelpillars) {
auto& pillar = m_result.pillars()[pillid];
m_pillar_index.insert(pillar.endpoint(), pillid);
void cascade_pillars() {
// Step: process the support points where there is not enough space for a
@ -2211,6 +1983,7 @@ bool SLASupportTree::generate(const std::vector<SupportPoint> &support_points,
@ -2235,6 +2008,8 @@ bool SLASupportTree::generate(const std::vector<SupportPoint> &support_points,
std::bind(&Algorithm::routing_to_model, &alg),
std::bind(&Algorithm::cascade_pillars, &alg),
std::bind(&Algorithm::routing_headless, &alg),
[] () {
@ -2268,6 +2043,7 @@ bool SLASupportTree::generate(const std::vector<SupportPoint> &support_points,
L("Routing to ground"),
L("Routing supports to model surface"),
L("Cascading pillars"),
L("Processing small holes"),
@ -2281,6 +2057,7 @@ bool SLASupportTree::generate(const std::vector<SupportPoint> &support_points,
@ -2293,7 +2070,8 @@ bool SLASupportTree::generate(const std::vector<SupportPoint> &support_points,
case PINHEADS: pc = CLASSIFY; break;
case CLASSIFY: pc = ROUTING_GROUND; break;
case HEADLESS: pc = DONE; break;
case DONE:
case ABORT: break;
Add table
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