package Slic3r::Model; use List::Util qw(first max); use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z move_points); sub read_from_file { my $class = shift; my ($input_file) = @_; my $model = $input_file =~ /\.stl$/i ? Slic3r::Format::STL->read_file($input_file) : $input_file =~ /\.obj$/i ? Slic3r::Format::OBJ->read_file($input_file) : $input_file =~ /\.amf(\.xml)?$/i ? Slic3r::Format::AMF->read_file($input_file) : die "Input file must have .stl, .obj or .amf(.xml) extension\n"; $_->set_input_file($input_file) for @{$model->objects}; return $model; } sub merge { my $class = shift; my @models = @_; my $new_model = ref($class) ? $class : $class->new; $new_model->add_object($_) for map @{$_->objects}, @models; return $new_model; } sub add_object { my $self = shift; if (@_ == 1) { # we have a Model::Object my ($object) = @_; return $self->_add_object_clone($object); } else { my (%args) = @_; my $new_object = $self->_add_object; $new_object->set_input_file($args{input_file}) if defined $args{input_file}; $new_object->config->apply($args{config}) if defined $args{config}; $new_object->set_layer_height_ranges($args{layer_height_ranges}) if defined $args{layer_height_ranges}; $new_object->set_origin_translation($args{origin_translation}) if defined $args{origin_translation}; return $new_object; } } sub set_material { my $self = shift; my ($material_id, $attributes) = @_; my $material = $self->add_material($material_id); $material->apply($attributes // {}); return $material; } sub duplicate_objects_grid { my ($self, $grid, $distance) = @_; die "Grid duplication is not supported with multiple objects\n" if @{$self->objects} > 1; my $object = $self->objects->[0]; $object->clear_instances; my $size = $object->bounding_box->size; for my $x_copy (1..$grid->[X]) { for my $y_copy (1..$grid->[Y]) { $object->add_instance( offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new( ($size->[X] + $distance) * ($x_copy-1), ($size->[Y] + $distance) * ($y_copy-1), ), ); } } } # this will append more instances to each object # and then automatically rearrange everything sub duplicate_objects { my ($self, $copies_num, $distance, $bb) = @_; foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) { my @instances = @{$object->instances}; foreach my $instance (@instances) { $object->add_instance($instance) for 2..$copies_num; } } $self->arrange_objects($distance, $bb); } # arrange objects preserving their instance count # but altering their instance positions sub arrange_objects { my ($self, $distance, $bb) = @_; # get the (transformed) size of each instance so that we take # into account their different transformations when packing my @instance_sizes = (); foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) { push @instance_sizes, map $object->instance_bounding_box($_)->size, 0..$#{$object->instances}; } my @positions = $self->_arrange(\@instance_sizes, $distance, $bb); foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) { $_->set_offset(Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{shift @positions})) for @{$object->instances}; $object->update_bounding_box; } } # duplicate the entire model preserving instance relative positions sub duplicate { my ($self, $copies_num, $distance, $bb) = @_; my $model_size = $self->bounding_box->size; my @positions = $self->_arrange([ map $model_size, 2..$copies_num ], $distance, $bb); # note that this will leave the object count unaltered foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) { my @instances = @{$object->instances}; # store separately to avoid recursion from add_instance() below foreach my $instance (@instances) { foreach my $pos (@positions) { $object->add_instance( offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new($instance->offset->[X] + $pos->[X], $instance->offset->[Y] + $pos->[Y]), rotation => $instance->rotation, scaling_factor => $instance->scaling_factor, ); } } $object->update_bounding_box; } } sub _arrange { my ($self, $sizes, $distance, $bb) = @_; return Slic3r::Geometry::arrange( scalar(@$sizes), # number of parts max(map $_->x, @$sizes), # cell width max(map $_->y, @$sizes), # cell height , $distance, # distance between cells $bb, # bounding box of the area to fill (can be undef) ); } sub has_objects_with_no_instances { my ($self) = @_; return (first { !defined $_->instances } @{$self->objects}) ? 1 : 0; } # makes sure all objects have at least one instance sub add_default_instances { my ($self) = @_; # apply a default position to all objects not having one my $added = 0; foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) { if ($object->instances_count == 0) { $object->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(0,0)); $added = 1; } } return $added; } # this returns the bounding box of the *transformed* instances sub bounding_box { my $self = shift; return undef if !@{$self->objects}; my $bb = $self->objects->[0]->bounding_box; $bb->merge($_->bounding_box) for @{$self->objects}[1..