#include <catch2/catch.hpp> #include "libslic3r/TriangleMesh.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Point.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Config.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "libslic3r/libslic3r.h" #include <algorithm> #include <future> #include <chrono> //#include "test_options.hpp" #include "test_data.hpp" using namespace Slic3r; using namespace std; SCENARIO( "TriangleMesh: Basic mesh statistics") { GIVEN( "A 20mm cube, built from constexpr std::array" ) { std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); THEN( "Volume is appropriate for 20mm square cube.") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.volume() - 20.0*20.0*20.0) < 1e-2); } THEN( "Vertices array matches input.") { for (size_t i = 0U; i < cube.its.vertices.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(i) == vertices.at(i).cast<float>()); } for (size_t i = 0U; i < vertices.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(vertices.at(i).cast<float>() == cube.its.vertices.at(i)); } } THEN( "Vertex count matches vertex array size.") { REQUIRE(cube.facets_count() == facets.size()); } THEN( "Facet array matches input.") { for (size_t i = 0U; i < cube.its.indices.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(cube.its.indices.at(i) == facets.at(i)); } for (size_t i = 0U; i < facets.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(facets.at(i) == cube.its.indices.at(i)); } } THEN( "Facet count matches facet array size.") { REQUIRE(cube.facets_count() == facets.size()); } #if 0 THEN( "Number of normals is equal to the number of facets.") { REQUIRE(cube.normals().size() == facets.size()); } #endif THEN( "center() returns the center of the object.") { REQUIRE(cube.center() == Vec3d(10.0,10.0,10.0)); } THEN( "Size of cube is (20,20,20)") { REQUIRE(cube.size() == Vec3d(20,20,20)); } } GIVEN( "A 20mm cube with one corner on the origin") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); THEN( "Volume is appropriate for 20mm square cube.") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.volume() - 20.0*20.0*20.0) < 1e-2); } THEN( "Vertices array matches input.") { for (size_t i = 0U; i < cube.its.vertices.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(i) == vertices.at(i).cast<float>()); } for (size_t i = 0U; i < vertices.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(vertices.at(i).cast<float>() == cube.its.vertices.at(i)); } } THEN( "Vertex count matches vertex array size.") { REQUIRE(cube.facets_count() == facets.size()); } THEN( "Facet array matches input.") { for (size_t i = 0U; i < cube.its.indices.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(cube.its.indices.at(i) == facets.at(i)); } for (size_t i = 0U; i < facets.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(facets.at(i) == cube.its.indices.at(i)); } } THEN( "Facet count matches facet array size.") { REQUIRE(cube.facets_count() == facets.size()); } #if 0 THEN( "Number of normals is equal to the number of facets.") { REQUIRE(cube.normals().size() == facets.size()); } #endif THEN( "center() returns the center of the object.") { REQUIRE(cube.center() == Vec3d(10.0,10.0,10.0)); } THEN( "Size of cube is (20,20,20)") { REQUIRE(cube.size() == Vec3d(20,20,20)); } } } SCENARIO( "TriangleMesh: Transformation functions affect mesh as expected.") { GIVEN( "A 20mm cube with one corner on the origin") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); WHEN( "The cube is scaled 200% uniformly") { cube.scale(2.0); THEN( "The volume is equivalent to 40x40x40 (all dimensions increased by 200%") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.volume() - 40.0*40.0*40.0) < 1e-2); } } WHEN( "The resulting cube is scaled 200% in the X direction") { cube.scale(Vec3d(2.0, 1, 1)); THEN( "The volume is doubled.") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.volume() - 2*20.0*20.0*20.0) < 1e-2); } THEN( "The X coordinate size is 200%.") { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(0).x() == 40.0); } } WHEN( "The cube is scaled 25% in the X direction") { cube.scale(Vec3d(0.25, 1, 1)); THEN( "The volume is 25% of the previous volume.") