#ifndef slic3r_GUI_ObjectManipulation_hpp_ #define slic3r_GUI_ObjectManipulation_hpp_ #include #include "GUI_ObjectSettings.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Point.hpp" #include class wxBitmapComboBox; class wxStaticText; class LockButton; class wxStaticBitmap; class wxCheckBox; namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { class Selection; class ObjectManipulation; class ManipulationEditor : public wxTextCtrl { std::string m_opt_key; int m_axis; bool m_enter_pressed { false }; wxString m_valid_value {wxEmptyString}; std::string m_full_opt_name; public: ManipulationEditor(ObjectManipulation* parent, const std::string& opt_key, int axis); ~ManipulationEditor() {} void msw_rescale(); void set_value(const wxString& new_value); void kill_focus(ObjectManipulation *parent); private: double get_value(); }; class ObjectManipulation : public OG_Settings { public: static const double in_to_mm; static const double mm_to_in; private: struct Cache { Vec3d position; Vec3d position_rounded; Vec3d rotation; Vec3d rotation_rounded; Vec3d scale; Vec3d scale_rounded; Vec3d size; Vec3d size_rounded; wxString move_label_string; wxString rotate_label_string; wxString scale_label_string; Cache() { reset(); } void reset() { position = position_rounded = Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX); rotation = rotation_rounded = Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX); scale = scale_rounded = Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX); size = size_rounded = Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX); move_label_string = wxString(); rotate_label_string = wxString(); scale_label_string = wxString(); } bool is_valid() const { return position != Vec3d(DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX, DBL_MAX); } }; Cache m_cache; wxStaticText* m_move_Label = nullptr; wxStaticText* m_scale_Label = nullptr; wxStaticText* m_rotate_Label = nullptr; bool m_imperial_units { false }; wxStaticText* m_position_unit { nullptr }; wxStaticText* m_size_unit { nullptr }; wxStaticText* m_item_name = nullptr; wxStaticText* m_empty_str = nullptr; // Non-owning pointers to the reset buttons, so we can hide and show them. ScalableButton* m_reset_scale_button = nullptr; ScalableButton* m_reset_rotation_button = nullptr; ScalableButton* m_drop_to_bed_button = nullptr; wxCheckBox* m_check_inch {nullptr}; // Mirroring buttons and their current state enum MirrorButtonState { mbHidden, mbShown, mbActive }; std::array, 3> m_mirror_buttons; // Bitmaps for the mirroring buttons. ScalableBitmap m_mirror_bitmap_on; ScalableBitmap m_mirror_bitmap_off; ScalableBitmap m_mirror_bitmap_hidden; // Needs to be updated from OnIdle? bool m_dirty = false; // Cached labels for the delayed update, not localized! std::string m_new_move_label_string; std::string m_new_rotate_label_string; std::string m_new_scale_label_string; Vec3d m_new_position; Vec3d m_new_rotation; Vec3d m_new_scale; Vec3d m_new_size; bool m_new_enabled {true}; bool m_uniform_scale {true}; // Does the object manipulation panel work in World or Local coordinates? bool m_world_coordinates = true; LockButton* m_lock_bnt{ nullptr }; wxBitmapComboBox* m_word_local_combo = nullptr; ScalableBitmap m_manifold_warning_bmp; wxStaticBitmap* m_fix_throught_netfab_bitmap; #ifndef __APPLE__ // Currently focused editor (nullptr if none) ManipulationEditor* m_focused_editor {nullptr}; #endif // __APPLE__ wxFlexGridSizer* m_main_grid_sizer; wxFlexGridSizer* m_labels_grid_sizer; // sizers, used for msw_rescale wxBoxSizer* m_word_local_combo_sizer; std::vector m_rescalable_sizers; std::vector m_editors; public: ObjectManipulation(wxWindow* parent); ~ObjectManipulation() {} void Show(const bool show) override; bool IsShown() override; void UpdateAndShow(const bool show) override; void update_ui_from_settings(); void set_dirty() { m_dirty = true; } // Called from the App to update the UI if dirty. void update_if_dirty(); void set_uniform_scaling(const bool uniform_scale); bool get_uniform_scaling() const { return m_uniform_scale; } // Does the object manipulation panel work in World or Local coordinates? void set_world_coordinates(const bool world_coordinates) { m_world_coordinates = world_coordinates; this->UpdateAndShow(true); } bool get_world_coordinates() const { return m_world_coordinates; } void reset_cache() { m_cache.reset(); } #ifndef __APPLE__ // On Windows and Linux, emulates a kill focus event on the currently focused option (if any) // Used only in ObjectList wxEVT_DATAVIEW_SELECTION_CHANGED handler which is called before the regular kill focus event // bound to this class when changing selection in the objects list void emulate_kill_focus(); #endif // __APPLE__ void update_item_name(const wxString &item_name); void update_warning_icon_state(const wxString& tooltip); void msw_rescale(); void sys_color_changed(); void on_change(const std::string& opt_key, int axis, double new_value); void set_focused_editor(ManipulationEditor* focused_editor) { #ifndef __APPLE__ m_focused_editor = focused_editor; #endif // __APPLE__ } private: void reset_settings_value(); void update_settings_value(const Selection& selection); // Show or hide scale/rotation reset buttons if needed void update_reset_buttons_visibility(); //Show or hide mirror buttons void update_mirror_buttons_visibility(); // change values void change_position_value(int axis, double value); void change_rotation_value(int axis, double value); void change_scale_value(int axis, double value); void change_size_value(int axis, double value); void do_scale(int axis, const Vec3d &scale) const; }; }} #endif // slic3r_GUI_ObjectManipulation_hpp_