object layer over raft interface:
"first_layer_speed_over_raft", "first_layer_acceleration_over_raft".
Fixes I have a question about the speed of the first layer after the raft. #6623
Fixes Layer After Raft Is Not Considered First Layer! #6166
1) Changed the name of the variable "brim_offset" to "brim_separation"
for clarity.
2) Added legacy conversion after loading an old 3MF that does not define
then new "brim_separation" variable: The "brim_separation" is being
filled in with the "elefant_foot_compensation" value to produce
equal brim separation to the old PrusaSlicer that saved that 3MF file.
Renamed the new "printhost_ignore_check" option to "printhost_ssl_ignore_revoke"
Improved the Physical Printers dialog in regard to the new option checkbox
(added tooltip to the checkbox, moved it to the end of options).
Disabled the host_xxx options at the command line interface, they no
more work after these options were separated to Physical Printers profiles.
Little refactoring of Http.cpp/hpp, OctoPrint.cpp/hpp
Private local variables prefixed with m_, some renaming for clarity.
'dont-ensure-on-bed' (which allows to override). This was the original
behaviour in Slic3r and Sli3rPE, probably broken long ago when CLI
was ported from Perl.
Also, --scale-to-fit should now work again (#5772)
To the "physical_printer" added "preset_name" option as a duplicate of the "preset_names" but like one string.
Note: It will works just for printer preset names without ";" (see #5503)
config bundles, project files (3MFs, AMFs). When loading these files,
the caller may decide whether to substitute some of the configuration
values the current PrusaSlicer version does not understand with
some reasonable default value, and whether to report it. If substitution
is disabled, an exception is being thrown as before this commit.
If substitution is enabled, list of substitutions is returned by the
API to be presented to the user. This allows us to introduce for example
new firmware flavor key in PrusaSlicer 2.4 while letting PrusaSlicer
2.3.2 to fall back to some default and to report it to the user.
When slicing from command line, substutions are performed by default
and reported into the console, however substitutions may be either
disabled or made silent with the new "config-compatibility" command
line option.
Substitute enums and bools only. Allow booleans to be parsed as
true: "1", "enabled", "on" case insensitive
false: "0", "disabled", "off" case insensitive
This will allow us in the future for example to switch the draft_shield
boolean to an enum with the following values: "disabled" / "enabled" / "limited".
Added "enum_bitmask.hpp" - support for type safe sets of options.
See for example PresetBundle::load_configbundle(...
LoadConfigBundleAttributes flags) for an example of intended usage.
WIP: GUI for reporting the list of config substitutions needs to be
implemented by @YuSanka.
S3D's strategy for merging self intersecting models is "Even / Odd"
which PrusaSlicer now supports as an alternative to "Positive" rule.
Also added a "Close Holes" option to fill in all internal structures.
3D-Labprint Models aren't sliceable (till years) #3062#3708
1) Using boost::preprocessor to reduce code duplicities when defining
new configuration values.
2) Implemented static hash() and operator== on StaticPrintConfig derived
classes to support hash tables of instances thereof.
Thus the first_layer_height is no more object specific. That makes
a lot of sense due to the brim calculation being performed over
all layers at once and due to future merging of supports of
different objects at first layer.
2) Because now first_layer_height is print specific, the relative
first layer height derived from the object layer height was partially
disabled: First the relative first layer height is converted to
an absolute value when importing config, second the side text
was changed from "mm or %" to "mm". Still the UI allows entering %.
Both changes may be controversial, let's wait for user feedback.
Fixed some old support and infill issues.
Fixes support problem #4295
Fixes Parts of interface layer extends beyond supports and cannot be printed
Fixes support missing under horizontal overhang #6058
Fixes Slicer double-traces small sections of Rectilinear Supports, causes
Fixes plastic buildup and nozzle crashes #4951
Fixes Add "Angle Interface layers" #2969
- show extra travel acceleration settings in 'Machine limits' page in Printer Settings
when the new firmware flavor is selected
- updated tooltips on the config values (they were basically wrong even in the current version)
- 'Marlin (legacy)' firmware flavor behaviour should not change: it exports M204 Pa Rb Ta
(where a, b are the values from machine limits) at the beginning of gcode and it uses
M204 S... for feature type dependent acceleration settings (legacy variant of M204 P.. T..)
- new Marlin Firmware exports M204 Pa Rb Tc (where a,b,c are the values from machine limits).
Feature type dependent acceleration is set using M204 P..., not overriding the travel acceleration.
expanded to a grid (the old way) vs.
snug (like the upstream Slic3r, Cura or Ideamaker).
Snug supports suffered from the degeneracies when merging overhang islands
over a large number of layers when projecting the support towers down.
We borrowed the idea & a bit of code from Cura by simplifying the support
polygons by closing the concave cracks, see the smooth_outward() function
and the MutablePolygon class.
Fixes Support problems with models with hole in the walls. #555
Fixes Support in the Air #740
Fixes [Bug] Supports generated beyond bed edges (X<0 and X>250) and where none are needed. #902
Fixes Unable to remove support material/can't change support "inflation distance" #2708
Fixes FR: support inflation and support conform to boundary #4783
Fixes Support blocker not working on this model #1346
Fixes Unnecessary support material #1993
Fixes support blocker enforcer issue #6240
If the new support_material_bottom_interface_layers is left at default -1,
then support_material_interface_layers is used for both top and bottom
interface layers.
If support_material_interface_layers == 0, then neither top nor bottom
interface layers are being extruded.
This always contains the actual print_z of the toolchange, while layer_z contains the print_z
of the print. The two differ in case that wipe tower without sparse layers is used.
Related to #3834.
New config field for switching the support interface pattern between
default (rectilinear for non-soluble interface, concentric for soluble interface),
explicit rectilinear and explicit concentric.
Also the config layer was reworked a bit to reduce some switch statements
on ConfigOptionEnum<> templates.
Fixes [Request] Add optional perimeter to raft #756
Fixes First support layer does not stick to bed #2101
New parameters raft_first_layer_density and raft_first_layer_expansion
to influence the 1st layer of raft or support.
Fixes Allow to disable raft under support structures. #3772
Fixes raft is larger than necessary #2568
Fixes Supports on the build plate should have a solid bottom interface for better adhesion #1165
Changed the 1st layer infill to rectilinear even for soluble materials.
Fixes first layer of support for multi filament support oddly spaced #1445
Fixes Full Soluble Materials interfacing into Models + Soluble material noise on Bed #684