#include "Print.hpp" #include "ToolOrdering.hpp" // #define SLIC3R_DEBUG // Make assert active if SLIC3R_DEBUG #ifdef SLIC3R_DEBUG #define DEBUG #define _DEBUG #undef NDEBUG #endif #include #include namespace Slic3r { // Returns true in case that extruder a comes before b (b does not have to be present). False otherwise. bool LayerTools::is_extruder_order(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) const { if (a==b) return false; for (auto extruder : extruders) { if (extruder == a) return true; if (extruder == b) return false; } return false; } // For the use case when each object is printed separately // (print.config().complete_objects is true). ToolOrdering::ToolOrdering(const PrintObject &object, unsigned int first_extruder, bool prime_multi_material) { if (object.layers().empty()) return; // Initialize the print layers for just a single object. { std::vector zs; zs.reserve(zs.size() + object.layers().size() + object.support_layers().size()); for (auto layer : object.layers()) zs.emplace_back(layer->print_z); for (auto layer : object.support_layers()) zs.emplace_back(layer->print_z); this->initialize_layers(zs); } // Collect extruders reuqired to print the layers. this->collect_extruders(object); // Reorder the extruders to minimize tool switches. this->reorder_extruders(first_extruder); this->fill_wipe_tower_partitions(object.print()->config(), object.layers().front()->print_z - object.layers().front()->height); this->collect_extruder_statistics(prime_multi_material); } // For the use case when all objects are printed at once. // (print.config().complete_objects is false). ToolOrdering::ToolOrdering(const Print &print, unsigned int first_extruder, bool prime_multi_material) { m_print_config_ptr = &print.config(); PrintObjectPtrs objects = print.get_printable_objects(); // Initialize the print layers for all objects and all layers. coordf_t object_bottom_z = 0.; { std::vector zs; for (auto object : objects) { zs.reserve(zs.size() + object->layers().size() + object->support_layers().size()); for (auto layer : object->layers()) zs.emplace_back(layer->print_z); for (auto layer : object->support_layers()) zs.emplace_back(layer->print_z); if (! object->layers().empty()) object_bottom_z = object->layers().front()->print_z - object->layers().front()->height; } this->initialize_layers(zs); } // Collect extruders reuqired to print the layers. for (auto object : objects) this->collect_extruders(*object); // Reorder the extruders to minimize tool switches. this->reorder_extruders(first_extruder); this->fill_wipe_tower_partitions(print.config(), object_bottom_z); this->collect_extruder_statistics(prime_multi_material); } LayerTools& ToolOrdering::tools_for_layer(coordf_t print_z) { auto it_layer_tools = std::lower_bound(m_layer_tools.begin(), m_layer_tools.end(), LayerTools(print_z - EPSILON)); assert(it_layer_tools != m_layer_tools.end()); coordf_t dist_min = std::abs(it_layer_tools->print_z - print_z); for (++ it_layer_tools; it_layer_tools != m_layer_tools.end(); ++it_layer_tools) { coordf_t d = std::abs(it_layer_tools->print_z - print_z); if (d >= dist_min) break; dist_min = d; } -- it_layer_tools; assert(dist_min < EPSILON); return *it_layer_tools; } void ToolOrdering::initialize_layers(std::vector &zs) { sort_remove_duplicates(zs); // Merge numerically very close Z values. for (size_t i = 0; i < zs.size();) { // Find the last layer with roughly the same print_z. size_t j = i + 1; coordf_t zmax = zs[i] + EPSILON; for (; j < zs.size() && zs[j] <= zmax; ++ j) ; // Assign an average print_z to the set of layers with nearly equal print_z. m_layer_tools.emplace_back(LayerTools(0.5 * (zs[i] + zs[j-1]), m_print_config_ptr)); i = j; } } // Collect extruders reuqired to print layers. void ToolOrdering::collect_extruders(const PrintObject &object) { // Collect the support extruders. for (auto support_layer : object.support_layers()) { LayerTools &layer_tools = this->tools_for_layer(support_layer->print_z); ExtrusionRole role = support_layer->support_fills.role(); bool