config bundles, project files (3MFs, AMFs). When loading these files,
the caller may decide whether to substitute some of the configuration
values the current PrusaSlicer version does not understand with
some reasonable default value, and whether to report it. If substitution
is disabled, an exception is being thrown as before this commit.
If substitution is enabled, list of substitutions is returned by the
API to be presented to the user. This allows us to introduce for example
new firmware flavor key in PrusaSlicer 2.4 while letting PrusaSlicer
2.3.2 to fall back to some default and to report it to the user.
When slicing from command line, substutions are performed by default
and reported into the console, however substitutions may be either
disabled or made silent with the new "config-compatibility" command
line option.
Substitute enums and bools only. Allow booleans to be parsed as
true: "1", "enabled", "on" case insensitive
false: "0", "disabled", "off" case insensitive
This will allow us in the future for example to switch the draft_shield
boolean to an enum with the following values: "disabled" / "enabled" / "limited".
Added "enum_bitmask.hpp" - support for type safe sets of options.
See for example PresetBundle::load_configbundle(...
LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags) for an example of intended usage.
WIP: GUI for reporting the list of config substitutions needs to be
implemented by @YuSanka.
Renamed its_create_neighbors_index() / its_create_neighbors_index_par() to its_face_neighbors() / its_face_neighbors_par().
New variant of its_face_edge_ids() to create edge IDs from face neighbors.
Fixed some incorrect use of _NDEBUG, it should be NDEBUG.
PrintObject::slice_support_volumes() returns newly Polygons, which are cheaper than ExPolygons.
Updated SeamPlacer and SupportMaterial to use regions defined as Polygons, not ExPolygons.
TriangleSelector::get_facets_strict() returning a patch with T-joints retriangulated.
New slice_mesh_slabs() - slicing projections of a triangle patch into top / bottom layers of slices, for MMU top / bottom segmentation.
TriangleMeshSlicer - use 64 mutexes instead of one when scattering sliced triangles into layers. This makes a big difference on modern many core desktop computers.
When applying MM segmented regions to input regions, the split regions are now re-merged with 10x higher positive offset epsilon to avoid creating gaps.
When testing for existence of paint-on supports or seam, use a more efficient has_facets() test, which does not deserialize into the expensive TriangleSelector tree structure.
GLIndexedVertexArray newly uses Eigen::AlignedBox<float, 3> for efficiency instead of our double based BoundingBoxf3.
Improved MMU painting refresh speed by optimizing generation of the vertex buffers.
Refactored MMU segmentation - projection of painted surfaces from top / bottom.
1) Parallelized.
2) Using the new slice_mesh_slabs() instead of projecting one triangle by the other and merging them with Clipper.
from the background slicing thread, that supports cancellation.
The generic mechanism is used for generating thumbnails into G-code and
Fixes Fix deadlock when canceling the slicing while gcode is creating thumbnails #6476
Thanks @supermerill for pointing out the issue.
1) Using boost::preprocessor to reduce code duplicities when defining
new configuration values.
2) Implemented static hash() and operator== on StaticPrintConfig derived
classes to support hash tables of instances thereof.
the code more readable and to highlight where PrintObject::region_volumes
are actually set and consumed.
2) Replaced Slic3r::clamp() with std::clamp(). They differ in the order
of their parameters, thus hopefully no new bugs were introduced.
3) Some refactoring of MultiMaterialSegmentation for efficiency.