Disabled the new Slic3r version check until we have a server set up
for the Slic3r Prusa Edition. Hopefully a fix of https://github.com/prusa3d/Slic3r/issues/258 by moving the 2D thumbnail generation to the main thread and forcing the simple 2D convex hull for even the small objects.
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 118 additions and 136 deletions
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ our $medium_font = Wx::SystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
our $grey = Wx::Colour->new(200,200,200);
our $VERSION_CHECK_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
#our $VERSION_CHECK_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
our $DLP_projection_screen;
@ -181,10 +181,10 @@ sub OnInit {
$self->{mainframe}->config_wizard if $run_wizard;
if $self->have_version_check
&& ($Settings->{_}{version_check} // 1)
&& (!$Settings->{_}{last_version_check} || (time - $Settings->{_}{last_version_check}) >= 86400);
# $self->check_version
# if $self->have_version_check
# && ($Settings->{_}{version_check} // 1)
# && (!$Settings->{_}{last_version_check} || (time - $Settings->{_}{last_version_check}) >= 86400);
EVT_IDLE($frame, sub {
while (my $cb = shift @cb) {
@ -192,24 +192,24 @@ sub OnInit {
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($success, $response, $manual_check) = @{$event->GetData};
if ($success) {
if ($response =~ /^obsolete ?= ?([a-z0-9.-]+,)*\Q$Slic3r::VERSION\E(?:,|$)/) {
my $res = Wx::MessageDialog->new(undef, "A new version is available. Do you want to open the Slic3r website now?",
Wx::LaunchDefaultBrowser('http://slic3r.org/') if $res == wxID_YES;
} else {
Slic3r::GUI::show_info(undef, "You're using the latest version. No updates are available.") if $manual_check;
$Settings->{_}{last_version_check} = time();
} else {
Slic3r::GUI::show_error(undef, "Failed to check for updates. Try later.") if $manual_check;
# my ($self, $event) = @_;
# my ($success, $response, $manual_check) = @{$event->GetData};
# if ($success) {
# if ($response =~ /^obsolete ?= ?([a-z0-9.-]+,)*\Q$Slic3r::VERSION\E(?:,|$)/) {
# my $res = Wx::MessageDialog->new(undef, "A new version is available. Do you want to open the Slic3r website now?",
# 'Update', wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxYES_DEFAULT | wxICON_INFORMATION | wxICON_ERROR)->ShowModal;
# Wx::LaunchDefaultBrowser('http://slic3r.org/') if $res == wxID_YES;
# } else {
# Slic3r::GUI::show_info(undef, "You're using the latest version. No updates are available.") if $manual_check;
# }
# $Settings->{_}{last_version_check} = time();
# $self->save_settings;
# } else {
# Slic3r::GUI::show_error(undef, "Failed to check for updates. Try later.") if $manual_check;
# }
# });
return 1;
@ -331,28 +331,28 @@ sub presets {
return %presets;
sub have_version_check {
my ($self) = @_;
# return an explicit 0
return ($Slic3r::have_threads && $Slic3r::build && $have_LWP) || 0;
#sub have_version_check {
# my ($self) = @_;
# # return an explicit 0
# return ($Slic3r::have_threads && $Slic3r::build && $have_LWP) || 0;
sub check_version {
my ($self, $manual_check) = @_;
Slic3r::debugf "Checking for updates...\n";
@_ = ();
threads->create(sub {
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $response = $ua->get('http://slic3r.org/updatecheck');
Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $VERSION_CHECK_EVENT,
threads::shared::shared_clone([ $response->is_success, $response->decoded_content, $manual_check ])));
#sub check_version {
# my ($self, $manual_check) = @_;
# Slic3r::debugf "Checking for updates...\n";
# @_ = ();
# threads->create(sub {
# my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
# $ua->timeout(10);
# my $response = $ua->get('http://slic3r.org/updatecheck');
# Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $VERSION_CHECK_EVENT,
# threads::shared::shared_clone([ $response->is_success, $response->decoded_content, $manual_check ])));
# Slic3r::thread_cleanup();
# })->detach;
sub output_path {
my ($self, $dir) = @_;
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ use constant TB_SETTINGS => &Wx::NewId;
use constant TB_LAYER_EDITING => &Wx::NewId;
# package variables to avoid passing lexicals to threads
our $THUMBNAIL_DONE_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
our $PROGRESS_BAR_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
our $ERROR_EVENT : shared = Wx::NewEventType;