has_support = role == erMixed || role == erSupportMaterial; bool has_interface = role == erMixed || role == erSupportMaterialInterface; unsigned int extruder_support = object.config().support_material_extruder.value; unsigned int extruder_interface = object.config().support_material_interface_extruder.value; if (has_support) layer_tools.extruders.push_back(extruder_support); if (has_interface) layer_tools.extruders.push_back(extruder_interface); if (has_support || has_interface) layer_tools.has_support = true; } // Collect the object extruders. for (auto layer : object.layers()) { LayerTools &layer_tools = this->tools_for_layer(layer->print_z); // What extruders are required to print this object layer? for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < object.region_volumes.size(); ++ region_id) { const LayerRegion *layerm = (region_id < layer->regions().size()) ? layer->regions()[region_id] : nullptr; if (layerm == nullptr) continue; const PrintRegion ®ion = *object.print()->regions()[region_id]; if (! layerm->perimeters.entities.empty()) { bool something_nonoverriddable = true; if (m_print_config_ptr) { // in this case complete_objects is false (see ToolOrdering constructors) something_nonoverriddable = false; for (const auto& eec : layerm->perimeters.entities) // let's check if there are nonoverriddable entities if (!layer_tools.wiping_extrusions().is_overriddable(dynamic_cast(*eec), *m_print_config_ptr, object, region)) { something_nonoverriddable = true; break; } } if (something_nonoverriddable) layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config().perimeter_extruder.value); layer_tools.has_object = true; } bool has_infill = false; bool has_solid_infill = false; bool something_nonoverriddable = false; for (const ExtrusionEntity *ee : layerm->fills.entities) { // fill represents infill extrusions of a single island. const auto *fill = dynamic_cast(ee); ExtrusionRole role = fill->entities.empty() ? erNone : fill->entities.front()->role(); if (is_solid_infill(role)) has_solid_infill = true; else if (role != erNone) has_infill = true; if (m_print_config_ptr) { if (!something_nonoverriddable && !layer_tools.wiping_extrusions().is_overriddable(*fill, *m_print_config_ptr, object, region)) something_nonoverriddable = true; } } if (something_nonoverriddable || !m_print_config_ptr) { if (has_solid_infill) layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config().solid_infill_extruder); if (has_infill) layer_tools.extruders.push_back(region.config().infill_extruder); } if (has_solid_infill || has_infill) layer_tools.has_object = true; } } for (auto& layer : m_layer_tools) { // Sort and remove duplicates sort_remove_duplicates(layer.extruders); // make sure that there are some tools for each object layer (e.g. tall wiping object will result in empty extruders vector) if (layer.extruders.empty() && layer.has_object) layer.extruders.push_back(0); // 0="dontcare" extruder - it will be taken care of in reorder_extruders } } // Reorder extruders to minimize layer changes. void ToolOrdering::reorder_extruders(unsigned int last_extruder_id) { if (m_layer_tools.empty()) return; if (last_extruder_id == (unsigned int)-1) { // The initial print extruder has not been decided yet. // Initialize the last_extruder_id with the first non-zero extruder id used for the print. last_extruder_id = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m_layer_tools.size() && last_extruder_id == 0; ++ i) { const LayerTools < = m_layer_tools[i]; for (unsigned int extruder_id : lt.extruders) if (extruder_id > 0) { last_extruder_id = extruder_id; break; } } if (last_extruder_id == 0) // Nothing to extrude. return; } else // 1 based index ++ last_extruder_id; for (LayerTools < : m_layer_tools) { if (lt.extruders.empty()) continue; if (lt.extruders.size() == 1 && lt.extruders.front() == 0) lt.extruders.front() = last_extruder_id; else { if (lt.extruders.front() == 0) // Pop the "don't care" extruder, the "don't care" region will be merged with the next one. lt.extruders.erase(lt.extruders.begin()); // Reorder