package Slic3r::Print::Object; use Moo; use Slic3r::Geometry qw(scale); use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper qw(diff_ex intersection_ex union_ex); has 'x_length' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); has 'y_length' => (is => 'ro', required => 1); has 'layers' => ( traits => ['Array'], is => 'rw', #isa => 'ArrayRef[Slic3r::Layer]', default => sub { [] }, ); sub layer_count { my $self = shift; return scalar @{ $self->layers }; } sub layer { my $self = shift; my ($layer_id) = @_; # extend our print by creating all necessary layers if ($self->layer_count < $layer_id + 1) { for (my $i = $self->layer_count; $i <= $layer_id; $i++) { push @{ $self->layers }, Slic3r::Layer->new(id => $i); } } return $self->layers->[$layer_id]; } sub detect_surfaces_type { my $self = shift; Slic3r::debugf "Detecting solid surfaces...\n"; # prepare a reusable subroutine to make surface differences my $surface_difference = sub { my ($subject_surfaces, $clip_surfaces, $result_type) = @_; my $expolygons = diff_ex( [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? $_ : ref $_ eq 'Slic3r::ExPolygon' ? @$_ : $_->p } @$subject_surfaces ], [ map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? $_ : ref $_ eq 'Slic3r::ExPolygon' ? @$_ : $_->p } @$clip_surfaces ], 1, ); return grep $_->contour->is_printable, map Slic3r::Surface->new(expolygon => $_, surface_type => $result_type), @$expolygons; }; for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->layer_count; $i++) { my $layer = $self->layers->[$i]; my $upper_layer = $self->layers->[$i+1]; my $lower_layer = $i > 0 ? $self->layers->[$i-1] : undef; my (@bottom, @top, @internal) = (); # find top surfaces (difference between current surfaces # of current layer and upper one) if ($upper_layer) { @top = $surface_difference->($layer->slices, $upper_layer->slices, 'top'); } else { # if no upper layer, all surfaces of this one are solid @top = @{$layer->slices}; $_->surface_type('top') for @top; } # find bottom surfaces (difference between current surfaces # of current layer and lower one) if ($lower_layer) { @bottom = $surface_difference->($layer->slices, $lower_layer->slices, 'bottom'); } else { # if no lower layer, all surfaces of this one are solid @bottom = @{$layer->slices}; $_->surface_type('bottom') for @bottom; } # now, if the object contained a thin membrane, we could have overlapping bottom # and top surfaces; let's do an intersection to discover them and consider them # as bottom surfaces (to allow for bridge detection) if (@top && @bottom) { my $overlapping = intersection_ex([ map $_->p, @top ], [ map $_->p, @bottom ]); Slic3r::debugf " layer %d contains %d membrane(s)\n", $layer->id, scalar(@$overlapping); @top = $surface_difference->([@top], $overlapping, 'top'); } # find internal surfaces (difference between top/bottom surfaces and others) @internal = $surface_difference->($layer->slices, [@top, @bottom], 'internal'); # save surfaces to layer @{$layer->slices} = (@bottom, @top, @internal); Slic3r::debugf " layer %d has %d bottom, %d top and %d internal surfaces\n", $layer->id, scalar(@bottom), scalar(@top), scalar(@internal); } # clip surfaces to the fill boundaries foreach my $layer (@{$self->layers}) { @{$layer->surfaces} = (); foreach my $surface (@{$layer->slices}) { my $intersection = intersection_ex( [ $surface->p ], [ map @$_, @{$layer->fill_boundaries} ], ); push @{$layer->surfaces}, map Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => $surface->surface_type), @$intersection; } # free memory @{$layer->fill_boundaries} = (); } } sub discover_horizontal_shells { my $self = shift; Slic3r::debugf "==> DISCOVERING HORIZONTAL SHELLS\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->layer_count; $i++) { my $layer = $self->layers->[$i]; foreach my $type (qw(top bottom)) { # find surfaces of current type for current layer # and offset them to take perimeters into account my @surfaces = map $_->offset($Slic3r::perimeters * scale $Slic3r::flow_width), grep $_->surface_type eq $type, @{$layer->fill_surfaces} or next; my $surfaces_p = [ map $_->p, @surfaces ]; Slic3r::debugf "Layer %d has %d surfaces of type '%s'\n", $i, scalar(@surfaces), $type; for (my $n = $type eq 'top' ? $i-1 : $i+1; abs($n - $i) <= $Slic3r::solid_layers-1; $type eq 'top' ? $n-- : $n++) { next if $n < 0 || $n >= $self->layer_count; Slic3r::debugf " looking for neighbors on layer %d...