#ifndef slic3r_GUI_Selection_hpp_ #define slic3r_GUI_Selection_hpp_ #include "libslic3r/Geometry.hpp" #include "GUI_Geometry.hpp" #include "CoordAxes.hpp" #include #include namespace Slic3r { class Shader; class Model; class ModelObject; class ModelVolume; class GLVolume; class GLArrow; class GLCurvedArrow; class DynamicPrintConfig; class GLShaderProgram; class BuildVolume; using GLVolumePtrs = std::vector; using ModelObjectPtrs = std::vector; namespace GUI { class Selection { public: typedef std::set IndicesList; enum EMode : unsigned char { Volume, Instance }; enum EType : unsigned char { Invalid, Empty, WipeTower, SingleModifier, MultipleModifier, SingleVolume, MultipleVolume, SingleFullObject, MultipleFullObject, SingleFullInstance, MultipleFullInstance, Mixed }; private: struct VolumeCache { private: struct TransformCache { Vec3d position{ Vec3d::Zero() }; Vec3d rotation{ Vec3d::Zero() }; Vec3d scaling_factor{ Vec3d::Ones() }; Vec3d mirror{ Vec3d::Ones() }; Transform3d rotation_matrix{ Transform3d::Identity() }; Transform3d scale_matrix{ Transform3d::Identity() }; Transform3d mirror_matrix{ Transform3d::Identity() }; Transform3d full_matrix{ Transform3d::Identity() }; Geometry::Transformation transform; TransformCache() = default; explicit TransformCache(const Geometry::Transformation& transform); }; TransformCache m_volume; TransformCache m_instance; public: VolumeCache() = default; VolumeCache(const Geometry::Transformation& volume_transform, const Geometry::Transformation& instance_transform); const Vec3d& get_volume_position() const { return m_volume.position; } const Transform3d& get_volume_rotation_matrix() const { return m_volume.rotation_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_volume_scale_matrix() const { return m_volume.scale_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_volume_mirror_matrix() const { return m_volume.mirror_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_volume_full_matrix() const { return m_volume.full_matrix; } const Geometry::Transformation& get_volume_transform() const { return m_volume.transform; } const Vec3d& get_instance_position() const { return m_instance.position; } const Vec3d& get_instance_rotation() const { return m_instance.rotation; } const Vec3d& get_instance_scaling_factor() const { return m_instance.scaling_factor; } const Vec3d& get_instance_mirror() const { return m_instance.mirror; } const Transform3d& get_instance_rotation_matrix() const { return m_instance.rotation_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_instance_scale_matrix() const { return m_instance.scale_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_instance_mirror_matrix() const { return m_instance.mirror_matrix; } const Transform3d& get_instance_full_matrix() const { return m_instance.full_matrix; } const Geometry::Transformation& get_instance_transform() const { return m_instance.transform; } }; public: typedef std::map VolumesCache; typedef std::set InstanceIdxsList; typedef std::map ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap; class Clipboard { // Model is stored through a pointer to avoid including heavy Model.hpp. // It is created in constructor. std::unique_ptr m_model; Selection::EMode m_mode; public: Clipboard(); void reset(); bool is_empty() const; bool is_sla_compliant() const; ModelObject* add_object(); ModelObject* get_object(unsigned int id); const ModelObjectPtrs& get_objects() const; Selection::EMode get_mode() const { return m_mode; } void set_mode(Selection::EMode mode) { m_mode = mode; } }; private: struct Cache { // Cache of GLVolume derived transformation matrices, valid during mouse dragging. VolumesCache volumes_data; // Center of the dragged selection, valid during mouse dragging. Vec3d dragging_center; // Map from indices of ModelObject instances in Model::objects // to a set of indices of ModelVolume instances in ModelObject::instances // Here the index means a position inside the respective std::vector, not ObjectID. ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap content; // List of ids of the volumes which are sinking when starting dragging std::vector sinking_volumes; }; // Volumes owned by GLCanvas3D. GLVolumePtrs* m_volumes; // Model, not owned. Model* m_model; bool m_enabled; bool m_valid; EMode m_mode; EType m_type; // set of indices to m_volumes IndicesList m_list; Cache m_cache; Clipboard m_clipboard; std::optional m_bounding_box; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates, with no instance scaling applied. // This bounding box is useful for absolute scaling of tilted objects in world coordinate space. // Modifiers are NOT taken in account std::optional m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates. // Modifiers are NOT taken in account std::optional m_scaled_instance_bounding_box; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates, with no instance scaling applied. // Modifiers are taken in account std::optional m_full_unscaled_instance_bounding_box; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates. // Modifiers are taken in account std::optional m_full_scaled_instance_bounding_box; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in local coordinates, with no instance scaling applied. // Modifiers are taken in account std::optional m_full_unscaled_instance_local_bounding_box; // Bounding box aligned to the axis of the currently selected reference system (World/Object/Part) // and transform to place and orient it in world coordinates std::optional> m_bounding_box_in_current_reference_system; #if ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER GLModel m_vbo_sphere; #endif // ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER CoordAxes m_axes; GLModel m_arrow; GLModel m_curved_arrow; GLModel m_box; struct