From f8388abe17f8fbb119cc8d60aac4fa047e454952 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lukas Matena <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2018 14:12:25 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] 'Dontcare' extrusions now don't force a toolchange + code

 xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp              |  14 +-
 xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.hpp              |   2 +-
 xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.cpp | 194 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp | 106 +++++++------
 xs/src/libslic3r/Print.cpp              | 113 +-------------
 xs/src/libslic3r/Print.hpp              |  10 +-
 6 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp
index b06232a92..1271ee9ee 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.cpp
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ void GCode::_do_export(Print &print, FILE *file, GCodePreviewData *preview_data)
         // Extrude the layers.
         for (auto &layer : layers_to_print) {
-            const ToolOrdering::LayerTools &layer_tools = tool_ordering.tools_for_layer(layer.first);
+            const LayerTools &layer_tools = tool_ordering.tools_for_layer(layer.first);
             if (m_wipe_tower && layer_tools.has_wipe_tower)
             this->process_layer(file, print, layer.second, layer_tools, size_t(-1));
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ void GCode::process_layer(
     const Print                     &print,
     // Set of object & print layers of the same PrintObject and with the same print_z.
     const std::vector<LayerToPrint> &layers,
-    const ToolOrdering::LayerTools  &layer_tools,
+    const LayerTools  &layer_tools,
     // If set to size_t(-1), then print all copies of all objects.
     // Otherwise print a single copy of a single object.
     const size_t                     single_object_idx)
@@ -1239,18 +1239,20 @@ void GCode::process_layer(
                         // This extrusion is part of certain Region, which tells us which extruder should be used for it:
-                        int correct_extruder_id = get_extruder(fill, region); entity_type=="infills" ? std::max<int>(0, (is_solid_infill(fill->entities.front()->role()) ? region.config.solid_infill_extruder : region.config.infill_extruder) - 1) :
+                        int correct_extruder_id = get_extruder(*fill, region); entity_type=="infills" ? std::max<int>(0, (is_solid_infill(fill->entities.front()->role()) ? region.config.solid_infill_extruder : region.config.infill_extruder) - 1) :
                                                                            std::max<int>(region.config.perimeter_extruder.value - 1, 0);
                         // Let's recover vector of extruder overrides:
-                        const ExtruderPerCopy* entity_overrides = const_cast<ToolOrdering::LayerTools&>(layer_tools).wiping_extrusions.get_extruder_overrides(fill, correct_extruder_id, layer_to_print.object()->_shifted_copies.size());
+                        const ExtruderPerCopy* entity_overrides = const_cast<LayerTools&>(layer_tools).wiping_extrusions.get_extruder_overrides(fill, correct_extruder_id, layer_to_print.object()->_shifted_copies.size());
                         // Now we must add this extrusion into the by_extruder map, once for each extruder that will print it:
                         for (unsigned int extruder : layer_tools.extruders)
                             // Init by_extruder item only if we actually use the extruder:
-                            if (std::find(entity_overrides->begin(), entity_overrides->end(), extruder) != entity_overrides->end() ||   // at least one copy is overridden to use this extruder
-                                std::find(entity_overrides->begin(), entity_overrides->end(), -extruder-1) != entity_overrides->end())  // at least one copy would normally be printed with this extruder (see get_extruder_overrides function for explanation)
+                            if (std::find(entity_overrides->begin(), entity_overrides->end(), extruder) != entity_overrides->end() ||      // at least one copy is overridden to use this extruder
+                                std::find(entity_overrides->begin(), entity_overrides->end(), -extruder-1) != entity_overrides->end() ||   // at least one copy would normally be printed with this extruder (see get_extruder_overrides function for explanation)
+                                (std::find(layer_tools.extruders.begin(), layer_tools.extruders.end(), correct_extruder_id) == layer_tools.extruders.end() && extruder == layer_tools.extruders.back())) // this entity is not overridden, but its extruder is not in layer_tools - we'll print it
+                                                                                                                                            //by last extruder on this layer (could happen e.g. when a wiping object is taller than others - dontcare extruders are eradicated from layer_tools)
                                 std::vector<ObjectByExtruder::Island> &islands = object_islands_by_extruder(
diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.hpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.hpp
index ad3f1e26b..a5c63f208 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.hpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode.hpp
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ protected:
         const Print                     &print,
         // Set of object & print layers of the same PrintObject and with the same print_z.
