#include "MainFrame.hpp" #include <wx/panel.h> #include <wx/notebook.h> #include <wx/icon.h> #include <wx/sizer.h> #include <wx/menu.h> #include <wx/progdlg.h> #include <wx/tooltip.h> //#include <wx/glcanvas.h> #include <wx/debug.h> #include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp> #include "libslic3r/Print.hpp" #include "libslic3r/Polygon.hpp" #include "libslic3r/SLAPrint.hpp" #include "Tab.hpp" #include "PresetBundle.hpp" #include "ProgressStatusBar.hpp" #include "3DScene.hpp" #include "AppConfig.hpp" #include "PrintHostDialogs.hpp" #include "wxExtensions.hpp" #include "GUI_ObjectList.hpp" #include "Mouse3DController.hpp" #include "RemovableDriveManager.hpp" #include "InstanceCheck.hpp" #include "I18N.hpp" #include "GLCanvas3D.hpp" #include "Plater.hpp" #include <fstream> #include "GUI_App.hpp" #ifdef _WIN32 #include <dbt.h> #include <shlobj.h> #endif // _WIN32 namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART enum class ERescaleTarget { Mainframe, SettingsDialog }; static void rescale_dialog_after_dpi_change(MainFrame& mainframe, SettingsDialog& dialog, ERescaleTarget target) { int mainframe_dpi = get_dpi_for_window(&mainframe); int dialog_dpi = get_dpi_for_window(&dialog); if (mainframe_dpi != dialog_dpi) { if (target == ERescaleTarget::SettingsDialog) { dialog.enable_force_rescale(); #if wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN(3,1,3) dialog.GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(wxDPIChangedEvent(wxSize(mainframe_dpi, mainframe_dpi), wxSize(dialog_dpi, dialog_dpi))); #else dialog.GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(DpiChangedEvent(EVT_DPI_CHANGED_SLICER, dialog_dpi, dialog.GetRect())); #endif // wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN } else { #if wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN(3,1,3) mainframe.GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(wxDPIChangedEvent(wxSize(dialog_dpi, dialog_dpi), wxSize(mainframe_dpi, mainframe_dpi))); #else mainframe.enable_force_rescale(); mainframe.GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(DpiChangedEvent(EVT_DPI_CHANGED_SLICER, mainframe_dpi, mainframe.GetRect())); #endif // wxVERSION_EQUAL_OR_GREATER_THAN } } } #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART MainFrame::MainFrame() : DPIFrame(NULL, wxID_ANY, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE, "mainframe"), m_printhost_queue_dlg(new PrintHostQueueDialog(this)) , m_recent_projects(9) #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART , m_settings_dialog(this) #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART { // Fonts were created by the DPIFrame constructor for the monitor, on which the window opened. wxGetApp().update_fonts(this); /* #ifndef __WXOSX__ // Don't call SetFont under OSX to avoid name cutting in ObjectList this->SetFont(this->normal_font()); #endif // Font is already set in DPIFrame constructor */ // Load the icon either from the exe, or from the ico file. #if _WIN32 { TCHAR szExeFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, szExeFileName, MAX_PATH); SetIcon(wxIcon(szExeFileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO)); } #else SetIcon(wxIcon(Slic3r::var("PrusaSlicer_128px.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)); #endif // _WIN32 // initialize status bar m_statusbar = std::make_shared<ProgressStatusBar>(this); m_statusbar->set_font(GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); m_statusbar->embed(this); m_statusbar->set_status_text(_(L("Version")) + " " + SLIC3R_VERSION + _(L(" - Remember to check for updates at http://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases"))); /* Load default preset bitmaps before a tabpanel initialization, * but after filling of an em_unit value */ wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_default_preset_bitmaps(); // initialize tabpanel and menubar init_tabpanel(); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE init_editor_menubar(); init_gcodeviewer_menubar(); #if _WIN32 // This is needed on Windows to fake the CTRL+# of the window menu when using the numpad wxAcceleratorEntry entries[6]; entries[0].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD1, wxID_HIGHEST + 1); entries[1].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD2, wxID_HIGHEST + 2); entries[2].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD3, wxID_HIGHEST + 3); entries[3].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD4, wxID_HIGHEST + 4); entries[4].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD5, wxID_HIGHEST + 5); entries[5].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD6, wxID_HIGHEST + 6); wxAcceleratorTable accel(6, entries); SetAcceleratorTable(accel); #endif // _WIN32 #else init_menubar(); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE // set default tooltip timer in msec // SetAutoPop supposedly accepts long integers but some bug doesn't allow for larger values // (SetAutoPop is not available on GTK.) wxToolTip::SetAutoPop(32767); m_loaded = true; #if !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART #ifdef __APPLE__ // Using SetMinSize() on Mac messes up the window position in some cases // cf. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wx-users/yUKPBBfXWO0 // So, if we haven't possibility to set MinSize() for the MainFrame, // set the MinSize() as a half of regular for the m_plater and m_tabpanel, when settings layout is in slNew mode // Otherwise, MainFrame will be maximized by height if (slNew) { wxSize size = wxGetApp().get_min_size(); size.SetHeight(int(0.5*size.GetHeight())); m_plater->SetMinSize(size); m_tabpanel->SetMinSize(size); } #endif #endif // !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // initialize layout auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART SetSizer(sizer); // initialize layout from config update_layout(); sizer->SetSizeHints(this); Fit(); #else if (m_plater && m_layout != slOld) sizer->Add(m_plater, 1, wxEXPAND); if (m_tabpanel && m_layout != slDlg) sizer->Add(m_tabpanel, 1, wxEXPAND); sizer->SetSizeHints(this); SetSizer(sizer); Fit(); #endif // !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART const wxSize min_size = wxGetApp().get_min_size(); //wxSize(76*wxGetApp().em_unit(), 49*wxGetApp().em_unit()); #ifdef __APPLE__ // Using SetMinSize() on Mac messes up the window position in some cases // cf. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wx-users/yUKPBBfXWO0 SetSize(min_size/*wxSize(760, 490)*/); #else SetMinSize(min_size/*wxSize(760, 490)*/); SetSize(GetMinSize()); #endif Layout(); update_title(); // declare events Bind(wxEVT_CREATE, [this](wxWindowCreateEvent& event) { #ifdef _WIN32 //static GUID GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE = { 0xA5DCBF10, 0x6530, 0x11D2, 0x90, 0x1F, 0x00, 0xC0, 0x4F, 0xB9, 0x51, 0xED }; //static GUID GUID_DEVINTERFACE_DISK = { 0x53f56307, 0xb6bf, 0x11d0, 0x94, 0xf2, 0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x1e, 0xfb, 0x8b }; //static GUID GUID_DEVINTERFACE_VOLUME = { 0x71a27cdd, 0x812a, 0x11d0, 0xbe, 0xc7, 0x08, 0x00, 0x2b, 0xe2, 0x09, 0x2f }; static GUID GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID = { 0x4D1E55B2, 0xF16F, 0x11CF, 0x88, 0xCB, 0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x30 }; // Register USB HID (Human Interface Devices) notifications to trigger the 3DConnexion enumeration. DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE NotificationFilter = { 0 }; NotificationFilter.dbcc_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE); NotificationFilter.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE; NotificationFilter.dbcc_classguid = GUID_DEVINTERFACE_HID; m_hDeviceNotify = ::RegisterDeviceNotification(this->GetHWND(), &NotificationFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_WINDOW_HANDLE); // or register for file handle change? // DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE NotificationFilter = { 0 }; // NotificationFilter.dbch_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_HANDLE); // NotificationFilter.dbch_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_HANDLE; // Using Win32 Shell API to register for media insert / removal events. LPITEMIDLIST ppidl; if (SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(this->GetHWND(), CSIDL_DESKTOP, &ppidl) == NOERROR) { SHChangeNotifyEntry shCNE; shCNE.pidl = ppidl; shCNE.fRecursive = TRUE; // Returns a positive integer registration identifier (ID). // Returns zero if out of memory or in response to invalid parameters. m_ulSHChangeNotifyRegister = SHChangeNotifyRegister(this->GetHWND(), // Hwnd to receive notification SHCNE_DISKEVENTS, // Event types of interest (sources) SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED | SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED, //SHCNE_UPDATEITEM, // Events of interest - use SHCNE_ALLEVENTS for all events WM_USER_MEDIACHANGED, // Notification message to be sent upon the event 1, // Number of entries in the pfsne array &shCNE); // Array of SHChangeNotifyEntry structures that // contain the notifications. This array should // always be set to one when calling SHChnageNotifyRegister // or SHChangeNotifyDeregister will not work properly. assert(m_ulSHChangeNotifyRegister != 0); // Shell notification failed } else { // Failed to get desktop location assert(false); } { static constexpr int device_count = 1; RAWINPUTDEVICE devices[device_count] = { 0 }; // multi-axis mouse (SpaceNavigator, etc.) devices[0].usUsagePage = 0x01; devices[0].usUsage = 0x08; if (! RegisterRawInputDevices(devices, device_count, sizeof(RAWINPUTDEVICE))) BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(error) << "RegisterRawInputDevices failed"; } #endif // _WIN32 // propagate event event.Skip(); }); Bind(wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, [this](wxCloseEvent& event) { if (event.CanVeto() && !wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes()) { event.Veto(); return; } this->shutdown(); // propagate event event.Skip(); }); Bind(wxEVT_ACTIVATE, [this](wxActivateEvent& event) { if (m_plater != nullptr && event.GetActive()) m_plater->on_activate(); event.Skip(); }); wxGetApp().persist_window_geometry(this, true); #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART wxGetApp().persist_window_geometry(&m_settings_dialog, true); #else if (m_settings_dialog != nullptr) wxGetApp().persist_window_geometry(m_settings_dialog, true); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART update_ui_from_settings(); // FIXME (?) if (m_plater != nullptr) m_plater->show_action_buttons(true); } #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART