#include "clipper/clipper_z.hpp" #include "libslic3r.h" #include "ClipperUtils.hpp" #include "EdgeGrid.hpp" #include "ExPolygon.hpp" #include "ElephantFootCompensation.hpp" #include "Flow.hpp" #include "Geometry.hpp" #include "SVG.hpp" #include "Utils.hpp" #include #include // #define CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG namespace Slic3r { struct ResampledPoint { ResampledPoint(size_t idx_src, bool interpolated, double curve_parameter) : idx_src(idx_src), interpolated(interpolated), curve_parameter(curve_parameter) {} size_t idx_src; // Is this point interpolated or initial? bool interpolated; // Euclidean distance along the curve from the 0th point. double curve_parameter; }; // Distance calculated using SDF (Shape Diameter Function). // The distance is calculated by casting a fan of rays and measuring the intersection distance. // Thus the calculation is relatively slow. For the Elephant foot compensation purpose, this distance metric does not avoid // pinching off small pieces of a contour, thus this function has been superseded by contour_distance2(). std::vector contour_distance(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid, const size_t idx_contour, const Slic3r::Points &contour, const std::vector &resampled_point_parameters, double search_radius) { assert(! contour.empty()); assert(contour.size() >= 2); std::vector out; if (contour.size() > 2) { #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG static int iRun = 0; ++ iRun; BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(contour); bbox.merge(grid.bbox()); ExPolygon expoly_grid; expoly_grid.contour = Polygon(*grid.contours().front()); for (size_t i = 1; i < grid.contours().size(); ++ i) expoly_grid.holes.emplace_back(Polygon(*grid.contours()[i])); #endif struct Visitor { Visitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid, const size_t idx_contour, const std::vector &resampled_point_parameters, double dist_same_contour_reject) : grid(grid), idx_contour(idx_contour), resampled_point_parameters(resampled_point_parameters), dist_same_contour_reject(dist_same_contour_reject) {} void init(const size_t aidx_point_start, const Point &apt_start, Vec2d dir, const double radius) { this->idx_point_start = aidx_point_start; this->pt = apt_start.cast() + SCALED_EPSILON * dir; dir *= radius; this->pt_start = this->pt.cast(); // Trim the vector by the grid's bounding box. const BoundingBox &bbox = this->grid.bbox(); double t = 1.; for (size_t axis = 0; axis < 2; ++ axis) { double dx = std::abs(dir(axis)); if (dx >= EPSILON) { double tedge = (dir(axis) > 0) ? (double(bbox.max(axis)) - SCALED_EPSILON - this->pt(axis)) : (this->pt(axis) - double(bbox.min(axis)) - SCALED_EPSILON); if (tedge < dx) t = std::min(t, tedge / dx); } } this->dir = dir; if (t < 1.) dir *= t; this->pt_end = (this->pt + dir).cast(); this->t_min = 1.; assert(this->grid.bbox().contains(this->pt_start) && this->grid.bbox().contains(this->pt_end)); } bool operator()(coord_t iy, coord_t ix) { // Called with a row and colum of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line. auto cell_data_range = this->grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix); bool valid = true; for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++ it_contour_and_segment) { // End points of the line segment and their vector. auto segment = this->grid.segment(*it_contour_and_segment); if (Geometry::segments_intersect(segment.first, segment.second, this->pt_start, this->pt_end)) { // The two segments intersect. Calculate the intersection. Vec2d pt2 = segment.first.cast(); Vec2d dir2 = segment.second.cast() - pt2; Vec2d vptpt2 = pt - pt2; double denom = dir(0) * dir2(1) - dir2(0) * dir(1); if (std::abs(denom) >= EPSILON) { double t = cross2(dir2, vptpt2) / denom; assert(t > - EPSILON && t < 1. + EPSILON); bool this_valid = true; if (it_contour_and_segment->first == idx_contour) { // The intersected segment originates from the same contour as the starting point. // Reject the intersection if it is close to the starting point. // Find the start and end points of this segment double param_lo = resampled_point_parameters[idx_point_start].curve_parameter; double param_hi; double param_end = resampled_point_parameters.back().curve_parameter; { const