         const std::vector<LayerToPrint> &layers,
-        const ToolOrdering::LayerTools  &layer_tools,
+        const LayerTools  &layer_tools,
         // If set to size_t(-1), then print all copies of all objects.
         // Otherwise print a single copy of a single object.
         const size_t                     single_object_idx = size_t(-1));
diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.cpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.cpp
index 719f7a97a..34bb32e65 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.cpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ ToolOrdering::ToolOrdering(const PrintObject &object, unsigned int first_extrude
 // (print.config.complete_objects is false).
 ToolOrdering::ToolOrdering(const Print &print, unsigned int first_extruder, bool prime_multi_material)
+    m_print_config_ptr = &print.config;
     // Initialize the print layers for all objects and all layers.
     coordf_t object_bottom_z = 0.;
@@ -77,9 +78,9 @@ ToolOrdering::ToolOrdering(const Print &print, unsigned int first_extruder, bool
-ToolOrdering::LayerTools&  ToolOrdering::tools_for_layer(coordf_t print_z)
+LayerTools& ToolOrdering::tools_for_layer(coordf_t print_z)
-    auto it_layer_tools = std::lower_bound(m_layer_tools.begin(), m_layer_tools.end(), ToolOrdering::LayerTools(print_z - EPSILON));
+    auto it_layer_tools = std::lower_bound(m_layer_tools.begin(), m_layer_tools.end(), LayerTools(print_z - EPSILON));
     assert(it_layer_tools != m_layer_tools.end());
     coordf_t dist_min = std::abs(it_layer_tools->print_z - print_z);
 	for (++ it_layer_tools; it_layer_tools != m_layer_tools.end(); ++it_layer_tools) {
@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ void ToolOrdering::initialize_layers(std::vector<coordf_t> &zs)
         coordf_t zmax = zs[i] + EPSILON;
         for (; j < zs.size() && zs[j] <= zmax; ++ j) ;
         // Assign an average print_z to the set of layers with nearly equal print_z.
-        m_layer_tools.emplace_back(LayerTools(0.5 * (zs[i] + zs[j-1])));
+        m_layer_tools.emplace_back(LayerTools(0.5 * (zs[i] + zs[j-1]), m_print_config_ptr));
         i = j;
@@ -135,12 +136,25 @@ void ToolOrdering::collect_extruders(const PrintObject &object)
             if (layerm == nullptr)
             const PrintRegion &region = *object.print()->regions[region_id];
             if (! layerm->perimeters.entities.empty()) {
-                layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config.perimeter_extruder.value);
+                bool something_nonoverriddable = false;
+                for (const auto& eec : layerm->perimeters.entities) // let's check if there are nonoverriddable entities
+                    if (!layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.is_overriddable(dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection&>(*eec), *m_print_config_ptr, object, region)) {
+                        something_nonoverriddable = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                if (something_nonoverriddable)
+                    layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config.perimeter_extruder.value);
                 layer_tools.has_object = true;
             bool has_infill       = false;
             bool has_solid_infill = false;
+            bool something_nonoverriddable = false;
             for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : layerm->fills.entities) {
                 // fill represents infill extrusions of a single island.
