#include "catch2/catch.hpp" #include #include #include "slic3r/GUI/Jobs/BoostThreadWorker.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/Jobs/ProgressIndicator.hpp" //#include struct Progress: Slic3r::ProgressIndicator { int range = 100; int pr = 0; std::string statustxt; void set_range(int r) override { range = r; } void set_cancel_callback(CancelFn = CancelFn()) override {} void set_progress(int p) override { pr = p; } void set_status_text(const char *txt) override { statustxt = txt; } int get_range() const override { return range; } }; TEST_CASE("nullptr job should be ignored", "[Jobs]") { Slic3r::GUI::BoostThreadWorker worker{std::make_unique()}; worker.push(nullptr); REQUIRE(worker.is_idle()); } TEST_CASE("State should not be idle while running a job", "[Jobs]") { using namespace Slic3r; using namespace Slic3r::GUI; BoostThreadWorker worker{std::make_unique(), "worker_thread"}; queue_job(worker, [&worker](Job::Ctl &ctl) { ctl.call_on_main_thread([&worker] { REQUIRE(!worker.is_idle()); }).wait(); }); worker.wait_for_idle(); REQUIRE(worker.is_idle()); } TEST_CASE("Status messages should be received by the main thread during job execution", "[Jobs]") { using namespace Slic3r; using namespace Slic3r::GUI; auto pri = std::make_shared(); BoostThreadWorker worker{pri}; queue_job(worker, [](Job::Ctl &ctl){ for (int s = 0; s <= 100; ++s) { ctl.update_status(s, "Running"); } }); worker.wait_for_idle(); REQUIRE(pri->pr == 100); REQUIRE(pri->statustxt == "Running"); } TEST_CASE("Cancellation should be recognized be the worker", "[Jobs]") { using namespace Slic3r; using namespace Slic3r::GUI; auto pri = std::make_shared(); BoostThreadWorker worker{pri}; queue_job( worker, [](Job::Ctl &ctl) { for (int s = 0; s <= 100; ++s) { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); ctl.update_status(s, "Running"); if (ctl.was_canceled()) break; } }, [](bool cancelled, std::exception_ptr &) { // finalize REQUIRE(cancelled == true); }); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); worker.cancel(); worker.wait_for_current_job(); REQUIRE(pri->pr != 100); } TEST_CASE("cancel_all should remove all pending jobs", "[Jobs]") { using namespace Slic3r; using namespace Slic3r::GUI; auto pri = std::make_shared(); BoostThreadWorker worker{pri}; std::array jobres = {false}; queue_job(worker, [&jobres](Job::Ctl &) { jobres[0] = true; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); }); queue_job(worker, [&jobres](Job::Ctl &) { jobres[1] = true; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); }); queue_job(worker, [&jobres](Job::Ctl &) { jobres[2] = true; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); }); queue_job(worker, [&jobres](Job::Ctl &) { jobres[3] = true; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); }); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::microseconds(500)); worker.cancel_all(); REQUIRE(jobres[0] == true); REQUIRE(jobres[1] == false); REQUIRE(jobres[2] == false); REQUIRE(jobres[3] == false); } TEST_CASE("Exception should be properly forwarded to finalize()", "[Jobs]") { using namespace Slic3r; using namespace Slic3r::GUI; auto pri = std::make_shared(); BoostThreadWorker worker{pri}; queue_job( worker, [](Job::Ctl &) { throw std::runtime_error("test"); }, [](bool /*canceled*/, std::exception_ptr &eptr) { REQUIRE(eptr != nullptr); try { std::rethrow_exception(eptr); } catch (std::runtime_error &e) { REQUIRE(std::string(e.what()) == "test"); } eptr = nullptr; }); worker.wait_for_idle(); REQUIRE(worker.is_idle()); }