basic implementation should be complete, bugs not fixed, last iteration copied
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 126 additions and 18 deletions
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
#include "libslic3r/ClipperUtils.hpp"
#include "Geometry/ConvexHull.hpp"
//#define DEBUG_FILES
#include <boost/nowide/cstdio.hpp>
@ -508,8 +508,10 @@ void check_global_stability(
Issues& issues,
const Params& params
) {
// vector of islands, where each contains vector of line indices (to layer_lines vector)
// basically reverse of line_to_island_mapping
std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> islands_lines(islands_graph.back().islands.size());
for (int lidx = 0; lidx < layer_lines.size(); ++lidx) {
for (size_t lidx = 0; lidx < layer_lines.size(); ++lidx) {
if (layer_lines[lidx].origin_entity->role() == erExternalPerimeter) {
@ -517,46 +519,56 @@ void check_global_stability(
using Accumulator = Island;
// islands_graph.back() refers to the top most (currently) layer
for (size_t island_idx = 0; island_idx < islands_graph.back().islands.size(); ++island_idx) {
Island& island = islands_graph.back().islands[island_idx];
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> island_external_lines;
std::vector<ExtrusionLine> island_external_lines; //TODO currently not external but all
for (size_t lidx : islands_lines[island_idx]) {
LinesDistancer island_lines_dist(island_external_lines);
Accumulator acc = island;
Accumulator acc = island; // in acc, we accumulate the mass and other properties of the object part as we traverse the islands down to bed
// There is one object part for each island at the top most layer, and each one is computed individually -
// Some of the calculations will be done mutliple times
int layer_idx = islands_graph.size() -1;
// traverse the islands graph down, and for each connection area, calculate if it holds or breaks
while (acc.islands_under_with_connection_area.size() > 0) {
//TEST for break between layer_idx and layer_idx -1;
LayerIslands below = islands_graph[layer_idx-1];
//test for break between layer_idx and layer_idx -1;
LayerIslands below = islands_graph[layer_idx-1]; // must exist, see while condition
// initialize variables that we will accumulate over all islands, which are connected to the current object part
std::vector<Vec2f> pivot_points;
Vec2f sticking_centroid;
float connection_area = 0;
for (const auto& pair : acc.islands_under_with_connection_area) {
const Island& below_i = below.islands[pair.first];
Vec2f centroid = (below_i.volume_centroid_accumulator / below_i.volume).head<2>();
sticking_centroid += centroid * pair.second;
Vec2f centroid = (below_i.volume_centroid_accumulator / below_i.volume).head<2>(); // centroid of the island 'below_i'; TODO it should be centroid of the connection area
pivot_points.push_back(centroid); // for object parts, we also consider breaking pivots in the centroids of the islands
sticking_centroid += centroid * pair.second; // pair.second is connection area in mm^2
connection_area += pair.second;
sticking_centroid /= connection_area; //normalize to get final sticking centroid
for (const Vec3f& p_point: acc.pivot_points){
// Now we have accumulated pivot points, connection area and sticking centroid of the whole layer to the current object part
sticking_centroid /= connection_area;
// create KD tree over current pivot points
auto coord_fn = [&pivot_points](size_t idx, size_t dim) {
return pivot_points[idx][dim];
KDTreeIndirect<2, float, decltype(coord_fn)> supports_tree(coord_fn, pivot_points.size());
KDTreeIndirect<2, float, decltype(coord_fn)> pivot_points_tree(coord_fn, pivot_points.size());
// iterate over extrusions at top layer island, check each for stability
for (const ExtrusionLine& line : island_external_lines){
Vec2f line_dir = (line.b - line.a).normalized();
Vec2f pivot_site_search_point = line.b + line_dir * 300.0f;
size_t pivot_idx = find_closest_point(supports_tree, pivot_site_search_point);
size_t pivot_idx = find_closest_point(pivot_points_tree, pivot_site_search_point);
const Vec2f &pivot = pivot_points[pivot_idx];
float sticking_arm = (pivot - sticking_centroid).norm();
float sticking_torque = sticking_arm * connection_area * params.tensile_strength;
float sticking_torque = sticking_arm * connection_area * params.tensile_strength; // For breakage in between layers, we compute with tensile strength, not bed adhesion