                 const auto *fill = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
@@ -149,19 +163,32 @@ void ToolOrdering::collect_extruders(const PrintObject &object)
                     has_solid_infill = true;
                 else if (role != erNone)
                     has_infill = true;
+                if (!something_nonoverriddable && !layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.is_overriddable(*fill, *m_print_config_ptr, object, region))
+                    something_nonoverriddable = true;
+            }
+            if (something_nonoverriddable)
+            {
+                if (has_solid_infill)
+                    layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config.solid_infill_extruder);
+                if (has_infill)
+                    layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config.infill_extruder);
-            if (has_solid_infill)
-                layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config.solid_infill_extruder);
-            if (has_infill)
-                layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config.infill_extruder);
             if (has_solid_infill || has_infill)
                 layer_tools.has_object = true;
-    // Sort and remove duplicates
-    for (LayerTools &lt : m_layer_tools)
-        sort_remove_duplicates(lt.extruders);
+    // Sort and remove duplicates, make sure that there are some tools for each object layer (e.g. tall wiping object will result in empty extruders vector)
+    for (auto lt_it=m_layer_tools.begin(); lt_it != m_layer_tools.end(); ++lt_it) {
+        sort_remove_duplicates(lt_it->extruders);
+        if (lt_it->extruders.empty() && lt_it->has_object)
+            if (lt_it != m_layer_tools.begin())
+                lt_it->extruders.push_back(std::prev(lt_it)->extruders.back());
+            else
+                lt_it->extruders.push_back(1);
+    }
 // Reorder extruders to minimize layer changes.
@@ -348,6 +375,151 @@ void WipingExtrusions::set_extruder_override(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, unsi
+// Finds last non-soluble extruder on the layer
+bool WipingExtrusions::is_last_nonsoluble_on_layer(const PrintConfig& print_config, const LayerTools& lt, unsigned int extruder) const {
+    for (auto extruders_it = lt.extruders.rbegin(); extruders_it != lt.extruders.rend(); ++extruders_it)
+        if (!print_config.filament_soluble.get_at(*extruders_it))
+            return (*extruders_it == extruder);
+    return false;
+// Decides whether this entity could be overridden
+bool WipingExtrusions::is_overriddable(const ExtrusionEntityCollection& eec, const PrintConfig& print_config, const PrintObject& object, const PrintRegion& region) const {
+    if ((!is_infill(eec.role()) && !object.config.wipe_into_objects) ||
+        ((eec.role() == erTopSolidInfill || eec.role() == erGapFill) && !object.config.wipe_into_objects) ||
+        (is_infill(eec.role()) && !region.config.wipe_into_infill) ||
+        (print_config.filament_soluble.get_at(get_extruder(eec, region))) )
+            return false;
+    return true;
+// Following function iterates through all extrusions on the layer, remembers those that could be used for wiping after toolchange
+// and returns volume that is left to be wiped on the wipe tower.
+float WipingExtrusions::mark_wiping_extrusions(const Print& print, const LayerTools& layer_tools, unsigned int new_extruder, float volume_to_wipe)
+    const float min_infill_volume = 0.f; // ignore infill with smaller volume than this
+    if (print.config.filament_soluble.get_at(new_extruder))
+        return volume_to_wipe;      // Soluble filament cannot be wiped in a random infill
+    bool last_nonsoluble = is_last_nonsoluble_on_layer(print.config, layer_tools, new_extruder);
+    // we will sort objects so that dedicated for wiping are at the beginning:
+    PrintObjectPtrs object_list = print.objects;
+    std::sort(object_list.begin(), object_list.end(), [](const PrintObject* a, const PrintObject* b) { return a->config.wipe_into_objects; });
+    // We will now iterate through
+    //  - first the dedicated objects to mark perimeters or infills (depending on infill_first)
+    //  - second through the dedicated ones again to mark infills or perimeters (depending on infill_first)
+    //  - then all the others to mark infills (in case that !infill_first, we must also check that the perimeter is finished already
+    // this is controlled by the following variable:
+    bool perimeters_done = false;
+    for (int i=0 ; i<(int)object_list.size() ; ++i) {
+        const auto& object = object_list[i];
+        if (!perimeters_done && (i+1==(int)object_list.size() || !object_list[i]->config.wipe_into_objects)) { // we passed the last dedicated object in list
+            perimeters_done = true;
+            i=-1;   // let's go from the start again
+            continue;
+        }
+        // Finds this layer:
+        auto this_layer_it = std::find_if(object->layers.begin(), object->layers.end(), [&layer_tools](const Layer* lay) { return std::abs(layer_tools.print_z - lay->print_z)<EPSILON; });
+        if (this_layer_it == object->layers.end())
+            continue;
+        const Layer* this_layer = *this_layer_it;
+        unsigned int num_of_copies = object->_shifted_copies.size();