void MainFrame::update_layout() { auto restore_to_creation = [this]() { auto clean_sizer = [](wxSizer* sizer) { while (!sizer->GetChildren().IsEmpty()) { sizer->Detach(0); } }; // On Linux m_plater needs to be removed from m_tabpanel before to reparent it int plater_page_id = m_tabpanel->FindPage(m_plater); if (plater_page_id != wxNOT_FOUND) m_tabpanel->RemovePage(plater_page_id); if (m_plater->GetParent() != this) m_plater->Reparent(this); if (m_tabpanel->GetParent() != this) m_tabpanel->Reparent(this); plater_page_id = (m_plater_page != nullptr) ? m_tabpanel->FindPage(m_plater_page) : wxNOT_FOUND; if (plater_page_id != wxNOT_FOUND) { m_tabpanel->DeletePage(plater_page_id); m_plater_page = nullptr; } if (m_layout == ESettingsLayout::Dlg) rescale_dialog_after_dpi_change(*this, m_settings_dialog, ERescaleTarget::Mainframe); clean_sizer(GetSizer()); clean_sizer(m_settings_dialog.GetSizer()); if (m_settings_dialog.IsShown()) m_settings_dialog.Close(); m_tabpanel->Hide(); m_plater->Hide(); Layout(); }; #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE ESettingsLayout layout = (m_mode == EMode::GCodeViewer) ? ESettingsLayout::GCodeViewer : (wxGetApp().app_config->get("old_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? ESettingsLayout::Old : wxGetApp().app_config->get("new_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? ESettingsLayout::New : wxGetApp().app_config->get("dlg_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? ESettingsLayout::Dlg : ESettingsLayout::Old); #else ESettingsLayout layout = wxGetApp().app_config->get("old_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? ESettingsLayout::Old : wxGetApp().app_config->get("new_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? ESettingsLayout::New : wxGetApp().app_config->get("dlg_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? ESettingsLayout::Dlg : ESettingsLayout::Old; #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE if (m_layout == layout) return; wxBusyCursor busy; Freeze(); // Remove old settings if (m_layout != ESettingsLayout::Unknown) restore_to_creation(); m_layout = layout; // From the very beginning the Print settings should be selected m_last_selected_tab = m_layout == ESettingsLayout::Dlg ? 0 : 1; // Set new settings switch (m_layout) { case ESettingsLayout::Old: { m_plater->Reparent(m_tabpanel); m_tabpanel->InsertPage(0, m_plater, _L("Plater")); GetSizer()->Add(m_tabpanel, 1, wxEXPAND); m_plater->Show(); m_tabpanel->Show(); break; } case ESettingsLayout::New: { GetSizer()->Add(m_plater, 1, wxEXPAND); m_tabpanel->Hide(); GetSizer()->Add(m_tabpanel, 1, wxEXPAND); m_plater_page = new wxPanel(m_tabpanel); m_tabpanel->InsertPage(0, m_plater_page, _L("Plater")); // empty panel just for Plater tab */ m_plater->Show(); break; } case ESettingsLayout::Dlg: { GetSizer()->Add(m_plater, 1, wxEXPAND); m_tabpanel->Reparent(&m_settings_dialog); m_settings_dialog.GetSizer()->Add(m_tabpanel, 1, wxEXPAND); rescale_dialog_after_dpi_change(*this, m_settings_dialog, ERescaleTarget::SettingsDialog); m_tabpanel->Show(); m_plater->Show(); break; } #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE case ESettingsLayout::GCodeViewer: { GetSizer()->Add(m_plater, 1, wxEXPAND); m_plater->Show(); break; } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE } //#ifdef __APPLE__ // // Using SetMinSize() on Mac messes up the window position in some cases // // cf. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wx-users/yUKPBBfXWO0 // // So, if we haven't possibility to set MinSize() for the MainFrame, // // set the MinSize() as a half of regular for the m_plater and m_tabpanel, when settings layout is in slNew mode // // Otherwise, MainFrame will be maximized by height // if (m_layout == ESettingsLayout::New) { // wxSize size = wxGetApp().get_min_size(); // size.SetHeight(int(0.5 * size.GetHeight())); // m_plater->SetMinSize(size); // m_tabpanel->SetMinSize(size); // } //#endif Layout(); Thaw(); } #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // Called when closing the application and when switching the application language. void MainFrame::shutdown() { #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_hDeviceNotify) { ::UnregisterDeviceNotification(HDEVNOTIFY(m_hDeviceNotify)); m_hDeviceNotify = nullptr; } if (m_ulSHChangeNotifyRegister) { SHChangeNotifyDeregister(m_ulSHChangeNotifyRegister); m_ulSHChangeNotifyRegister = 0; } #endif // _WIN32 #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE if (m_plater != nullptr) { m_plater->stop_jobs(); // Unbinding of wxWidgets event handling in canvases needs to be done here because on MAC, // when closing the application using Command+Q, a mouse event is triggered after this lambda is completed, // causing a crash m_plater->unbind_canvas_event_handlers(); // Cleanup of canvases' volumes needs to be done here or a crash may happen on some Linux Debian flavours // see: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3964 m_plater->reset_canvas_volumes(); } #else if (m_plater) m_plater->stop_jobs(); // Unbinding of wxWidgets event handling in canvases needs to be done here because on MAC, // when closing the application using Command+Q, a mouse event is triggered after this lambda is completed, // causing a crash if (m_plater) m_plater->unbind_canvas_event_handlers(); // Cleanup of canvases' volumes needs to be done here or a crash may happen on some Linux Debian flavours // see: https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/3964 if (m_plater) m_plater->reset_canvas_volumes(); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE // Weird things happen as the Paint messages are floating around the windows being destructed. // Avoid the Paint messages by hiding the main window. // Also the application closes much faster without these unnecessary screen refreshes. // In addition, there were some crashes due to the Paint events sent to already destructed windows. this->Show(false); #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (m_settings_dialog.IsShown()) // call Close() to trigger call to lambda defined into GUI_App::persist_window_geometry() m_settings_dialog.Close(); #else if (m_settings_dialog != nullptr) { if (m_settings_dialog->IsShown()) // call Close() to trigger call to lambda defined into GUI_App::persist_window_geometry() m_settings_dialog->Close(); m_settings_dialog->Destroy(); } #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (m_plater != nullptr) { // restore sidebar if it was hidden when switching to gcode viewer mode if (m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapsed_sidebar) m_plater->collapse_sidebar(false); // Stop the background thread (Windows and Linux). // Disconnect from a 3DConnextion driver (OSX). m_plater->get_mouse3d_controller().shutdown(); // Store the device parameter database back to appconfig. m_plater->get_mouse3d_controller().save_config(*wxGetApp().app_config); } // Stop the background thread of the removable drive manager, so that no new updates will be sent to the Plater. wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->shutdown(); //stop listening for messages from other instances wxGetApp().other_instance_message_handler()->shutdown(this); // Save the slic3r.ini.Usually the ini file is saved from "on idle" callback, // but in rare cases it may not have been called yet. wxGetApp().app_config->save(); // if (m_plater) // m_plater->print = undef; // Slic3r::GUI::deregister_on_request_update_callback(); // set to null tabs and a plater // to avoid any manipulations with them from App->wxEVT_IDLE after of the mainframe closing wxGetApp().tabs_list.clear(); wxGetApp().plater_ = nullptr; } void MainFrame::update_title() { wxString title = wxEmptyString; if (m_plater != nullptr) { // m_plater->get_project_filename() produces file name including path, but excluding extension. // Don't try to remove the extension, it would remove part of the file name after the last dot! wxString project = from_path(into_path(m_plater->get_project_filename()).filename()); if (!project.empty()) title += (project + " - "); } std::string build_id = SLIC3R_BUILD_ID; size_t idx_plus = build_id.find('+'); if (idx_plus != build_id.npos) { // Parse what is behind the '+'. If there is a number, then it is a build number after the label, and full build ID is shown. int commit_after_label; if (! boost::starts_with(build_id.data() + idx_plus + 1, "UNKNOWN") && (build_id.at(idx_plus + 1) == '-' || sscanf(build_id.data() + idx_plus + 1, "%d-", &commit_after_label) == 0)) { // It is a release build. build_id.erase(build_id.begin() + idx_plus, build_id.end()); #if defined(_WIN32) && ! defined(_WIN64) // People are using 32bit slicer on a 64bit machine by mistake. Make it explicit. build_id += " 32 bit"; #endif } } title += (wxString(build_id) + " " + _(L("based on Slic3r"))); SetTitle(title); } void MainFrame::init_tabpanel() { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // wxNB_NOPAGETHEME: Disable Windows Vista theme for the Notebook background. The theme performance is terrible on Windows 10 // with multiple high resolution displays connected. m_tabpanel = new wxNotebook(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNB_TOP | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNB_NOPAGETHEME); #ifndef __WXOSX__ // Don't call SetFont under OSX to avoid name cutting in ObjectList m_tabpanel->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); #endif m_tabpanel->Hide(); m_settings_dialog.set_tabpanel(m_tabpanel); #else m_layout = wxGetApp().app_config->get("old_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? slOld : wxGetApp().app_config->get("new_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? slNew : wxGetApp().app_config->get("dlg_settings_layout_mode") == "1" ? slDlg : slOld; // From the very beginning the Print settings should be selected m_last_selected_tab = m_layout == slDlg ? 