#ifndef slic3r_TriangleMeshSlicer_hpp_
#define slic3r_TriangleMeshSlicer_hpp_

#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "Polygon.hpp"
#include "ExPolygon.hpp"

namespace Slic3r {

struct MeshSlicingParams
    enum class SlicingMode : uint32_t {
        // Regular slicing, maintain all contours and their orientation.
        // Maintain all contours, orient all contours CCW, therefore all holes are being closed.
        // Orient all contours CCW and keep only the contour with the largest area.
        // This mode is useful for slicing complex objects in vase mode.

    SlicingMode   mode { SlicingMode::Regular };
    // For vase mode: below this layer a different slicing mode will be used to produce a single contour.
    // 0 = ignore.
    size_t        slicing_mode_normal_below_layer { 0 };
    // Mode to apply below slicing_mode_normal_below_layer. Ignored if slicing_mode_nromal_below_layer == 0.
    SlicingMode   mode_below { SlicingMode::Regular };
    // Transforming faces during the slicing.
    Transform3d   trafo { Transform3d::Identity() };

struct MeshSlicingParamsEx : public MeshSlicingParams
    // Morphological closing operation when creating output expolygons, unscaled.
    float         closing_radius { 0 };
    // Positive offset applied when creating output expolygons, unscaled.
    float         extra_offset { 0 };
    // Resolution for contour simplification, unscaled.
    // 0 = don't simplify.
    double        resolution { 0 };

std::vector<Polygons>           slice_mesh(
    const indexed_triangle_set       &mesh,
    const std::vector<float>         &zs,
    const MeshSlicingParams          &params,
    std::function<void()>             throw_on_cancel = []{});

std::vector<ExPolygons>         slice_mesh_ex(
    const indexed_triangle_set       &mesh,
    const std::vector<float>         &zs,
    const MeshSlicingParamsEx        &params,
    std::function<void()>             throw_on_cancel = []{});

inline std::vector<ExPolygons>  slice_mesh_ex(
    const indexed_triangle_set       &mesh,
    const std::vector<float>         &zs,
    std::function<void()>             throw_on_cancel = []{})
    return slice_mesh_ex(mesh, zs, MeshSlicingParamsEx{}, throw_on_cancel);

inline std::vector<ExPolygons>  slice_mesh_ex(
    const indexed_triangle_set       &mesh,
    const std::vector<float>         &zs,
    float                             closing_radius,
    std::function<void()>             throw_on_cancel = []{})
    MeshSlicingParamsEx params;
    params.closing_radius = closing_radius;
    return slice_mesh_ex(mesh, zs, params, throw_on_cancel);

void                            cut_mesh(
    const indexed_triangle_set      &mesh,
    float                            z,
    indexed_triangle_set            *upper,
    indexed_triangle_set            *lower,
    bool                             triangulate_caps = true);


#endif // slic3r_TriangleMeshSlicer_hpp_