improved voxelization - fixed bugs with sinking objects.

testing version of flooding the weight matrix
This commit is contained in:
PavelMikus 2022-04-25 17:28:13 +02:00
parent cfe9b27a6d
commit f0bdf2760c

View file

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ bool Issues::empty() const {
struct Cell {
float weight;
char last_extrusion_id;
int island_id;
struct WeightDistributionMatrix {
@ -41,67 +41,173 @@ struct WeightDistributionMatrix {
// This corresponds to angle of ~26 degrees between center of one cell and other one up and sideways
// which is approximately a limiting printable angle.
WeightDistributionMatrix(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx_begin, size_t layer_idx_end) {
Vec3crd object_origin = scaled(po->trafo_centered() * Vec3d::Zero());
Vec3crd min = object_origin - po->size() / 2 - Vec3crd::Ones();
Vec3crd max = object_origin + po->size() / 2 + Vec3crd::Ones();
WeightDistributionMatrix() = default;
void init(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx_begin, size_t layer_idx_end) {
Vec2crd size_half = po->size().head<2>().cwiseQuotient(Vec2crd(2, 2)) + Vec2crd::Ones();
Vec3crd min = Vec3crd(-size_half.x(), -size_half.y(), 0);
Vec3crd max = Vec3crd(size_half.x(), size_half.y(), po->height());
cell_size = Vec3crd { int(cell_height * 2), int(cell_height * 2), int(cell_height) };
assert(cell_size.x() == cell_size.y());
global_origin = min;
global_size = max - min;
global_cell_count = global_size.cwiseQuotient(cell_size);
global_cell_count = global_size.cwiseQuotient(cell_size) + Vec3i::Ones();
coord_t local_min_z = scale_(po->layers()[layer_idx_begin]->slice_z);
coord_t local_max_z = scale_(po->layers()[layer_idx_end]->slice_z);
coord_t local_min_z_index = local_min_z / cell_size.z();
coord_t local_max_z_index = local_max_z / cell_size.z();
coord_t local_min_z = scale_(po->layers()[layer_idx_begin]->print_z);
coord_t local_max_z = scale_(po->layers()[layer_idx_end > 0 ? layer_idx_end - 1 : 0]->print_z);
int local_min_z_index = local_min_z / cell_size.z();
int local_max_z_index = local_max_z / cell_size.z() + 1;
local_z_index_offset = local_min_z_index;
local_z_cell_count = local_max_z_index - local_min_z_index + 1;
local_z_cell_count = local_max_z_index + 1 - local_min_z_index;
cells.resize(local_z_cell_count * global_cell_count.y() * global_cell_count.x());
Vec3i to_global_cell_coords(const Point &p, float slice_z) const {
Vec3crd position = Vec3crd { p.x(), p.y(), coord_t(scale_(slice_z)) };
Vec3i cell_coords = position.cwiseQuotient(cell_size);
Vec3i to_global_cell_coords(const Vec3i &local_cell_coords) const {
return local_cell_coords + local_z_index_offset * Vec3i::UnitZ();
Vec3i to_local_cell_coords(const Vec3i &global_cell_coords) const {
return global_cell_coords - local_z_index_offset * Vec3i::UnitZ();
Vec3i to_global_cell_coords(const Point &p, float print_z) const {
Vec3i position = Vec3crd { p.x(), p.y(), int(scale_(print_z)) };
Vec3i cell_coords = (position - this->global_origin).cwiseQuotient(this->cell_size);
return cell_coords;
Vec3i to_local_cell_coords(const Point &p, float slice_z) const {
Vec3i cell_coords = to_global_cell_coords(p, slice_z);
Vec3i local_cell_coords = cell_coords - local_z_index_offset * Vec3i::UnitZ();
return local_cell_coords;
Vec3i to_local_cell_coords(const Point &p, float print_z) const {
Vec3i cell_coords = this->to_global_cell_coords(p, print_z);
return this->to_local_cell_coords(cell_coords);
size_t to_cell_index(const Vec3i &local_cell_coords) {
size_t to_cell_index(const Vec3i &local_cell_coords) const {
assert(local_cell_coords.x() >= 0);
assert(local_cell_coords.x() < global_cell_count.x());
assert(local_cell_coords.y() >= 0);
assert(local_cell_coords.y() < global_cell_count.y());
assert(local_cell_coords.z() >= 0);
assert(local_cell_coords.z() < local_z_cell_count);
