The values of StaticPrintConfig derived objects were searched by a name
walking through a huge chained if.
Now they are being mapped with a std::map.
Also initialization of StaticPrintConfig classes from their ConfigOptionDef
defaults is done by maintaining a single global definition of each
StaticPrintConfig derived class, and a new instance is initialized
from this static copy.
Also the ConfigOption instances are casted using static_cast
wherever possible, and their types are verified by a virtual type() method.
This approach avoids insiginificant performance penalty of a dynamic_cast.
Also the compare and clone methods were added to ConfigOption,
and the cloning & compare work on binary values, not by serialization.
discover_horizontal_shells() fron Perl to C++, where
the already calculated bridge direction was being lost.
Improved constness of the debug methods
void export_region_slices_to_svg(const char *path) const;
void export_region_fill_surfaces_to_svg(const char *path) const;
cleanly on Windows & Linux. There is still a work on OSX:
The XS module has to be linked without perl.lib and with
the following parameters to produce a bundle: -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup
merged "Use submenus for listing options in dropdown menu." #3905
thanks @alexrj
Adapted the "Use submenus" code to sort the menus in the same order
as they appear in the parameter tabs.
Removed the Perl dependencies on Encode, Encode::Locale and Unicode::Normalize.
Added dependency on boost::locale.
Added encode_path, decode_path, normalize_utf8 functions to Slic3r.xs
Slic3r.xs has been made mostly utf8 safe by using the boost::nowide library,
thanks to @alexrj for the idea.
Simplified the encode_path / decode_path stuff:
wxWidgets are unicode already, so there is no need to decode_path() from it.
Perl / win32 interfacing is non-unicode, so decode_path() is executed
on ARGV just at the beginning of the perl scripts.
variable. When set to zero, the usual automatic bridge detection applies.
The bridging angle override may be set at the Infill->Advanced settings,
or through a modifier mesh.
Change of the PlaceholderParser:
All vector configuration values stored into the PlaceholderParser
are expected to be addressed by the extruder ID, therefore
if a vector configuration value is addressed without an index,
a current extruder ID is used.
Also a small fix of fan handling: The fan speed is set to zero
at the start of the G-code if the cooling for the initial extruder
is disabled.