#include "libslic3r/Technologies.hpp" #include "GUI_App.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectManipulation.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #include <exception> #include <cstdlib> #include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> #include <boost/log/trivial.hpp> #include <boost/nowide/convert.hpp> #include <wx/stdpaths.h> #include <wx/imagpng.h> #include <wx/display.h> #include <wx/menu.h> #include <wx/menuitem.h> #include <wx/filedlg.h> #include <wx/progdlg.h> #include <wx/dir.h> #include <wx/wupdlock.h> #include <wx/filefn.h> #include <wx/sysopt.h> #include <wx/msgdlg.h> #include <wx/richmsgdlg.h> #include <wx/log.h> #include <wx/intl.h> #include <wx/dialog.h> #include <wx/textctrl.h> #include <wx/splash.h> #include "libslic3r/Utils.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Model.hpp" #include "libslic3r/I18N.hpp" #include "libslic3r/PresetBundle.hpp" #include "GUI.hpp" #include "GUI_Utils.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include "MainFrame.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "../Utils/PresetUpdater.hpp" #include "../Utils/PrintHost.hpp" #include "../Utils/MacDarkMode.hpp" #include "slic3r/Config/Snapshot.hpp" #include "ConfigSnapshotDialog.hpp" #include "FirmwareDialog.hpp" #include "Preferences.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "SysInfoDialog.hpp" #include "KBShortcutsDialog.hpp" #include "UpdateDialogs.hpp" #include "Mouse3DController.hpp" #include "RemovableDriveManager.hpp" #include "InstanceCheck.hpp" #include "NotificationManager.hpp" #include "UnsavedChangesDialog.hpp" #include "PresetComboBoxes.hpp" #include "BitmapCache.hpp" #ifdef __WXMSW__ #include <dbt.h> #include <shlobj.h> #endif // __WXMSW__ #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG #include <boost/beast/core/detail/base64.hpp> #include <boost/nowide/fstream.hpp> #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { class MainFrame; class SplashScreen : public wxSplashScreen { public: SplashScreen(const wxBitmap& bitmap, long splashStyle, int milliseconds, wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition, bool is_decorated = false) : wxSplashScreen(bitmap, splashStyle, milliseconds, nullptr, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, #ifdef __APPLE__ wxSIMPLE_BORDER | wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR | wxSTAY_ON_TOP #else wxSIMPLE_BORDER | wxFRAME_NO_TASKBAR #endif // !__APPLE__ ) { wxASSERT(bitmap.IsOk()); m_main_bitmap = bitmap; if (!is_decorated) Decorate(m_main_bitmap, pos, true); m_scale = get_display_scale(pos); m_font = get_scaled_sys_font(get_splashscreen_display_scale_factor(pos)).Bold().Larger(); if (pos != wxDefaultPosition) { this->SetPosition(pos); this->CenterOnScreen(); } } void SetText(const wxString& text) { set_bitmap(m_main_bitmap); if (!text.empty()) { wxBitmap bitmap(m_main_bitmap); wxMemoryDC memDC; memDC.SelectObject(bitmap); wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); memDC.SetFont(m_font); memDC.SetTextForeground(wxColour(237, 107, 33)); memDC.DrawText(text, int(m_scale * 45), int(m_scale * 240)); memDC.SelectObject(wxNullBitmap); set_bitmap(bitmap); #ifdef __WXOSX__ // without this code splash screen wouldn't be updated under OSX wxYield(); #endif } } static wxBitmap MakeBitmap(wxBitmap bmp) { if (!bmp.IsOk()) return wxNullBitmap; // create dark grey background for the splashscreen // It will be 5/3 of the weight of the bitmap int width = lround((double)5 / 3 * bmp.GetWidth()); int height = bmp.GetHeight(); wxImage image(width, height); unsigned char* imgdata_ = image.GetData(); for (int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i) { *imgdata_++ = 51; *imgdata_++ = 51; *imgdata_++ = 51; } wxBitmap new_bmp(image); wxMemoryDC memDC; memDC.SelectObject(new_bmp); memDC.DrawBitmap(bmp, width - bmp.GetWidth(), 0, true); return new_bmp; } static bool Decorate(wxBitmap& bmp, wxPoint screen_pos = wxDefaultPosition, bool force_decor = false) { if (!bmp.IsOk()) return false; float screen_sf = get_splashscreen_display_scale_factor(screen_pos); float screen_scale = get_display_scale(screen_pos); if (screen_sf == 1.0) { // it means that we have just one display or all displays have a same scale // Scale bitmap for this display and continue the decoration scale_bitmap(bmp, screen_scale); } else if (force_decor) { // if we are here, it means that bitmap is already scaled for the main display // and now we should just scale it th the secondary monitor and continue the decoration scale_bitmap(bmp, screen_sf); } else { // if screens have different scale and this function is called with force_decor == false // then just rescale the bitmap for the main display scale scale_bitmap(bmp, get_display_scale()); return false; // Decoration will be continued later, from the SplashScreen constructor } // draw text to the box at the left of the splashscreen. // this box will be 2/5 of the weight of the bitmap, and be at the left. int width = lround(bmp.GetWidth() * 0.4); // load bitmap for logo BitmapCache bmp_cache; int logo_size = lround(width * 0.25); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER wxBitmap logo_bmp = *bmp_cache.load_svg(wxGetApp().is_editor() ? "prusa_slicer_logo" : "add_gcode", logo_size, logo_size); #else wxBitmap logo_bmp = *bmp_cache.load_svg("prusa_slicer_logo", logo_size, logo_size); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER wxFont sys_font = get_scaled_sys_font(screen_sf); wxCoord margin = int(screen_scale * 20); const wxRect banner_rect(wxPoint(0, logo_size + margin * 2), wxPoint(width, bmp.GetHeight())); // title #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER wxString title_string = wxGetApp().is_editor() ? SLIC3R_APP_NAME : GCODEVIEWER_APP_NAME; #else wxString title_string = SLIC3R_APP_NAME; #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER wxFont title_font = sys_font; title_font.SetPointSize(3 * sys_font.GetPointSize()); // dynamically get the version to display wxString version_string = _L("Version") + " " + std::string(SLIC3R_VERSION); wxFont version_font = sys_font.Larger().Larger(); // create a info notice wxString info_string = title_string + " " + _L("is based on Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci and the RepRap community.") + "\n\n" + title_string + " " + _L("is licensed under the") + " " + _L("GNU Affero General Public License, version 3") + "\n\n" + _L("Contributions by Vojtech Bubnik, Enrico Turri, Oleksandra Iushchenko, Tamas Meszaros, Lukas Matena, Vojtech Kral, David Kocik and numerous others.") + "\n\n" + _L("Artwork model by Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles"); wxFont info_font = sys_font.Larger(); word_wrap_string(info_string, width, screen_scale); // use a memory DC to draw directly onto the bitmap wxMemoryDC memDc(bmp); // draw logo memDc.DrawBitmap(logo_bmp, margin, margin, true); // draw the (white) labels inside of our black box (at the left of the splashscreen) memDc.SetTextForeground(wxColour(255, 255, 255)); memDc.SetFont(title_font); memDc.DrawLabel(title_string, banner_rect.Deflate(margin, 0), wxALIGN_TOP | wxALIGN_LEFT); memDc.SetFont(version_font); memDc.DrawLabel(version_string, banner_rect.Deflate(margin, 2 * margin), wxALIGN_TOP | wxALIGN_LEFT); memDc.SetFont(info_font); memDc.DrawLabel(info_string, banner_rect.Deflate(margin, 2 * margin), wxALIGN_BOTTOM | wxALIGN_LEFT); return true; } private: wxBitmap m_main_bitmap; wxFont m_font; float m_scale {1.0}; void set_bitmap(wxBitmap& bmp) { m_window->SetBitmap(bmp); m_window->Refresh(); m_window->Update(); } static float get_splashscreen_display_scale_factor(wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition) { if (wxDisplay::GetCount() == 1) return 1.0; wxFrame main_screen_fr(nullptr, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString); wxFrame splash_screen_fr(nullptr, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, pos); #if ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT && !defined(__WXGTK__) int main_dpi = get_dpi_for_window(&main_screen_fr); int splash_dpi = get_dpi_for_window(&splash_screen_fr); float sf = (float)splash_dpi / (float)main_dpi; #else // initialize default width_unit according to the width of the one symbol ("m") of the currently active font of this window. float sf = (float)splash_screen_fr.GetTextExtent("m").x / (float)main_screen_fr.GetTextExtent("m").x; #endif // ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT return sf; } static float get_display_scale(wxPoint pos = wxDefaultPosition) { // pos equals to wxDefaultPosition, when display is main wxFrame fr(nullptr, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, pos); #if ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT && !defined(__WXGTK__) int dpi = get_dpi_for_window(&fr); float scale = dpi != DPI_DEFAULT ? (float)dpi / DPI_DEFAULT : 1.0; #else // initialize default width_unit according to the width of the one symbol ("m") of the currently active font of this window. float