Change Text property after move over surface when world size is changed(re-create text volume).

NOTE: Not intuitive during dragging.
This commit is contained in:
Filip Sykala - NTB T15p 2023-02-14 16:06:59 +01:00
parent 88af7762fc
commit f42ae64277
2 changed files with 290 additions and 66 deletions

View file

@ -467,21 +467,20 @@ Vec2d priv::calc_mouse_to_center_text_offset(const Vec2d& mouse, const ModelVolu
} }
return nearest_offset; return nearest_offset;
} }
namespace priv {
static bool allign_z(const Vec3d &z_t, Transform3d &rotate) namespace priv {
static bool allign_vec(const Vec3d &z_f, const Vec3d &z_t, Transform3d &rotate)
{ {
// Transformed unit vector Z direction (f)rom, (t)o Vec3d z_f_norm = z_f.normalized();
const Vec3d& z_f = Vec3d::UnitZ(); Vec3d z_t_norm = z_t.normalized();
Vec3d z_t_norm = z_t.normalized(); double cos_angle =;
double cos_angle =;
// Calculate rotation of Z-vectors from current to wanted position // Calculate rotation of Z-vectors from current to wanted position
rotate = Transform3d::Identity(); rotate = Transform3d::Identity();
if (cos_angle == 0.) { if (cos_angle == 0.) {
// check that direction is not same // check that direction is not same
if (z_t_norm.z() > 0.) if (z_t_norm.z() > 0.)
return false; return false;
// opposit direction of z_t and z_f (a.k.a. angle 180 DEG) // opposit direction of z_t and z_f (a.k.a. angle 180 DEG)
@ -494,13 +493,187 @@ static bool allign_z(const Vec3d &z_t, Transform3d &rotate)
// Calculate only when angle is not zero // Calculate only when angle is not zero
// Calculate rotation axe from current to wanted inside instance // Calculate rotation axe from current to wanted inside instance
Vec3d axe = z_t_norm.cross(z_f); Vec3d axe = z_t_norm.cross(z_f_norm);
axe.normalize(); axe.normalize();
double angle = acos(cos_angle); double angle = acos(cos_angle);
rotate = Eigen::AngleAxis(-angle, axe); rotate = Eigen::AngleAxis(-angle, axe);
return true; return true;
} }
static bool allign_z(const Vec3d &z_t, Transform3d &rotate)
// Transformed unit vector Z direction (f)rom, (t)o
const Vec3d& z_f = Vec3d::UnitZ();
return allign_vec(Vec3d::UnitZ(), z_t, rotate);
// Calculate scale in world
static std::optional<double> calc_scale(const Matrix3d &from, const Matrix3d &to, const Vec3d &dir)
Vec3d from_dir = from * dir;
Vec3d to_dir = to * dir;
double from_scale_sq = from_dir.squaredNorm();
double to_scale_sq = to_dir.squaredNorm();
if (is_approx(from_scale_sq, to_scale_sq, 1e-3))
return {}; // no scale
return sqrt(from_scale_sq / to_scale_sq);
// Copy from branch et_transformation --> Geometry
// suggested by @bubnikv
void reset_skew(Transform3d& m)
auto new_scale_factor = [](const Matrix3d& s) {
return pow(s(0, 0) * s(1, 1) * s(2, 2), 1. / 3.); // scale average
const Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix3d> svd(m.linear(), Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
Matrix3d u = svd.matrixU();
Matrix3d v = svd.matrixV();
Matrix3d s = svd.singularValues().asDiagonal();
//Matrix3d mirror;
m = Eigen::Translation3d(m.translation()) * Transform3d(u * Eigen::Scaling(new_scale_factor(s)) * v.transpose());// * mirror;
// Multiply from right
static Transform3d surface_transformR(const Vec3d &p, const Vec3d &n, const Transform3d &v, const Transform3d &i) {
Transform3d to_volume = (i * v).inverse();
Vec3d offset_volume = to_volume * p;
Transform3d translate{Eigen::Translation<double, 3>(offset_volume)};
Transform3d rotate;
// normal transformed to volume
Vec3d z_t = to_volume.linear() * n;
bool exist_rotate = priv::allign_z(z_t, rotate);
return v * translate * rotate;
/// <summary>
/// Create transformation for volume to move over surface
/// Multiply from Left side - NOT WORK - with scaled instances
/// </summary>
/// <param name="p">Point in world coordinate</param>
/// <param name="n">Normal in world coordinate - orientation</param>
/// <param name="v">Original volume transformation</param>
/// <param name="i">Instance transformation</param>
/// <returns>Transformation of volume to lay on surface</returns>
static Transform3d surface_transformL(const Vec3d &p, const Vec3d &n, const Transform3d &v, const Transform3d &i) {
// w .. original world
Transform3d w = i * v;
// remove already existing of skew before calc rotation
// priv::reset_skew(w);