+        for (unsigned int copy = 0; copy < num_of_copies; ++copy) {    // iterate through copies first, so that we mark neighbouring infills to minimize travel moves
+            for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < object->print()->regions.size(); ++ region_id) {
+                const auto& region = *object->print()->regions[region_id];
+                if (!region.config.wipe_into_infill && !object->config.wipe_into_objects)
+                    continue;
+                if (((!print.config.infill_first ? perimeters_done : !perimeters_done) || !object->config.wipe_into_objects) && region.config.wipe_into_infill) {
+                    const ExtrusionEntityCollection& eec = this_layer->regions[region_id]->fills;
+                    for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : eec.entities) {                      // iterate through all infill Collections
+                        auto* fill = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
+                        if (fill->role() == erTopSolidInfill || fill->role() == erGapFill)  // these cannot be changed - such infill is / may be visible
+                            continue;
+                        // What extruder would this normally be printed with?
+                        unsigned int correct_extruder = get_extruder(*fill, region);
+                        bool force_override = false;
+                        // If the extruder is not in layer tools - we MUST override it. This happens whenever all extrusions, that would normally
+                        // be printed with this extruder on this layer are "dont care" (part of infill/perimeter wiping):
+                        if (last_nonsoluble && std::find(layer_tools.extruders.begin(), layer_tools.extruders.end(), correct_extruder) == layer_tools.extruders.end())
+                            force_override = true;
+                        if (!force_override && volume_to_wipe<=0)
+                            continue;
+                        if (!is_overriddable(*fill, print.config, *object, region))
+                            continue;
+                        if (!object->config.wipe_into_objects && !print.config.infill_first && !force_override) {
+                            // In this case we must check that the original extruder is used on this layer before the one we are overridding
+                            // (and the perimeters will be finished before the infill is printed):
+                            if ((!print.config.infill_first && region.config.wipe_into_infill)) {
+                                bool unused_yet = false;
+                                for (unsigned i = 0; i < layer_tools.extruders.size(); ++i) {
+                                    if (layer_tools.extruders[i] == new_extruder)
+                                        unused_yet = true;
+                                    if (layer_tools.extruders[i] == correct_extruder)
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                                if (unused_yet)
+                                    continue;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        if (force_override || (!is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) && fill->total_volume() > min_infill_volume)) {     // this infill will be used to wipe this extruder
+                            set_extruder_override(fill, copy, new_extruder, num_of_copies);
+                            volume_to_wipe -= fill->total_volume();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if (object->config.wipe_into_objects && (print.config.infill_first ? perimeters_done : !perimeters_done))
+                {
+                    const ExtrusionEntityCollection& eec = this_layer->regions[region_id]->perimeters;
+                    for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : eec.entities) {                      // iterate through all perimeter Collections
+                        auto* fill = dynamic_cast<const ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
+                        // What extruder would this normally be printed with?
+                        unsigned int correct_extruder = get_extruder(*fill, region);
+                        bool force_override = false;
+                        if (last_nonsoluble && std::find(layer_tools.extruders.begin(), layer_tools.extruders.end(), correct_extruder) == layer_tools.extruders.end())
+                            force_override = true;
+                        if (!force_override && volume_to_wipe<=0)
+                            continue;
+                        if (!is_overriddable(*fill, print.config, *object, region))
+                            continue;
+                        if (force_override || (!is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) && fill->total_volume() > min_infill_volume)) {
+                            set_extruder_override(fill, copy, new_extruder, num_of_copies);
+                            volume_to_wipe -= fill->total_volume();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return std::max(0.f, volume_to_wipe);
 // Following function is called from process_layer and returns pointer to vector with information about which extruders should be used for given copy of this entity.
