Merge branch 'lh_multi_material_segmentation_fix'

This commit is contained in:
Lukáš Hejl 2021-06-28 08:11:17 +02:00
commit f10ec4d21c
8 changed files with 160 additions and 110 deletions

View file

@ -4,20 +4,15 @@
#include "Layer.hpp"
#include "Print.hpp"
#include "VoronoiVisualUtils.hpp"
#include "MutablePolygon.hpp"
#include <utility>
#include <cfloat>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <boost/log/trivial.hpp>
#include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
#include <boost/geometry.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/point.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/geometries/segment.hpp>
#include <boost/geometry/index/rtree.hpp>
namespace Slic3r {
struct ColoredLine {
Line line;
@ -91,26 +86,35 @@ struct PaintedLineVisitor
// Called with a row and column of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line.
auto cell_data_range = grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix);
const Vec2d v1 = line_to_test.vector().cast<double>();
const double v1_sqr_norm = v1.squaredNorm();
const double heuristic_thr_part = line_to_test.length() + append_threshold;
for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++it_contour_and_segment) {
Line grid_line = grid.line(*it_contour_and_segment);
const Vec2d v2 = grid_line.vector().cast<double>();
double heuristic_thr_sqr = Slic3r::sqr(heuristic_thr_part + grid_line.length());
// An inexpensive heuristic to test whether line_to_test and grid_line can be somewhere close enough to each other.
// This helps filter out cases when the following expensive calculations are useless.
if ((grid_line.a - line_to_test.a).cast<double>().squaredNorm() > heuristic_thr_sqr ||
(grid_line.b - line_to_test.a).cast<double>().squaredNorm() > heuristic_thr_sqr ||
(grid_line.a - line_to_test.b).cast<double>().squaredNorm() > heuristic_thr_sqr ||
(grid_line.b - line_to_test.b).cast<double>().squaredNorm() > heuristic_thr_sqr)
// When lines have too different length, it is necessary to normalize them
if (Slic3r::sqr( > cos_threshold2 * v1.squaredNorm() * v2.squaredNorm()) {
if (Slic3r::sqr( > cos_threshold2 * v1_sqr_norm * v2.squaredNorm()) {
// The two vectors are nearly collinear (their mutual angle is lower than 30 degrees)
if (painted_lines_set.find(*it_contour_and_segment) == painted_lines_set.end()) {
double dist_1 = grid_line.distance_to(line_to_test.a);
double dist_2 = grid_line.distance_to(line_to_test.b);
double dist_3 = line_to_test.distance_to(grid_line.a);
double dist_4 = line_to_test.distance_to(grid_line.b);
double total_dist = std::min(std::min(dist_1, dist_2), std::min(dist_3, dist_4));
if (total_dist < 50 * SCALED_EPSILON) {
if (grid_line.distance_to_squared(line_to_test.a) < append_threshold2 ||
grid_line.distance_to_squared(line_to_test.b) < append_threshold2 ||
line_to_test.distance_to_squared(grid_line.a) < append_threshold2 ||
line_to_test.distance_to_squared(grid_line.b) < append_threshold2) {
Line line_to_test_projected;
project_line_on_line(grid_line, line_to_test, &line_to_test_projected);
if (Line(grid_line.a, line_to_test_projected.a).length() > Line(grid_line.a, line_to_test_projected.b).length()) {
if ((line_to_test_projected.a - grid_line.a).cast<double>().squaredNorm() > (line_to_test_projected.b - grid_line.a).cast<double>().squaredNorm())
painted_lines.push_back({it_contour_and_segment->first, it_contour_and_segment->second, line_to_test_projected, this->color});
@ -128,6 +132,8 @@ struct PaintedLineVisitor
int color = -1;
static inline const double cos_threshold2 = Slic3r::sqr(cos(M_PI * 30. / 180.));
static inline const double append_threshold = 50 * SCALED_EPSILON;
static inline const double append_threshold2 = Slic3r::sqr(append_threshold);
static std::vector<ColoredLine> to_colored_lines(const Polygon &polygon, int color)
