#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp" #include "libslic3r/TextConfiguration.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "GUI_Factories.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectLayers.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "BitmapComboBox.hpp" #include "GalleryDialog.hpp" #include "MainFrame.hpp" #include "slic3r/Utils/UndoRedo.hpp" #include "Gizmos/GLGizmoCut.hpp" #include "Gizmos/GLGizmoScale.hpp" #include "OptionsGroup.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "Selection.hpp" #include "format.hpp" #include "NotificationManager.hpp" #include "MsgDialog.hpp" #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <wx/progdlg.h> #include <wx/listbook.h> #include <wx/numformatter.h> #include "slic3r/Utils/FixModelByWin10.hpp" #ifdef __WXMSW__ #include "wx/uiaction.h" #endif /* __WXMSW__ */ namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_OBJ_LIST_OBJECT_SELECT, SimpleEvent); static PrinterTechnology printer_technology() { return wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset().printer_technology(); } static const Selection& scene_selection() { return wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection(); } // Config from current edited printer preset static DynamicPrintConfig& printer_config() { return wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config; } static int extruders_count() { return wxGetApp().extruders_edited_cnt(); } static void take_snapshot(const wxString& snapshot_name) { Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater(); if (plater) plater->take_snapshot(snapshot_name); } ObjectList::ObjectList(wxWindow* parent) : wxDataViewCtrl(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, #ifdef _WIN32 wxBORDER_SIMPLE | #endif wxDV_MULTIPLE) { wxGetApp().UpdateDVCDarkUI(this, true); // create control create_objects_ctrl(); // describe control behavior Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED, [this](wxDataViewEvent& event) { // detect the current mouse position here, to pass it to list_manipulation() method // if we detect it later, the user may have moved the mouse pointer while calculations are performed, and this would mess-up the HitTest() call performed into list_manipulation() // see: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3802 #ifndef __WXOSX__ const wxPoint mouse_pos = this->get_mouse_position_in_control(); #endif #ifndef __APPLE__ // On Windows and Linux: // It's not invoked KillFocus event for "temporary" panels (like "Manipulation panel", "Settings", "Layer ranges"), // if we change selection in object list. // see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3303 // But, if we call SetFocus() for ObjectList it will cause an invoking of a KillFocus event for "temporary" panels this->SetFocus(); #else // To avoid selection update from SetSelection() and UnselectAll() under osx if (m_prevent_list_events) return; #endif // __APPLE__ /* For multiple selection with pressed SHIFT, * event.GetItem() returns value of a first item in selection list * instead of real last clicked item. * So, let check last selected item in such strange way */ #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected. int new_selected_column = -1; #endif //__WXMSW__ if (wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT)) { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (! sels.empty() && sels.front() == m_last_selected_item) m_last_selected_item = sels.back(); else m_last_selected_item = event.GetItem(); } else { wxDataViewItem new_selected_item = event.GetItem(); #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected. wxDataViewItem item; wxDataViewColumn *col; this->HitTest(this->get_mouse_position_in_control(), item, col); new_selected_column = (col == nullptr) ? -1 : (int)col->GetModelColumn(); if (new_selected_item == m_last_selected_item && m_last_selected_column != -1 && m_last_selected_column != new_selected_column) { // Mouse clicked on another column of the active row. Simulate keyboard enter to enter the editing mode of the current column. wxUIActionSimulator sim; sim.Char(WXK_RETURN); } #endif //__WXMSW__ m_last_selected_item = new_selected_item; } #ifdef __WXMSW__ m_last_selected_column = new_selected_column; #endif //__WXMSW__ selection_changed(); #ifndef __WXMSW__ set_tooltip_for_item(this->get_mouse_position_in_control()); #endif //__WXMSW__ #ifndef __WXOSX__ list_manipulation(mouse_pos); #endif //__WXOSX__ }); #ifdef __WXOSX__ // Key events are not correctly processed by the wxDataViewCtrl on OSX. // Our patched wxWidgets process the keyboard accelerators. // On the other hand, using accelerators will break in-place editing on Windows & Linux/GTK (there is no in-place editing working on OSX for wxDataViewCtrl for now). // Bind(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN, &ObjectList::OnChar, this); { // Accelerators wxAcceleratorEntry entries[33]; entries[0].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int)'C', wxID_COPY); entries[1].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int)'X', wxID_CUT); entries[2].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int)'V', wxID_PASTE); entries[3].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int)'A', wxID_SELECTALL); entries[4].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int)'Z', wxID_UNDO); entries[5].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, (int)'Y', wxID_REDO); entries[6].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_DELETE, wxID_DELETE); entries[7].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_BACK, wxID_DELETE); entries[8].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, int('+'), wxID_ADD); entries[9].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_NUMPAD_ADD, wxID_ADD); entries[10].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, int('-'), wxID_REMOVE); entries[11].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT, wxID_REMOVE); entries[12].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, int('p'), wxID_PRINT); int numbers_cnt = 1; for (auto char_number : { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }) { entries[12 + numbers_cnt].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, int(char_number), wxID_LAST + numbers_cnt); entries[22 + numbers_cnt].Set(wxACCEL_NORMAL, WXK_NUMPAD0 + numbers_cnt - 1, wxID_LAST + numbers_cnt); numbers_cnt++; } wxAcceleratorTable accel(33, entries); SetAcceleratorTable(accel); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->copy(); }, wxID_COPY); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->paste(); }, wxID_PASTE); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->select_item_all_children(); }, wxID_SELECTALL); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->remove(); }, wxID_DELETE); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->undo(); }, wxID_UNDO); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->redo(); }, wxID_REDO); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->increase_instances(); }, wxID_ADD); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->decrease_instances(); }, wxID_REMOVE); this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &evt) { this->toggle_printable_state(); }, wxID_PRINT); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) this->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this, i](wxCommandEvent &evt) { if (extruders_count() > 1 && i <= extruders_count()) this->set_extruder_for_selected_items(i); }, wxID_LAST+i+1); } #else //__WXOSX__ Bind(wxEVT_CHAR, [this](wxKeyEvent& event) { key_event(event); }); // doesn't work on OSX #endif #ifdef __WXMSW__ GetMainWindow()->Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, [this](wxMouseEvent& event) { set_tooltip_for_item(this->get_mouse_position_in_control()); event.Skip(); }); #endif //__WXMSW__ Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU, &ObjectList::OnContextMenu, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_BEGIN_DRAG, &ObjectList::OnBeginDrag, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP_POSSIBLE, &ObjectList::OnDropPossible, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_DROP, &ObjectList::OnDrop, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_STARTED, &ObjectList::OnEditingStarted, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EDITING_DONE, &ObjectList::OnEditingDone, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_VALUE_CHANGED, &ObjectList::ItemValueChanged, this); Bind(wxEVT_DATAVIEW_ITEM_ACTIVATED, [this](wxDataViewEvent& event) { wxDataViewItem item; wxDataViewColumn* col; this->HitTest(this->get_mouse_position_in_control(), item, col); // if there is text item to editing, than edit just a name without Text marker if (auto type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); type & (itObject | itVolume) && col->GetModelColumn() == colName) { if (ModelObject* obj = object(m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item))) { if (type == itObject && obj->is_text()) m_objects_model->SetName(from_u8(obj->name), item); else if (type == itVolume && obj->volumes[m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item)]->is_text()) { // we cant rename text parts event.StopPropagation(); return; } } } this->EditItem(item, col); event.StopPropagation(); }); Bind(wxCUSTOMEVT_LAST_VOLUME_IS_DELETED, [this](wxCommandEvent& e) { last_volume_is_deleted(e.GetInt()); }); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, ([this](wxSizeEvent &e) { #ifdef __WXGTK__ // On GTK, the EnsureVisible call is postponed to Idle processing (see wxDataViewCtrl::m_ensureVisibleDefered). // So the postponed EnsureVisible() call is planned for an item, which may not exist at the Idle processing time, if this wxEVT_SIZE // event is succeeded by a delete of the currently active item. We are trying our luck by postponing the wxEVT_SIZE triggered EnsureVisible(), // which seems to be working as of now. this->CallAfter([this](){ ensure_current_item_visible(); }); #else ensure_current_item_visible(); #endif e.Skip(); })); } ObjectList::~ObjectList() { if (m_objects_model) m_objects_model->DecRef(); } void ObjectList::set_min_height() { if (m_items_count == size_t(-1)) m_items_count = 7; int list_min_height = lround(2.25 * (m_items_count + 1) * wxGetApp().em_unit()); // +1 is for height of control header this->SetMinSize(wxSize(1, list_min_height)); } void ObjectList::update_min_height() { wxDataViewItemArray all_items; m_objects_model->GetAllChildren(wxDataViewItem(nullptr), all_items); size_t items_cnt = all_items.Count(); if (items_cnt < 7) items_cnt = 7; else if (items_cnt >= 15) items_cnt = 15; if (m_items_count == items_cnt) return; m_items_count = items_cnt; set_min_height(); } void ObjectList::create_objects_ctrl() { /* Temporary workaround for the correct behavior of the Scrolled sidebar panel: * 1. set a height of the list to some big value * 2. change it to the normal(meaningful) min value after first whole Mainframe updating/layouting */ SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, 3000)); m_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_sizer->Add(this, 1, wxGROW); m_objects_model = new ObjectDataViewModel; AssociateModel(m_objects_model); m_objects_model->SetAssociatedControl(this); #if wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP && wxUSE_UNICODE EnableDragSource(wxDF_UNICODETEXT); EnableDropTarget(wxDF_UNICODETEXT); #endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP && wxUSE_UNICODE const int em = wxGetApp().em_unit(); // column ItemName(Icon+Text) of the view control: // And Icon can be consisting of several bitmaps BitmapTextRenderer* bmp_text_renderer = new BitmapTextRenderer(); bmp_text_renderer->set_can_create_editor_ctrl_function([this]() { return m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()) & (itVolume | itObject); }); AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn(_L("Name"), bmp_text_renderer, colName, 20*em, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE)); // column PrintableProperty (Icon) of the view control: AppendBitmapColumn(" ", colPrint, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 3*em, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); // column Extruder of the view control: BitmapChoiceRenderer* bmp_choice_renderer = new BitmapChoiceRenderer(); bmp_choice_renderer->set_can_create_editor_ctrl_function([this]() { return m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()) & (itVolume | itLayer | itObject); }); bmp_choice_renderer->set_default_extruder_idx([this]() { return m_objects_model->GetDefaultExtruderIdx(GetSelection()); }); AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn(_L("Extruder"), bmp_choice_renderer, colExtruder, 8*em, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE)); // column ItemEditing of the view control: AppendBitmapColumn(_L("Editing"), colEditing, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 3*em, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE); // For some reason under OSX on 4K(5K) monitors in wxDataViewColumn constructor doesn't set width of column. // Therefore, force set column width. if (wxOSX) { GetColumn(colName)->SetWidth(20*em); GetColumn(colPrint)->SetWidth(3*em); GetColumn(colExtruder)->SetWidth(8*em); GetColumn(colEditing) ->SetWidth(7*em); } } void ObjectList::get_selected_item_indexes(int& obj_idx, int& vol_idx, const wxDataViewItem& input_item/* = wxDataViewItem(nullptr)*/) { const wxDataViewItem item = input_item == wxDataViewItem(nullptr) ? GetSelection() : input_item; if (!item) { obj_idx = vol_idx = -1; return; } const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); obj_idx = type & itObject ? m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item) : type & itVolume ? m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item)) : -1; vol_idx = type & itVolume ? m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) : -1; } void ObjectList::get_selection_indexes(std::vector<int>& obj_idxs, std::vector<int>& vol_idxs) { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (sels.IsEmpty()) return; if ( m_objects_model->GetItemType(sels[0]) & itVolume || (sels.Count()==1 && m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(sels[0])) & itVolume) ) { for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) { obj_idxs.emplace_back(m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item))); if (sels.Count() == 1 && m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) & itVolume) item = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); assert(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itVolume); vol_idxs.emplace_back(m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item)); } } else { for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) { const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); obj_idxs.emplace_back(type & itObject ? m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item) : m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item))); } } std::sort(obj_idxs.begin(), obj_idxs.end(), std::less<int>()); obj_idxs.erase(std::unique(obj_idxs.begin(), obj_idxs.end()), obj_idxs.end()); } int ObjectList::get_repaired_errors_count(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx /*= -1*/) const { return obj_idx >= 0 ? (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->get_repaired_errors_count(vol_idx) : 0; } static std::string get_warning_icon_name(const TriangleMeshStats& stats) { return stats.manifold() ? (stats.repaired() ? "exclamation_manifold" : "") : "exclamation"; } MeshErrorsInfo ObjectList::get_mesh_errors_info(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx /*= -1*/, wxString* sidebar_info /*= nullptr*/) const { if (obj_idx < 0) return { {}, {} }; // hide tooltip const ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; if (vol_idx != -1 && vol_idx >= int(object->volumes.size())) { if (sidebar_info) *sidebar_info = _L("Invalid object part index") + " "; return { {}, {} }; // hide tooltip } const TriangleMeshStats& stats = vol_idx == -1 ? (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->get_object_stl_stats() : (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[vol_idx]->mesh().stats(); if (!stats.repaired() && stats.manifold()) { if (sidebar_info) *sidebar_info = _L("No errors detected"); return { {}, {} }; // hide tooltip } wxString tooltip, auto_repaired_info, remaining_info; // Create tooltip string, if there are errors if (stats.repaired()) { const int errors = get_repaired_errors_count(obj_idx, vol_idx); auto_repaired_info = format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("Auto-repaired %1$d error", "Auto-repaired %1$d errors", errors), errors); tooltip += auto_repaired_info +":\n"; const RepairedMeshErrors& repaired = stats.repaired_errors; if (repaired.degenerate_facets > 0) tooltip += "\t" + format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d degenerate facet", "%1$d degenerate facets", repaired.degenerate_facets), repaired.degenerate_facets) + "\n"; if (repaired.edges_fixed > 0) tooltip += "\t" + format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d edge fixed", "%1$d edges fixed", repaired.edges_fixed), repaired.edges_fixed) + "\n"; if (repaired.facets_removed > 0) tooltip += "\t" + format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d facet removed", "%1$d facets removed", repaired.facets_removed), repaired.facets_removed) + "\n"; if (repaired.facets_reversed > 0) tooltip += "\t" + format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d facet reversed", "%1$d facets reversed", repaired.facets_reversed), repaired.facets_reversed) + "\n"; if (repaired.backwards_edges > 0) tooltip += "\t" + format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d backward edge", "%1$d backward edges", repaired.backwards_edges), repaired.backwards_edges) + "\n"; } if (!stats.manifold()) { remaining_info = format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d open edge", "%1$d open edges", stats.open_edges), stats.open_edges); tooltip += _L("Remaining errors") + ":\n"; tooltip += "\t" + format_wxstr(_L_PLURAL("%1$d open edge", "%1$d open edges", stats.open_edges), stats.open_edges) + "\n"; } if (sidebar_info) *sidebar_info = stats.manifold() ? auto_repaired_info : (remaining_info + (stats.repaired() ? ("\n" + auto_repaired_info) : "")); if (is_windows10() && !sidebar_info) tooltip += "\n" + _L("Right button click the icon to fix STL through Netfabb"); return { tooltip, get_warning_icon_name(stats) }; } MeshErrorsInfo ObjectList::get_mesh_errors_info(wxString* sidebar_info /*= nullptr*/) { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return { "", "" }; int obj_idx, vol_idx; get_selected_item_indexes(obj_idx, vol_idx); if (obj_idx < 0) { // child of ObjectItem is selected if (sidebar_info) obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); else return { "", "" }; } assert(obj_idx >= 0); return get_mesh_errors_info(obj_idx, vol_idx, sidebar_info); } void ObjectList::set_tooltip_for_item(const wxPoint& pt) { wxDataViewItem item; wxDataViewColumn* col; HitTest(pt, item, col); /* GetMainWindow() return window, associated with wxDataViewCtrl. * And for this window we should to set tooltips. * Just this->SetToolTip(tooltip) => has no effect. */ if (!item || GetSelectedItemsCount() > 1) { GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(""); // hide tooltip return; } wxString tooltip = ""; if (col->GetTitle() == _(L("Editing"))) #ifdef __WXOSX__ tooltip = _(L("Right button click the icon to change the object settings")); #else tooltip = _(L("Click the icon to change the object settings")); #endif //__WXMSW__ else if (col->GetTitle() == " ") #ifdef __WXOSX__ tooltip = _(L("Right button click the icon to change the object printable property")); #else tooltip = _(L("Click the icon to change the object printable property")); #endif //__WXMSW__ else if (col->GetTitle() == _("Name") && (pt.x >= 2 * wxGetApp().em_unit() && pt.x <= 4 * wxGetApp().em_unit())) { if (const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); type & (itObject | itVolume)) { int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); int vol_idx = type & itVolume ? m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) : -1; tooltip = get_mesh_errors_info(obj_idx, vol_idx).tooltip; } } GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(tooltip); } int ObjectList::get_selected_obj_idx() const { if (GetSelectedItemsCount() == 1) return m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(GetSelection())); return -1; } ModelConfig& ObjectList::get_item_config(const wxDataViewItem& item) const { assert(item); const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); const int vol_idx = type & itVolume ? m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) : -1; assert(obj_idx >= 0 || ((type & itVolume) && vol_idx >=0)); return type & itVolume ?