Planes { std::array check_points{ Vec3f::Zero(), Vec3f::Zero() }; std::array models; }; Planes m_planes; float m_scale_factor; public: Selection(); void set_volumes(GLVolumePtrs* volumes); bool init(); bool is_enabled() const { return m_enabled; } void set_enabled(bool enable) { m_enabled = enable; } Model* get_model() const { return m_model; } void set_model(Model* model); EMode get_mode() const { return m_mode; } void set_mode(EMode mode) { m_mode = mode; } void add(unsigned int volume_idx, bool as_single_selection = true, bool check_for_already_contained = false); void remove(unsigned int volume_idx); void add_object(unsigned int object_idx, bool as_single_selection = true); void remove_object(unsigned int object_idx); void add_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx, bool as_single_selection = true); void remove_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx); void add_volume(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int volume_idx, int instance_idx, bool as_single_selection = true); void remove_volume(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int volume_idx); void add_volumes(EMode mode, const std::vector& volume_idxs, bool as_single_selection = true); void remove_volumes(EMode mode, const std::vector& volume_idxs); void add_all(); void remove_all(); // To be called after Undo or Redo once the volumes are updated. void set_deserialized(EMode mode, const std::vector> &volumes_and_instances); // Update the selection based on the new instance IDs. void instances_changed(const std::vector &instance_ids_selected); // Update the selection based on the map from old indices to new indices after m_volumes changed. // If the current selection is by instance, this call may select newly added volumes, if they belong to already selected instances. void volumes_changed(const std::vector &map_volume_old_to_new); void clear(); bool is_empty() const { return m_type == Empty; } bool is_wipe_tower() const { return m_type == WipeTower; } bool is_any_modifier() const { return is_single_modifier() || is_multiple_modifier(); } bool is_single_modifier() const { return m_type == SingleModifier; } bool is_multiple_modifier() const { return m_type == MultipleModifier; } bool is_single_full_instance() const; bool is_multiple_full_instance() const { return m_type == MultipleFullInstance; } bool is_single_full_object() const { return m_type == SingleFullObject; } bool is_multiple_full_object() const { return m_type == MultipleFullObject; } bool is_single_volume() const { return m_type == SingleVolume; } bool is_multiple_volume() const { return m_type == MultipleVolume; } bool is_any_volume() const { return is_single_volume() || is_multiple_volume(); } bool is_any_connector() const; bool is_any_cut_volume() const; bool is_mixed() const { return m_type == Mixed; } bool is_from_single_instance() const { return get_instance_idx() != -1; } bool is_from_single_object() const; bool is_sla_compliant() const; bool is_instance_mode() const { return m_mode == Instance; } bool is_single_volume_or_modifier() const { return is_single_volume() || is_single_modifier(); } bool is_single_volume_instance() const { return is_single_full_instance() && m_list.size() == 1; } bool is_single_text() const; bool contains_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) const { return m_list.find(volume_idx) != m_list.end(); } // returns true if the selection contains all the given indices bool contains_all_volumes(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const; // returns true if the selection contains at least one of the given indices bool contains_any_volume(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const; // returns true if the selection contains any sinking volume bool contains_sinking_volumes(bool ignore_modifiers = true) const; // returns true if the selection contains all and only the given indices bool matches(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const; enum class EUniformScaleRequiredReason : unsigned char { NotRequired, InstanceNotAxisAligned_World, VolumeNotAxisAligned_World, VolumeNotAxisAligned_Instance, MultipleSelection, }; // Returns the the object id if the selection is from a single object, otherwise is -1 int get_object_idx() const; // Returns the instance id if the selection is from a single object and from a single instance, otherwise is -1 int get_instance_idx() const; // Returns the indices of selected instances. // Can only be called if selection is from a single object. const InstanceIdxsList& get_instance_idxs() const; const IndicesList& get_volume_idxs() const { return m_list; } const GLVolume* get_volume(unsigned int volume_idx) const; const GLVolume* get_first_volume() const { return get_volume(*m_list.begin()); } GLVolume* get_volume(unsigned int volume_idx); const ObjectIdxsToInstanceIdxsMap& get_content() const { return m_cache.content; } unsigned int volumes_count() const { return (unsigned int)m_list.size(); } const BoundingBoxf3& get_bounding_box() const; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates, with no instance scaling applied. // This bounding box is useful for absolute scaling of tilted objects in world coordinate space. // Modifiers are NOT taken in account const BoundingBoxf3& get_unscaled_instance_bounding_box() const; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates. // Modifiers are NOT taken in account const BoundingBoxf3& get_scaled_instance_bounding_box() const; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates, with no instance scaling applied. // Modifiers are taken in account const BoundingBoxf3& get_full_unscaled_instance_bounding_box() const; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in world coordinates. // Modifiers are taken in account