#include #include #include #include #include using namespace Slic3r; TEST_CASE("CGAL and TriangleMesh conversions", "[MeshBoolean]") { TriangleMesh sphere = make_sphere(1.); auto cgalmesh_ptr = MeshBoolean::cgal::triangle_mesh_to_cgal(sphere); REQUIRE(cgalmesh_ptr); REQUIRE(! MeshBoolean::cgal::does_self_intersect(*cgalmesh_ptr)); TriangleMesh M = MeshBoolean::cgal::cgal_to_triangle_mesh(*cgalmesh_ptr); REQUIRE(M.its.vertices.size() == sphere.its.vertices.size()); REQUIRE(M.its.indices.size() == sphere.its.indices.size()); REQUIRE(M.volume() == Approx(sphere.volume())); REQUIRE(! MeshBoolean::cgal::does_self_intersect(M)); } Vec3d calc_normal(const Vec3i &triangle, const std::vector &vertices) { Vec3d v0 = vertices[triangle[0]].cast(); Vec3d v1 = vertices[triangle[1]].cast(); Vec3d v2 = vertices[triangle[2]].cast(); // n = triangle normal Vec3d n = (v1 - v0).cross(v2 - v0); n.normalize(); return n; } TEST_CASE("Add TriangleMeshes", "[MeshBoolean]") { TriangleMesh tm1 = make_sphere(1.6, 1.6); Vec3f move(5, -3, 7); move.normalize(); tm1.translate(0.3 * move); its_write_obj(tm1.its, "tm1.obj"); TriangleMesh tm2 = make_cube(1., 1., 1.); its_write_obj(tm2.its, "tm2.obj"); MeshBoolean::cgal::plus(tm1, tm2); its_write_obj(tm1.its, "test_add.obj"); } #include "libslic3r/Emboss.hpp" ExPolygons ttf2polygons(const char * font_name, char letter, float flatness = 1.f) { auto font = Emboss::load_font(font_name); if (!font.has_value()) return ExPolygons(); return Emboss::letter2glyph(*font, letter, flatness)->polygons; } #include "libslic3r/SVG.hpp" void store_to_svg(Polygons polygons,std::string file_name = "letter.svg") { double scale = 1e6; BoundingBox bb; for (auto& p : polygons) { p.scale(scale); bb.merge(p.points); } SVG svg(file_name, bb); svg.draw(polygons); } struct Plane { Vec3d point = Vec3d(0., 0., 0.); // lay on plane - define zero position Vec3d normal = Vec3d(0., 0., 1.);// [unit vector] - define orientation }; struct OrientedPlane: public Plane { // Must be perpendiculat to normal Vec3d up = Vec3d(0., 1., 0.); // [unit vector] }; struct EmbossConfig { // emboss plane must be above surface // point define zero for 2d polygon and must be out of model // normal is direction to model // up define orientation of polygon OrientedPlane projection; // Move surface distance // Positive value out of model (Raised) // Negative value into model (Engraved) float height = 1.; // [in milimeters] }; struct FontConfig { const char *font_path = "C:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf"; float flatness = 2.; // precision of lettter outline curve in conversion to lines float scale = 1.0; // size of text float letter_space = 1.; // unscaled space between letters float line_space = 1.; // unscaled space between lines }; struct Seam { std::vector seam_points; // indexes of vertices which made seam std::vector inner_faces; // indexes of triangle (its.indices) which are inside of polygon std::vector outline_faces; // indexes of triangle (its.indices) contains seam points }; #include #include Vec3d calc_hit_point(const igl::Hit & h, const Vec3i & triangle, const std::vector &vertices) { double c1 = h.u; double c2 = h.v; double c0 = 1.0 - c1 - c2; Vec3d v0 = vertices[triangle[0]].cast(); Vec3d v1 = vertices[triangle[1]].cast(); Vec3d v2 = vertices[triangle[2]].cast(); return v0 * c0 + v1 * c1 + v2 * c2; } Vec3d calc_hit_point(const igl::Hit &h, indexed_triangle_set &its) { return calc_hit_point(h, its.indices[h.id], its.vertices); } TEST_CASE("Test hit point", "[AABBTreeIndirect]") { indexed_triangle_set its; its.vertices = { Vec3f(1,1,1), Vec3f(2, 10, 2), Vec3f(10, 0, 