(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[vol_idx]->config : type & itLayer ?(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->layer_config_ranges[m_objects_model->GetLayerRangeByItem(item)] : (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->config; } void ObjectList::update_extruder_values_for_items(const size_t max_extruder) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_objects->size(); ++i) { wxDataViewItem item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(i); if (!item) continue; auto object = (*m_objects)[i]; wxString extruder; if (!object->config.has("extruder") || size_t(object->config.extruder()) > max_extruder) extruder = _(L("default")); else extruder = wxString::Format("%d", object->config.extruder()); m_objects_model->SetExtruder(extruder, item); if (object->volumes.size() > 1) { for (size_t id = 0; id < object->volumes.size(); id++) { item = m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(i, id); if (!item) continue; if (!object->volumes[id]->config.has("extruder") || size_t(object->volumes[id]->config.extruder()) > max_extruder) extruder = _(L("default")); else extruder = wxString::Format("%d", object->volumes[id]->config.extruder()); m_objects_model->SetExtruder(extruder, item); } } } } void ObjectList::update_objects_list_extruder_column(size_t extruders_count) { if (printer_technology() == ptSLA) extruders_count = 1; m_prevent_update_extruder_in_config = true; if (m_objects && extruders_count > 1) update_extruder_values_for_items(extruders_count); update_extruder_colors(); // set show/hide for this column set_extruder_column_hidden(extruders_count <= 1); //a workaround for a wrong last column width updating under OSX GetColumn(colEditing)->SetWidth(25); m_prevent_update_extruder_in_config = false; } void ObjectList::update_extruder_colors() { m_objects_model->UpdateColumValues(colExtruder); } void ObjectList::set_extruder_column_hidden(const bool hide) const { GetColumn(colExtruder)->SetHidden(hide); } void ObjectList::update_extruder_in_config(const wxDataViewItem& item) { if (m_prevent_update_extruder_in_config) return; const ItemType item_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (item_type & itObject) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); m_config = &(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->config; } else { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item)); if (item_type & itVolume) { const int volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx < 0 || volume_id < 0) return; m_config = &(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[volume_id]->config; } else if (item_type & itLayer) m_config = &get_item_config(item); } if (!m_config) return; take_snapshot(_(L("Change Extruder"))); const int extruder = m_objects_model->GetExtruderNumber(item); m_config->set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(extruder)); // update scene wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } static wxString get_item_name(const std::string& name, const bool is_text_volume) { return (is_text_volume ? _L("Text") + " - " : "") + from_u8(name); } void ObjectList::update_name_in_model(const wxDataViewItem& item) const { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx < 0) return; const int volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); take_snapshot(volume_id < 0 ? _(L("Rename Object")) : _(L("Rename Sub-object"))); ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idx); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itObject) { obj->name = into_u8(m_objects_model->GetName(item)); // if object has just one volume, rename this volume too if (obj->is_text()) { obj->volumes[0]->name = obj->name; //update object name with text marker in ObjectList m_objects_model->SetName(get_item_name(obj->name, true), item); } return; } if (volume_id < 0) return; // Renaming of the text volume is suppressed // So, revert the name in object list if (obj->volumes[volume_id]->is_text()) { m_objects_model->SetName(get_item_name(obj->volumes[volume_id]->name, true), item); return; } obj->volumes[volume_id]->name = into_u8(m_objects_model->GetName(item)); } void ObjectList::update_name_in_list(int obj_idx, int vol_idx) const { if (obj_idx < 0) return; wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); auto type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!item || !(type & (itVolume | itObject))) return; ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idx); const bool is_text_volume = type == itVolume ? obj->volumes[vol_idx]->is_text() : obj->is_text(); const wxString new_name = get_item_name(object(obj_idx)->volumes[vol_idx]->name, is_text_volume); if (new_name.IsEmpty() || m_objects_model->GetName(item) == new_name) return; m_objects_model->SetName(new_name, item); // if object has just one volume, rename object too if (obj->volumes.size() == 1) obj->name = obj->volumes.front()->name; } void ObjectList::selection_changed() { if (m_prevent_list_events) return; fix_multiselection_conflicts(); fix_cut_selection(); // update object selection on Plater if (!m_prevent_canvas_selection_update) update_selections_on_canvas(); // to update the toolbar and info sizer if (!GetSelection() || m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()) == itObject) { auto event = SimpleEvent(EVT_OBJ_LIST_OBJECT_SELECT); event.SetEventObject(this); wxPostEvent(this, event); } if (const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection()) { const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); // to correct visual hints for layers editing on the Scene if (type & (itLayer|itLayerRoot)) { wxGetApp().obj_layers()->reset_selection(); if (type & itLayerRoot) wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event("", false); else { wxGetApp().obj_layers()->set_selectable_range(m_objects_model->GetLayerRangeByItem(item)); wxGetApp().obj_layers()->update_scene_from_editor_selection(); } } } part_selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::copy_layers_to_clipboard() { wxDataViewItemArray sel_layers; GetSelections(sel_layers); const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(sel_layers.front()); if (obj_idx < 0 || (int)m_objects->size() <= obj_idx) return; const t_layer_config_ranges& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; t_layer_config_ranges& cache_ranges = m_clipboard.get_ranges_cache(); if (sel_layers.Count() == 1 && m_objects_model->GetItemType(sel_layers.front()) & itLayerRoot) { cache_ranges.clear(); cache_ranges = ranges; return; } for (const auto& layer_item : sel_layers) if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(layer_item) & itLayer) { auto range = m_objects_model->GetLayerRangeByItem(layer_item); auto it = ranges.find(range); if (it != ranges.end()) cache_ranges[it->first] = it->second; } } void ObjectList::paste_layers_into_list() { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(GetSelection()); t_layer_config_ranges& cache_ranges = m_clipboard.get_ranges_cache(); if (obj_idx < 0 || (int)m_objects->size() <= obj_idx || cache_ranges.empty() || printer_technology() == ptSLA) return; const wxDataViewItem object_item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx); wxDataViewItem layers_item = m_objects_model->GetLayerRootItem(object_item); if (layers_item) m_objects_model->Delete(layers_item); t_layer_config_ranges& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; // and create Layer item(s) according to the layer_config_ranges for (const auto& range : cache_ranges) ranges.emplace(range); layers_item = add_layer_root_item(object_item); changed_object(obj_idx); select_item(layers_item); #ifndef __WXOSX__ selection_changed(); #endif //no __WXOSX__ } void ObjectList::copy_settings_to_clipboard() { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); assert(item.IsOk()); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itSettings) item = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); m_clipboard.get_config_cache() = get_item_config(item).get(); } void ObjectList::paste_settings_into_list() { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); assert(item.IsOk()); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itSettings) item = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); ItemType item_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if(!(item_type & (itObject | itVolume |itLayer))) return; DynamicPrintConfig& config_cache = m_clipboard.get_config_cache(); assert(!config_cache.empty()); auto keys = config_cache.keys(); auto part_options = SettingsFactory::get_options(true); for (const std::string& opt_key: keys) { if (item_type & (itVolume | itLayer) && std::find(part_options.begin(), part_options.end(), opt_key) == part_options.end()) continue; // we can't to add object specific options for the part's(itVolume | itLayer) config const ConfigOption* option = config_cache.option(opt_key); if (option) m_config->set_key_value(opt_key, option->clone()); } // Add settings item for object/sub-object and show them show_settings(add_settings_item(item, &m_config->get())); } void ObjectList::paste_volumes_into_list(int obj_idx, const ModelVolumePtrs& volumes) { if ((obj_idx < 0) || ((int)m_objects->size() <= obj_idx)) return; if (volumes.empty()) return; wxDataViewItemArray items = reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(obj_idx, [volumes](const ModelVolume* volume) { return std::find(volumes.begin(), volumes.end(), volume) != volumes.end(); }); if (items.size() > 1) { m_selection_mode = smVolume; m_last_selected_item = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); } select_items(items); selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::paste_objects_into_list(const std::vector<size_t>& object_idxs) { if (object_idxs.empty()) return; wxDataViewItemArray items; for (const size_t object : object_idxs) { add_object_to_list(object, false); items.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(object)); } wxGetApp().plater()->changed_objects(object_idxs); select_items(items); selection_changed(); } #ifdef __WXOSX__ /* void ObjectList::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK){ remove(); } else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('A')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT)) select_item_all_children(); event.Skip(); } */ #endif /* __WXOSX__ */ void ObjectList::OnContextMenu(wxDataViewEvent& evt) { // The mouse position returned by get_mouse_position_in_control() here is the one at the time the mouse button is released (mouse up event) wxPoint mouse_pos = this->get_mouse_position_in_control(); // Do not show the context menu if the user pressed the right mouse button on the 3D scene and released it on the objects list GLCanvas3D* canvas = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D(); bool evt_context_menu = (canvas != nullptr) ? !canvas->is_mouse_dragging() : true; if (!evt_context_menu) canvas->mouse_up_cleanup(); list_manipulation(mouse_pos, evt_context_menu); } void ObjectList::list_manipulation(const wxPoint& mouse_pos, bool evt_context_menu/* = false*/) { // Interesting fact: when mouse_pos.x < 0, HitTest(mouse_pos, item, col) returns item = null, but column = last column. // So, when mouse was moved to scene immediately after clicking in ObjectList, in the scene will be shown context menu for the Editing column. // see: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3802 if (mouse_pos.x < 0) return; wxDataViewItem item; wxDataViewColumn* col = nullptr; HitTest(mouse_pos, item, col); if (m_extruder_editor) m_extruder_editor->Hide(); /* Note: Under OSX right click doesn't send "selection changed" event. * It means that Selection() will be return still previously selected item. * Thus under OSX we should force UnselectAll(), when item and col are nullptr, * and select new item otherwise. */ if (!item) { if (col == nullptr) { if (wxOSX && !multiple_selection()) UnselectAll(); else if (!evt_context_menu) // Case, when last item was deleted and under GTK was called wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED, // which invoked next list_manipulation(false) return; } if (evt_context_menu) { show_context_menu(evt_context_menu); return; } } if (wxOSX && item && col) { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); UnselectAll(); if (sels.Count() > 1) SetSelections(sels); else Select(item); } if (col != nullptr) { const wxString title = col->GetTitle(); if (title == " ") toggle_printable_state(); else if (title == _("Editing")) show_context_menu(evt_context_menu); else if (title == _("Name")) { if (is_windows10() && m_objects_model->HasWarningIcon(item) && mouse_pos.x > 2 * wxGetApp().em_unit() && mouse_pos.x < 4 * wxGetApp().em_unit()) fix_through_netfabb(); else if (evt_context_menu) show_context_menu(evt_context_menu); // show context menu for "Name" column too } // workaround for extruder editing under OSX else if (wxOSX && evt_context_menu && title == _("Extruder")) extruder_editing(); } #ifndef __WXMSW__ GetMainWindow()->SetToolTip(""); // hide tooltip #endif //__WXMSW__ } void ObjectList::show_context_menu(const bool evt_context_menu) { wxMenu* menu {nullptr}; Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater(); if (multiple_selection()) { if (selected_instances_of_same_object()) menu = plater->instance_menu(); else menu = plater->multi_selection_menu(); } else { const auto item = GetSelection(); if (item) { const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!(type & (itObject | itVolume | itLayer | itInstance))) return; if (type & itVolume) { int obj_idx, vol_idx; get_selected_item_indexes(obj_idx, vol_idx, item); if (obj_idx < 0 || vol_idx < 0) return; menu = object(obj_idx)->volumes[vol_idx]->text_configuration.has_value() ? plater->text_part_menu() : plater->part_menu(); } else menu = type & itInstance ? plater->instance_menu() : type & itLayer ? plater->layer_menu() : printer_technology() == ptFFF ? plater->object_menu() : plater->sla_object_menu(); } else if (evt_context_menu) menu = plater->default_menu(); } if (menu) plater->PopupMenu(menu); } void ObjectList::extruder_editing() { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item || !(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itVolume | itObject | itLayer))) return; wxRect rect = this->GetItemRect(item, GetColumn(colExtruder)); wxPoint pos = rect.GetPosition(); pos.y -= 4; wxSize size = rect.GetSize(); size.SetWidth(size.GetWidth() + 8); apply_extruder_selector(&m_extruder_editor, this, L("default"), pos, size); m_extruder_editor->SetSelection(m_objects_model->GetExtruderNumber(item)); m_extruder_editor->Show(); auto set_extruder = [this]() { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return; const int selection = m_extruder_editor->GetSelection(); if (selection >= 0) m_objects_model->SetExtruder(m_extruder_editor->GetString(selection), item); m_extruder_editor->Hide(); update_extruder_in_config(item); Refresh(); }; // to avoid event propagation to other sidebar items m_extruder_editor->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, [set_extruder](wxCommandEvent& evt) { set_extruder(); evt.StopPropagation(); }); } void ObjectList::copy() { wxPostEvent((wxEvtHandler*)wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_wxglcanvas(), SimpleEvent(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_COPY)); } void ObjectList::paste() { wxPostEvent((wxEvtHandler*)wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_wxglcanvas(), SimpleEvent(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_PASTE)); } bool ObjectList::copy_to_clipboard() { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (sels.IsEmpty()) return false; ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(sels.front()); if (!(type & (itSettings | itLayer | itLayerRoot))) { m_clipboard.reset(); return false; } if (type & itSettings) copy_settings_to_clipboard(); if (type & (itLayer | itLayerRoot)) copy_layers_to_clipboard(); m_clipboard.set_type(type); return true; } bool ObjectList::paste_from_clipboard() { if (!(m_clipboard.get_type() & (itSettings | itLayer | itLayerRoot))) { m_clipboard.reset(); return false; } if (m_clipboard.get_type() & itSettings) paste_settings_into_list(); if (m_clipboard.get_type() & (itLayer | itLayerRoot)) paste_layers_into_list(); return true; } void ObjectList::undo() { wxGetApp().plater()->undo(); } void ObjectList::redo() { wxGetApp().plater()->redo(); } void ObjectList::increase_instances() { wxGetApp().plater()->increase_instances(1); } void ObjectList::decrease_instances() { wxGetApp().plater()->decrease_instances(1); } #ifndef __WXOSX__ void ObjectList::key_event(wxKeyEvent& event) { if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB) Navigate(event.ShiftDown() ? wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsBackward : wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward); else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DELETE || event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK ) remove(); else if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_F5) wxGetApp().plater()->reload_all_from_disk(); else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('A')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL/*WXK_SHIFT*/)) select_item_all_children(); else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('C')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL)) copy(); else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('V')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL)) paste(); else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('Y')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL)) redo(); else if (wxGetKeyState(wxKeyCode('Z')) && wxGetKeyState(WXK_CONTROL)) undo(); else if (event.GetUnicodeKey() == '+') increase_instances(); else if (event.GetUnicodeKey() == '-') decrease_instances(); else if (event.GetUnicodeKey() == 'p') toggle_printable_state(); else if (extruders_count() > 1) { std::vector<wxChar> numbers = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' }; wxChar key_char = event.GetUnicodeKey(); if (std::find(numbers.begin(), numbers.end(), key_char) != numbers.end()) { long extruder_number; if (wxNumberFormatter::FromString(wxString(key_char), &extruder_number) && extruders_count() >= extruder_number) set_extruder_for_selected_items(int(extruder_number)); } else event.Skip(); } else event.Skip(); } #endif /* __WXOSX__ */ void ObjectList::OnBeginDrag(wxDataViewEvent &event) { const wxDataViewItem item(event.GetItem()); const bool mult_sel = multiple_selection(); if ((mult_sel && !selected_instances_of_same_object()) || (!mult_sel && (GetSelection() != item)) ) { event.Veto(); return; } const ItemType& type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!(type & (itVolume | itObject | itInstance))) { event.Veto(); return; } if (mult_sel) { m_dragged_data.init(m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item),type); std::set<int>& sub_obj_idxs = m_dragged_data.inst_idxs(); wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); for (auto sel : sels ) sub_obj_idxs.insert(m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(sel)); } else if (type & itObject) m_dragged_data.init(m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item), type); else m_dragged_data.init(m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item), type&itVolume ? m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) : m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item), type); /* Under MSW or OSX, DnD moves an item to the place of another selected item * But under GTK, DnD moves an item between another two items. * And as a result - call EVT_CHANGE_SELECTION to unselect all items. * To prevent such behavior use m_prevent_list_events **/ m_prevent_list_events = true;//it's needed for GTK /* Under GTK, DnD requires to the wxTextDataObject been initialized with some valid value, * so set some nonempty string */ wxTextDataObject* obj = new wxTextDataObject; obj->SetText("Some text");//it's needed for GTK event.SetDataObject(obj); event.SetDragFlags(wxDrag_DefaultMove); // allows both copy and move; } bool ObjectList::can_drop(const wxDataViewItem& item) const { // move instance(s) or object on "empty place" of ObjectList if ( (m_dragged_data.type() & (itInstance | itObject)) && !item.IsOk() ) return true; // type of moved item should be the same as a "destination" item if (!item.IsOk() || !