#include #include #include #include #include #include "VoronoiOffset.hpp" namespace boost { namespace polygon { // The following code for the visualization of the boost Voronoi diagram is based on: // // Boost.Polygon library voronoi_graphic_utils.hpp header file // Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) template class voronoi_visual_utils { public: // Discretize parabolic Voronoi edge. // Parabolic Voronoi edges are always formed by one point and one segment // from the initial input set. // // Args: // point: input point. // segment: input segment. // max_dist: maximum discretization distance. // discretization: point discretization of the given Voronoi edge. // // Template arguments: // InCT: coordinate type of the input geometries (usually integer). // Point: point type, should model point concept. // Segment: segment type, should model segment concept. // // Important: // discretization should contain both edge endpoints initially. template class Point, template class Segment> static typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename gtl_if< typename is_point_concept< typename geometry_concept< Point >::type >::type >::type, typename gtl_if< typename is_segment_concept< typename geometry_concept< Segment >::type >::type >::type >::type, void >::type discretize( const Point& point, const Segment& segment, const CT max_dist, std::vector< Point >* discretization) { // Apply the linear transformation to move start point of the segment to // the point with coordinates (0, 0) and the direction of the segment to // coincide the positive direction of the x-axis. CT segm_vec_x = cast(x(high(segment))) - cast(x(low(segment))); CT segm_vec_y = cast(y(high(segment))) - cast(y(low(segment))); CT sqr_segment_length = segm_vec_x * segm_vec_x + segm_vec_y * segm_vec_y; // Compute x-coordinates of the endpoints of the edge // in the transformed space. CT projection_start = sqr_segment_length * get_point_projection((*discretization)[0], segment); CT projection_end = sqr_segment_length * get_point_projection((*discretization)[1], segment); assert(projection_start != projection_end); // Compute parabola parameters in the transformed space. // Parabola has next representation: // f(x) = ((x-rot_x)^2 + rot_y^2) / (2.0*rot_y). CT point_vec_x = cast(x(point)) - cast(x(low(segment))); CT point_vec_y = cast(y(point)) - cast(y(low(segment))); CT rot_x = segm_vec_x * point_vec_x + segm_vec_y * point_vec_y; CT rot_y = segm_vec_x * point_vec_y - segm_vec_y * point_vec_x; // Save the last point. Point last_point = (*discretization)[1]; discretization->pop_back(); // Use stack to avoid recursion. std::stack point_stack; point_stack.push(projection_end); CT cur_x = projection_start; CT cur_y = parabola_y(cur_x, rot_x, rot_y); // Adjust max_dist parameter in the transformed space. const CT max_dist_transformed = max_dist * max_dist * sqr_segment_length; while (!point_stack.empty()) { CT new_x = point_stack.top(); CT new_y = parabola_y(new_x, rot_x, rot_y); // Compute coordinates of the point of the parabola that is // furthest from the current line segment. CT mid_x = (new_y - cur_y) / (new_x - cur_x) * rot_y + rot_x; CT mid_y = parabola_y(mid_x, rot_x, rot_y); assert(mid_x != cur_x || mid_y != cur_y); assert(mid_x != new_x || mid_y != new_y); // Compute maximum distance between the given parabolic arc // and line segment that discretize it. CT dist = (new_y - cur_y) * (mid_x - cur_x) - (new_x - cur_x) * (mid_y - cur_y); CT div = (new_y - cur_y) * (new_y - cur_y) + (new_x - cur_x) * (new_x - cur_x); assert(div != 0); dist = dist * dist / div; if (dist <= max_dist_transformed) { // Distance between parabola and line segment is less than max_dist. point_stack.pop(); CT inter_x = (segm_vec_x * new_x - segm_vec_y * new_y) / sqr_segment_length + cast(x(low(segment))); CT inter_y = (segm_vec_x * new_y + segm_vec_y * new_x) / sqr_segment_length + cast(y(low(segment))); discretization->push_back(Point(inter_x, inter_y)); cur_x = new_x; cur_y = new_y; } else { point_stack.push(mid_x); } } // Update last point. discretization->back() = last_point; } private: // Compute y(x) = ((x - a) * (x - a) + b * b) / (2 * b). static CT parabola_y(CT x, CT a, CT b) { return ((x - a) * (x - a) + b * b) / (b + b); } // Get normalized length of the distance between: // 1) point projection onto the segment // 2) start point of the segment // Return this length divided by the segment length. This is made to avoid // sqrt computation during transformation from the initial space to the // transformed one and vice versa. The assumption is made that projection of // the point lies between the start-point and endpoint of the segment. template class Point, template class Segment> static typename enable_if< typename gtl_and< typename gtl_if< typename is_point_concept< typename geometry_concept< Point >::type >::type >::type, typename gtl_if< typename is_segment_concept< typename geometry_concept< Segment >::type >::type >::type >::type, CT >::type get_point_projection( const Point& point, const Segment& segment) { CT segment_vec_x = cast(x(high(segment))) - cast(x(low(segment))); CT segment_vec_y = cast(y(high(segment))) - cast(y(low(segment))); CT point_vec_x = x(point) - cast(x(low(segment))); CT point_vec_y = y(point) - cast(y(low(segment))); CT sqr_segment_length = segment_vec_x * segment_vec_x + segment_vec_y * segment_vec_y; CT vec_dot = segment_vec_x * point_vec_x + segment_vec_y * point_vec_y; return vec_dot / sqr_segment_length; } template static CT cast(const InCT& value) { return static_cast(value); } }; } } // namespace boost::polygon namespace Slic3r { // The following code for the visualization of the boost Voronoi diagram is based on: // // Boost.Polygon library voronoi_visualizer.cpp file // Copyright Andrii Sydorchuk 2010-2012. // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. // (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) namespace Voronoi { namespace Internal { using VD = Geometry::VoronoiDiagram; typedef double coordinate_type; typedef boost::polygon::point_data point_type; typedef boost::polygon::segment_data segment_type; typedef boost::polygon::rectangle_data rect_type; typedef VD::cell_type cell_type; typedef VD::cell_type::source_index_type source_index_type; typedef VD::cell_type::source_category_type source_category_type; typedef VD::edge_type edge_type; typedef VD::cell_container_type cell_container_type; typedef VD::cell_container_type vertex_container_type; typedef VD::edge_container_type edge_container_type; typedef VD::const_cell_iterator const_cell_iterator; typedef VD::const_vertex_iterator const_vertex_iterator; typedef VD::const_edge_iterator const_edge_iterator; static const std::size_t EXTERNAL_COLOR = 1; inline void color_exterior(const VD::edge_type* edge) { if (edge->color() == EXTERNAL_COLOR) return; edge->color(EXTERNAL_COLOR); edge->twin()->color(EXTERNAL_COLOR); const VD::vertex_type* v = edge->vertex1(); if (v == NULL || !edge->is_primary()) return; v->color(EXTERNAL_COLOR); const VD::edge_type* e = v->incident_edge(); do { color_exterior(e); e = e->rot_next(); } while (e != v->incident_edge()); } inline point_type retrieve_point(const Points &points, const std::vector &segments, const cell_type& cell) { assert(cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT || cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_END_POINT || cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT); return cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SINGLE_POINT ? Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(points[cell.source_index()].x()), double(points[cell.source_index()].y())) : (cell.source_category() == boost::polygon::SOURCE_CATEGORY_SEGMENT_START_POINT) ? low(segments[cell.source_index()]) : high(segments[cell.source_index()]); } inline void clip_infinite_edge(const Points &points, const std::vector &segments, const edge_type& edge, coordinate_type bbox_max_size, std::vector* clipped_edge) { assert(edge.is_infinite()); assert((edge.vertex0() == nullptr) != (edge.vertex1() == nullptr)); const cell_type& cell1 = *edge.cell(); const cell_type& cell2 = *edge.twin()->cell(); // Infinite edges could not be created by two