// z .. unit z vector in world coordinate
Vec3d z = w.linear() * Vec3d::UnitZ();
Transform3d rot = Transform3d::Identity();
bool exist_rot = priv::allign_vec(z, n, rot);
// rot_w .. new rotation applied on world
Transform3d rot_w = rot * w;
// p0 .. Zero of volume in world
Vec3d p0 = rot_w * Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d offset = p - p0; // in world
Transform3d tr{Eigen::Translation<double, 3>(offset)};
// w2 .. wanted world transformation
Transform3d w2 = tr * rot_w;
// _ .. inverse
// i_ .. instance inverse
Transform3d i_ = i.inverse();
// w = i * v \\ left multiply by i_
// i_ * w = i_ * i * v
// v = i_ * w
return i_ * w2;
// NOTE: Do not keep scale of text when move over scaled instance
// transformation inside of instance
static Transform3d surface_transform2(const Vec3d &p, const Vec3d &n, const Transform3d &v, const Transform3d &i)
// _ .. inverse
// i_ .. instance inverse
Transform3d i_ = i.inverse();
Vec3d pp = i_ * p;
Vec3d nn = i_.linear() * n.normalized();
// z .. unit z vector in world coordinate
Vec3d z = v * Vec3d::UnitZ();
Transform3d rot = Transform3d::Identity();
bool exist_rot = priv::allign_vec(z, nn, rot);
// rot_w .. new rotation applied on world
Transform3d rotated = rot * v;
// p0 .. Zero of volume in world
Vec3d p0 = rotated * Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d offset = pp - p0; // in world
Transform3d tr{Eigen::Translation<double, 3>(offset)};
Transform3d volume_new = tr * rotated;
//return volume_new;
// Remove skew in world
Transform3d world_new = i * volume_new;
volume_new = i_ * world_new;
return volume_new;
// work in space defined by SVD
static Transform3d surface_transform3(const Vec3d &p, const Vec3d &n, const Transform3d &v, const Transform3d &i) {
// w .. original world
Transform3d w = i * v;
const Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix3d> svd1(w.linear(), Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
Matrix3d u1 = svd1.matrixU();
Matrix3d v1 = svd1.matrixV();
Matrix3d s1 = svd1.singularValues().asDiagonal();
Transform3d tr1(Eigen::Translation3d(w.translation()));
//Transform3d test = tr1 * Transform3d(u1 * s1 * v1.transpose());
// modification of world
Transform3d mod(s1 * v1.transpose());
Transform3d mod_ = mod.inverse();
Transform3d w_mod = w * mod_;
Vec3d nn = mod_.linear() * n;
// z .. unit z vector in world coordinate
Vec3d z = w_mod.linear() * Vec3d::UnitZ();
Transform3d rot = Transform3d::Identity();
bool exist_rot = priv::allign_vec(z, nn, rot);
// rot_w .. new rotation applied on world
Transform3d rot_w = rot * w;
// p0 .. Zero of volume in world
Vec3d p0 = rot_w * Vec3d::Zero();
Vec3d offset = p - p0; // in world
Transform3d tr{Eigen::Translation<double, 3>(offset)};
// w2 .. wanted world transformation
Transform3d w2 = tr * rot_w;
// _ .. inverse
// i_ .. instance inverse
Transform3d i_ = i.inverse();
// w = i * v \\ left multiply by i_
// i_ * w = i_ * i * v
// v = i_ * w
return i_ * w2;
// NOTE: Do not keep scale of text when move over scaled instance
} }
bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_translate(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event) bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_translate(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event)
@ -512,7 +685,19 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_translate(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event)
m_parent.do_move(L("Surface move")); m_parent.do_move(L("Surface move"));
// Update surface by new position // Update surface by new position
if (m_volume->text_configuration->style.prop.use_surface) bool need_process = m_volume->text_configuration->style.prop.use_surface;
if (m_surface_drag->y_scale.has_value()) {
m_style_manager.get_style().prop.size_in_mm *= (*m_surface_drag->y_scale);
need_process |= set_height();
if (m_surface_drag->z_scale.has_value()) {
m_style_manager.get_style().prop.emboss *= (*m_surface_drag->z_scale);
need_process |= set_depth();
if (need_process)
process(); process();
// calculate scale // calculate scale
@ -612,45 +797,52 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_translate(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event)
m_parent.set_as_dirty(); m_parent.set_as_dirty();
return true; return true;
} }