scale = 0.1 * std::max<size_t>(10, fr.GetTextExtent("m").x - 1); #endif // ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT return scale; } static void scale_bitmap(wxBitmap& bmp, float scale) { if (scale == 1.0) return; wxImage image = bmp.ConvertToImage(); if (!image.IsOk() || image.GetWidth() == 0 || image.GetHeight() == 0) return; int width = int(scale * image.GetWidth()); int height = int(scale * image.GetHeight()); image.Rescale(width, height, wxIMAGE_QUALITY_BILINEAR); bmp = wxBitmap(std::move(image)); } static wxFont get_scaled_sys_font(float screen_sf) { wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if (screen_sf != 1.0) font.SetPointSize(int(screen_sf * (float)font.GetPointSize())); return font; } static void word_wrap_string(wxString& input, int line_px_len, float scalef) { // calculate count od symbols in one line according to the scale int line_len = int((float)line_px_len / (scalef * 10) + 0.5) + 10; int idx = -1; int cur_len = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < input.Len(); i++) { cur_len++; if (input[i] == ' ') idx = i; if (input[i] == '\n') { idx = -1; cur_len = 0; } if (cur_len >= line_len && idx >= 0) { input[idx] = '\n'; cur_len = static_cast<int>(i) - idx; } } } }; wxString file_wildcards(FileType file_type, const std::string &custom_extension) { static const std::string defaults[FT_SIZE] = { /* FT_STL */ "STL files (*.stl)|*.stl;*.STL", /* FT_OBJ */ "OBJ files (*.obj)|*.obj;*.OBJ", /* FT_AMF */ "AMF files (*.amf)|*.zip.amf;*.amf;*.AMF;*.xml;*.XML", /* FT_3MF */ "3MF files (*.3mf)|*.3mf;*.3MF;", /* FT_PRUSA */ "Prusa Control files (*.prusa)|*.prusa;*.PRUSA", /* FT_GCODE */ "G-code files (*.gcode, *.gco, *.g, *.ngc)|*.gcode;*.GCODE;*.gco;*.GCO;*.g;*.G;*.ngc;*.NGC", /* FT_MODEL */ "Known files (*.stl, *.obj, *.amf, *.xml, *.3mf, *.prusa)|*.stl;*.STL;*.obj;*.OBJ;*.amf;*.AMF;*.xml;*.XML;*.3mf;*.3MF;*.prusa;*.PRUSA", /* FT_PROJECT */ "Project files (*.3mf, *.amf)|*.3mf;*.3MF;*.amf;*.AMF", /* FT_INI */ "INI files (*.ini)|*.ini;*.INI", /* FT_SVG */ "SVG files (*.svg)|*.svg;*.SVG", /* FT_TEX */ "Texture (*.png, *.svg)|*.png;*.PNG;*.svg;*.SVG", /* FT_PNGZIP */ "Masked SLA files (*.sl1)|*.sl1;*.SL1", }; std::string out = defaults[file_type]; if (! custom_extension.empty()) { // Find the custom extension in the template. if (out.find(std::string("*") + custom_extension + ",") == std::string::npos && out.find(std::string("*") + custom_extension + ")") == std::string::npos) { // The custom extension was not found in the template. // Append the custom extension to the wildcards, so that the file dialog would not add the default extension to it. boost::replace_first(out, ")|", std::string(", *") + custom_extension + ")|"); out += std::string(";*") + custom_extension; } } return from_u8(out); } static std::string libslic3r_translate_callback(const char *s) { return wxGetTranslation(wxString(s, wxConvUTF8)).utf8_str().data(); } #ifdef WIN32 #if !wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN(3,1,3) static void register_win32_dpi_event() { enum { WM_DPICHANGED_ = 0x02e0 }; wxWindow::MSWRegisterMessageHandler(WM_DPICHANGED_, [](wxWindow *win, WXUINT nMsg, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { const int dpi = wParam & 0xffff; const auto rect = reinterpret_cast<PRECT>(lParam); const wxRect wxrect(wxPoint(rect->top, rect->left), wxPoint(rect->bottom, rect->right)); DpiChangedEvent evt(EVT_DPI_CHANGED_SLICER, dpi, wxrect); win->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(evt); return true; }); } #endif // !wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN static GUID GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID = { 0x4D1E55B2, 0xF16F, 0x11CF, 0x88, 0xCB, 0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30 }; static void register_win32_device_notification_event() { wxWindow::MSWRegisterMessageHandler(WM_DEVICECHANGE, [](wxWindow *win, WXUINT /* nMsg */, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { // Some messages are sent to top level windows by default, some messages are sent to only registered windows, and we explictely register on MainFrame only. auto main_frame = dynamic_cast<MainFrame*>(win); auto plater = (main_frame == nullptr) ? nullptr : main_frame->plater(); if (plater == nullptr) // Maybe some other top level window like a dialog or maybe a pop-up menu? return true; PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR lpdb = (PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR)lParam; switch (wParam) { case DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL: if (lpdb->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME) plater->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(VolumeAttachedEvent(EVT_VOLUME_ATTACHED)); else if (lpdb->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE) { PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE lpdbi = (PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE)lpdb; // if (lpdbi->dbcc_classguid == GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME) { // printf("DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL %d - Media has arrived: %ws\n", msg_count, lpdbi->dbcc_name); if (lpdbi->dbcc_classguid == GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID) plater->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(HIDDeviceAttachedEvent(EVT_HID_DEVICE_ATTACHED, boost::nowide::narrow(lpdbi->dbcc_name))); } break; case DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE: if (lpdb->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME) plater->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(VolumeDetachedEvent(EVT_VOLUME_DETACHED)); else if (lpdb->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE) { PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE lpdbi = (PDEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE)lpdb; // if (lpdbi->dbcc_classguid == GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME) // printf("DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL %d - Media was removed: %ws\n", msg_count, lpdbi->dbcc_name); if (lpdbi->dbcc_classguid == GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID) plater->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(HIDDeviceDetachedEvent(EVT_HID_DEVICE_DETACHED, boost::nowide::narrow(lpdbi->dbcc_name))); } break; default: break; } return true; }); wxWindow::MSWRegisterMessageHandler(MainFrame::WM_USER_MEDIACHANGED, [](wxWindow *win, WXUINT /* nMsg */, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { // Some messages are sent to top level windows by default, some messages are sent to only registered windows, and we explictely register on MainFrame only. auto main_frame = dynamic_cast<MainFrame*>(win); auto plater = (main_frame == nullptr) ? nullptr : main_frame->plater(); if (plater == nullptr) // Maybe some other top level window like a dialog or maybe a pop-up menu? return true; wchar_t sPath[MAX_PATH]; if (lParam == SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED || lParam == SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED) { struct _ITEMIDLIST* pidl = *reinterpret_cast<struct _ITEMIDLIST**>(wParam); if (! SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, sPath)) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "MediaInserted: SHGetPathFromIDList failed"; return false; } } switch (lParam) { case SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED: { //printf("SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED %S\n", sPath); plater->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(VolumeAttachedEvent(EVT_VOLUME_ATTACHED)); break; } case SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED: { //printf("SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED %S\n", sPath); plater->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(VolumeDetachedEvent(EVT_VOLUME_DETACHED)); break; } default: // printf("Unknown\n"); break; } return true; }); wxWindow::MSWRegisterMessageHandler(WM_INPUT, [](wxWindow *win, WXUINT /* nMsg */, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { auto main_frame = dynamic_cast<MainFrame*>(Slic3r::GUI::find_toplevel_parent(win)); auto plater = (main_frame == nullptr) ? nullptr : main_frame->plater(); // if (wParam == RIM_INPUTSINK && plater != nullptr && main_frame->IsActive()) { if (wParam == RIM_INPUT && plater != nullptr && main_frame->IsActive()) { RAWINPUT raw; UINT rawSize = sizeof(RAWINPUT); ::GetRawInputData((HRAWINPUT)lParam, RID_INPUT, &raw, &rawSize, sizeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)); if (raw.header.dwType == RIM_TYPEHID && plater->get_mouse3d_controller().handle_raw_input_win32(raw.data.hid.bRawData, raw.data.hid.dwSizeHid)) return true; } return false; }); wxWindow::MSWRegisterMessageHandler(WM_COPYDATA, [](wxWindow* win, WXUINT /* nMsg */, WXWPARAM wParam, WXLPARAM lParam) { COPYDATASTRUCT* copy_data_structure = { 0 }; copy_data_structure = (COPYDATASTRUCT*)lParam; if (copy_data_structure->dwData == 1) { LPCWSTR arguments = (LPCWSTR)copy_data_structure->lpData; Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().other_instance_message_handler()->handle_message(boost::nowide::narrow(arguments)); } return true; }); } #endif // WIN32 static void generic_exception_handle() { // Note: Some wxWidgets APIs use wxLogError() to report errors, eg. wxImage // - see https://docs.wxwidgets.org/3.1/classwx_image.html#aa249e657259fe6518d68a5208b9043d0 // // wxLogError typically goes around exception handling and display an error dialog some time // after an error is logged even if exception handling and OnExceptionInMainLoop() take place. // This is why we use wxLogError() here as well instead of a custom dialog, because it accumulates // errors if multiple have been collected and displays just one error message for all of them. // Otherwise we would get multiple error messages for one missing png, for example. // // If a custom error message window (or some other solution) were to be used, it would be necessary // to turn off wxLogError() usage in wx APIs, most notably in wxImage // - see https://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_image.html#aa32e5d3507cc0f8c3330135bc0befc6a try { throw; } catch (const std::bad_alloc& ex) { // bad_alloc in main thread is most likely fatal. Report immediately to the user (wxLogError would be delayed) // and terminate the app so it is at least certain to happen now. wxString errmsg = wxString::Format(_(L("%s has encountered an error. It was likely caused by running out of memory. " "If you are sure you have enough RAM on your system, this may also be a bug and we would " "be glad if you reported it.\n\nThe application will now terminate.")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME); wxMessageBox(errmsg + "\n\n" + wxString(ex.what()), _(L("Fatal error")), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("std::bad_alloc exception: %1%") % ex.what(); std::terminate(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { wxLogError("Internal error: %s", ex.what()); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Uncaught exception: %1%") % ex.what(); throw; } } void GUI_App::AFTER_INIT_LOADS::on_loads(GUI_App* gui) { if (!gui->initialized()) return; #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER if (m_start_as_gcodeviewer) { if (!m_input_files.empty()) gui->plater()->load_gcode(wxString::FromUTF8(m_input_files[0].c_str())); } else { #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS #if 0 // Load the cummulative config over the currently active profiles. //FIXME if multiple configs are loaded, only the last one will have an effect. // We need to decide what to do about loading of separate presets (just print preset, just filament preset etc). // As of now only the full configs are supported here. if (!m_print_config.empty()) gui->mainframe->load_config(m_print_config); #endif if (!m_load_configs.empty()) // Load the last config to give it a name at the UI. The name of the preset may be later // changed by loading an AMF or 3MF. //FIXME this is not strictly correct, as one may pass a print/filament/printer profile here instead of a full config. gui->mainframe->load_config_file(m_load_configs.back()); // If loading a 3MF file, the config is loaded from the last one. if (!m_input_files.empty()) gui->plater()->load_files(m_input_files, true, true); if (!m_extra_config.empty()) gui->mainframe->load_config(m_extra_config); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER } IMPLEMENT_APP(GUI_App) #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER GUI_App::GUI_App(EAppMode mode) #else GUI_App::GUI_App() #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER : wxApp() #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER , m_app_mode(mode) #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER , m_em_unit(10) , m_imgui(new ImGuiWrapper()) , m_wizard(nullptr) , m_removable_drive_manager(std::make_unique<RemovableDriveManager>()) , m_other_instance_message_handler(std::make_unique<OtherInstanceMessageHandler>()) { //app config initializes early becasuse it is used in instance checking in PrusaSlicer.cpp this->init_app_config(); } GUI_App::~GUI_App() { if (app_config != nullptr) delete app_config; if (preset_bundle != nullptr) delete preset_bundle; if (preset_updater != nullptr) delete preset_updater; } std::string GUI_App::get_gl_info(bool format_as_html, bool extensions) { return OpenGLManager::get_gl_info().to_string(format_as_html, extensions); } wxGLContext* GUI_App::init_glcontext(wxGLCanvas& canvas) { return m_opengl_mgr.init_glcontext(canvas); } bool GUI_App::init_opengl() { return m_opengl_mgr.init_gl(); } void GUI_App::init_app_config() { // Profiles for the alpha are stored into the PrusaSlicer-alpha directory to not mix with the current release. SetAppName(SLIC3R_APP_KEY); SetAppName(SLIC3R_APP_KEY "-alpha"); // SetAppDisplayName(SLIC3R_APP_NAME); // Set the Slic3r data directory at the Slic3r XS module. // Unix: ~/ .Slic3r // Windows : "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Slic3r" or "C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Slic3r" // Mac : "~/Library/Application Support/Slic3r" if (data_dir().empty()) set_data_dir(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetUserDataDir().ToUTF8().data()); if (!app_config) app_config = new AppConfig(); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER if (is_gcode_viewer()) // disable config save to avoid to mess it up for the editor app_config->enable_save(false); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER // load settings app_conf_exists = app_config->exists(); if (app_conf_exists) { std::string error = app_config->load(); if (!error.empty()) // Error while parsing config file. We'll customize the error message and rethrow to be displayed. throw Slic3r::RuntimeError( _u8L("Error parsing PrusaSlicer config file, it is probably corrupted. " "Try to manually delete the file to recover from the error. Your user profiles will not be affected.") + "\n\n" + AppConfig::config_path() + "\n\n" + error); } } void GUI_App::init_single_instance_checker(const std::string &name, const std::string &path) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "init wx instance checker " << name << " "<< path; m_single_instance_checker = std::make_unique<wxSingleInstanceChecker>(boost::nowide::widen(name), boost::nowide::widen(path)); } bool GUI_App::OnInit() { try { return on_init_inner(); } catch (const std::exception&) { generic_exception_handle(); return false; } } bool GUI_App::on_init_inner() { // Verify resources path const wxString resources_dir = from_u8(Slic3r::resources_dir()); wxCHECK_MSG(wxDirExists(resources_dir), false, wxString::Format("Resources path does not exist or is not a directory: %s", resources_dir)); // Enable this to get the default Win32 COMCTRL32 behavior of static boxes. // wxSystemOptions::SetOption("msw.staticbox.optimized-paint", 0); // Enable this to disable Windows Vista themes for all wxNotebooks. The themes seem to lead to terrible // performance when working on high resolution multi-display setups. // wxSystemOptions::SetOption("msw.notebook.themed-background", 0); // Slic3r::debugf "wxWidgets version %s, Wx version %s\n", wxVERSION_STRING, wxVERSION; std::string msg = Http::tls_global_init(); std::string ssl_cert_store = app_config->get("tls_accepted_cert_store_location"); bool ssl_accept = app_config->get("tls_cert_store_accepted") == "yes" && ssl_cert_store == Http::tls_system_cert_store(); if (!msg.empty() && !ssl_accept) { wxRichMessageDialog dlg(nullptr, wxString::Format(_(L("%s\nDo you want to continue?")), msg), "PrusaSlicer", wxICON_QUESTION | wxYES_NO); dlg.ShowCheckBox(_(L("Remember my choice"))); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) return false; app_config->set("tls_cert_store_accepted", dlg.IsCheckBoxChecked() ? "yes" : "no"); app_config->set("tls_accepted_cert_store_location", dlg.IsCheckBoxChecked() ? Http::tls_system_cert_store() : ""); } app_config->set("version", SLIC3R_VERSION); app_config->save(); /* if (wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) == nullptr) wxImage::AddHandler(new wxJPEGHandler()); if (wxImage::FindHandler(wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG) == nullptr) wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler()); */ wxInitAllImageHandlers(); SplashScreen* scrn = nullptr; if (app_config->get("show_splash_screen") == "1") { wxBitmap bmp = SplashScreen::MakeBitmap(wxBitmap(from_u8(var(is_editor() ? "splashscreen.jpg" : "splashscreen-gcodepreview.jpg")), wxBITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)); // Detect position (display) to show the splash screen // Now this position is equal to the mainframe position wxPoint splashscreen_pos = wxDefaultPosition; if (app_config->has("window_mainframe")) { auto metrics = WindowMetrics::deserialize(app_config->get("window_mainframe")); if (metrics) splashscreen_pos = metrics->get_rect().GetPosition(); } // try to decorate and/or scale the bitmap before splash