0 : 1; if (m_layout == slDlg) { m_settings_dialog = new SettingsDialog(this); m_tabpanel = m_settings_dialog->get_tabpanel(); } else { // wxNB_NOPAGETHEME: Disable Windows Vista theme for the Notebook background. The theme performance is terrible on Windows 10 // with multiple high resolution displays connected. m_tabpanel = new wxNotebook(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNB_TOP | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNB_NOPAGETHEME); #ifndef __WXOSX__ // Don't call SetFont under OSX to avoid name cutting in ObjectList m_tabpanel->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); #endif } #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART m_tabpanel->Bind(wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED, [this](wxEvent&) { wxWindow* panel = m_tabpanel->GetCurrentPage(); Tab* tab = dynamic_cast<Tab*>(panel); // There shouldn't be a case, when we try to select a tab, which doesn't support a printer technology if (panel == nullptr || (tab != nullptr && !tab->supports_printer_technology(m_plater->printer_technology()))) return; auto& tabs_list = wxGetApp().tabs_list; if (tab && std::find(tabs_list.begin(), tabs_list.end(), tab) != tabs_list.end()) { // On GTK, the wxEVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED event is triggered // before the MainFrame is fully set up. tab->OnActivate(); m_last_selected_tab = m_tabpanel->GetSelection(); } else select_tab(0); // select Plater }); #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART m_plater = new Plater(this, this); m_plater->Hide(); #else if (m_layout == slOld) { m_plater = new Plater(m_tabpanel, this); m_tabpanel->AddPage(m_plater, _L("Plater")); } else { m_plater = new Plater(this, this); if (m_layout == slNew) m_tabpanel->AddPage(new wxPanel(m_tabpanel), _L("Plater")); // empty panel just for Plater tab } #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART wxGetApp().plater_ = m_plater; wxGetApp().obj_list()->create_popup_menus(); // The following event is emited by Tab implementation on config value change. Bind(EVT_TAB_VALUE_CHANGED, &MainFrame::on_value_changed, this); // #ys_FIXME_to_delete // The following event is emited by Tab on preset selection, // or when the preset's "modified" status changes. Bind(EVT_TAB_PRESETS_CHANGED, &MainFrame::on_presets_changed, this); // #ys_FIXME_to_delete create_preset_tabs(); if (m_plater) { // load initial config auto full_config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config(); m_plater->on_config_change(full_config); // Show a correct number of filament fields. // nozzle_diameter is undefined when SLA printer is selected if (full_config.has("nozzle_diameter")) { m_plater->on_extruders_change(full_config.option<ConfigOptionFloats>("nozzle_diameter")->values.size()); } } } void MainFrame::create_preset_tabs() { wxGetApp().update_label_colours_from_appconfig(); add_created_tab(new TabPrint(m_tabpanel)); add_created_tab(new TabFilament(m_tabpanel)); add_created_tab(new TabSLAPrint(m_tabpanel)); add_created_tab(new TabSLAMaterial(m_tabpanel)); add_created_tab(new TabPrinter(m_tabpanel)); } void MainFrame::add_created_tab(Tab* panel) { panel->create_preset_tab(); const auto printer_tech = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); if (panel->supports_printer_technology(printer_tech)) m_tabpanel->AddPage(panel, panel->title()); } bool MainFrame::can_start_new_project() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_save() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_export_model() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_export_toolpaths() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && (m_plater->printer_technology() == ptFFF) && m_plater->is_preview_shown() && m_plater->is_preview_loaded() && m_plater->has_toolpaths_to_export(); } bool MainFrame::can_export_supports() const { if ((m_plater == nullptr) || (m_plater->printer_technology() != ptSLA) || m_plater->model().objects.empty()) return false; bool can_export = false; const PrintObjects& objects = m_plater->sla_print().objects(); for (const SLAPrintObject* object : objects) { if (object->has_mesh(slaposPad) || object->has_mesh(slaposSupportTree)) { can_export = true; break; } } return can_export; } bool MainFrame::can_export_gcode() const { if (m_plater == nullptr) return false; if (m_plater->model().objects.empty()) return false; if (m_plater->is_export_gcode_scheduled()) return false; // TODO:: add other filters return true; } bool MainFrame::can_send_gcode() const { if (m_plater == nullptr) return false; if (m_plater->model().objects.empty()) return false; const auto print_host_opt = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().config.option<ConfigOptionString>("print_host"); return print_host_opt != nullptr && !print_host_opt->value.empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_export_gcode_sd() const { if (m_plater == nullptr) return false; if (m_plater->model().objects.empty()) return false; if (m_plater->is_export_gcode_scheduled()) return false; // TODO:: add other filters return wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->status().has_removable_drives; } bool MainFrame::can_eject() const { return wxGetApp().removable_drive_manager()->status().has_eject; } bool MainFrame::can_slice() const { bool bg_proc = wxGetApp().app_config->get("background_processing") == "1"; return (m_plater != nullptr) ? !m_plater->model().objects.empty() && !bg_proc : false; } bool MainFrame::can_change_view() const { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART switch (m_layout) { default: { return false; } case ESettingsLayout::New: { return m_plater->IsShown(); } case ESettingsLayout::Dlg: { return true; } case ESettingsLayout::Old: { int page_id = m_tabpanel->GetSelection(); return page_id != wxNOT_FOUND && dynamic_cast<const Slic3r::GUI::Plater*>(m_tabpanel->GetPage((size_t)page_id)) != nullptr; } } #else if (m_layout == slNew) return m_plater->IsShown(); if (m_layout == slDlg) return true; // slOld layout mode int page_id = m_tabpanel->GetSelection(); return page_id != wxNOT_FOUND && dynamic_cast<const Slic3r::GUI::Plater*>(m_tabpanel->GetPage((size_t)page_id)) != nullptr; #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART } bool MainFrame::can_select() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_deselect() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->is_selection_empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_delete() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->is_selection_empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_delete_all() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); } bool MainFrame::can_reslice() const { return (m_plater != nullptr) && !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); } void MainFrame::on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect) { #if ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT wxGetApp().update_fonts(this); #else wxGetApp().update_fonts(); #endif // ENABLE_WX_3_1_3_DPI_CHANGED_EVENT this->SetFont(this->normal_font()); /* Load default preset bitmaps before a tabpanel initialization, * but after filling of an em_unit value */ wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_default_preset_bitmaps(); // update Plater wxGetApp().plater()->msw_rescale(); // update Tabs #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (m_layout != ESettingsLayout::Dlg) // Do not update tabs if the Settings are in the separated dialog #else if (m_layout != slDlg) // Update tabs later, from the SettingsDialog, when the Settings are in the separated dialog #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART for (auto tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) tab->msw_rescale(); wxMenuBar* menu_bar = this->GetMenuBar(); for (size_t id = 0; id < menu_bar->GetMenuCount(); id++) msw_rescale_menu(menu_bar->GetMenu(id)); // Workarounds for correct Window rendering after rescale /* Even if Window is maximized during moving, * first of all we should imitate Window resizing. So: * 1. cancel maximization, if it was set * 2. imitate resizing * 3. set maximization, if it was set */ const bool is_maximized = this->IsMaximized(); if (is_maximized) this->Maximize(false); /* To correct window rendering (especially redraw of a status bar) * we should imitate window resizing. */ const wxSize& sz = this->GetSize(); this->SetSize(sz.x + 1, sz.y + 1); this->SetSize(sz); this->Maximize(is_maximized); #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (m_layout == ESettingsLayout::Dlg) rescale_dialog_after_dpi_change(*this, m_settings_dialog, ERescaleTarget::SettingsDialog); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART } void MainFrame::on_sys_color_changed() { wxBusyCursor wait; // update label colors in respect to the system mode wxGetApp().init_label_colours(); wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_default_preset_bitmaps(); // update Plater wxGetApp().plater()->sys_color_changed(); // update Tabs for (auto tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) tab->sys_color_changed(); // msw_rescale_menu updates just icons, so use it wxMenuBar* menu_bar = this->GetMenuBar(); for (size_t id = 0; id < menu_bar->GetMenuCount(); id++) msw_rescale_menu(menu_bar->GetMenu(id)); } #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE #ifdef _MSC_VER // \xA0 is a non-breaking space. It is entered here to spoil the automatic accelerators, // as the simple numeric accelerators spoil all numeric data entry. static const wxString sep = "\t\xA0"; static const wxString sep_space = "\xA0"; #else static const wxString sep = " - "; static const wxString sep_space = ""; #endif static wxMenu* generate_help_menu() { wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Prusa 3D &Drivers"), _L("Open the Prusa3D drivers download page in your browser"), [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().open_web_page_localized("https://www.prusa3d.com/downloads"); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Software &Releases"), _L("Open the software releases page in your browser"), [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser("http://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases"); }); //# my $versioncheck = $self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, "Check for &Updates...", "Check for new Slic3r versions", sub{ //# wxTheApp->check_version(1); //# }); //# $versioncheck->Enable(wxTheApp->have_version_check); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format(_L("%s &Website"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), wxString::Format(_L("Open the %s website in your browser"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().open_web_page_localized("https://www.prusa3d.com/slicerweb"); }); // append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format(_(L("%s &Manual")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), // wxString::Format(_(L("Open the %s manual in your browser")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), // [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser("http://manual.slic3r.org/"); }); helpMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("System &Info"), _L("Show system information"), [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().system_info(); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &Configuration Folder"), _L("Show user configuration folder (datadir)"), [](wxCommandEvent&) { Slic3r::GUI::desktop_open_datadir_folder(); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Report an I&ssue"), wxString::Format(_L("Report an issue on %s"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser("http://github.com/prusa3d/slic3r/issues/new"); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format(_L("&About %s"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), _L("Show about dialog"), [](wxCommandEvent&) { Slic3r::GUI::about(); }); helpMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Keyboard Shortcuts") + sep + "&?", _L("Show the list of the keyboard shortcuts"), [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().keyboard_shortcuts(); }); #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG helpMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, "DEBUG gcode thumbnails", "DEBUG ONLY - read the selected gcode file and generates png for the contained thumbnails", [](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().gcode_thumbnails_debug(); }); #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG return helpMenu; } static void add_common_view_menu_items(wxMenu* view_menu, MainFrame* mainFrame, std::function<bool(void)> can_change_view) { // The camera control accelerators are captured by GLCanvas3D::on_char(). append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Iso") + sep + "&0", _L("Iso View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("iso"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); view_menu->AppendSeparator(); //TRN To be shown in the main menu View->Top append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Top") + sep + "&1", _L("Top View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("top"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); //TRN To be shown in the main menu View->Bottom append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Bottom") + sep + "&2", _L("Bottom View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("bottom"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Front") + sep + "&3", _L("Front View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("front"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Rear") + sep + "&4", _L("Rear View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("rear"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Left") + sep + "&5", _L("Left View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("left"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); append_menu_item(view_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Right") + sep + "&6", _L("Right View"), [mainFrame](wxCommandEvent&) { mainFrame->select_view("right"); }, "", nullptr, [can_change_view]() { return can_change_view(); }, mainFrame); } void MainFrame::init_editor_menubar() #else void MainFrame::init_menubar() #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE { #ifdef __APPLE__ wxMenuBar::SetAutoWindowMenu(false); #endif // File menu wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu; { append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&New Project") + "\tCtrl+N", _L("Start a new project"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->new_project(); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr && can_start_new_project(); }, this); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Open Project") + dots + "\tCtrl+O", _L("Open a project file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->load_project(); }, "open", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this); wxMenu* recent_projects_menu = new wxMenu(); wxMenuItem* recent_projects_submenu = append_submenu(fileMenu, recent_projects_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Recent projects"), ""); m_recent_projects.UseMenu(recent_projects_menu); Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent& evt) { size_t file_id = evt.GetId() - wxID_FILE1; wxString filename = m_recent_projects.GetHistoryFile(file_id); if (wxFileExists(filename)) m_plater->load_project(filename); else { wxMessageDialog msg(this, _L("The selected project is no longer available.\nDo you want to remove it from the recent projects list?"), _L("Error"), wxYES_NO | wxYES_DEFAULT); if (msg.ShowModal() == wxID_YES) { m_recent_projects.RemoveFileFromHistory(file_id); std::vector<std::string> recent_projects; size_t count = m_recent_projects.GetCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { recent_projects.push_back(into_u8(m_recent_projects.GetHistoryFile(i))); } wxGetApp().app_config->set_recent_projects(recent_projects); wxGetApp().app_config->save(); } } }, wxID_FILE1, wxID_FILE9); std::vector<std::string> recent_projects = wxGetApp().app_config->get_recent_projects(); std::reverse(recent_projects.begin(), recent_projects.end()); for (const std::string& project : recent_projects) { m_recent_projects.AddFileToHistory(from_u8(project)); } Bind(wxEVT_UPDATE_UI, [this](wxUpdateUIEvent& evt) { evt.Enable(m_recent_projects.GetCount() > 0); }, recent_projects_submenu->GetId()); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Save Project") + "\tCtrl+S", _L("Save current project file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_3mf(into_path(m_plater->get_project_filename(".3mf"))); }, "save", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr && can_save(); }, this); #ifdef __APPLE__ append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Save Project &as") + dots + "\tCtrl+Shift+S", _L("Save current project file as"), #else append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Save Project &as") + dots + "\tCtrl+Alt+S", _L("Save current project file as"), #endif // __APPLE__ [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_3mf(); }, "save", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr && can_save(); }, this); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); wxMenu* import_menu = new wxMenu(); append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import STL/OBJ/AM&F/3MF") + dots + "\tCtrl+I", _L("Load a model"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->add_model(); }, "import_plater", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this); append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import STL (imperial units)"), _L("Load an model saved with imperial units"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->add_model(true); }, "import_plater", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this); append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import SL1 archive") + dots, _L("Load an SL1 output archive"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->import_sl1_archive(); }, "import_plater", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater != nullptr; }, this); import_menu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import &Config") + dots + "\tCtrl+L", _L("Load exported configuration file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { load_config_file(); }, "import_config", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import Config from &project") + dots +"\tCtrl+Alt+L", _L("Load configuration from project file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->extract_config_from_project(); }, "import_config", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); import_menu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Import Config &Bundle") + dots, _L("Load presets from a bundle"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { load_configbundle(); }, "import_config_bundle", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); append_submenu(fileMenu, import_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Import"), ""); wxMenu* export_menu = new wxMenu(); wxMenuItem* item_export_gcode = append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export &G-code") + dots +"\tCtrl+G", _L("Export current plate as G-code"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_gcode(); }, "export_gcode", nullptr, [this](){return can_export_gcode(); }, this); m_changeable_menu_items.push_back(item_export_gcode); wxMenuItem* item_send_gcode = append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("S&end G-code") + dots +"\tCtrl+Shift+G", _L("Send to print current plate as G-code"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->send_gcode(); }, "export_gcode", nullptr, [this](){return can_send_gcode(); }, this); m_changeable_menu_items.push_back(item_send_gcode); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export G-code to SD card / Flash drive") + dots + "\tCtrl+U", _L("Export current plate as G-code to SD card / Flash drive"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_gcode(true); }, "export_to_sd", nullptr, [this]() {return can_export_gcode_sd(); }, this); export_menu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export plate as &STL") + dots, _L("Export current plate as STL"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_stl(); }, "export_plater", nullptr, [this](){return can_export_model(); }, this); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export plate as STL &including supports") + dots, _L("Export current plate as STL including supports"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_stl(true); }, "export_plater", nullptr, [this](){return can_export_supports(); }, this); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export plate as &AMF") + dots, _L("Export current plate as AMF"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_amf(); }, "export_plater", nullptr, [this](){return can_export_model(); }, this); export_menu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export &toolpaths as OBJ") + dots, _L("Export toolpaths as OBJ"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->export_toolpaths_to_obj(); }, "export_plater", nullptr, [this]() {return can_export_toolpaths(); }, this); export_menu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export &Config") + dots +"\tCtrl+E", _L("Export current configuration to file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { export_config(); }, "export_config", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); append_menu_item(export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Export Config &Bundle") + dots, _L("Export all presets to file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { export_configbundle(); }, "export_config_bundle", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); append_submenu(fileMenu, export_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Export"), ""); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Ejec&t SD card / Flash drive") + dots + "\tCtrl+T", _L("Eject SD