package Slic3r::GCode::PlaceholderParser; sub new { # TODO: move this code to C++ constructor, remove this method my ($class) = @_; my $self = $class->_new; $self->apply_env_variables; $self->update_timestamp; return $self; } sub apply_env_variables { my ($self) = @_; $self->_single_set($_, $ENV{$_}) for grep /^SLIC3R_/, keys %ENV; } sub update_timestamp { my ($self) = @_; my @lt = localtime; $lt[5] += 1900; $lt[4] += 1; $self->_single_set('timestamp', sprintf '%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d', @lt[5,4,3,2,1,0]); $self->_single_set('year', "$lt[5]"); $self->_single_set('month', "$lt[4]"); $self->_single_set('day', "$lt[3]"); $self->_single_set('hour', "$lt[2]"); $self->_single_set('minute', "$lt[1]"); $self->_single_set('second', "$lt[0]"); $self->_single_set('version', $Slic3r::VERSION); } sub apply_config { my ($self, $config) = @_; # options with single value my @opt_keys = grep !$Slic3r::Config::Options->{$_}{multiline}, @{$config->get_keys}; $self->_single_set($_, $config->serialize($_)) for @opt_keys; # options with multiple values foreach my $opt_key (@opt_keys) { my $value = $config->$opt_key; next unless ref($value) eq 'ARRAY'; # TODO: this is a workaroud for XS string param handling # "$_" for @$value; $self->_multiple_set("${opt_key}_" . $_, $value->[$_]."") for 0..$#$value; $self->_multiple_set($opt_key, $value->[0].""); if ($Slic3r::Config::Options->{$opt_key}{type} eq 'point') { $self->_multiple_set("${opt_key}_X", $value->[0].""); $self->_multiple_set("${opt_key}_Y", $value->[1].""); } } } # TODO: or this could be an alias sub set { my ($self, $key, $val) = @_; $self->_single_set($key, $val); } sub process { my ($self, $string, $extra) = @_; # extra variables have priority over the stored ones if ($extra) { my $regex = join '|', keys %$extra; $string =~ s/\[($regex)\]/$extra->{$1}/eg; } { my $regex = join '|', @{$self->_single_keys}; $string =~ s/\[($regex)\]/$self->_single_get("$1")/eg; } { my $regex = join '|', @{$self->_multiple_keys}; $string =~ s/\[($regex)\]/$self->_multiple_get("$1")/egx; # unhandled indices are populated using the first value $string =~ s/\[($regex)_\d+\]/$self->_multiple_get("$1")/egx; } return $string; } 1;