#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "Selection.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "Gizmos/GLGizmoBase.hpp" #include "Camera.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include #include #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER #include #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER static const float UNIFORM_SCALE_COLOR[4] = { 0.923f, 0.504f, 0.264f, 1.0f }; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { Selection::VolumeCache::TransformCache::TransformCache() : position(Vec3d::Zero()) , rotation(Vec3d::Zero()) , scaling_factor(Vec3d::Ones()) , mirror(Vec3d::Ones()) , rotation_matrix(Transform3d::Identity()) , scale_matrix(Transform3d::Identity()) , mirror_matrix(Transform3d::Identity()) , full_matrix(Transform3d::Identity()) { } Selection::VolumeCache::TransformCache::TransformCache(const Geometry::Transformation& transform) : position(transform.get_offset()) , rotation(transform.get_rotation()) , scaling_factor(transform.get_scaling_factor()) , mirror(transform.get_mirror()) , full_matrix(transform.get_matrix()) { rotation_matrix = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), rotation); scale_matrix = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), scaling_factor); mirror_matrix = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Ones(), mirror); } Selection::VolumeCache::VolumeCache(const Geometry::Transformation& volume_transform, const Geometry::Transformation& instance_transform) : m_volume(volume_transform) , m_instance(instance_transform) { } bool Selection::Clipboard::is_sla_compliant() const { if (m_mode == Selection::Volume) return false; for (const ModelObject* o : m_model->objects) { if (o->is_multiparts()) return false; for (const ModelVolume* v : o->volumes) { if (v->is_modifier()) return false; } } return true; } Selection::Clipboard::Clipboard() { m_model.reset(new Model); } void Selection::Clipboard::reset() { m_model->clear_objects(); } bool Selection::Clipboard::is_empty() const { return m_model->objects.empty(); } ModelObject* Selection::Clipboard::add_object() { return m_model->add_object(); } ModelObject* Selection::Clipboard::get_object(unsigned int id) { return (id < (unsigned int)m_model->objects.size()) ? m_model->objects[id] : nullptr; } const ModelObjectPtrs& Selection::Clipboard::get_objects() const { return m_model->objects; } Selection::Selection() : m_volumes(nullptr) , m_model(nullptr) , m_enabled(false) , m_mode(Instance) , m_type(Empty) , m_valid(false) , m_scale_factor(1.0f) { #if !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER m_arrow.reset(new GLArrow); m_curved_arrow.reset(new GLCurvedArrow(16)); #endif // !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); #if ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER m_quadric = ::gluNewQuadric(); if (m_quadric != nullptr) ::gluQuadricDrawStyle(m_quadric, GLU_FILL); #endif // ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER } #if ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER Selection::~Selection() { if (m_quadric != nullptr) ::gluDeleteQuadric(m_quadric); } #endif // ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER void Selection::set_volumes(GLVolumePtrs* volumes) { m_volumes = volumes; update_valid(); } // Init shall be called from the OpenGL render function, so that the OpenGL context is initialized! bool Selection::init() { #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER m_arrow.init_from(straight_arrow(10.0f, 5.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f)); m_curved_arrow.init_from(circular_arrow(16, 10.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f)); #else if (!m_arrow->init()) return false; m_arrow->set_scale(5.0 * Vec3d::Ones()); if (!m_curved_arrow->init()) return false; m_curved_arrow->set_scale(5.0 * Vec3d::Ones()); #endif //ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER return true; } void Selection::set_model(Model* model) { m_model = model; update_valid(); } void Selection::add(unsigned int volume_idx, bool as_single_selection, bool check_for_already_contained) { if (!m_valid || ((unsigned int)m_volumes->size() <= volume_idx)) return; const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx]; // wipe tower is already selected if (is_wipe_tower() && volume->is_wipe_tower) return; bool keep_instance_mode = (m_mode == Instance) && !as_single_selection; bool already_contained = check_for_already_contained && contains_volume(volume_idx); // resets the current list if needed bool needs_reset = as_single_selection && !already_contained; needs_reset |= volume->is_wipe_tower; needs_reset |= is_wipe_tower() && !volume->is_wipe_tower; needs_reset |= as_single_selection && !is_any_modifier() && volume->is_modifier; needs_reset |= is_any_modifier() && !volume->is_modifier; if (!already_contained || needs_reset) { wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add"))); if (needs_reset) clear(); if (!keep_instance_mode) m_mode = volume->is_modifier ? Volume : Instance; } else // keep current mode return; switch (m_mode) { case Volume: { if ((volume->volume_idx() >= 0) && (is_empty() || (volume->instance_idx() == get_instance_idx()))) do_add_volume(volume_idx); break; } case Instance: { Plater::SuppressSnapshots suppress(wxGetApp().plater()); add_instance(volume->object_idx(), volume->instance_idx(), as_single_selection); break; } } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::remove(unsigned int volume_idx) { if (!m_valid || ((unsigned int)m_volumes->size() <= volume_idx)) return; if (!contains_volume(volume_idx)) return; wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove"))); GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx]; switch (m_mode) { case Volume: { do_remove_volume(volume_idx); break; } case Instance: { do_remove_instance(volume->object_idx(), volume->instance_idx()); break; } } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::add_object(unsigned int object_idx, bool as_single_selection) { if (!m_valid) return; std::vector volume_idxs = get_volume_idxs_from_object(object_idx); if ((!as_single_selection && contains_all_volumes(volume_idxs)) || (as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs))) return; wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add Object"))); // resets the current list if needed if (as_single_selection) clear(); m_mode = Instance; do_add_volumes(volume_idxs); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::remove_object(unsigned int object_idx) { if (!m_valid) return; wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove Object"))); do_remove_object(object_idx); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::add_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx, bool as_single_selection) { if (!m_valid) return; std::vector volume_idxs = get_volume_idxs_from_instance(object_idx, instance_idx); if ((!as_single_selection && contains_all_volumes(volume_idxs)) || (as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs))) return; wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add Instance"))); // resets the current list if needed if (as_single_selection) clear(); m_mode = Instance; do_add_volumes(volume_idxs); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::remove_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx) { if (!m_valid) return; wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove Instance"))); do_remove_instance(object_idx, instance_idx); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::add_volume(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int volume_idx, int instance_idx, bool as_single_selection) { if (!m_valid) return; std::vector volume_idxs = get_volume_idxs_from_volume(object_idx, instance_idx, volume_idx); if ((!as_single_selection && contains_all_volumes(volume_idxs)) || (as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs))) return; // resets the current list if needed if (as_single_selection) clear(); m_mode = Volume; do_add_volumes(volume_idxs); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::remove_volume(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int volume_idx) { if (!m_valid) return; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) && (v->volume_idx() == (int)volume_idx)) do_remove_volume(i); } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::add_volumes(EMode mode, const std::vector& volume_idxs, bool as_single_selection) { if (!m_valid) return; if ((!as_single_selection && contains_all_volumes(volume_idxs)) || (as_single_selection && matches(volume_idxs))) return; // resets the current list if needed if (as_single_selection) clear(); m_mode = mode; for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size()) do_add_volume(i); } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::remove_volumes(EMode mode, const std::vector& volume_idxs) { if (!m_valid) return; m_mode = mode; for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size()) do_remove_volume(i); } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::add_all() { if (!m_valid) return; unsigned int count = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { if (!