card / Flash drive after the G-code was exported to it."), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->eject_drive(); }, "eject_sd", nullptr, [this]() {return can_eject(); }, this); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); #if 0 m_menu_item_repeat = nullptr; append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Quick Slice") +dots+ "\tCtrl+U", _L("Slice a file into a G-code"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() { quick_slice(); m_menu_item_repeat->Enable(is_last_input_file()); }); }, "cog_go.png"); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Quick Slice and Save As") +dots +"\tCtrl+Alt+U", _L("Slice a file into a G-code, save as"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() { quick_slice(qsSaveAs); m_menu_item_repeat->Enable(is_last_input_file()); }); }, "cog_go.png"); m_menu_item_repeat = append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Repeat Last Quick Slice") +"\tCtrl+Shift+U", _L("Repeat last quick slice"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxTheApp->CallAfter([this]() { quick_slice(qsReslice); }); }, "cog_go.png"); m_menu_item_repeat->Enable(false); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); #endif m_menu_item_reslice_now = append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("(Re)Slice No&w") + "\tCtrl+R", _L("Start new slicing process"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { reslice_now(); }, "re_slice", nullptr, [this]() { return m_plater != nullptr && can_reslice(); }, this); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Repair STL file") + dots, _L("Automatically repair an STL file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { repair_stl(); }, "wrench", nullptr, [this]() { return true; }, this); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&G-code preview"), _L("Switch to G-code preview mode"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater->model().objects.empty() || wxMessageDialog((wxWindow*)this, _L("Switching to G-code preview mode will remove all objects, continue?"), wxString(SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + " - " + _L("Switch to G-code preview mode"), wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxYES_DEFAULT | wxCENTRE).ShowModal() == wxID_YES) set_mode(EMode::GCodeViewer); }, "", nullptr, [this]() { return m_plater != nullptr && m_plater->printer_technology() != ptSLA; }, this); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_EXIT, _L("&Quit"), wxString::Format(_L("Quit %s"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { Close(false); }); } #if !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE #ifdef _MSC_VER // \xA0 is a non-breaking space. It is entered here to spoil the automatic accelerators, // as the simple numeric accelerators spoil all numeric data entry. wxString sep = "\t\xA0"; wxString sep_space = "\xA0"; #else wxString sep = " - "; wxString sep_space = ""; #endif #endif // !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE // Edit menu wxMenu* editMenu = nullptr; if (m_plater != nullptr) { editMenu = new wxMenu(); #ifdef __APPLE__ // Backspace sign wxString hotkey_delete = "\u232b"; #else wxString hotkey_delete = "Del"; #endif append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Select all") + sep + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + sep_space + "A", _L("Selects all objects"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->select_all(); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_select(); }, this); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("D&eselect all") + sep + "Esc", _L("Deselects all objects"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->deselect_all(); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_deselect(); }, this); editMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Delete selected") + sep + hotkey_delete, _L("Deletes the current selection"),[this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->remove_selected(); }, "remove_menu", nullptr, [this](){return can_delete(); }, this); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Delete &all") + sep + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + sep_space + hotkey_delete, _L("Deletes all objects"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->reset_with_confirm(); }, "delete_all_menu", nullptr, [this](){return can_delete_all(); }, this); editMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Undo") + sep + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + sep_space + "Z", _L("Undo"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->undo(); }, "undo_menu", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater->can_undo(); }, this); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Redo") + sep + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + sep_space + "Y", _L("Redo"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->redo(); }, "redo_menu", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater->can_redo(); }, this); editMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Copy") + sep + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + sep_space + "C", _L("Copy selection to clipboard"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->copy_selection_to_clipboard(); }, "copy_menu", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater->can_copy_to_clipboard(); }, this); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Paste") + sep + GUI::shortkey_ctrl_prefix() + sep_space + "V", _L("Paste clipboard"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->paste_from_clipboard(); }, "paste_menu", nullptr, [this](){return m_plater->can_paste_from_clipboard(); }, this); editMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Re&load from disk") + sep + "F5", _L("Reload the plater from disk"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->reload_all_from_disk(); }, "", nullptr, [this]() {return !m_plater->model().objects.empty(); }, this); editMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(editMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Searc&h") + "\tCtrl+F", _L("Find option"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->search(/*m_tabpanel->GetCurrentPage() == */m_plater->IsShown()); }, "search", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); } // Window menu auto windowMenu = new wxMenu(); { if (m_plater) { append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_HIGHEST + 1, _L("&Plater Tab") + "\tCtrl+1", _L("Show the plater"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_tab(0); }, "plater", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); windowMenu->AppendSeparator(); } append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_HIGHEST + 2, _L("P&rint Settings Tab") + "\tCtrl+2", _L("Show the print settings"), [this/*, tab_offset*/](wxCommandEvent&) { select_tab(1); }, "cog", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); wxMenuItem* item_material_tab = append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_HIGHEST + 3, _L("&Filament Settings Tab") + "\tCtrl+3", _L("Show the filament settings"), [this/*, tab_offset*/](wxCommandEvent&) { select_tab(2); }, "spool", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); m_changeable_menu_items.push_back(item_material_tab); wxMenuItem* item_printer_tab = append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_HIGHEST + 4, _L("Print&er Settings Tab") + "\tCtrl+4", _L("Show the printer settings"), [this/*, tab_offset*/](wxCommandEvent&) { select_tab(3); }, "printer", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); m_changeable_menu_items.push_back(item_printer_tab); if (m_plater) { windowMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_HIGHEST + 5, _L("3&D") + "\tCtrl+5", _L("Show the 3D editing view"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->select_view_3D("3D"); }, "editor_menu", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_HIGHEST + 6, _L("Pre&view") + "\tCtrl+6", _L("Show the 3D slices preview"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->select_view_3D("Preview"); }, "preview_menu", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); } #if !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE #if _WIN32 // This is needed on Windows to fake the CTRL+# of the window menu when using the numpad wxAcceleratorEntry entries[6]; entries[0].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD1, wxID_HIGHEST + 1); entries[1].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD2, wxID_HIGHEST + 2); entries[2].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD3, wxID_HIGHEST + 3); entries[3].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD4, wxID_HIGHEST + 4); entries[4].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD5, wxID_HIGHEST + 5); entries[5].Set(wxACCEL_CTRL, WXK_NUMPAD6, wxID_HIGHEST + 6); wxAcceleratorTable accel(6, entries); SetAcceleratorTable(accel); #endif // _WIN32 #endif // !ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE windowMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(windowMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Print &Host Upload Queue") + "\tCtrl+J", _L("Display the Print Host Upload Queue window"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_printhost_queue_dlg->Show(); }, "upload_queue", nullptr, [this]() {return true; }, this); } // View menu wxMenu* viewMenu = nullptr; if (m_plater) { viewMenu = new wxMenu(); #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE add_common_view_menu_items(viewMenu, this, std::bind(&MainFrame::can_change_view, this)); #else // The camera control accelerators are captured by GLCanvas3D::on_char(). append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Iso") + sep + "&0", _L("Iso View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("iso"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); viewMenu->AppendSeparator(); //TRN To be shown in the main menu View->Top append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Top") + sep + "&1", _L("Top View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("top"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); //TRN To be shown in the main menu View->Bottom append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Bottom") + sep + "&2", _L("Bottom View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("bottom"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Front") + sep + "&3", _L("Front View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("front"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Rear") + sep + "&4", _L("Rear View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("rear"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Left") + sep + "&5", _L("Left View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("left"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); append_menu_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Right") + sep + "&6", _L("Right View"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { select_view("right"); }, "", nullptr, [this](){return can_change_view(); }, this); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE viewMenu->AppendSeparator(); #if ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING wxMenu* options_menu = new wxMenu(); append_menu_check_item(options_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &labels") + sep + "E", _L("Show object/instance labels in 3D scene"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->show_view3D_labels(!m_plater->are_view3D_labels_shown()); }, this, [this]() { return m_plater->is_view3D_shown(); }, [this]() { return m_plater->are_view3D_labels_shown(); }, this); append_menu_check_item(options_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &slope") + sep + "D", _L("Objects coloring using faces' slope"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->show_view3D_slope(!m_plater->is_view3D_slope_shown()); }, this, [this]() { return m_plater->is_view3D_shown() && !m_plater->is_view3D_layers_editing_enabled(); }, [this]() { return m_plater->is_view3D_slope_shown(); }, this); append_submenu(viewMenu, options_menu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Options"), ""); #else append_menu_check_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &labels") + sep + "E", _L("Show object/instance labels in 3D scene"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->show_view3D_labels(!m_plater->are_view3D_labels_shown()); }, this, [this]() { return m_plater->is_view3D_shown(); }, [this]() { return m_plater->are_view3D_labels_shown(); }, this); #endif // ENABLE_SLOPE_RENDERING append_menu_check_item(viewMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Collapse sidebar"), _L("Collapse sidebar"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { m_plater->collapse_sidebar(!m_plater->is_sidebar_collapsed()); }, this, [this]() { return true; }, [this]() { return m_plater->is_sidebar_collapsed(); }, this); } // Help menu #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE auto helpMenu = generate_help_menu(); #else auto helpMenu = new wxMenu(); { append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Prusa 3D &Drivers"), _L("Open the Prusa3D drivers download page in your browser"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().open_web_page_localized("https://www.prusa3d.com/downloads"); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Software &Releases"), _L("Open the software releases page in your browser"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser("http://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/releases"); }); //# my $versioncheck = $self->_append_menu_item($helpMenu, "Check for &Updates...", "Check for new Slic3r versions", sub{ //# wxTheApp->check_version(1); //# }); //# $versioncheck->Enable(wxTheApp->have_version_check); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format(_L("%s &Website"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), wxString::Format(_L("Open the %s website in your browser"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().open_web_page_localized("https://www.prusa3d.com/slicerweb"); }); // append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format(_(L("%s &Manual")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), // wxString::Format(_(L("Open the %s manual in your browser")), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), // [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser("http://manual.slic3r.org/"); }); helpMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("System &Info"), _L("Show system information"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().system_info(); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Show &Configuration Folder"), _L("Show user configuration folder (datadir)"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { Slic3r::GUI::desktop_open_datadir_folder(); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Report an I&ssue"), wxString::Format(_L("Report an issue on %s"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxLaunchDefaultBrowser("http://github.com/prusa3d/slic3r/issues/new"); }); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, wxString::Format(_L("&About %s"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), _L("Show about dialog"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { Slic3r::GUI::about(); }); helpMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Keyboard Shortcuts") + sep + "&?", _L("Show the list of the keyboard shortcuts"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().keyboard_shortcuts(); }); #if ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG helpMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(helpMenu, wxID_ANY, "DEBUG gcode thumbnails", "DEBUG ONLY - read the selected gcode file and generates png for the contained thumbnails", [this](wxCommandEvent&) { wxGetApp().gcode_thumbnails_debug(); }); #endif // ENABLE_THUMBNAIL_GENERATOR_DEBUG } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE // menubar // assign menubar to frame after appending items, otherwise special items // will not be handled correctly #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE m_editor_menubar = new wxMenuBar(); m_editor_menubar->Append(fileMenu, _L("&File")); if (editMenu) m_editor_menubar->Append(editMenu, _L("&Edit")); m_editor_menubar->Append(windowMenu, _L("&Window")); if (viewMenu) m_editor_menubar->Append(viewMenu, _L("&View")); // Add additional menus from C++ wxGetApp().add_config_menu(m_editor_menubar); m_editor_menubar->Append(helpMenu, _L("&Help")); SetMenuBar(m_editor_menubar); #else auto menubar = new wxMenuBar(); menubar->Append(fileMenu, _(L("&File"))); if (editMenu) menubar->Append(editMenu, _(L("&Edit"))); menubar->Append(windowMenu, _(L("&Window"))); if (viewMenu) menubar->Append(viewMenu, _(L("&View"))); // Add additional menus from C++ wxGetApp().add_config_menu(menubar); menubar->Append(helpMenu, _(L("&Help"))); SetMenuBar(menubar); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE #ifdef __APPLE__ // This fixes a bug on Mac OS where the quit command doesn't emit window close events // wx bug: https://trac.wxwidgets.org/ticket/18328 #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE wxMenu* apple_menu = m_editor_menubar->OSXGetAppleMenu(); #else wxMenu *apple_menu = menubar->OSXGetAppleMenu(); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE if (apple_menu != nullptr) { apple_menu->Bind(wxEVT_MENU, [this](wxCommandEvent &) { Close(); }, wxID_EXIT); } #endif if (plater()->printer_technology() == ptSLA) #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE update_editor_menubar(); #else update_menubar(); #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE } #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE void MainFrame::init_gcodeviewer_menubar() { wxMenu* fileMenu = new wxMenu; { append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("&Open G-code") + dots + "\tCtrl+O", _L("Open a G-code file"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { if (m_plater) m_plater->load_gcode(); }, "open", nullptr, [this]() {return m_plater != nullptr; }, this); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_ANY, _L("Exit &G-code preview"), _L("Switch to editor mode"), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { set_mode(EMode::Editor); }); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); append_menu_item(fileMenu, wxID_EXIT, _L("&Quit"), wxString::Format(_L("Quit %s"), SLIC3R_APP_NAME), [this](wxCommandEvent&) { Close(false); }); } // View menu wxMenu* viewMenu = nullptr; if (m_plater != nullptr) { viewMenu = new wxMenu(); add_common_view_menu_items(viewMenu, this, std::bind(&MainFrame::can_change_view, this)); } // helpmenu auto helpMenu = generate_help_menu(); m_gcodeviewer_menubar = new wxMenuBar(); m_gcodeviewer_menubar->Append(fileMenu, _L("&File")); if ((viewMenu != nullptr)) m_gcodeviewer_menubar->Append(viewMenu, _L("&View")); m_gcodeviewer_menubar->Append(helpMenu, _L("&Help")); } void MainFrame::set_mode(EMode mode) { if (m_mode == mode) return; wxBusyCursor busy; m_mode = mode; switch (m_mode) { default: case EMode::Editor: { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART update_layout(); select_tab(0); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART m_plater->reset(); m_plater->reset_gcode_toolpaths(); m_plater->Freeze(); // reinitialize undo/redo stack m_plater->clear_undo_redo_stack_main(); m_plater->take_snapshot(_L("New Project")); // switch view m_plater->select_view_3D("3D"); m_plater->select_view("iso"); // switch printbed m_plater->set_bed_shape(); // switch menubar SetMenuBar(m_editor_menubar); // show toolbars m_plater->enable_view_toolbar(true); if (m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapse_toolbar_enabled) { m_plater->get_collapse_toolbar().set_enabled(true); m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapse_toolbar_enabled = false; } // show sidebar if (m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapsed_sidebar) { m_plater->collapse_sidebar(false); m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapsed_sidebar = false; } m_plater->Thaw(); break; } case EMode::GCodeViewer: { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART update_layout(); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART m_plater->reset(); m_plater->reset_last_loaded_gcode(); m_plater->reset_gcode_toolpaths(); m_plater->Freeze(); // reinitialize undo/redo stack m_plater->clear_undo_redo_stack_main(); m_plater->take_snapshot(_L("New Project")); // switch view m_plater->select_view_3D("Preview"); m_plater->select_view("iso"); // switch printbed m_plater->set_bed_shape({ { 0.0, 0.0 }, { 200.0, 0.0 }, { 200.0, 200.0 }, { 0.0, 200.0 } }, "", ""); // switch menubar SetMenuBar(m_gcodeviewer_menubar); // hide toolbars m_plater->enable_view_toolbar(false); if (wxGetApp().app_config->get("show_collapse_button") == "1") { m_plater->get_collapse_toolbar().set_enabled(false); m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapse_toolbar_enabled = true; } // hide sidebar if (wxGetApp().app_config->get("collapsed_sidebar") != "1") { m_plater->collapse_sidebar(true); m_restore_from_gcode_viewer.collapsed_sidebar = true; } m_plater->Thaw(); break; } } } #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE #if ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE void MainFrame::update_editor_menubar() #else void MainFrame::update_menubar() #endif // ENABLE_GCODE_VIEWER_AS_STATE { const bool is_fff = plater()->printer_technology() == ptFFF; m_changeable_menu_items[miExport] ->SetItemLabel((is_fff ? _(L("Export &G-code")) : _(L("E&xport")) ) + dots + "\tCtrl+G"); m_changeable_menu_items[miSend] ->SetItemLabel((is_fff ? _(L("S&end G-code")) : _(L("S&end to print"))) + dots + "\tCtrl+Shift+G"); m_changeable_menu_items[miMaterialTab] ->SetItemLabel((is_fff ? _(L("&Filament Settings Tab")) : _(L("Mate&rial Settings Tab"))) + "\tCtrl+3"); m_changeable_menu_items[miMaterialTab] ->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(is_fff ? "spool" : "resin")); m_changeable_menu_items[miPrinterTab] ->SetBitmap(create_scaled_bitmap(is_fff ? "printer" : "sla_printer")); } // To perform the "Quck Slice", "Quick Slice and Save As", "Repeat last Quick Slice" and "Slice to SVG". void MainFrame::quick_slice(const int qs) { // my $progress_dialog; wxString input_file; // eval // { // validate configuration auto config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config(); auto valid = config.validate(); if (! valid.empty()) { show_error(this, valid); return; } // select input file if (!