#include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include "BitmapCache.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "GUI_Utils.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "../Utils/MacDarkMode.hpp" #ifndef __WXGTK__// msw_menuitem_bitmaps is used for MSW and OSX static std::map msw_menuitem_bitmaps; #ifdef __WXMSW__ void msw_rescale_menu(wxMenu* menu) { struct update_icons { static void run(wxMenuItem* item) { const auto it = msw_menuitem_bitmaps.find(item->GetId()); if (it != msw_menuitem_bitmaps.end()) { const wxBitmap& item_icon = create_scaled_bitmap(it->second); if (item_icon.IsOk()) item->SetBitmap(item_icon); } if (item->IsSubMenu()) for (wxMenuItem *sub_item : item->GetSubMenu()->GetMenuItems()) update_icons::run(sub_item); } }; for (wxMenuItem *item : menu->GetMenuItems()) update_icons::run(item); } #endif /* __WXMSW__ */ #endif /* no __WXGTK__ */ void enable_menu_item(wxUpdateUIEvent& evt, std::function const cb_condition, wxMenuItem* item, wxWindow* win) { const bool enable = cb_condition(); evt.Enable(enable); #ifdef __WXOSX__ const auto it = msw_menuitem_bitmaps.find(item->GetId()); if (it != msw_menuitem_bitmaps.end()) { const wxBitmap& item_icon = create_scaled_bitmap(it->second, win, 16, !enable); if (item_icon.IsOk()) item->SetBitmap(item_icon); } #endif // __WXOSX__ } wxMenuItem* append_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description, std::function cb, const wxBitmap& icon, wxEvtHandler* event_handler, std::function const cb_condition, wxWindow* parent) { if (id == wxID_ANY) id = wxNewId(); auto *item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, string, description); if (icon.IsOk()) { item->SetBitmap(icon); } menu->Append(item); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (event_handler != nullptr && event_handler != menu) event_handler->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id); else #endif // __WXMSW__ menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id); if (parent) { parent->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [cb_condition, item, parent](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { enable_menu_item(evt, cb_condition, item, parent); }, id); } return item; } wxMenuItem* append_menu_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description, std::function cb, const std::string& icon, wxEvtHandler* event_handler, std::function const cb_condition, wxWindow* parent) { if (id == wxID_ANY) id = wxNewId(); const wxBitmap& bmp = !icon.empty() ? create_scaled_bitmap(icon) : wxNullBitmap; // FIXME: pass window ptr //#ifdef __WXMSW__ #ifndef __WXGTK__ if (bmp.IsOk()) msw_menuitem_bitmaps[id] = icon; #endif /* __WXMSW__ */ return append_menu_item(menu, id, string, description, cb, bmp, event_handler, cb_condition, parent); } wxMenuItem* append_submenu(wxMenu* menu, wxMenu* sub_menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description, const std::string& icon, std::function const cb_condition, wxWindow* parent) { if (id == wxID_ANY) id = wxNewId(); wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem(menu, id, string, description); if (!icon.empty()) { item->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(icon)); // FIXME: pass window ptr //#ifdef __WXMSW__ #ifndef __WXGTK__ msw_menuitem_bitmaps[id] = icon; #endif /* __WXMSW__ */ } item->SetSubMenu(sub_menu); menu->Append(item); if (parent) { parent->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [cb_condition, item, parent](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { enable_menu_item(evt, cb_condition, item, parent); }, id); } return item; } wxMenuItem* append_menu_radio_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description, std::function cb, wxEvtHandler* event_handler) { if (id == wxID_ANY) id = wxNewId(); wxMenuItem* item = menu->AppendRadioItem(id, string, description); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (event_handler != nullptr && event_handler != menu) event_handler->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id); else #endif // __WXMSW__ menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id); return item; } wxMenuItem* append_menu_check_item(wxMenu* menu, int