(*m_volumes)[i]->is_wipe_tower) ++count; } if ((unsigned int)m_list.size() == count) return; wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Add All"))); m_mode = Instance; clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { if (!(*m_volumes)[i]->is_wipe_tower) do_add_volume(i); } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::remove_all() { if (!m_valid) return; if (is_empty()) return; // Not taking the snapshot with non-empty Redo stack will likely be more confusing than losing the Redo stack. // Let's wait for user feedback. // if (!wxGetApp().plater()->can_redo()) wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Selection-Remove All"))); m_mode = Instance; clear(); } void Selection::set_deserialized(EMode mode, const std::vector> &volumes_and_instances) { if (! m_valid) return; m_mode = mode; for (unsigned int i : m_list) (*m_volumes)[i]->selected = false; m_list.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++ i) if (std::binary_search(volumes_and_instances.begin(), volumes_and_instances.end(), (*m_volumes)[i]->geometry_id)) this->do_add_volume(i); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::clear() { if (!m_valid) return; if (m_list.empty()) return; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { (*m_volumes)[i]->selected = false; } m_list.clear(); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); // this happens while the application is closing if (wxGetApp().obj_manipul() == nullptr) return; // resets the cache in the sidebar wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->reset_cache(); // #et_FIXME fake KillFocus from sidebar wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event("", false); } // Update the selection based on the new instance IDs. void Selection::instances_changed(const std::vector &instance_ids_selected) { assert(m_valid); assert(m_mode == Instance); m_list.clear(); for (unsigned int volume_idx = 0; volume_idx < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++ volume_idx) { const GLVolume *volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx]; auto it = std::lower_bound(instance_ids_selected.begin(), instance_ids_selected.end(), volume->geometry_id.second); if (it != instance_ids_selected.end() && *it == volume->geometry_id.second) this->do_add_volume(volume_idx); } update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } // Update the selection based on the map from old indices to new indices after m_volumes changed. // If the current selection is by instance, this call may select newly added volumes, if they belong to already selected instances. void Selection::volumes_changed(const std::vector &map_volume_old_to_new) { assert(m_valid); assert(m_mode == Volume); IndicesList list_new; for (unsigned int idx : m_list) if (map_volume_old_to_new[idx] != size_t(-1)) { unsigned int new_idx = (unsigned int)map_volume_old_to_new[idx]; (*m_volumes)[new_idx]->selected = true; list_new.insert(new_idx); } m_list = std::move(list_new); update_type(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } bool Selection::is_single_full_instance() const { if (m_type == SingleFullInstance) return true; if (m_type == SingleFullObject) return get_instance_idx() != -1; if (m_list.empty() || m_volumes->empty()) return false; int object_idx = m_valid ? get_object_idx() : -1; if ((object_idx < 0) || ((int)m_model->objects.size() <= object_idx)) return false; int instance_idx = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->instance_idx(); std::set volumes_idxs; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((object_idx != v->object_idx()) || (instance_idx != v->instance_idx())) return false; int volume_idx = v->volume_idx(); if (volume_idx >= 0) volumes_idxs.insert(volume_idx); } return m_model->objects[object_idx]->volumes.size() == volumes_idxs.size(); } bool Selection::is_from_single_object() const { int idx = get_object_idx(); return (0 <= idx) && (idx < 1000); } bool Selection::is_sla_compliant() const { if (m_mode == Volume) return false; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if ((*m_volumes)[i]->is_modifier) return false; } return true; } bool Selection::contains_all_volumes(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const { for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (m_list.find(i) == m_list.end()) return false; } return true; } bool Selection::contains_any_volume(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const { for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (m_list.find(i) != m_list.end()) return true; } return false; } bool Selection::matches(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const { unsigned int count = 0; for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (m_list.find(i) != m_list.end()) ++count; else return false; } return count == (unsigned int)m_list.size(); } bool Selection::requires_uniform_scale() const { if (is_single_full_instance() || is_single_modifier() || is_single_volume()) return false; return true; } int Selection::get_object_idx() const { return (m_cache.content.size() == 1) ? m_cache.content.begin()->first : -1; } int Selection::get_instance_idx() const { if (m_cache.content.size() == 1) { const InstanceIdxsList& idxs = m_cache.content.begin()->second; if (idxs.size() == 1) return *idxs.begin(); } return -1; } const Selection::InstanceIdxsList& Selection::get_instance_idxs() const { assert(m_cache.content.size() == 1); return m_cache.content.begin()->second; } const GLVolume* Selection::get_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) const { return (m_valid && (volume_idx < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size())) ? (*m_volumes)[volume_idx] : nullptr; } const BoundingBoxf3& Selection::get_bounding_box() const { if (m_bounding_box_dirty) calc_bounding_box(); return m_bounding_box; } const BoundingBoxf3& Selection::get_unscaled_instance_bounding_box() const { if (m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box_dirty) calc_unscaled_instance_bounding_box(); return m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box; } const BoundingBoxf3& Selection::get_scaled_instance_bounding_box() const { if (m_scaled_instance_bounding_box_dirty) calc_scaled_instance_bounding_box(); return m_scaled_instance_bounding_box; } void Selection::start_dragging() { if (!m_valid) return; set_caches(); } void Selection::translate(const Vec3d& displacement, bool local) { if (!m_valid) return; EMode translation_type = m_mode; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if ((m_mode == Volume) || (*m_volumes)[i]->is_wipe_tower) { if (local) (*m_volumes)[i]->set_volume_offset(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_position() + displacement); else { Vec3d local_displacement = (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation_matrix() * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_scale_matrix() * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_mirror_matrix()).inverse() * displacement; (*m_volumes)[i]->set_volume_offset(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_position() + local_displacement); } } else if (m_mode == Instance) { if (is_from_fully_selected_instance(i)) (*m_volumes)[i]->set_instance_offset(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position() + displacement); else { Vec3d local_displacement = (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation_matrix() * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_scale_matrix() * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_mirror_matrix()).inverse() * displacement; (*m_volumes)[i]->set_volume_offset(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_position() + local_displacement); translation_type = Volume; } } } #if !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH if (translation_type == Instance) synchronize_unselected_instances(SYNC_ROTATION_NONE); else if (translation_type == Volume) synchronize_unselected_volumes(); #endif // !