(qs & qsReslice)) { wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Choose a file to slice (STL/OBJ/AMF/3MF/PRUSA):")), wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir(), "", file_wildcards(FT_MODEL), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; input_file = dlg.GetPath(); if (!(qs & qsExportSVG)) m_qs_last_input_file = input_file; } else { if (m_qs_last_input_file.IsEmpty()) { wxMessageDialog dlg(this, _(L("No previously sliced file.")), _(L("Error")), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); dlg.ShowModal(); return; } if (std::ifstream(m_qs_last_input_file.ToUTF8().data())) { wxMessageDialog dlg(this, _(L("Previously sliced file ("))+m_qs_last_input_file+_(L(") not found.")), _(L("File Not Found")), wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); dlg.ShowModal(); return; } input_file = m_qs_last_input_file; } auto input_file_basename = get_base_name(input_file); wxGetApp().app_config->update_skein_dir(get_dir_name(input_file)); auto bed_shape = Slic3r::Polygon::new_scale(config.option<ConfigOptionPoints>("bed_shape")->values); // auto print_center = Slic3r::Pointf->new_unscale(bed_shape.bounding_box().center()); // // auto sprint = new Slic3r::Print::Simple( // print_center = > print_center, // status_cb = > [](int percent, const wxString& msg) { // m_progress_dialog->Update(percent, msg+"…"); // }); // keep model around auto model = Slic3r::Model::read_from_file(input_file.ToUTF8().data()); // sprint->apply_config(config); // sprint->set_model(model); // Copy the names of active presets into the placeholder parser. // wxGetApp().preset_bundle->export_selections(sprint->placeholder_parser); // select output file wxString output_file; if (qs & qsReslice) { if (!m_qs_last_output_file.IsEmpty()) output_file = m_qs_last_output_file; } else if (qs & qsSaveAs) { // The following line may die if the output_filename_format template substitution fails. wxFileDialog dlg(this, from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Save %s file as:"))) % ((qs & qsExportSVG) ? _(L("SVG")) : _(L("G-code")))).str()), wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_output_dir(get_dir_name(output_file)), get_base_name(input_file), qs & qsExportSVG ? file_wildcards(FT_SVG) : file_wildcards(FT_GCODE), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; output_file = dlg.GetPath(); if (!(qs & qsExportSVG)) m_qs_last_output_file = output_file; wxGetApp().app_config->update_last_output_dir(get_dir_name(output_file)); } else if (qs & qsExportPNG) { wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Save zip file as:")), wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_output_dir(get_dir_name(output_file)), get_base_name(output_file), "*.sl1", wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; output_file = dlg.GetPath(); } // show processbar dialog m_progress_dialog = new wxProgressDialog(_(L("Slicing")) + dots, // TRN "Processing input_file_basename" from_u8((boost::format(_utf8(L("Processing %s"))) % (input_file_basename + dots)).str()), 100, this, 4); m_progress_dialog->Pulse(); { // my @warnings = (); // local $SIG{ __WARN__ } = sub{ push @warnings, $_[0] }; // sprint->output_file(output_file); // if (export_svg) { // sprint->export_svg(); // } // else if(export_png) { // sprint->export_png(); // } // else { // sprint->export_gcode(); // } // sprint->status_cb(undef); // Slic3r::GUI::warning_catcher($self)->($_) for @warnings; } m_progress_dialog->Destroy(); m_progress_dialog = nullptr; auto message = input_file_basename + _(L(" was successfully sliced.")); // wxTheApp->notify(message); wxMessageDialog(this, message, _(L("Slicing Done!")), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION).ShowModal(); // }; // Slic3r::GUI::catch_error(this, []() { if (m_progress_dialog) m_progress_dialog->Destroy(); }); } void MainFrame::reslice_now() { if (m_plater) m_plater->reslice(); } void MainFrame::repair_stl() { wxString input_file; { wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Select the STL file to repair:")), wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir(), "", file_wildcards(FT_STL), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; input_file = dlg.GetPath(); } wxString output_file = input_file; { wxFileDialog dlg( this, L("Save OBJ file (less prone to coordinate errors than STL) as:"), get_dir_name(output_file), get_base_name(output_file, ".obj"), file_wildcards(FT_OBJ), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; output_file = dlg.GetPath(); } auto tmesh = new Slic3r::TriangleMesh(); tmesh->ReadSTLFile(input_file.ToUTF8().data()); tmesh->repair(); tmesh->WriteOBJFile(output_file.ToUTF8().data()); Slic3r::GUI::show_info(this, L("Your file was repaired."), L("Repair")); } void MainFrame::export_config() { // Generate a cummulative configuration for the selected print, filaments and printer. auto config = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config(); // Validate the cummulative configuration. auto valid = config.validate(); if (! valid.empty()) { show_error(this, valid); return; } // Ask user for the file name for the config file. wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Save configuration as:")), !m_last_config.IsEmpty() ? get_dir_name(m_last_config) : wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir(), !m_last_config.IsEmpty() ? get_base_name(m_last_config) : "config.ini", file_wildcards(FT_INI), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); wxString file; if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) file = dlg.GetPath(); if (!file.IsEmpty()) { wxGetApp().app_config->update_config_dir(get_dir_name(file)); m_last_config = file; config.save(file.ToUTF8().data()); } } // Load a config file containing a Print, Filament & Printer preset. void MainFrame::load_config_file() { if (!wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes()) return; wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Select configuration to load:")), !m_last_config.IsEmpty() ? get_dir_name(m_last_config) : wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir(), "config.ini", "INI files (*.ini, *.gcode)|*.ini;*.INI;*.gcode;*.g", wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); wxString file; if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) file = dlg.GetPath(); if (! file.IsEmpty() && this->load_config_file(file.ToUTF8().data())) { wxGetApp().app_config->update_config_dir(get_dir_name(file)); m_last_config = file; } } // Load a config file containing a Print, Filament & Printer preset from command line. bool MainFrame::load_config_file(const std::string &path) { try { wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_config_file(path); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { show_error(this, ex.what()); return false; } wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); return true; } void MainFrame::export_configbundle() { if (!wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes()) return; // validate current configuration in case it's dirty auto err = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->full_config().validate(); if (! err.empty()) { show_error(this, err); return; } // Ask user for a file name. wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Save presets bundle as:")), !m_last_config.IsEmpty() ? get_dir_name(m_last_config) : wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir(), SLIC3R_APP_KEY "_config_bundle.ini", file_wildcards(FT_INI), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); wxString file; if (dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) file = dlg.GetPath(); if (!file.IsEmpty()) { // Export the config bundle. wxGetApp().app_config->update_config_dir(get_dir_name(file)); try { wxGetApp().preset_bundle->export_configbundle(file.ToUTF8().data()); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { show_error(this, ex.what()); } } } // Loading a config bundle with an external file name used to be used // to auto - install a config bundle on a fresh user account, // but that behavior was not documented and likely buggy. void MainFrame::load_configbundle(wxString file/* = wxEmptyString, const bool reset_user_profile*/) { if (!wxGetApp().check_unsaved_changes()) return; if (file.IsEmpty()) { wxFileDialog dlg(this, _(L("Select configuration to load:")), !m_last_config.IsEmpty() ? get_dir_name(m_last_config) : wxGetApp().app_config->get_last_dir(), "config.ini", file_wildcards(FT_INI), wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST); if (dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) return; file = dlg.GetPath(); } wxGetApp().app_config->update_config_dir(get_dir_name(file)); auto presets_imported = 0; try { presets_imported = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->load_configbundle(file.ToUTF8().data()); } catch (const std::exception &ex) { show_error(this, ex.what()); return; } // Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box. wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); const auto message = wxString::Format(_(L("%d presets successfully imported.")), presets_imported); Slic3r::GUI::show_info(this, message, wxString("Info")); } // Load a provied DynamicConfig into the Print / Filament / Printer tabs, thus modifying the active preset. // Also update the plater with the new presets. void MainFrame::load_config(const