EdgeGrid::Contour &contour = grid.contours()[it_contour_and_segment->first]; size_t ipt = it_contour_and_segment->second; ResampledPoint key(ipt, false, 0.); auto lower = [](const ResampledPoint& l, const ResampledPoint r) { return l.idx_src < r.idx_src || (l.idx_src == r.idx_src && int(l.interpolated) > int(r.interpolated)); }; auto it = std::lower_bound(resampled_point_parameters.begin(), resampled_point_parameters.end(), key, lower); assert(it != resampled_point_parameters.end() && it->idx_src == ipt && ! it->interpolated); double t2 = cross2(dir, vptpt2) / denom; assert(t2 > - EPSILON && t2 < 1. + EPSILON); if (contour.begin() + (++ ipt) == contour.end()) param_hi = t2 * dir2.norm(); else param_hi = it->curve_parameter + t2 * dir2.norm(); } if (param_lo > param_hi) std::swap(param_lo, param_hi); assert(param_lo >= 0. && param_lo <= param_end); assert(param_hi >= 0. && param_hi <= param_end); this_valid = param_hi > param_lo + dist_same_contour_reject && param_hi - param_end < param_lo - dist_same_contour_reject; } if (t < this->t_min) { this->t_min = t; valid = this_valid; } } } if (! valid) this->t_min = 1.; } // Continue traversing the grid along the edge. return true; } const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid; const size_t idx_contour; const std::vector &resampled_point_parameters; const double dist_same_contour_reject; size_t idx_point_start; Point pt_start; Point pt_end; Vec2d pt; Vec2d dir; // Minium parameter along the vector (pt_end - pt_start). double t_min; } visitor(grid, idx_contour, resampled_point_parameters, search_radius); const Point *pt_this = &contour.back(); size_t idx_pt_this = contour.size() - 1; const Point *pt_prev = pt_this - 1; // perpenduclar vector auto perp = [](const Vec2d& v) -> Vec2d { return Vec2d(v.y(), -v.x()); }; Vec2d vprev = (*pt_this - *pt_prev).cast().normalized(); out.reserve(contour.size() + 1); for (const Point &pt_next : contour) { Vec2d vnext = (pt_next - *pt_this).cast().normalized(); Vec2d dir = - (perp(vprev) + perp(vnext)).normalized(); Vec2d dir_perp = perp(dir); double cross = cross2(vprev, vnext); double dot = vprev.dot(vnext); double a = (cross < 0 || dot > 0.5) ? (M_PI / 3.) : (0.48 * acos(std::min(1., - dot))); // Throw rays, collect distances. std::vector distances; int num_rays = 15; #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG SVG svg(debug_out_path("contour_distance_raycasted-%d-%d.svg", iRun, &pt_next - contour.data()).c_str(), bbox); svg.draw(expoly_grid); svg.draw_outline(Polygon(contour), "blue", scale_(0.01)); svg.draw(*pt_this, "red", coord_t(scale_(0.1))); #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ for (int i = - num_rays + 1; i < num_rays; ++ i) { double angle = a * i / (int)num_rays; double c = cos(angle); double s = sin(angle); Vec2d v = c * dir + s * dir_perp; visitor.init(idx_pt_this, *pt_this, v, search_radius); grid.visit_cells_intersecting_line(visitor.pt_start, visitor.pt_end, visitor); distances.emplace_back(visitor.t_min); #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG svg.draw(Line(visitor.pt_start, visitor.pt_end), "yellow", scale_(0.01)); if (visitor.t_min < 1.) { Vec2d pt = visitor.pt + visitor.dir * visitor.t_min; svg.draw(Point(pt), "red", coord_t(scale_(0.1))); } #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ } #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG svg.Close(); #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ std::sort(distances.begin(), distances.end()); #if 0 double median = distances[distances.size() / 2]; double standard_deviation = 0; for (double d : distances) standard_deviation += (d - median) * (d - median); standard_deviation = sqrt(standard_deviation / (distances.size() - 1)); double avg = 0; size_t cnt = 0; for (double d : distances) if (d > median - standard_deviation - EPSILON && d < median + standard_deviation + EPSILON) { avg += d; ++ cnt; } avg /= double(cnt); out.emplace_back(float(avg * search_radius)); #else out.emplace_back(float(distances.front() * search_radius)); #endif #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG printf("contour_distance_raycasted-%d-%d.svg - distance %lf\n", iRun, int(&pt_next - contour.data()), unscale(out.back())); #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ pt_this = &pt_next; idx_pt_this = &pt_next - contour.data(); vprev = vnext; } // Rotate the vector by one item. out.emplace_back(out.front()); out.erase(out.begin()); } return out; } // Contour distance by measuring the closest point of an ExPolygon stored inside the EdgeGrid, while filtering out points of the same contour // at concave regions, or convex regions with low curvature (curvature is estimated as a ratio between contour length and chordal distance crossing the contour ends). std::vector contour_distance2(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid, const size_t idx_contour, const Slic3r::Points &contour, const std::vector &resampled_point_parameters, double compensation, double search_radius) { assert(! contour.empty()); assert(contour.size() >= 2); std::vector out; if (contour.size() > 2) { #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG static int iRun = 0; ++ iRun; BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(contour); bbox.merge(grid.bbox()); ExPolygon expoly_grid; expoly_grid.contour = Polygon(*grid.contours().front()); for (size_t i = 1; i < grid.contours().size(); ++ i) expoly_grid.holes.emplace_back(Polygon(*grid.contours()[i])); #endif struct Visitor { Visitor(const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid, const size_t idx_contour, const std::vector &resampled_point_parameters, double dist_same_contour_accept, double dist_same_contour_reject) : grid(grid), idx_contour(idx_contour), contour(grid.contours()[idx_contour]), resampled_point_parameters(resampled_point_parameters), dist_same_contour_accept(dist_same_contour_accept), dist_same_contour_reject(dist_same_contour_reject) {} void init(const Points &contour, const Point &apoint) { this->idx_point = &apoint - contour.data(); this->point = apoint; this->found = false; this->dir_inside = this->dir_inside_at_point(contour, this->idx_point); this->distance = std::numeric_limits::max(); } bool operator()(coord_t iy, coord_t ix) { // Called with a row and colum of the grid cell, which is intersected by a line. auto cell_data_range = this->grid.cell_data_range(iy, ix); for (auto it_contour_and_segment = cell_data_range.first; it_contour_and_segment != cell_data_range.second; ++ it_contour_and_segment) { // End points of the line segment and their vector. std::pair segment = this->grid.segment(*it_contour_and_segment); const Vec2d v = (segment.second - segment.first).cast(); const Vec2d va = (this->point - segment.first).cast(); const double l2 = v.squaredNorm(); // avoid a sqrt const double t = (l2 == 0.0) ? 0. : clamp(0., 1., va.dot(v) / l2); // Closest point from this->point to the segment. const Vec2d foot = segment.first.cast() + t * v; const Vec2d bisector = foot - this->point.cast(); const double dist = bisector.norm(); if ((! this->found || dist < this->distance) && this->dir_inside.dot(bisector) > 0) { bool accept = true; if (it_contour_and_segment->first == idx_contour) { // Complex case: The closest segment originates from the same contour as the starting point. // Reject the closest point if its distance along the contour is reasonable compared to the current contour bisector (this->pt, foot). double param_lo = resampled_point_parameters[this->idx_point].curve_parameter; double param_hi; double param_end = resampled_point_parameters.back().curve_parameter; const EdgeGrid::Contour &contour = grid.contours()[it_contour_and_segment->first]; const size_t ipt = it_contour_and_segment->second; { ResampledPoint key(ipt, false, 0.); auto lower = [](const ResampledPoint& l, const ResampledPoint r) { return l.idx_src < r.idx_src || (l.idx_src == r.idx_src && int(l.interpolated) > int(r.interpolated)); }; auto it = std::lower_bound(resampled_point_parameters.begin(), resampled_point_parameters.end(), key, lower); assert(it != resampled_point_parameters.end() && it->idx_src == ipt && ! it->interpolated); param_hi = t * sqrt(l2); if (contour.begin() + ipt + 1 < contour.end()) param_hi += it->curve_parameter; } if (param_lo > param_hi) std::swap(param_lo, param_hi); assert(param_lo > - SCALED_EPSILON && param_lo <= param_end + SCALED_EPSILON); assert(param_hi > - SCALED_EPSILON && param_hi <= param_end + SCALED_EPSILON); double dist_along_contour = std::min(param_hi - param_lo, param_lo + param_end - param_hi); if (dist_along_contour < dist_same_contour_accept) accept = false; else if (dist < dist_same_contour_reject + SCALED_EPSILON) { // this->point is close to foot. This point will only be accepted if the path along the contour is significantly // longer than the bisector. That is, the path shall not bulge away from the bisector too much. // Bulge is estimated by 0.6 of the circle circumference drawn around the bisector. // Test whether the contour is convex or concave. bool inside = (t == 0.) ? this->inside_corner(contour, ipt, this->point) : (t == 1.) ? this->inside_corner(contour, contour.segment_idx_next(ipt), this->point) : this->left_of_segment(contour, ipt, this->point); accept = inside && dist_along_contour > 0.6 * M_PI * dist; } } if (accept && (! this->found || dist < this->distance)) { // Simple case: Just measure the shortest distance. this->distance = dist; #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG this->closest_point = foot.cast(); #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ this->found = true; } } } // Continue traversing the grid. return true; } const EdgeGrid::Grid &grid; const size_t idx_contour; const EdgeGrid::Contour &contour; const std::vector &resampled_point_parameters; const double dist_same_contour_accept; const double dist_same_contour_reject; size_t idx_point; Point point; // Direction inside the contour from idx_point, not normalized. Vec2d dir_inside; bool found; double distance; #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG Point closest_point; #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ private: static Vec2d dir_inside_at_point(const Points &contour, size_t i) { size_t iprev = prev_idx_modulo(i, contour); size_t inext = next_idx_modulo(i, contour); Vec2d v1 = (contour[i] - contour[iprev]).cast(); Vec2d v2 = (contour[inext] - contour[i]).cast(); return Vec2d(- v1.y() - v2.y(), v1.x() + v2.x()); } static Vec2d dir_inside_at_segment(const Points& contour, size_t i) { size_t inext = next_idx_modulo(i, contour); Vec2d v = (contour[inext] - contour[i]).cast(); return Vec2d(- v.y(), v.x()); } static bool inside_corner(const EdgeGrid::Contour &contour, size_t i, const Point &pt_oposite) { const Vec2d pt = pt_oposite.cast(); const Point &pt_prev = contour.segment_prev(i); const Point &pt_this = contour.segment_start(i); const Point &pt_next = contour.segment_end(i); Vec2d v1 = (pt_this - pt_prev).cast(); Vec2d v2 = (pt_next - pt_this).cast(); bool left_of_v1 = cross2(v1, pt - pt_prev.cast()) > 0.; bool left_of_v2 = cross2(v2, pt - pt_this.cast()) > 0.; return cross2(v1, v2) > 0 ? left_of_v1 && left_of_v2 : // convex corner left_of_v1 || left_of_v2; // concave corner } static bool left_of_segment(const EdgeGrid::Contour &contour, size_t i, const Point &pt_oposite) { const Vec2d pt = pt_oposite.cast(); const Point &pt_this = contour.segment_start(i); const Point &pt_next = contour.segment_end(i); Vec2d v = (pt_next - pt_this).cast(); return cross2(v, pt - pt_this.cast()) > 0.; } } visitor(grid, idx_contour, resampled_point_parameters, 0.5 * compensation * M_PI, search_radius); out.reserve(contour.size()); Point radius_vector(search_radius, search_radius); for (const Point &pt : contour) { visitor.init(contour, pt); grid.visit_cells_intersecting_box(BoundingBox(pt - radius_vector, pt + radius_vector), visitor); out.emplace_back(float(visitor.found ? std::min(visitor.distance, search_radius) : search_radius)); #if 0 //#ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG if (out.back() < search_radius) { SVG svg(debug_out_path("contour_distance_filtered-%d-%d.svg", iRun, int(&pt - contour.data())).c_str(), bbox); svg.draw(expoly_grid); svg.draw_outline(Polygon(contour), "blue", scale_(0.01)); svg.draw(pt, "green", coord_t(scale_(0.1))); svg.draw(visitor.closest_point, "red", coord_t(scale_(0.1))); printf("contour_distance_filtered-%d-%d.svg - distance %lf\n", iRun, int(&pt - contour.data()), unscale(out.back())); } #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ } #ifdef CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG if (out.back() < search_radius) { SVG svg(debug_out_path("contour_distance_filtered-final-%d.svg", iRun).c_str(), bbox); svg.draw(expoly_grid); svg.draw_outline(Polygon(contour), "blue", scale_(0.01)); for (size_t i = 0; i < contour.size(); ++ i) svg.draw(contour[i], out[i] < float(search_radius - SCALED_EPSILON) ? "red" : "green", coord_t(scale_(0.1))); } #endif /* CONTOUR_DISTANCE_DEBUG_SVG */ } return out; } Points resample_polygon(const Points &contour, double dist, std::vector &resampled_point_parameters) { Points out; out.reserve(contour.size()); resampled_point_parameters.reserve(contour.size()); if (contour.size() > 2) { Vec2d pt_prev = contour.back().cast(); for (const Point &pt : contour) { size_t idx_this = &pt - contour.data(); const Vec2d pt_this = pt.cast(); const Vec2d v = pt_this - pt_prev; const double l = v.norm(); const size_t n = size_t(ceil(l / dist)); const double l_step = l / n; for (size_t i = 1; i < n; ++ i) { double interpolation_parameter = double(i) / n; Vec2d new_pt = pt_prev + v * interpolation_parameter; out.emplace_back(new_pt.cast()); resampled_point_parameters.emplace_back(idx_this, true, l_step); } out.emplace_back(pt); resampled_point_parameters.emplace_back(idx_this, false, l_step); pt_prev = pt_this; } for (size_t i = 1; i < resampled_point_parameters.size(); ++i) resampled_point_parameters[i].curve_parameter += resampled_point_parameters[i - 1].curve_parameter; } return out; } #if 0 static inline void smooth_compensation(std::vector &compensation, float strength, size_t num_iterations) { std::vector out(compensation); for (size_t iter = 0; iter < num_iterations; ++ iter) { for (size_t i = 0; i < compensation.size(); ++ i) { float prev = prev_value_modulo(i, compensation); float next = next_value_modulo(i, compensation); float laplacian = compensation[i] * (1.f - strength) + 0.5f * strength * (prev + next); // Compensations are negative. Only apply the laplacian if it leads to lower compensation. out[i] = std::max(laplacian, compensation[i]); } out.swap(compensation); } } #endif static inline void smooth_compensation_banded(const Points &contour, float band, std::vector &compensation, float strength, size_t num_iterations) { assert(contour.size() == compensation.size()); assert(contour.size() > 2); std::vector out(compensation); float dist_min2 = band * band; static constexpr bool use_min = false; for (size_t iter = 0; iter < num_iterations; ++ iter) { for (int i = 0; i < int(compensation.size()); ++ i) { const Vec2f pthis = contour[i].cast(); int j = prev_idx_modulo(i, contour); Vec2f pprev = contour[j].cast(); float prev = compensation[j]; float l2 = (pthis - pprev).squaredNorm(); if (l2 < dist_min2) { float l = sqrt(l2); int jprev = std::exchange(j, prev_idx_modulo(j, contour)); while (j != i) { const Vec2f pp = contour[j].cast(); const float lthis = (pp - pprev).norm(); const float lnext = l + lthis; if (lnext > band) { // Interpolate the compensation value. prev = use_min ? std::min(prev, lerp(compensation[jprev], compensation[j], (band - l) / lthis)) : lerp(compensation[jprev], compensation[j], (band - l) / lthis); break; } prev = use_min ? std::min(prev, compensation[j]) : compensation[j]; pprev = pp; l = lnext; jprev = std::exchange(j, prev_idx_modulo(j, contour)); } } j = next_idx_modulo(i, contour); pprev = contour[j].cast(); float next = compensation[j]; l2 = (pprev - pthis).squaredNorm(); if (l2 < dist_min2) { float l = sqrt(l2); int jprev = std::exchange(j, next_idx_modulo(j, contour)); while (j != i) { const Vec2f pp = contour[j].cast(); const float lthis = (pp - pprev).norm(); const float lnext = l + lthis; if (lnext > band) { // Interpolate the compensation value. next = use_min ? std::min(next, lerp(compensation[jprev], compensation[j], (band - l) / lthis)) : lerp(compensation[jprev], compensation[j], (band - l) / lthis); break; } next = use_min ? std::min(next, compensation[j]) : compensation[j]; pprev = pp; l = lnext; jprev = std::exchange(j, next_idx_modulo(j, contour)); } } float laplacian = compensation[i] * (1.f - strength) + 0.5f * strength * (prev + next); // Compensations are negative. Only apply the laplacian if it leads to lower compensation. out[i] = std::max(laplacian, compensation[i]); } out.swap(compensation); } } #ifndef NDEBUG static bool validate_expoly_orientation(const ExPolygon &expoly) { bool valid = expoly.contour.is_counter_clockwise(); for (auto &h : expoly.holes) valid &= h.is_clockwise(); return valid; } #endif /* NDEBUG */ ExPolygon elephant_foot_compensation(const ExPolygon &input_expoly, double min_contour_width, const double compensation) { assert(validate_expoly_orientation(input_expoly)); double scaled_compensation = scale_(compensation); min_contour_width = scale_(min_contour_width); double min_contour_width_compensated = min_contour_width + 2. * scaled_compensation; // Make the search radius a bit larger for the averaging in contour_distance over a fan of rays to work. double search_radius = min_contour_width_compensated + min_contour_width * 0.5; BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(input_expoly.contour); Point bbox_size = bbox.size(); ExPolygon out; if (bbox_size.x() < min_contour_width_compensated + SCALED_EPSILON || bbox_size.y() < min_contour_width_compensated + SCALED_EPSILON || input_expoly.area() < min_contour_width_compensated * min_contour_width_compensated * 5.) { // The contour is tiny. Don't correct it. out = input_expoly; } else { EdgeGrid::Grid grid; ExPolygon simplified = input_expoly.simplify(SCALED_EPSILON).front(); assert(validate_expoly_orientation(simplified)); BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(simplified.contour); bbox.offset(SCALED_EPSILON); grid.set_bbox(bbox); grid.create(simplified, coord_t(0.7 * search_radius)); std::vector> deltas; deltas.reserve(simplified.holes.size() + 1); ExPolygon resampled(simplified); double resample_interval = scale_(0.5); for (size_t idx_contour = 0; idx_contour <= simplified.holes.size(); ++ idx_contour) { Polygon &poly = (idx_contour == 0) ? resampled.contour : resampled.holes[idx_contour - 1]; std::vector resampled_point_parameters; poly.points = resample_polygon(poly.points, resample_interval, resampled_point_parameters); assert(poly.is_counter_clockwise() == (idx_contour == 0)); std::vector dists = contour_distance2(grid, idx_contour, poly.points, resampled_point_parameters, scaled_compensation, search_radius); for (float &d : dists) { // printf("Point %d, Distance: %lf\n", int(&d - dists.data()), unscale(d)); // Convert contour width to available compensation distance. if (d < min_contour_width) d = 0.f; else if (d > min_contour_width_compensated) d = - float(scaled_compensation); else d = - (d - float(min_contour_width)) / 2.f; assert(d >= - float(scaled_compensation) && d <= 0.f); } // smooth_compensation(dists, 0.4f, 10); smooth_compensation_banded(poly.points, float(0.8 * resample_interval), dists, 0.3f, 3); deltas.emplace_back(dists); } ExPolygons out_vec = variable_offset_inner_ex(resampled, deltas, 2.); if (out_vec.size() == 1) out = std::move(out_vec.front()); else { // Something went wrong, don't compensate. out = input_expoly; #ifdef TESTS_EXPORT_SVGS if (out_vec.size() > 1) { static int iRun = 0; SVG::export_expolygons(debug_out_path("elephant_foot_compensation-many_contours-%d.svg", iRun ++).c_str(), { { { input_expoly }, { "gray", "black", "blue", coord_t(scale_(0.02)), 0.5f, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.05)) } }, { { out_vec }, { "gray", "black", "blue", coord_t(scale_(0.02)), 0.5f, "black", coord_t(scale_(0.05)) } } }); } #endif /* TESTS_EXPORT_SVGS */ assert(out_vec.size() == 1); } } assert(validate_expoly_orientation(out)); return out; } ExPolygon elephant_foot_compensation(const ExPolygon &input, const Flow &external_perimeter_flow, const double compensation) { // The contour shall be wide enough to apply the external perimeter plus compensation on both sides. double min_contour_width = double(external_perimeter_flow.width + external_perimeter_flow.spacing()); return elephant_foot_compensation(input, min_contour_width, compensation); } ExPolygons elephant_foot_compensation(const ExPolygons &input, const Flow &external_perimeter_flow, const double compensation) { ExPolygons out; out.reserve(input.size()); for (const ExPolygon &expoly : input) out.emplace_back(elephant_foot_compensation(expoly, external_perimeter_flow, compensation)); return out; } ExPolygons elephant_foot_compensation(const ExPolygons &input, double min_contour_width, const double compensation) { ExPolygons out; out.reserve(input.size()); for (const ExPolygon &expoly : input) out.emplace_back(elephant_foot_compensation(expoly, min_contour_width, compensation)); return out; } } // namespace Slic3r