@ -154,6 +160,7 @@ static Polygon colored_points_to_polygon(const std::vector<ColoredLine> &lines)
static Polygons colored_points_to_polygon(const std::vector<std::vector<ColoredLine>> &lines)
Polygons out;
for (const std::vector<ColoredLine> &l : lines)
return out;
@ -484,6 +491,12 @@ static std::vector<std::vector<ColoredLine>> colorize_polygons(const Polygons &p
using boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram;
static inline Point mk_point(const Voronoi::VD::vertex_type *point) { return Point(coord_t(point->x()), coord_t(point->y())); }
static inline Point mk_point(const Voronoi::Internal::point_type &point) { return Point(coord_t(point.x()), coord_t(point.y())); }
static inline Point mk_point(const voronoi_diagram<double>::vertex_type &point) { return Point(coord_t(point.x()), coord_t(point.y())); }
struct MMU_Graph
@ -616,23 +629,62 @@ struct MMU_Graph
return this->is_vertex_on_contour(edge_iterator->vertex0()) && this->is_vertex_on_contour(edge_iterator->vertex1());
// All Voronoi vertices are post-processes to merge very close vertices to single. Witch eliminates issues with intersection edges.
// Also, Voronoi vertices outside of the bounding of input polygons are throw away by marking them.
void append_voronoi_vertices(const Geometry::VoronoiDiagram &vd, const Polygons &color_poly_tmp, BoundingBox bbox) {
struct CPoint
CPoint() = delete;
CPoint(const Point &point, size_t contour_idx, size_t point_idx) : m_point(point), m_point_idx(point_idx), m_contour_idx(contour_idx) {}
CPoint(const Point &point, size_t point_idx) : m_point(point), m_point_idx(point_idx), m_contour_idx(0) {}
const Point m_point;
size_t m_point_idx;
size_t m_contour_idx;
[[nodiscard]] const Point &point() const { return m_point; }
bool operator==(const CPoint &rhs) const { return this->m_point == rhs.m_point && this->m_contour_idx == rhs.m_contour_idx && this->m_point_idx == rhs.m_point_idx; }
struct CPointAccessor { const Point* operator()(const CPoint &pt) const { return &pt.point(); }};
typedef ClosestPointInRadiusLookup<CPoint, CPointAccessor> CPointLookupType;
namespace bg = boost::geometry;
namespace bgm = boost::geometry::model;
namespace bgi = boost::geometry::index;
CPointLookupType closest_voronoi_point(3 * coord_t(SCALED_EPSILON));
CPointLookupType closest_contour_point(3 * coord_t(SCALED_EPSILON));
for (const Polygon &polygon : color_poly_tmp)
for (const Point &pt : polygon.points)
closest_contour_point.insert(CPoint(pt, &polygon - &color_poly_tmp.front(), &pt - &polygon.points.front()));
// float is needed because for coord_t bgi::intersects throws "bad numeric conversion: positive overflow"
using rtree_point_t = bgm::point<float, 2, boost::geometry::cs::cartesian>;
using rtree_t = bgi::rtree<std::pair<rtree_point_t, size_t>, bgi::rstar<16, 4>>;
for (const voronoi_diagram<double>::vertex_type &vertex : vd.vertices()) {
Point vertex_point = mk_point(vertex);
static inline rtree_point_t mk_rtree_point(const Point &pt) { return rtree_point_t(float(pt.x()), float(pt.y())); }
const Point &first_point = this->nodes[this->get_arc(vertex.incident_edge()->cell()->source_index()).from_idx].point;
const Point &second_point = this->nodes[this->get_arc(vertex.incident_edge()->twin()->cell()->source_index()).from_idx].point;
static inline Point mk_point(const Voronoi::VD::vertex_type *point) { return Point(coord_t(point->x()), coord_t(point->y())); }
static inline Point mk_point(const Voronoi::Internal::point_type &point) { return Point(coord_t(point.x()), coord_t(point.y())); }
static inline Point mk_point(const voronoi_diagram<double>::vertex_type &point) { return Point(coord_t(point.x()), coord_t(point.y())); }
if (vertex_equal_to_point(&vertex, first_point)) {
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->cell()->source_index());
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->twin()->cell()->source_index());