screen creation bool is_decorated = SplashScreen::Decorate(bmp, splashscreen_pos); // create splash screen with updated bmp scrn = new SplashScreen(bmp.IsOk() ? bmp : create_scaled_bitmap("prusa_slicer_logo", nullptr, 400), wxSPLASH_CENTRE_ON_SCREEN | wxSPLASH_TIMEOUT, 4000, splashscreen_pos, is_decorated); scrn->SetText(_L("Loading configuration...")); } preset_bundle = new PresetBundle(); // just checking for existence of Slic3r::data_dir is not enough : it may be an empty directory // supplied as argument to --datadir; in that case we should still run the wizard preset_bundle->setup_directories(); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER if (is_editor()) { #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER #ifdef __WXMSW__ associate_3mf_files(); #endif // __WXMSW__ preset_updater = new PresetUpdater(); Bind(EVT_SLIC3R_VERSION_ONLINE, [this](const wxCommandEvent& evt) { app_config->set("version_online", into_u8(evt.GetString())); app_config->save(); if (this->plater_ != nullptr) { if (*Semver::parse(SLIC3R_VERSION) < *Semver::parse(into_u8(evt.GetString()))) { this->plater_->get_notification_manager()->push_notification(NotificationType::NewAppAviable, *(this->plater_->get_current_canvas3D())); } } }); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER // initialize label colors and fonts init_label_colours(); init_fonts(); // If load_language() fails, the application closes. load_language(wxString(), true); // Suppress the '- default -' presets. preset_bundle->set_default_suppressed(app_config->get("no_defaults") == "1"); try { preset_bundle->load_presets(*app_config); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { show_error(nullptr, ex.what()); } #ifdef WIN32 #if !wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN(3,1,3) register_win32_dpi_event(); #endif // !wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN register_win32_device_notification_event(); #endif // WIN32 // Let the libslic3r know the callback, which will translate messages on demand. Slic3r::I18N::set_translate_callback(libslic3r_translate_callback); // application frame #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER if (scrn && is_editor()) #else if (scrn) #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER scrn->SetText(_L("Creating settings tabs...")); mainframe = new MainFrame(); // hide settings tabs after first Layout mainframe->select_tab(size_t(0)); sidebar().obj_list()->init_objects(); // propagate model objects to object list // update_mode(); // !!! do that later SetTopWindow(mainframe); m_printhost_job_queue.reset(new PrintHostJobQueue(mainframe->printhost_queue_dlg())); Bind(wxEVT_IDLE, [this](wxIdleEvent& event) { if (! plater_) return; //m_other_instance_message_handler->report(); if (app_config->dirty() && app_config->get("autosave") == "1") app_config->save(); this->obj_manipul()->update_if_dirty(); static bool update_gui_after_init = true; if (update_gui_after_init) { update_gui_after_init = false; m_after_init_loads.on_loads(this); } // Preset updating & Configwizard are done after the above initializations, // and after MainFrame is created & shown. // The extra CallAfter() is needed because of Mac, where this is the only way // to popup a modal dialog on start without screwing combo boxes. // This is ugly but I honestly found no better way to do it. // Neither wxShowEvent nor wxWindowCreateEvent work reliably. static bool once = true; if (once) { once = false; #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER if (preset_updater != nullptr) { #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER check_updates(false); CallAfter([this] { config_wizard_startup(); preset_updater->slic3r_update_notify(); preset_updater->sync(preset_bundle); }); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER #ifdef _WIN32 //sets window property to mainframe so other instances can indentify it OtherInstanceMessageHandler::init_windows_properties(mainframe, m_instance_hash_int); #endif //WIN32 } }); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER if (is_gcode_viewer()) { mainframe->update_layout(); if (plater_ != nullptr) // ensure the selected technology is ptFFF plater_->set_printer_technology(ptFFF); } else #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER load_current_presets(); mainframe->Show(true); /* Temporary workaround for the correct behavior of the Scrolled sidebar panel: * change min hight of object list to the normal min value (15 * wxGetApp().em_unit()) * after first whole Mainframe updating/layouting */ const int list_min_height = 15 * em_unit(); if (obj_list()->GetMinSize().GetY() > list_min_height) obj_list()->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, list_min_height)); update_mode(); // update view mode after fix of the object_list size m_initialized = true; return true; } unsigned GUI_App::get_colour_approx_luma(const wxColour &colour) { double r = colour.Red(); double g = colour.Green(); double b = colour.Blue(); return std::round(std::sqrt( r * r * .241 + g * g * .691 + b * b * .068 )); } bool GUI_App::dark_mode() { #if __APPLE__ // The check for dark mode returns false positive on 10.12 and 10.13, // which allowed setting dark menu bar and dock area, which is // is detected as dark mode. We must run on at least 10.14 where the // proper dark mode was first introduced. return wxPlatformInfo::Get().CheckOSVersion(10, 14) && mac_dark_mode(); #else const unsigned luma = get_colour_approx_luma(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); return luma < 128; #endif } void GUI_App::init_label_colours() { if (dark_mode()) { m_color_label_modified = wxColour(253, 111, 40); m_color_label_sys = wxColour(115, 220, 103); } else { m_color_label_modified = wxColour(252, 77, 1); m_color_label_sys = wxColour(26, 132, 57); } m_color_label_default = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT); } void GUI_App::update_label_colours_from_appconfig() { if (app_config->has("label_clr_sys")) { auto str = app_config->get("label_clr_sys"); if (str != "") m_color_label_sys = wxColour(str); } if (app_config->has("label_clr_modified")) { auto str = app_config->get("label_clr_modified"); if (str != "") m_color_label_modified = wxColour(str); } } void GUI_App::init_fonts() { m_small_font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); m_bold_font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT).Bold(); m_normal_font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); #ifdef __WXMAC__ m_small_font.SetPointSize(11); m_bold_font.SetPointSize(13); #endif /*__WXMAC__*/ } void GUI_App::update_fonts(const MainFrame *main_frame) { /* Only normal and bold fonts are used for an application rescale, * because of under MSW small and normal fonts are the same. * To avoid same rescaling twice, just fill this values * from rescaled MainFrame */ if (main_frame == nullptr) main_frame = this->mainframe; m_normal_font = main_frame->normal_font(); m_small_font = m_normal_font; m_bold_font = main_frame->normal_font().Bold(); m_em_unit = main_frame->em_unit(); } void GUI_App::set_label_clr_modified(const wxColour& clr) { m_color_label_modified = clr; auto clr_str = wxString::Format(wxT("#%02X%02X%02X"), clr.Red(), clr.Green(), clr.Blue()); std::string str = clr_str.ToStdString(); app_config->set("label_clr_modified", str); app_config->save(); } void GUI_App::set_label_clr_sys(const wxColour& clr) { m_color_label_sys = clr; auto clr_str = wxString::Format(wxT("#%02X%02X%02X"), clr.Red(), clr.Green(), clr.Blue()); std::string str = clr_str.ToStdString(); app_config->set("label_clr_sys", str); app_config->save(); } wxSize GUI_App::get_min_size() const { return wxSize(76*m_em_unit, 49 * m_em_unit); } float GUI_App::toolbar_icon_scale(const bool is_limited/* = false*/) const { #ifdef __APPLE__ const float icon_sc = 1.0f; // for Retina display will be used its own scale #else const float icon_sc = m_em_unit*0.1f; #endif // __APPLE__ const std::string& use_val = app_config->get("use_custom_toolbar_size"); const std::string& val = app_config->get("custom_toolbar_size"); const std::string& auto_val = app_config->get("auto_toolbar_size"); if (val.empty() || auto_val.empty() || use_val.empty()) return icon_sc; int int_val = use_val == "0" ? 100 : atoi(val.c_str()); // correct value in respect to auto_toolbar_size int_val = std::min(atoi(auto_val.c_str()), int_val); if (is_limited && int_val < 50) int_val = 50; return 0.01f * int_val * icon_sc; } void GUI_App::set_auto_toolbar_icon_scale(float scale) const { #ifdef __APPLE__ const float icon_sc = 1.0f; // for Retina display will be used its own scale #else const float icon_sc = m_em_unit * 0.1f; #endif // __APPLE__ long int_val = std::min(int(std::lround(scale / icon_sc * 100)), 100); std::string val = std::to_string(int_val); app_config->set("auto_toolbar_size", val); } // check user printer_presets for the containing information about "Print Host upload" void GUI_App::check_printer_presets() { std::vector<std::string> preset_names = PhysicalPrinter::presets_with_print_host_information(preset_bundle->printers); if (preset_names.empty()) return; wxString msg_text = _L("You have next presets with saved options for \"Print Host upload\"") + ":"; for (const std::string& preset_name : preset_names) msg_text += "\n \"" + from_u8(preset_name) + "\","; msg_text.RemoveLast(); msg_text += "\n\n" + _L("But from this version of PrusaSlicer we don't show/use this information in Printer Settings.