#ifndef _technologies_h_ #define _technologies_h_ //============ // debug techs //============ // Shows camera target in the 3D scene #define ENABLE_SHOW_CAMERA_TARGET 0 // Log debug messages to console when changing selection #define ENABLE_SELECTION_DEBUG_OUTPUT 0 // Renders a small sphere in the center of the bounding box of the current selection when no gizmo is active #define ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER 0 //==================== // 1.42.0.alpha1 techs //==================== #define ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1 1 // Disable synchronization of unselected instances #define DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH (0 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1) // Scene's GUI made using imgui library #define ENABLE_IMGUI (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1) #define DISABLE_MOVE_ROTATE_SCALE_GIZMOS_IMGUI (1 && ENABLE_IMGUI) // Use wxDataViewRender instead of wxDataViewCustomRenderer #define ENABLE_NONCUSTOM_DATA_VIEW_RENDERING (0 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA1) //==================== // 1.42.0.alpha4 techs //==================== #define ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA4 1 // Changed algorithm to extract euler angles from rotation matrix #define ENABLE_NEW_EULER_ANGLES (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA4) // Added minimum threshold for click and drag movements #define ENABLE_MOVE_MIN_THRESHOLD (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA4) // Modified initial default placement of generic subparts #define ENABLE_GENERIC_SUBPARTS_PLACEMENT (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA4) // Bunch of fixes related to volumes centering #define ENABLE_VOLUMES_CENTERING_FIXES (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA4) //==================== // 1.42.0.alpha5 techs //==================== #define ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA5 1 // Toolbar items hidden/shown in dependence of the user mode #define ENABLE_MODE_AWARE_TOOLBAR_ITEMS (1 && ENABLE_1_42_0_ALPHA5) #endif // _technologies_h_