// Calculate offset: transformation to wanted position // Calculate offset: transformation to wanted position
Transform3d object_trmat = m_raycast_manager.get_transformation(hit->tr_key); Transform3d hit_to_world = m_raycast_manager.get_transformation(hit->tr_key);
Transform3d hit_to_instance = object_trmat * m_surface_drag->instance_inv; //priv::reset_skew(hit_to_world);
Transform3d hit_to_instance = hit_to_world * m_surface_drag->instance_inv;
Transform3d hit_to_volume = hit_to_instance * m_surface_drag->volume_tr.inverse(); Transform3d hit_to_volume = hit_to_instance * m_surface_drag->volume_tr.inverse();
Vec3d offset_volume = hit_to_volume * hit->position.cast<double>();
Vec3d hit_position = hit->position.cast<double>();
Vec3d offset_volume = hit_to_volume * hit_position;
Transform3d translate{Eigen::Translation<double, 3>(offset_volume)}; Transform3d translate{Eigen::Translation<double, 3>(offset_volume)};
Transform3d rotate; Transform3d rotate;
// normal transformed to volume // normal transformed to volume
Vec3d z_t = hit_to_volume.linear() * hit->normal.cast<double>(); Vec3d hit_normal = hit->normal.cast<double>();
Vec3d z_t = hit_to_volume.linear() * hit_normal;
bool exist_rotate = priv::allign_z(z_t, rotate); bool exist_rotate = priv::allign_z(z_t, rotate);
// Edit position from right
Transform3d volume_new = m_surface_drag->volume_tr * translate * rotate;
Transform3d volume_tr = m_surface_drag->volume_tr * translate * rotate; const Transform3d &instance = m_surface_drag->gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
assert(volume_tr.matrix()(0, 0) == volume_tr.matrix()(0, 0)); // Check valid transformation not a NAN const Transform3d &volume = m_surface_drag->volume_tr;
if (volume_tr.matrix()(0, 0) != volume_tr.matrix()(0, 0))
Vec3d hit_position_world = hit_to_world * hit_position;
Vec3d hit_normal_world = hit_to_world.linear() * hit_normal;
// REWRITE transformation
Transform3d volume_R = priv::surface_transformR(hit_position_world, hit_normal_world, volume, instance);
Transform3d volume_L = priv::surface_transformL(hit_position_world, hit_normal_world, volume, instance);
Transform3d volume_2 = priv::surface_transform2(hit_position_world, hit_normal_world, volume, instance);
Transform3d volume_3 = priv::surface_transform3(hit_position_world, hit_normal_world, volume, instance);
//volume_new = volume_L;
assert(volume_new.matrix()(0, 0) == volume_new.matrix()(0, 0)); // Check valid transformation not a NAN
if (volume_new.matrix()(0, 0) != volume_new.matrix()(0, 0))
return true; return true;
// Check scale in world // Check scale in world
// Calculate Scale to keep size after move over scaled surface
// current transformation from volume to world Transform3d current_world = instance * volume;
Transform3d current_world = m_surface_drag->instance_inv.inverse() * m_surface_drag->volume_tr;
auto current_world_linear = current_world.linear(); auto current_world_linear = current_world.linear();
Transform3d wanted_world = m_surface_drag->instance_inv.inverse() * volume_tr; Transform3d wanted_world = instance * volume_new;
auto wanted_world_linear = wanted_world.linear(); auto wanted_world_linear = wanted_world.linear();
// Calculate scale in world m_surface_drag->y_scale = priv::calc_scale(current_world_linear, wanted_world_linear, Vec3d::UnitY());
auto calc_scale = [&current_world_linear, wanted_world_linear](const Vec3d &dir) -> double { m_surface_drag->z_scale = priv::calc_scale(current_world_linear, wanted_world_linear, Vec3d::UnitZ());
Vec3d current = current_world_linear * dir;
Vec3d wanted = wanted_world_linear * dir;
double current_sq = current.squaredNorm();
double wanted_sq = wanted.squaredNorm();
return sqrt(current_sq / wanted_sq);
double y_scale = calc_scale(Vec3d::UnitY());
double z_scale = calc_scale(Vec3d::UnitZ());
Transform3d scale(Eigen::Scaling(1., y_scale, z_scale));
volume_tr = volume_tr * scale;
// recalculate rotation for scaled volume // recalculate rotation for scaled volume
//Transform3d hit_to_volume2 = hit_to_instance * (m_surface_drag->volume_tr*scale).inverse(); //Transform3d hit_to_volume2 = hit_to_instance * (m_surface_drag->volume_tr*scale).inverse();
@ -661,13 +853,13 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_translate(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event)