segment sites. assert(cell1.contains_point() || cell2.contains_point()); if (! cell1.contains_point() && ! cell2.contains_point()) { printf("Error! clip_infinite_edge - infinite edge separates two segment cells\n"); return; } point_type direction; if (cell1.contains_point() && cell2.contains_point()) { assert(! edge.is_secondary()); point_type p1 = retrieve_point(points, segments, cell1); point_type p2 = retrieve_point(points, segments, cell2); if (edge.vertex0() == nullptr) std::swap(p1, p2); direction.x(p1.y() - p2.y()); direction.y(p2.x() - p1.x()); } else { assert(edge.is_secondary()); segment_type segment = cell1.contains_segment() ? segments[cell1.source_index()] : segments[cell2.source_index()]; direction.x(high(segment).y() - low(segment).y()); direction.y(low(segment).x() - high(segment).x()); } coordinate_type koef = bbox_max_size / (std::max)(fabs(direction.x()), fabs(direction.y())); if (edge.vertex0() == nullptr) { clipped_edge->push_back(point_type(edge.vertex1()->x() + direction.x() * koef, edge.vertex1()->y() + direction.y() * koef)); clipped_edge->push_back(point_type(edge.vertex1()->x(), edge.vertex1()->y())); } else { clipped_edge->push_back(point_type(edge.vertex0()->x(), edge.vertex0()->y())); clipped_edge->push_back(point_type(edge.vertex0()->x() + direction.x() * koef, edge.vertex0()->y() + direction.y() * koef)); } } inline void sample_curved_edge(const Points &points, const std::vector &segments, const edge_type& edge, std::vector &sampled_edge, coordinate_type max_dist) { point_type point = edge.cell()->contains_point() ? retrieve_point(points, segments, *edge.cell()) : retrieve_point(points, segments, *edge.twin()->cell()); segment_type segment = edge.cell()->contains_point() ? segments[edge.twin()->cell()->source_index()] : segments[edge.cell()->source_index()]; ::boost::polygon::voronoi_visual_utils::discretize(point, segment, max_dist, &sampled_edge); } } /* namespace Internal */ } // namespace Voronoi BoundingBox get_extents(const Lines &lines); static inline void dump_voronoi_to_svg( const char *path, const Geometry::VoronoiDiagram &vd, const Points &points, const Lines &lines, const Polygons &offset_curves = Polygons(), const Lines &helper_lines = Lines(), double scale = 0) { const bool internalEdgesOnly = false; BoundingBox bbox; bbox.merge(get_extents(points)); bbox.merge(get_extents(lines)); bbox.merge(get_extents(offset_curves)); bbox.merge(get_extents(helper_lines)); for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram::const_vertex_iterator it = vd.vertices().begin(); it != vd.vertices().end(); ++it) if (! internalEdgesOnly || it->color() != Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR) bbox.merge(Point(it->x(), it->y())); bbox.min -= (0.01 * bbox.size().cast()).cast(); bbox.max += (0.01 * bbox.size().cast()).cast(); if (scale == 0) scale = // 0.1 0.01 * std::min(bbox.size().x(), bbox.size().y()); else scale *= SCALING_FACTOR; const std::string inputSegmentPointColor = "lightseagreen"; const coord_t inputSegmentPointRadius = std::max(1, coord_t(0.09 * scale)); const std::string inputSegmentColor = "lightseagreen"; const coord_t inputSegmentLineWidth = coord_t(0.03 * scale); const std::string voronoiPointColor = "black"; const std::string voronoiPointColorOutside = "red"; const std::string voronoiPointColorInside = "blue"; const coord_t voronoiPointRadius = std::max(1, coord_t(0.06 * scale)); const std::string voronoiLineColorPrimary = "black"; const std::string voronoiLineColorSecondary = "green"; const std::string voronoiArcColor = "red"; const coord_t voronoiLineWidth = coord_t(0.02 * scale); const std::string offsetCurveColor = "magenta"; const coord_t offsetCurveLineWidth = coord_t(0.02 * scale); const std::string helperLineColor = "orange"; const coord_t helperLineWidth = coord_t(0.04 * scale); const bool primaryEdgesOnly = false; ::Slic3r::SVG svg(path, bbox); // For clipping of half-lines to some reasonable value. // The line will then be clipped by the SVG viewer anyway. const double bbox_dim_max = double(std::max(bbox.size().x(), bbox.size().y())); // For the discretization of the Voronoi parabolic segments. const double discretization_step = 0.0002 * bbox_dim_max; // Make a copy of the input segments with the double type. std::vector segments; for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++ it) segments.