(m_dragged_data.type() & (itVolume|itObject)) || m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) != m_dragged_data.type() ) return false; // move volumes inside one object only if (m_dragged_data.type() & itVolume) { if (m_dragged_data.obj_idx() != m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item)) return false; wxDataViewItem dragged_item = m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(m_dragged_data.obj_idx(), m_dragged_data.sub_obj_idx()); if (!dragged_item) return false; ModelVolumeType item_v_type = m_objects_model->GetVolumeType(item); ModelVolumeType dragged_item_v_type = m_objects_model->GetVolumeType(dragged_item); if (dragged_item_v_type == item_v_type && dragged_item_v_type != ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) return true; if ((wxGetApp().app_config->get_bool("order_volumes") && dragged_item_v_type != item_v_type) || // we can't reorder volumes outside of types item_v_type >= ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_BLOCKER) // support blockers/enforcers can't change its place return false; bool only_one_solid_part = true; auto& volumes = (*m_objects)[m_dragged_data.obj_idx()]->volumes; for (size_t cnt, id = cnt = 0; id < volumes.size() && cnt < 2; id ++) if (volumes[id]->type() == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) { if (++cnt > 1) only_one_solid_part = false; } if (dragged_item_v_type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) { if (only_one_solid_part) return false; return (m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) == 0 || (m_dragged_data.sub_obj_idx()==0 && volumes[1]->type() == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) || (m_dragged_data.sub_obj_idx()!=0 && volumes[0]->type() == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART)); } if ((dragged_item_v_type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME || dragged_item_v_type == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER)) { if (only_one_solid_part) return false; return m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item) != 0; } return false; } return true; } void ObjectList::OnDropPossible(wxDataViewEvent &event) { const wxDataViewItem& item = event.GetItem(); if (!can_drop(item)) { event.Veto(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } } void ObjectList::OnDrop(wxDataViewEvent &event) { const wxDataViewItem& item = event.GetItem(); if (!can_drop(item)) { event.Veto(); m_dragged_data.clear(); return; } if (m_dragged_data.type() == itInstance) { Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(),_(L("Instances to Separated Objects"))); instances_to_separated_object(m_dragged_data.obj_idx(), m_dragged_data.inst_idxs()); m_dragged_data.clear(); return; } take_snapshot(_((m_dragged_data.type() == itVolume) ? L("Volumes in Object reordered") : L("Object reordered"))); if (m_dragged_data.type() & itVolume) { int from_volume_id = m_dragged_data.sub_obj_idx(); int to_volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); int delta = to_volume_id < from_volume_id ? -1 : 1; auto& volumes = (*m_objects)[m_dragged_data.obj_idx()]->volumes; int cnt = 0; for (int id = from_volume_id; cnt < abs(from_volume_id - to_volume_id); id += delta, cnt++) std::swap(volumes[id], volumes[id + delta]); select_item(m_objects_model->ReorganizeChildren(from_volume_id, to_volume_id, m_objects_model->GetParent(item))); } else if (m_dragged_data.type() & itObject) { int from_obj_id = m_dragged_data.obj_idx(); int to_obj_id = item.IsOk() ? m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item) : ((int)m_objects->size()-1); int delta = to_obj_id < from_obj_id ? -1 : 1; int cnt = 0; for (int id = from_obj_id; cnt < abs(from_obj_id - to_obj_id); id += delta, cnt++) std::swap((*m_objects)[id], (*m_objects)[id + delta]); select_item(m_objects_model->ReorganizeObjects(from_obj_id, to_obj_id)); } changed_object(m_dragged_data.obj_idx()); m_dragged_data.clear(); wxGetApp().plater()->set_current_canvas_as_dirty(); } void ObjectList::add_category_to_settings_from_selection(const std::vector< std::pair<std::string, bool> >& category_options, wxDataViewItem item) { if (category_options.empty()) return; const ItemType item_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!m_config) m_config = &get_item_config(item); assert(m_config); auto opt_keys = m_config->keys(); const wxString snapshot_text = item_type & itLayer ? _L("Add Settings for Layers") : item_type & itVolume ? _L("Add Settings for Sub-object") : _L("Add Settings for Object"); take_snapshot(snapshot_text); const DynamicPrintConfig& from_config = printer_technology() == ptFFF ? wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config : wxGetApp().preset_bundle->sla_prints.get_edited_preset().config; for (auto& opt : category_options) { auto& opt_key = opt.first; if (find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), opt_key) != opt_keys.end() && !opt.second) m_config->erase(opt_key); if (find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), opt_key) == opt_keys.end() && opt.second) { const ConfigOption* option = from_config.option(opt_key); if (!option) { // if current option doesn't exist in prints.get_edited_preset(), // get it from default config values option = DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys({ opt_key })->option(opt_key); } m_config->set_key_value(opt_key, option->clone()); } } // Add settings item for object/sub-object and show them if (!(item_type & (itObject | itVolume | itLayer))) item = m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item); show_settings(add_settings_item(item, &m_config->get())); } void ObjectList::add_category_to_settings_from_frequent(const std::vector<std::string>& options, wxDataViewItem item) { const ItemType item_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!m_config) m_config = &get_item_config(item); assert(m_config); auto opt_keys = m_config->keys(); const wxString snapshot_text = item_type & itLayer ? _L("Add Settings Bundle for Height range") : item_type & itVolume ? _L("Add Settings Bundle for Sub-object") : _L("Add Settings Bundle for Object"); take_snapshot(snapshot_text); const DynamicPrintConfig& from_config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config; for (auto& opt_key : options) { if (find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), opt_key) == opt_keys.end()) { const ConfigOption* option = from_config.option(opt_key); if (!option) { // if current option doesn't exist in prints.get_edited_preset(), // get it from default config values option = DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys({ opt_key })->option(opt_key); } m_config->set_key_value(opt_key, option->clone()); } } // Add settings item for object/sub-object and show them if (!(item_type & (itObject | itVolume | itLayer))) item = m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item); show_settings(add_settings_item(item, &m_config->get())); } void ObjectList::show_settings(const wxDataViewItem settings_item) { if (!settings_item) return; select_item(settings_item); // update object selection on Plater if (!m_prevent_canvas_selection_update) update_selections_on_canvas(); } bool ObjectList::is_instance_or_object_selected() { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); return selection.is_single_full_instance() || selection.is_single_full_object(); } bool ObjectList::is_selected_object_cut() { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); int obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return false; return object(obj_idx)->is_cut(); } void ObjectList::load_subobject(ModelVolumeType type, bool from_galery/* = false*/) { if (type == ModelVolumeType::INVALID && from_galery) { load_shape_object_from_gallery(); return; } wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); // we can add volumes for Object or Instance if (!item || !(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item)&(itObject|itInstance))) return; const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx < 0) return; // Get object item, if Instance is selected if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item)&itInstance) item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx); wxArrayString input_files; if (from_galery) { if (wxGetApp().gallery_dialog()->show() != wxID_CLOSE) wxGetApp().gallery_dialog()->get_input_files(input_files); } else wxGetApp().import_model(wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(0), input_files); if (input_files.IsEmpty()) return; take_snapshot((type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) ? _L("Load Part") : _L("Load Modifier")); std::vector<ModelVolume*> volumes; // ! ysFIXME - delete commented code after testing and rename "load_modifier" to something common /* if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) load_part(*(*m_objects)[obj_idx], volumes, type, from_galery); else*/ load_modifier(input_files, *(*m_objects)[obj_idx], volumes, type, from_galery); if (volumes.empty()) return; wxDataViewItemArray items = reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(obj_idx, [volumes](const ModelVolume* volume) { return std::find(volumes.begin(), volumes.end(), volume) != volumes.end(); }); if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) // update printable state on canvas wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_object((size_t)obj_idx); if (items.size() > 1) { m_selection_mode = smVolume; m_last_selected_item = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); } select_items(items); selection_changed(); } /* void ObjectList::load_part(ModelObject& model_object, std::vector<ModelVolume*>& added_volumes, ModelVolumeType type, bool from_galery = false) { if (type != ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) return; wxWindow* parent = wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(0); wxArrayString input_files; if (from_galery) { GalleryDialog dlg(this); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CLOSE) return; dlg.get_input_files(input_files); if (input_files.IsEmpty()) return; } else wxGetApp().import_model(parent, input_files); wxProgressDialog dlg(_L("Loading") + dots, "", 100, wxGetApp().mainframe wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); wxBusyCursor busy; for (size_t i = 0; i < input_files.size(); ++i) { std::string input_file = input_files.Item(i).ToUTF8().data(); dlg.Update(static_cast<int>(100.0f * static_cast<float>(i) / static_cast<float>(input_files.size())), _L("Loading file") + ": " + from_path(boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename())); dlg.Fit(); Model model; try { model = Model::read_from_file(input_file); } catch (std::exception &e) { auto msg = _L("Error!") + " " + input_file + " : " + e.what() + "."; show_error(parent, msg); exit(1); } for (auto object : model.objects) { Vec3d delta = Vec3d::Zero(); if (model_object.origin_translation != Vec3d::Zero()) { object->center_around_origin(); delta = model_object.origin_translation - object->origin_translation; } for (auto volume : object->volumes) { volume->translate(delta); auto new_volume = model_object.add_volume(*volume, type); new_volume->name = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string(); // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); added_volumes.push_back(new_volume); } } } } */ void ObjectList::load_modifier(const wxArrayString& input_files, ModelObject& model_object, std::vector<ModelVolume*>& added_volumes, ModelVolumeType type, bool from_galery) { // ! ysFIXME - delete commented code after testing and rename "load_modifier" to something common //if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) // return; wxWindow* parent = wxGetApp().tab_panel()->GetPage(0); wxProgressDialog dlg(_L("Loading") + dots, "", 100, wxGetApp().mainframe, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); wxBusyCursor busy; const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return; const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); assert(obj_idx == selection.get_object_idx()); /** Any changes of the Object's composition is duplicated for all Object's Instances * So, It's enough to take a bounding box of a first selected Instance and calculate Part(generic_subobject) position */ int instance_idx = *selection.get_instance_idxs().begin(); assert(instance_idx != -1); if (instance_idx == -1) return; // Bounding box of the selected instance in world coordinate system including the translation, without modifiers. const BoundingBoxf3 instance_bb = model_object.instance_bounding_box(instance_idx); // First (any) GLVolume of the selected instance. They all share the same instance matrix. const GLVolume* v = selection.get_first_volume(); const Geometry::Transformation inst_transform = v->get_instance_transformation(); const Transform3d inv_inst_transform = inst_transform.get_matrix_no_offset().inverse(); const Vec3d instance_offset = v->get_instance_offset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < input_files.size(); ++i) { const std::string input_file = input_files.Item(i).ToUTF8().data(); dlg.Update(static_cast<int>(100.0f * static_cast<float>(i) / static_cast<float>(input_files.size())), _L("Loading file") + ": " + from_path(boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename())); dlg.Fit(); Model model; try { model = Model::read_from_file(input_file); } catch (std::exception& e) { auto msg = _L("Error!") + " " + input_file + " : " + e.what() + "."; show_error(parent, msg); exit(1); } if (from_galery) model.center_instances_around_point(Vec2d::Zero()); else { for (auto object : model.objects) { if (model_object.origin_translation != Vec3d::Zero()) { object->center_around_origin(); const Vec3d delta = model_object.origin_translation - object->origin_translation; for (auto volume : object->volumes) { volume->translate(delta); } } } } TriangleMesh mesh = model.mesh(); // Mesh will be centered when loading. ModelVolume* new_volume = model_object.add_volume(std::move(mesh), type); new_volume->name = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string(); // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); // update source data new_volume->source.input_file = input_file; new_volume->source.object_idx = obj_idx; new_volume->source.volume_idx = int(model_object.volumes.size()) - 1; if (model.objects.size() == 1 && model.objects.front()->volumes.size() == 1) new_volume->source.mesh_offset = model.objects.front()->volumes.front()->source.mesh_offset; if (from_galery) { // Transform the new modifier to be aligned with the print bed. new_volume->set_transformation(v->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix_no_offset().inverse()); const BoundingBoxf3 mesh_bb = new_volume->mesh().bounding_box(); // Set the modifier position. // Translate the new modifier to be pickable: move to the left front corner of the instance's bounding box, lift to print bed. const Vec3d offset = Vec3d(instance_bb.max.x(), instance_bb.min.y(), instance_bb.min.z()) + 0.5 * mesh_bb.size() - instance_offset; new_volume->set_offset(inv_inst_transform * offset); } added_volumes.push_back(new_volume); } } static TriangleMesh create_mesh(const std::string& type_name, const BoundingBoxf3& bb) { const double side = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_size_proportional_to_max_bed_size(0.1); indexed_triangle_set mesh; if (type_name == "Box") // Sitting on the print bed, left front front corner at (0, 0). mesh = its_make_cube(side, side, side); else if (type_name == "Cylinder") // Centered around 0, sitting on the print bed. // The cylinder has the same volume as the box above. mesh = its_make_cylinder(0.564 * side, side); else if (type_name == "Sphere") // Centered around 0, half the sphere below the print bed, half above. // The sphere has the same volume as the box above. mesh = its_make_sphere(0.62 * side, PI / 18); else if (type_name == "Slab") // Sitting on the print bed, left front front corner at (0, 0). mesh = its_make_cube(bb.size().x() * 1.5, bb.size().y() * 1.5, bb.size().z() * 0.5); return TriangleMesh(mesh); } void ObjectList::load_generic_subobject(const std::string& type_name, const ModelVolumeType type) { if (type == ModelVolumeType::INVALID) { load_shape_object(type_name); return; } const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return; const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); assert(obj_idx == selection.get_object_idx()); /** Any changes of the Object's composition is duplicated for all Object's Instances * So, It's enough to take a bounding box of a first selected Instance and calculate Part(generic_subobject) position */ int instance_idx = *selection.get_instance_idxs().begin(); assert(instance_idx != -1); if (instance_idx == -1) return; take_snapshot(_L("Add Generic Subobject")); // Selected object ModelObject &model_object = *(*m_objects)[obj_idx]; // Bounding box of the selected instance in world coordinate system including the translation, without modifiers. BoundingBoxf3 instance_bb = model_object.instance_bounding_box(instance_idx); TriangleMesh mesh = create_mesh(type_name, instance_bb); // Mesh will be centered when loading. ModelVolume *new_volume = model_object.add_volume(std::move(mesh), type); // First (any) GLVolume of the selected instance. They all share the same instance matrix. const GLVolume* v = selection.get_first_volume(); // Transform the new modifier to be aligned with the print bed. new_volume->set_transformation(v->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix_no_offset().inverse()); const BoundingBoxf3 mesh_bb = new_volume->mesh().bounding_box(); // Set the modifier position. Vec3d offset; if (type_name == "Slab") { Vec3d inst_center = instance_bb.center() - v->get_instance_offset(); // Slab: Lift to print bed and and push to the center of instance offset = Vec3d(inst_center.x(), inst_center.y(), 0.5 * mesh_bb.size().z() + instance_bb.min.z() - v->get_instance_offset().z()); } else { // Translate the new modifier to be pickable: move to the left front corner of the instance's bounding box, lift to print bed. offset = Vec3d(instance_bb.max.x(), instance_bb.min.y(), instance_bb.min.z()) + 0.5 * mesh_bb.size() - v->get_instance_offset(); } new_volume->set_offset(v->get_instance_transformation().get_matrix_no_offset().inverse() * offset); const wxString name = _L("Generic") + "-" + _(type_name); new_volume->name = into_u8(name); // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); new_volume->source.is_from_builtin_objects = true; select_item([this, obj_idx, new_volume]() { wxDataViewItem sel_item; wxDataViewItemArray items = reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(obj_idx, [new_volume](const ModelVolume* volume) { return volume == new_volume; }); if (!items.IsEmpty()) sel_item = items.front(); return sel_item; }); if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) // update printable state on canvas wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_object((size_t)obj_idx); if (model_object.is_cut()) update_info_items(obj_idx); selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::load_shape_object(const std::string& type_name) { const Selection& selection = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection(); assert(selection.get_object_idx() == -1); // Add nothing is something is selected on 3DScene if (selection.get_object_idx() != -1) return; take_snapshot(_L("Add Shape")); // Create mesh BoundingBoxf3 bb; TriangleMesh mesh = create_mesh(type_name, bb); load_mesh_object(mesh, _u8L("Shape") + "-" + type_name); if (!m_objects->empty()) m_objects->back()->volumes.front()->source.is_from_builtin_objects = true; wxGetApp().mainframe->update_title(); } void ObjectList::load_shape_object_from_gallery() { if (wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection().get_object_idx() != -1) return;// Add nothing if something is selected on 3DScene wxArrayString input_files; GalleryDialog* gallery_dlg = wxGetApp().gallery_dialog(); if (gallery_dlg->show() == wxID_CLOSE) return; gallery_dlg->get_input_files(input_files); if (input_files.IsEmpty()) return; load_shape_object_from_gallery(input_files); } void ObjectList::load_shape_object_from_gallery(const wxArrayString& input_files) { std::vector<boost::filesystem::path> paths; for (const auto& file : input_files) paths.push_back(into_path(file)); assert(!paths.empty()); wxString snapshot_label = (paths.size() == 1 ? _L("Add Shape from Gallery") : _L("Add Shapes from Gallery")) + ": " + wxString::FromUTF8(paths.front().filename().string().c_str()); for (size_t i = 1; i < paths.size(); ++i) snapshot_label += ", " + wxString::FromUTF8(paths[i].filename().string().c_str()); take_snapshot(snapshot_label); if (! wxGetApp().plater()->load_files(paths, true, false).empty()) wxGetApp().mainframe->update_title(); } void ObjectList::load_mesh_object( const TriangleMesh & mesh, const std::string & name, bool center, const TextConfiguration *text_config /* = nullptr*/, const Transform3d * transformation /* = nullptr*/) { PlaterAfterLoadAutoArrange plater_after_load_auto_arrange; // Add mesh to model as a new object Model& model = wxGetApp().plater()->model(); #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ std::vector<size_t> object_idxs; ModelObject* new_object = model.add_object(); new_object->name = name; new_object->add_instance(); // each object should have at list one instance ModelVolume* new_volume = new_object->add_volume(mesh); new_object->sort_volumes(wxGetApp().app_config->get_bool("order_volumes")); new_volume->name = name; if (text_config) new_volume->text_configuration = *text_config; // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually new_volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); new_object->invalidate_bounding_box(); if (transformation) { assert(!center); Slic3r::Geometry::Transformation tr(*transformation); new_object->instances[0]->set_transformation(tr); } else { auto bb = mesh.bounding_box(); new_object->translate(-bb.center()); new_object->instances[0]->set_offset( center ? to_3d(wxGetApp().plater()->build_volume().bounding_volume2d().center(), -new_object->origin_translation.z()) : bb.center()); } new_object->ensure_on_bed(); object_idxs.push_back(model.objects.size() - 1); #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ paste_objects_into_list(object_idxs); #ifdef _DEBUG check_model_ids_validity(model); #endif /* _DEBUG */ } bool ObjectList::del_object(const int obj_idx) { return wxGetApp().plater()->delete_object_from_model(obj_idx); } // Delete subobject bool ObjectList::del_subobject_item(wxDataViewItem& item) { if (!item) return false; int obj_idx, idx; ItemType type; m_objects_model->GetItemInfo(item, type, obj_idx, idx); if (type == itUndef) return false; wxDataViewItem parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); InfoItemType item_info_type = m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item); if (type & itSettings) del_settings_from_config(parent); else if (type & itInstanceRoot && obj_idx != -1) del_instances_from_object(obj_idx); else if (type & itLayerRoot && obj_idx != -1) del_layers_from_object(obj_idx); else if (type & itLayer && obj_idx != -1) del_layer_from_object(obj_idx, m_objects_model->GetLayerRangeByItem(item)); else if (type & itInfo && obj_idx != -1) del_info_item(obj_idx, item_info_type); else if (idx == -1 || !del_subobject_from_object(obj_idx, idx, type)) return false; // If last volume item with warning was deleted, unmark object item if (type & itVolume) { const std::string& icon_name = get_warning_icon_name(object(obj_idx)->get_object_stl_stats()); m_objects_model->UpdateWarningIcon(parent, icon_name); } if (!