#include "OptionsGroup.hpp" #include "ConfigExceptions.hpp" #include #include #include namespace Slic3r { namespace GUI { const t_field& OptionsGroup::build_field(const Option& opt) { return build_field(opt.opt_id, opt.opt); } const t_field& OptionsGroup::build_field(const t_config_option_key& id) { const ConfigOptionDef& opt = m_options.at(id); return build_field(id, opt); } const t_field& OptionsGroup::build_field(const t_config_option_key& id, const ConfigOptionDef& opt) { // Check the gui_type field first, fall through // is the normal type. if (opt.gui_type.compare("select") == 0) { } else if (opt.gui_type.compare("select_open") == 0) { m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(Choice::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); } else if (opt.gui_type.compare("color") == 0) { m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(ColourPicker::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); } else if (opt.gui_type.compare("f_enum_open") == 0 || opt.gui_type.compare("i_enum_open") == 0 || opt.gui_type.compare("i_enum_closed") == 0) { m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(Choice::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); } else if (opt.gui_type.compare("slider") == 0) { } else if (opt.gui_type.compare("i_spin") == 0) { // Spinctrl } else { switch (opt.type) { case coFloatOrPercent: case coFloat: case coFloats: case coPercent: case coPercents: case coString: case coStrings: m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(TextCtrl::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); break; case coBool: case coBools: m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(CheckBox::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); break; case coInt: case coInts: m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(SpinCtrl::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); break; case coEnum: m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(Choice::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); break; case coPoints: m_fields.emplace(id, STDMOVE(Point::Create(m_parent, opt, id))); break; case coNone: break; default: throw /*//!ConfigGUITypeError("")*/std::logic_error("This control doesn't exist till now"); break; } } // Grab a reference to fields for convenience const t_field& field = m_fields[id]; field->m_on_change = [this](std::string opt_id, boost::any value){ //! This function will be called from Field. //! Call OptionGroup._on_change(...) if (!this->m_disabled) this->on_change_OG(opt_id, value); }; field->m_parent = parent(); // assign function objects for callbacks, etc. return field; } void OptionsGroup::append_line(const Line& line) { //! if (line.sizer != nullptr || (line.widget != nullptr && line.full_width > 0)){ if ( (line.sizer != nullptr || line.widget != nullptr) && line.full_width){ if (line.sizer != nullptr) { sizer->Add(line.sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxOSX ? 0 : 15); return; } if (line.widget != nullptr) { sizer->Add(line.widget(m_parent), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxOSX ? 0 : 15); return; } } auto option_set = line.get_options(); // if we have a single option with no label, no sidetext just add it directly to sizer if (option_set.size() == 1 && label_width == 0 && option_set.front().opt.full_width && option_set.front().opt.sidetext.size() == 0 && option_set.front().side_widget == nullptr && line.get_extra_widgets().size() == 0) { const auto& option = option_set.front(); const auto& field = build_field(option); if (is_window_field(field)) sizer->Add(field->getWindow(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxOSX ? 0 : 5); if (is_sizer_field(field)) sizer->Add(field->getSizer(), 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxOSX ? 0 : 5); return; } auto grid_sizer = m_grid_sizer; // Build a label if we have it if (label_width != 0) { auto label = new wxStaticText(parent(), wxID_ANY, line.label + (line.label.IsEmpty() ? "" : ":" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(label_width, -1)); label->SetFont(label_font); label->Wrap(label_width); // avoid a Linux/GTK bug grid_sizer->Add(label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,0); if (line.label_tooltip.compare("") != 0) label->SetToolTip(line.label_tooltip); } // If there's a widget, build it and add the result to the sizer. if (line.widget != nullptr) { auto wgt = line.widget(parent()); grid_sizer->Add(wgt, 0, wxEXPAND | wxALL, wxOSX ? 