const BoundingBoxf3& get_full_scaled_instance_bounding_box() const; // Bounding box of a single full instance selection, in local coordinates, with no instance scaling applied. // Modifiers are taken in account const BoundingBoxf3& get_full_unscaled_instance_local_bounding_box() const; // Returns the bounding box aligned to the axes of the currently selected reference system (World/Object/Part) // and the transform to place and orient it in world coordinates const std::pair& get_bounding_box_in_current_reference_system() const; // Returns the bounding box aligned to the axes of the given reference system // and the transform to place and orient it in world coordinates std::pair get_bounding_box_in_reference_system(ECoordinatesType type) const; void setup_cache(); void translate(const Vec3d& displacement, TransformationType transformation_type); void rotate(const Vec3d& rotation, TransformationType transformation_type); void flattening_rotate(const Vec3d& normal); void scale(const Vec3d& scale, TransformationType transformation_type); void scale_to_fit_print_volume(const BuildVolume& volume); void scale_and_translate(const Vec3d& scale, const Vec3d& world_translation, TransformationType transformation_type); void mirror(Axis axis, TransformationType transformation_type); void reset_skew(); void translate(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx, const Vec3d& displacement); // returns: // -1 if the user refused to proceed with baking when asked // 0 if the baking was performed // 1 if no baking was needed int bake_transform_if_needed() const; void erase(); void render(float scale_factor = 1.0); void render_sidebar_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field); #if ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER void render_center(bool gizmo_is_dragging); #endif // ENABLE_RENDER_SELECTION_CENTER bool requires_local_axes() const; void copy_to_clipboard(); void paste_from_clipboard(); const Clipboard& get_clipboard() const { return m_clipboard; } // returns the list of idxs of the volumes contained into the object with the given idx std::vector get_volume_idxs_from_object(unsigned int object_idx) const; // returns the list of idxs of the volumes contained into the instance with the given idxs std::vector get_volume_idxs_from_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx) const; // returns the idx of the volume corresponding to the volume with the given idxs std::vector get_volume_idxs_from_volume(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx, unsigned int volume_idx) const; // returns the list of idxs of the volumes contained in the selection but not in the given list std::vector get_missing_volume_idxs_from(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const; // returns the list of idxs of the volumes contained in the given list but not in the selection std::vector get_unselected_volume_idxs_from(const std::vector& volume_idxs) const; // returns the list of idxs of the objects which are in the selection std::set get_object_idxs() const; #if ENABLE_MATRICES_DEBUG void render_debug_window() const; #endif // ENABLE_MATRICES_DEBUG private: void update_valid(); void update_type(); void set_caches(); void do_add_volume(unsigned int volume_idx); void do_add_volumes(const std::vector& volume_idxs); void do_remove_volume(unsigned int volume_idx); void do_remove_instance(unsigned int object_idx, unsigned int instance_idx); void do_remove_object(unsigned int object_idx); void set_bounding_boxes_dirty() { m_bounding_box.reset(); m_unscaled_instance_bounding_box.reset(); m_scaled_instance_bounding_box.reset(); m_full_unscaled_instance_bounding_box.reset(); m_full_scaled_instance_bounding_box.reset(); m_full_unscaled_instance_local_bounding_box.reset(); m_bounding_box_in_current_reference_system.reset(); } void render_synchronized_volumes(); void render_bounding_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, const Transform3d& trafo, const ColorRGB& color); void render_selected_volumes() const; void render_bounding_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, float* color) const; void render_sidebar_position_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field, GLShaderProgram& shader, const Transform3d& matrix); void render_sidebar_rotation_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field, GLShaderProgram& shader, const Transform3d& matrix); void render_sidebar_scale_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field, GLShaderProgram& shader, const Transform3d& matrix); void render_sidebar_layers_hints(const std::string& sidebar_field, GLShaderProgram& shader); public: enum class SyncRotationType { // Do not synchronize rotation. Either not rotating at all, or rotating by world Z axis. NONE = 0, // Synchronize after rotation by an axis not parallel with Z. GENERAL = 1, // Synchronize after rotation reset. RESET = 2 }; void synchronize_unselected_instances(SyncRotationType sync_rotation_type); void synchronize_unselected_volumes(); private: void ensure_on_bed(); void ensure_not_below_bed(); bool is_from_fully_selected_instance(unsigned int volume_idx) const; void paste_volumes_from_clipboard(); void paste_objects_from_clipboard(); void transform_instance_relative(GLVolume& volume, const VolumeCache& volume_data, TransformationType transformation_type, const Transform3d& transform, const Vec3d& world_pivot); void transform_volume_relative(GLVolume& volume, const VolumeCache& volume_data, TransformationType transformation_type, const Transform3d& transform, const Vec3d& world_pivot); }; ModelVolume *get_selected_volume(const Selection &selection); const GLVolume *get_selected_gl_volume(const Selection &selection); } // namespace GUI } // namespace Slic3r #endif // slic3r_GUI_Selection_hpp_