id, const wxString& string, const wxString& description, std::function cb, wxEvtHandler* event_handler, std::function const enable_condition, std::function const check_condition, wxWindow* parent) { if (id == wxID_ANY) id = wxNewId(); wxMenuItem* item = menu->AppendCheckItem(id, string, description); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (event_handler != nullptr && event_handler != menu) event_handler->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id); else #endif // __WXMSW__ menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, cb, id); if (parent) parent->Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [enable_condition, check_condition](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { evt.Enable(enable_condition()); evt.Check(check_condition()); }, id); return item; } const unsigned int wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::DefaultWidth = 200; const unsigned int wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::DefaultHeight = 200; bool wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::Create(wxWindow* parent) { return wxCheckListBox::Create(parent, wxID_HIGHEST + 1, wxPoint(0, 0)); } wxWindow* wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::GetControl() { return this; } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::SetStringValue(const wxString& value) { m_text = value; } wxString wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::GetStringValue() const { return m_text; } wxSize wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::GetAdjustedSize(int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight) { // set width dinamically in dependence of items text // and set height dinamically in dependence of items count wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); if (cmb != nullptr) { wxSize size = GetComboCtrl()->GetSize(); unsigned int count = GetCount(); if (count > 0) { int max_width = size.x; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { max_width = std::max(max_width, 60 + GetTextExtent(GetString(i)).x); } size.SetWidth(max_width); size.SetHeight(count * cmb->GetCharHeight()); } else size.SetHeight(DefaultHeight); return size; } else return wxSize(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& evt) { // filters out all the keys which are not working properly switch (evt.GetKeyCode()) { case WXK_LEFT: case WXK_UP: case WXK_RIGHT: case WXK_DOWN: case WXK_PAGEUP: case WXK_PAGEDOWN: case WXK_END: case WXK_HOME: case WXK_NUMPAD_LEFT: case WXK_NUMPAD_UP: case WXK_NUMPAD_RIGHT: case WXK_NUMPAD_DOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEUP: case WXK_NUMPAD_PAGEDOWN: case WXK_NUMPAD_END: case WXK_NUMPAD_HOME: { break; } default: { evt.Skip(); break; } } } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::OnCheckListBox(wxCommandEvent& evt) { // forwards the checklistbox event to the owner wxComboCtrl if (m_check_box_events_status == OnCheckListBoxFunction::FreeToProceed ) { wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); if (cmb != nullptr) { wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, cmb->GetId()); event.SetEventObject(cmb); cmb->ProcessWindowEvent(event); } } evt.Skip(); #ifndef _WIN32 // events are sent differently on OSX+Linux vs Win (more description in header file) if ( m_check_box_events_status == OnCheckListBoxFunction::RefuseToProceed ) // this happens if the event was resent by OnListBoxSelection - next call to OnListBoxSelection is due to user clicking the text, so the function should // explicitly change the state on the checkbox m_check_box_events_status = OnCheckListBoxFunction::WasRefusedLastTime; else // if the user clicked the checkbox square, this event was sent before OnListBoxSelection was called, so we don't want it to resend it m_check_box_events_status = OnCheckListBoxFunction::RefuseToProceed; #endif } void wxCheckListBoxComboPopup::OnListBoxSelection(wxCommandEvent& evt) { // transforms list box item selection event into checklistbox item toggle event int selId = GetSelection(); if (selId != wxNOT_FOUND) { #ifndef _WIN32 if (m_check_box_events_status == OnCheckListBoxFunction::RefuseToProceed) #endif