const TextConfiguration &tc = *m_volume->text_configuration; const TextConfiguration &tc = *m_volume->text_configuration;
// fix baked transformation from .3mf store process // fix baked transformation from .3mf store process
if (tc.fix_3mf_tr.has_value()) if (tc.fix_3mf_tr.has_value())
volume_tr = volume_tr * (*tc.fix_3mf_tr); volume_new = volume_new * (*tc.fix_3mf_tr);
// apply move in Z direction for move with flat surface above texture // apply move in Z direction for move with flat surface above texture
const FontProp &prop =; const FontProp &prop =;
if (!prop.use_surface && prop.distance.has_value()) { if (!prop.use_surface && prop.distance.has_value()) {
Vec3d translate = Vec3d::UnitZ() * (*prop.distance); Vec3d translate = Vec3d::UnitZ() * (*prop.distance);
volume_tr.translate(translate); volume_new.translate(translate);
} }
// Update transformation forf all instances // Update transformation forf all instances
@ -675,7 +867,7 @@ bool GLGizmoEmboss::on_mouse_for_translate(const wxMouseEvent &mouse_event)
if (vol->object_idx() != m_surface_drag->gl_volume->object_idx() || if (vol->object_idx() != m_surface_drag->gl_volume->object_idx() ||
vol->volume_idx() != m_surface_drag->gl_volume->volume_idx()) vol->volume_idx() != m_surface_drag->gl_volume->volume_idx())
continue; continue;
vol->set_volume_transformation(volume_tr); vol->set_volume_transformation(volume_new);
} }
// update scale of selected volume --> should be approx the same // update scale of selected volume --> should be approx the same
@ -1136,10 +1328,12 @@ GLGizmoEmboss::GuiCfg GLGizmoEmboss::create_gui_configuration()
EmbossStyles GLGizmoEmboss::create_default_styles() EmbossStyles GLGizmoEmboss::create_default_styles()
{ {
wxArrayString facenames = wxFontEnumerator::GetFacenames(Facenames::encoding);
wxFont wx_font_normal = *wxNORMAL_FONT; wxFont wx_font_normal = *wxNORMAL_FONT;
#ifdef __APPLE__ #ifdef __APPLE__
// Set normal font to helvetica when possible // Set normal font to helvetica when possible
wxArrayString facenames = wxFontEnumerator::GetFacenames(Facenames::encoding);
for (const wxString &facename : facenames) { for (const wxString &facename : facenames) {
if (facename.IsSameAs("Helvetica")) { if (facename.IsSameAs("Helvetica")) {
wx_font_normal = wxFont(wxFontInfo().FaceName(facename).Encoding(Facenames::encoding)); wx_font_normal = wxFont(wxFontInfo().FaceName(facename).Encoding(Facenames::encoding));
@ -1181,7 +1375,6 @@ EmbossStyles GLGizmoEmboss::create_default_styles()
// No valid style in defult list // No valid style in defult list
// at least one style must contain loadable font // at least one style must contain loadable font
wxArrayString facenames = wxFontEnumerator::GetFacenames(wxFontEncoding::wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM);
wxFont wx_font; wxFont wx_font;
for (const wxString &face : facenames) { for (const wxString &face : facenames) {
wx_font = wxFont(face); wx_font = wxFont(face);
@ -3082,6 +3275,31 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_style_edit() {
} }
bool GLGizmoEmboss::set_height() {
float &value = m_style_manager.get_style().prop.size_in_mm;
// size can't be zero or negative
priv::Limits::apply(value, priv::limits.size_in_mm);
if (m_volume == nullptr || !m_volume->text_configuration.has_value()) {
return false;
// only different value need process
if (is_approx(value, m_volume->text_configuration->style.prop.size_in_mm))
return false;
// store font size into path serialization
const std::optional<wxFont> &wx_font_opt = m_style_manager.get_wx_font();
if (wx_font_opt.has_value()) {
wxFont wx_font = *wx_font_opt;
return true;
void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_height(bool use_inch) void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_height(bool use_inch)
{ {
float &value = m_style_manager.get_style().prop.size_in_mm; float &value = m_style_manager.get_style().prop.size_in_mm;
@ -3090,24 +3308,21 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_height(bool use_inch)
const char *size_format = ((use_inch) ? "%.2f in" : "%.1f mm"); const char *size_format = ((use_inch) ? "%.2f in" : "%.1f mm");
const std::string revert_text_size = _u8L("Revert text size."); const std::string revert_text_size = _u8L("Revert text size.");
