#include "HexFile.hpp" #include #include #include #include namespace fs = boost::filesystem; namespace pt = boost::property_tree; namespace Slic3r { namespace Utils { static HexFile::DeviceKind parse_device_kind(const std::string &str) { if (str == "mk2") { return HexFile::DEV_MK2; } else if (str == "mk3") { return HexFile::DEV_MK3; } else if (str == "mm-control") { return HexFile::DEV_MM_CONTROL; } else if (str == "cw1") { return HexFile::DEV_CW1; } else { return HexFile::DEV_GENERIC; } } static size_t hex_num_sections(fs::ifstream &file) { file.seekg(0); if (! file.good()) { return 0; } static const char *hex_terminator = ":00000001FF\r"; size_t res = 0; std::string line; while (getline(file, line, '\n').good()) { // Account for LF vs CRLF if (!line.empty() && line.back() != '\r') { line.push_back('\r'); } if (line == hex_terminator) { res++; } } return res; } HexFile::HexFile(fs::path path) : path(std::move(path)) { fs::ifstream file(this->path); if (! file.good()) { return; } std::string line; std::stringstream header_ini; while (std::getline(file, line, '\n').good()) { if (line.empty()) { continue; } // Account for LF vs CRLF if (!line.empty() && line.back() == '\r') { line.pop_back(); } if (line.front() == ';') { line.front() = ' '; header_ini << line << std::endl; } else if (line.front() == ':') { break; } } pt::ptree ptree; try { pt::read_ini(header_ini, ptree); } catch (std::exception & /* e */) { return; } bool has_device_meta = false; const auto device = ptree.find("device"); if (device != ptree.not_found()) { this->device = parse_device_kind(device->second.data()); has_device_meta = true; } const auto model_id = ptree.find("model_id"); if (model_id != ptree.not_found()) { this->model_id = model_id->second.data(); } if (! has_device_meta) { // No device metadata, look at the number of 'sections' if (hex_num_sections(file) == 2) { // Looks like a pre-metadata l10n firmware for the MK3, assume that's the case this->device = DEV_MK3; } } } } }