#include "../ClipperUtils.hpp" #include "../ShortestPath.hpp" #include "../Surface.hpp" #include "Fill3DHoneycomb.hpp" namespace Slic3r { /* Creates a contiguous sequence of points at a specified height that make up a horizontal slice of the edges of a space filling truncated octahedron tesselation. The octahedrons are oriented so that the square faces are in the horizontal plane with edges parallel to the X and Y axes. Credits: David Eccles (gringer). */ // Generate an array of points that are in the same direction as the // basic printing line (i.e. Y points for columns, X points for rows) // Note: a negative offset only causes a change in the perpendicular // direction static std::vector colinearPoints(const coordf_t offset, const size_t baseLocation, size_t gridLength) { const coordf_t offset2 = std::abs(offset / coordf_t(2.)); std::vector points; points.push_back(baseLocation - offset2); for (size_t i = 0; i < gridLength; ++i) { points.push_back(baseLocation + i + offset2); points.push_back(baseLocation + i + 1 - offset2); } points.push_back(baseLocation + gridLength + offset2); return points; } // Generate an array of points for the dimension that is perpendicular to // the basic printing line (i.e. X points for columns, Y points for rows) static std::vector perpendPoints(const coordf_t offset, const size_t baseLocation, size_t gridLength) { coordf_t offset2 = offset / coordf_t(2.); coord_t side = 2 * (baseLocation & 1) - 1; std::vector points; points.push_back(baseLocation - offset2 * side); for (size_t i = 0; i < gridLength; ++i) { side = 2*((i+baseLocation) & 1) - 1; points.push_back(baseLocation + offset2 * side); points.push_back(baseLocation + offset2 * side); } points.push_back(baseLocation - offset2 * side); return points; } // Trims an array of points to specified rectangular limits. Point // components that are outside these limits are set to the limits. static inline void trim(Pointfs &pts, coordf_t minX, coordf_t minY, coordf_t maxX, coordf_t maxY) { for (Vec2d &pt : pts) { pt(0) = clamp(minX, maxX, pt(0)); pt(1) = clamp(minY, maxY, pt(1)); } } static inline Pointfs zip(const std::vector &x, const std::vector &y) { assert(x.size() == y.size()); Pointfs out; out.reserve(x.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); ++ i) out.push_back(Vec2d(x[i], y[i])); return out; } // Generate a set of curves (array of array of 2d points) that describe a // horizontal slice of a truncated regular octahedron with edge length 1. // curveType specifies which lines to print, 1 for vertical lines // (columns), 2 for horizontal lines (rows), and 3 for both. static std::vector makeNormalisedGrid(coordf_t z, size_t gridWidth, size_t gridHeight, size_t curveType) { // offset required to create a regular octagram coordf_t octagramGap = coordf_t(0.5); // sawtooth wave function for range f($z) = [-$octagramGap .. $octagramGap] coordf_t a = std::sqrt(coordf_t(2.)); // period coordf_t wave = fabs(fmod(z, a) - a/2.)/a*4. - 1.; coordf_t offset = wave * octagramGap; std::vector points; if ((curveType & 1) != 0) { for (size_t x = 0; x <= gridWidth; ++x) { points.push_back(Pointfs()); Pointfs &newPoints = points.back(); newPoints = zip( perpendPoints(offset, x, gridHeight), colinearPoints(offset, 0, gridHeight)); // trim points to grid edges trim(newPoints, coordf_t(0.), coordf_t(0.), coordf_t(gridWidth), coordf_t(gridHeight)); if (x & 1) std::reverse(newPoints.begin(), newPoints.end()); } } if ((curveType & 2) != 0) { for (size_t y = 0; y <= gridHeight; ++y) { points.push_back(Pointfs()); Pointfs &newPoints = points.back(); newPoints = zip( colinearPoints(offset, 0, gridWidth), perpendPoints(offset, y, gridWidth)); // trim points to grid edges trim(newPoints, coordf_t(0.), coordf_t(0.), coordf_t(gridWidth), coordf_t(gridHeight)); if (y & 1) std::reverse(newPoints.begin(), newPoints.end()); } } return points; } // Generate a set of curves (array of array of 2d points) that describe a // horizontal slice of a truncated regular octahedron with a specified // grid square size. static Polylines makeGrid(coord_t z, coord_t gridSize, size_t gridWidth, size_t gridHeight, size_t curveType) { coord_t scaleFactor = gridSize; coordf_t normalisedZ = coordf_t(z) / coordf_t(scaleFactor); std::vector polylines = makeNormalisedGrid(normalisedZ, gridWidth, gridHeight, curveType); Polylines result; result.reserve(polylines.size()); for (std::vector::const_iterator it_polylines = polylines.begin(); it_polylines != polylines.end(); ++ it_polylines) { result.push_back(Polyline()); Polyline &polyline = result.back(); for (Pointfs::const_iterator it = it_polylines->begin(); it != it_polylines->end(); ++ it) polyline.points.push_back(Point(coord_t((*it)(0) * scaleFactor), coord_t((*it)(1) * scaleFactor))); } return result; } void Fill3DHoneycomb::_fill_surface_single( const FillParams ¶ms, unsigned int thickness_layers, const std::pair &direction, ExPolygon expolygon, Polylines &polylines_out) { // no rotation is supported for this infill pattern BoundingBox bb = expolygon.contour.bounding_box(); coord_t distance = coord_t(scale_(this->spacing) / params.density); // align bounding box to a multiple of our honeycomb grid module // (a module is 2*$distance since one $distance half-module is // growing while the other $distance half-module is shrinking) bb.merge(align_to_grid(bb.min, Point(2*distance, 2*distance))); // generate pattern Polylines polylines = makeGrid( scale_(this->z), distance, ceil(bb.size()(0) / distance) + 1, ceil(bb.size()(1) / distance) + 1, ((this->layer_id/thickness_layers) % 2) + 1); // move pattern in place for (Polyline &pl : polylines) pl.translate(bb.min); // clip pattern to boundaries, chain the clipped polylines polylines = intersection_pl(polylines, expolygon); // connect lines if needed if (params.dont_connect() || polylines.size() <= 1) append(polylines_out, chain_polylines(std::move(polylines))); else this->connect_infill(std::move(polylines), expolygon, polylines_out, this->spacing, params); } } // namespace Slic3r