#ifndef slic3r_Line_hpp_ #define slic3r_Line_hpp_ #include "libslic3r.h" #include "Point.hpp" namespace Slic3r { class BoundingBox; class Line; class Line3; class Linef3; class Polyline; class ThickLine; typedef std::vector Lines; typedef std::vector Lines3; typedef std::vector ThickLines; Linef3 transform(const Linef3& line, const Transform3d& t); class Line { public: Line() {} Line(const Point& _a, const Point& _b) : a(_a), b(_b) {} explicit operator Lines() const { Lines lines; lines.emplace_back(*this); return lines; } void scale(double factor) { this->a *= factor; this->b *= factor; } void translate(double x, double y) { Vector v(x, y); this->a += v; this->b += v; } void rotate(double angle, const Point ¢er) { this->a.rotate(angle, center); this->b.rotate(angle, center); } void reverse() { std::swap(this->a, this->b); } double length() const { return (b - a).cast().norm(); } Point midpoint() const { return (this->a + this->b) / 2; } bool intersection_infinite(const Line &other, Point* point) const; bool operator==(const Line &rhs) const { return this->a == rhs.a && this->b == rhs.b; } double distance_to_squared(const Point &point) const { return distance_to_squared(point, this->a, this->b); } double distance_to(const Point &point) const { return distance_to(point, this->a, this->b); } double perp_distance_to(const Point &point) const; bool parallel_to(double angle) const; bool parallel_to(const Line &line) const { return this->parallel_to(line.direction()); } double atan2_() const { return atan2(this->b(1) - this->a(1), this->b(0) - this->a(0)); } double orientation() const; double direction() const; Vector vector() const { return this->b - this->a; } Vector normal() const { return Vector((this->b(1) - this->a(1)), -(this->b(0) - this->a(0))); } bool intersection(const Line& line, Point* intersection) const; double ccw(const Point& point) const { return point.ccw(*this); } // Clip a line with a bounding box. Returns false if the line is completely outside of the bounding box. bool clip_with_bbox(const BoundingBox &bbox); static double distance_to_squared(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b); static double distance_to(const Point &point, const Point &a, const Point &b) { return sqrt(distance_to_squared(point, a, b)); } Point a; Point b; }; class ThickLine : public Line { public: ThickLine() : a_width(0), b_width(0) {} ThickLine(const Point& a, const Point& b) : Line(a, b), a_width(0), b_width(0) {} ThickLine(const Point& a, const Point& b, double wa, double wb) : Line(a, b), a_width(wa), b_width(wb) {} double a_width, b_width; }; class Line3 { public: Line3() : a(Vec3crd::Zero()), b(Vec3crd::Zero()) {} Line3(const Vec3crd& _a, const Vec3crd& _b) : a(_a), b(_b) {} double length() const { return (this->a - this->b).cast().norm(); } Vec3crd vector() const { return this->b - this->a; } Vec3crd a; Vec3crd b; }; class Linef { public: Linef() : a(Vec2d::Zero()), b(Vec2d::Zero()) {} Linef(const Vec2d& _a, const Vec2d& _b) : a(_a), b(_b) {} Vec2d a; Vec2d b; }; class Linef3 { public: Linef3() : a(Vec3d::Zero()), b(Vec3d::Zero()) {} Linef3(const Vec3d& _a, const Vec3d& _b) : a(_a), b(_b) {} Vec3d intersect_plane(double z) const; void scale(double factor) { this->a *= factor; this->b *= factor; } Vec3d vector() const { return this->b - this->a; } Vec3d unit_vector() const { return (length() == 0.0) ? Vec3d::Zero() : vector().normalized(); } double length() const { return vector().norm(); } Vec3d a; Vec3d b; }; BoundingBox get_extents(const Lines &lines); } // namespace Slic3r // start Boost #include namespace boost { namespace polygon { template <> struct geometry_concept { typedef segment_concept type; }; template <> struct segment_traits { typedef coord_t coordinate_type; typedef Slic3r::Point point_type; static inline point_type get(const Slic3r::Line& line, direction_1d dir) { return dir.to_int() ? line.b : line.a; } }; } } // end Boost #endif // slic3r_Line_hpp_