(type & itInfo) || item_info_type != InfoItemType::CutConnectors) { // Connectors Item is already updated/deleted inside the del_info_item() m_objects_model->Delete(item); update_info_items(obj_idx); } return true; } void ObjectList::del_info_item(const int obj_idx, InfoItemType type) { Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater(); GLCanvas3D* cnv = plater->canvas3D(); switch (type) { case InfoItemType::CustomSupports: cnv->get_gizmos_manager().reset_all_states(); Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, _L("Remove paint-on supports")); for (ModelVolume* mv : (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes) mv->supported_facets.reset(); break; case InfoItemType::CustomSeam: cnv->get_gizmos_manager().reset_all_states(); Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, _L("Remove paint-on seam")); for (ModelVolume* mv : (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes) mv->seam_facets.reset(); break; case InfoItemType::CutConnectors: if (!del_from_cut_object(true)) { // there is no need to post EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS if nothing was changed return; } break; case InfoItemType::MmuSegmentation: cnv->get_gizmos_manager().reset_all_states(); Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, _L("Remove Multi Material painting")); for (ModelVolume* mv : (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes) mv->mmu_segmentation_facets.reset(); break; case InfoItemType::Sinking: Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, _L("Shift objects to bed")); (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->ensure_on_bed(); cnv->reload_scene(true, true); break; case InfoItemType::VariableLayerHeight: Plater::TakeSnapshot(plater, _L("Remove variable layer height")); (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->layer_height_profile.clear(); if (cnv->is_layers_editing_enabled()) //cnv->post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLTOOLBAR_LAYERSEDITING)); cnv->force_main_toolbar_left_action(cnv->get_main_toolbar_item_id("layersediting")); break; case InfoItemType::Undef : assert(false); break; } cnv->post_event(SimpleEvent(EVT_GLCANVAS_SCHEDULE_BACKGROUND_PROCESS)); } void ObjectList::del_settings_from_config(const wxDataViewItem& parent_item) { const bool is_layer_settings = m_objects_model->GetItemType(parent_item) == itLayer; const size_t opt_cnt = m_config->keys().size(); if ((opt_cnt == 1 && m_config->has("extruder")) || (is_layer_settings && opt_cnt == 2 && m_config->has("extruder") && m_config->has("layer_height"))) return; take_snapshot(_(L("Delete Settings"))); int extruder = m_config->has("extruder") ? m_config->extruder() : -1; coordf_t layer_height = 0.0; if (is_layer_settings) layer_height = m_config->opt_float("layer_height"); m_config->reset(); if (extruder >= 0) m_config->set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(extruder)); if (is_layer_settings) m_config->set_key_value("layer_height", new ConfigOptionFloat(layer_height)); changed_object(); } void ObjectList::del_instances_from_object(const int obj_idx) { auto& instances = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->instances; if (instances.size() <= 1) return; take_snapshot(_(L("Delete All Instances from Object"))); while ( instances.size()> 1) instances.pop_back(); (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->invalidate_bounding_box(); // ? #ys_FIXME changed_object(obj_idx); } void ObjectList::del_layer_from_object(const int obj_idx, const t_layer_height_range& layer_range) { const auto del_range = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges.find(layer_range); if (del_range == object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges.end()) return; take_snapshot(_(L("Delete Height Range"))); object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges.erase(del_range); changed_object(obj_idx); } void ObjectList::del_layers_from_object(const int obj_idx) { object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges.clear(); changed_object(obj_idx); } bool ObjectList::del_from_cut_object(bool is_cut_connector, bool is_model_part/* = false*/, bool is_negative_volume/* = false*/) { const long buttons_style = is_cut_connector ? (wxYES | wxNO | wxCANCEL) : (wxYES | wxCANCEL); const wxString title = is_cut_connector ? _L("Delete connector from object which is a part of cut") : is_model_part ? _L("Delete solid part from object which is a part of cut") : is_negative_volume ? _L("Delete negative volume from object which is a part of cut") : ""; const wxString msg_end = is_cut_connector ? ("\n" + _L("To save cut information you can delete all connectors from all related objects.")) : ""; InfoDialog dialog(wxGetApp().plater(), title, _L("This action will break a cut information.\n" "After that PrusaSlicer can't guarantee model consistency.") + "\n\n" + _L("To manipulate with solid parts or negative volumes you have to invalidate cut information first." + msg_end ), false, buttons_style | wxCANCEL_DEFAULT | wxICON_WARNING); dialog.SetButtonLabel(wxID_YES, _L("Invalidate cut info")); if (is_cut_connector) dialog.SetButtonLabel(wxID_NO, _L("Delete all connectors")); const int answer = dialog.ShowModal(); if (answer == wxID_CANCEL) return false; if (answer == wxID_YES) invalidate_cut_info_for_selection(); else if (answer == wxID_NO) delete_all_connectors_for_selection(); return true; } bool ObjectList::del_subobject_from_object(const int obj_idx, const int idx, const int type) { assert(idx >= 0); if (m_objects->empty() || int(m_objects->size()) <= obj_idx) // Cannot delete a wipe tower return false; ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; if (type == itVolume) { const auto volume = object->volumes[idx]; // if user is deleting the last solid part, throw error int solid_cnt = 0; for (auto vol : object->volumes) if (vol->is_model_part()) ++solid_cnt; if (volume->is_model_part() && solid_cnt == 1) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, _L("From Object List You can't delete the last solid part from object.")); return false; } if (object->is_cut() && (volume->is_model_part() || volume->is_negative_volume())) { del_from_cut_object(volume->is_cut_connector(), volume->is_model_part(), volume->is_negative_volume()); // in any case return false to break the deletion return false; } take_snapshot(_L("Delete Subobject")); object->delete_volume(idx); if (object->volumes.size() == 1) { wxDataViewItem obj_item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx); const auto last_volume = object->volumes[0]; if (!last_volume->config.empty()) { object->config.apply(last_volume->config); last_volume->config.reset(); // update extruder color in ObjectList if (obj_item) { wxString extruder = object->config.has("extruder") ? wxString::Format("%d", object->config.extruder()) : _L("default"); m_objects_model->SetExtruder(extruder, obj_item); } // add settings to the object, if it has them add_settings_item(obj_item, &object->config.get()); } if (last_volume->is_text()) m_objects_model->SetName(get_item_name(/*last_volume*/object->name, true), obj_item); } } else if (type == itInstance) { if (object->instances.size() == 1) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, _L("Last instance of an object cannot be deleted.")); return false; } if (object->is_cut()) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, _L("Instance cannot be deleted from cut object.")); return false; } take_snapshot(_L("Delete Instance")); object->delete_instance(idx); } else return false; changed_object(obj_idx); return true; } void ObjectList::split() { const auto item = GetSelection(); const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (!item || obj_idx < 0) return; ModelVolume* volume; if (!get_volume_by_item(item, volume)) return; DynamicPrintConfig& config = printer_config(); const ConfigOption *nozzle_dmtrs_opt = config.option("nozzle_diameter", false); const auto nozzle_dmrs_cnt = (nozzle_dmtrs_opt == nullptr) ? size_t(1) : dynamic_cast<const ConfigOptionFloats*>(nozzle_dmtrs_opt)->values.size(); if (!volume->is_splittable()) { wxMessageBox(_(L("The selected object couldn't be split because it contains only one part."))); return; } take_snapshot(_(L("Split to Parts"))); // Before splitting volume we have to remove all custom supports, seams, and multimaterial painting. wxGetApp().plater()->clear_before_change_mesh(obj_idx, _u8L("Custom supports, seams and multimaterial painting were " "removed after splitting the object.")); volume->split(nozzle_dmrs_cnt); (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->input_file.clear(); wxBusyCursor wait; add_volumes_to_object_in_list(obj_idx); changed_object(obj_idx); // update printable state for new volumes on canvas3D wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_object(obj_idx); // After removing custom supports, seams, and multimaterial painting, we have to update info about the object to remove information about // custom supports, seams, and multimaterial painting in the right panel. wxGetApp().obj_list()->update_info_items(obj_idx); } void ObjectList::merge(bool to_multipart_object) { // merge selected objects to the multipart object if (to_multipart_object) { auto get_object_idxs = [this](std::vector<int>& obj_idxs, wxDataViewItemArray& sels) { // check selections and split instances to the separated objects... bool instance_selection = false; for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itInstance) { instance_selection = true; break; } if (!instance_selection) { for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) { assert(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itObject); obj_idxs.emplace_back(m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item)); } return; } // map of obj_idx -> set of selected instance_idxs std::map<int, std::set<int>> sel_map; std::set<int> empty_set; for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) { if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itObject) { int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); int inst_cnt = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->instances.size(); if (inst_cnt == 1) sel_map.emplace(obj_idx, empty_set); else for (int i = 0; i < inst_cnt; i++) sel_map[obj_idx].emplace(i); continue; } int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item)); sel_map[obj_idx].emplace(m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item)); } // all objects, created from the instances will be added to the end of list int new_objects_cnt = 0; // count of this new objects for (auto map_item : sel_map) { int obj_idx = map_item.first; // object with just 1 instance if (map_item.second.empty()) { obj_idxs.emplace_back(obj_idx); continue; } // object with selected all instances if ((*m_objects)[map_item.first]->instances.size() == map_item.second.size()) { instances_to_separated_objects(obj_idx); // first instance stay on its own place and another all add to the end of list : obj_idxs.emplace_back(obj_idx); new_objects_cnt += map_item.second.size() - 1; continue; } // object with selected some of instances instances_to_separated_object(obj_idx, map_item.second); if (map_item.second.size() == 1) new_objects_cnt += 1; else {// we should split to separate instances last object instances_to_separated_objects(m_objects->size() - 1); // all instances will stay at the end of list : new_objects_cnt += map_item.second.size(); } } // all instatnces are extracted to the separate objects and should be selected m_prevent_list_events = true; sels.Clear(); for (int obj_idx : obj_idxs) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx)); int obj_cnt = m_objects->size(); for (int obj_idx = obj_cnt - new_objects_cnt; obj_idx < obj_cnt; obj_idx++) { sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx)); obj_idxs.emplace_back(obj_idx); } UnselectAll(); SetSelections(sels); assert(!sels.IsEmpty()); m_prevent_list_events = false; }; std::vector<int> obj_idxs; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); assert(!sels.IsEmpty()); Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _L("Merge")); get_object_idxs(obj_idxs, sels); // resulted objects merge to the one Model* model = (*m_objects)[0]->get_model(); ModelObject* new_object = model->add_object(); new_object->name = _u8L("Merged"); ModelConfig &config = new_object->config; for (int obj_idx : obj_idxs) { ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; const Geometry::Transformation& transformation = object->instances[0]->get_transformation(); const Vec3d scale = transformation.get_scaling_factor(); const Vec3d mirror = transformation.get_mirror(); const Vec3d rotation = transformation.get_rotation(); if (object->id() == (*m_objects)[obj_idxs.front()]->id()) { new_object->add_instance(); new_object->instances[0]->printable = false; } new_object->instances[0]->printable |= object->instances[0]->printable; const Transform3d& volume_offset_correction = transformation.get_matrix(); // merge volumes for (const ModelVolume* volume : object->volumes) { ModelVolume* new_volume = new_object->add_volume(*volume); //set rotation const Vec3d vol_rot = new_volume->get_rotation() + rotation; new_volume->set_rotation(vol_rot); // set scale const Vec3d vol_sc_fact = new_volume->get_scaling_factor().cwiseProduct(scale); new_volume->set_scaling_factor(vol_sc_fact); // set mirror const Vec3d vol_mirror = new_volume->get_mirror().cwiseProduct(mirror); new_volume->set_mirror(vol_mirror); // set offset const Vec3d vol_offset = volume_offset_correction* new_volume->get_offset(); new_volume->set_offset(vol_offset); } new_object->sort_volumes(wxGetApp().app_config->get_bool("order_volumes")); // merge settings auto new_opt_keys = config.keys(); const ModelConfig& from_config = object->config; auto opt_keys = from_config.keys(); for (auto& opt_key : opt_keys) { if (find(new_opt_keys.begin(), new_opt_keys.end(), opt_key) == new_opt_keys.end()) { const ConfigOption* option = from_config.option(opt_key); if (!option) { // if current option doesn't exist in prints.get_edited_preset(), // get it from default config values option = DynamicPrintConfig::new_from_defaults_keys({ opt_key })->option(opt_key); } config.set_key_value(opt_key, option->clone()); } } // save extruder value if it was set if (object->volumes.size() == 1 && find(opt_keys.begin(), opt_keys.end(), "extruder") != opt_keys.end()) { ModelVolume* volume = new_object->volumes.back(); const ConfigOption* option = from_config.option("extruder"); if (option) volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", option->clone()); } // merge layers for (const auto& range : object->layer_config_ranges) new_object->layer_config_ranges.emplace(range); } new_object->center_around_origin(); new_object->translate_instances(-new_object->origin_translation); new_object->origin_translation = Vec3d::Zero(); // remove selected objects remove(); // Add new object(merged) to the object_list add_object_to_list(m_objects->size() - 1); select_item(m_objects_model->GetItemById(m_objects->size() - 1)); update_selections_on_canvas(); // update printable state for new volumes on canvas3D wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_object(int(model->objects.size()) - 1); } // merge all parts to the one single object // all part's settings will be lost else { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return; const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx == -1) return; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _L("Merge all parts to the one single object")); ModelObject* model_object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; model_object->merge(); m_objects_model->DeleteVolumeChildren(item); changed_object(obj_idx); } } void ObjectList::layers_editing() { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); const int obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); wxDataViewItem item = obj_idx >= 0 && GetSelectedItemsCount() > 1 && selection.is_single_full_object() ? m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx) : GetSelection(); if (!item) return; const wxDataViewItem obj_item = m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item); wxDataViewItem layers_item = m_objects_model->GetLayerRootItem(obj_item); // if it doesn't exist now if (!layers_item.IsOk()) { t_layer_config_ranges& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; // set some default value if (ranges.empty()) { take_snapshot(_(L("Add Layers"))); ranges[{ 0.0f, 2.0f }].assign_config(get_default_layer_config(obj_idx)); } // create layer root item layers_item = add_layer_root_item(obj_item); } if (!layers_item.IsOk()) return; // to correct visual hints for layers editing on the Scene, reset previous selection wxGetApp().obj_layers()->reset_selection(); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event("", false); // select LayerRoor item and expand select_item(layers_item); Expand(layers_item); } wxDataViewItem ObjectList::add_layer_root_item(const wxDataViewItem obj_item) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(obj_item); if (obj_idx < 0 || object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges.empty() || printer_technology() == ptSLA) return wxDataViewItem(nullptr); // create LayerRoot item wxDataViewItem layers_item = m_objects_model->AddLayersRoot(obj_item); // and create Layer item(s) according to the layer_config_ranges for (const auto& range : object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges) add_layer_item(range.first, layers_item); Expand(layers_item); return layers_item; } DynamicPrintConfig ObjectList::get_default_layer_config(const int obj_idx) { DynamicPrintConfig config; coordf_t