2), }; its.indices = {Vec3i(0, 2, 1)}; auto tree = AABBTreeIndirect::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_triangle_set( its.vertices, its.indices); Vec3d ray_point(8, 1, 0); Vec3d ray_dir(0,0,1); igl::Hit hit; AABBTreeIndirect::intersect_ray_first_hit(its.vertices, its.indices, tree, ray_point, ray_dir, hit); Vec3d hp = calc_hit_point(hit, its); CHECK(abs(hp.x() - ray_point.x()) < .1); CHECK(abs(hp.y() - ray_point.y()) < .1); } // represents triangle extend by seam struct TrianglePath { // input edge, output edge, when cross triangle border std::optional> edges; // when edges has value than first and last point lay on triangle edge std::vector points; // first point has index offset_id in result vertices uint32_t offset_id; }; using TrianglePaths = std::vector; std::vector triangulate(const Vec3i &triangle, const Vec3d &triangle_normal, const std::vector &vertices, const TrianglePaths& paths); // create transformation matrix to convert direction vectors // do not care about up vector // Directions are normalized Eigen::Matrix3d create_transformation(const Vec3d &from_dir, const Vec3d &to_dir) { Vec3d axis = from_dir.cross(to_dir); axis.normalize(); double angle = acos(from_dir.dot(to_dir)); auto rotation = Eigen::AngleAxisd(angle, axis); return rotation.matrix(); } TEST_CASE("Transformation matrix", "[]") { Vec3d d1(3, -7, 13); Vec3d d2(-9, 5, 1); d1.normalize(); d2.normalize(); auto tr_mat = create_transformation(d1, d2); Vec3d d1_tr = tr_mat * d1; Vec3d diff = d1_tr - d2; double eps = 1e-12; for (double d : diff) CHECK(abs(d) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); } // calculate multiplication of ray dir to intersect - inspired by segment_segment_intersection // when ray dir is normalized retur distance from ray point to intersection // No value mean no intersection std::optional ray_segment_intersection( const Vec2d& r_point, const Vec2d& r_dir, const Vec2d& s0, const Vec2d& s1){ auto denominate = [](const Vec2d& v0,const Vec2d& v1)->double{ return v0.x() * v1.y() - v1.x() * v0.y(); }; Vec2d segment_dir = s1 - s0; double d = denominate(segment_dir, r_dir); if (std::abs(d) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()) // Line and ray are collinear. return {}; Vec2d s12 = s0 - r_point; double s_number = denominate(r_dir, s12); bool change_sign = false; if (d < 0.) { change_sign = true; d = -d; s_number = -s_number; } if (s_number < 0.|| s_number > d) // Intersection outside of segment. return {}; double r_number = denominate(segment_dir, s12); if (change_sign) r_number = - r_number; if(r_number < 0.) // Intersection before ray start. return {}; return r_number / d; } TEST_CASE("ray segment intersection", "[MeshBoolean]") { Vec2d r_point(1,1); Vec2d r_dir(1,0); // colinear CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(0,0), Vec2d(2,0)).has_value()); CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,0), Vec2d(0,0)).has_value()); // before ray CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(0,0), Vec2d(0,2)).has_value()); CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(0,2), Vec2d(0,0)).has_value()); // above ray CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,2), Vec2d(2,3)).has_value()); CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,3), Vec2d(2,2)).has_value()); // belove ray CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,0), Vec2d(2,-1)).has_value()); CHECK(!ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,-1), Vec2d(2,0)).has_value()); // intersection at [2,1] distance 1 auto t1 = ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,0), Vec2d(2,2)); REQUIRE(t1.has_value()); auto t2 = ray_segment_intersection(r_point, r_dir, Vec2d(2,2), Vec2d(2,0)); REQUIRE(t2.has_value()); CHECK(abs(*t1 - *t2) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); } Vec2d get_intersection(const Vec2d& point, const Vec2d& dir, const std::array& triangle) { std::optional t; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { size_t i2 = i+1; if(i2 == 3) i2 = 0; if (!t.has_value()) { t = ray_segment_intersection(point, dir, triangle[i], triangle[i2]); continue; } // small distance could be preccission inconsistance std::optional t2 = ray_segment_intersection( point, dir, triangle[i], triangle[i2]); if (t2.has_value() && *t2 > *t) t = t2; } assert(t.has_value()); //Not found intersection. return point + dir * (*t); } TEST_CASE("triangle intersection", "[]") { Vec2d point(1,1); Vec2d dir(-1, 0); std::array triangle = { Vec2d(0, 0), Vec2d(5, 0), Vec2d(0, 5) }; Vec2d i = get_intersection(point, dir, triangle); CHECK(abs(i.x()) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); CHECK(abs(i.y() - 1.) < std::numeric_limits::epsilon()); } #include std::optional create_seam(const Polygon &shape, const OrientedPlane& plane, indexed_triangle_set &its) { // IMPROVE: create area of interests (mask for neighbors) auto neighbors = its_face_edge_ids(its); auto tree = AABBTreeIndirect::build_aabb_tree_over_indexed_triangle_set( its.vertices, its.indices); const Vec3d z_axis(0, 0, 1); // IMPROVE: parallelize // collect intersection with model const Vec3d& ray_dir = plane.normal; Vec3d side = plane.up.cross(plane.normal); std::vector hits; hits.reserve(shape.points.size()); for (const Point &p : shape.points) { Vec3d ray_point = plane.point +plane.up*p.y()+side*p.x(); igl::Hit hit; AABBTreeIndirect::intersect_ray_first_hit(its.vertices, its.indices, tree, ray_point, ray_dir, hit); hits.push_back(hit); } // triangle idx, changes inside triangle std::map changes; std::set remove_indices; std::vector add_vertices; std::vector add_indices; for (size_t i = 0; i < shape.points.size(); ++i) { size_t next_i = i + 1; if (i == shape.points.size()) next_i = 0; Point dir2d = shape.points[next_i] - shape.points[i]; Vec3d dir = dir2d.x() * side + dir2d.y() * plane.up; const igl::Hit &start_hit = hits[i]; size_t ti = start_hit.id; // triangle index const igl::Hit &end_hit = hits[next_i]; Vec3i t = its.indices[ti]; Vec3d hit_point = calc_hit_point(start_hit, t, its.vertices); Vec3d start_point = hit_point; std::optional edge_index; while (ti != end_hit.id) { Vec3d n = calc_normal(t, its.vertices); // triangle normal Eigen::Matrix3d rotation = create_transformation(n, z_axis); Vec3d t_dir = n.cross(dir).cross(n); // direction on triangle surface auto remove_z = [&](const Vec3d &point) -> Vec2d { Vec3d rotated_point = rotation * point; assert(abs(rotated_point.z()) < 1e-5); return Vec2d(rotated_point.x(), rotated_point.y()); }; std::array triangle2d; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) triangle2d[i] = remove_z(its.vertices[t[i]].cast()); Vec2d start_point_2d = remove_z(start_point); // move start point on edge of this triangle if (edge_index.has_value()) { size_t e2 = *edge_index +1; if (e2 == 3) e2 = 0; const Vec2d &p1 = triangle2d[*edge_index]; const Vec2d &p2 = triangle2d[e2]; Vec2d dir = p2 - p1; start_point_2d = Geometry::foot_pt(p1, dir, start_point_2d); } Vec2d dir_point_2d = remove_z(start_point+t_dir); Vec2d next_point_2d = get_intersection(start_point_2d, dir_point_2d, triangle2d); //next_triangle = // Find interection with triangle border from start point in direction t_dir // ?? Convert to 2d? } } // connect hits over surface return {}; } std::vector triangulate(const std::vector & points, const std::vector> &edges); std::vector triangulate(const Polygon &polygon) { const Points &pts = polygon.points; std::vector points; points.reserve(pts.size()); std::transform(pts.begin(), pts.end(), std::back_inserter(points), [](const Point &p) -> Vec2f { return p.cast(); }); std::vector> edges; edges.reserve(pts.size()); for (int i = 1; i < pts.size(); ++i) edges.emplace_back(i - 1, i); edges.emplace_back(pts.size() - 1, 0); return triangulate(points, edges); } indexed_triangle_set emboss3d(const Polygon &shape, float height) { // CW order of triangle indices std::vector shape_triangles = triangulate(shape); indexed_triangle_set result; const Points &pts = shape.points; size_t count_point = pts.size(); result.vertices.reserve(2 * count_point); // top points std::transform(pts.begin(), pts.end(), std::back_inserter(result.vertices), [](const Point &p) { return Vec3f(p.x(), p.y(), 0); }); // bottom points std::transform(pts.begin(), pts.end(), std::back_inserter(result.vertices), [height](const Point &p) { return Vec3f(p.x(), p.y(), height); }); result.indices.reserve(shape_triangles.size() * 2 + count_point*2); // top triangles - change to CCW for (const Vec3i &t : shape_triangles) result.indices.emplace_back(t.x(), t.z(), t.y()); // bottom triangles - use CW for (const Vec3i &t : shape_triangles) result.indices.emplace_back( t.x() + count_point, t.y() + count_point, t.z() + count_point ); // quads around - zig zag by triangles for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count_point; ++i) { // previous index uint32_t ip = (i == 0) ? (count_point - 1) : (i - 1); // bottom indices uint32_t i2 = i + count_point; uint32_t ip2 = ip + count_point; result.indices.emplace_back(i, i2, ip); result.indices.emplace_back(ip2, ip, i2); } return result; } #include #include #include #include typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel K; typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel EK; typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh Mesh; namespace PMP = CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing; namespace params = PMP::parameters; // is it realy neccessary to copy all? Mesh its_to_mesh(const indexed_triangle_set &its) { Mesh mesh; size_t vertices_count = its.vertices.size(); size_t edges_count = (its.indices.size() * 3) / 2; size_t faces_count = its.indices.size(); mesh.reserve(vertices_count, edges_count, faces_count); for (auto &v : its.vertices) mesh.add_vertex(typename Mesh::Point{v.x(), v.y(), v.z()}); using VI = typename Mesh::Vertex_index; for (auto &f : its.indices) mesh.add_face(VI(f(0)), VI(f(1)), VI(f(2))); return mesh; } indexed_triangle_set mesh_to_its(const Mesh &mesh) { indexed_triangle_set res; res.vertices.reserve(mesh.num_vertices()); res.indices.reserve(mesh.num_faces()); for (auto &vi : mesh.vertices()) { auto &v = mesh.point(vi); // index addresing, to compare same float point res.vertices.emplace_back(v.x(),v.y(), v.z()); } for (auto &face : mesh.faces()) { auto vtc = mesh.vertices_around_face(mesh.halfedge(face)); int i = 0; Vec3i facet; for (auto v : vtc) { if (i > 2) { i = 0; break; } facet(i++) = v; } if (i == 3) res.indices.emplace_back(facet); } return res; } void emboss3d_(const Polygon& shape, const EmbossConfig &cfg, indexed_triangle_set &its) { indexed_triangle_set shape3d = emboss3d(shape, cfg.height); //its_write_obj(shape3d,"shape3d.obj"); Mesh m1 = its_to_mesh(its); Mesh m2 = its_to_mesh(shape3d); size_t in_vertices_count = its.vertices.size(); size_t in_indices_count = its.indices.size(); auto tt = m1.property_map("e:removed"); Mesh::Property_map ecm1 = tt.first; // hope in copy PMP::corefine(m1, m2 , PMP::parameters::edge_is_constrained_map(ecm1) //, PMP::parameters::do_not_modify(true) ); //PMP::Corefinement::Intersection_of_triangle_meshes() size_t count_true = 0; for (const Mesh::Edge_index &e : edges(m1)) if (ecm1[e]) { ++count_true; const Mesh::Halfedge_index &h = e.halfedge(); const Mesh::Halfedge_index &h2 = m1.opposite(h); const Mesh::Vertex_index &v = m1.target(h); std::cout << "edge " << e << " halfedge " << h << " target " << v << " index0 " << v.idx() << " index1 " << m1.target(h2).idx() << std::endl; } its = mesh_to_its(m1); // twice and move additional vertices Vec3f move = (cfg.projection.normal * cfg.height).cast(); size_t new_add_vertice = its.vertices.size() - in_vertices_count; its.vertices.reserve(its.vertices.size() + new_add_vertice); for (size_t i = in_vertices_count; i < its.vertices.size(); ++i) its.vertices.emplace_back(its.vertices[i] + move); // zig zag edge collected edge for (size_t i = in_indices_count; i < its.indices.size(); ++i) { // new added triangle Vec3i &t = its.indices[i]; std::array is_new; bool is_inner = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { bool is_n = t[0] >= in_vertices_count; is_inner |= is_n; is_new[i] = is_n; } } its_write_obj(mesh_to_its(m1), "corefine1.obj"); its_write_obj(mesh_to_its(m2), "corefine2.obj"); /*MeshBoolean::cgal::CGALMesh cm1 = m1->m; My_visitor sm_v; CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::corefine(m1->m, m2->m, CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::parameters::visitor(sm_v) , CGAL::parameters::do_not_modify(true) );*/ //TriangleMesh tm1 = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(*m1); //store_obj("tm1.obj", &tm1); //TriangleMesh tm2 = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(*m2); //store_obj("tm2.obj", &tm1); its = mesh_to_its(m1); return; } void emboss3d(const Polygon& shape, const EmbossConfig &cfg, indexed_triangle_set &its) { indexed_triangle_set shape3d = emboss3d(shape, abs(cfg.height)); //its_write_obj(shape3d,"shape3d.obj"); auto m1 = MeshBoolean::cgal::triangle_mesh_to_cgal(its); auto m2 = MeshBoolean::cgal::triangle_mesh_to_cgal(shape3d); bool is_plus = shape.is_counter_clockwise() == (cfg.height > 0.f); if (is_plus) { MeshBoolean::cgal::plus(*m1, *m2); } else { MeshBoolean::cgal::minus(*m1, *m2); } TriangleMesh tm1 = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(*m1); store_obj("tm1.obj", &tm1); //TriangleMesh tm2 = cgal_to_triangle_mesh(*m2); //store_obj("tm2.obj", &tm1); its = tm1.its; // copy } TEST_CASE("Emboss polygon", "[MeshBoolean]") { const char *font_name = "C:/windows/fonts/arialbd.ttf"; char letter = '%'; float flatness = 2.; ExPolygons espolygons = ttf2polygons(font_name, letter, flatness); //TriangleMesh tm = make_sphere(1., 1.); tm.scale(10.f); TriangleMesh tm = make_cube(10., 5., 2.); tm.translate(Vec3f(0, 0, 1.7)); Polygons polygons; polygons = {Polygon({{1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 1}})}; // rectangle CW polygons = {Polygon({{1, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}})}; // rectangle CCW EmbossConfig ec; ec.height = 3; indexed_triangle_set its = tm.its; // copy for (const auto& polygon : polygons) { // TODO: differ CW and CCW emboss3d_(polygon, ec, its); } } #include #include #include // triangulate with constrains on edges std::vector triangulate(const std::vector& points, const std::vector>& edges) { // use cgal triangulation using K = CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel; using Itag = CGAL::Exact_predicates_tag; using CDT = CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2; using Point = CDT::Point; // construct a constrained triangulation CDT cdt; std::map map; // for indices std::vector vertices_handle; // for constriants vertices_handle.reserve(points.