float mass = acc.volume * params.filament_density;
const Vec3f &mass_centorid = acc.volume_centroid_accumulator / acc.volume;
@ -618,9 +630,102 @@ void check_global_stability(
//TODO add stuf to accumulator
std::unordered_map<size_t, float> tmp = acc.islands_under_with_connection_area;
// finally, add gathered islands to accumulator, and continue down to next layer
for (const auto& pair : tmp) {
const Island& below_i = below.islands[pair.first];
for (const auto& below_islands : below_i.islands_under_with_connection_area) {
acc.islands_under_with_connection_area[below_islands.first] += below_islands.second;
for (const Vec3f& pivot_p : below_i.pivot_points) {
acc.sticking_centroid_accumulator += below_i.sticking_centroid_accumulator;
acc.sticking_force += below_i.sticking_force;
acc.volume += below_i.volume;
acc.volume_centroid_accumulator += below_i.volume_centroid_accumulator;
// We have arrived to the bed level, now check for stability of the object part on the bed
std::vector<Vec2f> pivot_points;
for (const Vec3f& p_point: acc.pivot_points){
auto coord_fn = [&pivot_points](size_t idx, size_t dim) {
return pivot_points[idx][dim];
KDTreeIndirect<2, float, decltype(coord_fn)> pivot_points_tree(coord_fn, pivot_points.size());
for (const ExtrusionLine &line : island_external_lines) {
Vec2f line_dir = (line.b - line.a).normalized();
Vec2f pivot_site_search_point = line.b + line_dir * 300.0f;
size_t pivot_idx = find_closest_point(pivot_points_tree, pivot_site_search_point);
const Vec2f &pivot = pivot_points[pivot_idx];
const Vec2f &sticking_centroid = acc.sticking_centroid_accumulator.head<2>() / acc.sticking_force;
float sticking_arm = (pivot - sticking_centroid).norm();
float sticking_torque = sticking_arm * acc.sticking_force;
float mass = acc.volume * params.filament_density;
const Vec3f &mass_centorid = acc.volume_centroid_accumulator / acc.volume;
float weight = mass * params.gravity_constant;
float weight_arm = (pivot - mass_centorid.head<2>()).norm();
float weight_torque = weight_arm * weight;
float bed_movement_arm = mass_centorid.z();
float bed_movement_force = params.max_acceleration * mass;
float bed_movement_torque = bed_movement_force * bed_movement_arm;
Vec3f extruder_pressure_direction = to_3d(line_dir, 0.0f);
extruder_pressure_direction.z() = -0.2 - line.malformation * 0.5;
float conflict_torque_arm = (to_3d(Vec2f(pivot - line.b), print_z).cross(
float extruder_conflict_force = params.tolerable_extruder_conflict_force +
std::min(line.malformation, 1.0f) * params.malformations_additive_conflict_extruder_force;
float extruder_conflict_torque = extruder_conflict_force * conflict_torque_arm;
float total_torque = bed_movement_torque + extruder_conflict_torque - weight_torque - sticking_torque;
if (total_torque > 0) {
Vec2f target_point;
size_t _idx;
island_lines_dist.signed_distance_from_lines(pivot_site_search_point, _idx, target_point);
// if (!supports_presence_grid.position_taken(to_3d(target_point, print_z))) {
float area = params.support_points_interface_radius * params.support_points_interface_radius
* float(PI);
float sticking_force = area * params.support_adhesion;
Vec3f support_point = to_3d(target_point, print_z);
island.sticking_force += sticking_force;
island.sticking_centroid_accumulator += sticking_force*support_point;
extruder_conflict_torque - sticking_torque, extruder_pressure_direction);
// supports_presence_grid.take_position(to_3d(target_point, print_z));
// }
#if 0
<< "SSG: sticking_arm: " << sticking_arm;
<< "SSG: sticking_torque: " << sticking_torque;
<< "SSG: weight_arm: " << sticking_arm;
<< "SSG: weight_torque: " << weight_torque;
<< "SSG: bed_movement_arm: " << bed_movement_arm;
<< "SSG: bed_movement_torque: " << bed_movement_torque;
<< "SSG: conflict_torque_arm: " << conflict_torque_arm;
<< "SSG: extruder_conflict_torque: " << extruder_conflict_torque;
<< "SSG: total_torque: " << total_torque << " printz: " << print_z;
@ -735,6 +840,9 @@ Issues check_object_stability(const PrintObject *po, const Params ¶ms) {
auto [layer_islands, layer_grid, line_to_island_mapping] = reckon_islands(layer, true, 0, prev_layer_grid,
layer_lines, params);
check_global_stability(layer->print_z, islands_graph, layer_lines, line_to_island_mapping, issues, params);
for (size_t x = 0; x < size_t(layer_grid.get_pixel_count().x()); ++x) {
for (size_t y = 0; y < size_t(layer_grid.get_pixel_count().y()); ++y) {
Add table
Reference in a new issue