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.volume() - 0.25*20.0*20.0*20.0) < 1e-2); } THEN( "The X coordinate size is 25% from previous.") { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(0).x() == 5.0); } } WHEN( "The cube is rotated 45 degrees.") { cube.rotate_z(float(M_PI / 4.)); THEN( "The X component of the size is sqrt(2)*20") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.size().x() - sqrt(2.0)*20) < 1e-2); } } WHEN( "The cube is translated (5, 10, 0) units with a Vec3f ") { cube.translate(Vec3f(5.0, 10.0, 0.0)); THEN( "The first vertex is located at 25, 30, 0") { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(0) == Vec3f(25.0, 30.0, 0.0)); } } WHEN( "The cube is translated (5, 10, 0) units with 3 doubles") { cube.translate(5.0, 10.0, 0.0); THEN( "The first vertex is located at 25, 30, 0") { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(0) == Vec3f(25.0, 30.0, 0.0)); } } WHEN( "The cube is translated (5, 10, 0) units and then aligned to origin") { cube.translate(5.0, 10.0, 0.0); cube.align_to_origin(); THEN( "The third vertex is located at 0,0,0") { REQUIRE(cube.its.vertices.at(2) == Vec3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); } } } } SCENARIO( "TriangleMesh: slice behavior.") { GIVEN( "A 20mm cube with one corner on the origin") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); WHEN("Cube is sliced with z = [0+EPSILON,2,4,8,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20]") { std::vector<double> z { 0+EPSILON,2,4,8,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 }; std::vector<ExPolygons> result = cube.slice(z); THEN( "The correct number of polygons are returned per layer.") { for (size_t i = 0U; i < z.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(result.at(i).size() == 1); } } THEN( "The area of the returned polygons is correct.") { for (size_t i = 0U; i < z.size(); i++) { REQUIRE(result.at(i).at(0).area() == 20.0*20/(std::pow(SCALING_FACTOR,2))); } } } } GIVEN( "A STL with an irregular shape.") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices {{0,0,0},{0,0,20},{0,5,0},{0,5,20},{50,0,0},{50,0,20},{15,5,0},{35,5,0},{15,20,0},{50,5,0},{35,20,0},{15,5,10},{50,5,20},{35,5,10},{35,20,10},{15,20,10}}; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets {{0,1,2},{2,1,3},{1,0,4},{5,1,4},{0,2,4},{4,2,6},{7,6,8},{4,6,7},{9,4,7},{7,8,10},{2,3,6},{11,3,12},{7,12,9},{13,12,7},{6,3,11},{11,12,13},{3,1,5},{12,3,5},{5,4,9},{12,5,9},{13,7,10},{14,13,10},{8,15,10},{10,15,14},{6,11,8},{8,11,15},{15,11,13},{14,15,13}}; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); WHEN(" a top tangent plane is sliced") { std::vector<ExPolygons> slices = cube.slice({5.0, 10.0}); THEN( "its area is included") { REQUIRE(slices.at(0).at(0).area() > 0); REQUIRE(slices.at(1).at(0).area() > 0); } } WHEN(" a model that has been transformed is sliced") { cube.mirror_z(); std::vector<ExPolygons> slices = cube.slice({-5.0, -10.0}); THEN( "it is sliced properly (mirrored bottom plane area is included)") { REQUIRE(slices.at(0).at(0).area() > 0); REQUIRE(slices.at(1).at(0).area() > 0); } } } } SCENARIO( "make_xxx functions produce meshes.") { GIVEN("make_cube() function") { WHEN("make_cube() is called with arguments 20,20,20") { TriangleMesh cube = make_cube(20,20,20); THEN("The resulting mesh has one and only one vertex at 0,0,0") { const std::vector<Vec3f> &verts = cube.its.vertices; REQUIRE(std::count_if(verts.begin(), verts.end(), [](const Vec3f& t) { return t.x() == 0 && t.y() == 0 && t.z() == 0; } ) == 1); } THEN("The mesh volume is 20*20*20") { REQUIRE(abs(cube.volume() - 20.0*20.0*20.0) < 1e-2); } THEN("The resulting mesh is in the repaired state.") { REQUIRE(cube.repaired == true); } THEN("There are 12 facets.") { REQUIRE(cube.its.indices.size() == 12); } } } GIVEN("make_cylinder() function") { WHEN("make_cylinder() is called with arguments 10,10, PI / 3") { TriangleMesh cyl = make_cylinder(10, 10, PI / 243.0); double angle = (2*PI / floor(2*PI / (PI / 243.0))); THEN("The resulting mesh has one and only one vertex at 0,0,0") { const std::vector<Vec3f> &verts = cyl.its.vertices; REQUIRE(std::count_if(verts.begin(), verts.end(), [](const Vec3f& t) { return t.x() == 0 && t.y() == 0 && t.z() == 0; } ) == 1); } THEN("The resulting mesh has one and only one vertex at 0,0,10") { const std::vector<Vec3f> &verts = cyl.its.vertices; REQUIRE(std::count_if(verts.begin(), verts.end(), [](const Vec3f& t) { return t.x() == 0 && t.y() == 0 && t.z() == 10; } ) == 1); } THEN("Resulting mesh has 2 + (2*PI/angle * 2) vertices.") { REQUIRE(cyl.its.vertices.size() == (2 + ((2*PI/angle)*2))); } THEN("Resulting mesh has 2*PI/angle * 4 facets") { REQUIRE(cyl.its.indices.size() == (2*PI/angle)*4); } THEN("The resulting mesh is in the repaired state.") { REQUIRE(cyl.repaired == true); } THEN( "The mesh volume is approximately 10pi * 10^2") { REQUIRE(abs(cyl.volume() - (10.0 * M_PI * std::pow(10,2))) < 1); } } } GIVEN("make_sphere() function") { WHEN("make_sphere() is called with arguments 10, PI / 3") { TriangleMesh sph = make_sphere(10, PI / 243.0); THEN("Resulting mesh has one point at 0,0,-10 and one at 0,0,10") { const std::vector<stl_vertex> &verts = sph.its.vertices; REQUIRE(std::count_if(verts.begin(), verts.end(), [](const