} else if (vertex_equal_to_point(&vertex, second_point)) {
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->cell()->source_index());
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->twin()->cell()->source_index());
} else if (bbox.contains(vertex_point)) {
if (auto [contour_pt, c_dist_sqr] = closest_contour_point.find(vertex_point); contour_pt != nullptr && c_dist_sqr < 3 * SCALED_EPSILON) {
vertex.color(this->get_global_index(contour_pt->m_contour_idx, contour_pt->m_point_idx));
} else if (auto [voronoi_pt, v_dist_sqr] = closest_voronoi_point.find(vertex_point); voronoi_pt == nullptr || v_dist_sqr >= 3 * SCALED_EPSILON) {
closest_voronoi_point.insert(CPoint(vertex_point, this->nodes_count()));
} else {
static inline void mark_processed(const voronoi_diagram<double>::const_edge_iterator &edge_iterator)
@ -695,7 +747,7 @@ static MMU_Graph build_graph(size_t layer_idx, const std::vector<std::vector<Col
Geometry::VoronoiDiagram vd;
std::vector<ColoredLine> lines_colored = to_lines(color_poly);
Polygons color_poly_tmp = colored_points_to_polygon(color_poly);
const Polygons color_poly_tmp = colored_points_to_polygon(color_poly);
const Points points = to_points(color_poly_tmp);
const Lines lines = to_lines(color_poly_tmp);
@ -719,6 +771,7 @@ static MMU_Graph build_graph(size_t layer_idx, const std::vector<std::vector<Col
boost::polygon::construct_voronoi(lines_colored.begin(), lines_colored.end(), &vd);
MMU_Graph graph;
graph.nodes.reserve(points.size() + vd.vertices().size());
for (const Point &point : points)
@ -726,66 +779,8 @@ static MMU_Graph build_graph(size_t layer_idx, const std::vector<std::vector<Col
init_polygon_indices(graph, color_poly, lines_colored);
assert(graph.nodes.size() == lines_colored.size());
// All Voronoi vertices are post-processes to merge very close vertices to single. Witch Eliminates issues with intersection edges.
// Also, Voronoi vertices outside of the bounding of input polygons are throw away by marking them.
auto append_voronoi_vertices_to_graph = [&graph, &color_poly_tmp, &vd]() -> void {
auto is_equal_points = [](const Point &p1, const Point &p2) { return p1 == p2 || (p1 - p2).cast<double>().norm() <= 3 * SCALED_EPSILON; };
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(color_poly_tmp);
// EdgeGrid is used for vertices near to contour and rtree for other vertices
// FIXME Lukas H.: Get rid of EdgeGrid and rtree. Use only one structure for both cases.
EdgeGrid::Grid grid;
grid.create(color_poly_tmp, coord_t(scale_(10.)));
rtree_t rtree;
for (const voronoi_diagram<double>::vertex_type &vertex : vd.vertices()) {
Point vertex_point = mk_point(vertex);
const Point &first_point = graph.nodes[graph.get_arc(vertex.incident_edge()->cell()->source_index()).from_idx].point;
const Point &second_point = graph.nodes[graph.get_arc(vertex.incident_edge()->twin()->cell()->source_index()).from_idx].point;
if (vertex_equal_to_point(&vertex, first_point)) {
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->cell()->source_index());
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->twin()->cell()->source_index());
} else if (vertex_equal_to_point(&vertex, second_point)) {
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->cell()->source_index());
assert(vertex.color() != vertex.incident_edge()->twin()->cell()->source_index());
} else if (bbox.contains(vertex_point)) {
EdgeGrid::Grid::ClosestPointResult cp = grid.closest_point_signed_distance(vertex_point, coord_t(3 * SCALED_EPSILON));
if (cp.valid()) {
size_t global_idx = graph.get_global_index(cp.contour_idx, cp.start_point_idx);
size_t global_idx_next = graph.get_global_index(cp.contour_idx, (cp.start_point_idx + 1) % color_poly_tmp[cp.contour_idx].points.size());
vertex.color(is_equal_points(vertex_point, graph.nodes[global_idx].point) ? global_idx : global_idx_next);
} else {
if (rtree.empty()) {