# Emitted from the worker thread when the G-code export is finished.
@ -307,14 +306,6 @@ sub new {
for grep defined($_),
$self, $self->{canvas}, $self->{canvas3D}, $self->{preview3D}, $self->{list};
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($obj_idx) = @{$event->GetData};
return if !$self->{objects}[$obj_idx]; # object was deleted before thumbnail generation completed
my ($self, $event) = @_;
my ($percent, $message) = @{$event->GetData};
@ -803,7 +794,7 @@ sub load_model_objects {
$self->{list}->SetItem($obj_idx, 1, $model_object->instances_count);
$self->{list}->SetItem($obj_idx, 2, ($model_object->instances->[0]->scaling_factor * 100) . "%");
$self->arrange if $need_arrange;
@ -988,10 +979,7 @@ sub rotate {
my $model_object = $self->{model}->objects->[$obj_idx];
my $model_instance = $model_object->instances->[0];
# we need thumbnail to be computed before allowing rotation
return if !$object->thumbnail;
if (!defined $angle) {
my $axis_name = $axis == X ? 'X' : $axis == Y ? 'Y' : 'Z';
my $default = $axis == Z ? rad2deg($model_instance->rotation) : 0;
@ -1016,7 +1004,7 @@ sub rotate {
# realign object to Z = 0
@ -1048,7 +1036,7 @@ sub mirror {
# realign object to Z = 0
# update print and start background processing
@ -1068,9 +1056,6 @@ sub changescale {
my $model_object = $self->{model}->objects->[$obj_idx];
my $model_instance = $model_object->instances->[0];
# we need thumbnail to be computed before allowing scaling
return if !$object->thumbnail;
my $object_size = $model_object->bounding_box->size;
my $bed_size = Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale(@{$self->{config}->bed_shape})->bounding_box->size;
@ -1101,7 +1086,7 @@ sub changescale {
#FIXME Scale the layer height profile when $axis == Z?
#FIXME Scale the layer height ranges $axis == Z?
# object was already aligned to Z = 0, so no need to realign it
} else {
my $scale;
if ($tosize) {
@ -1621,12 +1606,6 @@ sub reload_from_disk {
# Trigger thumbnail generation again, because the remove() method altered
# object indexes before background thumbnail generation called its completion
# event, so the on_thumbnail_made callback is called with the wrong $obj_idx.
# When porting to C++ we'll probably have cleaner ways to do this.
$self->make_thumbnail($_-1) for @new_obj_idx;
sub export_object_stl {
@ -1674,36 +1653,9 @@ sub _get_export_file {
return $output_file;
sub make_thumbnail {
my $self = shift;
my ($obj_idx) = @_;
my $plater_object = $self->{objects}[$obj_idx];
my $cb = sub {
$plater_object->make_thumbnail($self->{model}, $obj_idx);
if ($Slic3r::have_threads) {
Wx::PostEvent($self, Wx::PlThreadEvent->new(-1, $THUMBNAIL_DONE_EVENT, shared_clone([ $obj_idx ])));
} else {
@_ = ();
? threads->create(sub { $cb->(); Slic3r::thread_cleanup(); })->detach
: $cb->();
sub on_thumbnail_made {
my $self = shift;
my ($obj_idx) = @_;
$self->{objects}[$obj_idx]->transform_thumbnail($self->{model}, $obj_idx);
sub reset_thumbnail {
my ($self, $obj_idx) = @_;
# this method gets called whenever print center is changed or the objects' bounding box changes
@ -1727,7 +1679,8 @@ sub update {
} else {
$self->{canvas}->reload_scene if $self->{canvas};
$self->{canvas3D}->reload_scene if $self->{canvas3D};
$self->{preview3D}->reload_print if $self->{preview3D};
@ -1942,7 +1895,7 @@ sub object_settings_dialog {
if ($dlg->PartsChanged) {
# recenter and re-align to Z = 0
# update print
@ -1950,6 +1903,7 @@ sub object_settings_dialog {
$self->{canvas}->reload_scene if $self->{canvas};
$self->{canvas3D}->reload_scene if $self->{canvas3D};
} else {
@ -2245,18 +2199,19 @@ sub make_thumbnail {
my $mesh = $model->objects->[$obj_idx]->raw_mesh;
if ($mesh->facets_count <= 5000) {
# remove polygons with area <= 1mm
my $area_threshold = Slic3r::Geometry::scale 1;
grep $_->area >= $area_threshold,
@{ $mesh->horizontal_projection }, # horizontal_projection returns scaled expolygons
} else {
#FIXME The "correct" variant could be extremely slow.
# if ($mesh->facets_count <= 5000) {
# # remove polygons with area <= 1mm
# my $area_threshold = Slic3r::Geometry::scale 1;
# $self->thumbnail->append(
# grep $_->area >= $area_threshold,
# @{ $mesh->horizontal_projection }, # horizontal_projection returns scaled expolygons
# );
# $self->thumbnail->simplify(0.5);
# } else {
my $convex_hull = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new($mesh->convex_hull);
# }
return $self->thumbnail;
@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ use Wx qw(:misc :pen :brush :sizer :font :cursor wxTAB_TRAVERSAL);
use base 'Wx::Panel';
use constant CANVAS_TEXT => join('-', +(localtime)[3,4]) eq '13-8'
? 'What do you want to print today? ™' # Sept. 13, 2006. The first part ever printed by a RepRap to make another RepRap.
