#include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include "Camera.hpp" #if !ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #include "3DScene.hpp" #endif // !ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "AppConfig.hpp" #if ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA #include "Mouse3DController.hpp" #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA #endif // ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS #include #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA static const float GIMBALL_LOCK_THETA_MAX = 180.0f; #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA // phi / theta angles to orient the camera. static const float VIEW_DEFAULT[2] = { 45.0f, 45.0f }; static const float VIEW_LEFT[2] = { 90.0f, 90.0f }; static const float VIEW_RIGHT[2] = { -90.0f, 90.0f }; static const float VIEW_TOP[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; static const float VIEW_BOTTOM[2] = { 0.0f, 180.0f }; static const float VIEW_FRONT[2] = { 0.0f, 90.0f }; static const float VIEW_REAR[2] = { 180.0f, 90.0f }; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { const double Camera::DefaultDistance = 1000.0; #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR const double Camera::DefaultZoomToBoxMarginFactor = 1.025; const double Camera::DefaultZoomToVolumesMarginFactor = 1.025; #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR double Camera::FrustrumMinZRange = 50.0; double Camera::FrustrumMinNearZ = 100.0; double Camera::FrustrumZMargin = 10.0; double Camera::MaxFovDeg = 60.0; Camera::Camera() #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA : requires_zoom_to_bed(false) #else : phi(45.0f) , requires_zoom_to_bed(false) , inverted_phi(false) #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA , m_type(Perspective) , m_target(Vec3d::Zero()) #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA , m_theta(45.0f) #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA , m_zoom(1.0) , m_distance(DefaultDistance) , m_gui_scale(1.0) , m_view_matrix(Transform3d::Identity()) , m_projection_matrix(Transform3d::Identity()) { #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA set_default_orientation(); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } std::string Camera::get_type_as_string() const { switch (m_type) { case Unknown: return "unknown"; case Perspective: return "perspective"; default: case Ortho: return "orthographic"; }; } void Camera::set_type(EType type) { if (m_type != type) { m_type = type; wxGetApp().app_config->set("use_perspective_camera", (m_type == Perspective) ? "1" : "0"); wxGetApp().app_config->save(); } } void Camera::set_type(const std::string& type) { set_type((type == "1") ? Perspective : Ortho); } void Camera::select_next_type() { unsigned char next = (unsigned char)m_type + 1; if (next == (unsigned char)Num_types) next = 1; set_type((EType)next); } void Camera::set_target(const Vec3d& target) { #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA translate_world(target - m_target); #else BoundingBoxf3 test_box = m_scene_box; test_box.translate(-m_scene_box.center()); // We may let this factor be customizable static const double ScaleFactor = 1.5; test_box.scale(ScaleFactor); test_box.translate(m_scene_box.center()); m_target(0) = clamp(test_box.min(0), test_box.max(0), target(0)); m_target(1) = clamp(test_box.min(1), test_box.max(1), target(1)); m_target(2) = clamp(test_box.min(2), test_box.max(2), target(2)); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::set_theta(float theta, bool apply_limit) { if (apply_limit) m_theta = clamp(0.0f, GIMBALL_LOCK_THETA_MAX, theta); else { m_theta = fmod(theta, 360.0f); if (m_theta < 0.0f) m_theta += 360.0f; } } #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::update_zoom(double delta_zoom) { set_zoom(m_zoom / (1.0 - std::max(std::min(delta_zoom, 4.0), -4.0) * 0.1)); } void Camera::set_zoom(double zoom) { // Don't allow to zoom too far outside the scene. double zoom_min = min_zoom(); if (zoom_min > 0.0) zoom = std::max(zoom, zoom_min); // Don't allow to zoom too close to the scene. m_zoom = std::min(zoom, max_zoom()); } #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::select_view(const std::string& direction) { if (direction == "iso") set_default_orientation(); else if (direction == "left") look_at(m_target - m_distance * Vec3d::UnitX(), m_target, Vec3d::UnitZ()); else if (direction == "right") look_at(m_target + m_distance * Vec3d::UnitX(), m_target, Vec3d::UnitZ()); else if (direction == "top") look_at(m_target + m_distance * Vec3d::UnitZ(), m_target, Vec3d::UnitY()); else if (direction == "bottom") look_at(m_target - m_distance * Vec3d::UnitZ(), m_target, -Vec3d::UnitY()); else if (direction == "front") look_at(m_target - m_distance * Vec3d::UnitY(), m_target, Vec3d::UnitZ()); else if (direction == "rear") look_at(m_target + m_distance * Vec3d::UnitY(), m_target, Vec3d::UnitZ()); } #else bool Camera::select_view(const