 // It first makes sure the pointer is valid (creates the vector if it does not exist) and contains a record for each copy
diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp
index 241567a75..862b58f67 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/GCode/ToolOrdering.hpp
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ namespace Slic3r {
 class Print;
 class PrintObject;
+class LayerTools;
 // Object of this class holds information about whether an extrusion is printed immediately
@@ -16,65 +18,74 @@ class PrintObject;
 // of several copies - this has to be taken into account.
 class WipingExtrusions
-    public:
     bool is_anything_overridden() const {   // if there are no overrides, all the agenda can be skipped - this function can tell us if that's the case
         return something_overridden;
+    // This is called from GCode::process_layer - see implementation for further comments:
+    const std::vector<int>* get_extruder_overrides(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, int correct_extruder_id, int num_of_copies);
+    // This function goes through all infill entities, decides which ones will be used for wiping and
+    // marks them by the extruder id. Returns volume that remains to be wiped on the wipe tower:
+    float mark_wiping_extrusions(const Print& print, const LayerTools& layer_tools, unsigned int new_extruder, float volume_to_wipe);
+    bool is_overriddable(const ExtrusionEntityCollection& ee, const PrintConfig& print_config, const PrintObject& object, const PrintRegion& region) const;
+    bool is_last_nonsoluble_on_layer(const PrintConfig& print_config, const LayerTools& lt, unsigned int extruder) const;
+    // This function is called from mark_wiping_extrusions and sets extruder that it should be printed with (-1 .. as usual)
+    void set_extruder_override(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, unsigned int copy_id, int extruder, unsigned int num_of_copies);
     // Returns true in case that entity is not printed with its usual extruder for a given copy:
     bool is_entity_overridden(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, int copy_id) const {
         return (entity_map.find(entity) == entity_map.end() ? false : != -1);
-    // This function is called from Print::mark_wiping_extrusions and sets extruder that it should be printed with (-1 .. as usual)
-    void set_extruder_override(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, unsigned int copy_id, int extruder, unsigned int num_of_copies);
-    // This is called from GCode::process_layer - see implementation for further comments:
-    const std::vector<int>* get_extruder_overrides(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, int correct_extruder_id, int num_of_copies);
     std::map<const ExtrusionEntity*, std::vector<int>> entity_map;  // to keep track of who prints what
     bool something_overridden = false;
-class ToolOrdering 
+class LayerTools
-	struct LayerTools
-	{
-	    LayerTools(const coordf_t z) :
-	    	print_z(z), 
-	    	has_object(false),
-			has_support(false),
-			has_wipe_tower(false),
-	    	wipe_tower_partitions(0),
-	    	wipe_tower_layer_height(0.) {}
+    LayerTools(const coordf_t z, const PrintConfig* print_config_ptr = nullptr) :
+        print_z(z),
+        has_object(false),
+        has_support(false),
+        has_wipe_tower(false),
+        wipe_tower_partitions(0),
+        wipe_tower_layer_height(0.) {}
-	    bool operator< (const LayerTools &rhs) const { return print_z <  rhs.print_z; }
-	    bool operator==(const LayerTools &rhs) const { return print_z == rhs.print_z; }
+    bool operator< (const LayerTools &rhs) const { return print_z - EPSILON <  rhs.print_z; }
+    bool operator==(const LayerTools &rhs) const { return std::abs(print_z - rhs.print_z) < EPSILON; }
-		coordf_t 					print_z;
-		bool 						has_object;
-		bool						has_support;
-		// Zero based extruder IDs, ordered to minimize tool switches.
-		std::vector<unsigned int> 	extruders;
-		// Will there be anything extruded on this layer for the wipe tower?