return local_cell_coords.z() * global_cell_count.x() * global_cell_count.y()
+ local_cell_coords.y() * global_cell_count.x() +
Vec3crd cell_center(const Vec3i &global_cell_coords) {
return global_origin + global_cell_coords.cwiseProduct(cell_size);
Vec3crd get_cell_center(const Vec3i &global_cell_coords) const {
return global_origin + global_cell_coords.cwiseProduct(this->cell_size)
+ this->cell_size.cwiseQuotient(Vec3crd(2, 2, 2));
Cell& access_cell(const Point &p, float slice_z) {
return cells[to_cell_index(to_local_cell_coords(p, slice_z))];
Cell& access_cell(const Point &p, float print_z) {
return cells[this->to_cell_index(to_local_cell_coords(p, print_z))];
Cell& access_cell(const Vec3i& local_cell_coords) {
return cells[to_cell_index(local_cell_coords)];
Cell& access_cell(const Vec3i &local_cell_coords) {
return cells[this->to_cell_index(local_cell_coords)];
const Cell& access_cell(const Vec3i &local_cell_coords) const {
return cells[this->to_cell_index(local_cell_coords)];
void ditribute_edge_weight(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, float print_z, coordf_t width) {
Vec2d dir = (p2 - p1).cast<double>();
double length = dir.norm();
if (length < 0.01) {
dir /= length;
double step_size = this->cell_size.x() / 2.0;
double distributed_length = 0;
while (distributed_length < length) {
double next_len = std::min(length, distributed_length + step_size);
double current_dist_payload = next_len - distributed_length;
Point location = p1 + ((next_len / length) * dir).cast<coord_t>();
double payload = current_dist_payload * width;
Vec3i local_index = this->to_local_cell_coords(location, print_z);
if (this->to_cell_index(local_index) >= this->cells.size() || this->to_cell_index(local_index) < 0) {
std::cout << "loc: " << local_index.x() << " " << local_index.y() << " " << local_index.z()
<< " globals: " << this->global_cell_count.x() << " "
<< this->global_cell_count.y() << " " << this->local_z_cell_count <<
"+" << this->local_z_cell_count << std::endl;
this->access_cell(location, print_z).weight += payload;
distributed_length = next_len;
void merge(const WeightDistributionMatrix &other) {
int z_start = std::max(local_z_index_offset, other.local_z_index_offset);
int z_end = std::min(local_z_index_offset + local_z_cell_count,
other.local_z_index_offset + other.local_z_cell_count);
for (int x = 0; x < global_cell_count.x(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < global_cell_count.y(); ++y) {
for (int z = z_start; z < z_end; ++z) {
Vec3i global_coords { x, y, z };
Vec3i local_coords = this->to_local_cell_coords(global_coords);
Vec3i other_local_coords = other.to_local_cell_coords(global_coords);
this->access_cell(local_coords).weight += other.access_cell(other_local_coords).weight;
void distribute_top_down() {
const auto validate_xy_coords = [&](const Vec2i &local_coords) {
return local_coords.x() >= 0 && local_coords.y() >= 0 &&
local_coords.x() < this->global_cell_count.x() && local_coords.y() < this->global_cell_count.y();
Vec2i valid_coords[9];
for (int x = 0; x < global_cell_count.x(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < global_cell_count.y(); ++y) {
for (int z = local_z_cell_count - 1; z > local_z_index_offset; --z) {
Cell &current = this->access_cell(Vec3i(x, y, z));
size_t valid_coords_count = 0;
if (current.weight > 0) {
for (int y_offset = -1; y_offset <= 1; ++y_offset) {
for (int x_offset = -1; x_offset <= 1; ++x_offset) {
Vec2i xy_coords { x + x_offset, y + y_offset };
if (validate_xy_coords(xy_coords)
this->access_cell(Vec3i(xy_coords.x(), xy_coords.y(), z - 1)).weight != 0) {
valid_coords[valid_coords_count] = xy_coords;
float distribution = current.weight / valid_coords_count;
for (size_t index = 0; index < valid_coords_count; ++index) {
