//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4 // Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com) // // Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software // is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies. // This software is provided "as is" without express or implied // warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com // mcseemagg@yahoo.com // http://www.antigrain.com //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef AGG_PATH_STORAGE_INCLUDED #define AGG_PATH_STORAGE_INCLUDED #include #include #include "agg_math.h" #include "agg_array.h" #include "agg_bezier_arc.h" namespace agg { //----------------------------------------------------vertex_block_storage template class vertex_block_storage { public: // Allocation parameters enum block_scale_e { block_shift = BlockShift, block_size = 1 << block_shift, block_mask = block_size - 1, block_pool = BlockPool }; typedef T value_type; typedef vertex_block_storage self_type; ~vertex_block_storage(); vertex_block_storage(); vertex_block_storage(const self_type& v); const self_type& operator = (const self_type& ps); void remove_all(); void free_all(); void add_vertex(double x, double y, unsigned cmd); void modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y); void modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y, unsigned cmd); void modify_command(unsigned idx, unsigned cmd); void swap_vertices(unsigned v1, unsigned v2); unsigned last_command() const; unsigned last_vertex(double* x, double* y) const; unsigned prev_vertex(double* x, double* y) const; double last_x() const; double last_y() const; unsigned total_vertices() const; unsigned vertex(unsigned idx, double* x, double* y) const; unsigned command(unsigned idx) const; private: void allocate_block(unsigned nb); int8u* storage_ptrs(T** xy_ptr); private: unsigned m_total_vertices; unsigned m_total_blocks; unsigned m_max_blocks; T** m_coord_blocks; int8u** m_cmd_blocks; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void vertex_block_storage::free_all() { if(m_total_blocks) { T** coord_blk = m_coord_blocks + m_total_blocks - 1; while(m_total_blocks--) { pod_allocator::deallocate( *coord_blk, block_size * 2 + block_size / (sizeof(T) / sizeof(unsigned char))); --coord_blk; } pod_allocator::deallocate(m_coord_blocks, m_max_blocks * 2); m_total_blocks = 0; m_max_blocks = 0; m_coord_blocks = 0; m_cmd_blocks = 0; m_total_vertices = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template vertex_block_storage::~vertex_block_storage() { free_all(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template vertex_block_storage::vertex_block_storage() : m_total_vertices(0), m_total_blocks(0), m_max_blocks(0), m_coord_blocks(0), m_cmd_blocks(0) { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template vertex_block_storage::vertex_block_storage(const vertex_block_storage& v) : m_total_vertices(0), m_total_blocks(0), m_max_blocks(0), m_coord_blocks(0), m_cmd_blocks(0) { *this = v; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template const vertex_block_storage& vertex_block_storage::operator = (const vertex_block_storage& v) { remove_all(); unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < v.total_vertices(); i++) { double x, y; unsigned cmd = v.vertex(i, &x, &y); add_vertex(x, y, cmd); } return *this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void vertex_block_storage::remove_all() { m_total_vertices = 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void vertex_block_storage::add_vertex(double x, double y, unsigned cmd) { T* coord_ptr = 0; *storage_ptrs(&coord_ptr) = (int8u)cmd; coord_ptr[0] = T(x); coord_ptr[1] = T(y); m_total_vertices++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void vertex_block_storage::modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y) { T* pv = m_coord_blocks[idx >> block_shift] + ((idx & block_mask) << 1); pv[0] = T(x); pv[1] = T(y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void vertex_block_storage::modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y, unsigned cmd) { unsigned block = idx >> block_shift; unsigned offset = idx & block_mask; T* pv = m_coord_blocks[block] + (offset << 1); pv[0] = T(x); pv[1] = T(y); m_cmd_blocks[block][offset] = (int8u)cmd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void vertex_block_storage::modify_command(unsigned idx, unsigned cmd) { m_cmd_blocks[idx >> block_shift][idx & block_mask] = (int8u)cmd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void vertex_block_storage::swap_vertices(unsigned v1, unsigned v2) { unsigned b1 = v1 >> block_shift; unsigned b2 = v2 >> block_shift; unsigned o1 = v1 & block_mask; unsigned o2 = v2 & block_mask; T* pv1 = m_coord_blocks[b1] + (o1 << 1); T* pv2 = m_coord_blocks[b2] + (o2 << 1); T val; val = pv1[0]; pv1[0] = pv2[0]; pv2[0] = val; val = pv1[1]; pv1[1] = pv2[1]; pv2[1] = val; int8u cmd = m_cmd_blocks[b1][o1]; m_cmd_blocks[b1][o1] = m_cmd_blocks[b2][o2]; m_cmd_blocks[b2][o2] = cmd; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned vertex_block_storage::last_command() const { if(m_total_vertices) return command(m_total_vertices - 1); return path_cmd_stop; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned vertex_block_storage::last_vertex(double* x, double* y) const { if(m_total_vertices) return vertex(m_total_vertices - 1, x, y); return path_cmd_stop; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned vertex_block_storage::prev_vertex(double* x, double* y) const { if(m_total_vertices > 1) return vertex(m_total_vertices - 2, x, y); return path_cmd_stop; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline double vertex_block_storage::last_x() const { if(m_total_vertices) { unsigned idx = m_total_vertices - 1; return m_coord_blocks[idx >> block_shift][(idx & block_mask) << 1]; } return 0.0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline double vertex_block_storage::last_y() const { if(m_total_vertices) { unsigned idx = m_total_vertices - 1; return m_coord_blocks[idx >> block_shift][((idx & block_mask) << 1) + 1]; } return 0.0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned vertex_block_storage::total_vertices() const { return m_total_vertices; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned vertex_block_storage::vertex(unsigned idx, double* x, double* y) const { unsigned nb = idx >> block_shift; const T* pv = m_coord_blocks[nb] + ((idx & block_mask) << 1); *x = pv[0]; *y = pv[1]; return m_cmd_blocks[nb][idx & block_mask]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned vertex_block_storage::command(unsigned idx) const { return m_cmd_blocks[idx >> block_shift][idx & block_mask]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void vertex_block_storage::allocate_block(unsigned nb) { if(nb >= m_max_blocks) { T** new_coords = pod_allocator::allocate((m_max_blocks + block_pool) * 2); unsigned char** new_cmds = (unsigned char**)(new_coords + m_max_blocks + block_pool); if(m_coord_blocks) { memcpy(new_coords, m_coord_blocks, m_max_blocks * sizeof(T*)); memcpy(new_cmds, m_cmd_blocks, m_max_blocks * sizeof(unsigned char*)); pod_allocator::deallocate(m_coord_blocks, m_max_blocks * 2); } m_coord_blocks = new_coords; m_cmd_blocks = new_cmds; m_max_blocks += block_pool; } m_coord_blocks[nb] = pod_allocator::allocate(block_size * 2 + block_size / (sizeof(T) / sizeof(unsigned char))); m_cmd_blocks[nb] = (unsigned char*)(m_coord_blocks[nb] + block_size * 2); m_total_blocks++; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template int8u* vertex_block_storage::storage_ptrs(T** xy_ptr) { unsigned nb = m_total_vertices >> block_shift; if(nb >= m_total_blocks) { allocate_block(nb); } *xy_ptr = m_coord_blocks[nb] + ((m_total_vertices & block_mask) << 1); return m_cmd_blocks[nb] + (m_total_vertices & block_mask); } //-----------------------------------------------------poly_plain_adaptor template class poly_plain_adaptor { public: typedef T value_type; poly_plain_adaptor() : m_data(0), m_ptr(0), m_end(0), m_closed(false), m_stop(false) {} poly_plain_adaptor(const T* data, unsigned num_points, bool closed) : m_data(data), m_ptr(data), m_end(data + num_points * 2), m_closed(closed), m_stop(false) {} void init(const T* data, unsigned num_points, bool closed) { m_data = data; m_ptr = data; m_end = data + num_points * 2; m_closed = closed; m_stop = false; } void rewind(unsigned) { m_ptr = m_data; m_stop = false; } unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y) { if(m_ptr < m_end) { bool first = m_ptr == m_data; *x = *m_ptr++; *y = *m_ptr++; return first ? path_cmd_move_to : path_cmd_line_to; } *x = *y = 0.0; if(m_closed && !m_stop) { m_stop = true; return path_cmd_end_poly | path_flags_close; } return path_cmd_stop; } private: const T* m_data; const T* m_ptr; const T* m_end; bool m_closed; bool m_stop; }; //-------------------------------------------------poly_container_adaptor template class poly_container_adaptor { public: typedef typename Container::value_type vertex_type; poly_container_adaptor() : m_container(0), m_index(0), m_closed(false), m_stop(false) {} poly_container_adaptor(const Container& data, bool closed) : m_container(&data), m_index(0), m_closed(closed), m_stop(false) {} void init(const Container& data, bool closed) { m_container = &data; m_index = 0; m_closed = closed; m_stop = false; } void rewind(unsigned) { m_index = 0; m_stop = false; } unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y) { if(m_index < m_container->size()) { bool first = m_index == 0; const vertex_type& v = (*m_container)[m_index++]; *x = v.x; *y = v.y; return first ? path_cmd_move_to : path_cmd_line_to; } *x = *y = 0.0; if(m_closed && !m_stop) { m_stop = true; return path_cmd_end_poly | path_flags_close; } return path_cmd_stop; } private: const Container* m_container; unsigned m_index; bool m_closed; bool m_stop; }; //-----------------------------------------poly_container_reverse_adaptor template class poly_container_reverse_adaptor { public: typedef typename Container::value_type vertex_type; poly_container_reverse_adaptor() : m_container(0), m_index(-1), m_closed(false), m_stop(false) {} poly_container_reverse_adaptor(Container& data, bool closed) : m_container(&data), m_index(-1), m_closed(closed), m_stop(false) {} void init(Container& data, bool closed) { m_container = &data; m_index = m_container->size() - 1; m_closed = closed; m_stop = false; } void rewind(unsigned) { m_index = m_container->size() - 1; m_stop = false; } unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y) { if(m_index >= 0) { bool first = m_index == int(m_container->size() - 1); const vertex_type& v = (*m_container)[m_index--]; *x = v.x; *y = v.y; return first ? path_cmd_move_to : path_cmd_line_to; } *x = *y = 0.0; if(m_closed && !m_stop) { m_stop = true; return path_cmd_end_poly | path_flags_close; } return path_cmd_stop; } private: Container* m_container; int m_index; bool m_closed; bool m_stop; }; //--------------------------------------------------------line_adaptor class line_adaptor { public: typedef double value_type; line_adaptor() : m_line(m_coord, 2, false) {} line_adaptor(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) : m_line(m_coord, 2, false) { m_coord[0] = x1; m_coord[1] = y1; m_coord[2] = x2; m_coord[3] = y2; } void init(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { m_coord[0] = x1; m_coord[1] = y1; m_coord[2] = x2; m_coord[3] = y2; m_line.rewind(0); } void rewind(unsigned) { m_line.rewind(0); } unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y) { return m_line.vertex(x, y); } private: double m_coord[4]; poly_plain_adaptor m_line; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------path_base // A container to store vertices with their flags. // A path consists of a number of contours separated with "move_to" // commands. The path storage can keep and maintain more than one // path. // To navigate to the beginning of a particular path, use rewind(path_id); // Where path_id is what start_new_path() returns. So, when you call // start_new_path() you need to store its return value somewhere else // to navigate to the path afterwards. // // See also: vertex_source concept //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template class path_base { public: typedef VertexContainer container_type; typedef path_base self_type; //-------------------------------------------------------------------- path_base() : m_vertices(), m_iterator(0) {} void