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(mk_rtree_point(vertex_point), graph.nodes_count()));
} else {
std::vector<std::pair<rtree_point_t, size_t>> closest;
rtree.query(bgi::nearest(mk_rtree_point(vertex_point), 1), std::back_inserter(closest));
rtree_point_t r_point = closest.front().first;
Point closest_p(bg::get<0>(r_point), bg::get<1>(r_point));
if (Line(vertex_point, closest_p).length() > 3 * SCALED_EPSILON) {
rtree.insert(std::make_pair(mk_rtree_point(vertex_point), graph.nodes_count()));
} else {
graph.append_voronoi_vertices(vd, color_poly_tmp, bbox);
auto get_prev_contour_line = [&lines_colored, &color_poly, &graph](const voronoi_diagram<double>::const_edge_iterator &edge_it) -> ColoredLine {
size_t contour_line_local_idx = lines_colored[edge_it->cell()->source_index()].local_line_idx;
@ -803,7 +798,6 @@ static MMU_Graph build_graph(size_t layer_idx, const std::vector<std::vector<Col
return lines_colored[contour_next_idx];
BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(color_poly_tmp);
const double bbox_dim_max = double(std::max(bbox.size().x(), bbox.size().y()));
@ -1428,7 +1422,7 @@ std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<ExPolygon, size_t>>> multi_material_segmentati
// All expolygons are expanded by SCALED_EPSILON, merged, and then shrunk again by SCALED_EPSILON
// to ensure that very close polygons will be merged.
ex_polygons = union_ex(ex_polygons);
// Remove all expolygons and holes with an area less than 0.01mm^2
// Remove all expolygons and holes with an area less than 0.1mm^2
remove_small_and_small_holes(ex_polygons, Slic3r::sqr(scale_(0.1f)));
// Occasionally, some input polygons contained self-intersections that caused problems with Voronoi diagrams
// and consequently with the extraction of colored segments by function extract_colored_segments.
@ -1437,7 +1431,7 @@ std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<ExPolygon, size_t>>> multi_material_segmentati
// Such close points sometimes caused that the Voronoi diagram has self-intersecting edges around these vertices.
// This consequently leads to issues with the extraction of colored segments by function extract_colored_segments.
// Calling expolygons_simplify fixed these issues.
input_expolygons[layer_idx] = simplify_polygons_ex(to_polygons(expolygons_simplify(offset_ex(ex_polygons, float(-10 * SCALED_EPSILON)), 5 * SCALED_EPSILON)));
input_expolygons[layer_idx] = smooth_outward(expolygons_simplify(offset_ex(ex_polygons, -10.f * float(SCALED_EPSILON)), 5 * SCALED_EPSILON), 10 * coord_t(SCALED_EPSILON));
input_polygons[layer_idx] = to_polygons(input_expolygons[layer_idx]);
}); // end of parallel_for
@ -1445,11 +1439,11 @@ std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<ExPolygon, size_t>>> multi_material_segmentati
for (size_t layer_idx = 0; layer_idx < layers.size(); ++layer_idx) {
BoundingBox bbox(get_extents(input_expolygons[layer_idx]));
BoundingBox bbox(get_extents(input_polygons[layer_idx]));
// Projected triangles may slightly exceed the input polygons.
bbox.offset(20 * SCALED_EPSILON);
edge_grids[layer_idx].create(input_expolygons[layer_idx], coord_t(scale_(10.)));
edge_grids[layer_idx].create(input_polygons[layer_idx], coord_t(scale_(10.)));
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "MMU segmentation - projection of painted triangles - begin";
@ -1498,7 +1492,7 @@ std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<ExPolygon, size_t>>> multi_material_segmentati
// [P0, P2] a [P0, P1]
float t1 = (float(layer->slice_z) - facet[0].z()) / (facet[1].z() - facet[0].z());
line_end_f = facet[0] + t1 * (facet[1] - facet[0]);
} else if (facet[1].z() <= layer->slice_z) {
} else {
// [P0, P2] a [P1, P2]
float t2 = (float(layer->slice_z) - facet[1].z()) / (facet[2].z() - facet[1].z());
line_end_f = facet[1] + t2 * (facet[2] - facet[1]);

