#ifndef slic3r_ExPolygonsIndex_hpp_
#define slic3r_ExPolygonsIndex_hpp_
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"
namespace Slic3r {
/// Index into ExPolygons
/// Identify expolygon, its contour (or hole) and point
struct ExPolygonsIndex
// index of ExPolygons
uint32_t expolygons_index;
// index of Polygon
// 0 .. contour
// N .. hole[N-1]
uint32_t polygon_index;
// index of point in polygon
uint32_t point_index;
bool is_contour() const { return polygon_index == 0; }
bool is_hole() const { return polygon_index != 0; }
uint32_t hole_index() const { return polygon_index - 1; }
/// Keep conversion from ExPolygonsIndex to Index and vice versa
/// ExPolygonsIndex .. contour(or hole) point from ExPolygons
/// Index .. continous number
/// index is used to address lines and points as result from function
/// Slic3r::to_lines, Slic3r::to_points
class ExPolygonsIndices
std::vector> m_offsets;
// for check range of index
uint32_t m_count; // count of points
ExPolygonsIndices(const ExPolygons &shapes);
/// Convert to one index number
/// Compose of adress into expolygons
/// Index
uint32_t cvt(const ExPolygonsIndex &id) const;
/// Separate to multi index
/// adress into expolygons
ExPolygonsIndex cvt(uint32_t index) const;
/// Check whether id is last point in polygon
/// Identify point in expolygon
/// True when id is last point in polygon otherwise false
bool is_last_point(const ExPolygonsIndex &id) const;
/// Count of points in expolygons
/// Count of points in expolygons
uint32_t get_count() const;
} // namespace Slic3r
#endif // slic3r_ExPolygonsIndex_hpp_