package Slic3r::Line; use Moose; use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints; use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); subtype 'Slic3r::Line::Length', as 'Int'; coerce 'Slic3r::Line::Length', from 'Num', via { sprintf '%.0f', $_ }; has 'a' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Slic3r::Point', required => 1, ); has 'b' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Slic3r::Point', required => 1, ); has 'polyline' => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Slic3r::Polyline', weak_ref => 1, ); has 'solid_side' => ( is => 'rw', isa => enum([qw(left right)]), # going from a to b ); sub BUILD { my $self = shift; # add a weak reference to this line in point objects # (avoid circular refs) for ($self->a, $self->b) { push @{ $_->lines }, $self; weaken($_->lines->[-1]); } } sub id { my $self = shift; return $self->a->id . "-" . $self->b->id; } sub coincides_with { my $self = shift; my ($line) = @_; return ($self->a->coincides_with($line->a) && $self->b->coincides_with($line->b)) || ($self->a->coincides_with($line->b) && $self->b->coincides_with($line->a)); } sub has_endpoint { my $self = shift; my ($point) = @_;#printf " %s has endpoint %s: %s\n", $self->id, $point->id, ($point eq $self->a || $point eq $self->b); return $point->coincides_with($self->a) || $point->coincides_with($self->b); } sub slope { my $self = shift; return undef if $self->b->x == $self->a->x; # line is vertical return ($self->b->y - $self->a->y) / ($self->b->x - $self->a->x); #) } sub neighbors { my $self = shift; return grep $_ && $_ ne $self, map @{$_->lines}, $self->a, $self->b; } sub next { my $self = shift; return +(grep $_ && $_ ne $self, @{$self->b->lines})[0]; } sub points { my $self = shift; return ($self->a, $self->b); } 1;