#include "../libslic3r.h" #include "../Model.hpp" #include "../TriangleMesh.hpp" #include "STL.hpp" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #define DIR_SEPARATOR '\\' #else #define DIR_SEPARATOR '/' #endif namespace Slic3r { bool load_stl(const char *path, Model *model, const char *object_name_in) { TriangleMesh mesh; if (! mesh.ReadSTLFile(path)) { // die "Failed to open $file\n" if !-e $path; return false; } if (mesh.empty()) { // die "This STL file couldn't be read because it's empty.\n" return false; } std::string object_name; if (object_name_in == nullptr) { const char *last_slash = strrchr(path, DIR_SEPARATOR); object_name.assign((last_slash == nullptr) ? path : last_slash + 1); } else object_name.assign(object_name_in); model->add_object(object_name.c_str(), path, std::move(mesh)); return true; } bool store_stl(const char *path, TriangleMesh *mesh, bool binary) { if (binary) mesh->write_binary(path); else mesh->write_ascii(path); //FIXME returning false even if write failed. return true; } bool store_stl(const char *path, ModelObject *model_object, bool binary) { TriangleMesh mesh = model_object->mesh(); return store_stl(path, &mesh, binary); } bool store_stl(const char *path, Model *model, bool binary) { TriangleMesh mesh = model->mesh(); return store_stl(path, &mesh, binary); } }; // namespace Slic3r