remove_all() { m_vertices.remove_all(); m_iterator = 0; } void free_all() { m_vertices.free_all(); m_iterator = 0; } // Make path functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned start_new_path(); void move_to(double x, double y); void move_rel(double dx, double dy); void line_to(double x, double y); void line_rel(double dx, double dy); void hline_to(double x); void hline_rel(double dx); void vline_to(double y); void vline_rel(double dy); void arc_to(double rx, double ry, double angle, bool large_arc_flag, bool sweep_flag, double x, double y); void arc_rel(double rx, double ry, double angle, bool large_arc_flag, bool sweep_flag, double dx, double dy); void curve3(double x_ctrl, double y_ctrl, double x_to, double y_to); void curve3_rel(double dx_ctrl, double dy_ctrl, double dx_to, double dy_to); void curve3(double x_to, double y_to); void curve3_rel(double dx_to, double dy_to); void curve4(double x_ctrl1, double y_ctrl1, double x_ctrl2, double y_ctrl2, double x_to, double y_to); void curve4_rel(double dx_ctrl1, double dy_ctrl1, double dx_ctrl2, double dy_ctrl2, double dx_to, double dy_to); void curve4(double x_ctrl2, double y_ctrl2, double x_to, double y_to); void curve4_rel(double x_ctrl2, double y_ctrl2, double x_to, double y_to); void end_poly(unsigned flags = path_flags_close); void close_polygon(unsigned flags = path_flags_none); // Accessors //-------------------------------------------------------------------- const container_type& vertices() const { return m_vertices; } container_type& vertices() { return m_vertices; } unsigned total_vertices() const; void rel_to_abs(double* x, double* y) const; unsigned last_vertex(double* x, double* y) const; unsigned prev_vertex(double* x, double* y) const; double last_x() const; double last_y() const; unsigned vertex(unsigned idx, double* x, double* y) const; unsigned command(unsigned idx) const; void modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y); void modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y, unsigned cmd); void modify_command(unsigned idx, unsigned cmd); // VertexSource interface //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void rewind(unsigned path_id); unsigned vertex(double* x, double* y); // Arrange the orientation of a polygon, all polygons in a path, // or in all paths. After calling arrange_orientations() or // arrange_orientations_all_paths(), all the polygons will have // the same orientation, i.e. path_flags_cw or path_flags_ccw //-------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned arrange_polygon_orientation(unsigned start, path_flags_e orientation); unsigned arrange_orientations(unsigned path_id, path_flags_e orientation); void arrange_orientations_all_paths(path_flags_e orientation); void invert_polygon(unsigned start); // Flip all vertices horizontally or vertically, // between x1 and x2, or between y1 and y2 respectively //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void flip_x(double x1, double x2); void flip_y(double y1, double y2); // Concatenate path. The path is added as is. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void concat_path(VertexSource& vs, unsigned path_id = 0) { double x, y; unsigned cmd; vs.rewind(path_id); while(!is_stop(cmd = vs.vertex(&x, &y))) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x, y, cmd); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Join path. The path is joined with the existing one, that is, // it behaves as if the pen of a plotter was always down (drawing) template void join_path(VertexSource& vs, unsigned path_id = 0) { double x, y; unsigned cmd; vs.rewind(path_id); cmd = vs.vertex(&x, &y); if(!is_stop(cmd)) { if(is_vertex(cmd)) { double x0, y0; unsigned cmd0 = last_vertex(&x0, &y0); if(is_vertex(cmd0)) { if(calc_distance(x, y, x0, y0) > vertex_dist_epsilon) { if(is_move_to(cmd)) cmd = path_cmd_line_to; m_vertices.add_vertex(x, y, cmd); } } else { if(is_stop(cmd0)) { cmd = path_cmd_move_to; } else { if(is_move_to(cmd)) cmd = path_cmd_line_to; } m_vertices.add_vertex(x, y, cmd); } } while(!is_stop(cmd = vs.vertex(&x, &y))) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x, y, is_move_to(cmd) ? unsigned(path_cmd_line_to) : cmd); } } } // Concatenate polygon/polyline. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void concat_poly(const T* data, unsigned num_points, bool closed) { poly_plain_adaptor poly(data, num_points, closed); concat_path(poly); } // Join polygon/polyline continuously. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void join_poly(const T* data, unsigned num_points, bool closed) { poly_plain_adaptor poly(data, num_points, closed); join_path(poly); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void translate(double dx, double dy, unsigned path_id=0); void translate_all_paths(double dx, double dy); //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void transform(const Trans& trans, unsigned path_id=0) { unsigned num_ver = m_vertices.total_vertices(); for(; path_id < num_ver; path_id++) { double x, y; unsigned cmd = m_vertices.vertex(path_id, &x, &y); if(is_stop(cmd)) break; if(is_vertex(cmd)) { trans.transform(&x, &y); m_vertices.modify_vertex(path_id, x, y); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- template void transform_all_paths(const Trans& trans) { unsigned idx; unsigned num_ver = m_vertices.total_vertices(); for(idx = 0; idx < num_ver; idx++) { double x, y; if(is_vertex(m_vertices.vertex(idx, &x, &y))) { trans.transform(&x, &y); m_vertices.modify_vertex(idx, x, y); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // If the end points of a path are very, very close then make them // exactly equal so that the stroke converter is not confused. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned align_path(unsigned idx = 0) { if (idx >= total_vertices() || !is_move_to(command(idx))) { return total_vertices(); } double start_x, start_y; for (; idx < total_vertices() && is_move_to(command(idx)); ++idx) { vertex(idx, &start_x, &start_y); } while (idx < total_vertices() && is_drawing(command(idx))) ++idx; double x, y; if (is_drawing(vertex(idx - 1, &x, &y)) && is_equal_eps(x, start_x, 1e-8) && is_equal_eps(y, start_y, 1e-8)) { modify_vertex(idx - 1, start_x, start_y); } while (idx < total_vertices() && !is_move_to(command(idx))) ++idx; return idx; } void align_all_paths() { for (unsigned i = 0; i < total_vertices(); i = align_path(i)); } private: unsigned perceive_polygon_orientation(unsigned start, unsigned end); void invert_polygon(unsigned start, unsigned end); VertexContainer m_vertices; unsigned m_iterator; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template unsigned path_base::start_new_path() { if(!is_stop(m_vertices.last_command())) { m_vertices.add_vertex(0.0, 0.0, path_cmd_stop); } return m_vertices.total_vertices(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::rel_to_abs(double* x, double* y) const { if(m_vertices.total_vertices()) { double x2; double y2; if(is_vertex(m_vertices.last_vertex(&x2, &y2))) { *x += x2; *y += y2; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::move_to(double x, double y) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x, y, path_cmd_move_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::move_rel(double dx, double dy) { rel_to_abs(&dx, &dy); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx, dy, path_cmd_move_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::line_to(double x, double y) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x, y, path_cmd_line_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::line_rel(double dx, double dy) { rel_to_abs(&dx, &dy); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx, dy, path_cmd_line_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::hline_to(double x) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x, last_y(), path_cmd_line_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::hline_rel(double dx) { double dy = 0; rel_to_abs(&dx, &dy); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx, dy, path_cmd_line_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::vline_to(double y) { m_vertices.add_vertex(last_x(), y, path_cmd_line_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::vline_rel(double dy) { double dx = 