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } // Rotate an object around one of the axes. Only one rotation component is expected to be changing. void Selection::rotate(const Vec3d& rotation, TransformationType transformation_type) { if (!m_valid) return; // Only relative rotation values are allowed in the world coordinate system. assert(!transformation_type.world() || transformation_type.relative()); if (!is_wipe_tower()) { int rot_axis_max = 0; if (rotation.isApprox(Vec3d::Zero())) { for (unsigned int i : m_list) { GLVolume &volume = *(*m_volumes)[i]; if (m_mode == Instance) { volume.set_instance_rotation(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation()); volume.set_instance_offset(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position()); } else if (m_mode == Volume) { volume.set_volume_rotation(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_rotation()); volume.set_volume_offset(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_position()); } } } else { // this is not the wipe tower //FIXME this does not work for absolute rotations (transformation_type.absolute() is true) rotation.cwiseAbs().maxCoeff(&rot_axis_max); // if ( single instance or single volume ) // Rotate around center , if only a single object or volume // transformation_type.set_independent(); // For generic rotation, we want to rotate the first volume in selection, and then to synchronize the other volumes with it. std::vector object_instance_first(m_model->objects.size(), -1); auto rotate_instance = [this, &rotation, &object_instance_first, rot_axis_max, transformation_type](GLVolume &volume, int i) { int first_volume_idx = object_instance_first[volume.object_idx()]; if (rot_axis_max != 2 && first_volume_idx != -1) { // Generic rotation, but no rotation around the Z axis. // Always do a local rotation (do not consider the selection to be a rigid body). assert(is_approx(rotation.z(), 0.0)); const GLVolume &first_volume = *(*m_volumes)[first_volume_idx]; const Vec3d &rotation = first_volume.get_instance_rotation(); double z_diff = Geometry::rotation_diff_z(m_cache.volumes_data[first_volume_idx].get_instance_rotation(), m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation()); volume.set_instance_rotation(Vec3d(rotation(0), rotation(1), rotation(2) + z_diff)); } else { // extracts rotations from the composed transformation Vec3d new_rotation = transformation_type.world() ? Geometry::extract_euler_angles(Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), rotation) * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation_matrix()) : transformation_type.absolute() ? rotation : rotation + m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation(); if (rot_axis_max == 2 && transformation_type.joint()) { // Only allow rotation of multiple instances as a single rigid body when rotating around the Z axis. double z_diff = Geometry::rotation_diff_z(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation(), new_rotation); volume.set_instance_offset(m_cache.dragging_center + Eigen::AngleAxisd(z_diff, Vec3d::UnitZ()) * (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position() - m_cache.dragging_center)); } volume.set_instance_rotation(new_rotation); object_instance_first[volume.object_idx()] = i; } }; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { GLVolume &volume = *(*m_volumes)[i]; if (is_single_full_instance()) rotate_instance(volume, i); else if (is_single_volume() || is_single_modifier()) { if (transformation_type.independent()) volume.set_volume_rotation(volume.get_volume_rotation() + rotation); else { Transform3d m = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), rotation); Vec3d new_rotation = Geometry::extract_euler_angles(m * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_rotation_matrix()); volume.set_volume_rotation(new_rotation); } } else { if (m_mode == Instance) rotate_instance(volume, i); else if (m_mode == Volume) { // extracts rotations from the composed transformation Transform3d m = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), rotation); Vec3d new_rotation = Geometry::extract_euler_angles(m * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_rotation_matrix()); if (transformation_type.joint()) { Vec3d local_pivot = m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_full_matrix().inverse() * m_cache.dragging_center; Vec3d offset = m * (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_position() - local_pivot); volume.set_volume_offset(local_pivot + offset); } volume.set_volume_rotation(new_rotation); } } } } #if !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH if (m_mode == Instance) synchronize_unselected_instances((rot_axis_max == 2) ? SYNC_ROTATION_NONE : SYNC_ROTATION_GENERAL); else if (m_mode == Volume) synchronize_unselected_volumes(); #endif // !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH } else { // it's the wipe tower that's selected and being rotated GLVolume& volume = *((*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]); // the wipe tower is always alone in the selection // make sure the wipe tower rotates around its center, not origin // we can assume that only Z rotation changes Vec3d center_local = volume.transformed_bounding_box().center() - volume.get_volume_offset(); Vec3d center_local_new = Eigen::AngleAxisd(rotation(2)-volume.get_volume_rotation()(2), Vec3d(0, 0, 1)) * center_local; volume.set_volume_rotation(rotation); volume.set_volume_offset(volume.get_volume_offset() + center_local - center_local_new); } this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::flattening_rotate(const Vec3d& normal) { // We get the normal in untransformed coordinates. We must transform it using the instance matrix, find out // how to rotate the instance so it faces downwards and do the rotation. All that for all selected instances. // The function assumes that is_from_single_object() holds. if (!m_valid) return; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { Transform3d wst = m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_scale_matrix(); Vec3d scaling_factor = Vec3d(1. / wst(0, 0), 1. / wst(1, 1), 1. / wst(2, 2)); Transform3d wmt = m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_mirror_matrix(); Vec3d mirror(wmt(0, 0), wmt(1, 1), wmt(2, 2)); Vec3d rotation = Geometry::extract_euler_angles(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation_matrix()); Vec3d transformed_normal = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), rotation, scaling_factor, mirror) * normal; transformed_normal.normalize(); Vec3d axis = transformed_normal(2) > 0.999f ? Vec3d(1., 0., 0.) : Vec3d(transformed_normal.cross(Vec3d(0., 0., -1.))); axis.normalize(); Transform3d extra_rotation = Transform3d::Identity(); extra_rotation.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(acos(-transformed_normal(2)), axis)); Vec3d new_rotation = Geometry::extract_euler_angles(extra_rotation * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation_matrix()); (*m_volumes)[i]->set_instance_rotation(new_rotation); } #if !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH // we want to synchronize z-rotation as well, otherwise the flattening behaves funny // when applied on one of several identical instances if (m_mode == Instance) synchronize_unselected_instances(SYNC_ROTATION_FULL); #endif // !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::scale(const Vec3d& scale, TransformationType transformation_type) { if (!m_valid) return; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { GLVolume &volume = *(*m_volumes)[i]; if (is_single_full_instance()) { if (transformation_type.relative()) { Transform3d m = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), scale); Eigen::Matrix new_matrix = (m * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_scale_matrix()).matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3); // extracts scaling factors from the composed transformation Vec3d new_scale(new_matrix.col(0).norm(), new_matrix.col(1).norm(), new_matrix.col(2).norm()); if (transformation_type.joint()) volume.set_instance_offset(m_cache.dragging_center + m * (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position() - m_cache.dragging_center)); volume.set_instance_scaling_factor(new_scale); } else { if (transformation_type.world() && (std::abs(scale.x() - scale.y()) > EPSILON || std::abs(scale.x() - scale.z()) > EPSILON)) { // Non-uniform scaling. Transform the scaling factors into the local coordinate system. // This is only possible, if the instance rotation is mulitples of ninety degrees. assert(Geometry::is_rotation_ninety_degrees(volume.get_instance_rotation())); volume.set_instance_scaling_factor((volume.get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true).matrix().block<3, 3>(0, 0).transpose() * scale).cwiseAbs()); } else volume.set_instance_scaling_factor(scale); } } else if (is_single_volume() || is_single_modifier()) volume.set_volume_scaling_factor(scale); else { Transform3d m = Geometry::assemble_transform(Vec3d::Zero(), Vec3d::Zero(), scale); if (m_mode == Instance) { Eigen::Matrix new_matrix = (m * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_scale_matrix()).matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3); // extracts scaling factors from the composed transformation Vec3d new_scale(new_matrix.col(0).norm(), new_matrix.col(1).norm(), new_matrix.col(2).norm()); if (transformation_type.joint()) volume.set_instance_offset(m_cache.dragging_center + m * (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position() - m_cache.dragging_center)); volume.set_instance_scaling_factor(new_scale); } else if (m_mode == Volume) { Eigen::Matrix new_matrix = (m * m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_scale_matrix()).matrix().block(0, 0, 3, 3); // extracts scaling factors from the composed transformation Vec3d new_scale(new_matrix.col(0).norm(), new_matrix.col(1).norm(), new_matrix.col(2).norm()); if (transformation_type.joint()) { Vec3d offset = m * (m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_volume_position() + m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position() - m_cache.dragging_center); volume.set_volume_offset(m_cache.dragging_center - m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_position() + offset); } volume.set_volume_scaling_factor(new_scale); } } } #if !