#include "SVG.hpp" #include #include namespace Slic3r { bool SVG::open(const char* afilename) { this->filename = afilename; this->f = boost::nowide::fopen(afilename, "w"); if (this->f == NULL) return false; fprintf(this->f, "\n" "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" ); fprintf(this->f, "\n", 2000.f, 2000.f); return true; } bool SVG::open(const char* afilename, const BoundingBox &bbox, const coord_t bbox_offset, bool aflipY) { this->filename = afilename; this->origin = bbox.min - Point(bbox_offset, bbox_offset); this->flipY = aflipY; this->f = boost::nowide::fopen(afilename, "w"); if (f == NULL) return false; float w = to_svg_coord(bbox.max(0) - bbox.min(0) + 2 * bbox_offset); float h = to_svg_coord(bbox.max(1) - bbox.min(1) + 2 * bbox_offset); this->height = h; fprintf(this->f, "\n" "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n", h, w); fprintf(this->f, "\n", w, h); return true; } void SVG::draw(const Line &line, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { fprintf(this->f, " arrows) fprintf(this->f, " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\""); fprintf(this->f, "/>\n"); } void SVG::draw(const ThickLine &line, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { Vec2d dir(line.b(0)-line.a(0), line.b(1)-line.a(1)); Vec2d perp(-dir(1), dir(0)); coordf_t len = sqrt(perp(0)*perp(0) + perp(1)*perp(1)); coordf_t da = coordf_t(0.5)*line.a_width/len; coordf_t db = coordf_t(0.5)*line.b_width/len; fprintf(this->f, " \n", to_svg_x(line.a(0)-da*perp(0)-origin(0)), to_svg_y(line.a(1)-da*perp(1)-origin(1)), to_svg_x(line.b(0)-db*perp(0)-origin(0)), to_svg_y(line.b(1)-db*perp(1)-origin(1)), to_svg_x(line.b(0)+db*perp(0)-origin(0)), to_svg_y(line.b(1)+db*perp(1)-origin(1)), to_svg_x(line.a(0)+da*perp(0)-origin(0)), to_svg_y(line.a(1)+da*perp(1)-origin(1)), fill.c_str(), stroke.c_str(), (stroke_width == 0) ? 1.f : to_svg_coord(stroke_width)); } void SVG::draw(const Lines &lines, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (const Line &l : lines) this->draw(l, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const ExPolygon &expolygon, std::string fill, const float fill_opacity) { this->fill = fill; std::string d; Polygons pp = expolygon; for (Polygons::const_iterator p = pp.begin(); p != pp.end(); ++p) { d += this->get_path_d(*p, true) + " "; } this->path(d, true, 0, fill_opacity); } void SVG::draw_outline(const ExPolygon &expolygon, std::string stroke_outer, std::string stroke_holes, coordf_t stroke_width) { draw_outline(expolygon.contour, stroke_outer, stroke_width); for (Polygons::const_iterator it = expolygon.holes.begin(); it != expolygon.holes.end(); ++ it) { draw_outline(*it, stroke_holes, stroke_width); } } void SVG::draw(const ExPolygons &expolygons, std::string fill, const float fill_opacity) { for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = expolygons.begin(); it != expolygons.end(); ++it) this->draw(*it, fill, fill_opacity); } void SVG::draw_outline(const ExPolygons &expolygons, std::string stroke_outer, std::string stroke_holes, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (ExPolygons::const_iterator it = expolygons.begin(); it != expolygons.end(); ++ it) draw_outline(*it, stroke_outer, stroke_holes, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const Surface &surface, std::string fill, const float fill_opacity) { draw(surface.expolygon, fill, fill_opacity); } void SVG::draw_outline(const Surface &surface, std::string stroke_outer, std::string stroke_holes, coordf_t stroke_width) { draw_outline(surface.expolygon, stroke_outer, stroke_holes, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const Surfaces &surfaces, std::string fill, const float fill_opacity) { for (Surfaces::const_iterator it = surfaces.begin(); it != surfaces.end(); ++it) this->draw(*it, fill, fill_opacity); } void SVG::draw_outline(const Surfaces &surfaces, std::string stroke_outer, std::string stroke_holes, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (Surfaces::const_iterator it = surfaces.begin(); it != surfaces.end(); ++ it) draw_outline(*it, stroke_outer, stroke_holes, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const