\n" "Now, this information will be exposed in physical printers settings.") + "\n\n" + _L("By default new Printer devices will be named as \"Printer N\" during its creation.\n" "Note: This name can be changed later from the physical printers settings"); wxMessageDialog(nullptr, msg_text, _L("Information"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION).ShowModal(); preset_bundle->physical_printers.load_printers_from_presets(preset_bundle->printers); } void GUI_App::recreate_GUI(const wxString& msg_name) { mainframe->shutdown(); wxProgressDialog dlg(msg_name, msg_name, 100, nullptr, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE); dlg.Pulse(); dlg.Update(10, _L("Recreating") + dots); MainFrame *old_main_frame = mainframe; mainframe = new MainFrame(); // hide settings tabs after first Layout mainframe->select_tab(size_t(0)); // Propagate model objects to object list. sidebar().obj_list()->init_objects(); SetTopWindow(mainframe); dlg.Update(30, _L("Recreating") + dots); old_main_frame->Destroy(); // For this moment ConfigWizard is deleted, invalidate it. m_wizard = nullptr; dlg.Update(80, _L("Loading of current presets") + dots); m_printhost_job_queue.reset(new PrintHostJobQueue(mainframe->printhost_queue_dlg())); load_current_presets(); mainframe->Show(true); dlg.Update(90, _L("Loading of a mode view") + dots); /* Temporary workaround for the correct behavior of the Scrolled sidebar panel: * change min hight of object list to the normal min value (15 * wxGetApp().em_unit()) * after first whole Mainframe updating/layouting */ const int list_min_height = 15 * em_unit(); if (obj_list()->GetMinSize().GetY() > list_min_height) obj_list()->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, list_min_height)); update_mode(); // #ys_FIXME_delete_after_testing Do we still need this ? // CallAfter([]() { // // Run the config wizard, don't offer the "reset user profile" checkbox. // config_wizard_startup(true); // }); } void GUI_App::system_info() { SysInfoDialog dlg; dlg.ShowModal(); } void GUI_App::keyboard_shortcuts() { KBShortcutsDialog dlg; dlg.ShowModal(); } // static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter bool GUI_App::catch_error(std::function<void()> cb, // wxMessageDialog* message_dialog, const std::string& err /*= ""*/) { if (!err.empty()) { if (cb) cb(); // if (message_dialog) // message_dialog->(err, "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); show_error(/*this*/nullptr, err); return true; } return false; } // static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter void fatal_error(wxWindow* parent) { show_error(parent, ""); // exit 1; // #ys_FIXME } // Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved. // Update the UI based on the current preferences. void GUI_App::update_ui_from_settings() { mainframe->update_ui_from_settings(); } void GUI_App::persist_window_geometry(wxTopLevelWindow *window, bool default_maximized) { const std::string name = into_u8(window->GetName()); window->Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, [=](wxCloseEvent &event) { window_pos_save(window, name); event.Skip(); }); window_pos_restore(window, name, default_maximized); on_window_geometry(window, [=]() { window_pos_sanitize(window); }); } void GUI_App::load_project(wxWindow *parent, wxString& input_file) const { input_file.Clear(); wxFileDialog dialog(parent ? parent : GetTopWindow(), _(L("Choose one file (3MF/AMF):")), app_config->get_last_dir(), "", file_wildcards(FT_PROJECT), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) input_file = dialog.GetPath(); } void GUI_App::import_model(wxWindow *parent, wxArrayString& input_files) const { input_files.Clear(); wxFileDialog dialog(parent ? parent : GetTopWindow(), _(L("Choose one or more files (STL/OBJ/AMF/3MF/PRUSA):")), from_u8(app_config->get_last_dir()), "", file_wildcards(FT_MODEL), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_MULTIPLE | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) dialog.GetPaths(input_files); } #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER void GUI_App::load_gcode(wxWindow* parent, wxString& input_file) const { input_file.Clear(); wxFileDialog dialog(parent ? parent : GetTopWindow(), _(L("Choose one file (GCODE/.GCO/.G/.ngc/NGC):")), app_config->get_last_dir(), "", file_wildcards(FT_GCODE), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) input_file = dialog.GetPath(); } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER bool GUI_App::switch_language() { if (select_language()) { recreate_GUI(_L("Changing of an application language") + dots); return true; } else { return false; } } // select language from the list of installed languages bool GUI_App::select_language() { wxArrayString translations = wxTranslations::Get()->GetAvailableTranslations(SLIC3R_APP_KEY); std::vector<const wxLanguageInfo*> language_infos; language_infos.emplace_back(wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH)); for (size_t i = 0; i < translations.GetCount(); ++ i) { const wxLanguageInfo *langinfo = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(translations[i]); if (langinfo != nullptr) language_infos.emplace_back(langinfo); } sort_remove_duplicates(language_infos); std::sort(language_infos.begin(), language_infos.end(), [](const wxLanguageInfo* l, const wxLanguageInfo* r) { return l->Description < r->Description; }); wxArrayString names; names.Alloc(language_infos.size()); // Some valid language should be selected since the application start up. const wxLanguage current_language = wxLanguage(m_wxLocale->GetLanguage()); int init_selection = -1; int init_selection_alt = -1; int init_selection_default = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < language_infos.size(); ++ i) { if (wxLanguage(language_infos[i]->Language) == current_language) // The dictionary matches the active language and country. init_selection = i; else if ((language_infos[i]->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName().BeforeFirst('_')) || // if the active language is Slovak, mark the Czech language as active. (language_infos[i]->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == "cs" && m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName().BeforeFirst('_') == "sk")) // The dictionary matches the active language, it does not necessarily match the country. init_selection_alt = i; if (language_infos[i]->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == "en") // This will be the default selection if the active language does not match any dictionary. init_selection_default = i; names.Add(language_infos[i]->Description); } if (init_selection == -1) // This is the dictionary matching the active language. init_selection = init_selection_alt; if (init_selection != -1) // This is the language to highlight in the choice dialog initially. init_selection_default = init_selection; const long index = wxGetSingleChoiceIndex(_(L("Select the language")), _(L("Language")), names, init_selection_default); // Try to load a new language. if (index != -1 && (init_selection == -1 || init_selection != index)) { const wxLanguageInfo *new_language_info = language_infos[index]; if (this->load_language(new_language_info->CanonicalName, false)) { // Save language at application config. // Which language to save as the selected dictionary language? // 1) Hopefully the language set to wxTranslations by this->load_language(), but that API is weird and we don't want to rely on its // stability in the future: // wxTranslations::Get()->GetBestTranslation(SLIC3R_APP_KEY, wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH); // 2) Current locale language may not match the dictionary name, see GH issue #3901 // m_wxLocale->GetCanonicalName() // 3) new_language_info->CanonicalName is a safe bet. It points to a valid dictionary name. app_config->set("translation_language", new_language_info->CanonicalName.ToUTF8().data()); app_config->save(); return true; } } return false; } // Load gettext translation files and activate them at the start of the application, // based on the "translation_language" key stored in the application config. bool GUI_App::load_language(wxString language, bool initial) { if (initial) { // There is a static list of lookup path prefixes in wxWidgets. Add ours. wxFileTranslationsLoader::AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(from_u8(localization_dir())); // Get the active language from PrusaSlicer.ini, or empty string if the key does not exist. language = app_config->get("translation_language"); if (! language.empty()) BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << boost::format("translation_language provided by PrusaSlicer.ini: %1%") % language; // Get the system language. { const wxLanguage lang_system = wxLanguage(wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage()); if (lang_system != wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN) { m_language_info_system = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(lang_system); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << boost::format("System language detected (user locales and such): %1%") % m_language_info_system->CanonicalName.ToUTF8().data(); } } { // Allocating a temporary locale will switch the default wxTranslations to its internal wxTranslations instance. wxLocale temp_locale; // Set the current translation's language to default, otherwise GetBestTranslation() may not work (see the wxWidgets source code). wxTranslations::Get()->SetLanguage(wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT); // Let the wxFileTranslationsLoader enumerate all translation dictionaries for PrusaSlicer // and try to match them with the system specific "preferred languages". // There seems to be a support for that on Windows and OSX, while on Linuxes the code just returns wxLocale::GetSystemLanguage(). // The last parameter gets added to the list of detected dictionaries. This is a workaround // for not having the English dictionary. Let's hope wxWidgets of various versions process this call the same way. wxString best_language = wxTranslations::Get()->GetBestTranslation(SLIC3R_APP_KEY, wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH); if (! best_language.IsEmpty()) { m_language_info_best = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(best_language); BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << boost::format("Best translation language detected (may be different from user locales): %1%") % m_language_info_best->CanonicalName.ToUTF8().data(); } } } const wxLanguageInfo *language_info = language.empty() ? nullptr : wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(language); if (! language.empty() && (language_info == nullptr || language_info->CanonicalName.empty())) { // Fix for wxWidgets issue, where the FindLanguageInfo() returns locales with undefined ANSII code (wxLANGUAGE_KONKANI or wxLANGUAGE_MANIPURI). language_info = nullptr; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << boost::format("Language code \"%1%\" is not supported") % language.ToUTF8().data(); } if (language_info != nullptr && language_info->LayoutDirection == wxLayout_RightToLeft) { BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << boost::format("The following language code requires right to left layout, which is not supported by PrusaSlicer: %1%") % language_info->CanonicalName.ToUTF8().data(); language_info = nullptr; } if (language_info == nullptr) { // PrusaSlicer does not support the Right to Left languages yet. if (m_language_info_system != nullptr && m_language_info_system->LayoutDirection != wxLayout_RightToLeft) language_info = m_language_info_system; if (m_language_info_best != nullptr && m_language_info_best->LayoutDirection != wxLayout_RightToLeft) language_info = m_language_info_best; if (language_info == nullptr) language_info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(wxLANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US); } BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << boost::format("Switching wxLocales to %1%") % language_info->CanonicalName.ToUTF8().data(); // Alternate language code. wxLanguage language_dict = wxLanguage(language_info->Language); if (language_info->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == "sk") { // Slovaks understand Czech well. Give them the Czech translation. language_dict = wxLANGUAGE_CZECH; BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(trace) << "Using Czech dictionaries for Slovak language"; } // Select language for locales. This language may be different from the language of the dictionary. if (language_info == m_language_info_best || language_info == m_language_info_system) { // The current language matches user's default profile exactly. That's great. } else if (m_language_info_best != nullptr && language_info->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == m_language_info_best->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_')) { // Use whatever the operating system recommends, if it the language code of the dictionary matches the recommended language. // This allows a Swiss guy to use a German dictionary without forcing him to German locales. language_info = m_language_info_best; } else if (m_language_info_system != nullptr && language_info->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_') == m_language_info_system->CanonicalName.BeforeFirst('_')) language_info = m_language_info_system; if (! wxLocale::IsAvailable(language_info->Language)) { // Loading the language dictionary failed. wxString message = "Switching PrusaSlicer to language " + language_info->CanonicalName + " failed."; #if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__APPLE__) // likely some linux system message += "\nYou may need to reconfigure the missing locales, likely by running the \"locale-gen\" and \"dpkg-reconfigure locales\" commands.\n"; #endif if (initial) message + "\n\nApplication will close."; wxMessageBox(message, "PrusaSlicer - Switching language failed", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR); if (initial) std::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); else return false; } // Release the old locales, create new locales. //FIXME wxWidgets cause havoc if the current locale is deleted. We just forget it causing memory leaks for now. m_wxLocale.release(); m_wxLocale = Slic3r::make_unique<wxLocale>(); m_wxLocale->Init(language_info->Language); // Override language at the active wxTranslations class (which is stored in the active m_wxLocale) // to load possibly different dictionary, for example, load Czech dictionary for Slovak language. wxTranslations::Get()->SetLanguage(language_dict); m_wxLocale->AddCatalog(SLIC3R_APP_KEY); m_imgui->set_language(into_u8(language_info->CanonicalName)); //FIXME This is a temporary workaround, the correct solution is to switch to "C" locale during file import / export only. wxSetlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); Preset::update_suffix_modified((" (" + _L("modified") + ")").ToUTF8().data()); return true; } Tab* GUI_App::get_tab(Preset::Type type) { for (Tab* tab: tabs_list) if (tab->type() == type) return tab->completed() ? tab : nullptr; // To avoid actions with no-completed Tab return nullptr; } ConfigOptionMode GUI_App::get_mode() { if (!app_config->has("view_mode")) return comSimple; const auto mode = app_config->get("view_mode"); return mode == "expert" ? comExpert : mode == "simple" ? comSimple : comAdvanced; } void GUI_App::save_mode(const /*ConfigOptionMode*/int mode) { const std::string mode_str = mode == comExpert ? "expert" : mode == comSimple ? "simple" : "advanced"; app_config->set("view_mode", mode_str); app_config->save(); update_mode(); } // Update view mode according to selected menu void GUI_App::update_mode() { sidebar().update_mode(); for (auto tab : tabs_list) tab->update_mode(); plater()->update_object_menu(); plater()->canvas3D()->update_gizmos_on_off_state(); } void GUI_App::add_config_menu(wxMenuBar *menu) { auto local_menu = new wxMenu(); wxWindowID config_id_base = wxWindow::NewControlId(int(ConfigMenuCnt)); const auto config_wizard_name = _(ConfigWizard::name(true)); const auto config_wizard_tooltip = from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Run %s"))) % config_wizard_name).str()); // Cmd+, is standard on OS X - what about other operating systems? local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuWizard, config_wizard_name + dots, config_wizard_tooltip); local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuSnapshots, _(L("&Configuration Snapshots")) + dots, _(L("Inspect / activate configuration snapshots"))); local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuTakeSnapshot, _(L("Take Configuration &Snapshot")), _(L("Capture a configuration snapshot"))); local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuUpdate, _(L("Check for updates")), _(L("Check for configuration updates"))); local_menu->AppendSeparator(); local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuPreferences, _(L("&Preferences")) + dots + #ifdef __APPLE__ "\tCtrl+,", #else "\tCtrl+P", #endif _(L("Application preferences"))); local_menu->AppendSeparator(); auto mode_menu = new wxMenu(); mode_menu->AppendRadioItem(config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeSimple, _(L("Simple")), _(L("Simple View Mode"))); // mode_menu->AppendRadioItem(config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeAdvanced, _(L("Advanced")), _(L("Advanced View Mode"))); mode_menu->AppendRadioItem(config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeAdvanced, _CTX(L_CONTEXT("Advanced", "Mode"), "Mode"), _L("Advanced