-		// Due to the support layers possibly interleaving the object layers,
-		// wipe tower will be disabled for some support only layers.
-		bool 						has_wipe_tower;
-		// Number of wipe tower partitions to support the required number of tool switches
-		// and to support the wipe tower partitions above this one.
-	    size_t                      wipe_tower_partitions;
-	    coordf_t 					wipe_tower_layer_height;
+    coordf_t 					print_z;
+    bool 						has_object;
+    bool						has_support;
+    // Zero based extruder IDs, ordered to minimize tool switches.
+    std::vector<unsigned int> 	extruders;
+    // Will there be anything extruded on this layer for the wipe tower?
+    // Due to the support layers possibly interleaving the object layers,
+    // wipe tower will be disabled for some support only layers.
+    bool 						has_wipe_tower;
+    // Number of wipe tower partitions to support the required number of tool switches
+    // and to support the wipe tower partitions above this one.
+    size_t                      wipe_tower_partitions;
+    coordf_t 					wipe_tower_layer_height;
+    // This object holds list of extrusion that will be used for extruder wiping
+    WipingExtrusions wiping_extrusions;
-        // This holds list of extrusion that will be used for extruder wiping
-        WipingExtrusions wiping_extrusions;
-	};
+class ToolOrdering
 	ToolOrdering() {}
 	// For the use case when each object is printed separately
@@ -114,17 +125,22 @@ private:
 	void 				collect_extruders(const PrintObject &object);
 	void				reorder_extruders(unsigned int last_extruder_id);
 	void 				fill_wipe_tower_partitions(const PrintConfig &config, coordf_t object_bottom_z);
-	void 				collect_extruder_statistics(bool prime_multi_material);
+    void 				collect_extruder_statistics(bool prime_multi_material);
-	std::vector<LayerTools> 	m_layer_tools;
-	// First printing extruder, including the multi-material priming sequence.
-	unsigned int 				m_first_printing_extruder = (unsigned int)-1;
-	// Final printing extruder.
-	unsigned int 				m_last_printing_extruder  = (unsigned int)-1;
-	// All extruders, which extrude some material over m_layer_tools.
-    std::vector<unsigned int> 	m_all_printing_extruders;
+    std::vector<LayerTools>    m_layer_tools;
+    // First printing extruder, including the multi-material priming sequence.
+    unsigned int               m_first_printing_extruder = (unsigned int)-1;
+    // Final printing extruder.
+    unsigned int               m_last_printing_extruder  = (unsigned int)-1;
+    // All extruders, which extrude some material over m_layer_tools.
+    std::vector<unsigned int>  m_all_printing_extruders;
+    const PrintConfig*         m_print_config_ptr = nullptr;
 } // namespace SLic3r
 #endif /* slic3r_ToolOrdering_hpp_ */
diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.cpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.cpp
index dac48bfd3..fcbe74b85 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.cpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.cpp
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
         size_t idx_end   = m_tool_ordering.layer_tools().size();
         // Find the first wipe tower layer, which does not have a counterpart in an object or a support layer.
         for (size_t i = 0; i < idx_end; ++ i) {
-            const ToolOrdering::LayerTools &lt = m_tool_ordering.layer_tools()[i];
+            const LayerTools &lt = m_tool_ordering.layer_tools()[i];
             if (lt.has_wipe_tower && ! lt.has_object && ! lt.has_support) {
                 idx_begin = i;
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
             for (; it_layer != it_end && (*it_layer)->print_z - EPSILON < wipe_tower_new_layer_print_z_first; ++ it_layer);
             // Find the stopper of the sequence of wipe tower layers, which do not have a counterpart in an object or a support layer.
