#include <myinit.h> #include "ClipperUtils.hpp" #include "Polygon.hpp" #include "Polyline.hpp" namespace Slic3r { Polygon::operator Polygons() const { Polygons pp; pp.push_back(*this); return pp; } Polygon::operator Polyline() const { Polyline polyline; this->split_at_first_point(&polyline); return polyline; } Point& Polygon::operator[](Points::size_type idx) { return this->points[idx]; } const Point& Polygon::operator[](Points::size_type idx) const { return this->points[idx]; } Point Polygon::last_point() const { return this->points.front(); // last point == first point for polygons } Lines Polygon::lines() const { Lines lines; this->lines(&lines); return lines; } void Polygon::lines(Lines* lines) const { lines->reserve(lines->size() + this->points.size()); for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin(); it != this->points.end()-1; ++it) { lines->push_back(Line(*it, *(it + 1))); } lines->push_back(Line(this->points.back(), this->points.front())); } void Polygon::split_at(const Point &point, Polyline* polyline) const { // find index of point for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin(); it != this->points.end(); ++it) { if (it->coincides_with(point)) { this->split_at_index(it - this->points.begin(), polyline); return; } } CONFESS("Point not found"); } void Polygon::split_at_index(int index, Polyline* polyline) const { polyline->points.reserve(this->points.size() + 1); for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin() + index; it != this->points.end(); ++it) polyline->points.push_back(*it); for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin(); it != this->points.begin() + index + 1; ++it) polyline->points.push_back(*it); } void Polygon::split_at_first_point(Polyline* polyline) const { this->split_at_index(0, polyline); } void Polygon::equally_spaced_points(double distance, Points* points) const { Polyline polyline; this->split_at_first_point(&polyline); polyline.equally_spaced_points(distance, points); } double Polygon::area() const { ClipperLib::Path p; Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(*this, p); return ClipperLib::Area(p); } bool Polygon::is_counter_clockwise() const { ClipperLib::Path p; Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(*this, p); return ClipperLib::Orientation(p); } bool Polygon::is_clockwise() const { return !this->is_counter_clockwise(); } bool Polygon::make_counter_clockwise() { if (!this->is_counter_clockwise()) { this->reverse(); return true; } return false; } bool Polygon::make_clockwise() { if (this->is_counter_clockwise()) { this->reverse(); return true; } return false; } bool Polygon::is_valid() const { return this->points.size() >= 3; } bool Polygon::contains_point(const Point &point) const { // http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/Homepages/wrf/Research/Short_Notes/pnpoly.html bool result = false; Points::const_iterator i = this->points.begin(); Points::const_iterator j = this->points.end() - 1; for (; i != this->points.end(); j = i++) { if ( ((i->y > point.y) != (j->y > point.y)) && ((double)point.x < (double)(j->x - i->x) * (double)(point.y - i->y) / (double)(j->y - i->y) + (double)i->x) ) result = !result; } return result; } Polygons Polygon::simplify(double tolerance) const { Polygon p = *this; p.points = MultiPoint::_douglas_peucker(p.points, tolerance); Polygons pp; pp.push_back(p); simplify_polygons(pp, pp); return pp; } void Polygon::simplify(double tolerance, Polygons &polygons) const { Polygons pp = this->simplify(tolerance); polygons.reserve(polygons.size() + pp.size()); polygons.insert(polygons.end(), pp.begin(), pp.end()); } // Only call this on convex polygons or it will return invalid results void Polygon::triangulate_convex(Polygons* polygons) const { for (Points::const_iterator it = this->points.begin() + 2; it != this->points.end(); ++it) { Polygon p; p.points.reserve(3); p.points.push_back(this->points.front()); p.points.push_back(*(it-1)); p.points.push_back(*it); // this should be replaced with a more efficient call to a merge_collinear_segments() method if (p.area() > 0) polygons->push_back(p); } } #ifdef SLIC3RXS REGISTER_CLASS(Polygon, "Polygon"); void Polygon::from_SV_check(SV* poly_sv) { if (sv_isobject(poly_sv) && !sv_isa(poly_sv, perl_class_name(this)) && !sv_isa(poly_sv, perl_class_name_ref(this))) CONFESS("Not a valid %s object", perl_class_name(this)); MultiPoint::from_SV_check(poly_sv); } #endif }