View Mode")); mode_menu->AppendRadioItem(config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeExpert, _(L("Expert")), _(L("Expert View Mode"))); Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { if(get_mode() == comSimple) evt.Check(true); }, config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeSimple); Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { if(get_mode() == comAdvanced) evt.Check(true); }, config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeAdvanced); Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { if(get_mode() == comExpert) evt.Check(true); }, config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeExpert); local_menu->AppendSubMenu(mode_menu, _(L("Mode")), wxString::Format(_(L("%s View Mode")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME)); local_menu->AppendSeparator(); local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuLanguage, _(L("&Language"))); local_menu->AppendSeparator(); local_menu->Append(config_id_base + ConfigMenuFlashFirmware, _(L("Flash printer &firmware")), _(L("Upload a firmware image into an Arduino based printer"))); // TODO: for when we're able to flash dictionaries // local_menu->Append(config_id_base + FirmwareMenuDict, _(L("Flash language file")), _(L("Upload a language dictionary file into a Prusa printer"))); local_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this, config_id_base](wxEvent &event) { switch (event.GetId() - config_id_base) { case ConfigMenuWizard: run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_USER); break; case ConfigMenuUpdate: check_updates(true); break; case ConfigMenuTakeSnapshot: // Take a configuration snapshot. if (check_unsaved_changes()) { wxTextEntryDialog dlg(nullptr, _(L("Taking configuration snapshot")), _(L("Snapshot name"))); // set current normal font for dialog children, // because of just dlg.SetFont(normal_font()) has no result; for (auto child : dlg.GetChildren()) child->SetFont(normal_font()); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) app_config->set("on_snapshot", Slic3r::GUI::Config::SnapshotDB::singleton().take_snapshot( *app_config, Slic3r::GUI::Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_USER, dlg.GetValue().ToUTF8().data()).id); } break; case ConfigMenuSnapshots: if (check_unsaved_changes()) { std::string on_snapshot; if (Config::SnapshotDB::singleton().is_on_snapshot(*app_config)) on_snapshot = app_config->get("on_snapshot"); ConfigSnapshotDialog dlg(Slic3r::GUI::Config::SnapshotDB::singleton(), on_snapshot); dlg.ShowModal(); if (!dlg.snapshot_to_activate().empty()) { if (!Config::SnapshotDB::singleton().is_on_snapshot(*app_config)) Config::SnapshotDB::singleton().take_snapshot(*app_config, Config::Snapshot::SNAPSHOT_BEFORE_ROLLBACK); app_config->set("on_snapshot", Config::SnapshotDB::singleton().restore_snapshot(dlg.snapshot_to_activate(), *app_config).id); preset_bundle->load_presets(*app_config); // Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box. load_current_presets(); } } break; case ConfigMenuPreferences: { bool app_layout_changed = false; { // the dialog needs to be destroyed before the call to recreate_GUI() // or sometimes the application crashes into wxDialogBase() destructor // so we put it into an inner scope PreferencesDialog dlg(mainframe); dlg.ShowModal(); app_layout_changed = dlg.settings_layout_changed(); } if (app_layout_changed) { // hide full main_sizer for mainFrame mainframe->GetSizer()->Show(false); mainframe->update_layout(); mainframe->select_tab(size_t(0)); } break; } case ConfigMenuLanguage: { /* Before change application language, let's check unsaved changes on 3D-Scene * and draw user's attention to the application restarting after a language change */ { // the dialog needs to be destroyed before the call to switch_language() // or sometimes the application crashes into wxDialogBase() destructor // so we put it into an inner scope wxMessageDialog dialog(nullptr, _(L("Switching the language will trigger application restart.\n" "You will lose content of the plater.")) + "\n\n" + _(L("Do you want to proceed?")), wxString(SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + " - " + _(L("Language selection")), wxICON_QUESTION | wxOK | wxCANCEL); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return; } switch_language(); break; } case ConfigMenuFlashFirmware: FirmwareDialog::run(mainframe); break; default: break; } }); using std::placeholders::_1; auto modfn = [this](int mode, wxCommandEvent&) { if(get_mode() != mode) save_mode(mode); }; mode_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, std::bind(modfn, comSimple, _1), config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeSimple); mode_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, std::bind(modfn, comAdvanced, _1), config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeAdvanced); mode_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, std::bind(modfn, comExpert, _1), config_id_base + ConfigMenuModeExpert); menu->Append(local_menu, _(L("&Configuration"))); } // This is called when closing the application, when loading a config file or when starting the config wizard // to notify the user whether he is aware that some preset changes will be lost. bool GUI_App::check_unsaved_changes(const wxString &header) { PrinterTechnology printer_technology = preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); bool has_unsaved_changes = false; for (Tab* tab : tabs_list) if (tab->supports_printer_technology(printer_technology) && tab->current_preset_is_dirty()) { has_unsaved_changes = true; break; } if (has_unsaved_changes) { UnsavedChangesDialog dlg(header); if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) return false; if (dlg.save_preset()) // save selected changes { for (const std::pair<std::string, Preset::Type>& nt : dlg.get_names_and_types()) preset_bundle->save_changes_for_preset(nt.first, nt.second, dlg.get_unselected_options(nt.second)); // if we saved changes to the new presets, we should to // synchronize config.ini with the current selections. preset_bundle->export_selections(*app_config); } } return true; } bool GUI_App::checked_tab(Tab* tab) { bool ret = true; if (find(tabs_list.begin(), tabs_list.end(), tab) == tabs_list.end()) ret = false; return ret; } // Update UI / Tabs to reflect changes in the currently loaded presets void GUI_App::load_current_presets() { // check printer_presets for the containing information about "Print Host upload" // and create physical printer from it, if any exists check_printer_presets(); PrinterTechnology printer_technology = preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); this->plater()->set_printer_technology(printer_technology); for (Tab *tab : tabs_list) if (tab->supports_printer_technology(printer_technology)) { if (tab->type() == Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) { static_cast<TabPrinter*>(tab)->update_pages(); // Mark the plater to update print bed by tab->load_current_preset() from Plater::on_config_change(). this->plater()->force_print_bed_update(); } tab->load_current_preset(); } } bool GUI_App::OnExceptionInMainLoop() { generic_exception_handle(); return false; } #ifdef __APPLE__ // wxWidgets override to get an event on open files. void GUI_App::MacOpenFiles(const wxArrayString &fileNames) { std::vector<std::string> files; for (size_t i = 0; i < fileNames.GetCount(); ++ i) files.emplace_back(fileNames[i].ToUTF8().data()); this->plater()->load_files(files, true, true); } #endif /* __APPLE */ Sidebar& GUI_App::sidebar() { return plater_->sidebar(); } ObjectManipulation* GUI_App::obj_manipul() { // If this method is called before plater_ has been initialized, return nullptr (to avoid a crash) return (plater_ != nullptr) ? sidebar().obj_manipul() : nullptr; } ObjectSettings* GUI_App::obj_settings() { return sidebar().obj_settings(); } ObjectList* GUI_App::obj_list() { return sidebar().obj_list(); } ObjectLayers* GUI_App::obj_layers() { return sidebar().obj_layers(); } Plater* GUI_App::plater() { return plater_; } Model& GUI_App::model() { return plater_->model(); } wxNotebook* GUI_App::tab_panel() const { return mainframe->m_tabpanel; } // extruders count from selected printer preset int GUI_App::extruders_cnt() const { const Preset& preset = preset_bundle->printers.get_selected_preset(); return preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA ? 1 : preset.config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("nozzle_diameter")->values.size(); } // extruders count from edited printer preset int GUI_App::extruders_edited_cnt() const { const Preset& preset = preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset(); return preset.printer_technology() == ptSLA ? 