DynamicPrintConfig& config) { PrinterTechnology printer_technology = wxGetApp().preset_bundle->printers.get_edited_preset().printer_technology(); const auto *opt_printer_technology = config.option<ConfigOptionEnum<PrinterTechnology>>("printer_technology"); if (opt_printer_technology != nullptr && opt_printer_technology->value != printer_technology) { printer_technology = opt_printer_technology->value; this->plater()->set_printer_technology(printer_technology); } #if 0 for (auto tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) if (tab->supports_printer_technology(printer_technology)) { if (tab->type() == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_PRINTER) static_cast<TabPrinter*>(tab)->update_pages(); tab->load_config(config); } if (m_plater) m_plater->on_config_change(config); #else // Load the currently selected preset into the GUI, update the preset selection box. //FIXME this is not quite safe for multi-extruder printers, // as the number of extruders is not adjusted for the vector values. // (see PresetBundle::update_multi_material_filament_presets()) // Better to call PresetBundle::load_config() instead? for (auto tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) if (tab->supports_printer_technology(printer_technology)) { // Only apply keys, which are present in the tab's config. Ignore the other keys. for (const std::string &opt_key : tab->get_config()->diff(config)) // Ignore print_settings_id, printer_settings_id, filament_settings_id etc. if (! boost::algorithm::ends_with(opt_key, "_settings_id")) tab->get_config()->option(opt_key)->set(config.option(opt_key)); } wxGetApp().load_current_presets(); #endif } void MainFrame::select_tab(size_t tab/* = size_t(-1)*/) { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (m_layout == ESettingsLayout::Dlg) { #else if (m_layout == slDlg) { #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (tab==0) { #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART if (m_settings_dialog.IsShown()) this->SetFocus(); #else if (m_settings_dialog->IsShown()) this->SetFocus(); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // plater should be focused for correct navigation inside search window if (m_plater->canvas3D()->is_search_pressed()) m_plater->SetFocus(); return; } #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // Show/Activate Settings Dialog #ifdef __WXOSX__ // Don't call SetFont under OSX to avoid name cutting in ObjectList if (m_settings_dialog.IsShown()) m_settings_dialog.Hide(); m_tabpanel->Show(); m_settings_dialog.Show(); #else if (m_settings_dialog.IsShown()) m_settings_dialog.SetFocus(); else { m_tabpanel->Show(); m_settings_dialog.Show(); } #endif #else // Show/Activate Settings Dialog if (m_settings_dialog->IsShown()) #ifdef __WXOSX__ // Don't call SetFont under OSX to avoid name cutting in ObjectList m_settings_dialog->Hide(); #else m_settings_dialog->SetFocus(); else #endif m_settings_dialog->Show(); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART } #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART else if (m_layout == ESettingsLayout::New) { #else else if (m_layout == slNew) { #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART GetSizer()->Show(m_plater, tab == 0); GetSizer()->Show(m_tabpanel, tab != 0); #else m_plater->Show(tab == 0); m_tabpanel->Show(tab != 0); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // plater should be focused for correct navigation inside search window if (tab == 0 && m_plater->canvas3D()->is_search_pressed()) m_plater->SetFocus(); Layout(); } // when tab == -1, it means we should show the last selected tab #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART m_tabpanel->SetSelection(tab == (size_t)(-1) ? m_last_selected_tab : (m_layout == ESettingsLayout::Dlg && tab != 0) ? tab - 1 : tab); #else m_tabpanel->SetSelection(tab == (size_t)(-1) ? m_last_selected_tab : (m_layout == slDlg && tab != 0) ? tab-1 : tab); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART } // Set a camera direction, zoom to all objects. void MainFrame::select_view(const std::string& direction) { if (m_plater) m_plater->select_view(direction); } // #ys_FIXME_to_delete void MainFrame::on_presets_changed(SimpleEvent &event) { auto *tab = dynamic_cast<Tab*>(event.GetEventObject()); wxASSERT(tab != nullptr); if (tab == nullptr) { return; } // Update preset combo boxes(Print settings, Filament, Material, Printer) from their respective tabs. auto presets = tab->get_presets(); if (m_plater != nullptr && presets != nullptr) { // FIXME: The preset type really should be a property of Tab instead Slic3r::Preset::Type preset_type = tab->type(); if (preset_type == Slic3r::Preset::TYPE_INVALID) { wxASSERT(false); return; } m_plater->on_config_change(*tab->get_config()); m_plater->sidebar().update_presets(preset_type); } } // #ys_FIXME_to_delete void MainFrame::on_value_changed(wxCommandEvent& event) { auto *tab = dynamic_cast<Tab*>(event.GetEventObject()); wxASSERT(tab != nullptr); if (tab == nullptr) return; auto opt_key = event.GetString(); if (m_plater) { m_plater->on_config_change(*tab->get_config()); // propagate config change events to the plater if (opt_key == "extruders_count") { auto value = event.GetInt(); m_plater->on_extruders_change(value); } } } void MainFrame::on_config_changed(DynamicPrintConfig* config) const { if (m_plater) m_plater->on_config_change(*config); // propagate config change events to the plater } void MainFrame::add_to_recent_projects(const wxString& filename) { if (wxFileExists(filename)) { m_recent_projects.AddFileToHistory(filename); std::vector<std::string> recent_projects; size_t count = m_recent_projects.GetCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { recent_projects.push_back(into_u8(m_recent_projects.GetHistoryFile(i))); } wxGetApp().app_config->set_recent_projects(recent_projects); wxGetApp().app_config->save(); } } // // Called after the Preferences dialog is closed and the program settings are saved. // Update the UI based on the current preferences. void MainFrame::update_ui_from_settings() { // const bool bp_on = wxGetApp().app_config->get("background_processing") == "1"; // m_menu_item_reslice_now->Enable(!bp_on); // m_plater->sidebar().show_reslice(!bp_on); // m_plater->sidebar().show_export(bp_on); // m_plater->sidebar().Layout(); if (m_plater) m_plater->update_ui_from_settings(); for (auto tab: wxGetApp().tabs_list) tab->update_ui_from_settings(); } std::string MainFrame::get_base_name(const wxString &full_name, const char *extension) const { boost::filesystem::path filename = boost::filesystem::path(full_name.wx_str()).filename(); if (extension != nullptr) filename = filename.replace_extension(extension); return filename.string(); } std::string MainFrame::get_dir_name(const wxString &full_name) const { return boost::filesystem::path(full_name.wx_str()).parent_path().string(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SettingsDialog // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SettingsDialog::SettingsDialog(MainFrame* mainframe) : DPIDialog(mainframe, wxID_ANY, wxString(SLIC3R_APP_NAME) + " - " + _L("Settings"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER | wxMINIMIZE_BOX | wxMAXIMIZE_BOX, "settings_dialog"), m_main_frame(mainframe) { this->SetFont(wxGetApp().normal_font()); this->SetBackgroundColour(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW)); // Load the icon either from the exe, or from the ico file. #if _WIN32 { TCHAR szExeFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(nullptr, szExeFileName, MAX_PATH); SetIcon(wxIcon(szExeFileName, wxBITMAP_TYPE_ICO)); } #else SetIcon(wxIcon(var("PrusaSlicer_128px.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG)); #endif // _WIN32 #if !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // wxNB_NOPAGETHEME: Disable Windows Vista theme for the Notebook background. The theme performance is terrible on Windows 10 // with multiple high resolution displays connected. m_tabpanel = new wxNotebook(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxGetApp().get_min_size(), wxNB_TOP | wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxNB_NOPAGETHEME); #ifndef __WXOSX__ // Don't call SetFont under OSX to avoid name cutting in ObjectList m_tabpanel->SetFont(Slic3r::GUI::wxGetApp().normal_font()); #endif m_tabpanel->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_UP, [this](wxKeyEvent& evt) { if ((evt.GetModifiers() & wxMOD_CONTROL) != 0) { switch (evt.GetKeyCode()) { case '1': { m_main_frame->select_tab(0); break; } case '2': { m_main_frame->select_tab(1); break; } case '3': { m_main_frame->select_tab(2); break; } case '4': { m_main_frame->select_tab(3); break; } #ifdef __APPLE__ case 'f': #else /* __APPLE__ */ case WXK_CONTROL_F: #endif /* __APPLE__ */ case 'F': { m_main_frame->plater()->search(false); break; } default:break; } } }); #endif // !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART #if ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART this->Bind(wxEVT_SHOW, [this](wxShowEvent& evt) { auto key_up_handker = [this](wxKeyEvent& evt) { if ((evt.GetModifiers() & wxMOD_CONTROL) != 0) { switch (evt.GetKeyCode()) { case '1': { m_main_frame->select_tab(0); break; } case '2': { m_main_frame->select_tab(1); break; } case '3': { m_main_frame->select_tab(2); break; } case '4': { m_main_frame->select_tab(3); break; } #ifdef __APPLE__ case 'f': #else /* __APPLE__ */ case WXK_CONTROL_F: #endif /* __APPLE__ */ case 'F': { m_main_frame->plater()->search(false); break; } default:break; } } }; if (evt.IsShown()) { if (m_tabpanel != nullptr) m_tabpanel->Bind(wxEVT_KEY_UP, key_up_handker); } else { if (m_tabpanel != nullptr) m_tabpanel->Unbind(wxEVT_KEY_UP, key_up_handker); } }); #endif // ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART // initialize layout auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); #if !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART sizer->Add(m_tabpanel, 1, wxEXPAND); #endif // !ENABLE_LAYOUT_NO_RESTART sizer->SetSizeHints(this); SetSizer(sizer); Fit(); const wxSize min_size = wxSize(85 * em_unit(), 50 * em_unit()); #ifdef __APPLE__ // Using SetMinSize() on Mac messes up the window position in some cases // cf. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wx-users/yUKPBBfXWO0 SetSize(min_size); #else SetMinSize(min_size); SetSize(GetMinSize()); #endif Layout(); } void SettingsDialog::on_dpi_changed(const wxRect& suggested_rect) { const int& em = em_unit(); const wxSize& size = wxSize(85 * em, 50 * em); // update Tabs for (auto tab : wxGetApp().tabs_list) tab->msw_rescale(); SetMinSize(size); Fit(); Refresh(); } } // GUI } // Slic3r