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH if (m_mode == Instance) synchronize_unselected_instances(SYNC_ROTATION_NONE); else if (m_mode == Volume) synchronize_unselected_volumes(); #endif // !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH ensure_on_bed(); this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::scale_to_fit_print_volume(const DynamicPrintConfig& config) { if (is_empty() || (m_mode == Volume)) return; // adds 1/100th of a mm on all sides to avoid false out of print volume detections due to floating-point roundings Vec3d box_size = get_bounding_box().size() + 0.01 * Vec3d::Ones(); const ConfigOptionPoints* opt = dynamic_cast(config.option("bed_shape")); if (opt != nullptr) { BoundingBox bed_box_2D = get_extents(Polygon::new_scale(opt->values)); BoundingBoxf3 print_volume(Vec3d(unscale(bed_box_2D.min(0)), unscale(bed_box_2D.min(1)), 0.0), Vec3d(unscale(bed_box_2D.max(0)), unscale(bed_box_2D.max(1)), config.opt_float("max_print_height"))); Vec3d print_volume_size = print_volume.size(); double sx = (box_size(0) != 0.0) ? print_volume_size(0) / box_size(0) : 0.0; double sy = (box_size(1) != 0.0) ? print_volume_size(1) / box_size(1) : 0.0; double sz = (box_size(2) != 0.0) ? print_volume_size(2) / box_size(2) : 0.0; if ((sx != 0.0) && (sy != 0.0) && (sz != 0.0)) { double s = std::min(sx, std::min(sy, sz)); if (s != 1.0) { wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(_(L("Scale To Fit"))); TransformationType type; type.set_world(); type.set_relative(); type.set_joint(); // apply scale start_dragging(); scale(s * Vec3d::Ones(), type); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->do_scale(""); // avoid storing another snapshot // center selection on print bed start_dragging(); translate(print_volume.center() - get_bounding_box().center()); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->do_move(""); // avoid storing another snapshot wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_dirty(); } } } } void Selection::mirror(Axis axis) { if (!m_valid) return; bool single_full_instance = is_single_full_instance(); for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if (single_full_instance) (*m_volumes)[i]->set_instance_mirror(axis, -(*m_volumes)[i]->get_instance_mirror(axis)); else if (m_mode == Volume) (*m_volumes)[i]->set_volume_mirror(axis, -(*m_volumes)[i]->get_volume_mirror(axis)); } #if !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH if (m_mode == Instance) synchronize_unselected_instances(SYNC_ROTATION_NONE); else if (m_mode == Volume) synchronize_unselected_volumes(); #endif // !DISABLE_INSTANCES_SYNCH this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::translate(unsigned int object_idx, const Vec3d& displacement) { if (!m_valid) return; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if (v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) v->set_instance_offset(v->get_instance_offset() + displacement); } std::set done; // prevent processing volumes twice done.insert(m_list.begin(), m_list.end()); for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if (done.size() == m_volumes->size()) break; int object_idx = (*m_volumes)[i]->object_idx(); if (object_idx >= 1000) continue; // Process unselected volumes of the object. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++j) { if (done.size() == m_volumes->size()) break; if (done.find(j) != done.end()) continue; GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[j]; if (v->object_idx() != object_idx) continue; v->set_instance_offset(v->get_instance_offset() + displacement); done.insert(j); } } this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::translate(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx, const Vec3d& displacement) { if (!m_valid) return; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) && (v->instance_idx() == (int)instance_idx)) v->set_instance_offset(v->get_instance_offset() + displacement); } std::set done; // prevent processing volumes twice done.insert(m_list.begin(), m_list.end()); for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if (done.size() == m_volumes->size()) break; int object_idx = (*m_volumes)[i]->object_idx(); if (object_idx >= 1000) continue; // Process unselected volumes of the object. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++j) { if (done.size() == m_volumes->size()) break; if (done.find(j) != done.end()) continue; GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[j]; if ((v->object_idx() != object_idx) || (v->instance_idx() != (int)instance_idx)) continue; v->set_instance_offset(v->get_instance_offset() + displacement); done.insert(j); } } this->set_bounding_boxes_dirty(); } void Selection::erase() { if (!m_valid) return; if (is_single_full_object()) wxGetApp().obj_list()->delete_from_model_and_list(ItemType::itObject, get_object_idx(), 0); else if (is_multiple_full_object()) { std::vector items; items.reserve(m_cache.content.size()); for (ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap::iterator it = m_cache.content.begin(); it != m_cache.content.end(); ++it) { items.emplace_back(ItemType::itObject, it->first, 0); } wxGetApp().obj_list()->delete_from_model_and_list(items); } else if (is_multiple_full_instance()) { std::set> instances_idxs; for (ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap::iterator obj_it = m_cache.content.begin(); obj_it != m_cache.content.end(); ++obj_it) { for (InstanceIdxsList::reverse_iterator inst_it = obj_it->second.rbegin(); inst_it != obj_it->second.rend(); ++inst_it) { instances_idxs.insert(std::make_pair(obj_it->first, *inst_it)); } } std::vector items; items.reserve(instances_idxs.size()); for (const std::pair& i : instances_idxs) { items.emplace_back(ItemType::itInstance, i.first, i.second); } wxGetApp().obj_list()->delete_from_model_and_list(items); } else if (is_single_full_instance()) wxGetApp().obj_list()->delete_from_model_and_list(ItemType::itInstance, get_object_idx(), get_instance_idx()); else if (is_mixed()) { std::set items_set; std::map volumes_in_obj; for (auto i : m_list) { const auto gl_vol = (*m_volumes)[i]; const auto glv_obj_idx = gl_vol->object_idx(); const auto model_object = m_model->objects[glv_obj_idx]; if (model_object->instances.size() == 1) { if (model_object->volumes.size() == 1) items_set.insert(ItemForDelete(ItemType::itObject, glv_obj_idx, -1)); else { items_set.insert(ItemForDelete(ItemType::itVolume, glv_obj_idx, gl_vol->volume_idx())); int idx = (volumes_in_obj.find(glv_obj_idx) == volumes_in_obj.end()) ? 0 : volumes_in_obj.at(glv_obj_idx); volumes_in_obj[glv_obj_idx] = ++idx; } continue; } const auto glv_ins_idx = gl_vol->instance_idx(); for (auto obj_ins : m_cache.content) { if (obj_ins.first == glv_obj_idx) { if (obj_ins.second.find(glv_ins_idx) != obj_ins.second.end()) { if (obj_ins.second.size() == model_object->instances.size()) items_set.insert(ItemForDelete(ItemType::itVolume, glv_obj_idx, gl_vol->volume_idx())); else items_set.insert(ItemForDelete(ItemType::itInstance, glv_obj_idx, glv_ins_idx)); break; } } } } std::vector items; items.reserve(items_set.size()); for (const ItemForDelete& i : items_set) { if (i.type == ItemType::itVolume) { const int vol_in_obj_cnt = volumes_in_obj.find(i.obj_idx) == volumes_in_obj.end() ? 0 : volumes_in_obj.at(i.obj_idx); if (vol_in_obj_cnt == (int)m_model->objects[i.obj_idx]->volumes.size()) { if (i.sub_obj_idx == vol_in_obj_cnt - 1) items.emplace_back(ItemType::itObject, i.obj_idx, 0); continue; } } items.emplace_back(i.type, i.obj_idx, i.sub_obj_idx); } wxGetApp().obj_list()->delete_from_model_and_list(items); } else { std::set> volumes_idxs; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; // Only remove volumes associated with ModelVolumes from the object list. // Temporary meshes (SLA supports or pads) are not managed by the object list. if (v->volume_idx() >= 0) volumes_idxs.insert(std::make_pair(v->object_idx(), v->volume_idx())); } std::vector items; items.reserve(volumes_idxs.size()); for (const std::pair& v : volumes_idxs) { items.emplace_back(ItemType::itVolume, v.first, v.second); } wxGetApp().obj_list()->delete_from_model_and_list(items); } } void Selection::render(float scale_factor) const { if (!m_valid || is_empty()) return; m_scale_factor = scale_factor; // render cumulative bounding box of selected volumes render_selected_volumes(); render_synchronized_volumes(); } #if ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER void Selection::render_center(bool gizmo_is_dragging) const { if (!m_valid || is_empty() || (m_quadric == nullptr)) return; Vec3d center = gizmo_is_dragging ? m_cache.dragging_center : get_bounding_box().center(); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_LIGHTING)); glsafe(::glColor3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); glsafe(::glTranslated(center(0), center(1), center(2))); glsafe(::gluSphere(m_quadric, 