# A standalone (no C++ implementation) G-code filter, to control cooling of the print. # The G-code is processed per layer. Once a layer is collected, fan start / stop commands are edited # and the print is modified to stretch over a minimum layer time. package Slic3r::GCode::CoolingBuffer; use Moo; has 'config' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # Slic3r::Config::Print has 'gcodegen' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); # Slic3r::GCode C++ instance has 'gcode' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {""}); # Cache of a G-code snippet emitted for a single layer. has 'elapsed_time' => (is => 'rw', default => sub {0}); has 'layer_id' => (is => 'rw'); has 'last_z' => (is => 'rw', default => sub { {} }); # obj_id => z (basically a 'last seen' table) has 'min_print_speed' => (is => 'lazy'); sub _build_min_print_speed { my $self = shift; return 60 * $self->config->min_print_speed; } sub append { my $self = shift; my ($gcode, $obj_id, $layer_id, $print_z) = @_; my $return = ""; if (exists $self->last_z->{$obj_id} && $self->last_z->{$obj_id} != $print_z) { # A layer was finished, Z of the object's layer changed. Process the layer. $return = $self->flush; } $self->layer_id($layer_id); $self->last_z->{$obj_id} = $print_z; $self->gcode($self->gcode . $gcode); #FIXME Vojtech: This is a very rough estimate of the print time, # not taking into account the acceleration profiles generated by the printer firmware. $self->elapsed_time($self->elapsed_time + $self->gcodegen->elapsed_time); $self->gcodegen->set_elapsed_time(0); return $return; } sub flush { my $self = shift; my $gcode = $self->gcode; my $elapsed = $self->elapsed_time; $self->gcode(""); $self->elapsed_time(0); $self->last_z({}); # reset the whole table otherwise we would compute overlapping times my $fan_speed = $self->config->fan_always_on ? $self->config->min_fan_speed : 0; my $speed_factor = 1; if ($self->config->cooling) { Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d estimated printing time: %d seconds\n", $self->layer_id, $elapsed; if ($elapsed < $self->config->slowdown_below_layer_time) { # Layer time very short. Enable the fan to a full throttle and slow down the print # (stretch the layer print time to slowdown_below_layer_time). $fan_speed = $self->config->max_fan_speed; $speed_factor = $elapsed / $self->config->slowdown_below_layer_time; } elsif ($elapsed < $self->config->fan_below_layer_time) { # Layer time quite short. Enable the fan proportionally according to the current layer time. $fan_speed = $self->config->max_fan_speed - ($self->config->max_fan_speed - $self->config->min_fan_speed) * ($elapsed - $self->config->slowdown_below_layer_time) / ($self->config->fan_below_layer_time - $self->config->slowdown_below_layer_time); #/ } Slic3r::debugf " fan = %d%%, speed = %d%%\n", $fan_speed, $speed_factor * 100; if ($speed_factor < 1) { # Adjust feed rate of G1 commands marked with an _EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED # as long as they are not _WIPE moves (they cannot if they are _EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED) # and they are not preceded directly by _BRIDGE_FAN_START (do not adjust bridging speed). $gcode =~ s/^(?=.*?;_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED)(?!.*?;_WIPE)(?min_print_speed ? $self->min_print_speed : $new_speed) /gexm; } } $fan_speed = 0 if $self->layer_id < $self->config->disable_fan_first_layers; $gcode = $self->gcodegen->writer->set_fan($fan_speed) . $gcode; # bridge fan speed if (!$self->config->cooling || $self->config->bridge_fan_speed == 0 || $self->layer_id < $self->config->disable_fan_first_layers) { $gcode =~ s/^;_BRIDGE_FAN_(?:START|END)\n//gm; } else { $gcode =~ s/^;_BRIDGE_FAN_START\n/ $self->gcodegen->writer->set_fan($self->config->bridge_fan_speed, 1) /gmex; $gcode =~ s/^;_BRIDGE_FAN_END\n/ $self->gcodegen->writer->set_fan($fan_speed, 1) /gmex; } $gcode =~ s/;_WIPE//g; $gcode =~ s/;_EXTRUDE_SET_SPEED//g; return $gcode; } 1;