the extruders to start with the last one. for (size_t i = 1; i < lt.extruders.size(); ++ i) if (lt.extruders[i] == last_extruder_id) { // Move the last extruder to the front. memmove(lt.extruders.data() + 1, lt.extruders.data(), i * sizeof(unsigned int)); lt.extruders.front() = last_extruder_id; break; } } last_extruder_id = lt.extruders.back(); } // Reindex the extruders, so they are zero based, not 1 based. for (LayerTools < : m_layer_tools) for (unsigned int &extruder_id : lt.extruders) { assert(extruder_id > 0); -- extruder_id; } } void ToolOrdering::fill_wipe_tower_partitions(const PrintConfig &config, coordf_t object_bottom_z) { if (m_layer_tools.empty()) return; // Count the minimum number of tool changes per layer. size_t last_extruder = size_t(-1); for (LayerTools < : m_layer_tools) { lt.wipe_tower_partitions = lt.extruders.size(); if (! lt.extruders.empty()) { if (last_extruder == size_t(-1) || last_extruder == lt.extruders.front()) // The first extruder on this layer is equal to the current one, no need to do an initial tool change. -- lt.wipe_tower_partitions; last_extruder = lt.extruders.back(); } } // Propagate the wipe tower partitions down to support the upper partitions by the lower partitions. for (int i = int(m_layer_tools.size()) - 2; i >= 0; -- i) m_layer_tools[i].wipe_tower_partitions = std::max(m_layer_tools[i + 1].wipe_tower_partitions, m_layer_tools[i].wipe_tower_partitions); //FIXME this is a hack to get the ball rolling. for (LayerTools < : m_layer_tools) lt.has_wipe_tower = (lt.has_object && lt.wipe_tower_partitions > 0) || lt.print_z < object_bottom_z + EPSILON; // Test for a raft, insert additional wipe tower layer to fill in the raft separation gap. double max_layer_height = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < config.nozzle_diameter.values.size(); ++ i) { double mlh = config.max_layer_height.values[i]; if (mlh == 0.) mlh = 0.75 * config.nozzle_diameter.values[i]; max_layer_height = std::min(max_layer_height, mlh); } for (size_t i = 0; i + 1 < m_layer_tools.size(); ++ i) { const LayerTools < = m_layer_tools[i]; const LayerTools <_next = m_layer_tools[i + 1]; if (lt.print_z < object_bottom_z + EPSILON && lt_next.print_z >= object_bottom_z + EPSILON) { // lt is the last raft layer. Find the 1st object layer. size_t j = i + 1; for (; j < m_layer_tools.size() && ! m_layer_tools[j].has_wipe_tower; ++ j); if (j < m_layer_tools.size()) { const LayerTools <_object = m_layer_tools[j]; coordf_t gap = lt_object.print_z - lt.print_z; assert(gap > 0.f); if (gap > max_layer_height + EPSILON) { // Insert one additional wipe tower layer between lh.print_z and lt_object.print_z. LayerTools lt_new(0.5f * (lt.print_z + lt_object.print_z)); // Find the 1st layer above lt_new. for (j = i + 1; j < m_layer_tools.size() && m_layer_tools[j].print_z < lt_new.print_z - EPSILON; ++ j); if (std::abs(m_layer_tools[j].print_z - lt_new.print_z) < EPSILON) { m_layer_tools[j].has_wipe_tower = true; } else { LayerTools <_extra = *m_layer_tools.insert(m_layer_tools.begin() + j, lt_new); LayerTools <_prev = m_layer_tools[j - 1]; LayerTools <_next = m_layer_tools[j + 1]; assert(! lt_prev.extruders.empty() && ! lt_next.extruders.empty()); assert(lt_prev.extruders.back() == lt_next.extruders.front()); lt_extra.has_wipe_tower = true; lt_extra.extruders.push_back(lt_next.extruders.front()); lt_extra.wipe_tower_partitions = lt_next.wipe_tower_partitions; } } } break; } } // Calculate the wipe_tower_layer_height values. coordf_t wipe_tower_print_z_last = 0.; for (LayerTools < : m_layer_tools) if (lt.has_wipe_tower) { lt.wipe_tower_layer_height = lt.print_z - wipe_tower_print_z_last; wipe_tower_print_z_last = lt.print_z; } } void ToolOrdering::collect_extruder_statistics(bool prime_multi_material) { m_first_printing_extruder = (unsigned int)-1; for (const auto < : m_layer_tools) if (! lt.extruders.empty()) { m_first_printing_extruder = lt.extruders.front(); break; } m_last_printing_extruder = (unsigned int)-1; for (auto lt_it = m_layer_tools.rbegin(); lt_it != m_layer_tools.rend(); ++ lt_it) if (! lt_it->extruders.empty()) { m_last_printing_extruder = lt_it->extruders.back(); break; } m_all_printing_extruders.clear(); for (const auto < : m_layer_tools) { append(m_all_printing_extruders, lt.extruders); sort_remove_duplicates(m_all_printing_extruders); } if (prime_multi_material && ! m_all_printing_extruders.empty()) { // Reorder m_all_printing_extruders in the sequence they will be primed, the last one will be m_first_printing_extruder. // Then set m_first_printing_extruder to the 1st extruder primed. m_all_printing_extruders.erase( std::remove_if(m_all_printing_extruders.begin(), m_all_printing_extruders.end(), [ this ](const unsigned int eid) { return eid == m_first_printing_extruder; }), m_all_printing_extruders.end()); m_all_printing_extruders.emplace_back(m_first_printing_extruder); m_first_printing_extruder = m_all_printing_extruders.front(); } } // This function is called from Print::mark_wiping_extrusions and sets extruder this entity should be printed with (-1 .. as usual) void WipingExtrusions::set_extruder_override(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, unsigned int copy_id, int extruder, unsigned int num_of_copies) { something_overridden = true; auto entity_map_it = (entity_map.insert(std::make_pair(entity, std::vector()))).first; // (add and) return iterator auto& copies_vector = entity_map_it->second; if (copies_vector.size() < num_of_copies) copies_vector.resize(num_of_copies, -1); if (copies_vector[copy_id] != -1) std::cout << "ERROR: Entity extruder overriden multiple times!!!\n"; // A debugging message - this must never happen. copies_vector[copy_id] = extruder; } // Finds first non-soluble extruder on the layer int WipingExtrusions::first_nonsoluble_extruder_on_layer(const PrintConfig& print_config) const { const LayerTools& lt = *m_layer_tools; for (auto extruders_it = lt.extruders.begin(); extruders_it != lt.extruders.end(); ++extruders_it) if (!print_config.filament_soluble.get_at(*extruders_it)) return (*extruders_it); return (-1); } // Finds last non-soluble extruder on the layer int WipingExtrusions::last_nonsoluble_extruder_on_layer(const PrintConfig& print_config) const { const LayerTools& lt = *m_layer_tools; for (auto extruders_it = lt.extruders.rbegin(); extruders_it != lt.extruders.rend(); ++extruders_it) if (!print_config.filament_soluble.get_at(*extruders_it)) return (*extruders_it); return (-1); } // Decides whether this entity could be overridden bool WipingExtrusions::is_overriddable(const ExtrusionEntityCollection& eec, const PrintConfig& print_config, const PrintObject& object, const PrintRegion& region) const { if (print_config.filament_soluble.get_at(Print::get_extruder(eec, region))) return false; if (object.config().wipe_into_objects) return true; if (!region.config().wipe_into_infill || eec.role() != erInternalInfill) return false; return true; } // Following function iterates through all extrusions on the layer, remembers those that could be used for wiping after toolchange // and returns volume that is left to be wiped on the wipe tower. float WipingExtrusions::mark_wiping_extrusions(const Print& print, unsigned int old_extruder, unsigned int new_extruder, float volume_to_wipe) { const LayerTools& lt = *m_layer_tools; const float min_infill_volume = 0.f; // ignore infill with smaller volume than this if (print.config().filament_soluble.get_at(old_extruder) || print.config().filament_soluble.get_at(new_extruder)) return volume_to_wipe; // Soluble filament cannot be wiped in a random infill, neither the filament after it // we will sort objects so that dedicated for wiping are at the beginning: PrintObjectPtrs object_list = print.get_printable_objects(); std::sort(object_list.begin(), object_list.end(), [](const PrintObject* a, const PrintObject* b) { return a->config().wipe_into_objects; }); // We will now iterate through // - first the dedicated objects to mark perimeters or infills (depending on infill_first) // - second through the dedicated ones again to mark infills or perimeters (depending on infill_first) // - then all the others to mark infills (in case that !infill_first, we must also check that the perimeter is finished already // this is controlled by the following variable: bool perimeters_done = false; for (int i=0 ; i<(int)object_list.size() + (perimeters_done ? 