             for (size_t i = idx_begin; i < idx_end; ++ i) {
-                ToolOrdering::LayerTools &lt = const_cast<ToolOrdering::LayerTools&>(m_tool_ordering.layer_tools()[i]);
+                LayerTools &lt = const_cast<LayerTools&>(m_tool_ordering.layer_tools()[i]);
                 if (! (lt.has_wipe_tower && ! lt.has_object && ! lt.has_support))
                 lt.has_support = true;
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
                     float volume_to_wipe = wipe_volumes[current_extruder_id][extruder_id];    // total volume to wipe after this toolchange
                     if (!first_layer)   // unless we're on the first layer, try to assign some infills/objects for the wiping:
-                        volume_to_wipe = mark_wiping_extrusions(layer_tools, extruder_id, wipe_volumes[current_extruder_id][extruder_id]);
+                        volume_to_wipe = layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.mark_wiping_extrusions(*this, layer_tools, extruder_id, wipe_volumes[current_extruder_id][extruder_id]);
                     wipe_tower.plan_toolchange(layer_tools.print_z, layer_tools.wipe_tower_layer_height, current_extruder_id, extruder_id, first_layer && extruder_id == m_tool_ordering.all_extruders().back(), volume_to_wipe);
                     current_extruder_id = extruder_id;
@@ -1173,114 +1173,7 @@ void Print::_make_wipe_tower()
-// Following function iterates through all extrusions on the layer, remembers those that could be used for wiping after toolchange
-// and returns volume that is left to be wiped on the wipe tower.
-float Print::mark_wiping_extrusions(ToolOrdering::LayerTools& layer_tools, unsigned int new_extruder, float volume_to_wipe)
-    const float min_infill_volume = 0.f; // ignore infill with smaller volume than this
-    if (config.filament_soluble.get_at(new_extruder))
-        return volume_to_wipe;      // Soluble filament cannot be wiped in a random infill
-    PrintObjectPtrs object_list = objects;
-    // sort objects so that dedicated for wiping are at the beginning:
-    std::sort(object_list.begin(), object_list.end(), [](const PrintObject* a, const PrintObject* b) { return a->config.wipe_into_objects; }); 
-    // We will now iterate through objects
-    //  - first through the dedicated ones to mark perimeters or infills (depending on infill_first)
-    //  - second through the dedicated ones again to mark infills or perimeters (depending on infill_first)
-    //  - then for the others to mark infills
-    // this is controlled by the following variable:
-    bool perimeters_done = false;
-    for (int i=0 ; i<(int)object_list.size() ; ++i) {                              // Let's iterate through all objects...
-        const auto& object = object_list[i];
-        if (!perimeters_done && (i+1==object_list.size() || !object_list[i]->config.wipe_into_objects)) { // we passed the last dedicated object in list
-            perimeters_done = true;
-            i=-1;   // let's go from the start again
-            continue;
-        }
-        // Finds this layer:
-        auto this_layer_it = std::find_if(object->layers.begin(), object->layers.end(), [&layer_tools](const Layer* lay) { return std::abs(layer_tools.print_z - lay->print_z)<EPSILON; });
-        if (this_layer_it == object->layers.end())
-            continue;
-        const Layer* this_layer = *this_layer_it;
-        unsigned int num_of_copies = object->_shifted_copies.size();
-        for (unsigned int copy = 0; copy < num_of_copies; ++copy) {    // iterate through copies first, so that we mark neighbouring infills to minimize travel moves
-            for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < object->print()->regions.size(); ++ region_id) {
-                const auto& region = *object->print()->regions[region_id];
-                if (!region.config.wipe_into_infill && !object->config.wipe_into_objects)
-                    continue;
-                if (((!config.infill_first ? perimeters_done : !perimeters_done) || !object->config.wipe_into_objects) && region.config.wipe_into_infill) {
-                    ExtrusionEntityCollection& eec = this_layer->regions[region_id]->fills;
-                    for (ExtrusionEntity* ee : eec.entities) {                      // iterate through all infill Collections
-                        if (volume_to_wipe <= 0.f)
-                                return 0.f;
-                        auto* fill = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
-                        if (fill->role() == erTopSolidInfill || fill->role() == erGapFill)  // these cannot be changed - such infill is / may be visible
-                            continue;
-                        // What extruder would this normally be printed with?