\n", $n; my @neighbor_surfaces = @{$self->layers->[$n]->surfaces}; my @neighbor_fill_surfaces = @{$self->layers->[$n]->fill_surfaces}; # find intersection between neighbor and current layer's surfaces # intersections have contours and holes my $new_internal_solid = intersection_ex( $surfaces_p, [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type =~ /internal/, @neighbor_surfaces ], undef, 1, ); next if !@$new_internal_solid; # internal-solid are the union of the existing internal-solid surfaces # and new ones my $internal_solid = union_ex([ ( map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal-solid', @neighbor_fill_surfaces ), ( map @$_, @$new_internal_solid ), ]); # subtract intersections from layer surfaces to get resulting inner surfaces my $internal = diff_ex( [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal', @neighbor_fill_surfaces ], [ map @$_, @$internal_solid ], ); Slic3r::debugf " %d internal-solid and %d internal surfaces found\n", scalar(@$internal_solid), scalar(@$internal); # Note: due to floating point math we're going to get some very small # polygons as $internal; they will be removed by removed_small_features() # assign resulting inner surfaces to layer my $neighbor_fill_surfaces = $self->layers->[$n]->fill_surfaces; @$neighbor_fill_surfaces = (); push @$neighbor_fill_surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => 'internal') for @$internal; # assign new internal-solid surfaces to layer push @$neighbor_fill_surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => 'internal-solid') for @$internal_solid; # assign top and bottom surfaces to layer foreach my $s (Slic3r::Surface->group(grep $_->surface_type =~ /top|bottom/, @neighbor_fill_surfaces)) { my $solid_surfaces = diff_ex( [ map $_->p, @$s ], [ map @$_, @$internal_solid, @$internal ], ); push @$neighbor_fill_surfaces, Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => $s->[0]->surface_type, bridge_angle => $s->[0]->bridge_angle) for @$solid_surfaces; } } } } } # combine fill surfaces across layers sub infill_every_layers { my $self = shift; return unless $Slic3r::infill_every_layers > 1 && $Slic3r::fill_density > 0; # start from bottom, skip first layer for (my $i = 1; $i < $self->layer_count; $i++) { my $layer = $self->layer($i); # skip layer if no internal fill surfaces next if !grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal', @{$layer->fill_surfaces}; # for each possible depth, look for intersections with the lower layer # we do this from the greater depth to the smaller for (my $d = $Slic3r::infill_every_layers - 1; $d >= 1; $d--) { next if ($i - $d) < 0; my $lower_layer = $self->layer($i - 1); # select surfaces of the lower layer having the depth we're looking for my @lower_surfaces = grep $_->depth_layers == $d && $_->surface_type eq 'internal', @{$lower_layer->fill_surfaces}; next if !@lower_surfaces; # calculate intersection between our surfaces and theirs my $intersection = intersection_ex( [ map $_->p, grep $_->depth_layers <= $d, @lower_surfaces ], [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal', @{$layer->fill_surfaces} ], ); next if !@$intersection; # new fill surfaces of the current layer are: # - any non-internal surface # - intersections found (with a $d + 1 depth) # - any internal surface not belonging to the intersection (with its original depth) { my @new_surfaces = (); push @new_surfaces, grep $_->surface_type ne 'internal', @{$layer->fill_surfaces}; push @new_surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => 'internal', depth_layers => $d + 1), @$intersection; foreach my $depth (reverse $d..