this->access_cell(Vec3i(valid_coords[index].x(), valid_coords[index].y(), z - 1)).weight +=
if (valid_coords_count > 0) {
current.weight = 0;
void debug_export(std::string file_name) {
void debug_export(std::string file_name) const {
Slic3r::CNumericLocalesSetter locales_setter;
FILE *fp = boost::nowide::fopen(debug_out_path((file_name + "_matrix.obj").c_str()).c_str(), "w");
@ -111,36 +217,50 @@ struct WeightDistributionMatrix {
float max_weight = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < global_cell_count.x(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < global_cell_count.y(); ++y) {
for (int z = 0; z < local_z_cell_count; ++z) {
Vec3f center = unscale(cell_center(Vec3i(x, y, z + local_z_index_offset))).cast<float>();
Cell &cell = access_cell(Vec3i(x, y, z));
const Cell &cell = access_cell(Vec3i(x, y, z));
max_weight = std::max(max_weight, cell.weight);
max_weight *= 0.8;
for (int x = 0; x < global_cell_count.x(); ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < global_cell_count.y(); ++y) {
for (int z = 0; z < local_z_cell_count; ++z) {
Vec3f center = unscale(get_cell_center(to_global_cell_coords(Vec3i { x, y, z }))).cast<float>();
const Cell &cell = access_cell(Vec3i(x, y, z));
if (cell.weight != 0) {
fprintf(fp, "v %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
center(0), center(1),
cell.weight, 0.0, 0.0
cell.weight / max_weight, 0.0, 0.0
static constexpr float cell_height = scale_(0.15f);
static constexpr float cell_height = scale_(0.3f);
Vec3crd cell_size;
Vec3crd cell_size { };
Vec3crd global_origin;
Vec3crd global_size;
Vec3i global_cell_count;
Vec3crd global_origin { };
Vec3crd global_size { };
Vec3i global_cell_count { };
int local_z_index_offset;
int local_z_cell_count;
std::vector<Cell> cells;
int local_z_index_offset { };
int local_z_cell_count { };
std::vector<Cell> cells { };
@ -226,7 +346,7 @@ coordf_t get_flow_width(const LayerRegion *region, ExtrusionRole role) {
coordf_t get_max_allowed_distance(ExtrusionRole role, coord_t flow_width, bool external_perimeters_first,
coordf_t get_max_allowed_distance(ExtrusionRole role, coordf_t flow_width, bool external_perimeters_first,
const Params &params) { // <= distance / flow_width (can be larger for perimeter, if not external perimeter first)
if ((role == ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter || role == ExtrusionRole::erOverhangPerimeter)
&& (external_perimeters_first)
@ -260,15 +380,17 @@ struct SegmentAccumulator {
Issues check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
float slice_z,
float print_z,
const LayerRegion *layer_region,
const EdgeGridWrapper &supported_grid,
WeightDistributionMatrix &weight_matrix,
const Params &params) {
Issues issues { };
if (entity->is_collection()) {
for (const auto *e : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(entity)->entities) {
issues.add(check_extrusion_entity_stability(e, slice_z, layer_region, supported_grid, params));
check_extrusion_entity_stability(e, print_z, layer_region, supported_grid, weight_matrix, params));
} else { //single extrusion path, with possible varying parameters
//prepare stack of points on the extrusion path. If there are long segments, additional points might be pushed onto the stack during the algorithm.
@ -282,12 +404,13 @@ Issues check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
// -> it prevents extruding perimeter start and short loops into air.
SegmentAccumulator curling_acc { };
const auto to_vec3f = [slice_z](const Point &point) {
const auto to_vec3f = [print_z](const Point &point) {
Vec2f tmp = unscale(point).cast<float>();
return Vec3f(tmp.x(), tmp.y(), slice_z);
return Vec3f(tmp.x(), tmp.y(), print_z);
Vec3f prev_fpoint = to_vec3f(; // prev point of the path. Initialize with first point.
Point prev_point =; // prev point of the path. Initialize with first point.