layer_height = object(obj_idx)->config.has("layer_height") ? object(obj_idx)->config.opt_float("layer_height") : wxGetApp().preset_bundle->prints.get_edited_preset().config.opt_float("layer_height"); config.set_key_value("layer_height",new ConfigOptionFloat(layer_height)); config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); return config; } bool ObjectList::get_volume_by_item(const wxDataViewItem& item, ModelVolume*& volume) { auto obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (!item || obj_idx < 0) return false; const auto volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); const bool split_part = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itVolume; // object is selected if (volume_id < 0) { if ( split_part || (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes.size() > 1 ) return false; volume = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[0]; } // volume is selected else volume = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[volume_id]; return true; } bool ObjectList::is_splittable(bool to_objects) { const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return false; if (to_objects) { ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (type == itVolume) return false; if (type == itObject || m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) == itObject) { auto obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return false; const ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; if (object->is_cut()) return false; if (object->volumes.size() > 1) return true; return object->volumes[0]->is_splittable(); } return false; } if (wxGetApp().get_mode() == comSimple) return false; // suppress to split to parts for simple mode ModelVolume* volume; if (!get_volume_by_item(item, volume) || !volume) return false; return volume->is_splittable(); } bool ObjectList::selected_instances_of_same_object() { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(sels.front()); for (auto item : sels) { if (! (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itInstance) || obj_idx != m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item)) return false; } return true; } bool ObjectList::can_split_instances() { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); return selection.is_multiple_full_instance() || selection.is_single_full_instance(); } bool ObjectList::has_selected_cut_object() const { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (sels.IsEmpty()) return false; for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx >= 0 && object(obj_idx)->is_cut()) return true; } return false; } void ObjectList::invalidate_cut_info_for_selection() { const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (item) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx >= 0) invalidate_cut_info_for_object(size_t(obj_idx)); } } void ObjectList::invalidate_cut_info_for_object(int obj_idx) { ModelObject* init_obj = object(obj_idx); if (!init_obj->is_cut()) return; take_snapshot(_L("Invalidate cut info")); const CutObjectBase cut_id = init_obj->cut_id; // invalidate cut for related objects (which have the same cut_id) for (size_t idx = 0; idx < m_objects->size(); idx++) if (ModelObject* obj = object(int(idx)); obj->cut_id.is_equal(cut_id)) { obj->invalidate_cut(); update_info_items(idx); add_volumes_to_object_in_list(idx); } update_lock_icons_for_model(); } void ObjectList::delete_all_connectors_for_selection() { const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (item) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); if (obj_idx >= 0) delete_all_connectors_for_object(size_t(obj_idx)); } } void ObjectList::delete_all_connectors_for_object(int obj_idx) { ModelObject* init_obj = object(obj_idx); if (!init_obj->is_cut()) return; take_snapshot(_L("Delete all connectors")); const CutObjectBase cut_id = init_obj->cut_id; // Delete all connectors for related objects (which have the same cut_id) Model& model = wxGetApp().plater()->model(); for (int idx = int(m_objects->size())-1; idx >= 0; idx--) if (ModelObject* obj = object(idx); obj->cut_id.is_equal(cut_id)) { obj->delete_connectors(); if (obj->volumes.empty() || !obj->has_solid_mesh()) { model.delete_object(idx); m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemById(idx)); continue; } update_info_items(idx); add_volumes_to_object_in_list(idx); changed_object(int(idx)); } update_lock_icons_for_model(); } bool ObjectList::can_merge_to_multipart_object() const { if (has_selected_cut_object()) return false; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (sels.IsEmpty()) return false; // should be selected just objects for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) if (!(m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itObject | itInstance))) return false; return true; } bool ObjectList::can_merge_to_single_object() const { int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return false; // selected object should be multipart return (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes.size() > 1; } wxPoint ObjectList::get_mouse_position_in_control() const { return wxGetMousePosition() - this->GetScreenPosition(); } // NO_PARAMETERS function call means that changed object index will be determine from Selection() void ObjectList::changed_object(const int obj_idx/* = -1*/) const { wxGetApp().plater()->changed_object(obj_idx < 0 ? get_selected_obj_idx() : obj_idx); } void ObjectList::part_selection_changed() { if (m_extruder_editor) m_extruder_editor->Hide(); int obj_idx = -1; int volume_id = -1; m_config = nullptr; wxString og_name = wxEmptyString; bool update_and_show_manipulations = false; bool update_and_show_settings = false; bool update_and_show_layers = false; bool enable_manipulation {true}; bool disable_ss_manipulation {false}; bool disable_ununiform_scale {false}; ECoordinatesType coordinates_type = wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_coordinates_type(); const auto item = GetSelection(); GLGizmosManager& gizmos_mgr = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager(); if (item && m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itInfo && m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item) == InfoItemType::CutConnectors) { og_name = _L("Cut Connectors information"); update_and_show_manipulations = true; enable_manipulation = false; disable_ununiform_scale = true; } else if ( multiple_selection() || (item && m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itInstanceRoot )) { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); if (selection.is_single_full_object()) { og_name = _L("Object manipulation"); coordinates_type = ECoordinatesType::World; update_and_show_manipulations = true; obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; m_config = &object->config; disable_ss_manipulation = object->is_cut(); } else { og_name = _L("Group manipulation"); coordinates_type = ECoordinatesType::World; // don't show manipulation panel for case of all Object's parts selection update_and_show_manipulations = !selection.is_single_full_instance(); if (int obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); obj_idx >= 0) { if (selection.is_any_volume() || selection.is_any_modifier()) enable_manipulation = !(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->is_cut(); else// if (item && m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itInstanceRoot) disable_ss_manipulation = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->is_cut(); } else { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (selection.is_single_full_object() || selection.is_multiple_full_instance() ) { int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(sels.front()); disable_ss_manipulation = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->is_cut(); } else if (selection.is_mixed() || selection.is_multiple_full_object()) { std::map<CutObjectBase, std::set<int>> cut_objects; // find cut objects for (auto item : sels) { int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); const ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idx); if (obj->is_cut()) { if (cut_objects.find(obj->cut_id) == cut_objects.end()) cut_objects[obj->cut_id] = std::set<int>{ obj_idx }; else cut_objects.at(obj->cut_id).insert(obj_idx); } } // check if selected cut objects are "full selected" for (auto cut_object : cut_objects) if (cut_object.first.check_sum() != cut_object.second.size()) { disable_ss_manipulation = true; break; } disable_ununiform_scale = !cut_objects.empty(); } } } } else { if (item) { const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); const wxDataViewItem parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); const ItemType parent_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(parent); obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; if (parent == wxDataViewItem(nullptr) || type == itInfo) { og_name = _L("Object manipulation"); m_config = &object->config; if (!scene_selection().is_single_full_instance() || coordinates_type > ECoordinatesType::Instance) coordinates_type = ECoordinatesType::World; update_and_show_manipulations = true; if (type == itInfo) { InfoItemType info_type = m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item); switch (info_type) { case InfoItemType::VariableLayerHeight: { wxGetApp().plater()->toggle_layers_editing(true); break; } case InfoItemType::CustomSupports: case InfoItemType::CustomSeam: case InfoItemType::MmuSegmentation: { GLGizmosManager::EType gizmo_type = info_type == InfoItemType::CustomSupports ? GLGizmosManager::EType::FdmSupports : info_type == InfoItemType::CustomSeam ? GLGizmosManager::EType::Seam : GLGizmosManager::EType::MmuSegmentation; if (gizmos_mgr.get_current_type() != gizmo_type) gizmos_mgr.open_gizmo(gizmo_type); break; } case InfoItemType::Sinking: default: { break; } } } else disable_ss_manipulation = object->is_cut(); } else { if (type & itSettings) { if (parent_type & itObject) { og_name = _L("Object Settings to modify"); m_config = &object->config; } else if (parent_type & itVolume) { og_name = _L("Part Settings to modify"); volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(parent); m_config = &object->volumes[volume_id]->config; } else if (parent_type & itLayer) { og_name = _L("Layer range Settings to modify"); m_config = &get_item_config(parent); } update_and_show_settings = true; } else if (type & itVolume) { og_name = _L("Part manipulation"); volume_id = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); m_config = &object->volumes[volume_id]->config; update_and_show_manipulations = true; const ModelVolume* volume = object->volumes[volume_id]; enable_manipulation = !(object->is_cut() && (volume->is_cut_connector() || volume->is_model_part())); } else if (type & itInstance) { og_name = _L("Instance manipulation"); update_and_show_manipulations = true; // fill m_config by object's values m_config = &object->config; disable_ss_manipulation = object->is_cut(); } else if (type & (itLayerRoot|itLayer)) { og_name = type & itLayerRoot ? _L("Height ranges") : _L("Settings for height range"); update_and_show_layers = true; if (type & itLayer) m_config = &get_item_config(item); } } } } m_selected_object_id = obj_idx; if (update_and_show_manipulations) { wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_og()->set_name(" " + og_name + " "); if (wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_coordinates_type() != coordinates_type) wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->set_coordinates_type(coordinates_type); if (item) { wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->update_item_name(m_objects_model->GetName(item)); wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->update_warning_icon_state(get_mesh_errors_info(obj_idx, volume_id)); } if (disable_ss_manipulation) wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->DisableScale(); else { wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->Enable(enable_manipulation); if (disable_ununiform_scale) wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->DisableUnuniformScale(); } if (GLGizmoScale3D* scale = dynamic_cast<GLGizmoScale3D*>(gizmos_mgr.get_gizmo(GLGizmosManager::Scale))) scale->enable_ununiversal_scale(!disable_ununiform_scale); } if (update_and_show_settings) wxGetApp().obj_settings()->get_og()->set_name(" " + og_name + " "); if (printer_technology() == ptSLA) update_and_show_layers = false; else if (update_and_show_layers) wxGetApp().obj_layers()->get_og()->set_name(" " + og_name + " "); update_min_height(); Sidebar& panel = wxGetApp().sidebar(); panel.Freeze(); std::string opt_key; if (m_selected_object_id >= 0) { const ManipulationEditor* const editor = wxGetApp().obj_manipul()->get_focused_editor(); if (editor != nullptr) opt_key = editor->get_full_opt_name(); } wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->handle_sidebar_focus_event(opt_key, !opt_key.empty()); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->enable_moving(enable_manipulation); // ysFIXME wxGetApp().obj_manipul() ->UpdateAndShow(update_and_show_manipulations); wxGetApp().obj_settings()->UpdateAndShow(update_and_show_settings); wxGetApp().obj_layers() ->UpdateAndShow(update_and_show_layers); wxGetApp().sidebar().show_info_sizer(); panel.Layout(); panel.Thaw(); } // Add new SettingsItem for parent_item if it doesn't exist, or just update a digest according to new config wxDataViewItem ObjectList::add_settings_item(wxDataViewItem parent_item, const DynamicPrintConfig* config) { wxDataViewItem ret = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); if (!parent_item) return ret; const bool is_object_settings = m_objects_model->GetItemType(parent_item) == itObject; if (!is_object_settings) { ModelVolumeType volume_type = m_objects_model->GetVolumeType(parent_item); if (volume_type == ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME || volume_type == ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_BLOCKER || volume_type == ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_ENFORCER) return ret; } SettingsFactory::Bundle cat_options = SettingsFactory::get_bundle(config, is_object_settings); if (cat_options.empty()) return ret; std::vector<std::string> categories; categories.reserve(cat_options.size()); for (auto& cat : cat_options) categories.push_back(cat.first); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(parent_item) & itInstance) parent_item = m_objects_model->GetTopParent(parent_item); ret = m_objects_model->IsSettingsItem(parent_item) ? parent_item : m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(parent_item); if (!ret) ret = m_objects_model->AddSettingsChild(parent_item); m_objects_model->UpdateSettingsDigest(ret, categories); Expand(parent_item); return ret; } void ObjectList::update_info_items(size_t obj_idx, wxDataViewItemArray* selections/* = nullptr*/, bool added_object/* = false*/) { if (obj_idx >= m_objects->size()) return; wxDataViewItemArray sels; if (!selections) { GetSelections(sels); for (wxDataViewItem item : sels) if (item.IsOk() && m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itVolume) { selections = &sels; break; } } const ModelObject* model_object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; wxDataViewItem item_obj = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx); assert(item_obj.IsOk()); for (InfoItemType type : {InfoItemType::CustomSupports, InfoItemType::CustomSeam, InfoItemType::CutConnectors, InfoItemType::MmuSegmentation, InfoItemType::Sinking, InfoItemType::VariableLayerHeight}) { wxDataViewItem item = m_objects_model->GetInfoItemByType(item_obj, type); bool shows = item.IsOk(); bool should_show = false; switch (type) { case InfoItemType::CustomSupports : case InfoItemType::CustomSeam : case InfoItemType::MmuSegmentation : should_show = printer_technology() == ptFFF && std::any_of(model_object->volumes.begin(), model_object->volumes.end(), [type](const ModelVolume *mv) { return !(type == InfoItemType::CustomSupports ? mv->supported_facets.empty() : type == InfoItemType::CustomSeam ? mv->seam_facets.empty() : mv->mmu_segmentation_facets.empty()); }); break; case InfoItemType::CutConnectors: should_show = model_object->is_cut() && model_object->has_connectors() && model_object->volumes.size() > 1; break; case InfoItemType::VariableLayerHeight : should_show = printer_technology() == ptFFF && ! model_object->layer_height_profile.empty(); break; case InfoItemType::Sinking: { should_show = printer_technology() == ptFFF && wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->is_object_sinking(obj_idx); break; } default: break; } if (! shows && should_show) { m_objects_model->AddInfoChild(item_obj, type); Expand(item_obj); if (added_object) wxGetApp().notification_manager()->push_updated_item_info_notification(type); } else if (shows && ! should_show) { if (!selections) Unselect(item); m_objects_model->Delete(item); if (selections) { if (selections->Index(item) != wxNOT_FOUND) { // If info item was deleted from the list, // it's need to be deleted from selection array, if it was there selections->Remove(item); // Select item_obj, if info_item doesn't exist for item anymore, but was selected if (selections->Index(item_obj) == wxNOT_FOUND) selections->Add(item_obj); } } else Select(item_obj); } } } static wxString extruder2str(int extruder) { return extruder == 0 ? _L("default") : wxString::Format("%d", extruder); } static bool can_add_volumes_to_object(const ModelObject* object) { bool can = object->volumes.size() > 1; if (can && object->is_cut()) { int no_connectors_cnt = 0; for (const ModelVolume* v : object->volumes) if (!v->is_cut_connector()) { if (!v->is_model_part()) return true; no_connectors_cnt++; } can = no_connectors_cnt > 1; } return can; } wxDataViewItemArray ObjectList::add_volumes_to_object_in_list(size_t obj_idx, std::function<bool(const ModelVolume*)> add_to_selection/* = nullptr*/) { const bool is_prevent_list_events = m_prevent_list_events; m_prevent_list_events = true; wxDataViewItem object_item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(int(obj_idx)); m_objects_model->DeleteVolumeChildren(object_item); wxDataViewItemArray items; const ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; // add volumes to the object if (can_add_volumes_to_object(object)) { if (object->volumes.size() > 1) { wxString obj_item_name = from_u8(object->name); if (m_objects_model->GetName(object_item) != obj_item_name) m_objects_model->SetName(obj_item_name, object_item); } int volume_idx{ -1 }; for (const ModelVolume* volume : object->volumes) { ++volume_idx; if ((object->is_cut() && volume->is_cut_connector()) || (printer_technology() == ptSLA && volume->type() == ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER)) continue; const wxDataViewItem& vol_item = m_objects_model->AddVolumeChild(object_item, get_item_name(volume->name, volume->is_text()), volume_idx, volume->type(), volume->is_text(), get_warning_icon_name(volume->mesh().stats()), extruder2str(volume->config.has("extruder") ? volume->config.extruder() : 0)); add_settings_item(vol_item, &volume->config.get()); if (add_to_selection && add_to_selection(volume)) items.Add(vol_item); } Expand(object_item); } m_prevent_list_events = is_prevent_list_events; return items; } void ObjectList::add_object_to_list(size_t obj_idx, bool call_selection_changed) { auto model_object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; const wxString& item_name = get_item_name(model_object->name, model_object->is_text()); const auto item = m_objects_model->AddObject(item_name, extruder2str(model_object->config.has("extruder") ? model_object->config.extruder() : 0), get_warning_icon_name(model_object->mesh().stats()), model_object->is_cut()); update_info_items(obj_idx, nullptr, call_selection_changed); add_volumes_to_object_in_list(obj_idx); // add instances to the object, if it has those if (model_object->instances.size()>1) { std::vector<bool> print_idicator(model_object->instances.