std::string& direction) { const float* dir_vec = nullptr; if (direction == "iso") dir_vec = VIEW_DEFAULT; else if (direction == "left") dir_vec = VIEW_LEFT; else if (direction == "right") dir_vec = VIEW_RIGHT; else if (direction == "top") dir_vec = VIEW_TOP; else if (direction == "bottom") dir_vec = VIEW_BOTTOM; else if (direction == "front") dir_vec = VIEW_FRONT; else if (direction == "rear") dir_vec = VIEW_REAR; if (dir_vec != nullptr) { phi = dir_vec[0]; set_theta(dir_vec[1], false); return true; } else return false; } #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double Camera::get_fov() const { switch (m_type) { case Perspective: return 2.0 * Geometry::rad2deg(std::atan(1.0 / m_projection_matrix.matrix()(1, 1))); default: case Ortho: return 0.0; }; } void Camera::apply_viewport(int x, int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h) const { glsafe(::glViewport(0, 0, w, h)); glsafe(::glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, m_viewport.data())); } void Camera::apply_view_matrix() const { #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double theta_rad = Geometry::deg2rad(-(double)m_theta); double phi_rad = Geometry::deg2rad((double)phi); double sin_theta = ::sin(theta_rad); Vec3d camera_pos = m_target + m_distance * Vec3d(sin_theta * ::sin(phi_rad), sin_theta * ::cos(phi_rad), ::cos(theta_rad)); #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA glsafe(::glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)); glsafe(::glLoadIdentity()); #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA glsafe(::glMultMatrixd(m_view_matrix.data())); #else glsafe(::glRotatef(-m_theta, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); // pitch glsafe(::glRotatef(phi, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); // yaw glsafe(::glTranslated(-camera_pos(0), -camera_pos(1), -camera_pos(2))); glsafe(::glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, m_view_matrix.data())); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } void Camera::apply_projection(const BoundingBoxf3& box, double near_z, double far_z) const { #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA set_distance(DefaultDistance); #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double w = 0.0; double h = 0.0; #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double old_distance = m_distance; m_frustrum_zs = calc_tight_frustrum_zs_around(box); if (m_distance != old_distance) // the camera has been moved re-apply view matrix apply_view_matrix(); #else while (true) { m_frustrum_zs = calc_tight_frustrum_zs_around(box); #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA if (near_z > 0.0) m_frustrum_zs.first = std::max(std::min(m_frustrum_zs.first, near_z), FrustrumMinNearZ); if (far_z > 0.0) m_frustrum_zs.second = std::max(m_frustrum_zs.second, far_z); w = 0.5 * (double)m_viewport[2]; h = 0.5 * (double)m_viewport[3]; double inv_zoom = get_inv_zoom(); w *= inv_zoom; h *= inv_zoom; switch (m_type) { default: case Ortho: { m_gui_scale = 1.0; break; } case Perspective: { // scale near plane to keep w and h constant on the plane at z = m_distance double scale = m_frustrum_zs.first / m_distance; w *= scale; h *= scale; m_gui_scale = scale; break; } } #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA if (m_type == Perspective) { double fov_deg = Geometry::rad2deg(2.0 * std::atan(h / m_frustrum_zs.first)); // adjust camera distance to keep fov in a limited range if (fov_deg > MaxFovDeg) { double delta_z = h / ::tan(0.5 * Geometry::deg2rad(MaxFovDeg)) - m_frustrum_zs.first; if (delta_z > 0.001) set_distance(m_distance + delta_z); else break; } else break; } else break; } #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA glsafe(::glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)); glsafe(::glLoadIdentity()); switch (m_type) { default: case Ortho: { glsafe(::glOrtho(-w, w, -h, h, m_frustrum_zs.first, m_frustrum_zs.second)); break; } case Perspective: { glsafe(::glFrustum(-w, w, -h, h, m_frustrum_zs.first, m_frustrum_zs.second)); break; } } glsafe(::glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, m_projection_matrix.data())); glsafe(::glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)); } #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::zoom_to_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, double margin_factor) #else void Camera::zoom_to_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, int canvas_w, int canvas_h, double margin_factor) #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA #else void Camera::zoom_to_box(const BoundingBoxf3& box, int canvas_w, int canvas_h) #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR { // Calculate the zoom factor needed to adjust the view around the given box. #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double zoom = calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(box, margin_factor); #else double zoom = calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(box, canvas_w, canvas_h, margin_factor); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA #else double zoom = calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(box, canvas_w, canvas_h); #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR if (zoom > 0.0) { m_zoom = zoom; // center view around box center #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA set_target(box.center()); #else m_target = box.center(); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } } #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::zoom_to_volumes(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, double margin_factor) #else void Camera::zoom_to_volumes(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, int canvas_w, int canvas_h, double margin_factor) #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA { Vec3d center; #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double zoom = calc_zoom_to_volumes_factor(volumes, center, margin_factor); #else double zoom = calc_zoom_to_volumes_factor(volumes, canvas_w, canvas_h, center, margin_factor); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA if (zoom > 0.0) { m_zoom = zoom; // center view around the calculated center #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA set_target(center); #else m_target = center; #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } } #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS void Camera::debug_render() const { ImGuiWrapper& imgui = *wxGetApp().imgui(); imgui.begin(std::string("Camera statistics"), ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse); std::string type = get_type_as_string(); #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA if (wxGetApp().plater()->get_mouse3d_controller().is_running() || (wxGetApp().app_config->get("use_free_camera") == "1")) type += "/free"; else type += "/constrained"; #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA Vec3f position = get_position().cast(); Vec3f target = m_target.cast(); float distance = (float)get_distance(); Vec3f forward = get_dir_forward().cast(); Vec3f right = get_dir_right().cast(); Vec3f up = get_dir_up().cast(); float nearZ = (float)m_frustrum_zs.first; float farZ = (float)m_frustrum_zs.second; float deltaZ = farZ - nearZ; float zoom = (float)m_zoom; float fov = (float)get_fov(); std::arrayviewport = get_viewport(); float gui_scale = (float)get_gui_scale(); ImGui::InputText("Type", type.data(), type.length(), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::InputFloat3("Position", position.data(), "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat3("Target", target.data(), "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat("Distance", &distance, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::InputFloat3("Forward", forward.data(), "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat3("Right", right.data(), "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat3("Up", up.data(), "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::InputFloat("Near Z", &nearZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat("Far Z", &farZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat("Delta Z", &deltaZ, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::InputFloat("Zoom", &zoom, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::InputFloat("Fov", &fov, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::InputInt4("Viewport", viewport.data(), ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); ImGui::Separator(); ImGui::InputFloat("GUI scale", &gui_scale, 0.0f, 0.0f, "%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags_ReadOnly); imgui.end(); } #endif // ENABLE_CAMERA_STATISTICS #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::translate_world(const Vec3d& displacement) { Vec3d new_target = validate_target(m_target + displacement); Vec3d new_displacement = new_target - m_target; if (!new_displacement.isApprox(Vec3d::Zero())) { m_target += new_displacement; m_view_matrix.translate(-new_displacement); } } void Camera::rotate_on_sphere(double delta_azimut_rad, double delta_zenit_rad) { // FIXME -> The following is a HACK !!! // When the value of the zenit rotation is large enough, the following call to rotate() shows // numerical instability introducing some scaling into m_view_matrix (verified by checking // that the camera space unit vectors are no more unit). // See also https://dev.prusa3d.com/browse/SPE-1082 // We split the zenit rotation into a set of smaller rotations which are then applied. static const double MAX_ALLOWED = Geometry::deg2rad(0.1); unsigned int zenit_steps_count = 1 + (unsigned int)(std::abs(delta_zenit_rad) / MAX_ALLOWED); double zenit_step = delta_zenit_rad / (double)zenit_steps_count; Vec3d target = m_target; translate_world(-target); if (zenit_step != 0.0) { Vec3d right = get_dir_right(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zenit_steps_count; ++i) { m_view_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(zenit_step, right)); } } if (delta_azimut_rad != 0.0) m_view_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(delta_azimut_rad, Vec3d::UnitZ())); translate_world(target); } void Camera::rotate_local_around_target(const Vec3d& rotation_rad) { rotate_local_around_pivot(rotation_rad, m_target); } void Camera::rotate_local_around_pivot(const Vec3d& rotation_rad, const Vec3d& pivot) { // we use a copy of the pivot because a reference to the current m_target may be passed in (see i.e. rotate_local_around_target()) // and m_target is modified by the translate_world() calls Vec3d center = pivot; translate_world(-center); m_view_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rotation_rad(0), get_dir_right())); m_view_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rotation_rad(1), get_dir_up())); m_view_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(rotation_rad(2), get_dir_forward())); translate_world(center); } #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double Camera::min_zoom() const { #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA return 0.7 * calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(m_scene_box); #else return 0.7 * calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(m_scene_box, m_viewport[2], m_viewport[3]); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } std::pair Camera::calc_tight_frustrum_zs_around(const BoundingBoxf3& box) const { std::pair ret; auto& [near_z, far_z] = ret; #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA while (true) { #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA // box in eye space BoundingBoxf3 eye_box = box.transformed(m_view_matrix); near_z = -eye_box.max(2); far_z = -eye_box.min(2); // apply margin near_z -= FrustrumZMargin; far_z += FrustrumZMargin; // ensure min size if (far_z - near_z < FrustrumMinZRange) { double mid_z = 0.5 * (near_z + far_z); double half_size = 0.5 * FrustrumMinZRange; near_z = mid_z - half_size; far_z = mid_z + half_size; } #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA if (near_z < FrustrumMinNearZ) { float delta = FrustrumMinNearZ - near_z; set_distance(m_distance + delta); near_z += delta; far_z += delta; } else if ((near_z > 2.0 * FrustrumMinNearZ) && (m_distance > DefaultDistance)) { float delta = m_distance - DefaultDistance; set_distance(DefaultDistance); near_z -= delta; far_z -= delta; } #else if (near_z >= FrustrumMinNearZ) break; // ensure min near z set_distance(m_distance + FrustrumMinNearZ - near_z); } #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA return ret; } #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double Camera::calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(const BoundingBoxf3& box, double margin_factor) const #else double Camera::calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(const BoundingBoxf3& box, int canvas_w, int canvas_h, double margin_factor) const #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA #else double Camera::calc_zoom_to_bounding_box_factor(const BoundingBoxf3& box, int canvas_w, int canvas_h) const #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR { double max_bb_size = box.max_size(); if (max_bb_size == 0.0) return -1.0; // project the box vertices on a plane perpendicular to the camera forward axis // then calculates the vertices coordinate on this plane along the camera xy axes #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA // ensure that the view matrix is updated apply_view_matrix(); #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA Vec3d right = get_dir_right(); Vec3d up = get_dir_up(); Vec3d forward = get_dir_forward(); Vec3d bb_center = box.center(); // box vertices in world space std::vector vertices; vertices.reserve(8); vertices.push_back(box.min); vertices.emplace_back(box.max(0), box.min(1), box.min(2)); vertices.emplace_back(box.max(0), box.max(1), box.min(2)); vertices.emplace_back(box.min(0), box.max(1), box.min(2)); vertices.emplace_back(box.min(0), box.min(1), box.max(2)); vertices.emplace_back(box.max(0), box.min(1), box.max(2)); vertices.push_back(box.max); vertices.emplace_back(box.min(0), box.max(1), box.max(2)); double min_x = DBL_MAX; double min_y = DBL_MAX; double max_x = -DBL_MAX; double max_y = -DBL_MAX; #if !ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR // margin factor to give some empty space around the box double margin_factor = 1.25; #endif // !ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR for (const Vec3d& v : vertices) { // project vertex on the plane perpendicular to camera forward axis Vec3d pos = v - bb_center; Vec3d proj_on_plane = pos - pos.dot(forward) * forward; // calculates vertex coordinate along camera xy axes double x_on_plane = proj_on_plane.dot(right); double y_on_plane = proj_on_plane.dot(up); min_x = std::min(min_x, x_on_plane); min_y = std::min(min_y, y_on_plane); max_x = std::max(max_x, x_on_plane); max_y = std::max(max_y, y_on_plane); } double dx = max_x - min_x; double dy = max_y - min_y; if ((dx <= 0.0) || (dy <= 0.0)) return -1.0f; double med_x = 0.5 * (max_x + min_x); double med_y = 0.5 * (max_y + min_y); dx *= margin_factor; dy *= margin_factor; #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA return std::min((double)m_viewport[2] / dx, (double)m_viewport[3] / dy); #else return std::min((double)canvas_w / dx, (double)canvas_h / dy); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA double Camera::calc_zoom_to_volumes_factor(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, Vec3d& center, double margin_factor) const #else double Camera::calc_zoom_to_volumes_factor(const GLVolumePtrs& volumes, int canvas_w, int canvas_h, Vec3d& center, double margin_factor) const #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA { if (volumes.empty()) return -1.0; // project the volumes vertices on a plane perpendicular to the camera forward axis // then calculates the vertices coordinate on this plane along the camera xy axes #if !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA // ensure that the view matrix is updated apply_view_matrix(); #endif // !ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA Vec3d right = get_dir_right(); Vec3d up = get_dir_up(); Vec3d forward = get_dir_forward(); BoundingBoxf3 box; for (const GLVolume* volume : volumes) { box.merge(volume->transformed_bounding_box()); } center = box.center(); double min_x = DBL_MAX; double min_y = DBL_MAX; double max_x = -DBL_MAX; double max_y = -DBL_MAX; for (const GLVolume* volume : volumes) { const Transform3d& transform = volume->world_matrix(); const TriangleMesh* hull = volume->convex_hull(); if (hull == nullptr) continue; for (const Vec3f& vertex : hull->its.vertices) { Vec3d v = transform * vertex.cast(); // project vertex on the plane perpendicular to camera forward axis Vec3d pos = v - center; Vec3d proj_on_plane = pos - pos.dot(forward) * forward; // calculates vertex coordinate along camera xy axes double x_on_plane = proj_on_plane.dot(right); double y_on_plane = proj_on_plane.dot(up); min_x = std::min(min_x, x_on_plane); min_y = std::min(min_y, y_on_plane); max_x = std::max(max_x, x_on_plane); max_y = std::max(max_y, y_on_plane); } } center += 0.5 * (max_x + min_x) * right + 0.5 * (max_y + min_y) * up; double dx = margin_factor * (max_x - min_x); double dy = margin_factor * (max_y - min_y); if ((dx <= 0.0) || (dy <= 0.0)) return -1.0f; #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA return std::min((double)m_viewport[2] / dx, (double)m_viewport[3] / dy); #else return std::min((double)canvas_w / dx, (double)canvas_h / dy); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR void Camera::set_distance(double distance) const { #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA if (m_distance != distance) { m_view_matrix.translate((distance - m_distance) * get_dir_forward()); m_distance = distance; } #else m_distance = distance; apply_view_matrix(); #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } #if ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA void Camera::look_at(const Vec3d& position, const Vec3d& target, const Vec3d& up) { Vec3d unit_z = (position - target).normalized(); Vec3d unit_x = up.cross(unit_z).normalized(); Vec3d unit_y = unit_z.cross(unit_x).normalized(); m_target = target; Vec3d new_position = m_target + m_distance * unit_z; m_view_matrix(0, 0) = unit_x(0); m_view_matrix(0, 1) = unit_x(1); m_view_matrix(0, 2) = unit_x(2); m_view_matrix(0, 3) = -unit_x.dot(new_position); m_view_matrix(1, 0) = unit_y(0); m_view_matrix(1, 1) = unit_y(1); m_view_matrix(1, 2) = unit_y(2); m_view_matrix(1, 3) = -unit_y.dot(new_position); m_view_matrix(2, 0) = unit_z(0); m_view_matrix(2, 1) = unit_z(1); m_view_matrix(2, 2) = unit_z(2); m_view_matrix(2, 3) = -unit_z.dot(new_position); m_view_matrix(3, 0) = 0.0; m_view_matrix(3, 1) = 0.0; m_view_matrix(3, 2) = 0.0; m_view_matrix(3, 3) = 1.0; } void Camera::set_default_orientation() { double theta_rad = Geometry::deg2rad(-45.0); double phi_rad = Geometry::deg2rad(45.0); double sin_theta = ::sin(theta_rad); Vec3d camera_pos = m_target + m_distance * Vec3d(sin_theta * ::sin(phi_rad), sin_theta * ::cos(phi_rad), ::cos(theta_rad)); m_view_matrix = Transform3d::Identity(); m_view_matrix.rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(theta_rad, Vec3d::UnitX())).rotate(Eigen::AngleAxisd(phi_rad, Vec3d::UnitZ())).translate(-camera_pos); } Vec3d Camera::validate_target(const Vec3d& target) const { BoundingBoxf3 test_box = m_scene_box; test_box.translate(-m_scene_box.center()); // We may let this factor be customizable static const double ScaleFactor = 1.5; test_box.scale(ScaleFactor); test_box.translate(m_scene_box.center()); return Vec3d(std::clamp(target(0), test_box.min(0), test_box.max(0)), std::clamp(target(1), test_box.min(1), test_box.max(1)), std::clamp(target(2), test_box.min(2), test_box.max(2))); } #endif // ENABLE_6DOF_CAMERA } // GUI } // Slic3r