Check((unsigned int)selId, !IsChecked((unsigned int)selId)); m_check_box_events_status = OnCheckListBoxFunction::FreeToProceed; // so the checkbox reacts to square-click the next time SetSelection(wxNOT_FOUND); wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_CHECKLISTBOX, GetId()); event.SetInt(selId); event.SetEventObject(this); ProcessEvent(event); } } // *** wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup *** const unsigned int wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::DefaultWidth = 270; const unsigned int wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::DefaultHeight = 200; const unsigned int wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::DefaultItemHeight = 22; bool wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::Create(wxWindow* parent) { return wxDataViewTreeCtrl::Create(parent, wxID_ANY/*HIGHEST + 1*/, wxPoint(0, 0), wxDefaultSize/*wxSize(270, -1)*/, wxDV_NO_HEADER); } /* wxSize wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::GetAdjustedSize(int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight) { // matches owner wxComboCtrl's width // and sets height dinamically in dependence of contained items count wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); if (cmb != nullptr) { wxSize size = GetComboCtrl()->GetSize(); if (m_cnt_open_items > 0) size.SetHeight(m_cnt_open_items * DefaultItemHeight); else size.SetHeight(DefaultHeight); return size; } else return wxSize(DefaultWidth, DefaultHeight); } */ void wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& evt) { // filters out all the keys which are not working properly if (evt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_UP) { return; } else if (evt.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DOWN) { return; } else { evt.Skip(); return; } } void wxDataViewTreeCtrlComboPopup::OnDataViewTreeCtrlSelection(wxCommandEvent& evt) { wxComboCtrl* cmb = GetComboCtrl(); auto selected = GetItemText(GetSelection()); cmb->SetText(selected); } // edit tooltip : change Slic3r to SLIC3R_APP_KEY // Temporary workaround for localization void edit_tooltip(wxString& tooltip) { tooltip.Replace("Slic3r", SLIC3R_APP_KEY, true); } /* Function for rescale of buttons in Dialog under MSW if dpi is changed. * btn_ids - vector of buttons identifiers */ void msw_buttons_rescale(wxDialog* dlg, const int em_unit, const std::vector& btn_ids) { const wxSize& btn_size = wxSize(-1, int(2.5f * em_unit + 0.5f)); for (int btn_id : btn_ids) { // There is a case [FirmwareDialog], when we have wxControl instead of wxButton // so let casting everything to the wxControl wxControl* btn = static_cast(dlg->FindWindowById(btn_id, dlg)); if (btn) btn->SetMinSize(btn_size); } } /* Function for getting of em_unit value from correct parent. * In most of cases it is m_em_unit value from GUI_App, * but for DPIDialogs it's its own value. * This value will be used to correct rescale after moving between * Displays with different HDPI */ int em_unit(wxWindow* win) { if (win) { wxTopLevelWindow *toplevel = Slic3r::GUI::find_toplevel_parent(win); Slic3r::GUI::DPIDialog* dlg = dynamic_cast(toplevel); if (dlg) return dlg->em_unit(); Slic3r::GUI::DPIFrame* frame = dynamic_cast(toplevel); if (frame) return frame->em_unit(); } return Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit(); } int mode_icon_px_size() { #ifdef __APPLE__ return 10; #else return 12; #endif } // win is used to get a correct em_unit value // It's important for bitmaps of dialogs. // if win == nullptr, em_unit value of MainFrame will be used wxBitmap create_scaled_bitmap( const std::string& bmp_name_in, wxWindow *win/* = nullptr*/, const int px_cnt/* = 16*/, const bool grayscale/* = false*/) { static Slic3r::GUI::BitmapCache cache; unsigned int width = 0; unsigned int height = (unsigned int)(em_unit(win) * px_cnt * 0.1f + 0.5f); std::string bmp_name = bmp_name_in; boost::replace_last(bmp_name, ".png", ""); // Try loading an SVG first, then PNG if SVG is not found: wxBitmap *bmp = cache.load_svg(bmp_name, width, height, grayscale, Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().dark_mode()); if (bmp == nullptr) { bmp = cache.load_png(bmp_name, width, height, grayscale); } if (bmp == nullptr) { // Neither SVG nor PNG has been found, raise error throw Slic3r::RuntimeError("Could not load bitmap: " + bmp_name); } return *bmp; } std::vector get_extruder_color_icons(bool thin_icon/* = false*/) { static Slic3r::GUI::BitmapCache bmp_cache; // Create the bitmap with color bars. std::vector bmps; std::vector colors = Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().plater()->get_extruder_colors_from_plater_config(); if (colors.empty()) return bmps; unsigned char rgb[3]; /* It's supposed that standard size of an icon is 36px*16px for 100% scaled display. * So set sizes for solid_colored icons used for filament preset * and scale them in respect to em_unit value */ const double em = Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit(); const int icon_width = lround((thin_icon ? 1.6 : 3.2) * em); const int icon_height = lround(1.6 * em); for (const std::string& color : colors) { std::string bitmap_key = color + "-h" + std::to_string(icon_height) + "-w" + std::to_string(icon_width); wxBitmap* bitmap = bmp_cache.find(bitmap_key); if (bitmap == nullptr) { // Paint the color icon. Slic3r::GUI::BitmapCache::parse_color(color, rgb); // there is no neede to scale created solid bitmap bitmap = bmp_cache.insert(bitmap_key, bmp_cache.mksolid(icon_width, icon_height, rgb, true)); } bmps.emplace_back(bitmap); } return bmps; } void apply_extruder_selector(wxBitmapComboBox** ctrl, wxWindow* parent, const std::string& first_item/* = ""*/, wxPoint pos/* = wxDefaultPosition*/, wxSize size/* = wxDefaultSize*/, bool use_thin_icon/* = false*/) { std::vector icons = get_extruder_color_icons(use_thin_icon); if (!*ctrl) *ctrl = new wxBitmapComboBox(parent, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, pos, size, 0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY); else { (*ctrl)->SetPosition(pos); (*ctrl)->SetMinSize(size); (*ctrl)->SetSize(size); (*ctrl)->Clear(); } if (first_item.empty()) (*ctrl)->Hide(); // to avoid unwanted rendering before layout (ExtruderSequenceDialog) if (icons.empty() && !first_item.empty()) { (*ctrl)->Append(_(first_item), wxNullBitmap); return; } // For ObjectList we use short extruder name (just a number) const bool use_full_item_name = dynamic_cast(parent) == nullptr; int i = 0; wxString str = _(L("Extruder")); for (wxBitmap* bmp : icons) { if (i == 0) { if (!first_item.empty()) (*ctrl)->Append(_(first_item), *bmp); ++i; } (*ctrl)->Append(use_full_item_name ? Slic3r::GUI::from_u8((boost::format("%1% %2%") % str % i).str()) : wxString::Format("%d", i), *bmp); ++i; } (*ctrl)->SetSelection(0); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LockButton // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LockButton::LockButton( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos /*= wxDefaultPosition*/, const wxSize& size /*= wxDefaultSize*/): wxButton(parent, id, wxEmptyString, pos, size, wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER) { m_bmp_lock_closed = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_closed"); m_bmp_lock_closed_f = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_closed_f"); m_bmp_lock_open = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_open"); m_bmp_lock_open_f = ScalableBitmap(this, "lock_open_f"); #ifdef __WXMSW__ SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); #endif // __WXMSW__ SetBitmap(m_bmp_lock_open.bmp()); SetBitmapDisabled(m_bmp_lock_open.bmp()); SetBitmapHover(m_bmp_lock_closed_f.bmp()); //button events Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &LockButton::OnButton, this); } void LockButton::OnButton(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (m_disabled) return; m_is_pushed = !m_is_pushed; update_button_bitmaps(); event.Skip(); } void LockButton::SetLock(bool lock) { m_is_pushed = lock; update_button_bitmaps(); } void LockButton::msw_rescale() { m_bmp_lock_closed.msw_rescale(); m_bmp_lock_closed_f.msw_rescale(); m_bmp_lock_open.msw_rescale(); m_bmp_lock_open_f.msw_rescale(); update_button_bitmaps(); } void LockButton::update_button_bitmaps() { SetBitmap(m_is_pushed ? m_bmp_lock_closed.bmp() : m_bmp_lock_open.bmp()); SetBitmapHover(m_is_pushed ? m_bmp_lock_closed_f.bmp() : m_bmp_lock_open_f.bmp()); Refresh(); Update(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ModeButton // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModeButton::ModeButton( wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id, const std::string& icon_name /* = ""*/, const wxString& mode /* = wxEmptyString*/, const wxSize& size /* = wxDefaultSize*/, const wxPoint& pos /* = wxDefaultPosition*/) : ScalableButton(parent, id, icon_name, mode, size, pos, wxBU_EXACTFIT) { Init(mode); } ModeButton::ModeButton( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& mode/* = wxEmptyString*/, const std::string& icon_name/* = ""*/, int px_cnt/* = 16*/) : ScalableButton(parent, wxID_ANY, ScalableBitmap(parent, icon_name, px_cnt), mode, wxBU_EXACTFIT) { Init(mode); } void ModeButton::Init(const wxString &mode) { std::string mode_str = std::string(mode.ToUTF8()); m_tt_focused = Slic3r::GUI::from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Switch to the %s mode"))) % mode_str).str()); m_tt_selected = Slic3r::GUI::from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Current mode is %s"))) % mode_str).str()); SetBitmapMargins(3, 0); //button events Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, &ModeButton::OnButton, this); Bind(wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &ModeButton::OnEnterBtn, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &ModeButton::OnLeaveBtn, this); } void ModeButton::OnButton(wxCommandEvent& event) { m_is_selected = true; focus_button(m_is_selected); event.Skip(); } void ModeButton::SetState(const bool state) { m_is_selected = state; focus_button(m_is_selected); SetToolTip(state ? m_tt_selected : m_tt_focused); } void ModeButton::focus_button(const bool focus) { const wxFont& new_font = focus ? Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().bold_font() : Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font(); SetFont(new_font); SetForegroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(focus ? wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNTEXT : wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNSHADOW)); Refresh(); Update(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ModeSizer // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ModeSizer::ModeSizer(wxWindow *parent, int hgap/* = 0*/) : wxFlexGridSizer(3, 0, hgap) { SetFlexibleDirection(wxHORIZONTAL); std::vector < std::pair < wxString, std::string >> buttons = { {_(L("Simple")), "mode_simple"}, // {_(L("Advanced")), "mode_advanced"}, {_CTX(L_CONTEXT("Advanced", "Mode"), "Mode"), "mode_advanced"}, {_(L("Expert")), "mode_expert"}, }; auto modebtnfn = [](wxCommandEvent &event, int mode_id) { Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().save_mode(mode_id); event.Skip(); }; m_mode_btns.reserve(3); for (const auto& button : buttons) { m_mode_btns.push_back(new ModeButton(parent, button.first, button.second, mode_icon_px_size())); m_mode_btns.back()->Bind(wxEVT_BUTTON, std::bind(modebtnfn, std::placeholders::_1, int(m_mode_btns.size() - 1))); Add(m_mode_btns.back()); } } void ModeSizer::SetMode(const int mode) { for (size_t m = 0; m < m_mode_btns.size(); m++) m_mode_btns[m]->SetState(int(m) == mode); } void ModeSizer::msw_rescale() { for (size_t m = 0; m < m_mode_btns.size(); m++) m_mode_btns[m]->msw_rescale(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MenuWithSeparators // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void MenuWithSeparators::DestroySeparators() { if (m_separator_frst) { Destroy(m_separator_frst); m_separator_frst = nullptr; } if (m_separator_scnd) { Destroy(m_separator_scnd); m_separator_scnd = nullptr; } } void MenuWithSeparators::SetFirstSeparator() { m_separator_frst = this->AppendSeparator(); } void MenuWithSeparators::SetSecondSeparator() { m_separator_scnd = this->AppendSeparator(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PrusaBitmap // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScalableBitmap::ScalableBitmap( wxWindow *parent, const std::string& icon_name/* = ""*/, const int px_cnt/* = 16*/, const bool