1 : preset.config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("nozzle_diameter")->values.size(); } wxString GUI_App::current_language_code_safe() const { // Translate the language code to a code, for which Prusa Research maintains translations. const std::map<wxString, wxString> mapping { { "cs", "cs_CZ", }, { "sk", "cs_CZ", }, { "de", "de_DE", }, { "es", "es_ES", }, { "fr", "fr_FR", }, { "it", "it_IT", }, { "ja", "ja_JP", }, { "ko", "ko_KR", }, { "pl", "pl_PL", }, { "uk", "uk_UA", }, { "zh", "zh_CN", }, }; wxString language_code = this->current_language_code().BeforeFirst('_'); auto it = mapping.find(language_code); if (it != mapping.end()) language_code = it->second; else language_code = "en_US"; return language_code; } void GUI_App::open_web_page_localized(const std::string &http_address) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(http_address + "&lng=" + this->current_language_code_safe()); } bool GUI_App::run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RunReason reason, ConfigWizard::StartPage start_page) { wxCHECK_MSG(mainframe != nullptr, false, "Internal error: Main frame not created / null"); if (! m_wizard) { m_wizard = new ConfigWizard(mainframe); } const bool res = m_wizard->run(reason, start_page); if (res) { load_current_presets(); if (preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology() == ptSLA && Slic3r::model_has_multi_part_objects(wxGetApp().model())) { GUI::show_info(nullptr, _(L("It's impossible to print multi-part object(s) with SLA technology.")) + "\n\n" + _(L("Please check and fix your object list.")), _(L("Attention!"))); } } return res; } #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG void GUI_App::gcode_thumbnails_debug() { const std::string BEGIN_MASK = "; thumbnail begin"; const std::string END_MASK = "; thumbnail end"; std::string gcode_line; bool reading_image = false; unsigned int width = 0; unsigned int height = 0; wxFileDialog dialog(GetTopWindow(), _(L("Select a gcode file:")), "", "", "G-code files (*.gcode)|*.gcode;*.GCODE;", wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; std::string in_filename = into_u8(dialog.GetPath()); std::string out_path = boost::filesystem::path(in_filename).remove_filename().append(L"thumbnail").string(); boost::nowide::ifstream in_file(in_filename.c_str()); std::vector<std::string> rows; std::string row; if (in_file.good()) { while (std::getline(in_file, gcode_line)) { if (in_file.good()) { if (boost::starts_with(gcode_line, BEGIN_MASK)) { reading_image = true; gcode_line = gcode_line.substr(BEGIN_MASK.length() + 1); std::string::size_type x_pos = gcode_line.find('x'); std::string width_str = gcode_line.substr(0, x_pos); width = (unsigned int)::atoi(width_str.c_str()); std::string height_str = gcode_line.substr(x_pos + 1); height = (unsigned int)::atoi(height_str.c_str()); row.clear(); } else if (reading_image && boost::starts_with(gcode_line, END_MASK)) { std::string out_filename = out_path + std::to_string(width) + "x" + std::to_string(height) + ".png"; boost::nowide::ofstream out_file(out_filename.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (out_file.good()) { std::string decoded; decoded.resize(boost::beast::detail::base64::decoded_size(row.size())); decoded.resize(boost::beast::detail::base64::decode((void*)&decoded[0], row.data(), row.size()).first); out_file.write(decoded.c_str(), decoded.size()); out_file.close(); } reading_image = false; width = 0; height = 0; rows.clear(); } else if (reading_image) row += gcode_line.substr(2); } } in_file.close(); } } #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG void GUI_App::window_pos_save(wxTopLevelWindow* window, const std::string &name) { if (name.empty()) { return; } const auto config_key = (boost::format("window_%1%") % name).str(); WindowMetrics metrics = WindowMetrics::from_window(window); app_config->set(config_key, metrics.serialize()); app_config->save(); } void GUI_App::window_pos_restore(wxTopLevelWindow* window, const std::string &name, bool default_maximized) { if (name.empty()) { return; } const auto config_key = (boost::format("window_%1%") % name).str(); if (! app_config->has(config_key)) { window->Maximize(default_maximized); return; } auto metrics = WindowMetrics::deserialize(app_config->get(config_key)); if (! metrics) { window->Maximize(default_maximized); return; } const wxRect& rect = metrics->get_rect(); window->SetPosition(rect.GetPosition()); window->SetSize(rect.GetSize()); window->Maximize(metrics->get_maximized()); } void GUI_App::window_pos_sanitize(wxTopLevelWindow* window) { /*unsigned*/int display_idx = wxDisplay::GetFromWindow(window); wxRect display; if (display_idx == wxNOT_FOUND) { display = wxDisplay(0u).GetClientArea(); window->Move(display.GetTopLeft()); } else { display = wxDisplay(display_idx).GetClientArea(); } auto metrics = WindowMetrics::from_window(window); metrics.sanitize_for_display(display); if (window->GetScreenRect() != metrics.get_rect()) { window->SetSize(metrics.get_rect()); } } bool GUI_App::config_wizard_startup() { if (!app_conf_exists || preset_bundle->printers.size() <= 1) { run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_DATA_EMPTY); return true; } else if (get_app_config()->legacy_datadir()) { // Looks like user has legacy pre-vendorbundle data directory, // explain what this is and run the wizard MsgDataLegacy dlg; dlg.ShowModal(); run_wizard(ConfigWizard::RR_DATA_LEGACY); return true; } return false; } void GUI_App::check_updates(const bool verbose) { PresetUpdater::UpdateResult updater_result; try { updater_result = preset_updater->config_update(app_config->orig_version(), verbose); if (updater_result == PresetUpdater::R_INCOMPAT_EXIT) { mainframe->Close(); } else if (updater_result == PresetUpdater::R_INCOMPAT_CONFIGURED) { app_conf_exists = true; } else if(verbose && updater_result == PresetUpdater::R_NOOP) { MsgNoUpdates dlg; dlg.ShowModal(); } } catch (const std::exception & ex) { show_error(nullptr, ex.what()); } } // static method accepting a wxWindow object as first parameter // void warning_catcher{ // my($self, $message_dialog) = @_; // return sub{ // my $message = shift; // return if $message = ~/ GLUquadricObjPtr | Attempt to free unreferenced scalar / ; // my @params = ($message, 'Warning', wxOK | wxICON_WARNING); // $message_dialog // ? $message_dialog->(@params) // : Wx::MessageDialog->new($self, @params)->ShowModal; // }; // } // Do we need this function??? // void GUI_App::notify(message) { // auto frame = GetTopWindow(); // // try harder to attract user attention on OS X // if (!frame->IsActive()) // frame->RequestUserAttention(defined(__WXOSX__/*&Wx::wxMAC */)? wxUSER_ATTENTION_ERROR : wxUSER_ATTENTION_INFO); // // // There used to be notifier using a Growl application for OSX, but Growl is dead. // // The notifier also supported the Linux X D - bus notifications, but that support was broken. // //TODO use wxNotificationMessage ? // } #ifdef __WXMSW__ void GUI_App::associate_3mf_files() { // see as reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20245262/c-program-needs-an-file-association auto reg_set = [](HKEY hkeyHive, const wchar_t* pszVar, const wchar_t* pszValue)->bool { wchar_t szValueCurrent[1000]; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(szValueCurrent); int iRC = ::RegGetValueW(hkeyHive, pszVar, nullptr, RRF_RT_ANY, &dwType, szValueCurrent, &dwSize); bool bDidntExist = iRC == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if ((iRC != ERROR_SUCCESS) && !bDidntExist) // an error occurred return false; if (!bDidntExist) { if (dwType != REG_SZ) // invalid type return false; if (::wcscmp(szValueCurrent, pszValue) == 0) // value already set return false; } DWORD dwDisposition; HKEY hkey; iRC = ::RegCreateKeyExW(hkeyHive, pszVar, 0, 0, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, nullptr, &hkey, &dwDisposition); bool ret = false; if (iRC == ERROR_SUCCESS) { iRC = ::RegSetValueExW(hkey, L"", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)pszValue, (::wcslen(pszValue) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t)); if (iRC == ERROR_SUCCESS) ret = true; } RegCloseKey(hkey); return ret; }; wchar_t app_path[MAX_PATH]; ::GetModuleFileNameW(nullptr, app_path, sizeof(app_path)); std::wstring prog_path = L"\"" + std::wstring(app_path) + L"\""; std::wstring prog_id = L"Prusa.Slicer.1"; std::wstring prog_desc = L"PrusaSlicer"; std::wstring prog_command = prog_path + L" \"%1\""; std::wstring reg_base = L"Software\\Classes"; std::wstring reg_extension = reg_base + L"\\.3mf"; std::wstring reg_prog_id = reg_base + L"\\" + prog_id; std::wstring reg_prog_id_command = reg_prog_id + L"\\Shell\\Open\\Command"; bool is_new = false; is_new |= reg_set(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_extension.c_str(), prog_id.c_str()); is_new |= reg_set(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_prog_id.c_str(), prog_desc.c_str()); is_new |= reg_set(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, reg_prog_id_command.c_str(), prog_command.c_str()); if (is_new) // notify Windows only when any of the values gets changed ::SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, SHCNF_IDLIST, nullptr, nullptr); } #endif // __WXMSW__ } // GUI } //Slic3r