0.75, 32, 32)); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_LIGHTING)); } #endif // ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER void Selection::render_sidebar_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field) const { if (sidebar_field.empty()) return; GLShaderProgram* shader = nullptr; if (!boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "layer")) { shader = wxGetApp().get_shader("gouraud_light"); if (shader == nullptr) return; shader->start_using(); glsafe(::glClear(GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)); } glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); if (!boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "layer")) { const Vec3d& center = get_bounding_box().center(); if (is_single_full_instance() && !wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_world_coordinates()) { glsafe(::glTranslated(center(0), center(1), center(2))); if (!boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "position")) { Transform3d orient_matrix = Transform3d::Identity(); if (boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "scale")) orient_matrix = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true); else if (boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "rotation")) { if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "x")) orient_matrix = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true); else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "y")) { const Vec3d& rotation = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_instance_transformation().get_rotation(); if (rotation(0) == 0.0) orient_matrix = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true); else orient_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rotation(2), Vec3d::UnitZ())); } } glsafe(::glMultMatrixd(orient_matrix.data())); } } else if (is_single_volume() || is_single_modifier()) { glsafe(::glTranslated(center(0), center(1), center(2))); Transform3d orient_matrix = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true); if (!boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "position")) orient_matrix = orient_matrix * (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_volume_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true); glsafe(::glMultMatrixd(orient_matrix.data())); } else { glsafe(::glTranslated(center(0), center(1), center(2))); if (requires_local_axes()) { Transform3d orient_matrix = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(true, false, true, true); glsafe(::glMultMatrixd(orient_matrix.data())); } } } if (boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "position")) render_sidebar_position_hints(sidebar_field); else if (boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "rotation")) render_sidebar_rotation_hints(sidebar_field); else if (boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "scale") || boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "size")) render_sidebar_scale_hints(sidebar_field); else if (boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "layer")) render_sidebar_layers_hints(sidebar_field); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); if (!boost::starts_with(sidebar_field, "layer")) shader->stop_using(); } bool Selection::requires_local_axes() const { return (m_mode == Volume) && is_from_single_instance(); } void Selection::copy_to_clipboard() { if (!m_valid) return; m_clipboard.reset(); for (const ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap::value_type& object : m_cache.content) { ModelObject* src_object = m_model->objects[object.first]; ModelObject* dst_object = m_clipboard.add_object(); dst_object->name = src_object->name; dst_object->input_file = src_object->input_file; dst_object->config.assign_config(src_object->config); dst_object->sla_support_points = src_object->sla_support_points; dst_object->sla_points_status = src_object->sla_points_status; dst_object->sla_drain_holes = src_object->sla_drain_holes; dst_object->layer_config_ranges = src_object->layer_config_ranges; // #ys_FIXME_experiment dst_object->layer_height_profile.assign(src_object->layer_height_profile); dst_object->origin_translation = src_object->origin_translation; for (int i : object.second) { dst_object->add_instance(*src_object->instances[i]); } for (unsigned int i : m_list) { // Copy the ModelVolumes only for the selected GLVolumes of the 1st selected instance. const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((volume->object_idx() == object.first) && (volume->instance_idx() == *object.second.begin())) { int volume_idx = volume->volume_idx(); if ((0 <= volume_idx) && (volume_idx < (int)src_object->volumes.size())) { ModelVolume* src_volume = src_object->volumes[volume_idx]; ModelVolume* dst_volume = dst_object->add_volume(*src_volume); dst_volume->set_new_unique_id(); } else { assert(false); } } } } m_clipboard.set_mode(m_mode); } void Selection::paste_from_clipboard() { if (!m_valid || m_clipboard.is_empty()) return; switch (m_clipboard.get_mode()) { case Volume: { if (is_from_single_instance()) paste_volumes_from_clipboard(); break; } case Instance: { if (m_mode == Instance) paste_objects_from_clipboard(); break; } } } std::vector Selection::get_volume_idxs_from_object(unsigned int object_idx) const { std::vector idxs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { if ((*m_volumes)[i]->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) idxs.push_back(i); } return idxs; } std::vector Selection::get_volume_idxs_from_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx) const { std::vector idxs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { const GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) && (v->instance_idx() == (int)instance_idx)) idxs.push_back(i); } return idxs; } std::vector Selection::get_volume_idxs_from_volume(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx, unsigned int volume_idx) const { std::vector idxs; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { const GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) && (v->volume_idx() == (int)volume_idx)) { if (((int)instance_idx != -1) && (v->instance_idx() == (int)instance_idx)) idxs.push_back(i); } } return idxs; } std::vector Selection::get_missing_volume_idxs_from(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const { std::vector idxs; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { std::vector::const_iterator it = std::find(volume_idxs.begin(), volume_idxs.end(), i); if (it == volume_idxs.end()) idxs.push_back(i); } return idxs; } std::vector Selection::get_unselected_volume_idxs_from(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const { std::vector idxs; for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (m_list.find(i) == m_list.end()) idxs.push_back(i); } return idxs; } void Selection::toggle_instance_printable_state() { int instance_idx = get_instance_idx(); if (instance_idx == -1) return; int obj_idx = get_object_idx(); if ((0 <= obj_idx) && (obj_idx < (int)m_model->objects.size())) { ModelObject* model_object = m_model->objects[obj_idx]; if ((0 <= instance_idx) && (instance_idx < (int)model_object->instances.size())) { ModelInstance* instance = model_object->instances[instance_idx]; const bool printable = !instance->printable; wxString snapshot_text = model_object->instances.size() == 1 ? from_u8((boost::format("%1% %2%") % (printable ? _utf8(L("Set Printable")) : _utf8(L("Set Unprintable"))) % model_object->name).str()) : (printable ? _(L("Set Printable Instance")) : _(L("Set Unprintable Instance"))); wxGetApp().plater()->take_snapshot(snapshot_text); instance->printable = printable; for (GLVolume* volume : *m_volumes) { if ((volume->object_idx() == obj_idx) && (volume->instance_idx() == instance_idx)) volume->printable = instance->printable; } wxGetApp().obj_list()->update_printable_state(obj_idx, instance_idx); wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } } } void Selection::update_valid() { m_valid = (m_volumes != nullptr) && (m_model != nullptr); } void Selection::update_type() { m_cache.content.clear(); m_type = Mixed; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[i]; int obj_idx = volume->object_idx(); int inst_idx = volume->instance_idx(); ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap::iterator obj_it = m_cache.content.find(obj_idx); if (obj_it == m_cache.content.end()) obj_it = m_cache.content.insert(ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap::value_type(obj_idx, InstanceIdxsList())).first; obj_it->second.insert(inst_idx); } bool requires_disable = false; if (!m_valid) m_type = Invalid; else { if (m_list.empty()) m_type = Empty; else if (m_list.size() == 1) { const GLVolume* first = (*m_volumes)[*m_list.begin()]; if (first->is_wipe_tower) m_type = WipeTower; else if (first->is_modifier) { m_type = SingleModifier; requires_disable = true; } else { const ModelObject* model_object = m_model->objects[first->object_idx()]; unsigned