#include "Duet.hpp" #include "PrintHostSendDialog.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libslic3r/PrintConfig.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/GUI.hpp" #include "slic3r/GUI/MsgDialog.hpp" #include "Http.hpp" namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace pt = boost::property_tree; namespace Slic3r { Duet::Duet(DynamicPrintConfig *config) : host(config->opt_string("print_host")), password(config->opt_string("printhost_apikey")) {} Duet::~Duet() {} bool Duet::test(wxString &msg) const { bool connected = connect(msg); if (connected) { disconnect(); } return connected; } wxString Duet::get_test_ok_msg () const { return wxString::Format("%s", _(L("Connection to Duet works correctly."))); } wxString Duet::get_test_failed_msg (wxString &msg) const { return wxString::Format("%s: %s", _(L("Could not connect to Duet")), msg); } bool Duet::send_gcode(const std::string &filename) const { enum { PROGRESS_RANGE = 1000 }; const auto errortitle = _(L("Error while uploading to the Duet")); fs::path filepath(filename); PrintHostSendDialog send_dialog(filepath.filename(), true); if (send_dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return false; } const bool print = send_dialog.print(); const auto upload_filepath = send_dialog.filename(); const auto upload_filename = upload_filepath.filename(); const auto upload_parent_path = upload_filepath.parent_path(); wxProgressDialog progress_dialog( _(L("Duet upload")), _(L("Sending G-code file to Duet...")), PROGRESS_RANGE, nullptr, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | wxPD_APP_MODAL | wxPD_CAN_ABORT); progress_dialog.Pulse(); wxString connect_msg; if (!connect(connect_msg)) { auto errormsg = wxString::Format("%s: %s", errortitle, connect_msg); GUI::show_error(&progress_dialog, std::move(errormsg)); return false; } bool res = true; auto upload_cmd = get_upload_url(upload_filepath.string()); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info) << boost::format("Duet: Uploading file %1%, filename: %2%, path: %3%, print: %4%, command: %5%") % filepath.string() % upload_filename.string() % upload_parent_path.string() % print % upload_cmd; auto http = Http::post(std::move(upload_cmd)); http.set_post_body(filename) .on_complete([&](std::string body, unsigned status) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("Duet: File uploaded: HTTP %1%: %2%") % status % body; progress_dialog.Update(PROGRESS_RANGE); int err_code = get_err_code_from_body(body); if (err_code != 0) { auto msg = format_error(body, L("Unknown error occured"), 0); GUI::show_error(&progress_dialog, std::move(msg)); res = false; } else if (print) { wxString errormsg; res = start_print(errormsg, upload_filepath.string()); if (!res) { GUI::show_error(&progress_dialog, std::move(errormsg)); } } }) .on_error([&](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned status) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Duet: Error uploading file: %1%, HTTP %2%, body: `%3%`") % error % status % body; auto errormsg = wxString::Format("%s: %s", errortitle, format_error(body, error, status)); GUI::show_error(&progress_dialog, std::move(errormsg)); res = false; }) .on_progress([&](Http::Progress progress, bool &cancel) { if (cancel) { // Upload was canceled res = false; } else if (progress.ultotal > 0) { int value = PROGRESS_RANGE * progress.ulnow / progress.ultotal; cancel = !progress_dialog.Update(std::min(value, PROGRESS_RANGE - 1)); // Cap the value to prevent premature dialog closing } else { cancel = !progress_dialog.Pulse(); } }) .perform_sync(); disconnect(); return res; } bool Duet::has_auto_discovery() const { return false; } bool Duet::can_test() const { return true; } bool Duet::connect(wxString &msg) const { bool res = false; auto url = get_connect_url(); auto http = Http::get(std::move(url)); http.on_error([&](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned status) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Duet: Error connecting: %1%, HTTP %2%, body: `%3%`") % error % status % body; msg = format_error(body, error, status); }) .on_complete([&](std::string body, unsigned) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("Duet: Got: %1%") % body; int err_code = get_err_code_from_body(body); switch (err_code) { case 0: res = true; break; case 1: msg = format_error(body, L("Wrong password"), 0); break; case 2: msg = format_error(body, L("Could not get resources to create a new connection"), 0); break; default: msg = format_error(body, L("Unknown error occured"), 0); break; } }) .perform_sync(); return res; } void Duet::disconnect() const { auto url = (boost::format("%1%rr_disconnect") % get_base_url()).str(); auto http = Http::get(std::move(url)); http.on_error([&](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned status) { // we don't care about it, if disconnect is not working Duet will disconnect automatically after some time BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Duet: Error disconnecting: %1%, HTTP %2%, body: `%3%`") % error % status % body; }) .perform_sync(); } std::string Duet::get_upload_url(const std::string &filename) const { return (boost::format("%1%rr_upload?name=0:/gcodes/%2%&%3%") % get_base_url() % filename % timestamp_str()).str(); } std::string Duet::get_connect_url() const { return (boost::format("%1%rr_connect?password=%2%&%3%") % get_base_url() % (password.empty() ? "reprap" : password) % timestamp_str()).str(); } std::string Duet::get_base_url() const { if (host.find("http://") == 0 || host.find("https://") == 0) { if (host.back() == '/') { return host; } else { return (boost::format("%1%/") % host).str(); } } else { return (boost::format("http://%1%/") % host).str(); } } std::string Duet::timestamp_str() const { enum { BUFFER_SIZE = 32 }; auto t = std::time(nullptr); auto tm = *std::localtime(&t); char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; std::strftime(buffer, BUFFER_SIZE, "time=%Y-%d-%mT%H:%M:%S", &tm); return std::string(buffer); } wxString Duet::format_error(const std::string &body, const std::string &error, unsigned status) { if (status != 0) { auto wxbody = wxString::FromUTF8(body.data()); return wxString::Format("HTTP %u: %s", status, wxbody); } else { return wxString::FromUTF8(error.data()); } } bool Duet::start_print(wxString &msg, const std::string &filename) const { bool res = false; auto url = (boost::format("%1%rr_gcode?gcode=M32%%20\"%2%\"") % get_base_url() % filename).str(); auto http = Http::get(std::move(url)); http.on_error([&](std::string body, std::string error, unsigned status) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Duet: Error starting print: %1%, HTTP %2%, body: `%3%`") % error % status % body; msg = format_error(body, error, status); }) .on_complete([&](std::string body, unsigned) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << boost::format("Duet: Got: %1%") % body; res = true; }) .perform_sync(); return res; } int Duet::get_err_code_from_body(const std::string &body) const { pt::ptree root; std::istringstream iss (body); // wrap returned json to istringstream pt::read_json(iss, root); return root.get("err", 0); } }