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include "Point.hpp"
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
@ -330,6 +331,24 @@ inline Polygons smooth_outward(Polygons polygons, coord_t clip_dist_scaled)
return polygons;
inline ExPolygons smooth_outward(ExPolygons expolygons, coord_t clip_dist_scaled)
MutablePolygon mp;
for (ExPolygon &expolygon : expolygons) {
mp.assign(expolygon.contour, expolygon.contour.size() * 2);
smooth_outward(mp, clip_dist_scaled);
for (Polygon &hole : expolygon.holes) {
mp.assign(hole, hole.size() * 2);
smooth_outward(mp, clip_dist_scaled);
expolygon.holes.erase(std::remove_if(expolygon.holes.begin(), expolygon.holes.end(), [](const auto &p) { return p.empty(); }), expolygon.holes.end());
expolygons.erase(std::remove_if(expolygons.begin(), expolygons.end(), [](const auto &p) { return p.empty(); }), expolygons.end());
return expolygons;
#endif // slic3r_MutablePolygon_hpp_

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ void GLGizmoFdmSupports::on_shutdown()
m_angle_threshold_deg = 0.f;

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "slic3r/GUI/BitmapCache.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/format.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/GUI_ObjectList.hpp"
#include "slic3r/GUI/NotificationManager.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp"
#include "libslic3r/Model.hpp"
@ -16,9 +17,26 @@
namespace Slic3r::GUI {
static inline void show_notification_extruders_limit_exceeded()
->push_notification(NotificationType::MmSegmentationExceededExtrudersLimit, NotificationManager::NotificationLevel::RegularNotification,
GUI::format(_L("Your printer has more extruders than the multi-material painting gizmo supports. For this reason, only the "
"first %1% extruders will be able to be used for painting."), GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::EXTRUDERS_LIMIT));
void GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::on_opening()
if (wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt() > int(GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::EXTRUDERS_LIMIT))
void GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::on_shutdown()
std::string GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::on_get_name() const
@ -131,6 +149,9 @@ void GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::set_painter_gizmo_data(const Selection &selection)
ModelObject *model_object = m_c->selection_info()->model_object();
int prev_extruders_count = int(m_original_extruders_colors.size());
if (prev_extruders_count != wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt() || get_extruders_colors() != m_original_extruders_colors) {
if (wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt() > int(GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::EXTRUDERS_LIMIT))
// Reinitialize triangle selectors because of change of extruder count need also change the size of GLIndexedVertexArray
if (prev_extruders_count != wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt())
@ -157,7 +178,7 @@ static void render_extruders_combo(const std::string &labe
ImVec2 combo_pos = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();
if (ImGui::BeginCombo(label.c_str(), "")) {
for (size_t extruder_idx = 0; extruder_idx < extruders.size(); ++extruder_idx) {
for (size_t extruder_idx = 0; extruder_idx < std::min(extruders.size(), GLGizmoMmuSegmentation::EXTRUDERS_LIMIT); ++extruder_idx) {
ImVec2 start_position = ImGui::GetCursorScreenPos();

View file

@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ public:
void set_painter_gizmo_data(const Selection& selection) override;
// TriangleSelector::serialization/deserialization has a limit to store 19 different states.
// EXTRUDER_LIMIT + 1 states are used to storing the painting because also uncolored triangles are stored.
// When increasing EXTRUDER_LIMIT, it needs to ensure that TriangleSelector::serialization/deserialization
// will be also extended to support additional states, requiring at least one state to remain free out of 19 states.
static const constexpr size_t EXTRUDERS_LIMIT = 16;
std::array<float, 4> get_cursor_sphere_left_button_color() const override;
std::array<float, 4> get_cursor_sphere_right_button_color() const override;
@ -63,7 +69,7 @@ private:
void update_model_object() const override;
void update_from_model_object() override;
void on_opening() override {}
void on_opening() override;
void on_shutdown() override;
PainterGizmoType get_painter_type() const override;

View file

@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ namespace Slic3r::GUI {
void GLGizmoSeam::on_shutdown()
bool GLGizmoSeam::on_init()
m_shortcut_key = WXK_CONTROL_P;

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ private:
void update_from_model_object() override;
void on_opening() override {}
void on_shutdown() override {}
void on_shutdown() override;
// This map holds all translated description texts, so they can be easily referenced during layout calculations
// etc. When language changes, GUI is recreated and this class constructed again, so the change takes effect.

View file

@ -87,7 +87,9 @@ enum class NotificationType
// Notification that a printer has more extruders than are supported by MM Gizmo/segmentation.