SurfacesPtr &surfaces, std::string fill, const float fill_opacity) { for (SurfacesPtr::const_iterator it = surfaces.begin(); it != surfaces.end(); ++it) this->draw(*(*it), fill, fill_opacity); } void SVG::draw_outline(const SurfacesPtr &surfaces, std::string stroke_outer, std::string stroke_holes, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (SurfacesPtr::const_iterator it = surfaces.begin(); it != surfaces.end(); ++ it) draw_outline(*(*it), stroke_outer, stroke_holes, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const Polygon &polygon, std::string fill) { this->fill = fill; this->path(this->get_path_d(polygon, true), !fill.empty(), 0, 1.f); } void SVG::draw(const Polygons &polygons, std::string fill) { for (Polygons::const_iterator it = polygons.begin(); it != polygons.end(); ++it) this->draw(*it, fill); } void SVG::draw(const Polyline &polyline, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { this->stroke = stroke; this->path(this->get_path_d(polyline, false), false, stroke_width, 1.f); } void SVG::draw(const Polylines &polylines, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (Polylines::const_iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++it) this->draw(*it, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const ThickLines &thicklines, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (ThickLines::const_iterator it = thicklines.begin(); it != thicklines.end(); ++it) this->draw(*it, fill, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const ThickPolylines &polylines, const std::string &stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (ThickPolylines::const_iterator it = polylines.begin(); it != polylines.end(); ++it) this->draw((Polyline)*it, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const ThickPolylines &thickpolylines, const std::string &fill, const std::string &stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (ThickPolylines::const_iterator it = thickpolylines.begin(); it != thickpolylines.end(); ++ it) draw(it->thicklines(), fill, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw(const Point &point, std::string fill, coord_t iradius) { float radius = (iradius == 0) ? 3.f : to_svg_coord(iradius); std::ostringstream svg; svg << " "; fprintf(this->f, "%s\n", svg.str().c_str()); } void SVG::draw(const Points &points, std::string fill, coord_t radius) { for (Points::const_iterator it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); ++it) this->draw(*it, fill, radius); } void SVG::draw(const ClipperLib::Path &polygon, double scale, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { this->stroke = stroke; this->path(this->get_path_d(polygon, scale, true), false, stroke_width, 1.f); } void SVG::draw(const ClipperLib::Paths &polygons, double scale, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (ClipperLib::Paths::const_iterator it = polygons.begin(); it != polygons.end(); ++ it) draw(*it, scale, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::draw_outline(const Polygon &polygon, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { this->stroke = stroke; this->path(this->get_path_d(polygon, true), false, stroke_width, 1.f); } void SVG::draw_outline(const Polygons &polygons, std::string stroke, coordf_t stroke_width) { for (Polygons::const_iterator it = polygons.begin(); it != polygons.end(); ++ it) draw_outline(*it, stroke, stroke_width); } void SVG::path(const std::string &d, bool fill, coordf_t stroke_width, const float fill_opacity) { float lineWidth = 0.f; if (! fill) lineWidth = (stroke_width == 0) ? 