#ifndef slic3r_Tab_hpp_ #define slic3r_Tab_hpp_ // The "Expert" tab at the right of the main tabbed window. // // This file implements following packages: // Slic3r::GUI::Tab; // Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print; // Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament; // Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer; // Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Page // - Option page: For example, the Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print has option pages "Layers and perimeters", "Infill", "Skirt and brim" ... // Slic3r::GUI::SavePresetWindow // - Dialog to select a new preset name to store the configuration. // Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Preset; // - Single preset item: name, file is default or external. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BedShapeDialog.hpp" #include "Event.hpp" namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { typedef std::pair t_icon_description; typedef std::vector> t_icon_descriptions; // Single Tab page containing a{ vsizer } of{ optgroups } // package Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Page; using ConfigOptionsGroupShp = std::shared_ptr; class Page : public wxScrolledWindow { wxWindow* m_parent; wxString m_title; size_t m_iconID; wxBoxSizer* m_vsizer; public: Page(wxWindow* parent, const wxString title, const int iconID) : m_parent(parent), m_title(title), m_iconID(iconID) { Create(m_parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); m_vsizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); m_item_color = &wxGetApp().get_label_clr_default(); SetSizer(m_vsizer); } ~Page(){} bool m_is_modified_values{ false }; bool m_is_nonsys_values{ true }; public: std::vector m_optgroups; DynamicPrintConfig* m_config; wxBoxSizer* vsizer() const { return m_vsizer; } wxWindow* parent() const { return m_parent; } wxString title() const { return m_title; } size_t iconID() const { return m_iconID; } void set_config(DynamicPrintConfig* config_in) { m_config = config_in; } void reload_config(); Field* get_field(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, int opt_index = -1) const; bool set_value(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, const boost::any& value); ConfigOptionsGroupShp new_optgroup(const wxString& title, int noncommon_label_width = -1); bool set_item_colour(const wxColour *clr) { if (m_item_color != clr) { m_item_color = clr; return true; } return false; } const wxColour get_item_colour() { return *m_item_color; } protected: // Color of TreeCtrlItem. The wxColour will be updated only if the new wxColour pointer differs from the currently rendered one. const wxColour* m_item_color; }; wxDECLARE_EVENT(EVT_TAB_VALUE_CHANGED, wxCommandEvent); wxDECLARE_EVENT(EVT_TAB_PRESETS_CHANGED, SimpleEvent); using PageShp = std::shared_ptr; class Tab: public wxPanel { wxNotebook* m_parent; #ifdef __WXOSX__ wxPanel* m_tmp_panel; int m_size_move = -1; #endif // __WXOSX__ protected: Preset::Type m_type; std::string m_name; const wxString m_title; wxBitmapComboBox* m_presets_choice; wxBitmapButton* m_btn_save_preset; wxBitmapButton* m_btn_delete_preset; wxBitmapButton* m_btn_hide_incompatible_presets; wxBoxSizer* m_hsizer; wxBoxSizer* m_left_sizer; wxTreeCtrl* m_treectrl; wxImageList* m_icons; wxCheckBox* m_compatible_printers_checkbox; wxButton* m_compatible_printers_btn; wxButton* m_undo_btn; wxButton* m_undo_to_sys_btn; wxButton* m_question_btn; wxImageList* m_preset_icons; // Cached bitmaps. // A "flag" icon to be displayned next to the preset name in the Tab's combo box. wxBitmap m_bmp_show_incompatible_presets; wxBitmap m_bmp_hide_incompatible_presets; // Bitmaps to be shown on the "Revert to system" aka "Lock to system" button next to each input field. wxBitmap m_bmp_value_lock; wxBitmap m_bmp_value_unlock; wxBitmap m_bmp_white_bullet; // The following bitmap points to either m_bmp_value_unlock or m_bmp_white_bullet, depending on whether the current preset has a parent preset. wxBitmap *m_bmp_non_system; // Bitmaps to be shown on the "Undo user changes" button next to each input field. wxBitmap m_bmp_value_revert; // wxBitmap m_bmp_value_unmodified; wxBitmap m_bmp_question; // Colors for ui "decoration" wxColour m_sys_label_clr; wxColour m_modified_label_clr; wxColour m_default_text_clr; // Tooltip text for reset buttons (for whole options group) wxString m_ttg_value_lock; wxString m_ttg_value_unlock; wxString m_ttg_white_bullet_ns; // The following text points to either m_ttg_value_unlock or m_ttg_white_bullet_ns, depending on whether the current preset has a parent preset. wxString *m_ttg_non_system; // Tooltip text to be shown on the "Undo user changes" button next to each input field. wxString m_ttg_white_bullet; wxString m_ttg_value_revert; // Tooltip text for reset buttons (for each option in group) wxString m_tt_value_lock; wxString m_tt_value_unlock; // The following text points to either m_tt_value_unlock or m_ttg_white_bullet_ns, depending on whether the current preset has a parent preset. wxString *m_tt_non_system; // Tooltip text to be shown on the "Undo user changes" button next to each input field. wxString m_tt_white_bullet; wxString m_tt_value_revert; int m_icon_count; std::map m_icon_index; // Map from an icon file name to its index std::vector m_pages; bool m_disable_tree_sel_changed_event; bool m_show_incompatible_presets; std::vector m_reload_dependent_tabs = {}; enum OptStatus { osSystemValue = 1, osInitValue = 2 }; std::map m_options_list; int m_opt_status_value = 0; t_icon_descriptions m_icon_descriptions = {}; bool m_is_modified_values{ false }; bool m_is_nonsys_values{ true }; bool m_postpone_update_ui {false}; size_t m_selected_preset_item{ 0 }; void