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::segment_type( Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(it->a(0)), double(it->a(1))), Voronoi::Internal::point_type(double(it->b(0)), double(it->b(1))))); // Color exterior edges. if (internalEdgesOnly) { for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) if (!it->is_finite()) Voronoi::Internal::color_exterior(&(*it)); } // Draw the end points of the input polygon. for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) { svg.draw(it->a, inputSegmentPointColor, inputSegmentPointRadius); svg.draw(it->b, inputSegmentPointColor, inputSegmentPointRadius); } // Draw the input polygon. for (Lines::const_iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it) svg.draw(Line(Point(coord_t(it->a(0)), coord_t(it->a(1))), Point(coord_t(it->b(0)), coord_t(it->b(1)))), inputSegmentColor, inputSegmentLineWidth); #if 1 // Draw voronoi vertices. for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram::const_vertex_iterator it = vd.vertices().begin(); it != vd.vertices().end(); ++it) if (! internalEdgesOnly || it->color() != Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR) { const std::string *color = nullptr; switch (Voronoi::vertex_category(*it)) { case Voronoi::VertexCategory::OnContour: color = &voronoiPointColor; break; case Voronoi::VertexCategory::Outside: color = &voronoiPointColorOutside; break; case Voronoi::VertexCategory::Inside: color = &voronoiPointColorInside; break; default: color = &voronoiPointColor; // assert(false); } Point pt(coord_t(it->x()), coord_t(it->y())); if (it->x() * pt.x() >= 0. && it->y() * pt.y() >= 0.) // Conversion to coord_t is valid. svg.draw(Point(coord_t(it->x()), coord_t(it->y())), *color, voronoiPointRadius); } for (boost::polygon::voronoi_diagram::const_edge_iterator it = vd.edges().begin(); it != vd.edges().end(); ++it) { if (primaryEdgesOnly && !it->is_primary()) continue; if (internalEdgesOnly && (it->color() == Voronoi::Internal::EXTERNAL_COLOR)) continue; std::vector samples; std::string color = voronoiLineColorPrimary; if (!it->is_finite()) { Voronoi::Internal::clip_infinite_edge(points, segments, *it, bbox_dim_max, &samples); if (! it->is_primary()) color = voronoiLineColorSecondary; } else { // Store both points of the segment into samples. sample_curved_edge will split the initial line // until the discretization_step is reached. samples.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::point_type(it->vertex0()->x(), it->vertex0()->y())); samples.push_back(Voronoi::Internal::point_type(it->vertex1()->x(), it->vertex1()->y())); if (it->is_curved()) { Voronoi::Internal::sample_curved_edge(points, segments, *it, samples, discretization_step); color = voronoiArcColor; } else if (! it->is_primary()) color = voronoiLineColorSecondary; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i + 1 < samples.size(); ++ i) { Vec2d a(samples[i].x(), samples[i].y()); Vec2d b(samples[i+1].x(), samples[i+1].y()); // Convert to coord_t. Point ia = a.cast(); Point ib = b.cast(); // Is the conversion possible? Do the resulting points fit into int32_t? auto in_range = [](const Point &ip, const Vec2d &p) { return p.x() * ip.x() >= 0. && p.y() * ip.y() >= 0.; }; bool a_in_range = in_range(ia, a); bool b_in_range = in_range(ib, b); if (! a_in_range || ! b_in_range) { if (! a_in_range && ! b_in_range) // None fits, ignore. continue; // One fit, the other does not. Try to clip. Vec2d v = b - a; v.normalize(); v *= bbox.size().cast().norm(); auto p = a_in_range ? Vec2d(a + v) : Vec2d(b - v); Point ip = p.cast(); if (! in_range(ip, p)) continue; (a_in_range ? ib : ia) = ip; } svg.draw(Line(ia, ib), color, voronoiLineWidth); } } #endif svg.draw_outline(offset_curves, offsetCurveColor, offsetCurveLineWidth); svg.draw(helper_lines, helperLineColor, helperLineWidth); svg.Close(); } } // namespace Slic3r