Vec3f& t) { return is_approx(t, Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, 10.f)); } ) == 1); REQUIRE(std::count_if(verts.begin(), verts.end(), [](const Vec3f& t) { return is_approx(t, Vec3f(0.f, 0.f, -10.f)); } ) == 1); } THEN("The resulting mesh is in the repaired state.") { REQUIRE(sph.repaired == true); } THEN( "The mesh volume is approximately 4/3 * pi * 10^3") { REQUIRE(abs(sph.volume() - (4.0/3.0 * M_PI * std::pow(10,3))) < 1); // 1% tolerance? } } } } SCENARIO( "TriangleMesh: split functionality.") { GIVEN( "A 20mm cube with one corner on the origin") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); WHEN( "The mesh is split into its component parts.") { std::vector<TriangleMesh*> meshes = cube.split(); THEN(" The bounding box statistics are propagated to the split copies") { REQUIRE(meshes.size() == 1); REQUIRE((meshes.at(0)->bounding_box() == cube.bounding_box())); } } } GIVEN( "Two 20mm cubes, each with one corner on the origin, merged into a single TriangleMesh") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); TriangleMesh cube2(vertices, facets); cube2.repair(); cube.merge(cube2); cube.repair(); WHEN( "The combined mesh is split") { std::vector<TriangleMesh*> meshes = cube.split(); THEN( "Two meshes are in the output vector.") { REQUIRE(meshes.size() == 2); } } } } SCENARIO( "TriangleMesh: Mesh merge functions") { GIVEN( "Two 20mm cubes, each with one corner on the origin") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); TriangleMesh cube2(vertices, facets); cube2.repair(); WHEN( "The two meshes are merged") { cube.merge(cube2); cube.repair(); THEN( "There are twice as many facets in the merged mesh as the original.") { REQUIRE(cube.stl.stats.number_of_facets == 2 * cube2.stl.stats.number_of_facets); } } } } SCENARIO( "TriangleMeshSlicer: Cut behavior.") { GIVEN( "A 20mm cube with one corner on the origin") { const std::vector<Vec3d> vertices { {20,20,0}, {20,0,0}, {0,0,0}, {0,20,0}, {20,20,20}, {0,20,20}, {0,0,20}, {20,0,20} }; const std::vector<Vec3i> facets { {0,1,2}, {0,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {4,6,7}, {0,4,7}, {0,7,1}, {1,7,6}, {1,6,2}, {2,6,5}, {2,5,3}, {4,0,3}, {4,3,5} }; TriangleMesh cube(vertices, facets); cube.repair(); WHEN( "Object is cut at the bottom") { TriangleMesh upper {}; TriangleMesh lower {}; TriangleMeshSlicer slicer(&cube); slicer.cut(0, &upper, &lower); THEN("Upper mesh has all facets except those belonging to the slicing plane.") { REQUIRE(upper.facets_count() == 12); } THEN("Lower mesh has no facets.") { REQUIRE(lower.facets_count() == 0); } } WHEN( "Object is cut at the center") { TriangleMesh upper {}; TriangleMesh lower {}; TriangleMeshSlicer slicer(&cube); slicer.cut(10, &upper, &lower); THEN("Upper mesh has 2 external horizontal facets, 3 facets on each side, and 6 facets on the triangulated side (2 + 12 + 6).") { REQUIRE(upper.facets_count() == 2+12+6); } THEN("Lower mesh has 2 external horizontal facets, 3 facets on each side, and 6 facets on the triangulated side (2 + 12 + 6).") { REQUIRE(lower.facets_count() == 2+12+6); } } } } #ifdef TEST_PERFORMANCE TEST_CASE("Regression test for issue #4486 - files take forever to slice") { TriangleMesh mesh; DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config(); mesh.ReadSTLFile(std::string(testfile_dir) + "test_trianglemesh/4486/100_000.stl"); mesh.repair(); config.set("layer_height", 500); config.set("first_layer_height", 250); config.set("nozzle_diameter", 500); Slic3r::Print print; Slic3r::Model model; Slic3r::Test::init_print({mesh}, print, model, config); print.status_cb = [] (int ln, const std::string& msg) { Slic3r::Log::info("Print") << ln << " " << msg << "\n";}; std::future<void> fut = std::async([&print] () { print.process(); }); std::chrono::milliseconds span {120000}; bool timedout {false}; if(fut.wait_for(span) == std::future_status::timeout) { timedout = true; } REQUIRE(timedout == false); } #endif // TEST_PERFORMANCE #ifdef BUILD_PROFILE TEST_CASE("Profile test for issue #4486 - files take forever to slice") { TriangleMesh mesh; DynamicPrintConfig config = Slic3r::DynamicPrintConfig::full_print_config(); mesh.ReadSTLFile(std::string(testfile_dir) + "test_trianglemesh/4486/10_000.stl"); mesh.repair(); config.set("layer_height", 500); config.set("first_layer_height", 250); config.set("nozzle_diameter", 500); config.set("fill_density", "5%"); Slic3r::Print print; Slic3r::Model model; Slic3r::Test::init_print({mesh}, print, model, config); print.status_cb = [] (int ln, const std::string& msg) { Slic3r::Log::info("Print") << ln << " " << msg << "\n";}; print.process(); REQUIRE(true); } #endif //BUILD_PROFILE