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < model_object->instances.size(); ++i) print_idicator[i] = model_object->instances[i]->printable; const wxDataViewItem object_item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx); m_objects_model->AddInstanceChild(object_item, print_idicator); Expand(m_objects_model->GetInstanceRootItem(object_item)); } else m_objects_model->SetPrintableState(model_object->instances[0]->printable ? piPrintable : piUnprintable, obj_idx); // add settings to the object, if it has those add_settings_item(item, &model_object->config.get()); // Add layers if it has add_layer_root_item(item); #ifndef __WXOSX__ if (call_selection_changed) selection_changed(); #endif //__WXMSW__ } void ObjectList::delete_object_from_list() { auto item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return; if (m_objects_model->GetParent(item) == wxDataViewItem(nullptr)) select_item([this, item]() { return m_objects_model->Delete(item); }); else select_item([this, item]() { return m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)); }); } void ObjectList::delete_object_from_list(const size_t obj_idx) { select_item([this, obj_idx]() { return m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx)); }); } void ObjectList::delete_volume_from_list(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t vol_idx) { select_item([this, obj_idx, vol_idx]() { return m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(obj_idx, vol_idx)); }); } void ObjectList::delete_instance_from_list(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t inst_idx) { select_item([this, obj_idx, inst_idx]() { return m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(obj_idx, inst_idx)); }); } void ObjectList::update_lock_icons_for_model() { for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < (*m_objects).size(); ++obj_idx) if (!(*m_objects)[obj_idx]->is_cut()) m_objects_model->UpdateLockIcon(m_objects_model->GetItemById(int(obj_idx)), false); } bool ObjectList::delete_from_model_and_list(const ItemType type, const int obj_idx, const int sub_obj_idx) { if (type & (itObject | itVolume | itInstance)) { if (type & itObject) { bool was_cut = object(obj_idx)->is_cut(); if (del_object(obj_idx)) { delete_object_from_list(obj_idx); if (was_cut) update_lock_icons_for_model(); return true; } return false; } if (del_subobject_from_object(obj_idx, sub_obj_idx, type)) { type == itVolume ? delete_volume_from_list(obj_idx, sub_obj_idx) : delete_instance_from_list(obj_idx, sub_obj_idx); return true; } } return false; } bool ObjectList::delete_from_model_and_list(const std::vector<ItemForDelete>& items_for_delete) { if (items_for_delete.empty()) return false; m_prevent_list_events = true; ScopeGuard sg_prevent_list_events = ScopeGuard([this]() { m_prevent_list_events = false; }); std::set<size_t> modified_objects_ids; for (std::vector<ItemForDelete>::const_reverse_iterator item = items_for_delete.rbegin(); item != items_for_delete.rend(); ++item) { if (!(item->type&(itObject | itVolume | itInstance))) continue; if (item->type&itObject) { bool was_cut = object(item->obj_idx)->is_cut(); if (!del_object(item->obj_idx)) return false;// continue; m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemById(item->obj_idx)); if (was_cut) update_lock_icons_for_model(); } else { if (!del_subobject_from_object(item->obj_idx, item->sub_obj_idx, item->type)) return false;// continue; if (item->type&itVolume) { m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(item->obj_idx, item->sub_obj_idx)); ModelObject* obj = object(item->obj_idx); if (obj->volumes.size() == 1) { wxDataViewItem parent = m_objects_model->GetItemById(item->obj_idx); if (obj->config.has("extruder")) { const wxString extruder = wxString::Format("%d", obj->config.extruder()); m_objects_model->SetExtruder(extruder, parent); } // If last volume item with warning was deleted, unmark object item m_objects_model->UpdateWarningIcon(parent, get_warning_icon_name(obj->get_object_stl_stats())); } wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->ensure_on_bed(item->obj_idx, printer_technology() != ptSLA); } else m_objects_model->Delete(m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(item->obj_idx, item->sub_obj_idx)); } modified_objects_ids.insert(static_cast<size_t>(item->obj_idx)); } for (size_t id : modified_objects_ids) { update_info_items(id); } m_prevent_list_events = false; if (modified_objects_ids.empty()) return false; part_selection_changed(); return true; } void ObjectList::delete_all_objects_from_list() { m_prevent_list_events = true; this->UnselectAll(); m_objects_model->DeleteAll(); m_prevent_list_events = false; part_selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::increase_object_instances(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t num) { select_item([this, obj_idx, num]() { return m_objects_model->AddInstanceChild(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx), num); }); selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::decrease_object_instances(const size_t obj_idx, const size_t num) { select_item([this, obj_idx, num]() { return m_objects_model->DeleteLastInstance(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx), num); }); } void ObjectList::unselect_objects() { if (!GetSelection()) return; m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_object_item(bool is_msr_gizmo) { if (wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection()) { ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); bool is_volume_item = type == itVolume || (type == itSettings && m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) == itVolume); if ((is_msr_gizmo && is_volume_item) || type == itObject) return; if (wxDataViewItem obj_item = m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item)) { m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); Select(obj_item); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } } } static void update_selection(wxDataViewItemArray& sels, ObjectList::SELECTION_MODE mode, ObjectDataViewModel* model) { if (mode == ObjectList::smInstance) { for (auto& item : sels) { ItemType type = model->GetItemType(item); if (type == itObject) continue; if (type == itInstanceRoot) { wxDataViewItem obj_item = model->GetParent(item); sels.Remove(item); sels.Add(obj_item); update_selection(sels, mode, model); return; } if (type == itInstance) { wxDataViewItemArray instances; model->GetChildren(model->GetParent(item), instances); assert(instances.Count() > 0); size_t selected_instances_cnt = 0; for (auto& inst : instances) { if (sels.Index(inst) == wxNOT_FOUND) break; selected_instances_cnt++; } if (selected_instances_cnt == instances.Count()) { wxDataViewItem obj_item = model->GetTopParent(item); for (auto& inst : instances) sels.Remove(inst); sels.Add(obj_item); update_selection(sels, mode, model); return; } } else return; } } } void ObjectList::remove() { if (GetSelectedItemsCount() == 0) return; auto delete_item = [this](wxDataViewItem item) { wxDataViewItem parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (type & itObject) { if (!delete_from_model_and_list(itObject, m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item), -1)) return item; } else { if (type & (itLayer | itInstance)) { // In case there is just one layer or two instances and we delete it, del_subobject_item will // also remove the parent item. Selection should therefore pass to the top parent (object). wxDataViewItemArray children; if (m_objects_model->GetChildren(parent, children) == (type & itLayer ? 1 : 2)) parent = m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item); } if (!del_subobject_item(item)) return item; } return parent; }; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); wxDataViewItem parent = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); if (sels.Count() == 1) parent = delete_item(GetSelection()); else { SELECTION_MODE sels_mode = m_selection_mode; UnselectAll(); update_selection(sels, sels_mode, m_objects_model); Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot = Plater::TakeSnapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Delete Selected"))); for (auto& item : sels) { if (m_objects_model->InvalidItem(item)) // item can be deleted for this moment (like last 2 Instances or Volumes) continue; parent = delete_item(item); if (parent == item && m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itObject) // Object wasn't deleted break; } } if (parent && !m_objects_model->InvalidItem(parent)) { select_item(parent); update_selections_on_canvas(); } } void ObjectList::del_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range) { const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return; t_layer_config_ranges& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; wxDataViewItem selectable_item = GetSelection(); if (ranges.size() == 1) selectable_item = m_objects_model->GetParent(selectable_item); wxDataViewItem layer_item = m_objects_model->GetItemByLayerRange(obj_idx, range); del_subobject_item(layer_item); select_item(selectable_item); } static double get_min_layer_height(const int extruder_idx) { const DynamicPrintConfig& config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config; return config.opt_float("min_layer_height", std::max(0, extruder_idx - 1)); } static double get_max_layer_height(const int extruder_idx) { const DynamicPrintConfig& config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config; int extruder_idx_zero_based = std::max(0, extruder_idx - 1); double max_layer_height = config.opt_float("max_layer_height", extruder_idx_zero_based); // In case max_layer_height is set to zero, it should default to 75 % of nozzle diameter: if (max_layer_height < EPSILON) max_layer_height = 0.75 * config.opt_float("nozzle_diameter", extruder_idx_zero_based); return max_layer_height; } // When editing this function, please synchronize the conditions with can_add_new_range_after_current(). void ObjectList::add_layer_range_after_current(const t_layer_height_range current_range) { const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); assert(obj_idx >= 0); if (obj_idx < 0) // This should not happen. return; const wxDataViewItem layers_item = GetSelection(); auto& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; auto it_range = ranges.find(current_range); assert(it_range != ranges.end()); if (it_range == ranges.end()) // This shoudl not happen. return; auto it_next_range = it_range; bool changed = false; if (++ it_next_range == ranges.end()) { // Adding a new layer height range after the last one. take_snapshot(_(L("Add Height Range"))); changed = true; const t_layer_height_range new_range = { current_range.second, current_range.second + 2. }; ranges[new_range].assign_config(get_default_layer_config(obj_idx)); add_layer_item(new_range, layers_item); } else if (const std::pair<coordf_t, coordf_t> &next_range = it_next_range->first; current_range.second <= next_range.first) { const int layer_idx = m_objects_model->GetItemIdByLayerRange(obj_idx, next_range); assert(layer_idx >= 0); if (layer_idx >= 0) { if (current_range.second == next_range.first) { // Splitting the next layer height range to two. const auto old_config = ranges.at(next_range); const coordf_t delta = next_range.second - next_range.first; // Layer height of the current layer. const coordf_t old_min_layer_height = get_min_layer_height(old_config.opt_int("extruder")); // Layer height of the layer to be inserted. const coordf_t new_min_layer_height = get_min_layer_height(0); if (delta >= old_min_layer_height + new_min_layer_height - EPSILON) { const coordf_t middle_layer_z = (new_min_layer_height > 0.5 * delta) ? next_range.second - new_min_layer_height : next_range.first + std::max(old_min_layer_height, 0.5 * delta); t_layer_height_range new_range = { middle_layer_z, next_range.second }; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Add Height Range"))); changed = true; // create new 2 layers instead of deleted one // delete old layer wxDataViewItem layer_item = m_objects_model->GetItemByLayerRange(obj_idx, next_range); del_subobject_item(layer_item); ranges[new_range] = old_config; add_layer_item(new_range, layers_item, layer_idx); new_range = { current_range.second, middle_layer_z }; ranges[new_range].assign_config(get_default_layer_config(obj_idx)); add_layer_item(new_range, layers_item, layer_idx); } } else if (next_range.first - current_range.second >= get_min_layer_height(0) - EPSILON) { // Filling in a gap between the current and a new layer height range with a new one. take_snapshot(_(L("Add Height Range"))); changed = true; const t_layer_height_range new_range = { current_range.second, next_range.first }; ranges[new_range].assign_config(get_default_layer_config(obj_idx)); add_layer_item(new_range, layers_item, layer_idx); } } } if (changed) changed_object(obj_idx); // The layer range panel is updated even if this function does not change the layer ranges, as the panel update // may have been postponed from the "kill focus" event of a text field, if the focus was lost for the "add layer" button. // select item to update layers sizer select_item(layers_item); } // Returning an empty string means that the layer could be added after the current layer. // Otherwise an error tooltip is returned. // When editing this function, please synchronize the conditions with add_layer_range_after_current(). wxString ObjectList::can_add_new_range_after_current(const t_layer_height_range current_range) { const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); assert(obj_idx >= 0); if (obj_idx < 0) // This should not happen. return "ObjectList assert"; auto& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; auto it_range = ranges.find(current_range); assert(it_range != ranges.end()); if (it_range == ranges.end()) // This shoudl not happen. return "ObjectList assert"; auto it_next_range = it_range; if (++ it_next_range == ranges.end()) // Adding a layer after the last layer is always possible. return ""; if (const std::pair<coordf_t, coordf_t>& next_range = it_next_range->first; current_range.second <= next_range.first) { if (current_range.second == next_range.first) { if (next_range.second - next_range.first < get_min_layer_height(it_next_range->second.opt_int("extruder")) + get_min_layer_height(0) - EPSILON) return _(L("Cannot insert a new layer range after the current layer range.\n" "The next layer range is too thin to be split to two\n" "without violating the minimum layer height.")); } else if (next_range.first - current_range.second < get_min_layer_height(0) - EPSILON) { return _(L("Cannot insert a new layer range between the current and the next layer range.\n" "The gap between the current layer range and the next layer range\n" "is thinner than the minimum layer height allowed.")); } } else return _(L("Cannot insert a new layer range after the current layer range.\n" "Current layer range overlaps with the next layer range.")); // All right, new layer height range could be inserted. return ""; } void ObjectList::add_layer_item(const t_layer_height_range& range, const wxDataViewItem layers_item, const int layer_idx /* = -1*/) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(layers_item); if (obj_idx < 0) return; const DynamicPrintConfig& config = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges[range].get(); if (!config.has("extruder")) return; const auto layer_item = m_objects_model->AddLayersChild(layers_item, range, extruder2str(config.opt_int("extruder")), layer_idx); add_settings_item(layer_item, &config); } bool ObjectList::edit_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range, coordf_t layer_height) { // Use m_selected_object_id instead of get_selected_obj_idx() // because of get_selected_obj_idx() return obj_idx for currently selected item. // But edit_layer_range(...) function can be called, when Selection in ObjectList could be changed const int obj_idx = m_selected_object_id ; if (obj_idx < 0) return false; ModelConfig* config = &object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges[range]; if (fabs(layer_height - config->opt_float("layer_height")) < EPSILON) return false; const int extruder_idx = config->opt_int("extruder"); if (layer_height >= get_min_layer_height(extruder_idx) && layer_height <= get_max_layer_height(extruder_idx)) { config->set_key_value("layer_height", new ConfigOptionFloat(layer_height)); changed_object(obj_idx); return true; } return false; } bool ObjectList::edit_layer_range(const t_layer_height_range& range, const t_layer_height_range& new_range, bool dont_update_ui) { // Use m_selected_object_id instead of get_selected_obj_idx() // because of get_selected_obj_idx() return obj_idx for currently selected item. // But edit_layer_range(...) function can be called, when Selection in ObjectList could be changed const int obj_idx = m_selected_object_id; if (obj_idx < 0) return false; take_snapshot(_L("Edit Height Range")); const ItemType sel_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()); auto& ranges = object(obj_idx)->layer_config_ranges; { ModelConfig config = std::move(ranges[range]); ranges.erase(range); ranges[new_range] = std::move(config); } changed_object(obj_idx); wxDataViewItem root_item = m_objects_model->GetLayerRootItem(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx)); // To avoid update selection after deleting of a selected item (under GTK) // set m_prevent_list_events to true m_prevent_list_events = true; m_objects_model->DeleteChildren(root_item); if (root_item.IsOk()) { // create Layer item(s) according to the layer_config_ranges for (const auto& r : ranges) add_layer_item(r.first, root_item); } // if this function was invoked from wxEVT_CHANGE_SELECTION selected item could be other than itLayer or itLayerRoot if (!dont_update_ui && (sel_type & (itLayer | itLayerRoot))) select_item(sel_type&itLayer ? m_objects_model->GetItemByLayerRange(obj_idx, new_range) : root_item); Expand(root_item); m_prevent_list_events = false; return true; } void ObjectList::init_objects() { m_objects = &wxGetApp().model().objects; } bool ObjectList::multiple_selection() const { return GetSelectedItemsCount() > 1; } bool ObjectList::is_selected(const ItemType type) const { const wxDataViewItem& item = GetSelection(); if (item) return m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == type; return false; } bool ObjectList::is_connectors_item_selected() const { const wxDataViewItem& item = GetSelection(); if (item) return m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itInfo && m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item) == InfoItemType::CutConnectors; return false; } bool ObjectList::is_connectors_item_selected(const wxDataViewItemArray& sels) const { for (auto item : sels) if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itInfo && m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item) == InfoItemType::CutConnectors) return true; return false; } int ObjectList::get_selected_layers_range_idx() const { const wxDataViewItem& item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return -1; const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (type & itSettings && m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) != itLayer) return -1; return m_objects_model->GetLayerIdByItem(type & itLayer ? item : m_objects_model->GetParent(item)); } void ObjectList::update_selections() { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); wxDataViewItemArray sels; if ( ( m_selection_mode & (smSettings|smLayer|smLayerRoot) ) == 0) m_selection_mode = smInstance; // We doesn't update selection if itSettings | itLayerRoot | itLayer Item for the current object/part is selected if (GetSelectedItemsCount() == 1 && m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()) & (itSettings | itLayerRoot | itLayer)) { const auto item = GetSelection(); if (selection.is_single_full_object()) { if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) & (itObject | itLayerRoot | itLayer) && m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item) == selection.get_object_idx() ) return; sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(selection.get_object_idx())); } else if (selection.is_single_volume_or_modifier()) { const auto gl_vol = selection.get_first_volume(); if (m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) == gl_vol->volume_idx()) return; } // but if there is selected only one of several instances by context menu, // then select this instance in ObjectList else if (selection.is_single_full_instance()) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(selection.get_object_idx(), selection.get_instance_idx())); // Can be the case, when we have selected itSettings | itLayerRoot | itLayer in the ObjectList and selected object/instance in the Scene // and then select some object/instance in 3DScene using Ctrt+left click // see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/5517 else { // Unselect all items in ObjectList m_last_selected_item = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); m_prevent_list_events = false; // call this function again to update selection from the canvas update_selections(); return; } } else if (selection.is_single_full_object() || selection.is_multiple_full_object()) { const Selection::ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap& objects_content = selection.get_content(); // it's impossible to select Settings, Layer or LayerRoot for several objects if (!selection.is_multiple_full_object() && (m_selection_mode & (smSettings | smLayer | smLayerRoot))) { auto obj_idx = objects_content.begin()->first; wxDataViewItem obj_item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx); if (m_selection_mode & smSettings) { if (m_selected_layers_range_idx < 0) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(obj_item)); else sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(m_objects_model->GetItemByLayerId(obj_idx, m_selected_layers_range_idx))); } else if (m_selection_mode & smLayerRoot) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetLayerRootItem(obj_item)); else if (m_selection_mode & smLayer) { if (m_selected_layers_range_idx >= 0) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByLayerId(obj_idx, m_selected_layers_range_idx)); else sels.Add(obj_item); } } else { for (const auto& object : objects_content) { if (object.second.size() == 1) // object with 1 instance sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(object.first)); else if (object.second.size() > 1) // object with several instances { wxDataViewItemArray current_sels; GetSelections(current_sels); const wxDataViewItem frst_inst_item = m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(object.first, 0); bool root_is_selected = false; for (const auto& item:current_sels) if (item == m_objects_model->GetParent(frst_inst_item) || item == m_objects_model->GetTopParent(frst_inst_item)) { root_is_selected = true; sels.Add(item); break; } if (root_is_selected) continue; const Selection::InstanceIdxsList& instances = object.second; for (const auto& inst : instances) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(object.first, inst)); } } } } else if (selection.is_any_volume() || selection.is_any_modifier()) { if (m_selection_mode & smSettings) { const auto idx = *selection.get_volume_idxs().begin(); const auto gl_vol = selection.get_volume(idx); if (gl_vol->volume_idx() >= 0) { // Only add GLVolumes with non-negative volume_ids. GLVolumes with negative volume ids // are not associated with ModelVolumes, but they are temporarily generated by the backend // (for example, SLA supports or SLA pad). wxDataViewItem vol_item = m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(gl_vol->object_idx(), gl_vol->volume_idx()); sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(vol_item)); } } else { for (auto idx : selection.get_volume_idxs()) { const auto gl_vol = selection.get_volume(idx); if (gl_vol->volume_idx() >= 0) { // Only add GLVolumes with non-negative volume_ids. GLVolumes with negative volume ids // are not associated with ModelVolumes, but they are temporarily generated by the backend // (for example, SLA supports or SLA pad). int obj_idx = gl_vol->object_idx(); int vol_idx = gl_vol->volume_idx(); assert(obj_idx >= 0 && vol_idx >= 0); if (object(obj_idx)->volumes[vol_idx]->is_cut_connector()) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetInfoItemByType(m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx), InfoItemType::CutConnectors)); else sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(obj_idx, vol_idx)); } } m_selection_mode = smVolume; } } else if (selection.is_single_full_instance() || selection.is_multiple_full_instance()) { for (auto idx : selection.get_instance_idxs()) { sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(selection.get_object_idx(), idx)); } } else if (selection.is_mixed()) { const Selection::ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap& objects_content_list = selection.get_content(); for (auto idx : selection.get_volume_idxs()) { const auto gl_vol = selection.get_volume(idx); const auto& glv_obj_idx = gl_vol->object_idx(); const auto& glv_ins_idx = gl_vol->instance_idx(); bool is_selected = false; for (auto obj_ins : objects_content_list) { if (obj_ins.first == glv_obj_idx) { if (obj_ins.second.find(glv_ins_idx) != obj_ins.second.end() && !selection.is_from_single_instance() ) // a case when volumes of different types are selected { if (glv_ins_idx == 0 && (*m_objects)[glv_obj_idx]->instances.size() == 1) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(glv_obj_idx)); else sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(glv_obj_idx, glv_ins_idx)); is_selected = true; break; } } } if (is_selected) continue; const auto& glv_vol_idx = gl_vol->volume_idx(); if (glv_vol_idx == 0 && (*m_objects)[glv_obj_idx]->volumes.size() == 1) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(glv_obj_idx)); else sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(glv_obj_idx, glv_vol_idx)); } } if (sels.size() == 0 || m_selection_mode & smSettings) m_selection_mode = smUndef; if (fix_cut_selection(sels) || is_connectors_item_selected(sels)) { m_prevent_list_events = true; // If some part is selected, unselect all items except of selected parts of the current object UnselectAll(); SetSelections(sels); m_prevent_list_events = false; // update object selection on Plater if (!m_prevent_canvas_selection_update) update_selections_on_canvas(); // to update the toolbar and info sizer if (!GetSelection() || m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()) == itObject || is_connectors_item_selected()) { auto event = SimpleEvent(EVT_OBJ_LIST_OBJECT_SELECT); event.SetEventObject(this); wxPostEvent(this, event); } part_selection_changed(); } else { select_items(sels); // Scroll selected Item in the middle of an object list ensure_current_item_visible(); } } void ObjectList::update_selections_on_canvas() { Selection& selection = wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_selection(); const int sel_cnt = GetSelectedItemsCount(); if (sel_cnt == 0) { selection.remove_all(); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_gizmos_on_off_state(); return; } std::vector<unsigned int> volume_idxs; Selection::EMode mode = Selection::Volume; bool single_selection = sel_cnt == 1; auto add_to_selection = [this, &volume_idxs, &single_selection](const wxDataViewItem& item, const Selection& selection, int instance_idx, Selection::EMode& mode) { const ItemType& type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); if (type == itVolume) { const int vol_idx = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); std::vector<unsigned int> idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs_from_volume(obj_idx, std::max(instance_idx, 0), vol_idx); volume_idxs.insert(volume_idxs.end(), idxs.begin(), idxs.end()); } else if (type == itInstance) { const int inst_idx = m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item); mode = Selection::Instance; std::vector<unsigned int> idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs_from_instance(obj_idx, inst_idx); volume_idxs.insert(volume_idxs.end(), idxs.begin(), idxs.end()); } else if (type == itInfo) { if (m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item) == InfoItemType::CutConnectors) { mode = Selection::Volume; // When selecting CutConnectors info item, select all object volumes, which are marked as a connector const ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idx); for (unsigned int vol_idx = 0; vol_idx < obj->volumes.size(); vol_idx++) if (obj->volumes[vol_idx]->is_cut_connector()) { std::vector<unsigned int> idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs_from_volume(obj_idx, std::max(instance_idx, 0), vol_idx); volume_idxs.insert(volume_idxs.end(), idxs.begin(), idxs.end()); } } else { // When selecting an info item, select one instance of the // respective object - a gizmo may want to be opened. int inst_idx = selection.get_instance_idx(); int scene_obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); mode = Selection::Instance; // select first instance, unless an instance of the object is already selected if (scene_obj_idx == -1 || inst_idx == -1 || scene_obj_idx != obj_idx) inst_idx = 0; std::vector<unsigned int> idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs_from_instance(obj_idx, inst_idx); volume_idxs.insert(volume_idxs.end(), idxs.begin(), idxs.end()); } } else { mode = Selection::Instance; single_selection &= (obj_idx != selection.get_object_idx()); std::vector<unsigned int> idxs = selection.get_volume_idxs_from_object(obj_idx); volume_idxs.insert(volume_idxs.end(), idxs.begin(), idxs.end()); } }; // stores current instance idx before to clear the selection int instance_idx = selection.get_instance_idx(); if (sel_cnt == 1) { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (m_objects_model->GetInfoItemType(item) == InfoItemType::CutConnectors) selection.remove_all(); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itSettings | itInstanceRoot | itLayerRoot | itLayer)) add_to_selection(m_objects_model->GetParent(item), selection, instance_idx, mode); else add_to_selection(item, selection, instance_idx, mode); } else { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); // clear selection before adding new elements selection.clear(); //OR remove_all()? for (auto item : sels) { add_to_selection(item, selection, instance_idx, mode); } } if (selection.contains_all_volumes(volume_idxs)) { // remove volume_idxs = selection.get_missing_volume_idxs_from(volume_idxs); if (volume_idxs.size() > 0) { Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Selection-Remove from list")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection); selection.remove_volumes(mode, volume_idxs); } } else { // add // to avoid lost of some volumes in selection // check non-selected volumes only if selection mode wasn't changed // OR there is no single selection if (selection.get_mode() == mode || !single_selection) volume_idxs = selection.get_unselected_volume_idxs_from(volume_idxs); Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Selection-Add from list")), UndoRedo::SnapshotType::Selection); selection.add_volumes(mode, volume_idxs, single_selection); } wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_gizmos_on_off_state(); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->render(); } void ObjectList::select_item(const wxDataViewItem& item) { if (! item.IsOk()) { return; } m_prevent_list_events = true; UnselectAll(); Select(item); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_item(std::function<wxDataViewItem()> get_item) { if (!get_item) return; m_prevent_list_events = true; wxDataViewItem item = get_item(); if (item.IsOk()) { UnselectAll(); Select(item); part_selection_changed(); } m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_items(const wxDataViewItemArray& sels) { m_prevent_list_events = true; m_last_selected_item = sels.empty() ? wxDataViewItem(nullptr) : sels.back(); UnselectAll(); SetSelections(sels); part_selection_changed(); m_prevent_list_events = false; } void ObjectList::select_all() { SelectAll(); selection_changed(); } void ObjectList::select_item_all_children() { wxDataViewItemArray sels; // There is no selection before OR some object is selected => select all objects if (!GetSelection() || m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()) == itObject) { for (size_t i = 0; i < m_objects->size(); i++) sels.Add(m_objects_model->GetItemById(i)); m_selection_mode = smInstance; } else { const auto item = GetSelection(); const ItemType item_type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); // Some volume/layer/instance is selected => select all volumes/layers/instances inside the current object if (item_type & (itVolume | itInstance | itLayer)) m_objects_model->GetChildren(m_objects_model->GetParent(item), sels); m_selection_mode = item_type&itVolume ? smVolume : item_type&itLayer ? smLayer : smInstance; } SetSelections(sels); selection_changed(); } // update selection mode for non-multiple selection void ObjectList::update_selection_mode() { m_selected_layers_range_idx=-1; // All items are unselected if (!GetSelection()) { m_last_selected_item = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); m_selection_mode = smUndef; return; } const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(GetSelection()); m_selection_mode = type & itSettings ? smUndef : type & itLayer ? smLayer : type & itVolume ? smVolume : smInstance; } // check last selected item. If is it possible to select it bool ObjectList::check_last_selection(wxString& msg_str) { if (!m_last_selected_item) return true; const bool is_shift_pressed = wxGetKeyState(WXK_SHIFT); /* We can't mix Volumes, Layers and Objects/Instances. * So, show information about it */ const ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_last_selected_item); // check a case of a selection of the same type items from different Objects auto impossible_multi_selection = [type, this](const ItemType item_type, const SELECTION_MODE selection_mode) { if (!(type & item_type && m_selection_mode & selection_mode)) return false; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); for (const auto& sel : sels) if (sel != m_last_selected_item && m_objects_model->GetTopParent(sel) != m_objects_model->GetTopParent(m_last_selected_item)) return true; return false; }; if (impossible_multi_selection(itVolume, smVolume) || impossible_multi_selection(itLayer, smLayer ) || type & itSettings || (type & itVolume && !(m_selection_mode & smVolume )) || (type & itLayer && !(m_selection_mode & smLayer )) || (type & itInstance && !(m_selection_mode & smInstance)) ) { // Inform user why selection isn't completed const wxString item_type = m_selection_mode & smInstance ? _(L("Object or Instance")) : m_selection_mode & smVolume ? _(L("Part")) : _(L("Layer")); msg_str = wxString::Format( _(L("Unsupported selection")) + "\n\n" + _(L("You started your selection with %s Item.")) + "\n" + _(L("In this mode you can select only other %s Items%s")), item_type, item_type, m_selection_mode == smInstance ? "." : " " + _(L("of a current Object"))); // Unselect last selected item, if selection is without SHIFT if (!is_shift_pressed) { Unselect(m_last_selected_item); show_info(this, msg_str, _(L("Info"))); } return is_shift_pressed; } return true; } void ObjectList::fix_multiselection_conflicts() { if (GetSelectedItemsCount() <= 1) { update_selection_mode(); return; } wxString msg_string; if (!check_last_selection(msg_string)) return; m_prevent_list_events = true; wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (m_selection_mode & (smVolume|smLayer)) { // identify correct parent of the initial selected item const wxDataViewItem& parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(m_last_selected_item == sels.front() ? sels.back() : sels.front()); sels.clear(); wxDataViewItemArray children; // selected volumes from current parent m_objects_model->GetChildren(parent, children); const ItemType item_type = m_selection_mode & smVolume ? itVolume : itLayer; for (const auto& child : children) if (IsSelected(child) && m_objects_model->GetItemType(child) & item_type) sels.Add(child); // If some part is selected, unselect all items except of selected parts of the current object UnselectAll(); SetSelections(sels); } else { for (const auto& item : sels) { if (!IsSelected(item)) // if this item is unselected now (from previous actions) continue; if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itSettings) { Unselect(item); continue; } const wxDataViewItem& parent = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); if (parent != wxDataViewItem(nullptr) && IsSelected(parent)) Unselect(parent); else { wxDataViewItemArray unsels; m_objects_model->GetAllChildren(item, unsels); for (const auto& unsel_item : unsels) Unselect(unsel_item); } if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itVolume) Unselect(item); m_selection_mode = smInstance; } } if (!msg_string.IsEmpty()) show_info(this, msg_string, _(L("Info"))); if (!IsSelected(m_last_selected_item)) m_last_selected_item = wxDataViewItem(nullptr); m_prevent_list_events = false; } bool ObjectList::fix_cut_selection(wxDataViewItemArray& sels) { if (wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager().get_current_type() == GLGizmosManager::Scale) { for (const auto& item : sels) { if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & (itInstance | itObject) || (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itSettings && m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) & itObject)) { bool is_instance_selection = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itInstance; int object_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); int inst_idx = is_instance_selection ? m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item) : 0; if (auto obj = object(object_idx); obj->is_cut()) { sels.Clear(); auto cut_id = obj->cut_id; int objects_cnt = int((*m_objects).size()); for (int obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < objects_cnt; ++obj_idx) { auto object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; if (object->is_cut() && object->cut_id.has_same_id(cut_id)) sels.Add(is_instance_selection ? m_objects_model->GetItemByInstanceId(obj_idx, inst_idx) : m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx)); } return true; } } } } return false; } void ObjectList::fix_cut_selection() { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (fix_cut_selection(sels)) { m_prevent_list_events = true; // If some part is selected, unselect all items except of selected parts of the current object UnselectAll(); SetSelections(sels); m_prevent_list_events = false; } } ModelVolume* ObjectList::get_selected_model_volume() { wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return nullptr; if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) != itVolume) { if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(m_objects_model->GetParent(item)) == itVolume) item = m_objects_model->GetParent(item); else return nullptr; } const auto vol_idx = m_objects_model->GetVolumeIdByItem(item); const auto obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (vol_idx < 0 || obj_idx < 0) return nullptr; return (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes[vol_idx]; } void ObjectList::change_part_type() { ModelVolume* volume = get_selected_model_volume(); if (!volume) return; const int obj_idx = get_selected_obj_idx(); if (obj_idx < 0) return; const ModelVolumeType type = volume->type(); const ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idx); if (type == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) { int model_part_cnt = 0; for (auto vol : obj->volumes) { if (vol->type() == ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART) ++model_part_cnt; } if (model_part_cnt == 1) { Slic3r::GUI::show_error(nullptr, _(L("You can't change a type of the last solid part of the object."))); return; } } const bool is_cut_object = obj->is_cut(); wxArrayString names; std::vector<ModelVolumeType> types; types.reserve(5); if (!is_cut_object) { for (const wxString& name : { _L("Part"), _L("Negative Volume") }) names.Add(name); for (const ModelVolumeType type_id : { ModelVolumeType::MODEL_PART, ModelVolumeType::NEGATIVE_VOLUME }) types.emplace_back(type_id); } if (printer_technology() != ptSLA) { names.Add(_L("Modifier")); types.emplace_back(ModelVolumeType::PARAMETER_MODIFIER); } if (!volume->text_configuration.has_value()) { for (const wxString& name : { _L("Support Blocker"), _L("Support Enforcer") }) names.Add(name); for (const ModelVolumeType type_id : { ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_BLOCKER, ModelVolumeType::SUPPORT_ENFORCER }) types.emplace_back(type_id); } int selection = 0; if (auto it = std::find(types.begin(), types.end(), type); it != types.end()) selection = it - types.begin(); auto choice = wxGetApp().GetSingleChoiceIndex(_L("Type:"), _L("Select type of part"), names, selection); const auto new_type = choice >= 0 ? types[choice] : ModelVolumeType::INVALID; if (new_type == type || new_type == ModelVolumeType::INVALID) return; take_snapshot(_L("Change Part Type")); volume->set_type(new_type); wxDataViewItemArray sel = reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(obj_idx, [volume](const ModelVolume* vol) { return vol == volume; }); if (!sel.IsEmpty()) select_item(sel.front()); } void ObjectList::last_volume_is_deleted(const int obj_idx) { if (obj_idx < 0 || size_t(obj_idx) >= m_objects->size() || (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes.size() != 1) return; auto volume = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->volumes.front(); // clear volume's config values volume->config.reset(); // set a default extruder value, since user can't add it manually volume->config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(0)); } void