int volumes_count = (unsigned int)model_object->volumes.size(); unsigned int instances_count = (unsigned int)model_object->instances.size(); if (volumes_count * instances_count == 1) { m_type = SingleFullObject; // ensures the correct mode is selected m_mode = Instance; } else if (volumes_count == 1) // instances_count > 1 { m_type = SingleFullInstance; // ensures the correct mode is selected m_mode = Instance; } else { m_type = SingleVolume; requires_disable = true; } } } else { unsigned int sla_volumes_count = 0; // Note: sla_volumes_count is a count of the selected sla_volumes per object instead of per instance, like a model_volumes_count is for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if ((*m_volumes)[i]->volume_idx() < 0) ++sla_volumes_count; } if (m_cache.content.size() == 1) // single object { const ModelObject* model_object = m_model->objects[m_cache.content.begin()->first]; unsigned int model_volumes_count = (unsigned int)model_object->volumes.size(); unsigned int instances_count = (unsigned int)model_object->instances.size(); unsigned int selected_instances_count = (unsigned int)m_cache.content.begin()->second.size(); if (model_volumes_count * instances_count + sla_volumes_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size()) { m_type = SingleFullObject; // ensures the correct mode is selected m_mode = Instance; } else if (selected_instances_count == 1) { if (model_volumes_count + sla_volumes_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size()) { m_type = SingleFullInstance; // ensures the correct mode is selected m_mode = Instance; } else { unsigned int modifiers_count = 0; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if ((*m_volumes)[i]->is_modifier) ++modifiers_count; } if (modifiers_count == 0) m_type = MultipleVolume; else if (modifiers_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size()) m_type = MultipleModifier; requires_disable = true; } } else if ((selected_instances_count > 1) && (selected_instances_count * model_volumes_count + sla_volumes_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size())) { m_type = MultipleFullInstance; // ensures the correct mode is selected m_mode = Instance; } } else { unsigned int sels_cntr = 0; for (ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap::iterator it = m_cache.content.begin(); it != m_cache.content.end(); ++it) { const ModelObject* model_object = m_model->objects[it->first]; unsigned int volumes_count = (unsigned int)model_object->volumes.size(); unsigned int instances_count = (unsigned int)model_object->instances.size(); sels_cntr += volumes_count * instances_count; } if (sels_cntr + sla_volumes_count == (unsigned int)m_list.size()) { m_type = MultipleFullObject; // ensures the correct mode is selected m_mode = Instance; } } } } int object_idx = get_object_idx(); int instance_idx = get_instance_idx(); for (GLVolume* v : *m_volumes) { v->disabled = requires_disable ? (v->object_idx() != object_idx) || (v->instance_idx() != instance_idx) : false; } #if ENABLE_SELECTION_DEBUG_OUTPUT std::cout << "Selection: "; std::cout << "mode: "; switch (m_mode) { case Volume: { std::cout << "Volume"; break; } case Instance: { std::cout << "Instance"; break; } } std::cout << " - type: "; switch (m_type) { case Invalid: { std::cout << "Invalid" << std::endl; break; } case Empty: { std::cout << "Empty" << std::endl; break; } case WipeTower: { std::cout << "WipeTower" << std::endl; break; } case SingleModifier: { std::cout << "SingleModifier" << std::endl; break; } case MultipleModifier: { std::cout << "MultipleModifier" << std::endl; break; } case SingleVolume: { std::cout << "SingleVolume" << std::endl; break; } case MultipleVolume: { std::cout << "MultipleVolume" << std::endl; break; } case SingleFullObject: { std::cout << "SingleFullObject" << std::endl; break; } case MultipleFullObject: { std::cout << "MultipleFullObject" << std::endl; break; } case SingleFullInstance: { std::cout << "SingleFullInstance" << std::endl; break; } case MultipleFullInstance: { std::cout << "MultipleFullInstance" << std::endl; break; } case Mixed: { std::cout << "Mixed" << std::endl; break; } } #endif // ENABLE_SELECTION_DEBUG_OUTPUT } void Selection::set_caches() { m_cache.volumes_data.clear(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { const GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; m_cache.volumes_data.emplace(i, VolumeCache(v->get_volume_transformation(), v->get_instance_transformation())); } m_cache.dragging_center = get_bounding_box().center(); } void Selection::do_add_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) { m_list.insert(volume_idx); (*m_volumes)[volume_idx]->selected = true; } void Selection::do_add_volumes(const std::vector& volume_idxs) { for (unsigned int i : volume_idxs) { if (i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size()) do_add_volume(i); } } void Selection::do_remove_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) { IndicesList::iterator v_it = m_list.find(volume_idx); if (v_it == m_list.end()) return; m_list.erase(v_it); (*m_volumes)[volume_idx]->selected = false; } void Selection::do_remove_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if ((v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) && (v->instance_idx() == (int)instance_idx)) do_remove_volume(i); } } void Selection::do_remove_object(unsigned int object_idx) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++i) { GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[i]; if (v->object_idx() == (int)object_idx) do_remove_volume(i); } } void Selection::calc_bounding_box() const { m_bounding_box = BoundingBoxf3(); if (m_valid) { for (unsigned int i : m_list) { m_bounding_box.merge((*m_volumes)[i]->transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box()); } } m_bounding_box_dirty = false; } void Selection::calc_unscaled_instance_bounding_box() const { m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box = BoundingBoxf3(); if (m_valid) { for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume &volume = *(*m_volumes)[i]; if (volume.is_modifier) continue; Transform3d trafo = volume.get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(false, false, true, false) * volume.get_volume_transformation().get_matrix(); trafo.translation()(2) += volume.get_sla_shift_z(); m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box.merge(volume.transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box(trafo)); } } m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box_dirty = false; } void Selection::calc_scaled_instance_bounding_box() const { m_scaled_instance_bounding_box = BoundingBoxf3(); if (m_valid) { for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume &volume = *(*m_volumes)[i]; if (volume.is_modifier) continue; Transform3d trafo = volume.get_instance_transformation().get_matrix(false, false, false, false) * volume.get_volume_transformation().get_matrix(); trafo.translation()(2) += volume.get_sla_shift_z(); m_scaled_instance_bounding_box.merge(volume.transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box(trafo)); } } m_scaled_instance_bounding_box_dirty = false; } void Selection::render_selected_volumes() const { float color[3] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; render_bounding_box(get_bounding_box(), color); } void Selection::render_synchronized_volumes() const { if (m_mode == Instance) return; float color[3] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f }; for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[i]; int object_idx = volume->object_idx(); int volume_idx = volume->volume_idx(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++j) { if (i == j) continue; const GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[j]; if ((v->object_idx() != object_idx) || (v->volume_idx() != volume_idx)) continue; render_bounding_box(v->transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box(), color); } } } void Selection::render_bounding_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, float* color) const { if (color == nullptr) return; Vec3f b_min = box.min.cast(); Vec3f b_max = box.max.cast(); Vec3f size = 0.2f * box.size().cast(); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); glsafe(::glColor3fv(color)); glsafe(::glLineWidth(2.0f * m_scale_factor)); ::glBegin(GL_LINES); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0) + size(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1) + size(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_min(2) + size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0) - size(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1) + size(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_min(2) + size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0) - size(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1) - size(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_min(2) + size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0) + size(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1) - size(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_min(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_min(2) + size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0) + size(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1) + size(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_min(1), b_max(2) - size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0) - size(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1) + size(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_min(1), b_max(2) - size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0) - size(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1) - size(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_max(0), b_max(1), b_max(2) - size(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0) + size(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1) - size(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_max(2)); ::glVertex3f(b_min(0), b_max(1), b_max(2) - size(2)); glsafe(::glEnd()); } #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER void Selection::render_sidebar_position_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field) const { auto set_color = [](Axis axis) { GLShaderProgram* shader = wxGetApp().get_current_shader(); if (shader != nullptr) shader->set_uniform("uniform_color", AXES_COLOR[axis], 4); }; if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "x")) { set_color(X); glsafe(::glRotated(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); m_arrow.render(); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "y")) { set_color(Y); m_arrow.render(); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "z")) { set_color(Z); glsafe(::glRotated(90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); m_arrow.render(); } } #else void Selection::render_sidebar_position_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field) const { if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "x")) { glsafe(::glRotated(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); render_sidebar_position_hint(X); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "y")) render_sidebar_position_hint(Y); else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "z")) { glsafe(::glRotated(90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); render_sidebar_position_hint(Z); } } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER void Selection::render_sidebar_rotation_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field) const { auto set_color = [](Axis axis) { GLShaderProgram* shader = wxGetApp().get_current_shader(); if (shader != nullptr) shader->set_uniform("uniform_color", AXES_COLOR[axis], 4); }; auto render_sidebar_rotation_hint = [this]() { m_curved_arrow.render(); glsafe(::glRotated(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); m_curved_arrow.render(); }; if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "x")) { set_color(X); glsafe(::glRotated(90.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); render_sidebar_rotation_hint(); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "y")) { set_color(Y); glsafe(::glRotated(-90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); render_sidebar_rotation_hint(); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "z")) { set_color(Z); render_sidebar_rotation_hint(); } } #else void Selection::render_sidebar_rotation_hints(const std::string & sidebar_field) const { if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "x")) { glsafe(::glRotated(90.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)); render_sidebar_rotation_hint(X); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "y")) { glsafe(::glRotated(-90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); render_sidebar_rotation_hint(Y); } else if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "z")) render_sidebar_rotation_hint(Z); } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER void Selection::render_sidebar_scale_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field) const { bool uniform_scale = requires_uniform_scale() || wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_uniform_scaling(); auto render_sidebar_scale_hint = [this, uniform_scale](Axis axis) { GLShaderProgram* shader = wxGetApp().get_current_shader(); if (shader != nullptr) shader->set_uniform("uniform_color", uniform_scale ? UNIFORM_SCALE_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[axis], 4); glsafe(::glTranslated(0.0, 5.0, 0.0)); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER m_arrow.render(); #else m_arrow->render(); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER glsafe(::glTranslated(0.0, -10.0, 0.0)); glsafe(::glRotated(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER m_arrow.render(); #else m_arrow->render(); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER }; if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "x") || uniform_scale) { glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); glsafe(::glRotated(-90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); render_sidebar_scale_hint(X); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); } if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "y") || uniform_scale) { glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); render_sidebar_scale_hint(Y); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); } if (boost::ends_with(sidebar_field, "z") || uniform_scale) { glsafe(::glPushMatrix()); glsafe(::glRotated(90.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); render_sidebar_scale_hint(Z); glsafe(::glPopMatrix()); } } void Selection::render_sidebar_layers_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field) const { static const double Margin = 10.0; std::string field = sidebar_field; // extract max_z std::string::size_type pos = field.rfind("_"); if (pos == std::string::npos) return; double max_z = std::stod(field.substr(pos + 1)); // extract min_z field = field.substr(0, pos); pos = field.rfind("_"); if (pos == std::string::npos) return; double min_z = std::stod(field.substr(pos + 1)); // extract type field = field.substr(0, pos); pos = field.rfind("_"); if (pos == std::string::npos) return; int type = std::stoi(field.substr(pos + 1)); const BoundingBoxf3& box = get_bounding_box(); const float min_x = box.min(0) - Margin; const float max_x = box.max(0) + Margin; const float min_y = box.min(1) - Margin; const float max_y = box.max(1) + Margin; // view dependend order of rendering to keep correct transparency bool camera_on_top = wxGetApp().plater()->get_camera().is_looking_downward(); float z1 = camera_on_top ? min_z : max_z; float z2 = camera_on_top ? max_z : min_z; glsafe(::glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE)); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_BLEND)); glsafe(::glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); ::glBegin(GL_QUADS); if ((camera_on_top && (type == 1)) || (!camera_on_top && (type == 2))) ::glColor4f(1.0f, 0.38f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else ::glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.5f); ::glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, z1); ::glVertex3f(max_x, min_y, z1); ::glVertex3f(max_x, max_y, z1); ::glVertex3f(min_x, max_y, z1); glsafe(::glEnd()); ::glBegin(GL_QUADS); if ((camera_on_top && (type == 2)) || (!camera_on_top && (type == 1))) ::glColor4f(1.0f, 0.38f, 0.0f, 1.0f); else ::glColor4f(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 0.5f); ::glVertex3f(min_x, min_y, z2); ::glVertex3f(max_x, min_y, z2); ::glVertex3f(max_x, max_y, z2); ::glVertex3f(min_x, max_y, z2); glsafe(::glEnd()); glsafe(::glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE)); glsafe(::glDisable(GL_BLEND)); } #if !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER void Selection::render_sidebar_position_hint(Axis axis) const { m_arrow->set_color(AXES_COLOR[axis], 3); m_arrow->render(); } void Selection::render_sidebar_rotation_hint(Axis axis) const { m_curved_arrow->set_color(AXES_COLOR[axis], 3); m_curved_arrow->render(); glsafe(::glRotated(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); m_curved_arrow->render(); } void Selection::render_sidebar_scale_hint(Axis axis) const { m_arrow->set_color(((requires_uniform_scale() || wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_uniform_scaling()) ? UNIFORM_SCALE_COLOR : AXES_COLOR[axis]), 3); glsafe(::glTranslated(0.0, 5.0, 0.0)); m_arrow->render(); glsafe(::glTranslated(0.0, -10.0, 0.0)); glsafe(::glRotated(180.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); m_arrow->render(); } #endif // !