+ Fixed translation for the "Extruder n" category on the Printer Settings Tab
+ Fixed a crash, when scrolling inside Search imGui with some localization (e.t. Russion)
with the following refactorings:
1) Removed the "printhost_slug" config from the Printer config
and from all the Printer config related spots.
2) "printhost_slug" renamed to "printhost_port". Slug sounds nasty.
3) Improved error reporting of RepetierHost class.
4) Refactored for the new "Physical Printers"
Following refactorings were done independently of the Repetier pull request:
1) Removed PrintHost static print config.
2) Clean-up after conversion of print host configuration
from Printer config to Physical Printer config.
3) Fixed some issues, where the Printer config was still queried for
host configuration. Vojtech believes that this should not happen
after the host configuration is converted to physical printers.
Vojtech still feels that more refactoring is needed in regard to porting
the host configuration from Printer profile to the new Physical Printer
WIP: The hints do not rescale when switching the "usage" combo box.
The new g-code time estimator needs to be updated to not read
the machine limits if not enabled.
+ Create controls only on the shown and active tab
+ Line class : deleted unused sizer
+ In GUI_Utils added TaskTimer class for the print a time of some task duration
+ BedShapeDialog:: activated options_groups
+ commented some unused code
- changed width of the "Save dialog"
- SavePresetDialog: added info for Print/Filament user presets incompatible with selected printer_technology
- fixed missed "modified" suffix when options are moved to the another preset
- "move selected options" button is added for dependent presets
* Now we show a list of printers name with selected preset
+ Added a edit_button for the editing of the physical printer fro the Settings Tab
+ Show whole list of the loaded presets with "Print host upload"
- Added possibility to correct delete presets considering with the physical printers
- Smart switching to the printer preset if physical printer was selected
* Create full printer name as a PrinterName + RelatedPresetName
* Added printer model to the PhysicalPrinter.config => Enable to select just between presets with same printer model
* When physical printer is selected and create new preset ask if should we use this preset for selected ph_printer or just to switch for it
- PresetCombpBoxes are extracted to the separate file.
- All preset icons are moved to the PresetComboBox from Preset and PresetBundle
- First "steps" to add physical printers to the printers list on the sidebar.
Fixed OSX specific bugs:
- toolbar flashing for some mainframe sizes (Retina specific)
- size of mainframe when settings layout in slNew mode
Added missed icons to the "white" folder
Search string are synchronized between Plater and Tabs.
List with options and filtered list are in Sidebar.
All options list on tabs and Plater use this data from Sidebar
Note: SearchComboBox.cpp(hpp) was renamed to Search.cpp(hpp)