0; rel_to_abs(&dx, &dy); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx, dy, path_cmd_line_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::arc_to(double rx, double ry, double angle, bool large_arc_flag, bool sweep_flag, double x, double y) { if(m_vertices.total_vertices() && is_vertex(m_vertices.last_command())) { const double epsilon = 1e-30; double x0 = 0.0; double y0 = 0.0; m_vertices.last_vertex(&x0, &y0); rx = fabs(rx); ry = fabs(ry); // Ensure radii are valid //------------------------- if(rx < epsilon || ry < epsilon) { line_to(x, y); return; } if(calc_distance(x0, y0, x, y) < epsilon) { // If the endpoints (x, y) and (x0, y0) are identical, then this // is equivalent to omitting the elliptical arc segment entirely. return; } bezier_arc_svg a(x0, y0, rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, x, y); if(a.radii_ok()) { join_path(a); } else { line_to(x, y); } } else { move_to(x, y); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::arc_rel(double rx, double ry, double angle, bool large_arc_flag, bool sweep_flag, double dx, double dy) { rel_to_abs(&dx, &dy); arc_to(rx, ry, angle, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, dx, dy); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve3(double x_ctrl, double y_ctrl, double x_to, double y_to) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x_ctrl, y_ctrl, path_cmd_curve3); m_vertices.add_vertex(x_to, y_to, path_cmd_curve3); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve3_rel(double dx_ctrl, double dy_ctrl, double dx_to, double dy_to) { rel_to_abs(&dx_ctrl, &dy_ctrl); rel_to_abs(&dx_to, &dy_to); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx_ctrl, dy_ctrl, path_cmd_curve3); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx_to, dy_to, path_cmd_curve3); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve3(double x_to, double y_to) { double x0; double y0; if(is_vertex(m_vertices.last_vertex(&x0, &y0))) { double x_ctrl; double y_ctrl; unsigned cmd = m_vertices.prev_vertex(&x_ctrl, &y_ctrl); if(is_curve(cmd)) { x_ctrl = x0 + x0 - x_ctrl; y_ctrl = y0 + y0 - y_ctrl; } else { x_ctrl = x0; y_ctrl = y0; } curve3(x_ctrl, y_ctrl, x_to, y_to); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve3_rel(double dx_to, double dy_to) { rel_to_abs(&dx_to, &dy_to); curve3(dx_to, dy_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve4(double x_ctrl1, double y_ctrl1, double x_ctrl2, double y_ctrl2, double x_to, double y_to) { m_vertices.add_vertex(x_ctrl1, y_ctrl1, path_cmd_curve4); m_vertices.add_vertex(x_ctrl2, y_ctrl2, path_cmd_curve4); m_vertices.add_vertex(x_to, y_to, path_cmd_curve4); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve4_rel(double dx_ctrl1, double dy_ctrl1, double dx_ctrl2, double dy_ctrl2, double dx_to, double dy_to) { rel_to_abs(&dx_ctrl1, &dy_ctrl1); rel_to_abs(&dx_ctrl2, &dy_ctrl2); rel_to_abs(&dx_to, &dy_to); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx_ctrl1, dy_ctrl1, path_cmd_curve4); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx_ctrl2, dy_ctrl2, path_cmd_curve4); m_vertices.add_vertex(dx_to, dy_to, path_cmd_curve4); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve4(double x_ctrl2, double y_ctrl2, double x_to, double y_to) { double x0; double y0; if(is_vertex(last_vertex(&x0, &y0))) { double x_ctrl1; double y_ctrl1; unsigned cmd = prev_vertex(&x_ctrl1, &y_ctrl1); if(is_curve(cmd)) { x_ctrl1 = x0 + x0 - x_ctrl1; y_ctrl1 = y0 + y0 - y_ctrl1; } else { x_ctrl1 = x0; y_ctrl1 = y0; } curve4(x_ctrl1, y_ctrl1, x_ctrl2, y_ctrl2, x_to, y_to); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::curve4_rel(double dx_ctrl2, double dy_ctrl2, double dx_to, double dy_to) { rel_to_abs(&dx_ctrl2, &dy_ctrl2); rel_to_abs(&dx_to, &dy_to); curve4(dx_ctrl2, dy_ctrl2, dx_to, dy_to); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::end_poly(unsigned flags) { if(is_vertex(m_vertices.last_command())) { m_vertices.add_vertex(0.0, 0.0, path_cmd_end_poly | flags); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::close_polygon(unsigned flags) { end_poly(path_flags_close | flags); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned path_base::total_vertices() const { return m_vertices.total_vertices(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned path_base::last_vertex(double* x, double* y) const { return m_vertices.last_vertex(x, y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned path_base::prev_vertex(double* x, double* y) const { return m_vertices.prev_vertex(x, y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline double path_base::last_x() const { return m_vertices.last_x(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline double path_base::last_y() const { return m_vertices.last_y(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned path_base::vertex(unsigned idx, double* x, double* y) const { return m_vertices.vertex(idx, x, y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned path_base::command(unsigned idx) const { return m_vertices.command(idx); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y) { m_vertices.modify_vertex(idx, x, y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y, unsigned cmd) { m_vertices.modify_vertex(idx, x, y, cmd); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::modify_command(unsigned idx, unsigned cmd) { m_vertices.modify_command(idx, cmd); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline void path_base::rewind(unsigned path_id) { m_iterator = path_id; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template inline unsigned path_base::vertex(double* x, double* y) { if(m_iterator >= m_vertices.total_vertices()) return path_cmd_stop; return m_vertices.vertex(m_iterator++, x, y); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template unsigned path_base::perceive_polygon_orientation(unsigned start, unsigned end) { // Calculate signed area (double area to be exact) //--------------------- unsigned np = end - start; double area = 0.0; unsigned i; for(i = 0; i < np; i++) { double x1, y1, x2, y2; m_vertices.vertex(start + i, &x1, &y1); m_vertices.vertex(start + (i + 1) % np, &x2, &y2); area += x1 * y2 - y1 * x2; } return (area < 0.0) ? path_flags_cw : path_flags_ccw; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::invert_polygon(unsigned start, unsigned end) { unsigned i; unsigned tmp_cmd = m_vertices.command(start); --end; // Make "end" inclusive // Shift all commands to one position for(i = start; i < end; i++) { m_vertices.modify_command(i, m_vertices.command(i + 1)); } // Assign starting command to the ending command m_vertices.modify_command(end, tmp_cmd); // Reverse the polygon while(end > start) { m_vertices.swap_vertices(start++, end--); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::invert_polygon(unsigned start) { // Skip all non-vertices at the beginning while(start < m_vertices.total_vertices() && !is_vertex(m_vertices.command(start))) ++start; // Skip all insignificant move_to while(start+1 < m_vertices.total_vertices() && is_move_to(m_vertices.command(start)) && is_move_to(m_vertices.command(start+1))) ++start; // Find the last vertex unsigned end = start + 1; while(end < m_vertices.total_vertices() && !is_next_poly(m_vertices.command(end))) ++end; invert_polygon(start, end); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template unsigned path_base::arrange_polygon_orientation(unsigned start, path_flags_e orientation) { if(orientation == path_flags_none) return start; // Skip all non-vertices at the beginning while(start < m_vertices.total_vertices() && !is_vertex(m_vertices.command(start))) ++start; // Skip all insignificant move_to while(start+1 < m_vertices.total_vertices() && is_move_to(m_vertices.command(start)) && is_move_to(m_vertices.command(start+1))) ++start; // Find the last vertex unsigned end = start + 1; while(end < m_vertices.total_vertices() && !is_next_poly(m_vertices.command(end))) ++end; if(end - start > 2) { if(perceive_polygon_orientation(start, end) != unsigned(orientation)) { // Invert polygon, set orientation flag, and skip all end_poly invert_polygon(start, end); unsigned cmd; while(end < m_vertices.total_vertices() && is_end_poly(cmd = m_vertices.command(end))) { m_vertices.modify_command(end++, set_orientation(cmd, orientation)); } } } return end; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template unsigned path_base::arrange_orientations(unsigned