0 : 1); ++i) { if (!perimeters_done && (i==(int)object_list.size() || !object_list[i]->config().wipe_into_objects)) { // we passed the last dedicated object in list perimeters_done = true; i=-1; // let's go from the start again continue; } const auto& object = object_list[i]; // Finds this layer: auto this_layer_it = std::find_if(object->layers().begin(), object->layers().end(), [<](const Layer* lay) { return std::abs(lt.print_z - lay->print_z)layers().end()) continue; const Layer* this_layer = *this_layer_it; unsigned int num_of_copies = object->copies().size(); for (unsigned int copy = 0; copy < num_of_copies; ++copy) { // iterate through copies first, so that we mark neighbouring infills to minimize travel moves for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < object->region_volumes.size(); ++ region_id) { const auto& region = *object->print()->regions()[region_id]; if (!region.config().wipe_into_infill && !object->config().wipe_into_objects) continue; if ((!print.config().infill_first ? perimeters_done : !perimeters_done) || (!object->config().wipe_into_objects && region.config().wipe_into_infill)) { for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : this_layer->regions()[region_id]->fills.entities) { // iterate through all infill Collections auto* fill = dynamic_cast(ee); if (!is_overriddable(*fill, print.config(), *object, region)) continue; // What extruder would this normally be printed with? unsigned int correct_extruder = Print::get_extruder(*fill, region); if (volume_to_wipe<=0) continue; if (!object->config().wipe_into_objects && !print.config().infill_first && region.config().wipe_into_infill) // In this case we must check that the original extruder is used on this layer before the one we are overridding // (and the perimeters will be finished before the infill is printed): if (!lt.is_extruder_order(region.config().perimeter_extruder - 1, new_extruder)) continue; if ((!is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) && fill->total_volume() > min_infill_volume)) { // this infill will be used to wipe this extruder set_extruder_override(fill, copy, new_extruder, num_of_copies); volume_to_wipe -= fill->total_volume(); } } } // Now the same for perimeters - see comments above for explanation: if (object->config().wipe_into_objects && (print.config().infill_first ? perimeters_done : !perimeters_done)) { for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : this_layer->regions()[region_id]->perimeters.entities) { auto* fill = dynamic_cast(ee); if (!is_overriddable(*fill, print.config(), *object, region)) continue; if (volume_to_wipe<=0) continue; if ((!is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) && fill->total_volume() > min_infill_volume)) { set_extruder_override(fill, copy, new_extruder, num_of_copies); volume_to_wipe -= fill->total_volume(); } } } } } } return std::max(0.f, volume_to_wipe); } // Called after all toolchanges on a layer were mark_infill_overridden. There might still be overridable entities, // that were not actually overridden. If they are part of a dedicated object, printing them with the extruder // they were initially assigned to might mean violating the perimeter-infill order. We will therefore go through // them again and make sure we override it. void WipingExtrusions::ensure_perimeters_infills_order(const Print& print) { const LayerTools& lt = *m_layer_tools; unsigned int first_nonsoluble_extruder = first_nonsoluble_extruder_on_layer(print.config()); unsigned int last_nonsoluble_extruder = last_nonsoluble_extruder_on_layer(print.config()); PrintObjectPtrs printable_objects = print.get_printable_objects(); for (const PrintObject* object : printable_objects) { // Finds this layer: auto