$#{$self->objects}]; return $bb; } # input point is expressed in unscaled coordinates sub center_instances_around_point { my ($self, $point) = @_; my $bb = $self->bounding_box; return if !defined $bb; my $size = $bb->size; my @shift = ( -$bb->x_min + $point->[X] - $size->x/2, -$bb->y_min + $point->[Y] - $size->y/2, #// ); foreach my $object (@{$self->objects}) { foreach my $instance (@{$object->instances}) { $instance->set_offset(Slic3r::Pointf->new( $instance->offset->x + $shift[X], $instance->offset->y + $shift[Y], #++ )); } $object->update_bounding_box; } } sub align_instances_to_origin { my ($self) = @_; my $bb = $self->bounding_box; return if !defined $bb; my $new_center = $bb->size; $new_center->translate(-$new_center->x/2, -$new_center->y/2); #// $self->center_instances_around_point($new_center); } sub translate { my $self = shift; my @shift = @_; $_->translate(@shift) for @{$self->objects}; } # flattens everything to a single mesh sub mesh { my $self = shift; my $mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new; $mesh->merge($_->mesh) for @{$self->objects}; return $mesh; } # this method splits objects into multiple distinct objects by walking their meshes sub split_meshes { my $self = shift; my @objects = @{$self->objects}; @{$self->objects} = (); foreach my $object (@objects) { if (@{$object->volumes} > 1) { # We can't split meshes if there's more than one material, because # we can't group the resulting meshes by object afterwards $self->_add_object($object); next; } my $volume = $object->volumes->[0]; foreach my $mesh (@{$volume->mesh->split}) { my $new_object = $self->add_object( input_file => $object->input_file, config => $object->config->clone, layer_height_ranges => $object->layer_height_ranges, # TODO: this needs to be cloned origin_translation => $object->origin_translation, ); $new_object->add_volume( mesh => $mesh, material_id => $volume->material_id, ); # add one instance per original instance $new_object->add_instance( offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$_->offset}), rotation => $_->rotation, scaling_factor => $_->scaling_factor, ) for @{ $object->instances // [] }; } } } sub print_info { my $self = shift; $_->print_info for @{$self->objects}; } sub get_material_name { my $self = shift; my ($material_id) = @_; my $name; if ($self->has_material($material_id)) { $name //= $self->get_material($material_id) ->attributes->{$_} for qw(Name name); } $name //= $material_id; return $name; } package Slic3r::Model::Material; sub apply { my ($self, $attributes) = @_; $self->set_attribute($_, $attributes{$_}) for keys %$attributes; } package Slic3r::Model::Object; use File::Basename qw(basename); use List::Util qw(first sum); use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z rad2deg); sub add_volume { my $self = shift; my $new_volume; if (@_ == 1) { # we have a Model::Volume my ($volume) = @_; $new_volume = $self->_add_volume_clone($volume); # TODO: material_id can't be undef. if (defined $volume->material_id) { # merge material attributes and config (should we rename materials in case of duplicates?) if (my $material = $volume->object->model->get_material($volume->material_id)) { my %attributes = %{ $material->attributes }; if ($self->model->has_material($volume->material_id)) { %attributes = (%attributes, %{ $self->model->get_material($volume->material_id)->attributes }) } my $new_material = $self->model->set_material($volume->material_id, {%attributes}); $new_material->config->apply($material->config); } } } else { my %args = @_; $new_volume = $self->_add_volume($args{mesh}); $new_volume->set_material_id($args{material_id}) if defined $args{material_id}; $new_volume->set_modifier($args{modifier}) if defined $args{modifier}; } if (defined $new_volume->material_id && !defined $self->model->get_material($new_volume->material_id)) { # TODO: this should be a trigger on Volume::material_id $self->model->set_material($new_volume->material_id); } $self->invalidate_bounding_box; return $new_volume; } sub add_instance { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; if (@_ == 1) { # we have a Model::Instance my ($instance) = @_; return $self->_add_instance_clone($instance); } else { my (%args) = @_; my $new_instance = $self->_add_instance; $new_instance->set_rotation($args{rotation}) if defined $args{rotation}; $new_instance->set_scaling_factor($args{scaling_factor}) if defined $args{scaling_factor}; $new_instance->set_offset($args{offset}) if defined $args{offset}; return $new_instance; } } sub raw_mesh { my $self = shift; my $mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new; $mesh->merge($_->mesh) for grep !