const std::string& name = m_gui_cfg->translations.size; const std::string& name = m_gui_cfg->translations.size;
if (rev_input_mm(name, value, stored, revert_text_size, 0.1f, 1.f, size_format, use_inch, m_scale_height)) { if (rev_input_mm(name, value, stored, revert_text_size, 0.1f, 1.f, size_format, use_inch, m_scale_height))
// size can't be zero or negative if (set_height())
priv::Limits::apply(value, priv::limits.size_in_mm);
// only different value need process
if (!is_approx(value, m_volume->text_configuration->style.prop.size_in_mm)) {
// store font size into path
EmbossStyle &style = m_style_manager.get_style();
if (style.type == WxFontUtils::get_actual_type()) {
const std::optional<wxFont> &wx_font_opt = m_style_manager.get_wx_font();
if (wx_font_opt.has_value()) {
wxFont wx_font = *wx_font_opt;
process(); process();
} }
bool GLGizmoEmboss::set_depth()
float &value = m_style_manager.get_style().prop.emboss;
// size can't be zero or negative
priv::Limits::apply(value, priv::limits.emboss);
// only different value need process
return !is_approx(value, m_volume->text_configuration->style.prop.emboss);
} }
void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_depth(bool use_inch) void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_depth(bool use_inch)
@ -3118,11 +3333,9 @@ void GLGizmoEmboss::draw_depth(bool use_inch)
const std::string revert_emboss_depth = _u8L("Revert embossed depth."); const std::string revert_emboss_depth = _u8L("Revert embossed depth.");
const char *size_format = ((use_inch) ? "%.3f in" : "%.2f mm"); const char *size_format = ((use_inch) ? "%.3f in" : "%.2f mm");
const std::string name = m_gui_cfg->translations.depth; const std::string name = m_gui_cfg->translations.depth;
if (rev_input_mm(name, value, stored, revert_emboss_depth, 0.1f, 1.f, size_format, use_inch, m_scale_depth)) { if (rev_input_mm(name, value, stored, revert_emboss_depth, 0.1f, 1.f, size_format, use_inch, m_scale_depth))
// size can't be zero or negative if (set_depth())
priv::Limits::apply(value, priv::limits.emboss); process();
} }
@ -3977,14 +4190,17 @@ bool priv::start_create_volume_on_surface_job(
if (!hit.has_value()) if (!hit.has_value())
return false; return false;
Transform3d hit_object_trmat = raycaster.get_transformation(hit->tr_key); Transform3d hit_to_world = raycaster.get_transformation(hit->tr_key);
Transform3d hit_instance_trmat = gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(); // priv::reset_skew(hit_to_world);
Transform3d instance = gl_volume->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix();
// Create result volume transformation // Create result volume transformation
Transform3d surface_trmat = create_transformation_onto_surface(hit->position, hit->normal); Transform3d surface_trmat = create_transformation_onto_surface(hit->position, hit->normal);
const FontProp &font_prop =; const FontProp &font_prop =;
apply_transformation(font_prop, surface_trmat); apply_transformation(font_prop, surface_trmat);
Transform3d volume_trmat = hit_instance_trmat.inverse() * hit_object_trmat * surface_trmat; Transform3d world_new = hit_to_world * surface_trmat;
// priv::reset_skew(world_new);
Transform3d volume_trmat = instance.inverse() * world_new;
start_create_volume_job(obj, volume_trmat, emboss_data, volume_type); start_create_volume_job(obj, volume_trmat, emboss_data, volume_type);
return true; return true;
} }

View file

@ -112,6 +112,11 @@ private:
void draw_height(bool use_inch); void draw_height(bool use_inch);
void draw_depth(bool use_inch); void draw_depth(bool use_inch);
// call after set m_style_manager.get_style().prop.size_in_mm
bool set_height();
// call after set m_style_manager.get_style().prop.emboss
bool set_depth();
bool draw_italic_button(); bool draw_italic_button();
bool draw_bold_button(); bool draw_bold_button();
void draw_advanced(); void draw_advanced();
@ -336,6 +341,9 @@ private:
Transform3d f_tr = Transform3d::Identity(); Transform3d f_tr = Transform3d::Identity();
Transform3d t_tr = Transform3d::Identity(); Transform3d t_tr = Transform3d::Identity();
std::optional<double> y_scale;
std::optional<double> z_scale;
}; };
// Keep data about dragging only during drag&drop // Keep data about dragging only during drag&drop
std::optional<SurfaceDrag> m_surface_drag; std::optional<SurfaceDrag> m_surface_drag;