# # This CMake project downloads, configures and builds Slic3r PE dependencies on Unix and Windows. # # When using this script, it's recommended to perform an out-of-source build using CMake. # # All the dependencies are installed in a `destdir` directory in the root of the build directory, # in a traditional Unix-style prefix structure. The destdir can be used directly by CMake # when building Slic3r - to do this, set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to the destdir's location. # # For better clarity of console output, it's recommended to _not_ use a parallelized build # for the top-level command, ie. use `make -j 1` or `ninja -j 1` to force single-threaded top-level # build. This doesn't degrade performance as individual dependencies are built in parallel fashion # as appropriate anyway (cf. the `NPROC` variable). # # On Windows, architecture (64 vs 32 bits) is judged based on the compiler variant. # To build dependencies for either 64 or 32 bit OS, use the respective compiler command line. # project(Slic3r-deps) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.2) include(ExternalProject) include(ProcessorCount) ProcessorCount(NPROC) if (NPROC EQUAL 0) set(NPROC 1) endif () set(DESTDIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/destdir") if (MSVC) if ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" STREQUAL "8") message(STATUS "\nDetected 64-bit compiler => building 64-bit deps bundle\n") set(DEPS_BITS 64) include("deps-windows.cmake") elseif ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" STREQUAL "4") message(STATUS "\nDetected 32-bit compiler => building 32-bit deps bundle\n") set(DEPS_BITS 32) include("deps-windows.cmake") else () message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to detect architecture") endif () else () include("deps-unix-static.cmake") endif() add_custom_target(deps ALL DEPENDS dep_boost dep_tbb dep_libcurl dep_wxwidgets ) # Note: I'm not using any of the LOG_xxx options in ExternalProject_Add() commands # because they seem to generate bogus build files (possibly a bug in ExternalProject).