$_->modifier, @{ $self->volumes }; return $mesh; } # flattens all volumes and instances into a single mesh sub mesh { my $self = shift; my $mesh = $self->raw_mesh; my @instance_meshes = (); foreach my $instance (@{ $self->instances }) { my $m = $mesh->clone; $instance->transform_mesh($m); push @instance_meshes, $m; } my $full_mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new; $full_mesh->merge($_) for @instance_meshes; return $full_mesh; } sub update_bounding_box { my ($self) = @_; $self->_bounding_box($self->mesh->bounding_box); } # this returns the bounding box of the *transformed* instances sub bounding_box { my $self = shift; $self->update_bounding_box if !defined $self->_bounding_box; return $self->_bounding_box->clone; } # this returns the bounding box of the *transformed* given instance sub instance_bounding_box { my ($self, $instance_idx) = @_; my $mesh = $self->raw_mesh; $self->instances->[$instance_idx]->transform_mesh($mesh); return $mesh->bounding_box; } sub center_around_origin { my $self = shift; # calculate the displacements needed to # center this object around the origin my $bb = $self->raw_mesh->bounding_box; # first align to origin on XY my @shift = ( -$bb->x_min, -$bb->y_min, 0, ); # then center it on XY my $size = $bb->size; $shift[X] -= $size->x/2; $shift[Y] -= $size->y/2; #// $self->translate(@shift); $self->origin_translation->translate(@shift[X,Y]); if ($self->instances_count > 0) { foreach my $instance (@{ $self->instances }) { $instance->set_offset(Slic3r::Pointf->new( $instance->offset->x - $shift[X], $instance->offset->y - $shift[Y], #-- )); } $self->update_bounding_box; } return @shift; } sub translate { my $self = shift; my @shift = @_; $_->mesh->translate(@shift) for @{$self->volumes}; $self->_bounding_box->translate(@shift) if defined $self->_bounding_box; } sub rotate_x { my ($self, $angle) = @_; # we accept angle in radians but mesh currently uses degrees $angle = rad2deg($angle); $_->mesh->rotate_x($angle) for @{$self->volumes}; $self->invalidate_bounding_box; } sub materials_count { my $self = shift; my %materials = map { $_->material_id // '_default' => 1 } @{$self->volumes}; return scalar keys %materials; } sub unique_materials { my $self = shift; my %materials = (); $materials{ $_->material_id } = 1 for grep { defined $_->material_id } @{$self->volumes}; return sort keys %materials; } sub facets_count { my $self = shift; return sum(map $_->mesh->facets_count, grep !$_->modifier, @{$self->volumes}); } sub needed_repair { my $self = shift; return (first { !$_->mesh->needed_repair } grep !$_->modifier, @{$self->volumes}) ? 0 : 1; } sub mesh_stats { my $self = shift; # TODO: sum values from all volumes return $self->volumes->[0]->mesh->stats; } sub print_info { my $self = shift; printf "Info about %s:\n", basename($self->input_file); printf " size: x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f\n", @{$self->raw_mesh->bounding_box->size}; if (my $stats = $self->mesh_stats) { printf " number of facets: %d\n", $stats->{number_of_facets}; printf " number of shells: %d\n", $stats->{number_of_parts}; printf " volume: %.3f\n", $stats->{volume}; if ($self->needed_repair) { printf " needed repair: yes\n"; printf " degenerate facets: %d\n", $stats->{degenerate_facets}; printf " edges fixed: %d\n", $stats->{edges_fixed}; printf " facets removed: %d\n", $stats->{facets_removed}; printf " facets added: %d\n", $stats->{facets_added}; printf " facets reversed: %d\n", $stats->{facets_reversed}; printf " backwards edges: %d\n", $stats->{backwards_edges}; } else { printf " needed repair: no\n"; } } else { printf " number of facets: %d\n", scalar(map @{$_->facets}, grep !$_->modifier, @{$self->volumes}); } } sub cut { my ($self, $z) = @_; # clone this one my $upper = $self->model->add_object($self); my $lower = $self->model->add_object($self); foreach my $instance (@{$self->instances}) { $upper->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$instance->offset})); $lower->add_instance(offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$instance->offset})); } foreach my $volume (@{$self->volumes}) { if ($volume->modifier) { # don't cut modifiers $upper->add_volume($volume); $lower->add_volume($volume); } else { my $upper_mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new; my $lower_mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new; $volume->mesh->cut($z + $volume->mesh->bounding_box->z_min, $upper_mesh, $lower_mesh); $upper_mesh->repair; $lower_mesh->repair; $upper_mesh->reset_repair_stats; $lower_mesh->reset_repair_stats; if ($upper_mesh->facets_count > 0) { $upper->add_volume( material_id => $volume->material_id, mesh => $upper_mesh, modifier => $volume->modifier, ); } if ($lower_mesh->facets_count > 0) { $lower->add_volume( material_id => $volume->material_id, mesh => $lower_mesh, modifier => $volume->modifier, ); } } } $upper = undef if !@{$upper->volumes}; $lower = undef if !@{$lower->volumes}; return ($upper, $lower); } package Slic3r::Model::Volume; sub assign_unique_material { my ($self) = @_; my $model = $self->object->model; my $material_id = 1 + $model->material_count; $self->material_id($material_id); return $model->set_material($material_id); } package Slic3r::Model::Instance; sub transform_mesh { my ($self, $mesh, $dont_translate) = @_; $mesh->rotate($self->rotation, Slic3r::Point->new(0,0)); # rotate around mesh origin $mesh->scale($self->scaling_factor); # scale around mesh origin $mesh->translate(@{$self->offset}, 0) unless $dont_translate; } sub transform_polygon { my ($self, $polygon) = @_; $polygon->rotate($self->rotation, Slic3r::Point->new(0,0)); # rotate around origin $polygon->scale($self->scaling_factor); # scale around origin } 1;