#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "OpenGLManager.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #if ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 #ifdef __APPLE__ // Part of hack to remove crash when closing the application on OSX 10.9.5 when building against newer wxWidgets #include #endif // __APPLE__ #endif // ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 #ifdef __APPLE__ #include "../Utils/MacDarkMode.hpp" #endif // __APPLE__ namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER // A safe wrapper around glGetString to report a "N/A" string in case glGetString returns nullptr. inline std::string gl_get_string_safe(GLenum param, const std::string& default_value) { const char* value = (const char*)::glGetString(param); return std::string((value != nullptr) ? value : default_value); } #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER const std::string& OpenGLManager::GLInfo::get_version() const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return m_version; } const std::string& OpenGLManager::GLInfo::get_glsl_version() const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return m_glsl_version; } const std::string& OpenGLManager::GLInfo::get_vendor() const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return m_vendor; } const std::string& OpenGLManager::GLInfo::get_renderer() const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return m_renderer; } int OpenGLManager::GLInfo::get_max_tex_size() const { if (!m_detected) detect(); // clamp to avoid the texture generation become too slow and use too much GPU memory #ifdef __APPLE__ // and use smaller texture for non retina systems return (Slic3r::GUI::mac_max_scaling_factor() > 1.0) ? std::min(m_max_tex_size, 8192) : std::min(m_max_tex_size / 2, 4096); #else // and use smaller texture for older OpenGL versions return is_version_greater_or_equal_to(3, 0) ? std::min(m_max_tex_size, 8192) : std::min(m_max_tex_size / 2, 4096); #endif // __APPLE__ } float OpenGLManager::GLInfo::get_max_anisotropy() const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return m_max_anisotropy; } void OpenGLManager::GLInfo::detect() const { #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER m_version = gl_get_string_safe(GL_VERSION, "N/A"); m_glsl_version = gl_get_string_safe(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION, "N/A"); m_vendor = gl_get_string_safe(GL_VENDOR, "N/A"); m_renderer = gl_get_string_safe(GL_RENDERER, "N/A"); #else const char* data = (const char*)::glGetString(GL_VERSION); if (data != nullptr) m_version = data; data = (const char*)::glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION); if (data != nullptr) m_glsl_version = data; data = (const char*)::glGetString(GL_VENDOR); if (data != nullptr) m_vendor = data; data = (const char*)::glGetString(GL_RENDERER); if (data != nullptr) m_renderer = data; #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER glsafe(::glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &m_max_tex_size)); m_max_tex_size /= 2; if (Slic3r::total_physical_memory() / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) < 6) m_max_tex_size /= 2; if (GLEW_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic) glsafe(::glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &m_max_anisotropy)); m_detected = true; } static bool version_greater_or_equal_to(const std::string& version, unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) { #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER if (version == "N/A") return false; #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER std::vector tokens; boost::split(tokens, version, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_on); if (tokens.empty()) return false; std::vector numbers; boost::split(numbers, tokens[0], boost::is_any_of("."), boost::token_compress_on); unsigned int gl_major = 0; unsigned int gl_minor = 0; if (numbers.size() > 0) gl_major = ::atoi(numbers[0].c_str()); if (numbers.size() > 1) gl_minor = ::atoi(numbers[1].c_str()); if (gl_major < major) return false; else if (gl_major > major) return true; else return gl_minor >= minor; } bool OpenGLManager::GLInfo::is_version_greater_or_equal_to(unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return version_greater_or_equal_to(m_version, major, minor); } bool OpenGLManager::GLInfo::is_glsl_version_greater_or_equal_to(unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) const { if (!m_detected) detect(); return version_greater_or_equal_to(m_glsl_version, major, minor); } std::string OpenGLManager::GLInfo::to_string(bool format_as_html, bool extensions) const { if (!m_detected) detect(); std::stringstream out; std::string h2_start = format_as_html ? "" : ""; std::string h2_end = format_as_html ? "" : ""; std::string b_start = format_as_html ? "" : ""; std::string b_end = format_as_html ? "" : ""; std::string line_end = format_as_html ? "
" : "\n"; out << h2_start << "OpenGL installation" << h2_end << line_end; #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER out << b_start << "GL version: " << b_end << m_version << line_end; out << b_start << "Vendor: " << b_end << m_vendor << line_end; out << b_start << "Renderer: " << b_end << m_renderer << line_end; out << b_start << "GLSL version: " << b_end << m_glsl_version << line_end; #else out << b_start << "GL version: " << b_end << (m_version.empty() ? "N/A" : m_version) << line_end; out << b_start << "Vendor: " << b_end << (m_vendor.empty() ? "N/A" : m_vendor) << line_end; out << b_start << "Renderer: " << b_end << (m_renderer.empty() ? "N/A" : m_renderer) << line_end; out << b_start << "GLSL version: " << b_end << (m_glsl_version.empty() ? "N/A" : m_glsl_version) << line_end; #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER if (extensions) { std::vector extensions_list; #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER std::string extensions_str = gl_get_string_safe(GL_EXTENSIONS, ""); #else std::string extensions_str = (const char*)::glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER boost::split(extensions_list, extensions_str, boost::is_any_of(" "), boost::token_compress_off); if (!extensions_list.empty()) { out << h2_start << "Installed extensions:" << h2_end << line_end; std::sort(extensions_list.begin(), extensions_list.end()); for (const std::string& ext : extensions_list) { out << ext << line_end; } } } return out.str(); } OpenGLManager::GLInfo OpenGLManager::s_gl_info; bool OpenGLManager::s_compressed_textures_supported = false; OpenGLManager::EMultisampleState OpenGLManager::s_multisample = OpenGLManager::EMultisampleState::Unknown; OpenGLManager::EFramebufferType OpenGLManager::s_framebuffers_type = OpenGLManager::EFramebufferType::Unknown; #if ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 #ifdef __APPLE__ // Part of hack to remove crash when closing the application on OSX 10.9.5 when building against newer wxWidgets OpenGLManager::OSInfo OpenGLManager::s_os_info; #endif // __APPLE__ #endif // ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 OpenGLManager::~OpenGLManager() { #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER m_shaders_manager.shutdown(); #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER #if ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 #ifdef __APPLE__ // This is an ugly hack needed to solve the crash happening when closing the application on OSX 10.9.5 with newer wxWidgets // The crash is triggered inside wxGLContext destructor if (s_os_info.major != 10 || s_os_info.minor != 9 || s_os_info.micro != 5) { #endif //__APPLE__ #endif // ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 if (m_context != nullptr) delete m_context; #if ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 #ifdef __APPLE__ } #endif //__APPLE__ #endif // ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 } bool OpenGLManager::init_gl() { if (!m_gl_initialized) { if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "Unable to init glew library"; return false; } m_gl_initialized = true; if (GLEW_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc) s_compressed_textures_supported = true; else s_compressed_textures_supported = false; if (GLEW_ARB_framebuffer_object) s_framebuffers_type = EFramebufferType::Arb; else if (GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_object) s_framebuffers_type = EFramebufferType::Ext; else s_framebuffers_type = EFramebufferType::Unknown; #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER bool valid_version = s_gl_info.is_version_greater_or_equal_to(2, 0); if (!valid_version) { #else if (!s_gl_info.is_version_greater_or_equal_to(2, 0)) { #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER // Complain about the OpenGL version. wxString message = from_u8((boost::format( _utf8(L("PrusaSlicer requires OpenGL 2.0 capable graphics driver to run correctly, \n" "while OpenGL version %s, render %s, vendor %s was detected."))) % s_gl_info.get_version() % s_gl_info.get_renderer() % s_gl_info.get_vendor()).str()); message += "\n"; message += _L("You may need to update your graphics card driver."); #ifdef _WIN32 message += "\n"; message += _L("As a workaround, you may run PrusaSlicer with a software rendered 3D graphics by running prusa-slicer.exe with the --sw_renderer parameter."); #endif wxMessageBox(message, wxString("PrusaSlicer - ") + _L("Unsupported OpenGL version"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); } #if ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER if (valid_version) { // load shaders auto [result, error] = m_shaders_manager.init(); if (!result) { wxString message = from_u8((boost::format( _utf8(L("Unable to load the following shaders:\n%s"))) % error).str()); wxMessageBox(message, wxString("PrusaSlicer - ") + _L("Error loading shaders"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); } } #endif // ENABLE_SHADERS_MANAGER } return true; } wxGLContext* OpenGLManager::init_glcontext(wxGLCanvas& canvas) { if (m_context == nullptr) { m_context = new wxGLContext(&canvas); #if ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 #ifdef __APPLE__ // Part of hack to remove crash when closing the application on OSX 10.9.5 when building against newer wxWidgets s_os_info.major = wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOSMajorVersion(); s_os_info.minor = wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOSMinorVersion(); s_os_info.micro = wxPlatformInfo::Get().GetOSMicroVersion(); #endif //__APPLE__ #endif // ENABLE_HACK_CLOSING_ON_OSX_10_9_5 } return m_context; } wxGLCanvas* OpenGLManager::create_wxglcanvas(wxWindow& parent) { int attribList[] = { WX_GL_RGBA, WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, // RGB channels each should be allocated with 8 bit depth. One should almost certainly get these bit depths by default. WX_GL_MIN_RED, 8, WX_GL_MIN_GREEN, 8, WX_GL_MIN_BLUE, 8, // Requesting an 8 bit alpha channel. Interestingly, the NVIDIA drivers would most likely work with some alpha plane, but glReadPixels would not return // the alpha channel on NVIDIA if not requested when the GL context is created. WX_GL_MIN_ALPHA, 8, WX_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24, WX_GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS, GL_TRUE, WX_GL_SAMPLES, 4, 0 }; if (s_multisample == EMultisampleState::Unknown) { detect_multisample(attribList); // // debug output // std::cout << "Multisample " << (can_multisample() ? "enabled" : "disabled") << std::endl; } if (! can_multisample()) attribList[12] = 0; return new wxGLCanvas(&parent, wxID_ANY, attribList, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxWANTS_CHARS); } void OpenGLManager::detect_multisample(int* attribList) { int wxVersion = wxMAJOR_VERSION * 10000 + wxMINOR_VERSION * 100 + wxRELEASE_NUMBER; bool enable_multisample = wxVersion >= 30003; s_multisample = (enable_multisample && wxGLCanvas::IsDisplaySupported(attribList)) ? EMultisampleState::Enabled : EMultisampleState::Disabled; // Alternative method: it was working on previous version of wxWidgets but not with the latest, at least on Windows // s_multisample = enable_multisample && wxGLCanvas::IsExtensionSupported("WGL_ARB_multisample"); } } // namespace GUI } // namespace Slic3r