: 'Drag your objects here';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my ($parent, $size, $objects, $model, $config) = @_;
@ -128,7 +124,11 @@ sub repaint {
if (!@{$self->{objects}}) {
$dc->SetFont(Wx::Font->new(14, wxDEFAULT, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL));
$dc->DrawLabel(CANVAS_TEXT, Wx::Rect->new(0, 0, $self->GetSize->GetWidth, $self->GetSize->GetHeight), wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
join('-', +(localtime)[3,4]) eq '13-8'
? 'What do you want to print today? ™' # Sept. 13, 2006. The first part ever printed by a RepRap to make another RepRap.
: 'Drag your objects here',
Wx::Rect->new(0, 0, $self->GetSize->GetWidth, $self->GetSize->GetHeight), wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL);
# draw thumbnails
@ -340,4 +340,32 @@ sub point_to_model_units {
sub reload_scene {
my ($self, $force) = @_;
if (! $self->IsShown && ! $force) {
$self->{reload_delayed} = 1;
$self->{reload_delayed} = 0;
foreach my $obj_idx (0..$#{$self->{model}->objects}) {
my $plater_object = $self->{objects}[$obj_idx];
next if $plater_object->thumbnail;
# The thumbnail is not valid, update it with a convex hull of an object.
$plater_object->make_thumbnail($self->{model}, $obj_idx);
$plater_object->transform_thumbnail($self->{model}, $obj_idx);
# Called by the Platter wxNotebook when this page is activated.
sub OnActivate {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->reload_scene(1) if ($self->{reload_delayed});
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ sub new {
default => $Slic3r::GUI::Settings->{_}{mode},
width => 100,
opt_id => 'version_check',
type => 'bool',
label => 'Check for updates',
tooltip => 'If this is enabled, Slic3r will check for updates daily and display a reminder if a newer version is available.',
default => $Slic3r::GUI::Settings->{_}{version_check} // 1,
readonly => !wxTheApp->have_version_check,
# $optgroup->append_single_option_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new(
# opt_id => 'version_check',
# type => 'bool',
# label => 'Check for updates',
# tooltip => 'If this is enabled, Slic3r will check for updates daily and display a reminder if a newer version is available.',
# default => $Slic3r::GUI::Settings->{_}{version_check} // 1,
# readonly => !wxTheApp->have_version_check,
# ));
opt_id => 'remember_output_path',
type => 'bool',
@ -492,9 +492,9 @@ TriangleMesh::merge(const TriangleMesh &mesh)
/* this will return scaled ExPolygons */
TriangleMesh::horizontal_projection() const
// Calculate projection of the mesh into the XY plane, in scaled coordinates.
//FIXME This could be extremely slow! Use it for tiny meshes only!
ExPolygons TriangleMesh::horizontal_projection() const
Polygons pp;
@ -502,26 +502,25 @@ TriangleMesh::horizontal_projection() const
stl_facet* facet = &this->stl.facet_start[i];
Polygon p;
p.points[0] = Point(facet->vertex[0].x / SCALING_FACTOR, facet->vertex[0].y / SCALING_FACTOR);
p.points[1] = Point(facet->vertex[1].x / SCALING_FACTOR, facet->vertex[1].y / SCALING_FACTOR);
p.points[2] = Point(facet->vertex[2].x / SCALING_FACTOR, facet->vertex[2].y / SCALING_FACTOR);
p.points[0] = Point::new_scale(facet->vertex[0].x, facet->vertex[0].y);
p.points[1] = Point::new_scale(facet->vertex[1].x, facet->vertex[1].y);
p.points[2] = Point::new_scale(facet->vertex[2].x, facet->vertex[2].y);
p.make_counter_clockwise(); // do this after scaling, as winding order might change while doing that
// the offset factor was tuned using groovemount.stl
return union_ex(offset(pp, 0.01 / SCALING_FACTOR), true);
return union_ex(offset(pp, scale_(0.01)), true);
Polygon TriangleMesh::convex_hull()
Points pp;
for (int i = 0; i < this->stl.stats.shared_vertices; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < this->stl.stats.shared_vertices; ++ i) {
stl_vertex* v = &this->stl.v_shared[i];
pp.push_back(Point(v->x / SCALING_FACTOR, v->y / SCALING_FACTOR));
pp.emplace_back(Point::new_scale(v->x, v->y));
return Slic3r::Geometry::convex_hull(pp);
Add table
Reference in a new issue