grayscale/* = false*/): m_parent(parent), m_icon_name(icon_name), m_px_cnt(px_cnt) { m_bmp = create_scaled_bitmap(icon_name, parent, px_cnt, grayscale); } wxSize ScalableBitmap::GetBmpSize() const { #ifdef __APPLE__ return m_bmp.GetScaledSize(); #else return m_bmp.GetSize(); #endif } int ScalableBitmap::GetBmpWidth() const { #ifdef __APPLE__ return m_bmp.GetScaledWidth(); #else return m_bmp.GetWidth(); #endif } int ScalableBitmap::GetBmpHeight() const { #ifdef __APPLE__ return m_bmp.GetScaledHeight(); #else return m_bmp.GetHeight(); #endif } void ScalableBitmap::msw_rescale() { m_bmp = create_scaled_bitmap(m_icon_name, m_parent, m_px_cnt, m_grayscale); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PrusaButton // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ScalableButton::ScalableButton( wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id, const std::string& icon_name /*= ""*/, const wxString& label /* = wxEmptyString*/, const wxSize& size /* = wxDefaultSize*/, const wxPoint& pos /* = wxDefaultPosition*/, long style /*= wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER*/, bool use_default_disabled_bitmap/* = false*/, int bmp_px_cnt/* = 16*/) : m_parent(parent), m_current_icon_name(icon_name), m_use_default_disabled_bitmap (use_default_disabled_bitmap), m_px_cnt(bmp_px_cnt) { Create(parent, id, label, pos, size, style); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (style & wxNO_BORDER) SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); #endif // __WXMSW__ SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(icon_name, parent, m_px_cnt)); if (m_use_default_disabled_bitmap) SetBitmapDisabled(create_scaled_bitmap(m_current_icon_name, m_parent, m_px_cnt, true)); if (size != wxDefaultSize) { const int em = em_unit(parent); m_width = size.x/em; m_height= size.y/em; } } ScalableButton::ScalableButton( wxWindow * parent, wxWindowID id, const ScalableBitmap& bitmap, const wxString& label /*= wxEmptyString*/, long style /*= wxBU_EXACTFIT | wxNO_BORDER*/) : m_parent(parent), m_current_icon_name(bitmap.name()), m_px_cnt(bitmap.px_cnt()) { Create(parent, id, label, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, style); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (style & wxNO_BORDER) SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); #endif // __WXMSW__ SetBitmap(bitmap.bmp()); } void ScalableButton::SetBitmap_(const ScalableBitmap& bmp) { SetBitmap(bmp.bmp()); m_current_icon_name = bmp.name(); } void ScalableButton::SetBitmapDisabled_(const ScalableBitmap& bmp) { SetBitmapDisabled(bmp.bmp()); m_disabled_icon_name = bmp.name(); } int ScalableButton::GetBitmapHeight() { #ifdef __APPLE__ return GetBitmap().GetScaledHeight(); #else return GetBitmap().GetHeight(); #endif } void ScalableButton::UseDefaultBitmapDisabled() { m_use_default_disabled_bitmap = true; SetBitmapDisabled(create_scaled_bitmap(m_current_icon_name, m_parent, m_px_cnt, true)); } void ScalableButton::msw_rescale() { SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(m_current_icon_name, m_parent, m_px_cnt)); if (!m_disabled_icon_name.empty()) SetBitmapDisabled(create_scaled_bitmap(m_disabled_icon_name, m_parent, m_px_cnt)); else if (m_use_default_disabled_bitmap) SetBitmapDisabled(create_scaled_bitmap(m_current_icon_name, m_parent, m_px_cnt, true)); if (m_width > 0 || m_height>0) { const int em = em_unit(m_parent); wxSize size(m_width * em, m_height * em); SetMinSize(size); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BlinkingBitmap // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BlinkingBitmap::BlinkingBitmap(wxWindow* parent, const std::string& icon_name) : wxStaticBitmap(parent, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(int(1.6 * Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().em_unit()), -1)) { bmp = ScalableBitmap(parent, icon_name); } void BlinkingBitmap::msw_rescale() { bmp.msw_rescale(); this->SetSize(bmp.GetBmpSize()); this->SetMinSize(bmp.GetBmpSize()); } void BlinkingBitmap::invalidate() { this->SetBitmap(wxNullBitmap); } void BlinkingBitmap::activate() { this->SetBitmap(bmp.bmp()); show = true; } void BlinkingBitmap::blink() { show = !show; this->SetBitmap(show ? bmp.bmp() : wxNullBitmap); }