2.f : to_svg_coord(stroke_width); fprintf( this->f, " \n", d.c_str(), fill ? this->fill.c_str() : "none", this->stroke.c_str(), lineWidth, (this->arrows && !fill) ? " marker-end=\"url(#endArrow)\"" : "", fill_opacity ); } std::string SVG::get_path_d(const MultiPoint &mp, bool closed) const { std::ostringstream d; d << "M "; for (Points::const_iterator p = mp.points.begin(); p != mp.points.end(); ++p) { d << to_svg_x((*p)(0) - origin(0)) << " "; d << to_svg_y((*p)(1) - origin(1)) << " "; } if (closed) d << "z"; return d.str(); } std::string SVG::get_path_d(const ClipperLib::Path &path, double scale, bool closed) const { std::ostringstream d; d << "M "; for (ClipperLib::Path::const_iterator p = path.begin(); p != path.end(); ++p) { d << to_svg_x(scale * p->x() - origin(0)) << " "; d << to_svg_y(scale * p->y() - origin(1)) << " "; } if (closed) d << "z"; return d.str(); } void SVG::draw_text(const Point &pt, const char *text, const char *color) { fprintf(this->f, "%s", to_svg_x(pt(0)-origin(0)), to_svg_y(pt(1)-origin(1)), color, text); } void SVG::draw_legend(const Point &pt, const char *text, const char *color) { fprintf(this->f, "", to_svg_x(pt(0)-origin(0)), to_svg_y(pt(1)-origin(1)), color); fprintf(this->f, "%s", to_svg_x(pt(0)-origin(0)) + 20.f, to_svg_y(pt(1)-origin(1)), "black", text); } void SVG::Close() { fprintf(this->f, "\n"); fclose(this->f); this->f = NULL; // printf("SVG written to %s\n", this->filename.c_str()); } void SVG::export_expolygons(const char *path, const BoundingBox &bbox, const Slic3r::ExPolygons &expolygons, std::string stroke_outer, std::string stroke_holes, coordf_t stroke_width) { SVG svg(path, bbox); svg.draw(expolygons); svg.draw_outline(expolygons, stroke_outer, stroke_holes, stroke_width); svg.Close(); } // Paint the expolygons in the order they are presented, thus the latter overwrites the former expolygon. // 1) Paint all areas with the provided ExPolygonAttributes::color_fill and ExPolygonAttributes::fill_opacity. // 2) Optionally paint outlines of the areas if ExPolygonAttributes::outline_width > 0. // Paint with ExPolygonAttributes::color_contour and ExPolygonAttributes::color_holes. // If color_contour is empty, color_fill is used. If color_hole is empty, color_contour is used. // 3) Optionally paint points of all expolygon contours with ExPolygonAttributes::radius_points if radius_points > 0. // 4) Paint ExPolygonAttributes::legend into legend using the ExPolygonAttributes::color_fill if legend is not empty. void SVG::export_expolygons(const char *path, const std::vector> &expolygons_with_attributes) { if (expolygons_with_attributes.empty()) return; size_t num_legend = std::count_if(expolygons_with_attributes.begin(), expolygons_with_attributes.end(), [](const auto &v){ return ! v.second.legend.empty(); }); // Format in num_columns. size_t num_columns = 3; // Width of the column. coord_t step_x = scale_(20.); Point legend_size(scale_(1.) + num_columns * step_x, scale_(0.4 + 1.3 * (num_legend + num_columns - 1) / num_columns)); BoundingBox bbox = get_extents(expolygons_with_attributes.front().first); for (size_t i = 0; i < expolygons_with_attributes.size(); ++ i) bbox.merge(get_extents(expolygons_with_attributes[i].first)); // Legend y. coord_t pos_y = bbox.max.y() + scale_(1.5); bbox.merge(Point(std::max(bbox.min.x() + legend_size.x(), bbox.max.x()), bbox.max.y() + legend_size.y())); SVG svg(path, bbox); for (const auto &exp_with_attr : expolygons_with_attributes) svg.draw(exp_with_attr.first, exp_with_attr.second.color_fill, exp_with_attr.second.fill_opacity); for (const auto &exp_with_attr : expolygons_with_attributes) { if (exp_with_attr.second.outline_width > 0) { std::string color_contour = exp_with_attr.second.color_contour; if (color_contour.empty()) color_contour = exp_with_attr.second.color_fill; std::string color_holes = exp_with_attr.second.color_holes; if (color_holes.empty()) color_holes = color_contour; svg.draw_outline(exp_with_attr.first, color_contour, color_holes, exp_with_attr.second.outline_width); } } for (const auto &exp_with_attr : expolygons_with_attributes) if (exp_with_attr.second.radius_points > 0) for (const ExPolygon &expoly : exp_with_attr.first) svg.draw((Points)expoly, exp_with_attr.second.color_points, exp_with_attr.second.radius_points); // Export legend. // 1st row coord_t pos_x0 = bbox.min.x() + scale_(1.); coord_t pos_x = pos_x0; size_t i_legend = 0; for (const auto &exp_with_attr : expolygons_with_attributes) { if (! exp_with_attr.second.legend.empty()) { svg.draw_legend(Point(pos_x, pos_y), exp_with_attr.second.legend.c_str(), exp_with_attr.second.color_fill.c_str()); if ((++ i_legend) % num_columns == 0) { pos_x = pos_x0; pos_y += scale_(1.3); } else { pos_x += step_x; } } } svg.Close(); } }