this_layer_it = std::find_if(object->layers().begin(), object->layers().end(), [<](const Layer* lay) { return std::abs(lt.print_z - lay->print_z)layers().end()) continue; const Layer* this_layer = *this_layer_it; unsigned int num_of_copies = object->copies().size(); for (unsigned int copy = 0; copy < num_of_copies; ++copy) { // iterate through copies first, so that we mark neighbouring infills to minimize travel moves for (size_t region_id = 0; region_id < object->region_volumes.size(); ++ region_id) { const auto& region = *object->print()->regions()[region_id]; if (!region.config().wipe_into_infill && !object->config().wipe_into_objects) continue; for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : this_layer->regions()[region_id]->fills.entities) { // iterate through all infill Collections auto* fill = dynamic_cast(ee); if (!is_overriddable(*fill, print.config(), *object, region) || is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) ) continue; // This infill could have been overridden but was not - unless we do something, it could be // printed before its perimeter, or not be printed at all (in case its original extruder has // not been added to LayerTools // Either way, we will now force-override it with something suitable: if (print.config().infill_first || object->config().wipe_into_objects // in this case the perimeter is overridden, so we can override by the last one safely || lt.is_extruder_order(region.config().perimeter_extruder - 1, last_nonsoluble_extruder // !infill_first, but perimeter is already printed when last extruder prints || std::find(lt.extruders.begin(), lt.extruders.end(), region.config().infill_extruder - 1) == lt.extruders.end()) // we have to force override - this could violate infill_first (FIXME) ) set_extruder_override(fill, copy, (print.config().infill_first ? first_nonsoluble_extruder : last_nonsoluble_extruder), num_of_copies); else { // In this case we can (and should) leave it to be printed normally. // Force overriding would mean it gets printed before its perimeter. } } // Now the same for perimeters - see comments above for explanation: for (const ExtrusionEntity* ee : this_layer->regions()[region_id]->perimeters.entities) { // iterate through all perimeter Collections auto* fill = dynamic_cast(ee); if (!is_overriddable(*fill, print.config(), *object, region) || is_entity_overridden(fill, copy) ) continue; set_extruder_override(fill, copy, (print.config().infill_first ? last_nonsoluble_extruder : first_nonsoluble_extruder), num_of_copies); } } } } } // Following function is called from process_layer and returns pointer to vector with information about which extruders should be used for given copy of this entity. // It first makes sure the pointer is valid (creates the vector if it does not exist) and contains a record for each copy // It also modifies the vector in place and changes all -1 to correct_extruder_id (at the time the overrides were created, correct extruders were not known, // so -1 was used as "print as usual". // The resulting vector has to keep track of which extrusions are the ones that were overridden and which were not. In the extruder is used as overridden, // its number is saved as it is (zero-based index). Usual extrusions are saved as -number-1 (unfortunately there is no negative zero). const std::vector* WipingExtrusions::get_extruder_overrides(const ExtrusionEntity* entity, int correct_extruder_id, int num_of_copies) { auto entity_map_it = entity_map.find(entity); if (entity_map_it == entity_map.end()) entity_map_it = (entity_map.insert(std::make_pair(entity, std::vector()))).first; // Now the entity_map_it should be valid, let's make sure the vector is long enough: entity_map_it->second.resize(num_of_copies, -1); // Each -1 now means "print as usual" - we will replace it with actual extruder id (shifted it so we don't lose that information): std::replace(entity_map_it->second.begin(), entity_map_it->second.end(), -1, -correct_extruder_id-1); return &(entity_map_it->second); } } // namespace Slic3r