#include "Exception.hpp" #include "PrintBase.hpp" #include <boost/filesystem.hpp> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include "I18N.hpp" //! macro used to mark string used at localization, //! return same string #define L(s) Slic3r::I18N::translate(s) namespace Slic3r { void PrintTryCancel::operator()() { m_print->throw_if_canceled(); } size_t PrintStateBase::g_last_timestamp = 0; // Update "scale", "input_filename", "input_filename_base" placeholders from the current m_objects. void PrintBase::update_object_placeholders(DynamicConfig &config, const std::string &default_ext) const { // get the first input file name std::string input_file; std::vector<std::string> v_scale; for (const ModelObject *model_object : m_model.objects) { ModelInstance *printable = nullptr; for (ModelInstance *model_instance : model_object->instances) if (model_instance->is_printable()) { printable = model_instance; break; } if (printable) { // CHECK_ME -> Is the following correct ? v_scale.push_back("x:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(X) * 100) + "% y:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(Y) * 100) + "% z:" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(printable->get_scaling_factor(Z) * 100) + "%"); if (input_file.empty()) input_file = model_object->name.empty() ? model_object->input_file : model_object->name; } } config.set_key_value("scale", new ConfigOptionStrings(v_scale)); if (! input_file.empty()) { // get basename with and without suffix const std::string input_filename = boost::filesystem::path(input_file).filename().string(); const std::string input_filename_base = input_filename.substr(0, input_filename.find_last_of(".")); config.set_key_value("input_filename", new ConfigOptionString(input_filename_base + default_ext)); config.set_key_value("input_filename_base", new ConfigOptionString(input_filename_base)); } } // Generate an output file name based on the format template, default extension, and template parameters // (timestamps, object placeholders derived from the model, current placeholder prameters, print statistics - config_override) std::string PrintBase::output_filename(const std::string &format, const std::string &default_ext, const std::string &filename_base, const DynamicConfig *config_override) const { DynamicConfig cfg; if (config_override != nullptr) cfg = *config_override; PlaceholderParser::update_timestamp(cfg); this->update_object_placeholders(cfg, default_ext); if (! filename_base.empty()) { cfg.set_key_value("input_filename", new ConfigOptionString(filename_base + default_ext)); cfg.set_key_value("input_filename_base", new ConfigOptionString(filename_base)); } try { boost::filesystem::path filename = format.empty() ? cfg.opt_string("input_filename_base") + default_ext : this->placeholder_parser().process(format, 0, &cfg); if (filename.extension().empty()) filename = boost::filesystem::change_extension(filename, default_ext); return filename.string(); } catch (std::runtime_error &err) { throw Slic3r::PlaceholderParserError(L("Failed processing of the output_filename_format template.") + "\n" + err.what()); } } std::string PrintBase::output_filepath(const std::string &path, const std::string &filename_base) const { // if we were supplied no path, generate an automatic one based on our first object's input file if (path.empty()) // get the first input file name return (boost::filesystem::path(m_model.propose_export_file_name_and_path()).parent_path() / this->output_filename(filename_base)).make_preferred().string(); // if we were supplied a directory, use it and append our automatically generated filename boost::filesystem::path p(path); if (boost::filesystem::is_directory(p)) return (p / this->output_filename(filename_base)).make_preferred().string(); // if we were supplied a file which is not a directory, use it return path; } void PrintBase::status_update_warnings(ObjectID object_id, int step, PrintStateBase::WarningLevel /* warning_level */, const std::string &message) { if (this->m_status_callback) m_status_callback(SlicingStatus(*this, step)); else if (! message.empty()) printf("%s warning: %s\n", (object_id == this->id()) ? "print" : "print object", message.c_str()); } tbb::mutex& PrintObjectBase::state_mutex(PrintBase *print) { return print->state_mutex(); } std::function<void()> PrintObjectBase::cancel_callback(PrintBase *print) { return print->cancel_callback(); } void PrintObjectBase::status_update_warnings(PrintBase *print, int step, PrintStateBase::WarningLevel warning_level, const std::string &message) { print->status_update_warnings(this->id(), step, warning_level, message); } } // namespace Slic3r