set_type(); public: PresetBundle* m_preset_bundle; bool m_show_btn_incompatible_presets = false; PresetCollection* m_presets; DynamicPrintConfig* m_config; ogStaticText* m_parent_preset_description_line; wxStaticText* m_colored_Label = nullptr; public: Tab() {} Tab(wxNotebook* parent, const wxString& title, const char* name) : m_parent(parent), m_title(title), m_name(name) { Create(parent, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxBK_LEFT | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, name); set_type(); wxGetApp().tabs_list.push_back(this); } ~Tab(){ wxGetApp().delete_tab_from_list(this); } wxWindow* parent() const { return m_parent; } wxString title() const { return m_title; } std::string name() const { return m_name; } Preset::Type type() const { return m_type; } void create_preset_tab(); void load_current_preset(); void rebuild_page_tree(bool tree_sel_change_event = false); void select_preset(std::string preset_name = ""); bool may_discard_current_dirty_preset(PresetCollection* presets = nullptr, const std::string& new_printer_name = ""); wxSizer* compatible_printers_widget(wxWindow* parent, wxCheckBox** checkbox, wxButton** btn); void load_key_value(const std::string& opt_key, const boost::any& value, bool saved_value = false); void reload_compatible_printers_widget(); void OnTreeSelChange(wxTreeEvent& event); void OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event); void save_preset(std::string name = ""); void delete_preset(); void toggle_show_hide_incompatible(); void update_show_hide_incompatible_button(); void update_ui_from_settings(); void update_labels_colour(); void update_changed_ui(); void get_sys_and_mod_flags(const std::string& opt_key, bool& sys_page, bool& modified_page); void update_changed_tree_ui(); void update_undo_buttons(); void on_roll_back_value(const bool to_sys = false); PageShp add_options_page(const wxString& title, const std::string& icon, bool is_extruder_pages = false); virtual void OnActivate(); virtual void on_preset_loaded(){} virtual void build() = 0; virtual void update() = 0; virtual void init_options_list(); void load_initial_data(); void update_dirty(); void update_tab_ui(); void load_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config); virtual void reload_config(); Field* get_field(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, int opt_index = -1) const; bool set_value(const t_config_option_key& opt_key, const boost::any& value); wxSizer* description_line_widget(wxWindow* parent, ogStaticText** StaticText); bool current_preset_is_dirty(); DynamicPrintConfig* get_config() { return m_config; } PresetCollection* get_presets() { return m_presets; } std::vector get_dependent_tabs() { return m_reload_dependent_tabs; } size_t get_selected_preset_item() { return m_selected_preset_item; } void on_value_change(const std::string& opt_key, const boost::any& value); void update_wiping_button_visibility(); protected: void on_presets_changed(); void update_preset_description_line(); void update_frequently_changed_parameters(); void fill_icon_descriptions(); void set_tooltips_text(); }; //Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Print; class TabPrint : public Tab { public: TabPrint() {} TabPrint(wxNotebook* parent) : Tab(parent, _(L("Print Settings")), "print") {} ~TabPrint(){} ogStaticText* m_recommended_thin_wall_thickness_description_line; bool m_support_material_overhangs_queried = false; void build() override; void reload_config() override; void update() override; void OnActivate() override; }; //Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Filament; class TabFilament : public Tab { ogStaticText* m_volumetric_speed_description_line; ogStaticText* m_cooling_description_line; public: TabFilament() {} TabFilament(wxNotebook* parent) : Tab(parent, _(L("Filament Settings")), "filament") {} ~TabFilament(){} void build() override; void reload_config() override; void update() override; void OnActivate() override; }; //Slic3r::GUI::Tab::Printer; class TabPrinter : public Tab { bool m_has_single_extruder_MM_page = false; bool m_use_silent_mode = false; void append_option_line(ConfigOptionsGroupShp optgroup, const std::string opt_key); bool m_rebuild_kinematics_page = false; std::vector m_pages_fff; std::vector m_pages_sla; public: wxButton* m_serial_test_btn; wxButton* m_print_host_test_btn; wxButton* m_printhost_browse_btn; size_t m_extruders_count; size_t m_extruders_count_old = 0; size_t m_initial_extruders_count; size_t m_sys_extruders_count; PrinterTechnology m_printer_technology = ptFFF; TabPrinter() {} TabPrinter(wxNotebook* parent) : Tab(parent, _(L("Printer Settings")), "printer") {} ~TabPrinter(){} void build() override; void build_fff(); void build_sla(); void update() override; void update_fff(); void update_sla(); void update_pages(); // update m_pages according to printer technology void update_serial_ports(); void extruders_count_changed(size_t extruders_count); PageShp build_kinematics_page(); void build_extruder_pages(); void on_preset_loaded() override; void init_options_list() override; }; class TabSLAMaterial : public Tab { public: TabSLAMaterial() {} TabSLAMaterial(wxNotebook* parent) : Tab(parent, _(L("SLA Material Settings")), "sla_material") {} ~TabSLAMaterial(){} void build() override; void update() override; void init_options_list() override; }; class SavePresetWindow :public wxDialog { public: SavePresetWindow(wxWindow* parent) :wxDialog(parent, wxID_ANY, _(L("Save preset"))){} ~SavePresetWindow(){} std::string m_chosen_name; wxComboBox* m_combo; void build(const wxString& title, const std::string& default_name, std::vector &values); void accept(); std::string get_name() { return m_chosen_name; } }; } // GUI } // Slic3r #endif /* slic3r_Tab_hpp_ */