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { const Vec2f &p = points[i]; Point cdt_p(p.x(), p.y()); auto handl = cdt.insert(cdt_p); vertices_handle.push_back(handl); map[handl] = i; } for (const std::pair &edge : edges) { cdt.insert_constraint(vertices_handle[edge.first], vertices_handle[edge.second]); } auto faces = cdt.finite_face_handles(); std::vector indices; indices.reserve(faces.size()); for (CDT::Face_handle face : faces){ auto v0 = face->vertex(0); auto v1 = face->vertex(1); auto v2 = face->vertex(2); indices.emplace_back(map[v0], map[v1], map[v2]); /* auto p0 = v0->point(); auto p1 = v1->point(); auto p2 = v2->point(); std::cout << "Triangle: " << map[v0] << " [" << p0.x() << ", " << p0.y() << "], " << map[v1] << " [" << p1.x() << ", " << p1.y() << "], " << map[v2] << " [" << p2.x() << ", " << p2.y() << "] " << std::endl;*/ } return indices; } std::vector triangulate(const Vec3i & triangle, const Vec3d & triangle_normal, const std::vector &vertices, const TrianglePaths& paths) { size_t count_point = 3; size_t count_circles = 0; for (const auto &path : paths){ count_point += path.points.size(); if (!path.edges.has_value()) ++count_circles; } std::vector points3d; points3d.reserve(count_point); std::vector index_map; index_map.reserve(count_point); // add source triangle points for (int vi : triangle) { points3d.push_back(vertices[vi]); index_map.push_back(vi); } // add path points with edges std::vector> edges; edges.reserve(count_point - 3 - paths.size() + count_circles); for (const auto &path : paths) { size_t index = path.offset_id; bool is_first = true; for (const Vec3f &point : path.points) { int index = points3d.size(); if (is_first) { is_first = false; // all path on triangle if (!path.edges.has_value()) edges.push_back({index, index + path.points.size()}); } else { edges.push_back({index-1, index}); } points3d.push_back(point); index_map.push_back(index); ++index; } } // TODO:check tr_mat // create transform matrix to remove z coordinate by normal const Vec3d z_axis(0, 0, 1); auto rotation = create_transformation(triangle_normal, z_axis); // convert points to 2d std::vector points_2d; points_2d.reserve(count_point); for (const Vec3f &p : points3d) { Vec3d p_tr = rotation * p.cast(); points_2d.emplace_back(p_tr.x(), p_tr.y()); } // connecto to triangles std::vector indices = triangulate(points_2d, edges); // TODO: Check thin border triangle caused by float preccision // remap indexes for (Vec3i &triangle : indices) for (int &i : triangle) i = index_map[i]; return indices; } TEST_CASE("Triangulate by cgal", "[]") { std::vector points = { Vec2f(1, 1), Vec2f(2, 1), Vec2f(2, 2), Vec2f(1, 2) }; std::vector> edges1 = {{1, 3}}; std::vector indices1 = triangulate(points, edges1); auto check = [](int i1, int i2, Vec3i t)->bool { return true; return (t[0] == i1 || t[1] == i1 || t[2] == i1) && (t[0] == i2 || t[1] == i2 || t[2] == i2); }; REQUIRE(indices1.size() == 2); int i1 = edges1.front().first, i2 = edges1.front().second; CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices1[0])); CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices1[1])); std::vector> edges2 = {{0, 2}}; std::vector indices2 = triangulate(points, edges2); REQUIRE(indices2.size() == 2); i1 = edges2.front().first; i2 = edges2.front().second; CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices2[0])); CHECK(check(i1, i2, indices2[1])); }