-                        unsigned int correct_extruder = get_extruder(fill, region);
-                        if (config.filament_soluble.get_at(correct_extruder)) // if this entity is meant to be soluble, keep it that way
-                            continue;
-                        if (!object->config.wipe_into_objects && !config.infill_first)  {
-                            // In this case we must check that the original extruder is used on this layer before the one we are overridding
-                            // (and the perimeters will be finished before the infill is printed):
-                            if (!config.infill_first && region.config.wipe_into_infill) {
-                                bool unused_yet = false;
-                                for (unsigned i = 0; i < layer_tools.extruders.size(); ++i) {
-                                    if (layer_tools.extruders[i] == new_extruder)
-                                        unused_yet = true;
-                                    if (layer_tools.extruders[i] == correct_extruder)
-                                        break;
-                                }
-                                if (unused_yet)
-                                    continue;
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (!layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) && fill->total_volume() > min_infill_volume) {     // this infill will be used to wipe this extruder
-                            layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.set_extruder_override(fill, copy, new_extruder, num_of_copies);
-                            volume_to_wipe -= fill->total_volume();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (object->config.wipe_into_objects && (config.infill_first ? perimeters_done : !perimeters_done))
-                {
-                    ExtrusionEntityCollection& eec = this_layer->regions[region_id]->perimeters;
-                    for (ExtrusionEntity* ee : eec.entities) {                      // iterate through all perimeter Collections
-                        if (volume_to_wipe <= 0.f)
-                            return 0.f;
-                        auto* fill = dynamic_cast<ExtrusionEntityCollection*>(ee);
-                        // What extruder would this normally be printed with?
-                        unsigned int correct_extruder = get_extruder(fill, region);
-                        if (config.filament_soluble.get_at(correct_extruder)) // if this entity is meant to be soluble, keep it that way
-                            continue;
-                        if (!layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) && fill->total_volume() > min_infill_volume) {
-                            layer_tools.wiping_extrusions.set_extruder_override(fill, copy, new_extruder, num_of_copies);
-                            volume_to_wipe -= fill->total_volume();
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return std::max(0.f, volume_to_wipe);
 std::string Print::output_filename()
diff --git a/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.hpp b/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.hpp
index 8ae9b3689..f90fb500f 100644
--- a/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.hpp
+++ b/xs/src/libslic3r/Print.hpp
@@ -318,19 +318,15 @@ private:
     bool invalidate_state_by_config_options(const std::vector<t_config_option_key> &opt_keys);
     PrintRegionConfig _region_config_from_model_volume(const ModelVolume &volume);
-    // This function goes through all infill entities, decides which ones will be used for wiping and
-    // marks them by the extruder id. Returns volume that remains to be wiped on the wipe tower:
-    float mark_wiping_extrusions(ToolOrdering::LayerTools& layer_tools, unsigned int new_extruder, float volume_to_wipe);
     // Has the calculation been canceled?
     tbb::atomic<bool>   m_canceled;
 // Returns extruder this eec should be printed with, according to PrintRegion config
-static int get_extruder(const ExtrusionEntityCollection* fill, const PrintRegion &region) {
-    return is_infill(fill->role()) ? std::max<int>(0, (is_solid_infill(fill->entities.front()->role()) ? region.config.solid_infill_extruder : region.config.infill_extruder) - 1) :
-                                     std::max<int>(region.config.perimeter_extruder.value - 1, 0);
+static int get_extruder(const ExtrusionEntityCollection& fill, const PrintRegion &region) {
+    return is_infill(fill.role()) ? std::max<int>(0, (is_solid_infill(fill.entities.front()->role()) ? region.config.solid_infill_extruder : region.config.infill_extruder) - 1) :
+                                    std::max<int>(region.config.perimeter_extruder.value - 1, 0);