$Slic3r::infill_every_layers) { push @new_surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => 'internal', depth_layers => $depth), # difference between our internal layers with depth == $depth # and the intersection found @{diff_ex( [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal' && $_->depth_layers == $depth, @{$layer->fill_surfaces}, ], [ map @$_, @$intersection ], 1, )}; } @{$layer->fill_surfaces} = @new_surfaces; } # now we remove the intersections from lower layer { my @new_surfaces = (); push @new_surfaces, grep $_->surface_type ne 'internal', @{$lower_layer->fill_surfaces}; foreach my $depth (1..$Slic3r::infill_every_layers) { push @new_surfaces, map Slic3r::Surface->new (expolygon => $_, surface_type => 'internal', depth_layers => $depth), # difference between internal layers with depth == $depth # and the intersection found @{diff_ex( [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'internal' && $_->depth_layers == $depth, @{$lower_layer->fill_surfaces}, ], [ map @$_, @$intersection ], 1, )}; } @{$lower_layer->fill_surfaces} = @new_surfaces; } } } } sub generate_support_material { my $self = shift; # determine unsupported surfaces my %layers = (); my @unsupported_expolygons = (); { my (@a, @b) = (); for my $i (reverse 0 .. $#{$self->layers}) { my $layer = $self->layers->[$i]; my @c = (); if (@b) { @c = @{diff_ex( [ map @$_, @b ], [ map @$_, map $_->expolygon->offset_ex(scale $Slic3r::flow_width), @{$layer->slices} ], )}; $layers{$i} = [@c]; } @b = @{union_ex([ map @$_, @c, @a ])}; # get unsupported surfaces for current layer as all bottom slices # minus the bridges offsetted to cover their perimeters. # actually, we are marking as bridges more than we should be, so # better build support material for bridges too rather than ignoring # those parts. a visibility check algorithm is needed. # @a = @{diff_ex( # [ map $_->p, grep $_->surface_type eq 'bottom', @{$layer->slices} ], # [ map @$_, map $_->expolygon->offset_ex(scale $Slic3r::flow_spacing * $Slic3r::perimeters), # grep $_->surface_type eq 'bottom' && defined $_->bridge_angle, # @{$layer->fill_surfaces} ], # )}; @a = map $_->expolygon->clone, grep $_->surface_type eq 'bottom', @{$layer->slices}; $_->simplify(scale $Slic3r::flow_spacing * 3) for @a; push @unsupported_expolygons, @a; } } return if !@unsupported_expolygons; # generate paths for the pattern that we're going to use my $support_patterns = []; { my @support_material_areas = map $_->offset_ex(scale 5), @{union_ex([ map @$_, @unsupported_expolygons ])}; my $fill = Slic3r::Fill->new(print => $self); foreach my $angle (0, 90) { my @patterns = (); foreach my $expolygon (@support_material_areas) { my @paths = $fill->fillers->{rectilinear}->fill_surface( Slic3r::Surface->new( expolygon => $expolygon, bridge_angle => $Slic3r::fill_angle + 45 + $angle, ), density => 0.20, flow_spacing => $Slic3r::flow_spacing, ); my $params = shift @paths; push @patterns, map Slic3r::ExtrusionPath->new( polyline => Slic3r::Polyline->new(@$_), role => 'support-material', depth_layers => 1, flow_spacing => $params->{flow_spacing}, ), @paths; } push @$support_patterns, [@patterns]; } } if (0) { require "Slic3r/"; Slic3r::SVG::output(undef, "support.svg", polylines => [ map $_->polyline, map @$_, @$support_patterns ], ); } # apply the pattern to layers { my $clip_pattern = sub { my ($layer_id, $expolygons) = @_; my @paths = (); foreach my $expolygon (@$expolygons) { push @paths, map $_->clip_with_expolygon($expolygon), map $_->clip_with_polygon($expolygon->bounding_box_polygon), @{$support_patterns->[ $layer_id % 2 ]}; }; return @paths; }; my %layer_paths = (); Slic3r::parallelize( items => [ keys %layers ], thread_cb => sub { my $q = shift; my $paths = {}; while (defined (my $layer_id = $q->dequeue)) { $paths->{$layer_id} = [ $clip_pattern->($layer_id, $layers{$layer_id}) ]; } return $paths; }, collect_cb => sub { my $paths = shift; $layer_paths{$_} = $paths->{$_} for keys %$paths; }, no_threads_cb => sub { $layer_paths{$_} = [ $clip_pattern->($_, $layers{$_}) ] for keys %layers; }, ); foreach my $layer_id (keys %layer_paths) { my $layer = $self->layers->[$layer_id]; $layer->support_fills(Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection->new); push @{$layer->support_fills->paths}, @{$layer_paths{$layer_id}}; } } } 1;