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER #ifndef NDEBUG static bool is_rotation_xy_synchronized(const Vec3d &rot_xyz_from, const Vec3d &rot_xyz_to) { Eigen::AngleAxisd angle_axis(Geometry::rotation_xyz_diff(rot_xyz_from, rot_xyz_to)); Vec3d axis = angle_axis.axis(); double angle = angle_axis.angle(); if (std::abs(angle) < 1e-8) return true; assert(std::abs(axis.x()) < 1e-8); assert(std::abs(axis.y()) < 1e-8); assert(std::abs(std::abs(axis.z()) - 1.) < 1e-8); return std::abs(axis.x()) < 1e-8 && std::abs(axis.y()) < 1e-8 && std::abs(std::abs(axis.z()) - 1.) < 1e-8; } static void verify_instances_rotation_synchronized(const Model &model, const GLVolumePtrs &volumes) { for (size_t idx_object = 0; idx_object < model.objects.size(); ++idx_object) { int idx_volume_first = -1; for (int i = 0; i < (int)volumes.size(); ++i) { if (volumes[i]->object_idx() == idx_object) { idx_volume_first = i; break; } } assert(idx_volume_first != -1); // object without instances? if (idx_volume_first == -1) continue; const Vec3d &rotation0 = volumes[idx_volume_first]->get_instance_rotation(); for (int i = idx_volume_first + 1; i < (int)volumes.size(); ++i) if (volumes[i]->object_idx() == idx_object) { const Vec3d &rotation = volumes[i]->get_instance_rotation(); assert(is_rotation_xy_synchronized(rotation, rotation0)); } } } #endif /* NDEBUG */ void Selection::synchronize_unselected_instances(SyncRotationType sync_rotation_type) { std::set done; // prevent processing volumes twice done.insert(m_list.begin(), m_list.end()); for (unsigned int i : m_list) { if (done.size() == m_volumes->size()) break; const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[i]; int object_idx = volume->object_idx(); if (object_idx >= 1000) continue; int instance_idx = volume->instance_idx(); const Vec3d& rotation = volume->get_instance_rotation(); const Vec3d& scaling_factor = volume->get_instance_scaling_factor(); const Vec3d& mirror = volume->get_instance_mirror(); // Process unselected instances. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++j) { if (done.size() == m_volumes->size()) break; if (done.find(j) != done.end()) continue; GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[j]; if ((v->object_idx() != object_idx) || (v->instance_idx() == instance_idx)) continue; assert(is_rotation_xy_synchronized(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation(), m_cache.volumes_data[j].get_instance_rotation())); switch (sync_rotation_type) { case SYNC_ROTATION_NONE: // z only rotation -> keep instance z // The X,Y rotations should be synchronized from start to end of the rotation. assert(is_rotation_xy_synchronized(rotation, v->get_instance_rotation())); break; case SYNC_ROTATION_FULL: // rotation comes from place on face -> force given z v->set_instance_rotation(Vec3d(rotation(0), rotation(1), rotation(2))); break; case SYNC_ROTATION_GENERAL: // generic rotation -> update instance z with the delta of the rotation. double z_diff = Geometry::rotation_diff_z(m_cache.volumes_data[i].get_instance_rotation(), m_cache.volumes_data[j].get_instance_rotation()); v->set_instance_rotation(Vec3d(rotation(0), rotation(1), rotation(2) + z_diff)); break; } v->set_instance_scaling_factor(scaling_factor); v->set_instance_mirror(mirror); done.insert(j); } } #ifndef NDEBUG verify_instances_rotation_synchronized(*m_model, *m_volumes); #endif /* NDEBUG */ } void Selection::synchronize_unselected_volumes() { for (unsigned int i : m_list) { const GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[i]; int object_idx = volume->object_idx(); if (object_idx >= 1000) continue; int volume_idx = volume->volume_idx(); const Vec3d& offset = volume->get_volume_offset(); const Vec3d& rotation = volume->get_volume_rotation(); const Vec3d& scaling_factor = volume->get_volume_scaling_factor(); const Vec3d& mirror = volume->get_volume_mirror(); // Process unselected volumes. for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int)m_volumes->size(); ++j) { if (j == i) continue; GLVolume* v = (*m_volumes)[j]; if ((v->object_idx() != object_idx) || (v->volume_idx() != volume_idx)) continue; v->set_volume_offset(offset); v->set_volume_rotation(rotation); v->set_volume_scaling_factor(scaling_factor); v->set_volume_mirror(mirror); } } } void Selection::ensure_on_bed() { typedef std::map, double> InstancesToZMap; InstancesToZMap instances_min_z; for (GLVolume* volume : *m_volumes) { if (!volume->is_wipe_tower && !volume->is_modifier) { double min_z = volume->transformed_convex_hull_bounding_box().min(2); std::pair instance = std::make_pair(volume->object_idx(), volume->instance_idx()); InstancesToZMap::iterator it = instances_min_z.find(instance); if (it == instances_min_z.end()) it = instances_min_z.insert(InstancesToZMap::value_type(instance, DBL_MAX)).first; it->second = std::min(it->second, min_z); } } for (GLVolume* volume : *m_volumes) { std::pair instance = std::make_pair(volume->object_idx(), volume->instance_idx()); InstancesToZMap::iterator it = instances_min_z.find(instance); if (it != instances_min_z.end()) volume->set_instance_offset(Z, volume->get_instance_offset(Z) - it->second); } } bool Selection::is_from_fully_selected_instance(unsigned int volume_idx) const { struct SameInstance { int obj_idx; int inst_idx; GLVolumePtrs& volumes; SameInstance(int obj_idx, int inst_idx, GLVolumePtrs& volumes) : obj_idx(obj_idx), inst_idx(inst_idx), volumes(volumes) {} bool operator () (unsigned int i) { return (volumes[i]->volume_idx() >= 0) && (volumes[i]->object_idx() == obj_idx) && (volumes[i]->instance_idx() == inst_idx); } }; if ((unsigned int)m_volumes->size() <= volume_idx) return false; GLVolume* volume = (*m_volumes)[volume_idx]; int object_idx = volume->object_idx(); if ((int)m_model->objects.size() <= object_idx) return false; unsigned int count = (unsigned int)std::count_if(m_list.begin(), m_list.end(), SameInstance(object_idx, volume->instance_idx(), *m_volumes)); return count == (unsigned int)m_model->objects[object_idx]->volumes.size(); } void Selection::paste_volumes_from_clipboard() { #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(*m_model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ int dst_obj_idx = get_object_idx(); if ((dst_obj_idx < 0) || ((int)m_model->objects.size() <= dst_obj_idx)) return; ModelObject* dst_object = m_model->objects[dst_obj_idx]; int dst_inst_idx = get_instance_idx(); if ((dst_inst_idx < 0) || ((int)dst_object->instances.size() <= dst_inst_idx)) return; ModelObject* src_object = m_clipboard.get_object(0); if (src_object != nullptr) { ModelInstance* dst_instance = dst_object->instances[dst_inst_idx]; BoundingBoxf3 dst_instance_bb = dst_object->instance_bounding_box(dst_inst_idx); Transform3d src_matrix = src_object->instances[0]->get_transformation().get_matrix(true); Transform3d dst_matrix = dst_instance->get_transformation().get_matrix(true); bool from_same_object = (src_object->input_file == dst_object->input_file) && src_matrix.isApprox(dst_matrix); // used to keep relative position of multivolume selections when pasting from another object BoundingBoxf3 total_bb; ModelVolumePtrs volumes; for (ModelVolume* src_volume : src_object->volumes) { ModelVolume* dst_volume = dst_object->add_volume(*src_volume); dst_volume->set_new_unique_id(); if (from_same_object) { // // if the volume comes from the same object, apply the offset in world system // double offset = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_size_proportional_to_max_bed_size(0.05); // dst_volume->translate(dst_matrix.inverse() * Vec3d(offset, offset, 0.0)); } else { // if the volume comes from another object, apply the offset as done when adding modifiers // see ObjectList::load_generic_subobject() total_bb.merge(dst_volume->mesh().bounding_box().transformed(src_volume->get_matrix())); } volumes.push_back(dst_volume); #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(*m_model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ } // keeps relative position of multivolume selections if (!from_same_object) { for (ModelVolume* v : volumes) { v->set_offset((v->get_offset() - total_bb.center()) + dst_matrix.inverse() * (Vec3d(dst_instance_bb.max(0), dst_instance_bb.min(1), dst_instance_bb.min(2)) + 0.5 * total_bb.size() - dst_instance->get_transformation().get_offset())); } } wxGetApp().obj_list()->paste_volumes_into_list(dst_obj_idx, volumes); } #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(*m_model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ } void Selection::paste_objects_from_clipboard() { #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(*m_model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ std::vector object_idxs; const ModelObjectPtrs& src_objects = m_clipboard.get_objects(); for (const ModelObject* src_object : src_objects) { ModelObject* dst_object = m_model->add_object(*src_object); double offset = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_size_proportional_to_max_bed_size(0.05); Vec3d displacement(offset, offset, 0.0); for (ModelInstance* inst : dst_object->instances) { inst->set_offset(inst->get_offset() + displacement); } object_idxs.push_back(m_model->objects.size() - 1); #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(*m_model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ } wxGetApp().obj_list()->paste_objects_into_list(object_idxs); #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(*m_model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ } } // namespace GUI } // namespace Slic3r