Vec3f prev_fpoint = to_vec3f(prev_point);
coordf_t flow_width = get_flow_width(layer_region, entity->role());
bool external_perimters_first = layer_region->region().config().external_perimeters_first;
const coordf_t max_allowed_dist_from_prev_layer = get_max_allowed_distance(entity->role(), flow_width,
@ -297,9 +420,11 @@ Issues check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
Point point =;
Vec2f tmp = unscale(point).cast<float>();
Vec3f fpoint = Vec3f(tmp.x(), tmp.y(), slice_z);
Vec3f fpoint = Vec3f(tmp.x(), tmp.y(), print_z);
float edge_len = (fpoint - prev_fpoint).norm();
weight_matrix.ditribute_edge_weight(prev_point, point, print_z, flow_width);
coordf_t dist_from_prev_layer { 0 };
if (!supported_grid.signed_distance(point, flow_width, dist_from_prev_layer)) { // dist from prev layer not found, assume empty layer
@ -344,6 +469,7 @@ Issues check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
prev_point = point;
prev_fpoint = fpoint;
if (!points.empty()) { //oversampling if necessary
@ -363,7 +489,8 @@ Issues check_extrusion_entity_stability(const ExtrusionEntity *entity,
return issues;
Issues check_layer_stability(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx, bool full_check, const Params &params) {
Issues check_layer_stability(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx, bool full_check,
WeightDistributionMatrix &weight_matrix, const Params &params) {
std::cout << "Checking: " << layer_idx << std::endl;
if (layer_idx == 0) {
// first layer is usually ok
@ -379,16 +506,16 @@ Issues check_layer_stability(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx, bool full_
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->perimeters.entities) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *perimeter : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
layer->slice_z, layer_region,
supported_grid, params));
layer->print_z, layer_region,
supported_grid, weight_matrix, params));
} // perimeter
} // ex_entity
for (const ExtrusionEntity *ex_entity : layer_region->fills.entities) {
for (const ExtrusionEntity *fill : static_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ex_entity)->entities) {
if (fill->role() == ExtrusionRole::erGapFill || fill->role() == ExtrusionRole::erBridgeInfill) {
layer->slice_z, layer_region,
supported_grid, params));
layer->print_z, layer_region,
supported_grid, weight_matrix, params));
} // fill
} // ex_entity
@ -401,8 +528,8 @@ Issues check_layer_stability(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx, bool full_
if (perimeter->role() == ExtrusionRole::erExternalPerimeter
|| perimeter->role() == ExtrusionRole::erOverhangPerimeter) {
layer->slice_z, layer_region,
supported_grid, params));
layer->print_z, layer_region,
supported_grid, weight_matrix, params));
}; // ex_perimeter
} // perimeter
} // ex_entity
@ -417,17 +544,28 @@ Issues check_layer_stability(const PrintObject *po, size_t layer_idx, bool full_
std::vector<size_t> quick_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
using namespace Impl;
WeightDistributionMatrix matrix { };
matrix.init(po, 0, po->layers().size());
std::mutex matrix_mutex;
size_t layer_count = po->layer_count();
std::vector<bool> layer_needs_supports(layer_count, false);
tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(1, layer_count),
[&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r) {
WeightDistributionMatrix weight_matrix { };
weight_matrix.init(po, r.begin(), r.end());
for (size_t layer_idx = r.begin(); layer_idx < r.end(); ++layer_idx) {
auto layer_issues = check_layer_stability(po, layer_idx,
false, params);
false, weight_matrix, params);
if (!layer_issues.supports_nedded.empty()) {
layer_needs_supports[layer_idx] = true;
std::vector<size_t> problematic_layers;
@ -442,19 +580,27 @@ std::vector<size_t> quick_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
Issues full_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
using namespace Impl;
WeightDistributionMatrix matrix { po, 0, po->layers().size() };
WeightDistributionMatrix matrix { };
matrix.init(po, 0, po->layers().size());
std::mutex matrix_mutex;
size_t layer_count = po->layer_count();
Issues found_issues = tbb::parallel_reduce(tbb::blocked_range<size_t>(1, layer_count), Issues { },
[&](tbb::blocked_range<size_t> r, const Issues &init) {
WeightDistributionMatrix weight_matrix { };
weight_matrix.init(po, r.begin(), r.end());
Issues issues = init;
for (size_t layer_idx = r.begin(); layer_idx < r.end(); ++layer_idx) {
auto layer_issues = check_layer_stability(po, layer_idx, true, params);
auto layer_issues = check_layer_stability(po, layer_idx, true, weight_matrix, params);
if (!layer_issues.empty()) {
return issues;
[](Issues left, const Issues &right) {
@ -463,6 +609,10 @@ Issues full_search(const PrintObject *po, const Params &params) {
Impl::debug_export(found_issues, "issues");