start, path_flags_e orientation) { if(orientation != path_flags_none) { while(start < m_vertices.total_vertices()) { start = arrange_polygon_orientation(start, orientation); if(is_stop(m_vertices.command(start))) { ++start; break; } } } return start; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::arrange_orientations_all_paths(path_flags_e orientation) { if(orientation != path_flags_none) { unsigned start = 0; while(start < m_vertices.total_vertices()) { start = arrange_orientations(start, orientation); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::flip_x(double x1, double x2) { unsigned i; double x, y; for(i = 0; i < m_vertices.total_vertices(); i++) { unsigned cmd = m_vertices.vertex(i, &x, &y); if(is_vertex(cmd)) { m_vertices.modify_vertex(i, x2 - x + x1, y); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::flip_y(double y1, double y2) { unsigned i; double x, y; for(i = 0; i < m_vertices.total_vertices(); i++) { unsigned cmd = m_vertices.vertex(i, &x, &y); if(is_vertex(cmd)) { m_vertices.modify_vertex(i, x, y2 - y + y1); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::translate(double dx, double dy, unsigned path_id) { unsigned num_ver = m_vertices.total_vertices(); for(; path_id < num_ver; path_id++) { double x, y; unsigned cmd = m_vertices.vertex(path_id, &x, &y); if(is_stop(cmd)) break; if(is_vertex(cmd)) { x += dx; y += dy; m_vertices.modify_vertex(path_id, x, y); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ template void path_base::translate_all_paths(double dx, double dy) { unsigned idx; unsigned num_ver = m_vertices.total_vertices(); for(idx = 0; idx < num_ver; idx++) { double x, y; if(is_vertex(m_vertices.vertex(idx, &x, &y))) { x += dx; y += dy; m_vertices.modify_vertex(idx, x, y); } } } //-----------------------------------------------------vertex_stl_storage template class vertex_stl_storage { public: typedef typename Container::value_type vertex_type; typedef typename vertex_type::value_type value_type; void remove_all() { m_vertices.clear(); } void free_all() { m_vertices.clear(); } void add_vertex(double x, double y, unsigned cmd) { m_vertices.push_back(vertex_type(value_type(x), value_type(y), int8u(cmd))); } void modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y) { vertex_type& v = m_vertices[idx]; v.x = value_type(x); v.y = value_type(y); } void modify_vertex(unsigned idx, double x, double y, unsigned cmd) { vertex_type& v = m_vertices[idx]; v.x = value_type(x); v.y = value_type(y); v.cmd = int8u(cmd); } void modify_command(unsigned idx, unsigned cmd) { m_vertices[idx].cmd = int8u(cmd); } void swap_vertices(unsigned v1, unsigned v2) { vertex_type t = m_vertices[v1]; m_vertices[v1] = m_vertices[v2]; m_vertices[v2] = t; } unsigned last_command() const { return m_vertices.size() ? m_vertices[m_vertices.size() - 1].cmd : path_cmd_stop; } unsigned last_vertex(double* x, double* y) const { if(m_vertices.size() == 0) { *x = *y = 0.0; return path_cmd_stop; } return vertex(m_vertices.size() - 1, x, y); } unsigned prev_vertex(double* x, double* y) const { if(m_vertices.size() < 2) { *x = *y = 0.0; return path_cmd_stop; } return vertex(m_vertices.size() - 2, x, y); } double last_x() const { return m_vertices.size() ? m_vertices[m_vertices.size() - 1].x : 0.0; } double last_y() const { return m_vertices.size() ? m_vertices[m_vertices.size() - 1].y : 0.0; } unsigned total_vertices() const { return m_vertices.size(); } unsigned vertex(unsigned idx, double* x, double* y) const { const vertex_type& v = m_vertices[idx]; *x = v.x; *y = v.y; return v.cmd; } unsigned command(unsigned idx) const { return m_vertices[idx].cmd; } private: Container m_vertices; }; //-----------------------------------------------------------path_storage typedef path_base > path_storage; // Example of declarations path_storage with pod_bvector as a container //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //typedef path_base > > path_storage; } // Example of declarations path_storage with std::vector as a container //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //#include //namespace agg //{ // typedef path_base > > stl_path_storage; //} #endif