0 : 15); return; } // if we have a single option with no sidetext just add it directly to the grid sizer //! auto option_set = line.get_options(); if (option_set.size() == 1 && option_set.front().opt.sidetext.size() == 0 && option_set.front().side_widget == nullptr && line.get_extra_widgets().size() == 0) { const auto& option = option_set.front(); const auto& field = build_field(option); //! std::cerr << "single option, no sidetext.\n"; //! std::cerr << "field parent is not null?: " << (field->parent != nullptr) << "\n"; if (is_window_field(field)) grid_sizer->Add(field->getWindow(), 0, (option.opt.full_width ? wxEXPAND : 0) | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0); if (is_sizer_field(field)) grid_sizer->Add(field->getSizer(), 0, (option.opt.full_width ? wxEXPAND : 0) | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0); return; } // if we're here, we have more than one option or a single option with sidetext // so we need a horizontal sizer to arrange these things auto sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); grid_sizer->Add(sizer, 0, 0, 0); for (auto opt : option_set) { ConfigOptionDef option = opt.opt; // add label if any if (option.label != "") { auto field_label = new wxStaticText(parent(), wxID_ANY, wxString(option.label) + ":", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); field_label->SetFont(sidetext_font); sizer->Add(field_label, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0); } // add field const Option& opt_ref = opt; auto& field = build_field(opt_ref); is_sizer_field(field) ? sizer->Add(field->getSizer(), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0) : sizer->Add(field->getWindow(), 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 0); // add sidetext if any if (option.sidetext != "") { auto sidetext = new wxStaticText(parent(), wxID_ANY, wxString::FromUTF8(option.sidetext.c_str()), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); sidetext->SetFont(sidetext_font); sizer->Add(sidetext, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 4); } // add side widget if any if (opt.side_widget != nullptr) { sizer->Add(opt.side_widget(parent())/*!.target()*/, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 1); //! requires verification } if (opt.opt_id != option_set.back().opt_id) //! istead of (opt != option_set.back()) { sizer->AddSpacer(4); } } // add extra sizers if any for (auto extra_widget : line.get_extra_widgets()) { sizer->Add(extra_widget(parent())/*!.target()*/, 0, wxLEFT | wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 4); //! requires verification } } Line OptionsGroup::create_single_option_line(const Option& option) const { Line retval {option.opt.label, option.opt.tooltip}; Option tmp(option); tmp.opt.label = std::string(""); retval.append_option(tmp); return retval; } void OptionsGroup::on_change_OG(t_config_option_key id, /*config_value*/boost::any value) { if (m_on_change != nullptr) m_on_change(id, value); } void OptionsGroup::_on_kill_focus (t_config_option_key id) { // do nothing. } Option ConfigOptionsGroup::get_option(const std::string opt_key, int opt_index /*= -1*/) { if (!m_config->has(opt_key)) { //! exception ("No $opt_key in ConfigOptionsGroup config"); } std::string opt_id = opt_index == -1 ? opt_key : opt_key + "#" + std::to_string(opt_index); std::pair pair(opt_key, opt_index); m_opt_map.emplace(opt_id, pair); return Option(*m_config->def()->get(opt_key), opt_id); } void ConfigOptionsGroup::on_change_OG(t_config_option_key opt_id, boost::any value) { if (!m_opt_map.empty()) { auto it = m_opt_map.find(opt_id); if (it == m_opt_map.end()) { OptionsGroup::on_change_OG(opt_id, value); return; } auto itOption = it->second; std::string opt_key = itOption.first; int opt_index = itOption.second; auto option = m_options.at(opt_id); // get value //! auto field_value = get_value(opt_id); if (option.gui_flags.compare("serialized")==0) { if (opt_index != -1){ // die "Can't set serialized option indexed value" ; } // # Split a string to multiple strings by a semi - colon.This is the old way of storing multi - string values. // # Currently used for the post_process config value only. // my @values = split / ; / , $field_value; // $self->config->set($opt_key, \@values); } else { if (opt_index == -1) { // change_opt_value(*m_config, opt_key, field_value); //!? why field_value?? in this case changed value will be lose! No? change_opt_value(*m_config, opt_key, value); } else { // auto value = m_config->get($opt_key); // $value->[$opt_index] = $field_value; // $self->config->set($opt_key, $value); } } } OptionsGroup::on_change_OG(opt_id, value); //!? Why doing this } void ConfigOptionsGroup::reload_config(){ for (std::map< std::string, std::pair >::iterator it = m_opt_map.begin(); it != m_opt_map.end(); ++it) { auto opt_id = it->first; std::string opt_key = m_opt_map.at(opt_id).first; int opt_index = m_opt_map.at(opt_id).second; auto option = m_options.at(opt_id); set_value(opt_id, config_value(opt_key, opt_index, option.gui_flags.compare("serialized") == 0 )); } } boost::any ConfigOptionsGroup::config_value(std::string opt_key, int opt_index, bool deserialize){ if (deserialize) { // Want to edit a vector value(currently only multi - strings) in a single edit box. // Aggregate the strings the old way. // Currently used for the post_process config value only. if (opt_index != -1) throw std::out_of_range("Can't deserialize option indexed value"); // return join(';', m_config->get(opt_key)}); return get_config_value(*m_config, opt_key); } else { // return opt_index == -1 ? m_config->get(opt_key) : m_config->get_at(opt_key, opt_index); return get_config_value(*m_config, opt_key, opt_index); } } boost::any ConfigOptionsGroup::get_config_value(DynamicPrintConfig& config, std::string opt_key, int opt_index/* = -1*/) { boost::any ret; wxString text_value = wxString(""); const ConfigOptionDef* opt = config.def()->get(opt_key); switch (opt->type){ case coFloatOrPercent:{ const auto &value = *config.option(opt_key); if (value.percent) { text_value = wxString::Format(_T("%i"), int(value.value)); text_value += "%"; } else text_value = wxNumberFormatter::ToString(value.value, 2); ret = text_value; break; } case coPercent:{ double val = config.option(opt_key)->value; text_value = wxString::Format(_T("%i"), int(val)); ret = text_value;// += "%"; } break; case coPercents: case coFloats:{ double val = config.opt_float(opt_key, 0/*opt_index*/); ret = val - int(val) == 0 ? wxString::Format(_T("%i"), int(val)) : wxNumberFormatter::ToString(val, 2); } break; case coFloat: ret = wxNumberFormatter::ToString(config.opt_float(opt_key), 2); break; case coString: ret = static_cast(config.opt_string(opt_key)); break; case coStrings: if (config.option(opt_key)->values.empty()) ret = text_value; else ret = static_cast(config.opt_string(opt_key, static_cast(0)/*opt_index*/)); break; case coBool: ret = config.opt_bool(opt_key); break; case coBools: ret = config.opt_bool(opt_key, 0/*opt_index*/); break; case coInt: ret = config.opt_int(opt_key); break; case coInts: ret = config.opt_int(opt_key, 0/*opt_index*/); break; case coEnum:{ if (opt_key.compare("external_fill_pattern") == 0 || opt_key.compare("fill_pattern") == 0 ){ ret = static_cast(config.option>(opt_key)->value); } else if (opt_key.compare("gcode_flavor") == 0 ){ ret = static_cast(config.option>(opt_key)->value); } else if (opt_key.compare("support_material_pattern") == 0){ ret = static_cast(config.option>(opt_key)->value); } else if (opt_key.compare("seam_position") == 0) ret = static_cast(config.option>(opt_key)->value); } break; case coPoints:{ const auto &value = *config.option(opt_key); ret = value.values.at(0); } break; case coNone: default: break; } return ret; } Field* ConfigOptionsGroup::get_fieldc(t_config_option_key opt_key, int opt_index){ std::string opt_id = ""; for (std::map< std::string, std::pair >::iterator it = m_opt_map.begin(); it != m_opt_map.end(); ++it) { if (opt_key == m_opt_map.at(it->first).first && opt_index == m_opt_map.at(it->first).second){ opt_id = it->first; break; } } return opt_id.empty() ? nullptr : get_field(opt_id); } } // GUI } // Slic3r