ObjectList::update_and_show_object_settings_item() { const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); if (!item) return; const wxDataViewItem& obj_item = m_objects_model->IsSettingsItem(item) ? m_objects_model->GetParent(item) : item; select_item([this, obj_item](){ return add_settings_item(obj_item, &get_item_config(obj_item).get()); }); } // Update settings item for item had it void ObjectList::update_settings_item_and_selection(wxDataViewItem item, wxDataViewItemArray& selections) { const wxDataViewItem old_settings_item = m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(item); const wxDataViewItem new_settings_item = add_settings_item(item, &get_item_config(item).get()); if (!new_settings_item && old_settings_item) m_objects_model->Delete(old_settings_item); // if ols settings item was is selected area if (selections.Index(old_settings_item) != wxNOT_FOUND) { // If settings item was just updated if (old_settings_item == new_settings_item) { Sidebar& panel = wxGetApp().sidebar(); panel.Freeze(); // update settings list wxGetApp().obj_settings()->UpdateAndShow(true); panel.Layout(); panel.Thaw(); } else // If settings item was deleted from the list, // it's need to be deleted from selection array, if it was there { selections.Remove(old_settings_item); // Select item, if settings_item doesn't exist for item anymore, but was selected if (selections.Index(item) == wxNOT_FOUND) { selections.Add(item); select_item(item); // to correct update of the SettingsList and ManipulationPanel sizers } } } } void ObjectList::update_object_list_by_printer_technology() { m_prevent_canvas_selection_update = true; wxDataViewItemArray sel; GetSelections(sel); // stash selection wxDataViewItemArray object_items; m_objects_model->GetChildren(wxDataViewItem(nullptr), object_items); for (auto& object_item : object_items) { const int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(object_item); // update custom supports info update_info_items(obj_idx, &sel); // Update Settings Item for object update_settings_item_and_selection(object_item, sel); // Update settings for Volumes wxDataViewItemArray all_object_subitems; m_objects_model->GetChildren(object_item, all_object_subitems); bool was_selected_some_subitem = false; for (auto item : all_object_subitems) if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) & itVolume) { if (sel.Index(item) != wxNOT_FOUND) { sel.Remove(item); was_selected_some_subitem = true; } else if (const wxDataViewItem vol_settings_item = m_objects_model->GetSettingsItem(item); sel.Index(vol_settings_item) != wxNOT_FOUND) { sel.Remove(vol_settings_item); was_selected_some_subitem = true; break; } } if (was_selected_some_subitem) sel.Add(object_item); // Update volumes list in respect to the print mode add_volumes_to_object_in_list(obj_idx); // Update Layers Items wxDataViewItem layers_item = m_objects_model->GetLayerRootItem(object_item); if (!layers_item) layers_item = add_layer_root_item(object_item); else if (printer_technology() == ptSLA) { // If layers root item will be deleted from the list, so // it's need to be deleted from selection array, if it was there wxDataViewItemArray del_items; bool some_layers_was_selected = false; m_objects_model->GetAllChildren(layers_item, del_items); for (auto& del_item:del_items) if (sel.Index(del_item) != wxNOT_FOUND) { some_layers_was_selected = true; sel.Remove(del_item); } if (sel.Index(layers_item) != wxNOT_FOUND) { some_layers_was_selected = true; sel.Remove(layers_item); } // delete all "layers" items m_objects_model->Delete(layers_item); // Select object_item, if layers_item doesn't exist for item anymore, but was some of layer items was/were selected if (some_layers_was_selected) sel.Add(object_item); } else { wxDataViewItemArray all_obj_layers; m_objects_model->GetChildren(layers_item, all_obj_layers); for (auto item : all_obj_layers) // update settings for layer update_settings_item_and_selection(item, sel); } } // restore selection: SetSelections(sel); m_prevent_canvas_selection_update = false; update_selections_on_canvas(); } void ObjectList::instances_to_separated_object(const int obj_idx, const std::set<int>& inst_idxs) { if ((*m_objects)[obj_idx]->instances.size() == inst_idxs.size()) { instances_to_separated_objects(obj_idx); return; } // create new object from selected instance ModelObject* model_object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->get_model()->add_object(*(*m_objects)[obj_idx]); for (int inst_idx = int(model_object->instances.size()) - 1; inst_idx >= 0; inst_idx--) { if (find(inst_idxs.begin(), inst_idxs.end(), inst_idx) != inst_idxs.end()) continue; model_object->delete_instance(inst_idx); } // Add new object to the object_list const size_t new_obj_indx = static_cast<size_t>(m_objects->size() - 1); add_object_to_list(new_obj_indx); for (std::set<int>::const_reverse_iterator it = inst_idxs.rbegin(); it != inst_idxs.rend(); ++it) { // delete selected instance from the object del_subobject_from_object(obj_idx, *it, itInstance); delete_instance_from_list(obj_idx, *it); } // update printable state for new volumes on canvas3D wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_object(new_obj_indx); update_info_items(new_obj_indx); } void ObjectList::instances_to_separated_objects(const int obj_idx) { const int inst_cnt = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->instances.size(); std::vector<size_t> object_idxs; for (int i = inst_cnt-1; i > 0 ; i--) { // create new object from initial ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->get_model()->add_object(*(*m_objects)[obj_idx]); for (int inst_idx = object->instances.size() - 1; inst_idx >= 0; inst_idx--) { if (inst_idx == i) continue; // delete unnecessary instances object->delete_instance(inst_idx); } // Add new object to the object_list const size_t new_obj_indx = static_cast<size_t>(m_objects->size() - 1); add_object_to_list(new_obj_indx); object_idxs.push_back(new_obj_indx); // delete current instance from the initial object del_subobject_from_object(obj_idx, i, itInstance); delete_instance_from_list(obj_idx, i); } // update printable state for new volumes on canvas3D wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_objects(object_idxs); for (size_t object : object_idxs) update_info_items(object); } void ObjectList::split_instances() { const Selection& selection = scene_selection(); const int obj_idx = selection.get_object_idx(); if (obj_idx == -1) return; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(wxGetApp().plater(), _(L("Instances to Separated Objects"))); if (selection.is_single_full_object()) { instances_to_separated_objects(obj_idx); return; } const int inst_idx = selection.get_instance_idx(); const std::set<int> inst_idxs = inst_idx < 0 ? selection.get_instance_idxs() : std::set<int>{ inst_idx }; instances_to_separated_object(obj_idx, inst_idxs); } void ObjectList::rename_item() { const wxDataViewItem item = GetSelection(); auto type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!item || !(type & (itVolume | itObject))) return ; wxString input_name = m_objects_model->GetName(item); if (ModelObject* obj = object(m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item))) { // if there is text item to editing, than edit just a name without Text marker if (type == itObject && obj->is_text()) input_name = from_u8(obj->name); } const wxString new_name = wxGetTextFromUser(_L("Enter new name")+":", _L("Renaming"), input_name, this); if (new_name.IsEmpty()) return; if (Plater::has_illegal_filename_characters(new_name)) { Plater::show_illegal_characters_warning(this); return; } if (m_objects_model->SetName(new_name, item)) update_name_in_model(item); } void ObjectList::fix_through_netfabb() { // Do not fix anything when a gizmo is open. There might be issues with updates // and what is worse, the snapshot time would refer to the internal stack. if (!wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager().check_gizmos_closed_except(GLGizmosManager::Undefined)) return; // model_name std::vector<std::string> succes_models; // model_name failing reason std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> failed_models; std::vector<int> obj_idxs, vol_idxs; get_selection_indexes(obj_idxs, vol_idxs); std::vector<std::string> model_names; // clear selections from the non-broken models if any exists // and than fill names of models to repairing if (vol_idxs.empty()) { #if !FIX_THROUGH_NETFABB_ALWAYS for (int i = int(obj_idxs.size())-1; i >= 0; --i) if (object(obj_idxs[i])->get_repaired_errors_count() == 0) obj_idxs.erase(obj_idxs.begin()+i); #endif // FIX_THROUGH_NETFABB_ALWAYS for (int obj_idx : obj_idxs) model_names.push_back(object(obj_idx)->name); } else { ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idxs.front()); #if !FIX_THROUGH_NETFABB_ALWAYS for (int i = int(vol_idxs.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (obj->get_repaired_errors_count(vol_idxs[i]) == 0) vol_idxs.erase(vol_idxs.begin() + i); #endif // FIX_THROUGH_NETFABB_ALWAYS for (int vol_idx : vol_idxs) model_names.push_back(obj->volumes[vol_idx]->name); } auto plater = wxGetApp().plater(); auto fix_and_update_progress = [this, plater, model_names](const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx, int model_idx, wxProgressDialog& progress_dlg, std::vector<std::string>& succes_models, std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& failed_models) { const std::string& model_name = model_names[model_idx]; wxString msg = _L("Repairing model"); if (model_names.size() == 1) msg += ": " + from_u8(model_name) + "\n"; else { msg += ":\n"; for (int i = 0; i < int(model_names.size()); ++i) msg += (i == model_idx ? " > " : " ") + from_u8(model_names[i]) + "\n"; msg += "\n"; } plater->clear_before_change_mesh(obj_idx, _u8L("Custom supports, seams and multimaterial painting were " "removed after repairing the mesh.")); std::string res; if (!fix_model_by_win10_sdk_gui(*(object(obj_idx)), vol_idx, progress_dlg, msg, res)) return false; wxGetApp().plater()->changed_mesh(obj_idx); plater->changed_mesh(obj_idx); if (res.empty()) succes_models.push_back(model_name); else failed_models.push_back({ model_name, res }); update_item_error_icon(obj_idx, vol_idx); update_info_items(obj_idx); return true; }; Plater::TakeSnapshot snapshot(plater, _L("Fix through NetFabb")); // Open a progress dialog. wxProgressDialog progress_dlg(_L("Fixing through NetFabb"), "", 100, find_toplevel_parent(plater), wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | wxPD_APP_MODAL | wxPD_CAN_ABORT); int model_idx{ 0 }; if (vol_idxs.empty()) { int vol_idx{ -1 }; for (int obj_idx : obj_idxs) { #if !FIX_THROUGH_NETFABB_ALWAYS if (object(obj_idx)->get_repaired_errors_count(vol_idx) == 0) continue; #endif // FIX_THROUGH_NETFABB_ALWAYS if (!fix_and_update_progress(obj_idx, vol_idx, model_idx, progress_dlg, succes_models, failed_models)) break; model_idx++; } } else { int obj_idx{ obj_idxs.front() }; for (int vol_idx : vol_idxs) { if (!fix_and_update_progress(obj_idx, vol_idx, model_idx, progress_dlg, succes_models, failed_models)) break; model_idx++; } } // Close the progress dialog progress_dlg.Update(100, ""); // Show info notification wxString msg; wxString bullet_suf = "\n - "; if (!succes_models.empty()) { msg = _L_PLURAL("The following model was repaired successfully", "The following models were repaired successfully", succes_models.size()) + ":"; for (auto& model : succes_models) msg += bullet_suf + from_u8(model); msg += "\n\n"; } if (!failed_models.empty()) { msg += _L_PLURAL("Folowing model repair failed", "Folowing models repair failed", failed_models.size()) + ":\n"; for (auto& model : failed_models) msg += bullet_suf + from_u8(model.first) + ": " + _(model.second); } if (msg.IsEmpty()) msg = _L("Repairing was canceled"); plater->get_notification_manager()->push_notification(NotificationType::NetfabbFinished, NotificationManager::NotificationLevel::PrintInfoShortNotificationLevel, boost::nowide::narrow(msg)); } void ObjectList::simplify() { auto plater = wxGetApp().plater(); GLGizmosManager& gizmos_mgr = plater->canvas3D()->get_gizmos_manager(); // Do not simplify when a gizmo is open. There might be issues with updates // and what is worse, the snapshot time would refer to the internal stack. if (! gizmos_mgr.check_gizmos_closed_except(GLGizmosManager::EType::Simplify)) return; if (gizmos_mgr.get_current_type() == GLGizmosManager::Simplify) { // close first gizmos_mgr.open_gizmo(GLGizmosManager::EType::Simplify); } gizmos_mgr.open_gizmo(GLGizmosManager::EType::Simplify); } void ObjectList::update_item_error_icon(const int obj_idx, const int vol_idx) const { auto obj = object(obj_idx); if (wxDataViewItem obj_item = m_objects_model->GetItemById(obj_idx)) { const std::string& icon_name = get_warning_icon_name(obj->get_object_stl_stats()); m_objects_model->UpdateWarningIcon(obj_item, icon_name); } if (vol_idx < 0) return; if (wxDataViewItem vol_item = m_objects_model->GetItemByVolumeId(obj_idx, vol_idx)) { const std::string& icon_name = get_warning_icon_name(obj->volumes[vol_idx]->mesh().stats()); m_objects_model->UpdateWarningIcon(vol_item, icon_name); } } void ObjectList::msw_rescale() { set_min_height(); const int em = wxGetApp().em_unit(); GetColumn(colName )->SetWidth(20 * em); GetColumn(colPrint )->SetWidth( 3 * em); GetColumn(colExtruder)->SetWidth( 8 * em); GetColumn(colEditing )->SetWidth( 3 * em); Layout(); } void ObjectList::sys_color_changed() { wxGetApp().UpdateDVCDarkUI(this, true); // update existing items with bitmaps m_objects_model->UpdateBitmaps(); Layout(); } void ObjectList::ItemValueChanged(wxDataViewEvent &event) { if (event.GetColumn() == colName) update_name_in_model(event.GetItem()); else if (event.GetColumn() == colExtruder) { wxDataViewItem item = event.GetItem(); if (m_objects_model->GetItemType(item) == itObject) m_objects_model->UpdateVolumesExtruderBitmap(item); update_extruder_in_config(item); } } void ObjectList::OnEditingStarted(wxDataViewEvent &event) { m_is_editing_started = true; #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected. // Here the last active column is forgotten, so when leaving the editing mode, the next mouse click will not enter the editing mode of the newly selected column. m_last_selected_column = -1; #endif //__WXMSW__ } void ObjectList::OnEditingDone(wxDataViewEvent &event) { m_is_editing_started = false; if (event.GetColumn() != colName) return; const auto renderer = dynamic_cast<BitmapTextRenderer*>(GetColumn(colName)->GetRenderer()); if (renderer->WasCanceled()) wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]{ Plater::show_illegal_characters_warning(this); }); #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Workaround for entering the column editing mode on Windows. Simulate keyboard enter when another column of the active line is selected. // Here the last active column is forgotten, so when leaving the editing mode, the next mouse click will not enter the editing mode of the newly selected column. m_last_selected_column = -1; #endif //__WXMSW__ Plater* plater = wxGetApp().plater(); if (plater) plater->set_current_canvas_as_dirty(); } void ObjectList::set_extruder_for_selected_items(const int extruder) const { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (sels.empty()) return; take_snapshot(_L("Change Extruders")); for (const wxDataViewItem& item : sels) { ModelConfig& config = get_item_config(item); if (config.has("extruder")) { if (extruder == 0) config.erase("extruder"); else config.set("extruder", extruder); } else if (extruder > 0) config.set_key_value("extruder", new ConfigOptionInt(extruder)); const wxString extruder_str = extruder == 0 ? wxString (_(L("default"))) : wxString::Format("%d", config.extruder()); auto const type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); /* We can change extruder for Object/Volume only. * So, if Instance is selected, get its Object item and change it */ m_objects_model->SetExtruder(extruder_str, type & itInstance ? m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item) : item); const int obj_idx = type & itObject ? m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(item) : m_objects_model->GetIdByItem(m_objects_model->GetTopParent(item)); wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->ensure_on_bed(obj_idx, printer_technology() != ptSLA); } // update scene wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } wxDataViewItemArray ObjectList::reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(size_t obj_idx, std::function<bool(const ModelVolume*)> add_to_selection/* = nullptr*/) { (*m_objects)[obj_idx]->sort_volumes(wxGetApp().app_config->get_bool("order_volumes")); wxDataViewItemArray items = add_volumes_to_object_in_list(obj_idx, std::move(add_to_selection)); changed_object(int(obj_idx)); return items; } void ObjectList::apply_volumes_order() { if (!wxGetApp().app_config->get_bool("order_volumes") || !m_objects) return; for (size_t obj_idx = 0; obj_idx < m_objects->size(); obj_idx++) reorder_volumes_and_get_selection(obj_idx); } void ObjectList::update_after_undo_redo() { m_prevent_canvas_selection_update = true; Plater::SuppressSnapshots suppress(wxGetApp().plater()); // Unselect all objects before deleting them, so that no change of selection is emitted during deletion. /* To avoid execution of selection_changed() * from wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED emitted from DeleteAll(), * wrap this two functions into m_prevent_list_events * * */ m_prevent_list_events = true; this->UnselectAll(); m_objects_model->DeleteAll(); m_prevent_list_events = false; size_t obj_idx = 0; std::vector<size_t> obj_idxs; obj_idxs.reserve(m_objects->size()); while (obj_idx < m_objects->size()) { add_object_to_list(obj_idx, false); obj_idxs.push_back(obj_idx); ++obj_idx; } update_selections(); m_prevent_canvas_selection_update = false; // update printable states on canvas wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_objects(obj_idxs); // update scene wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } void ObjectList::update_printable_state(int obj_idx, int instance_idx) { ModelObject* object = (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; const PrintIndicator printable = object->instances[instance_idx]->printable ? piPrintable : piUnprintable; if (object->instances.size() == 1) instance_idx = -1; m_objects_model->SetPrintableState(printable, obj_idx, instance_idx); } void ObjectList::toggle_printable_state() { wxDataViewItemArray sels; GetSelections(sels); if (sels.IsEmpty()) return; wxDataViewItem frst_item = sels[0]; ItemType type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(frst_item); if (!(type & (itObject | itInstance))) return; int obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(frst_item); int inst_idx = type == itObject ? 0 : m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(frst_item); bool printable = !object(obj_idx)->instances[inst_idx]->printable; const wxString snapshot_text = sels.Count() > 1 ? (printable ? _L("Set Printable group") : _L("Set Unprintable group")) : object(obj_idx)->instances.size() == 1 ? format_wxstr("%1% %2%", (printable ? _L("Set Printable") : _L("Set Unprintable")), from_u8(object(obj_idx)->name)) : (printable ? _L("Set Printable Instance") : _L("Set Unprintable Instance")); take_snapshot(snapshot_text); std::vector<size_t> obj_idxs; for (auto item : sels) { type = m_objects_model->GetItemType(item); if (!(type & (itObject | itInstance))) continue; obj_idx = m_objects_model->GetObjectIdByItem(item); ModelObject* obj = object(obj_idx); obj_idxs.emplace_back(static_cast<size_t>(obj_idx)); // set printable value for selected instance/instances in object if (type == itInstance) { inst_idx = m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item); obj->instances[m_objects_model->GetInstanceIdByItem(item)]->printable = printable; } else for (auto inst : obj->instances) inst->printable = printable; // update printable state in ObjectList m_objects_model->SetObjectPrintableState(printable ? piPrintable : piUnprintable, item); } sort(obj_idxs.begin(), obj_idxs.end()); obj_idxs.erase(unique(obj_idxs.begin(), obj_idxs.end()), obj_idxs.end()); // update printable state on canvas wxGetApp().plater()->canvas3D()->update_instance_printable_state_for_objects(obj_idxs); // update scene wxGetApp().plater()->update(); } ModelObject* ObjectList::object(const int obj_idx) const { if (obj_idx < 0) return nullptr; return (*m_objects)[obj_idx]; } bool ObjectList::has_paint_on_segmentation() { return m_objects_model->HasInfoItem(InfoItemType::MmuSegmentation); } } //namespace GUI } //namespace Slic3r